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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20171211 02:00:00

and also talk about facebook targeting sexual assaults also the tax reform build this week but can they get the job done is a the end of president trump? with the a coup to overthrow the president? all that and mortar fire was taking money from big business to screw small business we have that shocking story pearl we have a packed show tonight was so much going on you don't want to miss any of that but first to be issued that fuels the populist revolution the forgotten men and women left behind that made the rich richer and half of the country pour. new numbers came out on friday and more good news we were told. 220,000 new jobs the lowest unemployment in 17 years in the tax bill will make things even better that is the pitch to the way but >> especially the senators who represents the states that president trump won its 16th day did not feel they were in peril if they opposed it but there are too many experts making the argument that the estimates are to hold little not trickle-down to labor but it will benefit corporations and not enough of wage increases. so there is some anxiety so first lead if we passed it? if they all feel that palpable difference in their lives with medical deductions what if they go on to the entitlement reform working for a middle-class black it does not feel that something has been taken away? that is a huge political problem. >> so the quibbles with the tax code to have a pro-business president in the white house to give energy and momentum we can argue about how much so what will those critics do? when the economy does better and better?. >> base still say that it continues to get better we have a former president taking credit for that but the economy is doing better even president obama agrees with that. and i agree with what you were saying in part it is optimism and the republicans show but get this to say we need a victory. we all know this is not perfect we agree this is not what we wanted but it is a step in the right direction is send a message we will do something this president is pro-business and open for business again and bad in itself will be the uptick in the economy with worker confidence and america's confidence for bad as with the president brings us. >> democrats have been telling us it will raise taxes on the of the class that is overwhelmingly live people will file their taxes and find that is not true. >> we will see. i am all for it is a step in the right direction but now the other big story where are you on the roy moore situation?. >> here's the deal. i don't think this is any place the republicans to be in it is not ideal but nothing this past year is ideal. when you have a debacle with the year book and the of forgery i think it is becoming a mass of voters are seeing back. -- some will not be happy because of the allegations but moving forward americans care about the agenda for co at the end of the day i think the voters want to see the agenda to be flushed through so with those allegations going back and forth a think everybody is sick of that. >> i could not have voted for roy moore even before all the women came forward he is an odious character on the national scene. i do think he will win. i think the development in the last two days it turns out that the year book signature was not represented totally accurate the was probably the last broad that broke the camel's back from those wavering voters to say okay i can put this aside the they're not totally up front about that at the beginning is damaging to the accusers' credibility >> i agree he will win. there are not enough voters know republican senators, all of them for them to say initially they would expel him when he arrives. they absolutely will not under any circumstances. no way. >> democrats nominated a moderate he may have a chance to dave nominated the left-wing in an alabama. steve: not much longer to wait. coming up the ethanol industry that fills up the d.c. swamping and former campaign manager joins me from the trump campaign now the politicalization of everything continues. this week linsey von take said shot a president trump. don't go away. this is electricity. ♪ this is a power plant. this is tim barckholtz. that's me! this is something he is researching at exxonmobil: using fuel cells to capture carbon emissions at power plants. this is the potential. reducing co2 emissions by up to 90%... while also producing more power. this could be big. energy lives here. looking for a hotel that fits... whoooo. ...your budget? 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what do you make of this?. >> when she said she wanted to represent the american people and initially was to represents the one dish she doesn't find it deplorable that is like hillary calling them names that seems to work so well for the democrats that is why we have president trump but they cannot help themselves these athletes instead of doing their support they are dried into it by the interviewer or they feel they must make a statement and all she will do is to send americans that probably loved her before the interview trump is supporting america by the way we are still americans mueller still representing as going to the olympic games. steve: the question was ridiculous but there is a simple way out to say i give my support i don't get involved in politics. everything is politicizing. >> i just think it is since comparable. she was asked a leading question and there are many americans who find president trump the pauling says she answered the question she did not get on twitter to say on patriotic things i think chelsea and is a disaster and she says horrible things all the time i cannot compare the two. >> i am just exhausted the last time we were here talking about the nfl is exhausting i like to think of myself as kind of normal but it is exhausting to how politics shoved down my throat all the time there is somebody on the right he is a writer who was hilarious and talented talks about the politicize how it is sold crushing and sold sucking so vineland's yvonne do your thing at all folie want twitter for reason chelsea handler if there is of fire coming to conceal their roster for spot is you donald trump and you need help. >> in 2012 he lied about day president over years. >> this will go on and? will rex i will say this about chelsea handler i debated her and i have to say speaking with her i think everything she stands for is ridiculous but as the upper said we had a good conversation. when she says this is that she doesn't realize it but she is donald trump's ago is on twitter she is as ridiculous things think it's a reaction and she is donald trump but she hates him for that very reason. >> what about sarah huckabee sanders? you make a point. >> but they get away with it. tuesday i can do it because it is my art but it is also a woman who has done very questionable things. >> some people say that about sexual harassment. >> it is funny i can do it. >> chelsea handler is donald trump. >> she will love that. >> but is there a coup against president trump within his own party? i will ask the campaign manager that very question next percolator to take on the ethanol industry. stick around for that. evice that's drug free, wire free for deep penetrating lower back pain relief. and now get aleve direct therapy. available at walmart. i met bruce i saw on his lapel (che's got a purple heart.e (bruce) we started talking about the service. i outrank him. 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"people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it's william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground. pleased that you stop by on our little show it is great to see you. >> my pleasure to be here. thank-you steve. steve: i have seen you on different occasions i appreciate what you've got to the trump campaign right into the lion's den on morning show on msnbc. how did that feel?. >> i don't think it does get much ratings it was like the octagon to get ready and prepared myself with a little martial arts ahead of time because you have a few people there who just don't want to give this president the credit and the big story this week that not enough people talking about is the decision the president made as to it relates to israel. tel president preceding him in on the first year in office to fidel another campaign promise to recognize jerusalem as the capital is a huge steel not getting enough press. steve: i am glad you brought that up. you said drop the campaign led trump we trump this is a perfect example cerros saying something and sticking to with. i appreciate that but something that has been on my mind we talked about taxes earlier many agree that would be a terrific results but the question that i give to year-old -- to your that the fact that the republican establishment detest donald trump frankly they detest him now they will get the tax bill done and side but left period and i have heard is that president trump's -- the many signs that the bill that they don't need him anymore that at that point all of the establishment republicans it is time to do get a good of you and we will try to move against him in washington. what you think about that very?. >> he is exceptionally popular to most of the republican base hit is stronger and more visceral more than it was on election day with those 10 democrats they're looking for his help and for his guidance in places where it is actually popular when it comes to the republican party if they are not willing to play ball they are willing to call them out to fulfill those campaign promises if he has no problem to called about -- them out. >> can they take on that entire establishment and win? all you hear is the fact whatever they say impossible -- and public. >> the republican establishment those people have completely failed to be leaders in the u.s. senate jeff flake has decided not to seek reelection because he knows he will lose in the state of arizona because trump would support somebody else. those who want to keep washington the same way it has been the last 30 years is a failure. because the people of this great country voted for change and that changes donald trump and it has come to washington. steve: i agree because the big thing that is missing is the populist revolution going beyond the of white house that is why your book is a useful reminder to be to that entire republican in the establishment. if you have questions or comments?. >> give is great to do see you and i agree 100 percent electron be trump he really is making america great again there are some better very happy right now but i get it all the time here is a question of republicans say the agenda is working and like what he is doing but i don't like his tweets he is mean what do you say? day miguel of the fact he tweets because donald trump is bypassing the mainstream media with example after example of him being disingenuous he did it today with "the washington post" he put a picture out of the rally in pensacola and then guess what? zero accountability i think in general the american people love it because it is him unfiltered directly to them. steve: that is a good example of top twitter activity shows so i completely agree. >> corey allow to talk about the democrats in 2018 iran. couple of states where they are vulnerable or moderate democrats who might say they want to work with the president on some level that every single one of them vote no on tax reform. taco letting trump we trump to you think he will head to west virginia and montana and missouri and north dakota to call the about and replace them with republicans next year court. >> i think he will hit the campaign trail hard to next year impresas he is popular if you look at the state of west virginia where there economy is going under the trump administration tel manchin could walk across party lines he has chosen to be an obstructionist and win trump goes there to campaign for his opponent that would be a problem. he is exceptionally popular because of the policies and the regulation taking place -- the regulation taking place. >> i am interested in a the disconnect led the president characterize this as the of the class. rigo steve spee and appointed a 44% rate over $5 million now we are looking at basically those are great corporate cuts but not so much for the middle class. there is talk of the next agenda item in the election-year they are calling welfare reform. the president said he was not unlike those other republicans to take your safety net programs aware like medicare or medicaid and would not cut them what will president trump agreed to that makes up for that deficit spending? i cannot believe they tried to do this during the election year. what is the plan? seven channel began to move forward back quickly. to look what the president talked about on the campaign trail first, replace obamacare that still needs to get done it is a campaign promise that needs of the old. the largest tax cut since the reagan administration that is on the cusp with transportation infrastructure spending bill that has the potential to be bipartisan support and a just one of these is accomplished it would be a very successful first years of the administration it took barack obama until february of this second year to get obamacare it looks like we get the tax cut done in the first 11 months of this administration and i call that success. steve: thank you so much the book is called what trump we trump by corey lewandowski sent the box to your of liberal friends. banks for joining us. steve: coming up blue newt that guest in your car was fuelling the d.c. swamp? we look at the ethanol industry. ♪ like the flame that burns the candle ♪ ♪ the candle feeds the flame ♪ topped steak & twisted potatoes at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? 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steve: government subsidies for ethanol have long been a swamp the tradition in america dressed up as action to help the environment it is one more example of big government in bed with big business at your expense. you may have voted to drain the swamp in 2016 but with the ethanol lobby it is still business as usual. of a corrupt ethanol industry this week is on swap watch. ethanol a type of fuel used by a processing corn mixed with gasoline to have a few of the of the decree greener than traditional gasoline for the federal government ordered energy companies to produce a certain amount every year. the renewable fuel standard of course, it is a racket because it artificially boost the ethanol market in turn boosted the demand for corn. sold get rich industry has a lobbying operation to keep this being produced. the big government boondoggle hurts the consumer of like the manhattan institute says the government run at the all system cost drivers ted billion dollars per year in extra fuel costs. when you buy your groceries because the ethanol back it raises corn prices artificially high. gary and chickens and cattle farms have to spend more to feed livestock so you spend more of your gavin immelt. here is the crazy part does the club agreed regulation is bad for the environment a report by the national academy of science's sake those court based ethanol creates more emissions than that of production and use of regular gasoline also contributes to pollution in one study estimates over half of the nitrogen pollution was due to cornyn soybean crops so if that hurts consumers why on earth is it ought to by the federal government? as usual not just lobbying but straightforward al-anon corruption big business buying of politicians to get what they want. i what is the number one producer of corn and ethanol in the united states guess who gets thousands of dollars in donation from. ethanol companies and interest groups? iowa senator chuck grassley and t negative v i space renewable fuel industry and monsanto and other giant and archer daniels midland. and other ethanol producers and of course the ringmaster the renewable fuels association spending nearly $8 million is lobbying but to really a understand all this works you have to understand why they need chuck grassley because these senators have themselves on that key committee to cable big business corruption earnst is a the member of the environment and public works committee that takes the adopt more negative the nomination to the that epa to administer the ethanol rex there. earnst printer's row with democrats with the epa nomination did not promise to go with nt caved to the blackmail so he renewed it to keep that status'' earnst was proud of her work i was not afraid to put the squeeze on him this was important we have family farms here in iowa how dare senator earnst use hard-working family farmers in iowa to cover per corruption? cargill and monsanto these giant global corporations shovelling money in their pockets they are destroying family farms and in iowa and earnst is helping them do it. it isn't just those farmers with small or medium-sized many don't have the infrastructure so unbelievably in order to comply with the federal government small refiners have to pay to produce more ethanol on their behalf and then this gives even more money so if you one day textbook example how does it system is rigged to this is it. this disgusting racket hafez incredible rocket and in 2012 philadelphia energy solutions had a patent million dollars for a battlefield that it could not produce itself. it would have spent 300 million that is twice as much the small independent refiners will get those middle-class workers but because of that burden of the racket the philadelphia energy solutions have to pay off 17 workers from last year earnst when she first ran for senate remember this?. >> i have senator earnst i castrated hogs on dave iowa farm when i get to washington and know how to cut pork, senator earnst you joined the swamp just like the others you with the stooge with the agriculture corporation schering the businesses in your home state and beyond to the pig now? iowa congressional candidate is one of those incumbents so you there in iowa campaigning for election but that ethanol racket is good for small family farmers?. >> it was always presented as a bridge deal and here in iowa we need to have that conversation. at the values as 40 percent of our corn so what will happen?. steve: how does that affect the small farmers compared to big agricultural companies?. >> this zero eager were they paid the money and the golan the committee's that is in the business's interests. but they are left out of the picture. >> totally. we are actually negative we are on the verge of a farm crisis our debt levels are high you are seeing that conservation taken out to have ethanol but when you take that swamp money that is why it it is happening because the senator earnst and senator grassley. >> wade to talk about where lead going? ethanol is the bridge but that doesn't seem to be working dupont just closed a plant -- a plant so now what is the neck step? looking at your conversation it should be over solar with china flooding the market with solar panels but small farmers are struggling and it could get worse if we don't talk about this now. steve: really what you think the government system is propping up the dying industry trying to help the farmers move to the next generation?. >> but with that industry and transition to show signs of weakness that is why i raise this issue but i will modify take that tech from monsanto because that is what many. >> that is what is going on with those big players dominating the policy with the smaller industries that are left behind. steve: the controversy of the renewed statements when kids as young as six use social media? coming up next. they can even pay their bill- (beep) bill has joined the call. hey bill, we're just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180801 18:00:00

