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terms of the husband, what did she offer about him, about his condition and where he is? well, that was one of the things that she really was very keen to get across, brooke, and there were times in the interview she was emotional and trying to pull back and saying to me, we do not want to appear weak. you know, at this time in front of the world, we want to show them that we will, as she said, we will live and die in libya. those who believe we are going anywhere are themselves mistaken, because this is our country. nima elbagir to land that interview, and only the resources of cnn international, and thank you so much. and the conventional wisdom on sarah palin has done a full 180 in the space of 24 hours. she had dropped off of the radar and the national conversation on the 2012 presidential race, but then word came of a movie to make the debut in the all places of iowa and word of a possible
light to search osama bin laden s compound in pakistan. what they hope to find. those details ahead. a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael s canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. the count on chevy event is here. your ticket to a cruze eco. 42 mpg and over 500 highway miles a tank. one of our 9 models over 30 mpg highway. fuel up, rock on. very well qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on a chevy cruze eco for around $159 a month. or qualified buyers can get no monthly payments for 3 months. fuel economy based on epa estimates. deferred payments offer ends may 31st.