Destiny 2 Update 2.09 (3.0.2) Nerfs Shatterdrive and Fissures - Patch Notes
On 1/19/21 at 1:55 PM EST
Destiny 2 update 3.0.2 has just arrived on PS4 as version 2.09, and the substantial patch adds a few nerfs that Stasis Hunters likely won t be happy with. Shatterdrive and Whisper of Fissures are now a bit weaker than they used to be. Read the full patch notes below courtesy of a blog post.
Destiny 2
update 3.0.2 (version 2.09) patch notes Destiny 2 update 3.0.2 has arrived on PS4 as version 2.09. Read the full patch notes below. Destiny 2 is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC and Stadia.