A look at the day's top news and headlines. opinion, it's ridiculous the corruption and dishonesty with the witch hunt, the president has watched this process play out but he also wants to see it come to an end as he stated many times. we look forward to that happening. >> dana: i understand why she would want to answer it that way, last week we found out that mueller's team is looking at the president's tweets to see if there was a pattern of obstruction. this is just his opinion, just fighting back, it's not obstruction. >> amazing when you have the white house under siege like this one, much as with the nixon white house or the clinton white house, the way in which the team there comes to reflect the attitude, the language, the perspective of the boss. and you can hear it there, and the loaded words and the hard language. this is a white house under siege and this is an administration that is ready to fight, fight, fight. the problem for trump is the same as it is with, you know, all of that stuff about they're going to impeach rod rosenstein and that business. it comes down to this, trump can act 450eshgs has constitutionally appropriate -- he can act. he has constitutionally appropriate remedies that he can do. he could order the documents to be released. he could discharge rod rosenstein. he would intervene yet he doesn't. this is the predicament. if he acts then he creates a constitutional crisis and loses republicans in the senate who say you've gone too far. but he wants to talk about it and rally his fwas. >> dana: they also made a decision, the president decided he is not going to throw paul manafort under the bus. paul manafort isn't being charged here or tried on charges of collusion or anything to do with the campaign. this is separate and apart. what he's charged with, are the very things that president trump campaigned on, saying he would drain the swamp from. he can't let paul manafort twist in the wind y worry about him? this is outside and apart from the campaign, why? >> we don't know what donald trump knows that paul manafort knows. this is the wilderness of mirrors situation. what you see may not be so. and this also goes for his former fixer, cohen, and bunch of other people in his orbit. we don't know what they know or what he thinks they know. for manafort this a logical gambit. he's richer than -- he made $60 million off the oligarchs. >> dana: don't say that, you will be struck from the courtroom. >> he's old and he's rich. for him it makes sense. take it to trial, see it through. as they get through the trial and i've covered enough of these to know. if it gets to the trial and they're getting close to the end you can see plea deals in cases like this right up to the last minute. understandably playing out his hand. >> dana: let me switch gears and talk about the mid terms. president obama announcing today his first wave of endorsements for house candidates, some i guess senate. i noted two things that he didn't include on his list, two types of people, one was the new instantly famous alexandria owe casio-cortez who beat joe crawley in the primary. oept bam a does not have her on his list. >> why would he, she doesn't need help. she won with, what, about the same number of votes as nothing. nd if she's in a safe seat she doesn't need help. she has enough visibility. >> dana: can i ask you, is it better for her not to be endorsed by president obama? she's running an anti-establishment campaign. i'm not sure, do the democrats consider the clintons and the obamas establishment or just the clintons? >> if she can find any way to lose in this district it would be a miracle greater than the senate reds winning the world series. it's not going to happen. the issue here is, is it good for democrats for obama to be doing this. i think no. i think this is hub ris, he has to stand back and let the chaos reign in the party. he can't show up and say i'm out but here are the people you should do. >> dana: do you feel the same way about him not endorsing any current red state democrats up for re-election or are they glad to the to have the endorsement? >> you think joe manchin wants barack obama to say that's my guy? no, does not help you. >> dana: he said this is his first wave of endorsements, do you think he will have an impact on any of the races? >> he will have an impact in some places. but again the larger impact is a negative one for his party. you won't find relief here. congestion and pressure? go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom... is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? preventable. and 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. we're life line screening... and if you're over 50... call this number, to schedule an appointment... for five painless screenings that go beyond regular check-ups. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries... for plaque which builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. and by getting them through this package, you're saving over 50%. so call today and consider these numbers: for just $149 you'll receive five screenings that could reveal what your body isn't telling you. i'm gonna tell you that was the best $150 i ever spent in my life. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now tow to learn more. >> dana: president trump is heading to central ohio to campaign in a final special election before the mid terms. republican troy balderson is running against daniel o'connor, a house seat that's been in republican hands since 1980. but the crystal ball rates the contest a tossup. a new monmouth poll, he leads o'connor only 1%. collin reeves joining me now, columnist for the boston herald. and dave brown, former senior advisor and community counsel to senator patty murray and democratic strategist. experienced folks to talk about ohio 12. collin. trump going to the race must mean that president trumps things that balderson has a good chance of winning or he wouldn't go. but him going could make all the difference in the turnout. >> absolutely. special elections usually come down to turnout. it's not always able to extrapolate from the results what does happen in future elections. but i think one thing that the republicans have made clear in this race is the playbook they use against the democrat in the race is one they can use all across the country. and that is make every race a referendum on nancy pelosi. the democrats want to make every race a referendum on fond trump but that doesn't work in ohio, west virginia other places where he's very, very strong. that's where the mid terms seem to be going in terms of the battle lines. remains to be seen who will win. nancy poe less joy is a liability no matter where you go, nancy pe lows si. >> dana: the democrats must have done something right with this candidate, your thoughts? >> you're seeing a major enthusiasm gap in this race as well as races across the country. one reason why democrats over the past year, in special elections, have been consistently outperforming even in states that were historically red or went for president trump in 2016. to win the house democrats need a net 23 seats. republicans are defending 25 seats that hillary clinton won last cycle n ohio and other suburban districts, the more the president wants to campaign in the suburbs we welcome that. if you look -- >> dana: why? >> if you look at the you be in of suburban women who strongly disapprove of the job that the president is doing, nearly 6 in 10. and even among republicans who support the president, there's a major, major gap between men who strongly support his performance and women. it's overwhelming. democrats are enjoying a 30-point lead with the suburban women, that's going to translate into gains in november. >> dana: collin, the other thing i learned is that the democrat candidate not only is there enthusiasm on his side, but to the extent there are independent enlts left, and apparently there are, they're leaning toward the democrats. that's typical in this type of a mid-term election. can the president's visit change any of their minds? >> you have to believe if he's going there, he would look at a poll and assume he's going to be helpful and not -- an asset not anything that's going to drag down the republicans. look, these mid terms in the middle of august, people have a lot of other better things to be doing than paying attention to politics. and what's happening there. i think you just need to pay attention to what happens on turnout and who shows up. >> dana: let me ask you about a poll, i'll go to texas, this was a little bit of a surprise, this morning the texas iceum group poll showing that ted cruz is just two points ahead of o'roarke, cruz the incumbent. o'roarke on his heels. i would heat the quinnipiac poll came out saying that ted cruz is up 49-43. but that race, dave, is probably closer than ted cruz would like. >> i think it's very fair to say it's closer. i thought it was striking, i think last week, when an incumbent sitting senator ted cruz challenges beto o'roarke to five debates. that's crazy, an incumbent wants to debate, that speaks to his sense of waeshgness at this position. beto o'roarke is running an interesting and compelling campaign, the small dollar donations he's generated and keeping up financially with senator cruz and running on kitchen table issues, whether it's insuring affordable healthcare, whether it's ensuring that they are able to have a winning wage. >> dana: he's been doing it in a different way, facebook live. collin, the last word, the democrats have had this dream of flipping texas blue. are their dreams to be dashed again this year? >> yes. texas isle into's gold for the democrats. cycle after -- texas is fool's gold. they want to make it competitive, they never do, the republican usually wins, i'm confident that will happen as well in the state of texas. >> dana: we'll make you buy is a drink if it's not true. thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: one group making a major push for a member of the national guard running for congress, i'll speak to lt. colonel ashleigh niklos about her primary fight tomorrow night. gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea can start in the colon, and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. only phillips' colon health has this unique combination of probiotics. it helps replenish good bacteria. get four-in-one symptom defense. are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. reported getting sick after eating at a chipotle restaurant in powell, ohio. they're still testing samples to try and determine the cause of the jo it break. loyal customers won't be deterred. >> xwechb that the health inspengtors have given it the all clear, i'm not worried right now. no, if i get sick, we'll see. but as of now not worried at all. >> dana: the restaurant was closed monday after the illnesses first surfaced. officials say they inspected the location and found no reason for the outbreak and the store reopened yesterday afternoon. >> ashley nickloes, serving eight deployments since 9/11, trains military and civilian groups on disaster response. her most important job, devoted mom. now, nickloes is on a new mission, challenge the career politicians, rebuild our military, grow our economy. >> dana: that was an ad recently released in support of lt. colonel ashley nickloes. the republican is part of a crowded field running in a primary tomorrow hoping to win the open seat in the second district. i'm joined now by lt. colonel ashley nickloes. thanks for being with us today. you're running for seat held in the duncan family for many, many decades. >> yes, ma'am, 54 years. >> dana: why did you decide to run? you brought -- were you brought to my attention by this group called "with honor." david ignatius is a columnist for the "washington post," wrote this today, the coalesce evens of young veterans of iraq and having a may be the most positive trend on the political horizon. they have been through the nightmare of combat, they know what it means to serve the country beyond flag waving and slogan earring. did they re chute you to run for this seat? how did they find you? >> no, ma'am, i just got tired of how broken washington is. my view from 18,000 feet over syria, iraq, and afghanistan is different than the view with a. after multiple deployments, after the pad few decades, i thought it was time to bring a new voice and voils of experience to congress. >> dana: what do you think are your main issues you're concerned about? . national security of course is my top priority, closest to my heart. healthcare is also very close to my heart, my husband is a trauma surgeon and dedicated his life to healthcare in addition to serve 2g 2 years in the military -- serve 2g 2 years in the military. and term limits. i believe it's time to bring congress and the representatives back to the voice of the people. term limits would bring it back to what our founding fathers' original intent was. kp there are many more women running for congress than in years past, the democrats doing better than republicans. where democrats are running in a primary with at least one woman and a man and no incumbent, 66% of democrats have won, they were women. 38% of republicans have won. tomorrow, in a crowded primary, trying to win it tomorrow. i know that you don't go about talking about how you're a woman and that's why you should vote for me. what do you think about the republican party trying to promote women in this year? >> it's imperative that the republican party show what the actual republican party is. we're looking at over 435 seats in the house of representatives and only 11 of them being held by women after this election campaign. so we want to make sure that republicans reflect what we really are in this nation. as you said, i have a crowded primary, there's seven of us. i am the only female. but i've run on my experience and the power of our message. i believe i'm the most experienced to take this message to congress. >> dana: let me ask you about the on issue of a lot of people in tennessee, the effect of the trade policy that president trump is pursuing, while he tries to work out the trade deals there are consequences for tennessee, with canada, for example, being the top sip yent, soy beans, and whiskey. i'm curious what you say to your constituents when you come to washington who you would do to stick up for them on this issue? >> well, i applaud president trump's ability to try and bring a level playing field to our trade policy. we have over 850,000 jobs that are dependent on the trade policy here in tennessee. over 1.4 billion in money that we bring in to our state because of trade. i hope that president trump makes it an expedite, the negotiations, because the longer we draw it out the harder it will be on my constituents in tennessee. if ever there was a time to negotiate a better trade stance for us internationally, then right now is, they are into the booming economy. >> dana: lt. kol them ashley nickloes, thanks for being here today. >> thank you so much, it was a privilege. >> dana: pension problems to the tune of trillions of dollars corks your retirement fund face insolvency? new tariff talk, what the president is tying when it comes to billions of dollars worth of chinese goods. >> president trump: everyone that says hello mr. president, congratulations on what you've done for the economy. it's the talk of the world. china paying hundreds of billions of dollars a year with nobody there to protect your money. but you're there now. to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> dana: a new place to raise the stakes with china, fox news learns president trump floated the idea of boosting property moesed tariffs from 10% to 25% on billions of dollars worth of chinese goods. here's the fox business network live with this story. >> tensions are is lating, the proposed move from 10% to 25% is more than double obviously. some see it as a tactic aimed at the chinese government. beijing has reacted with anger, threatening retaliation. we've seen 25% tariffs on $34 billion, largely industrial goods that. 