In just over a decade in Canada, St. Vincent native Gabriel Allahdua has transformed himself from a migrant farm worker to an advocate for worker’s rights, an activist-in-residence in university and now an author of a memoir.
In just over a decade in Canada, St. Vincent native Gabriel Allahdua has transformed himself from a migrant farm worker to an advocate for worker’s rights, an activist-in-residence in university and now an author of a memoir.
In just over a decade in Canada, St. Vincent native Gabriel Allahdua has transformed himself from a migrant farm worker to an advocate for worker’s rights, an activist-in-residence in university and now an author of a memoir.
The University of Guelph has named Gabriel Allahdua its first activist-in-residence, a role based at the Grounded and Engagement Theory Lab (GET Lab) in the College of Arts.
The University of Guelph has named Gabriel Allahdua its first activist-in-residence, a role based at the Grounded and Engagement Theory Lab (GET Lab) in the College of Arts.