This is a community calendar. To accommodate demand for the print edition, we ask that items be brief and include time, date, place, address, admission cost and a contact number for publication. Inclusion of items is at the discretion of the newspaper. Further information is available at 541-812-6078 or
Food distribution, by appointment, food pantry, North Corvallis Ministry Center, 5050 NE Elliott Circle. Call 541-220-1040 to arrange a time to pick up a box of food.
Philomath Community Services Food Bank and June s Kids Kloset, 9 a.m. to noon, 360 S. Ninth St., Philomath. Information: 541-929-2499.
This is a community calendar. To accommodate demand for the print edition, we ask that items be brief and include time, date, place, address, admission cost and a contact number
This is a community calendar. To accommodate demand for the print edition, we ask that items be brief and include time, date, place, address, admission cost and a contact number
This is a community calendar. To accommodate demand for the print edition, we ask that items be brief and include time, date, place, address, admission cost and a contact number for publication. Inclusion of items is at the discretion of the newspaper. Further information is available at 541-812-6078 or
Food distribution, by appointment, food pantry, North Corvallis Ministry Center, 5050 NE Elliott Circle. Call 541-220-1040 to arrange a time to pick up a box of food.
Emergency food distribution applications accepted, 9 to 11:30 a.m., Sweet Home Emergency Ministries, 1115 Long St.
Food pantry for veterans and active military members and their families, American Legion Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd. SE, Albany. Call 541-926-0127 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mondays through Fridays for more information.