's imposed on china amount the u.s. on schedule to heavy similar tariffs of an additional $16 billion, either this week or next week. as for this next proposed level, the white house probably going to make a decision towards the end of august. those in favor of the tactics say they're justified because of the chinese yuan has fallen about 6% against the dollar since the end of may, a clear advantage of chinese exports when they sell their goods overseas. trade tensions clearly between the u.s. and china escalating but they are calming down between the u.s. and europe. president meeting with the e.c. president last week, the e. you have freeing to import more u.s. soy beans, very important big $20 billion export crop for us. and more liquified natural gas. the u.s. stood down on imposing tariffs on imported european cars. >> dana: and american consumers are paying more for certain items. which ones stand out? >> they certainly are. basically, hearing from a lot of ceos that metals, that cost more, it costs them more for certain products, packaging, the ceo of coca-cola saying the company is taking an unusual step of raising soda prices midyear, referenced the rising costs. he said freight rates and prices for plastic and aluminum went into his decision. executives at sam adams brewery and boston beer company saying prices would go up 2% in the second half of the year. r.v. manufacturer winnebago won't say how much it raised prices, but the company has admitted to modifying r.v. floor plans to trim costs. separate from tariffs, americans are also paying more this summer to fly due to rising fuel costs. you have american airlines for example spending more on fuel, jet fuel prices up around 50%, that company said it's hurting its bottom line. delta's ceo saying ticket sales are up about 4% from last year. american consumers taking a few hits from all sides. kp. >> dana: all right, thank you. good news on the economic front for the american worker with the employment cost index showing that pay and benefits are climbing at the fastest pace in a decade. joining me is arry fliescher, former secretary under george w. bush and fox news contributor. great news for the president, unemployment at 4.0% and news about increase in pay. i want to spring this on you, i just got this in, president trump doing an interview with rush limbaugh, he called in, rush limbaugh celebrating 30 years on air, pretty remarkable. trump saying this about farmers and trade. our farmers were we're going to open up markets for them but they're great patriots. i watch them all the time, saying we trust our president. you know they make take a short-term hit. you look at farm and farming has been going down for 15 years. sow beenls five years before the election cut in half, the price was cut in half, i wasn't there. he made comments on other things, but relevant on the economy, everything seems to be going well. one question about trade. >> that's right, donald trump is trying to do something long term when it comes the tariffs. it's high, high risk and high, high reward. on the fundamentals of the economy and the most important fundamental, are you making more money. working class, blue collar americans, first the time in ten years they can report a significant raise in pay. that's huge. and that has a tendency, historically, to change how elections come out. >> dana: in terms of, we do these stories about mid terms all the time. republicans out there running are not running on the economy. they're talking about other things like immigration, things that will get the base out. i understand it's a mid-term election. but is the good feelings about the economy, are they baked into people's thinking? >> i don't think so, not yet. unemployment is low and he gets credit for that, that's baked into the economy. but the missing picture, one of the big reasons why donald trump got elected, wages were stuck for 10 years. blue collar americans weren't getting a pay raise, but the wealthy were. that was pal possible, the weakness of the obama years. now, it's going up. that's a tremendous development. the parallel to the '90s when bill clinton was under investigation by ken starr and the economy boomed. people didn't really care about the investigation. if that's the case here, it benefits donald trump and republicans. >> dana: any concern for that deirdre was reporting because of the trade issues, prices are going up, even coke a cola saying they'll to have raise their prices a little bit. middle class wages, low income going up, but do they get eaten up by cost increases? >> everything feels different these days, with donald trump. inflation unless it's rampant doesn't hurt you as much as if your wages are not going up f your wages are going up you feel better. you don't foo notice that your coke costs five cents more or airline ticket costs 5% more. you're making more money week-to-week. >> dana: and maybe your anxiety is alleviated and that makes you feel better about things. i want to ask about this, the economy is so good, should we be trying to make hay while the sun shines, in terms of the structural problems? there's a problem with pensions, people forget about pensions, we don't talk about them as much any more. a lot of states are underfunded with their pensions and there are laws that kick in that says taxpayers don't have to bail them out. >> aren't these great issues, the issues republicans wrangled with for decades and we haven't talked about them for years. this is the time with a booming economy to go after tariffs as trump is doing, when the economy is strong we can take the risk. secondly, deal with long-term pension issues and the underfunding of them. this is the time to get your books in order when the economy is well. when the economy is doing poorly, the resources aren't there to do it. this is better than before. >> dana: and impact on the budgeting for congress, they're looking at that as entitlement spending continues to grow, the stuff that you can't mess with, the amount of money that you have to put around to other things is basically smaller and smaller. >> exactly right, the government gets squeezed. one of the things about the trump years, he doesn't want to do anything about social security and medicare going bankrupt. we have to one day. i guess it won't be on donald trump's watch. >> dana: maybe a second term. >> he says he's going to do it. >> dana: greg gudfelled is coming up, were you at an event last night. >> i was at the mets national game in washington, dwk my son who got to watch his favorite player, trey turner, what a pounding. 26 runs for the nationals. what a game. >> dana: fun park, too. >> it is. >> dana: best part of washington sometimes. >> it is. they don't tax when you you walk in. >> dana: keep an eye on. thatari fliescher, thank you. vice president pence is in hawaii to receive the remains of american service members who died during the korean war. a solemn ceremony taking place at pearl harbor. stan springer is live in honolulu. >> this is an emotional day for anyone who served in the military. but it will be especially powerful for the more than 7,600 families who lost servicemen in the korean war whose remains have never been identified, never brought back to the united states 65 years after the fighting ended. vice president mike pence is in hawaii now, to take part in today's honorable carry ceremony. it means a lot to him personally, his father fought in korea and received the bronze star. he will be accompanied by two people whose fathers were killed in the war and their remains still missing. also attending will be 10 local korean war veterans who will be part of the honor guard. dozens of vets have been meeting every week on tuesdays for the last 20 years. the group's president is herb shriner whose brother was killed in korea. >> you know how hard it is to hear that they're missing in action and you don't know where they're at, what's happening to them, are they captured, are they suffering? families think about that. >> 55 boxes of remains were turned over by north korea late last week and flown to a u.s. base in south korea draped in the united nations flag. when they arrive shortly at joint base pearl parlor hick couple, they will be covered by u.s. flags. then the painstaking work begins to identify the remains. it will be done by the defense p.o.w. m.i.a. accounting administration, one of the premiere anthropologist groups in the world. last year it made 201 identifications of our war dead giving families a chance at some closure. but it is not a quick process. >> one of the few countries that spends this type of effort and time and money to bring closure to our military families. each and every one of those families has been made a promise by the u.s. military to come home. we are the end of that promise. >> the relatively easy identifications will take at least a month, dna will be part of that process. some of these identifications could take many years, if ever. yet getting done. those 55 boxes could contain hundreds of individual service members. >> dana: dan, thank you. a new ruling today by a jum on something very up -- judge on something very upsetting regarding the children separated from their parents at the border. what one major league pitcher did to get himself out during a game that his team won by 21 runs. oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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[laughing] no, i would be respectful of -- >> maybe a jerk. he might be a jerk. i think, like, this is the equivalent of a yard sale. they put him out, there so somebody could pick him up. a teachable moment for him, he hah to prove to the people who pick him up that he isn't what you might call, um -- >> dana: not like he took an ally gator into a convenience store and chased people around. >> no, that would be terrible. >> dana: i would call them something then. [laughing] okay, everybody. >> what would you call that, dane? >> dana: i might call you that. are you going to explain this on "the five" tonight? >> you know what it is, something that outrageous and immoral happens on family television, it's incumbent on the host of the show to talk about it. and i think we need to air our grievances. a lot of people at the table, need to have a discussion. >> dana: family counseling? >> it needs to be a toechable moment. >> dana: show counseling. because of what happened to me on the five -- no, what i did on "the phi" last night, let me take full responsibility, i'm sorry, we'll lead "the five" with it. but we've been talking about twitter outbursts. what i did last night was sort of like if you did it on twitter, the mob might come after you, right? or if you did it, like sean kelley, he's throwing his mitt down, on twitter that would be seen as, you know, ridiculous. but you might get fired for it, too. >> i think it's a testament to the amount of leisure time that we have that we can examiner sides those kind of -- exercise, i don't know, crucifixions where we go after somebody and have the time to do it. i call it, sort of like a ritual sacrifice almost every week, we find somebody and cast them out. and then we find somebody else. it's such a strange thing. it's almost like we need to create a ritual to replace that. you know what i mean? something that people can do. >> to take their minds off? >> right. like mass is like that, you go mass and take part in a ritual that keep from you doing actual sacrifices and actual crucifixions. there almost needs to be a mass for social media that teaches people this will replace that, so stop hurting people. >> dana: i love this mass for social media. you had a great time. >> i did special report with brett in d.c., he's a jolly foally and molly and jonah and myra. never try to maybe everybody. >> dana: you had a good time. >> it was great and i did a couple of talk shows, too. at fox it's unusual to see somebody plugging a book. >> dana: doesn't happen very off. >> right, so people are shocked and surprised to see me here plugging a book that's a collection of all of my monologues, which are bursts of thoughts that you probably would have had. >> dana: it's brilliant. >> i won't go that far, i don't blow my own horn, i'm not like you. [laughing] but -- dvp i know this, i have been warned that your monologue today on "the five" is must-see television. my mom, she's going to be there and watching. >> she better be. and i don't think -- she's not a proud mother right now. [laughing] >> dana: all right, mom, bail me out on twitter. greg, thank you. three republicans fighting to replace senator jeff flake, a live update in arizona, straight ahead. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? and help you feel more strength & energy in just 2 weeks. i'll take that. ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® withthat's the same thing ti want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! oh yeah! he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 10 or 14 percent below msrp on 2018 silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. stirewalt moved this race from tossup to leading democrat. there are a few things going on. first of all, two of the three leading republican candidates, they're trump-based far right conservatives, including maricopa former sheriff joe arpaio. he said he will not ask for an endorsement, that's up to mr. trump. he accuses the other hard liner of promising him a lot offy job if he would drop out. >> they've been after trying to get me out of the race from the beginning and i don't like them bribing for money to get me to drop out of the race. >> now, ward the former state senator who unsuccessfully challenged john mccain in 207 16 brushes off the words with this. >> joe has been a folk hero, somebody who has been important in arizona. and i hate's to see the people he's surrounding himself with on his campaign really ruining the legacy that he has left. >> the frontrunner is two-term congresswoman and former fighter pilot martha mcfamily, a moderate. but they say she's warmed to the president of late, even though she's critical of him in the past. >> i welcome an endorsement from the president. i don't expect him to win this race for me, but we'd welcome it. >> early voting evens august 28. >> dana: is the democrat that strong or something else at work here as you mention chris making that ratings change a couple of weeks ago. >> right, well maybe to your first, the first part of the question, and yes definitely to the second. the electorate is definitely changing. latino population is up to 30% here in arizona. and independent voters are much more influential. all of this of course helps democratic congresswoman kirsten cinema who has a strong past, including being a green party activist. she's worked to move and distance where self from that past and even signaled she would be willing to work with the president. >> dana: all right, alicia, thank you for that. a man searching for a diamond in the ashes of his home destroyed by the california wind fires. watch this. >> i was thinking, okay, there's not going to be anything left. maybe some molten metal. ham has no added nitrates, nitrites or artificial preservatives. now deli fresh flavor is for everyone. like those who like... sweet. those who prefer heat. and those who just love meat. oscar mayer deli fresh. a fresh way to deli. oscar mayer deli fresh. i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180804 16:00:00

The latest news from around the world with host Fredricka Whitfield. and then actually never really does do it. like release his taxes, right. then there's other cases where it overrides all common sense, all of his advice and everybody else and does do it. the big question is, is he going to do it in this case? we don't know what donald trump we're fog to get on that particular day. although his staff does say and his attorneys do say that his tweets, in effect, and his public statements amount to his own testimony so far and you can just read his tweets and read his mind and that's something muler is doing, to see if there's any condemning statements he's made in those tweets. >> he's been warned about that for a very long time. the president continues, you know, to tweet. whether he is saying disparaging things about the process, his own intel community, all of that. how will mueller use these tweets to his advantage? even if they never get direct q & a from the president? >> yes, well, the tweets, on one hand, the tweets are just irrelevant to mueller and his team. it's just background noise and they're not paying attention to it. in terms of affecting the work they're doing. >> but it could influence direction or could -- >> even with -- >> -- cause more probative questions? >> it could provide leads and, in fact, even amount to evidence at some point. >> even when he tweets blatantly that sessions should fire mueller. >> that's the kind of tweet that could amount to evidence -- >> whether the word is "must" or "should." it's important. >> in terms of the tweets as criticism, you know, that's what i mean when i say the mueller team is not paying attention to that. sure, they're looking for potential evidence there. and so we'll see how that goes. i don't -- if i had to predict, i wouldn't say the president will sit down with the mueller team. i'm not sure the mueller team needs the president to sit down to make whatever case or cases they're trying to make. >> meaning they already know the answers likely? just to see whether someone's being truthful? >> i think that's right. ironically enough, most subjects or targets of investigations, when they're given an opportunity to sit down with the prosecutors, it's really in their benefit to potentially talk themselves out of an indictment. in the absence of sitting down and convincing the prosecutors an indictment is forthcoming. it's more complicated of course with the president because there's the school of thought that says the sitting president cannot be indicted. i'm not sure that there's a good answer here for the president. on one hand, defense lawyers would say don't sit down in the situation. on the other hand, of course, the mueller team will assume the worst if they don't get cooperation. >> and then, you know, steve, all of these investigations are taking rather odd twists. because now sources are telling cnn that kristin davis, also known as the manhattan madam, met mueller for a voluntary interview this week. investigators appear to be interested in her close ties with longtime trump adviser roger stone. so, steve, how do you see all of this connecting? >> well, the manhattan madam part admittedly might be a bit out of my expertise. but i think the hard thing that mueller has to do here and of course he's uniquely qualified, as is his team, is move from all these pieces of information, many of which have significant counterintelligence implications. what are key people doing. where is money moving. what are the connections back to russia. what malfeasance is going on. in moving from simply counterintelligence stuff, which is basically common sense suspicions and following patterns to a legal case where you can actually begin convicting people and saying, okay, the laws were broken here. i think common sensically, everybody can look back and say, look, there was a lot of no good stuff going on here. but turning that into a legal case is something that's a bit tougher. >> i do think, you know, for roger stone, he must be looking at paul manafort right now going, you know, if they're going to build a case against me, if that's why they're interviewing the manhattan madam and they're going after me and my finances, do i really want to go through this trial -- >> so like an imposing fear? >> yes, it's sort of a warning. you know, like do you want to end up like paul manafort or cooperate and end up like michael cohen. that's a choice between a lot of these guys who are part of this investigation. i think roger stone, things are really closing in on him, and that's going to be his choice too. >> potential legal strategies here. thank you so much. appreciate you all. all right, still ahead, a letter from the president. secretary of state mike pompeo hand delivers a message from president trump to a north korean official. so what does this pen pal kind of situation say about the relationship between the two leaders? and later, the trump administration separated hundreds of children from their parents at the border. so why now? are they suggesting, the trump administration, suggesting that someone else should be in charge of bringing these kids and their parents back together? we'll have a legal expert weigh in coming up. the new school year is almost here. and a new iphone from t-mobile is the best way to keep in touch. or keep tabs on their "extra curricular" activities. he skipped orientation for the beach? 