In the present world of globalization, movies are the most powerful and influential medium of art. Movies can help us better understand our lives, culture, and societies of those not directly linked to us. In addition, movies shed light on political and spiritual matters and broaden our understanding, critical thinking, and feelings. Pakistan and China enjoyed more than 70 years of friendship. They cooperated in several sectors; however, there is no cooperation in the entertainment industry/film industry that might be a pivotal medium for both countries to improve their understanding. This review was aimed to find out the possible hurdles and problems that prevent Chinese movies from screening in Pakistani cinemas. Furthermore, possible suggestions are discussed that could allow the Chinese movies to screen in Pakistani cinema in the future. In this digital era, movies could play a vital role in strengthening friendship and enhancing the understanding between the two iron brothers.
Experts from two think tanks in the US and China shared their thoughts about Asian hate issues in the US and analyzed causes of and possible solutions to the chronic "hatred and racism", which US President Joe Biden has called "the ugly poison that has long haunted and plagued our nation".