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So this is Christmas. Well, not like any other. Oh no, not in 2020. The LGBTQ ATL will ride the weird wave of slow science and uneven government toward the New Year.
This issue of Q ATLus magazine navigates your way with activities, advice, holiday happenings and twists on tradition. Local gaymer guru Gamemaster Herb kicks us off in Q Voices with a call for specifically queer holidays just for us.
Speaking of dumping old ways, Q ATLus finds you at home this week, so we found things to do in town and across North Georgia that might make your heart glad. Q Events lists even more virtual and distanced stuff to fill your calendar.
Heretic, 2019 by Russ Bowen-Youngblood
Seasonal blowouts, theme parties, community efforts and Ethel Merman. Atlanta’s virtual and in-person weekend events are all laid out for the taking, because some o’ y’all need a little Christmas, right this very minute.
Scroll on, and click on the events that grab you for more information.
Friday, Dec. 18
Code Red.The dance crowd turns out for DJ Cindel’s driving beats, with masks and social distancing enforced @ Heretic, 10 p.m.
Ethel Merman Disco Spectacular.A recording of the 2018 holiday hit streams online for fans of Atlanta’s LGBTQ theater troupe @ Out Front Theatre, now through Dec. 27. It’s a valiant pandemic pivot for the theater.