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so i used crest. crest 3d white removes... ...95% of surface stains in just 3 days... ...for a whiter smile... that will win them over. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. all right, we're following new developments today with north korea. u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo met with his north korean counterpart at a conference in singapore. the two spoke briefly and shook hands and later pompeo passed along a letter from president tru trump. earlier this week, trump himself received a letter from north korean leader kim jong-un. global affairs correspondent elise labbott with me now. what more do we know about the nature of these letters? >> we don't know anything about them, but i can suspect it's in vogue now. now that the two leaders meet, they have to exchange letters at every gathering that the u.s. and north korea are. they're just pretty much generally saying we want to continue, we are committed. but if you look past the last week, there's been ups and downs. reports that north korea is continuing to evade sanctions, continuing to develop its nuclear program and there's a lot of rhetoric going back the last couple of days. especially in terms of north korea meeting the denuclearization, which pompeo admitted today that north korea's really setting the pace of this, that they're going to be the ones who dictate when they're going to denuclearize. >> they initiated the letter, right? and presumably it doesn't just say hi, how you doing. there must be in this kind of dialogue a tick tock of this is what we're willing to do, this is what we don't want to do, this is what we like. >> no, there doesn't have to be. you would hope that there would be and there should be. but a lot of these letters are just kind of reaffirming the commitments that each one was willing to do. secretary pompeo has not been able to nail the north koreans down either for a time line for denuclearization or for the definition of what it actually means. it means something very different to north korea than it does to the united states. and as soon as secretary pompeo left after shaking hands with the north korean foreign minister and exchanging some pleasantries, as soon as he left that meeting of asean nations in singapore, the north korean foreign minister was blasting the united states for not lifting sanctions, for saying that it needs these type of confidence building measures. so although certainly rhetoric has improved since a year ago when it was all fire and fury, there's not a lot of progress in terms of the denuclearization. >> last hour you reported the u.s. says that north korea is evading sanctions. but what does this mean? no surprise there, right? >> it's no surprise. but the problem is when the two leaders met and there's this agreement to kind of move forward, countries thought they could relax on the sanctions. so there's an oil ban, a petroleum ban, against north korea. now there seems to be transfers of oil, ship to ship transfers. and russia is responsible. china's responsible. they have pictures. also north korea's defying an arms embargo, trying to ship light arms place, proliferating weapons. so as the u.s. and north korea start to move closer together, countries feel that they can relax some of those sanctions and now north korea could get some of the retch knew that sanctions have been designed to put pressure to get them to give up the nuclear program. >> we'll see what's next. elise labbott, thanks so much. now to iran where the country's navy is holding military exercises in the strait of hormuz in the persian gulf and the war games come as the trump administration is preparing to reinstate sanctions against iran and president trump and iranian leaders have spent the past few weeks exchanging threats on social media. cnn's international diplomatic editor nic robertson joining me right now. nic, no accident that iran has chosen the strait of hormuz to flex its military muscle. this is a major shipping area. what is the message being sent? >> really seems to be the message being sent that if iran so chooses, it can disrupt the world's oil fields. 20% of the world's oil passes through there. it's a major choke point effectively. and impacting one oil tanker, never mind shutting down the whole straits, would put a spike, a nasty spike into oil markets. perhaps trigger higher fuel costs for us. the reality is we don't know why iran has put these military exercises into play right now. the timing of course right before -- in position of sanctions on them, because they've -- because president trump unilaterally pulled out of that international joint program with iran and iran's commitment to denuclearize. that really puts economic pressure on iran. so i think the indicators here are absolutely as you say they're flexing their muscles at a strategic choke point that could have huge impacts, huge economic impact, were they to push ahead with some nefarious activity. no indication that's going to happen. the iranians didn't talk about this military exercise publicly. often they do. so the moment, it's just a lot of questions around it, fredricka. >> all right, that's at the straight s of hormuz. u.s. and turkey, both of these countries have frozen the assets of key officials. is this all over the pastor being held in turkey? >> it seems to be, though there are other issues in the background, you know, the decision to suspend the sales of f-35 fighter aircraft to turkey. that was a decision taken by the senate recently that put that decision off now to wait for a report from the pentagon in 90 days. so the turkish are not happy about that. there's turkish banking officials that are currently going through the courts because the united states accuses them of trying to get around sanctions on iran, sanctions busting there. there's differences of opinion over syria. but it does seem to be the issue. he has really brought things to a fore. earlier in the week, the united states deciding to sanction the justice minister and interior minister. we heard from turkey's foreign minister in the middle of the week, saying they would reciprocate. despite the fact that the turkish foreign minister met with secretary of state pompeo in the past few hours and the readout from that meeting was positive, constructive that they thought they were making ground on this issue that it could be resolved in a number of days or weeks. now we hear from turkey's president today, reciprocating, as the foreign ministry warned they would, by sanctions on the turkish assets of the united states justice and interior ministers. now, obviously, the united states doesn't have justice and interior ministers and turkey hasn't yet said who these people are, but it looks like it could be attorney general jeff sessions. it looks like it could be secretary of homeland security krist kristirstjen nielsen. so the impact this would have would be minimal. but the signaling, it's not a positive development for getting him back to the united states or even out of house detention where he is now. >> nic robertson, thank you. coming up, hundreds of children and parents still apart after being separated at the border. but whose job should it be to bring them back together? the justice department is pointing the finger at the aclu. is that option viable? or even legal? we'll find out next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i put a spell on you ♪ yeah, because you're mine ♪ with chase atms serena can now grab cash on the go, all with the tap of her phone. ♪ stop the things you do no card? no problem. life, lived serena's way. chase, make more of what's yours. i saw my leg did not look right. i landed. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that's... proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your body's natural blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can... to help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. so what do you guys want? 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>> well, right now, they really do not have any options, so it does look like that the government will continue to, in the search for these children. remember, most of the children that were separated from the parents, at the point where we are right now, most of those children have been reunited with their families. the children who are at issue now are about 400, 500 children. many of their parents have been deported to central america. the problem is now the government is saying it wants to essentially abdicate responsibility for finding them and reuniting them with their parents. now, both legally and practically, this is -- this is really just an astonishing position. because first of all, when the government took these children into its custody, it assumes a duty of care for them. unresolved issues including potential asylum cases. so the government cannot just hand them off to a third party. the fact is, the aclu has done tremendous work on behalf of these children and families. the aclu is not an arm of the federal government. so for example even if they wanted to, a group like the aclu cannot go to central america and command and work with local officials to help them find these families. they don't have that authority. they cannot go to a consulate, for example. and meet with government officials and work with them and demand that they help them find these parents. >> the judge's ruling is reminding that it's not the aclu or any other ngo group that took intake of these kids. >> exactly. >> made any kind of, you know, record or cataloging of parents and children. but presumably based on the judge's ruling, the government would have done that. so is equipped or should be equipped to try to locate parents who have been deported or simply parents and children who have been separated. but the administration has already spoken essentially. saying it didn't do a good job of cataloging. so now why should anyone think that as a result of the government's actions, these reunifications will take place? >> well, the reunifications are going to take place for most because they have to. the judge has issued -- >> but if they didn't, if people did not do a good job of once they deported, they didn't find out how to, you know, reach that parent whose child is still in detention. why is anyone convinced, you know, that the government will then do the leg work to find a parent who has been deported and reunify them with a child who may be in iowa, maryland, new york and in a facility in texas. >> there are about 100 children in the united states where the government doesn't know exactly where they are. the reason is because what came out of this latest hearing with the judge and the parties involved is that the government, number one, has had no plan. they're basically winging it in terms of the reunification. and there's no specific point person. what the judge said to them, the judge gave them very specific orders. number one, that the next status meeting on august 10th, the judge wants to see a specific plan. it wants a process in place. >> do you have confidence in that august 10th deadline being met? >> i think the government at this point is doing good faith efforts. but the second thing that the government asks for -- not asks for, ordered the government to do is to put a point person in place. one person to be in charge of leading this effort. because one of the big problems we're seeing leading up to this is that the agencies involved in reuniting the children thus far, including i.c.e., the office of refugee and resettlement, dhs, their computers don't even talk to each other. they're work on databases that don't even connect. so that has hamperred the whole process immensely. the aclu has volunteers of their own volition to say they'll help the government to reach out to these families to try to make connections in central america. i want to remind people of something that's a very important practical consideration. when we talk about the reunification of parents who have already been deported. these are people who left those countries under very desperate circumstances. they left because they were afraid of gang violence or because they were maybe facing death threats. so when they go back, they're most likely in hiding or in a new location or in very remote areas. so that makes the process of finding them even more difficult. so now it seems that the judge is losing patience. he expressed anger. he was annoyed the government has not been more on track with reunifications. hopefully going ahead the government will make a stronger effort to find these families. >> i read there have been so many cases of parents who have been deported who were told one thing only to find out that once they were deported they were not leaving with their child or they were leaving without the information in which to retrieve their child later. so there's such a variety of circumstances that it's made -- >> that's one of the other big issues that the aclu is following up on. whether the parents who have been removed from the country knowingly waived their rights or did it with full understanding of, you know, the documents that they were signing, the consequences. >> we'll leave it there for now. thank you so much. undocumented immigrants already living in the united states are facing a growing health crisis. regardless of disease, condition or disability, undocumented men, women and children essentially cannot be treated until they are on the brink of death. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta has one mother's story. >> reporter: in order to really understand what's going on here, you're going to need to suspend disbelief. lucia is dying. her lungs drowning in fluid. her electrolytes are fluctuating wildly. and her heart is precariously close to shutting down. this 51-year-old mother and undocumented immigrant has end stage renal disease. full-on kidney failure. >> the function of the kidneys is to filter blood of excess toxins and excess fluid. when both kidneys stop working, people on average will live anywhere from 10 to 14 days. and so to continue living, you need some process to filter blood, which is a dialysis machine. >> reporter: for most people that treated the problem. but here's the thing. lucia is allowed treatment only when she essentially arrives at death's door. the emergency medical treatment act of 1986 says hospitals in the united states must care for anyone with a medical emergency, regardless of their citizenship or ability to pay. but they're not obligated to prevent that emergency from happening in the first place. what is happening inside the body? >> for these patients, because they only come in once a week, instead of the three times per week, excess fluid, it stays in their body and it goes into their lungs, goes into their legs. separate from that, the toxins build up. one of the most important toxins being potassium. which at high levels can make the heart stop. >> reporter: this is no way to live. about as close to death as you can get. what's more, research shows that treating patients with emergency dialysis versus standard dialysis is nearly four times more expensive because these patients like lucia are so much sicker when they come in for treatment. they're literally pushing themselves to the brink of death to get this treatment. am i overstating that? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: there is no question it works. lucia. just look at lucia now. after dialysis removed ten liters of fluid from her body. how are you feeling? >> translator: right now, i feel good. >> reporter: still, lucia is always worried. mostly about her family. especially her son alex. he watches his mother steadily decline every single week. this is their life. how hard has this been on your family? >> translator: it's been really hard. it's been really hard for my family. the worst is for my son. he worries about me. >> reporter: because just a few days from now, like clock work, lucia will once again go to the precipice of death just so she can live. i'll tell you, it's unclear how long lucia can carry on like this, week after week, going to this plus businerecipice of dea. a kidney transplant would improve her life, cut down on her care costs. she is not eligible for that. she is eligible to donate her other organs whenever she passes. that is the reality of the situation for people like lucia. >> all right, sanjay gupta, thank you. still ahead, tough questions for one of college football's top coaches. what did urban meyer know about domestic dispute allegations against one of his coaches? and when did he know it? your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. you finayou know it! chair? 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>> this investigation is focused on what urban meyer himself knew and what he did, you know, when brett mccmurphy first reported this story, there was no discussion, there was very little room for debate as to whether or not courtney smith was a victim of domestic violence. she has pictures. she had text messages to prove that she endured. now zach smith is speaking out and sharing his version of events. take a listen. >> anything that happened to her body was all just defensive movements to remove myself from the situation, and i said that's it, i'm not going to get charged because i didn't do anything wrong. >> that denial goes against the mountain of evidence against him. but, again, raise hs the questis of who knew what when. he's saying police notified the university of the allegations against him. now the university saying they have a six-member team leading this investigation who will then operate independently and report back to the board of trustees to decide what needs to happen next. i think it's a question not just of urban meyers' fate but the standing of this university on the whole. >> all right, kaylee hartung, thank you. we'll be right back. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium announcer: all military members stand and be recognized. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military. with i get rewarded explowherever i go. going out for a bite. rewarded! going new places. rewarded! learn more at i couldn't catch my breath. it was the last song of the night. it felt like my heart was skipping beats. they said i had afib. what's afib? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180823 09:00:00

details about payments mr. cohen arranged with woman who alleged sexual encounters with president trump, including mr. trump's knowledge of those deals. the journal report which cited people close to cohen and others familiar with prosecutors' discussions posted late last night. it preceded a tweet from the president at 1:10 in the morning washington time, trump writing in all caps, no collusion, rigged witch hunt. >> and republican leaders remain silent but the rank and file did weigh in. former presidential candidate mitt romney tweeted yesterday, the events of the last 24 hours confirm that conduct by high-placed individuals was both dishonorable and illegal. also confirmed is my faith is our justice system and my conviction that we are a nation committed to the rule of law. senator ben sasse released a statement writing, quote, paul manafort is a founding member of the dc swamp and michael cohen is the goth am version of the Updates of the day's news. manafort, well, that's an issue that they are concerned about. >> all right. we'll delve into the pardon issue in just a second. but as far as the president when it comes to this level of calm or this uncertainty of what he'll do, what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: well, again, since -- i mean i primarily cover capitol hill, so i get -- i have a better perspective of their response to what the president's thinking. but, again, sometimes one person mentioned to me this could be kind of the calm in the eye of the storm. and, again, once that eye moves forward, you know, the storm erupts and, you know, just seeing the tweet last night at 1:00 in the morning, i wasn't even awake at 1:00 in the morning and he usually gets up really early and tweets early in the morning. >> it was a late night for the president. let me ask you really quickly, molly, about some of the reaction on capitol hill in terms of potentially pardoning paul manafort. is there an appetite for republicans to defend a presidential pardon of paul manafort? what are you hearing? >> reporter: no. no, no, no. in fact, republicans tell us they're warning the president against doing something like that. even jeff flake, who is a long-time critic of the president who has often, you know, criticized by himself by the president at rallies and what not, he said, listen, that would be a major mistake. even if paul manafort was pardoned by the president, there still could be state charges so it is hard to see how he would avoid prison time. again, that's one thing the republicans are saying, listen, we don't want to delve into the other issues. you know, from the charges seen yesterday or on tuesday, we don't see russian collusion and that's what the senate intelligence committee and the senate republicans are focusing on. however, pardoning manafort or cohen would just be a step too far is what lindsey graham said. for lindsey graham to say that, that's a big deal. >> yeah, lindsey graham, john cornyn and collins among those who have expressed support in washington. thank you. to the latest in the mollie tibbetts case, the suspect charged in the death of the iowa college student, made his first appearance in court. he was ordered held on $5 million bond as controversy erupts over his legal status. >> reporter: do you have anything to say for yourself? >> 24-year-old immigrant christhian rivera appearing in court. >> you have been charged with murder in the first degree. >> reporter: authorities say he is from mexico and was in the country illegally. he worked for four years at a small family-run dairy farm owned by a prominent republican family. they said they checked his documentation in a government system but learned he gave a false name. >> what we learned in the last 24 hours is our employee was not who he said he was. >> reporter: lang said he noticed no changes in his behavior and he continued to show up after mollie's disappearance. >> this guy stayed around for 35 days and nobody noticed anything different. >> reporter: he said his client was working in the country legal. in a facebook book, her aunt wrote, remember that evil comes in every color. >> they should be back in their own country. >> i don't think him being in an illegal immigrant had anything to do with what he did. >> our thanks to nbc's ron mott for that report. president trump is weighing in on the case at his rally on monday night and in a video he posted on his official twitter page. >> and you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. should have never happened. illegally in our country. we've had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad, the immigration laws are such a disgrace. we are getting them changed but we have to get more republicans. mollie tibbetts, an incredible young woman is now permanently separated from her family. we need the wall. we need our immigration laws changed. we need our border laws changed. we need republicans to do it because the democrats aren't going to do it. >> now, the lawyer for tibbetts' accused murderer says his client was in iowa illegal but employers say he gave a false name when checked on a government system. still ahead, china retaliates as a new round of u.s. tariffs kick in overnight. we're going live to beijing for reaction. plus, investigators in new york come calling after michael cohen's lawyer says his client has a story to tell. this time it involves the trump foundation. we're back in a moment. ♪ so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. mom: okay we need to get all your school supplies today. school... grade... done. done. hit the snooze button and get low prices on school supplies all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. like these for only $2 or less experience the versatility of utility. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2018 rx 350 and rx 350 all wheel drive for these terms. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. but there's one... that blows them all out of the water. hydro boost water gel from neutrogena®. with hyaluronic acid it goes beneath the surface to plump skin cells from within and lock in hydration leaving skin so supple, it actually bounces back. the results will blow you away! hydro boost and our gentle exfoliating cleanser from neutrogena® welcome back. the trade battle between the world's two largest economies continues to escalate as the latest round of u.s. tariffs on chinese goods kicked in at midnight earlier today. >> the 25% tax impacts $16 billion worth of chinese goods, and as beijing promised china retaliated with reciprocal tariffs of equal value. janis mackey frayer joining us live from beijing. good to have you with us. what is the latest? there was optimism that talks would alleviate or walk-back this cliffhanger, but it seals it has not happened. >> no, the trade war continues to escalate and china is upping the ante. neither side appears willing to compromise or back down. china says it is retaliating by filing a lawsuit with the world trade organization, claiming that these new u.s. tariffs violate wto rules. it is a 25% u.s. levy on $16 billion worth of goods, 279 goods, things like farm equipment, semi conductors, motorcycles. as well, china is saying it will slap tariffs on $16 billion worth of u.s. goods, specifically cars, buses and coal. there have been trade talks happening with both sides in washington, but so far there's been very little progress and american companies and industry groups have been complaining to trade representatives saying, look, this is hurting our companies, this is hurting the economy, it is impacting the global supply chain, and ultimately it is going to be the u.s. consumer that is going to pay the higher price. meanwhile, we are seeing it play out in state media here. the newspapers are carrying story how the u.s. auto industry is fearful and auto companies are, quote, losing sleep at night in michigan. president trump though doesn't appear to be listening to the concerns. he said in july that if need be he will put tariffs on every chinese items that comes into the united states. we are talking half a trillion dollars worth of goods. ayman. >> incredible. janis mackey frayer for us live in beijing. thanks. let's get a check on the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, major concern for all of our friends out there in hawaii as hurricane lane makes its way closer. >> we are about to see proof, louis, you don't need direct landfall from a hurricane to have a billion dollar weather disaster. i would be shocked if it doesn't turn into a billion dollar weather disaster because of the rain falling in the mountains. you will get water in places it is not supposed to be and a lot of damage from it. the storm is starting to make its mark. one area near hilo has reported a foot of rain overnight. a foot, already. the storm is 200 miles away from the big island. you can see it has lost a little bit of definition of the eye. we do expect it to do some weakening over the next 72 hours. right now it is still 145-miles-per-hour winds. the forecast from the hurricane center hasn't hanged much so it is not going to get closer to the islands. it is still going to go to the north and make a turn away from the areas like honolulu. but the right side of the storm is the rainy side. you can already see on the radar here. here is the eye of the storm. you can still see the well-defined eye. this is already a flash flood warning for the eastern half of the big island of hawaii where eight to twelve inches have been widespread. the rainfall forecast is 10 to 20 inches, not just on the big island but through maui. every island has a chance to get hit. maybe numerous, maybe all of them will need help in the days ahead. in the lower 48 is a nice, quiet day. mid atlantic, northeast beautiful. showers and thunderstorms in florida. hot in texas, but all of our thoughts and eyes will be on our hawaiian island friend. >> it will be a tough go for them. still ahead, as "the washington post" notes the president tweeted about africa for the first time as president, defending whites in south africa. it appears he got the idea after watching "fox news" last night. tell you all about it when we come back. smuggled booze and dodged the law. even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. when i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. i set off on a new life, a million miles away. i'm heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. get started for free at discover your story. the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it 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announced, however, he will be suspended for the first three games of the season and without pay and will not be permitted to take part in the buckeyes opening. he will be suspended through september 16th. he was placed on paid administrative leave after questions were made about his handling of domestic abuse allegations. the investigation launched by the school were outlined in a statement last night saying in part, although neither urban meyer nor gene smith condoned or covered up the alleged domestic abuse by zach smith, they failed to take sufficient management action relating to zach smith's misconduct and retained an assistant coach who was not acting as an appropriate model for the student-athletes. >> i want to apologize to buckeye nation. i followed my heart, not my head. i fell short in pursuing full information because at each juncture i gave zach smith the benefit of the doubt. i did not know everything about zach smith, which is what he was doing and i'm pleased that the report made this very clear. however, i should have demanded more from him and recognized red flags. >> turning now to major league baseball where the red sox won't let the indians threaten the sweep in what could be a preview of the american league playoff, notching a win in the third of a four-game series in boston, 10-4 last night. the victory was highlighted by the red tox five-run fourth inning including xander bogaerts two home runs -- oh, think we have the wrong tape there. we switched it around. that is seattle. following a home run hit in the top of the ninth inning. the players looking at the camera, staring it down as they take the win in that one, guys. a little mixup there unfortunately with our sports tape. >> i like that synchronized stare that the houston astros were -- i think it was the houston astros doing that. seems they got the coordination down. >> they have it down. we should practice it here. >> it will take a lot of time to get it. >> nice stare there. >> thanks a lot. still ahead, a look at the morning's top talkers including how the white house is responding to the legal pressure after the president's former lawyer pleaded guilty and his campaign chair was found guilty. >> plus, donald trump calls it a witch hunt but it seems more and more americans are supporting bob mueller as confidence in his investigation grows. we'll bring you the numbers. with my bladder leakage, the products i've tried just didn't fit right. they were very saggy. it's getting in the way of our camping trips. but with new sizes, depend fit-flex is made for me. introducing more sizes for better comfort. new depend fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too. try head and shoulders two in one. gentle means everything to you and 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made, meant to keep two women quiet about alleged affairs. >> did you know about the payments? >> later on i knew, later on. and they weren't taken out of campaign finance. that's a big thing. that's a much bigger thing. did they come out of the campaign? they didn't come out of the campaign. they came from me. >> reporter: here is the president in april. >> did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? >> no. >> solicitation is a crime of directing someone else to commit a crime, that's true even if the person doesn't follow through with the act. so here, if they can find additional evidence to support what michael cohen says, i think you could very well have a criminal violation against president trump. >> reporter: michael cohen says he broke the law at the direction of his then-boss, but the press secretary said the president is not in trouble. >> he did nothing wrong. there are no charges against him. >> reporter: the press secretary pushing back. >> he did nothing wrong. there are no charges against him. he did nothing wrong. there are no charges against him. >> reporter: as for cohen, his attorney says he is ready to share whatever he knows with whoever wants to know it. >> is he hoping for a pardon from president trump? >> not only is he not hoping for it, he would not accept a pardon. he considers a pardon from somebody who has acted so corruptly as president to be something he would never accept. >> reporter: but the white house is not ruling out a pardon for paul manafort, now convicted of tax and bank fraud. the president, seeming sympathetic, praised his former campaign chair, unlike cohen, he tweeted, manafort refused to break, make up stories in order to get a deal. such respect for a brave man. the developments exposing a series of contradictions in a scandal that surfaced in january when the "wall street journal" reported on a payment to porn star stormy daniels 11 days before the direction. a month later cohen acknowledged he used his own money, saying neither the trump campaign or the trump organization was involved. that wasn't true. he admitted in his plea deal to submitting phoney invoices to the company. >> those invoices were a shame. >> reporter: though sources familiar with the straight ji is to discredit cohen, that pits the president against federal prosecutors who have reams of evidence that make it more than he said/he said. >> reporter: sources close to the president tell nbc news some of donald trump's allies were bracing for a political meltdown today, adding some are concerned about the political ramifications for the convictions for 2020 and the mid terms. ayman. >> thanks to hallie jackson for that report. new overnight, "fox news" says president is considering a pardon of manafort with the president describing the crimes as business as usual for washington lobbyists. here is ainsley earhart who did the interview and then the president. >> he mentioned pardoning manafort and then you have michael cohen's attorney lanny davis -- >> he did mentioning. >> he did, he did. >> i have great respect for what he has done, in terms of what he has gone through. you know, he worked for ronald reagan for years. he worked for bob dole. he worked, i guess his firm worked for mccain. he worked for many, many people. many, many years. i would say what he did, some of the charges they threw against him, every consultant, every lobbyist in washington probably does. >> reporter: now to new york state that has subpoenaed mike 'cohen on the heels of his guilty plea. the subpoena is part of the relation into the trump foundation. it comes after cohen's attorney, lanny davis, claimed that his client had information that federal and state investigators would like to know. the attorney general of new york is currently suing the trump foundation, claiming donald trump illegally used his foundation to settle legal disputes, help his campaign for president and pay for personal and business expenses. when the lawsuit was announced in june, the president vowed not to settle the case. the current investigation is being conducted by new york's tax department and could be referred to the attorney general for prosecution. now, it is important to note the president does not have the power to pardon in state cases. >> white house counsel don mcgahn was the campaign finance lawyer for the 2016 trump operation, and the report in bloomberg says trump did not consult with him about payments that were made days before the election and are now the center of a criminal case. a person familiar with the matter has said, citing a person close to mcgahn they say his absence could be a key piece of evidence in any criminal prosecution, and that prosecutors could argue it shows that trump knew the payments were illegal and hid them. however, trump's lawyers could counter that by saying it is a sign that trump didn't realize that payments were related to the campaign. the source close to mcgahn said he expects to be questioned by federal prosecutors in new york about his knowledge of the payments. and a growing number of americans are standing by special counsel robert mueller and the russia probe according to a new "fox news" poll conducted earlier this week. 59% of those asked approve of mueller's investigation of the trump campaign's ties with russia and potential obstruction of justice charges against members of the trump administration. that's up 11% from last month. 37% disapprove of the probe, a drop of 3%. meanwhile, 40% of those polled say it is extremely or very likely that mueller's investigation will find president trump committed either criminal or impeachable offenses. that's up 5% from april. 53% say it is somewhat or not likely mueller will find the president committed a crime, a drop of 5% in that one. all right. joining us once again from washington, d.c., capitol hill reporter for "the hill" molly hooper. good to have you back with us. let's pick up on the last poll that louis was talking about, the growing public support for the mueller probe. couldn't we see trump's railing against it having an impact on the mid terms? he has really gone after bob mueller specifically by name and trying to discredit it, but according to the poll it doesn't seem to be working. >> reporter: you know, regardless of whether he rails against it, clearly people's minds are changing. that's even true if you look up on capitol hill and talk to senate republicans who say, you know, these -- these recent -- you know, the conviction and the guilty plea, that's not good for republicans going into the mid terms when they want to be talking about the tax reform laws and other things that the president has done in the first few years as president with the republican congress. they don't want to be talking about these legal troubles, and now that the manafort -- now that manafort has been convicted and michael cohen has pled guilty, both associates close to the president, you know, at one time, that's not good for them, you know, for their position when they want to go on offense as opposed to playing defense. >> all right. looking ahead for the next couple of weeks we have brett kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, but we know that the democrats are looking, trying to dig into whether kavanaugh overstepped bounds when investigating clinton back in the '90s. so will their push for a delay be successful here? >> well, talked to judiciary chairman chuck grassley and that is not going to happen. there will not be a delay. in fact, the judiciary committee chairman took to the floor last night and said as much, noting that when bill clinton was president he was under investigation most of his presidency, under investigation by an independent counsel, was then impeached but it did not stop the senate from moving his lifetime nominees, you know, through the senate. so this is just a delaying tactic on the part of democrats. he said, you know, some of the democrats who are calling for this delay because of the recent legal woes are democrats who said from the beginning they weren't going to support brett kavanaugh. again, he said -- this is chuck grassley who controls the schedule, said it is all green, all lights are go for a september 4th brett kavanaugh hearing, will happen. >> so when it comes the that confirmation, when it comes to the mid terms, also when it comes to these, you know, two convicted, guilty guys we are talking about still, molly, what are you hearing from those on the hill as far as what they're wanting to hear from the president when it is reported that he's kind of taking it all in, being calm, calculating before some fear that he'll just kind of lose it? >> they want him to keep doing that, say nothing, just stay away, quit talking about it. because the more that the president talks about it, the more attention that he draws to it, the less -- again, the less likely it is for the message from republicans, you know, the tax reform package has been passed, all of these things that they've done since the president has been in office, all of those messages get displaced by the news of president trump going off, you know, on legal woes. that's just, again, something that he doesn't want to -- they don't want to contend with. they want to be on offense when they're running for reelection and, frankly, the less the president says about this the better. >> and something tells me the interview that's coming out later today with "fox news" is going to drive the headlines, especially about what the president knew about those two payments that have become such a source of this problem. molly hooper, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. and congressman duncan hunter called the indictment filed against him and his wife over the allegations of misuse of campaign funds by a federal grand jury a witch hunt. the california republican issued a statement yesterday writing in part, quote, all the while there has been a constant barrage of misinformation and salacious headlines in our media regarding this matter, i purposely choose to remain silent, not to feed into this witch hunt and trust the process. he also compared the couple's treatment to that of president trump. hunter told the local california abc affiliate, quote, this is the democrat's arm of law enforcement. that's what is happening right now. it is happening with president trump. it is happening with me. we're going to fight through it and win, and the people get to vote in november. i think they've used every dirty trick in the book so it will go to court when they want it to. the congressman and his wife allegedly used $250,000 in campaign funds on family vacations, school tuition, groceries and flights. >> all right. still ahead, president trump wading in political matters but not here at home. what the president is saying about a racially-charged debate in south africa and what the country's leaders have to say about his two cents on the matter. plus, bill karins is back with us. he will have the latest on hurricane lane as it heads towards hawaii. stay with us. oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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>> yes, we got the 5:00 a.m. update from the pacific center. they are still 145 miles per hour winds, but we lost the eye a little bit. about 200 miles away from the big island. already a highway is closed. already eight to twelve inches of rain has fallen on the big island of hawaii. it is 200 miles away and that much has fallen. can you imagine what the rainfall totals will be done by the time we're down? maybe three or four feet in some areas. here is the new forecast path. notice by the time it gets up here towards honolulu and oahu -- by the way, honolulu is under a hurricane warning for the first time in 26 years, so it is a rare event. it is not like the core of the winds will cause a lot of damage at all, maybe some power outages from tropical storm force gusts but don't expect a lot of wind damage. this a rain story with 10 to 20 inches for everybody, isolated totals getting up there three, four feet in some cases, and every single island is going to get that much rainfall, especially any of the mountainous areas. the forecast, very quiet, gorgeous day. as we head towards the weekend forecast we will see strong storms on saturday and into sunday in areas of the great lakes, but the east coast is looking for a fantastic saturday/sunday, guys. looks like a very nice weekend, ayman, especially if your sunday is off. it should be perfect. >> you know that's not true. so thanks for rubbing that in. i appreciate it. kind of you. >> more pressure on bill. >> yeah, like 12 hours off on saturday. still ahead, china retaliates against the u.s. as washington rolls out a new series of tariffs. >> how the latest move in the back and forth between the global leaders could hinder finding a solution in the ongoing trade war. st to you. and we're committed to improving every ride. starting with features designed to make it easy for your driver to find you... taking the stress out of pickups. ♪ we're putting safety at the heart of everything we do... by making it easy to verify your car, and driver. uber has new leadership, a new vision, and is moving in a new direction... forward the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association. this wi-fi is fast. i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian's back? he doesn't get my room. he's only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40's. welcome back. let's turn to business. a new round of u.s. tariffs on $16 billion worth of chinese goods kicked in this morning, as officials from the two countries meet to try to end the trade standoff. cnbc's how might these new tariffs impact the upcoming talks? >> ironic timing, isn't it? 25% tariffs on an extra $16 billion worth of goods from china chemical products and china responded equally on another $16 billion worth of american goods that include chemical products and diesel fuel, as well. that brings the total to $50 million on both sides. but, of course, the u.s. considering an extra $200 billion worth of tariffs on chinese goods. to be honest, not a solid backdrop for the talks this week because earlier in the week president trump said he's not anticipating the talks to be that productive. but other big news, as well. reuters reporting that the saudi oil company looking to shelve their plans for an ipo. planning to be one of the biggest ipo ever to come to the market demanding up to $2 trillion. but the interior minister is saying they're not scrapping it entirely, but just thinking of delaying it. the price of oil is three times where it was in 2016 when they a or originally announced the ipo. >> two u.s. airlines cut routes between the u.s. and china. what is the reasoning behind that move? >> absolutely. so, american airlines are cutting some of their international flights and also reducing the service of the chicago to tokyo unit, as well. the vice president of planning said that the two china routes were a colossal lossmaker for the company and, again, this is on the back of the higher fuel costs associated with that. united airline shares are down more than 22% this year. >> always great to have you with us, thanks so much. all right. still to come, axios mike allen has a look at this morning's one big thing. is paul manafort pardon on the table. he is considering the move for his freshly convicted campaign chairman. the president tries to distance himself from his former lawyer michael cohen as he looks to shift the blame over his hush money payments over allege affairs. senator dick durbin will discuss how democrats plan to address these scandals and more. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. all right. joining us now from a washington, d.c., with a look at axios am mike allen. good to have you with us this morning. what is the one big thing for us? >> what michael cohen told congress about that trump tower meeting about russia. so, guess who has won himself a trip to that big building right here behind me. michael cohen it looks like is going back to capitol hill. the senate intelligence committee is saying they want to reengage with him, like when your dad wants to reengage with you after you fail to do something. michael cohen, jonathan swann is reporting told the house and senate that he had no idea whether or not president trump knew in advance about the meeting. a number of news reports saying that michael cohen was prepared to tell mueller that the president did, in fact, know early and know in advance about that meeting about getting dirt on hillary clinton's campaign. so, a vital difference there. michael cohen's lawyer tells us that there's been no change in his testimony. he told them that he didn't know himself and he didn't know whether or not president trump knew. >> i know yesterday chuck todd asked that specific question, michael cohen back to d.c.? has he been cleared by the federal prosecutors of new york to go back? >> we are going to see him back. >> what will that do as far as his credibilities if there is discrepancies with that? >> exactly a great point. the other thing that this does is this keeps michael developments in the news almost every day, which is terrible if you're a republican campaign. when there's a scandal. like what feeds it? one of the things is new facts. one of the facts about the manafort/cohen situation, constant new facts. you have senanci ansentencing c for both of them. michael cohen back in congress. if you're a republican running for congress, you hate the fact that there is going to be continued new facts and that's not saying about what could come in, too. >> you are talking about how the facts could feed all of this ahead of the elections, how are democrats planning on cashing in politically speaking on all of the recent news involving manafort and cohen? >> they are licking their chops. if you're looking at house minority leader nancy pelosi twitter feed. she hopes she will be house speaker. she is using the #cultureofcorruption. you could expect to hear a lot about that from democrats. they're not going to talk about impeachment. they know impeachment could backfire and the president will seize on that, but democrats will have the corruption issue and it's not just everything that's going on around the white house. the number one, number two members of congress who endorsed the president have been indi indicted. insider trading charges in new york and the night, you can't make it up, the night of the cohen manafort revelations you had duncan hunter also charged. and, so, one top republican said to me, the republican party, if you're a regular voter out there, is starting to look like a criminal organization. >> culture of corruption, interesting term. we'll hear more of that. >> mike allen, we thank you. chris will be reading axios am in just a little while. just sign up at si that does it for us. "morning joe," everyone, starts right now.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181023 01:02:00

i think. investors drop saudi stocks in light of the caution case and the last of the big foreign companies pulls out of a key investment summit in riyadh officials are scrambling. just one notch above junk status a credit ratings downgrade for italy but other markets actually worry. joe kayser the c.e.o. of german industrial giant siemens announced today that he'll pull out of the davos in the desert now that's the massive investor conference set to begin this week in riyadh move may not be a surprise in the wake of the suspected murder of journalist jamal shogi but for kaiser and his company it's not an easy one. preparations are well underway the mood though is muted said his future investment initiative a conference known by some as davos and the desert kicks off in riyadh on tuesday but the number of participants is dwindling delicious business leader to pull out at the event is this man seaman c.e.o. joe kayser he announced his withdrawal following pressure to respond to allegations of saudi involvement in the killing of journalist jamal to shoot a turnaround to this last week when qasr said he was still planning to attend in a statement posted on his linked in profile he said i will not attend the future investment initiative twenty eighteen it's the cleanest decision but not the most courageous one and it's not a decision against the kingdom or its people it's a decision based on how much responsibility one can assume at one time for now the truth must be found and justice must be served. cases one of several business leaders who find themselves in a moral quandary in the run up to the saudi conference but the wording of his statement especially his eagerness not to condemn his would be host it's a reminder that for many companies this is primarily a tradeoff between profits and p.r. . he joins us now yes american firms were much quicker to pull out of this conference days ago it likely wasn't an easy decision for them either so what's at stake for a business. like this. well if you look at silicon valley for instance saudi investors are among the biggest investors into a u.s. take start ups in silicon valley but you also have a couple of big tech names being engaged in a multibillion dollar deal in saudi arabia and then u.s. president donald trump repeatedly talks about a possible one hundred ten billion dollar arms deal with saudi arabia the president also claims that one hundred thousand couple of thousand hundreds of thousands of jobs here in the united states are at stake in the defense industry even if experts are skeptical if those numbers are. too high but investor respect a lot seems to be at stake for u.s. business. let's move away from saudi arabia for a moment the coming week is a big one for investors with some major companies reporting their earnings telling what are investors looking for. their wall street is eager to hear what effect for example the higher tariffs might have fun you as a business is if the stronger dollar is. hurting some of their sales and then also we have higher commodity costs higher oil prices so there is one big question that wall street is having when we get numbers from companies like boeing ford harley davidson or caterpillar just to name a few and then also we had specially early on this year tech stocks on quite a run that has slowed a bit lately and we will get numbers from companies like alphabet amazon microsoft intel so it's really a heavy and very important week when it comes to earnings here on wall street. our financial correspondent in new york thank you yes. italy is in the e.u. to stay that's the message of prime minister josep a contact who says his country won't leave the european union but that it will stick to its deficit hike that's despite criticism from brussels contrary argues the economy needs a lift of the blocks biggest member state germany has warned rome to be careful with debt and moody's has recently cut italy's credit rating. italy's prime minister has defended the deficit busting budget insisting his country needs a new approach to stimulating the economy because previous efforts have failed in the second quarter growth slowed to its weakest pace in nearly two years in. the middle of a big market draft as well constructed and well formed the provisions for growth are very good in respect to what we are doing at the moment the. county has pledged that next year's deficit won't exceed two point four percent of g.d.p. but that's triple the previous government's forecast the italian leader said it would fall below two percent by two thousand and twenty one and he charan t. that the national debt to g.d.p. ratio would decline as well he also dismissed any suggestion that italy would leave the european union or the euro zone. read my lips. no chance no way to get it alexy there's no way to get out. many italian support runs tough stance against brussels and hope the increased spending will help kick start the economy. and i think all the election promises were kept so they did just fine even keeping their stance with europe which i think is the fundamental battle. by your home and not your pay i think that europe does not have to tell us what we have to do. because they are prejudiced against us the stopping comparison to other european countries are enough to confidently expect a yes the president. on tuesday the european commission is set to discuss and decide the next steps in the procedure for assessing italy's proposed budget for next year. now for more on this topic we're joined by dr john whittaker an economics researcher and professor at lancaster university in the u.k. and dr whitaker italy says it won't be and brussels rejection of its budget but what leverage does bustles really have in this case. well look at the downs of the rules known as the stability pact which has been around right since the beginning of the euro and we start trying to strengthen and change its name and those sorts of tricks to try and make it work but the stability pact has always been short of teeth that it doesn't bite the ultimate sanction has always been to find the country is running excessive deficits but no fine is ever been imposed and indeed we have all the crazy things to do to find a country that is in budget troubles so they try to rely on lots of surveillance and so-called successive deficit procedure makes it sound all sinister but if the stability pact works at all it's probably by causing reputational damage to a country that looks if it is running in a budget that's too great well what about market pressure in this case we know that moody's has downgraded italy's credit rating what does that mean exactly and what kind of pressure does that put on italy's government well it does in the sense that it's been raising the yields on its own in the telling government budget that telling governments bones that out about three and a whole percent of something which is i think it's a four or five year high if that creeps up a great deal more the danger is then that the taliban government will find it's difficult to borrow. that's a very bad position that reminds one of greece when greece was merely leaving the euro in two thousand and fifteen if the government can borrow well looks very much towards that it might have to abandon the euro and go back to his lira now we know the deficit spending is not unheard of especially when trying to stimulate an economy so why do analysts in this case look so concerned when they are speak in such concerned manner when they look at the italian budget. well you know you can make an argument for a government to do most men thing or you can make an argument for government to do less spending and in both cases the objective could be to bring down the government's debt. stimulus you have that's what the italian government is arguing but the rest of the european union and indeed other commentators seem to think that's the moment rogo for it and then i suppose it's all given its reputation even before he joined the euro the government there kind of reputation for spending too much and how big inflation may join the euro is to spend too much but it couldn't have inflation even though ended up with that it's a little being the limit during your country since the beginning of reputational problem people think that it's and his finances are going to get out of control. dr john would occur with lancaster university thanks for joining us carmaker fiat chrysler has agreed to sell its subsidiary mine yet the model a the auto parts supplier will be taken over by cal sonic khans eye from japan for six point two billion euros the deal will boost the japanese component makers operations in north america and europe chrysler had planned to float its subsidiary but was put off by low i.p.o. valuations for industrials the takeover will create the world's seventh largest independent car parts supplier. now ryanair has logged a seven percent fall in profit from april to september summer's a key season for europe's largest budget carrier but it took a hit from rising fuel costs and lackluster bookings that were marred by strikes ryanair says it will have to keep short haul tickets prices low prices low this winter and the carriers bracing for more damage cabin crews recently failed to remove an irate passenger who hurled racist insults at a woman a video of the incident was posted online. competition authorities in the u.s. and europe have approved the merger of two major industrial gas companies germany's lenda and u.s. based praxair the eighty billion dollars deal will create the world's biggest manufacturer of gases including oxygen huli yelling carbon dioxide the company's got the go ahead to merge after agreeing to sell off some assets including praxair is european gas business the deal is due to be completed within the coming days. that's it for us a business thanks for watching. kong w. . hy take this should. be ecological challenges. india a country that's always changing. with people working to create a sustainable future. into context from europe. india starts october twenty seventh on w. sometimes books are more exciting than real lives. raring to raise. the old. ones there's no escape. church or list during the streets. cozy


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181023 03:02:00

investors drop saudi stocks in light of the caution case and the last of the big foreign companies pulls out of a key investment summit in rio officials are scrambling. just one notch above junk status a credit ratings downgrade for italy but other markets actually worried. joe kayser the c.e.o. of german industrial giant siemens announced today that he'll pull out of the davos in the desert now that's the massive investor conference set to begin this week in riyadh move may not be a surprise in the wake of the suspected murder of journalist jamal. but for kaiser and his company it's not an easy one. preparations are well underway the mood though is muted said his future investment initiative a conference known by some as davos and the desert kicks off in riyadh on tuesday but the number of participants is dwindling delicious business leader to pleasure the event is this man seaman c.e.o. joe kayser he announced his withdrawal following pressure to respond to allegations of saudi involvement in the killing of journalist to malta shoot a turnaround since last week when qasr said he was still planning to attend in a statement posted on his linked in profile he said i will not attend the future investment initiative twenty eighteen it's the cleanest decision but not the most courageous one and it's not a decision against the kingdom or its people it's a decision based on how much responsibility one can assume at one time for now the truth must be found and justice must be served. cases one of several business leaders who find themselves in a moral quandary in the run up to the study conference but the wording of his statement especially his eagerness not to condemn his would be host is a reminder that for many companies this is primarily a tradeoff between profits and p.r. . our financial correspondent been following the. conference he joins us now from new york younes american firms were much quicker to pull out of this conference days ago it likely wasn't an easy decision for them either so what's at stake for a business. like this. well if you look at silicon valley for instance saudi investors are among the biggest investors into a u.s. take start ups in silicon valley but you also have a couple of big tech names being engaged in a multibillion dollar deal in saudi arabia and then u.s. president donald trump repeatedly talks about a possible one hundred ten billion dollar arms deal with saudi arabia the president also claims that one hundred thousand couple of thousand hundreds of thousands of jobs here in the united states are at stake in the defense industry even if experts are skeptical if those numbers are. too high but investor respect. a lot seems to be at stake for u.s. business. yes let's move away from saudi arabia for a moment the coming week is a big one for investors with some major companies reporting their earnings tell me what are investors looking for here wall street is eager to hear what effect for example the higher tariffs might have on you as a business is if the stronger dollar is. hurting some of their sales and then also we have higher commodity costs higher oil prices so there is one big question that wall street is having when we get numbers from companies like boeing ford harley davidson or caterpillar just to name a few and then also we had specially early on this year tech stocks on quite a run that has slowed a bit lately and we will get numbers from companies like alphabet amazon microsoft intel so it's really a heavy and very important week when it comes to earnings here on wall street. our financial correspondent in new york thank you yes. italy is in the e.u. to stay that's the message of prime minister josep a contact who says his country won't leave the european union but that it will stick to its deficit hike that's despite criticism from brussels contrary argues the economy needs a lift of the blocks biggest member state germany has warned rome to be careful with debt and moody's has recently cut italy's credit rating. italy's prime minister has defended the deficit busting budget insisting his country needs a new approach to stimulating the economy because previous efforts have failed in the second quarter growth slowed to its weakest pace in nearly two years in. the middle of a big market draft as well constructed and well formed the provisions for growth are very good in respect to what we are doing at the moment. he has pledged that next year's deficit won't exceed two point four percent of g.d.p. but that's triple the previous government's forecast the italian leader said it would fall below two percent by two thousand and twenty one and he cared that the national debt to g.d.p. ratio would decline as well he also dismissed any suggestion that italy would leave the european union or the euro zone read my lips. no chance no way to get it alexy there's no way to get out. many italian support runs tough stance against brussels and hope the increased spending will help kick start the economy. and i think all the election promises were kept so they did just fine even keeping their stance with europe which i think is the fundamental battle. of what i mean about your faith i think that europe does not have to tell us what we have to do also because they are prejudiced against us the stopping comparison to other european countries may not be confidently expect a yes they praise europe. on tuesday the european commission is set to discuss and decide the next steps in the procedure for assessing italy's proposed budget for next year. now for more on this topic we're joined by dr john whittaker an economics researcher and professor at lancaster university in the u.k. a doctor would occur italy says it won't be influenced by brussels rejection of its budget but what leverage does bustles really have in this case. well look as downs of the rules known as the stability pact which has been around right since the beginning of the euro we said try to strengthen and change its name and those sorts of tricks to try and make it work but the stability pact has always been short of teeth that it doesn't bite the ultimate sanction has always been to find the country is running excessive deficits but no fine is ever been imposed and indeed it would be at all the crazy thing to do to find a country that is in budget troubles so they try to rely on lots of surveillance so called success a deficit procedure makes it sound all sinister but if the stability pact works at all it's probably by causing reputational damage to a country that looks if it is running a budget that's too great well what about market pressure in this case we know that moody's has downgraded italy's credit rating what does that mean exactly and what kind of pressure does that put on italy's government well it does in the sense that it's been raising the yield on it and the telling government budget that telling governments bones then out about three and a whole percent of something which is i think it's a four or five year high if that creeps up a great deal more the danger is then that the taliban government will find it's difficult to borrow. that's a very bad position that reminds one of greece when greece was nearly leading the euro in two thousand and fifteen if the government can borrow well looks very much towards that it might have to abandon the let the euro go back to his lira. now we know the deficit spending is not unheard of especially when trying to stimulate an economy so why do analysts in this case look so concerned when they are to speak in such a concern manner when they look at the italian budget. well you know you can make an argument for a government to do most bending or you can make an argument for government to do less spending and in both cases the objective could be to bring down the government's debt. stimulus you have that's what the italian government is arguing but the rest of the european union and indeed other commentators seem to think that's don't row go for it and then i suppose it's all given its reputation even before he joined the euro the government there have that reputation for spending too much and how big inflation may join the euro is to spend too much but it couldn't have the inflation of the event ended up with its of that being the lowest during your country since the beginning of reputational problem people think that it's and his finances are going to get out of control dr john would occur with lancaster university thanks for joining us. carmaker fiat chrysler has agreed to sell its subsidiary mine yet. the auto parts supplier will be taken over by cal sonic cons from japan for six point two billion euros the deal will boost the japanese component makers operations in north america and europe chrysler had planned to float its subsidiary but was put off by low i.p.o. valuations for industrials the takeover will create the world's seventh largest independent car parts supplier. now ryanair has logged a seven percent fall in profit from april to september summer's a key season for europe's largest budget carrier but it took a hit from rising fuel costs and lackluster bookings that were marred by strikes ryanair says it will have to keep short haul tickets prices low prices low this winter and the carriers bracing for more damage cabin crews recently failed to remove an irate passenger who hurled racist insults at a woman a video of the incident was posted online. competition authorities in the u.s. and europe have approved the merger of two major industrial gas companies germany's lenda and u.s. based praxair the eighty billion dollars deal will create the world's biggest manufacturer of gases including oxygen helium and carbon dioxide the company's got the go ahead to merge after agreeing to sell off some assets including european gas business the deal is due to be completed within the coming days. that's it for us a business that's watching. the . magazine on. ecological challenges. india a country that's always changing. with people working to create a sustainable future. and to projects from europe. india starts october twenty seventh on t w. climate change. sustainability. environmental. globalization affect biodiversity seasons or exploitation. human rights displacement sold through the global and current local action. three thousand. link to some from the world join us on facebook g.w. . closely. carefully. the soon. to do good. discover. the sun. subscribe to my documentary on to.


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181117 15:00:00

i'll. get you to africa starts december twelfth on w. . this is day to really news live from berlin and the cia concludes the order to kill jamal khashoggi kang from the top. u.s. intelligence agency reportedly pins the dissident journalists to death on powerful saudi crown prince mohammed bin selman this is washington warns it will hold his killers responsible also coming up. protests in france turned deadly one woman dies and dozens of others are injured as thousands of block roads to demonstrate against rising fuel costs and recovery teams press on with this search for the remains of those still missing in california's wildfires we get the latest from one of the devastated communities. i'm rebecca races welcome to the program the cia believes saudi arabia's powerful crown prince mohammed bin solomon ordered the killing of journalist jamal khashoggi that's according to a report in the washington post citing sources familiar with the matter the u.s. says about accountability for those found responsible u.s. president donald trump says he's not yet been briefed on the cia findings. he has consistently denied having any involvement but now mohammed bin salomon is firmly in the spotlight of blame the washington post says the cia has concluded saudi arabia's de facto ruler is directly tied to the killing. and is briefing the u.s. government about his involvement calling him volatile and arrogant because shock she a critic of the saudi government and columnist for the washington post was killed at the saudi consulate in istanbul on october the second when he went there to pick up documents he needed for his marriage to a turkish woman. the crown prince has so far evaded direct accusations and vowed to bring the killers to justice. first of all the crime was really painful to all saudis and i believe it is painful to every human in the world it is a humorous crime that cannot be justified. but these latest developments put his position in doubt the washington post says that the cia reached its conclusions after examining sources of intelligence including a phone call that the prince's brother bin selman made sticker shock she on mohammed bin salmond's command in the phone calls lead to the saudi ambassador to the u.s. is said to have encouraged to go to the consulate with assurances he would be safe to do so leaders vehemently denied any such claims on twitter he said i never talked to him by phone and certainly never suggested he go to turkey for any reason because shock she's visit to the consulate and in his death but the washington post says it isn't clear whether knew he would be killed the developments are likely to complicate president trump's efforts to preserve ties with his key ally trump has so far resisted pinning the blame for the killing on mohammed bin but he might not be able to hold to that if the cia's position is that the crown prince himself ordered a murderer. well for more we're joined by is time correspondent yulia han. said all along with the sound of government must be responsible is there a sense of vindication there in turkey now well let's remember the cia has so far not officially confirmed these media reports that might be one of the reasons why we haven't heard of any official reactions here in turkey yet president out on may comment on the matter later but i think it's safe to assume that for this is a good news they have been trying to internationalize the whole investigation getting other countries on board a turkish president out on himself said that this is a murder premeditated murder was ordered out to quote the highest level of highest levels of the saudi government but he fell short of directly blaming crown prince mohammed bin saddam and now the cia findings as cited by the washington post are the most direct u.s. assessment to date linking the crown prince with the midst of a murder that's directly contradicting the saudi narrative the saudis still maintain that the crown prince had absolutely nothing to do with it now the new findings the report seem to play into the turkish government's hands yesterday there was a phone call between president adeline and u.s. president trump and according to this they agreed to make sure that they get to the bottom of this murder so how they come to some kind of understanding it's going to be really interesting how this will play out how the u.s. president trump will react because as you mentioned so far he did not directly blame the crown prince in order to protect relations with saudi arabia a close u.s. ally right and what's the latest on the investigation there into what happened to body. well many here have given up hope that the body or remains of the body will ever be found yesterday there was a funeral prayer here at a mosque in istanbul in absentia to honor the slain saudi rider turkish authorities investigators say he was killed his members and they're also looking into the possibility that his body was deceived in acid so not much hope left that they will ever find the body and just briefly the turkish government doesn't normally provoke promote press freedom why as i came to uncover the truth in this case well you're right according to n.g.o.s turkey has a terrible record when it comes to press freedom freedom of opinion in general but treating this case as a completely different matter to them it's also a violation of territorial integrity a team of saudi agents came to murder a journalist a saudi national inside the saudi consulate here in turkey so that's why they're really pressing and pushing for this investigation to go forward and it's also about regional power dynamics let's remember turkey and saudi arabia have a number of problems the qatar blockade being one of them so this is also about leadership in the region. certainly sounds like a lot more to be uncovered in this case you leon in istanbul thanks very much. in france one woman has died and dozens of others have been injured during protests against the rising cost of fuel the so-called yellow vests have mobilized thousands to demonstrate against president crohn's reform policies which include higher taxes on gasoline and diesel drivers are blocking k. roads across the country from the interior minister says there are protests of more than one thousand locations. well let's bring in data we report this if he has been following this story for us i mean high that this is one of the biggest protests against president policy tell us that a little bit about the background of it it's a really fascinating story actually because the background it just picked up in the last month and a half maybe even a month back on october eighteenth if you want to find like a day when you can say this movement began a woman named just lean more whole she posted a video to facebook where she talked about rising gas prices how she couldn't afford to pay for gas and for the rest of her life got six million views on facebook and people started calling for a protest they named november seventeenth as a possible date for this then there was another video that got posted and this is where the this symbol of the yellow jacket kind of got associated with the movement a man named. he's just a technician from narbonne he's sitting in his car he poses this video where calls on people to to use the yellow jacket which all french people carry in their cars as a road regulation to use this as a symbol of solidarity let's take a look at this video. those who support this movement maybe you're at work maybe you can well look we all have a yellow safety vest in our cause throw it on the dashboard so everyone can see it the whole week until the seventeenth a little color code to show that you're with the movement who's in and who's not so that will motivate people that will say while they still exists everywhere it's a sign this might actually be big it's not just talk. now this fee about five million views on facebook and counting it's still going viral as we speak because of these protests but he called again for a november november seventeenth protests and you could see after this a lot of people wearing these jackets and just days later a facebook page called. seventeen november calling for the protests got created and really took off from there but i wasn't organized by any kind of like labor association or anything so with a confrontation yes these protests you could say spontaneous if you mean fast but there was a lot of organization that went into this after this facebook page got created that i was talking about a lot of people join has twenty over twenty five thousand followers and kind of a network established itself a network that eventually came together in person so these are real physical meetings and they created actually an interactive map where people could see where the bloke where the the stoppages were people were going to park their cars on the seventeenth of november you could go into this map and see what where these stoppages were going to happen we can take a look at the map now you can kind of maybe we don't have a map for you but you can zoom in on certain areas of france and you see these little yellow vests to mark where the protests are going to happen so it's really be driven on social media this campaign what are people saying about today's protests it's trending on twitter several hundred thousand tweets about this but if you just look through twitter a lot of support it had seventy over seventy percent of the french population according to some polls supported this and yet you can my favorite is actually this one post from the guy who did this video in his truck he said that you just posted a picture of people out on the street you can just see hundreds of people marching along the street and you pose this picture saying wow and it was as simple as that wow credible i mean if thanks very much thank you. now to some of the other stories making news around the world thousands have turned out in hong kong for the city's annual pride parade marches demonstrated for equal rights and an end to discrimination against the old g.b.t. community hong kong judges recently ruled that same sex partners are entitled to visas even though the territory doesn't recognize same sex unions. tension between the u.s. and china has overshadowed the asian pacific economic summit in pup and you give me some what has become a later stage for disputes between the two countries over trade and regional security washington warned members that china's plans for a new trade route threaten their sovereignty. argentina's navy has found a missing submarine one year after it disappeared with forty four crewmen on board the sun sun one same here in archive footage was detected nearly a thousand meters deep in waters off patagonia according to the navy those subs suffered an on board explosion in november last year. and unmanned cargo rocket has blasted off from the u.s. state of virginia carries much needed supplies for the international space station and comes just hours after a shipment by the russian space agency in october the last manned mission had to perform an emergency landing and was unable to send supplies. and fears are growing that more people may have died in california's raging wildfires the remains of woman seventy people have so far been identified but the list of those still missing has soared beyond one thousand nine displaced residents are expecting a visit from president donald trump today as california also struggles with toxic air. with the fire comes a new danger smoke. and it has reached san francisco where air pollution levels now rank among the highest in the world health warnings prompted widespread school closings even the city's main tourist attractions was shut. the small arjen a some three hundred kilometers to the north the town of paradise has been reduced to ashes it's the epicenter of california's deadliest ever wildfire and the death toll is likely to rise. search and rescue workers are trying to find any sort of remains that could help identify those missing. where you've you feel terrible for these people and devastating for them like couldn't imagine coming back here this is my home. your whole proof that we if there are missing people we can find them and bring some closure to people that need that. those affected are in desperate need of assistance some hope then that once there is it by us president donald trump will increase attention to their plight. we're going to present to bring the conversation we're going to take a look at the. partridge and more airplanes are still going on no time to relax if you want to understand what we're going through out here you got to be here it's not something you can just see on t.v. you know others us get to kill off the president's intentions. i think is just showboating to come in and try to take credit for use unsalted to firefighters. police the military handicap women. the campfire is only one of several blazes still ravaging the state scientists believe the growing frequency and intensity of such wildfires is due to a prolonged drought which is symptomatic of climate change stuff


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ev for their next car. cbs's ben tracy shows us that while drivers may be pumping the brakes on electrics, hybrid sales are in the fast lane. >> reporter: at this ford f-150 plant in dearborn, michigan,... >> every 53 seconds, we have a truck come off this assembly line >> reporter: production manager cortni reeves says one out of every seven trucks being made on the day we visited was a hybrid. >> a year ago, it was 1 ou 1 out of 10. >> reporter: 1 out of 10? so 30% increase. >> correct. really demanding this product. >> reporter: hybrids run on both battery power and gasoline. sales surged with a 3% in 2023, to a record high. hybrids now make up 9% of new car sales compared to about 7% for electric vehicles. >> featuring hybrid max power train. >> reporter: they are popular with consumers who want to save on fuel costs but may be reluctant to buy and ev because of price or concerns about charging infrastructure.


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