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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20150113

and good evening from north texas tonight. and we are here this evening, millions of americans will be watching the first college football playoff national championship and we'll take you behind the scenes, the two quarterbacks, the coaches, the stakes a bit later here. but first, as we come on the air this evening, french authorities are now warning that they are on the hunt for other members of that terror cell behind those horrific attacks in france. including this woman. the most wanted woman in the world, believed to have slipped into syria. and here at home tonight, a hack attack on a twitter account run by the u.s. military, the chilling message, "i love isis" and the new threat. and this evening, urgent new warnings. homeland security being stepped up across the country. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross leading us off from new york. brian? >> reporter: well good evening david. french officials confirm to abc news tonight, they are urgently searching for possible terrorists on the loose. people who they fear are well armed and dangerous. as french authorities tonight search for other members of the terror cell, new video emerged of two that got away. on the right, hayat boumedienne, the girlfriend of the gunman at the paris grocery store, and on the left, another alleged accomplice seen at this turkish immigration checkpoint last week. french authorities say they left paris just before the attack and moved first to madrid, then istanbul before crossing the border into syria, where today, they were reported by isis followers to have arrived in the terrorist stronghold city of raqqah. >> she is outside of the reach of french law enforcement and it's going to be difficult even to conduct surveillance of her activities while she's in syria. >> reporter: as for her boyfriend, officials are analyzing this so-called martyrdom tape, recorded by amedy coulibaly, swearing allegiance to isis and the surprising array seen of the firepower he somehow accumulated. the two other paris attackers, the kouachi brothers, also had their own deadly arsenal, as seen in these surveillance photos made public today, showing them holding up a gas station with a disposable rocket launcher over the shoulder of one of them. powerful enough to stop an armored vehicle. an incredibly serious military weapon. but it was another isis weapon today that got the attention of the u.s. military. the terror group's followers using keystrokes instead of kalashnikovs to take over the twitter feed and youtube channels of the u.s. military's central command, headquarters for american efforts against the terrorists. the hackers posted isis videos, and issued this threat -- "american soldiers, we are coming, watch your back." >> and brian is back with us now. and brian, when we learned of this hack attack today, so many wondering, was any classified information put at risk by this? >> reporter: well david, the military says no classified information was involved. but the apparent ability of the terror group's followers to deliver their threat on a military site of the u.s. has led the fbi tonight to announce it has launched a full investigation. david? >> brian ross tonight. brian, thank you. and let's get right to abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas with us tonight. and pierre, federal authorities with new warnings this evening? >> reporter: david, in the wake of those paris attacks, there's fresh evidence tonight that federal authorities are deeply concerned about new calls for violence by isis against the u.s. homeland. so, in the past few hours, authorities have announced passengers at airports can expect more screening and more random searches of their carry-on luggage. also, more federal government buildings and monuments in more u.s. cities around the country will get stepped-up security. no specific plot has been identified, but over the weekend, isis reposted a video on twitter with this ominous message -- "strike their soldiers, strike their police, security and intelligence members." david? >> pierre thomas with us tonight, as well. pierre, thank you. and this evening, an unprecedented show of force across france. 10,000 additional troops at the eiffel tower. many deployed to jewish synagogues, to schools. and new images this evening from inside the siege of that kosher store. hostages huddled in a freezer. as another survivor, the one hiding under a sink at that printing office, revealing that the terrorists were drinking out of the sink above him without even knowing he was there. abc's chief foreign correspondent terry moran in paris. >> reporter: they are going to war here against the enemy within. armed troops are now deployed on the streets of paris, and by tomorrow, 10,000 soldiers will be on patrol throughout france, guarding against the next attack. nearly half of those troops ordered to protect synagogues and jewish schools. we saw them, soldiers at the school doors. at this synagogue, where troops patrolled, too, robert told us his son refused to go to school today. >> he said, please, papa, don't let me go alone. bring me to school, bring me back, so -- >> reporter: your son is afraid to go to school alone? >> alone, yes. >> reporter: because he's a jew. >> because of this situation, of course. >> reporter: all this following that attack on the kosher market and other recent anti-semitic incidents. today, extraordinary new images from inside that kosher market, during the standoff. a frightened child cradled and hushed. terrified customers hiding in a freezer. and for the first time today, in that other standoff where the kouachi brothers took over a print shop, the man who hid under a sink, for eight hours, and helped police storm the building, speaks out. the terrorists came so close, just a few inches away. "he came back towards my cupboard, to the one where i was hidden," he said remembering how close one of the brothers came. "and he drank from the tap just above me." and the battle here continues on another front. the surviving staff of charlie hebdo magazine saying they will print 3 million copies of their next edition. tonight, releasing the cover of that issue. a cartoon of the prophet muhammad holding a "je suis charlie," "i am charlie" sign. and above him, the worldds "all is forgiven." david? >> terry, thank you. and over the weekend, we know millions gathering in france. a show of unity. including more than 40 world leaders. the french president, the german chancellor arm in arm with dozens of leaders there. president obama, vice president biden were not there and this evening, the white house under fire. acknowledging they should have done more. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl pressed the white house today and here's what they said. >> reporter: you said, you should have sent somebody with a higher profile. why? >> the american people stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies in france. and sending a high level, highly visible senior administration official with a high profile to that march would have done that. >> jon karl at the white house today. and we do move on now, and this evening, to a dangerous commute home for millions. just take a look at this tonight. in colorado, a car swerving off the road. just miles away a sinkhole opening up. in indianapolis tonight, ice storm warnings on i-70. further east, in north carolina, heavy rains flooding, water up to the rearview mirror. even here in dallas this weekend, where we were getting ready for the game, blustery winds, frigid cold. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano at the weather wall for us. rob? >> reporter: good evening, david. the rain, snow and ice that plagued so many americans is moving out. no big storms in the near term with the exception of some snow in the rocky mountains in the next 24 hours. the big story is this big blue h, which means more cold air coming down the pike. there is light at the end of the tunnel. a big shift in the beginning of next week. temperatures likely to be above average for just about everyone. and these red areas will be well above average. that means minneapolis, rapid city, south dakota, you'll be above freezing. so, sound the trumpets there. but places like new york, 42 degrees for a high on saturday. that's just barely above freezing. don't get too excited and don't put the winter coat away just yet. david? >> we won't get too excited, yeah. rob marciano, thank you. and now, to new mexico tonight. and to a case involving a police body cam, a s.w.a.t. team helmet. tonight, two police officers charged with murder after what was a four-hour standoff with a homeless man. all caught on tape. you can see the s.w.a.t. team, weapons raised, closing in before they opened fire. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: watch as the man appears to follow orders and surrender to albuquerque police. >> do it. >> reporter: but seconds after that warning shot, the fatal moment. >> get on the ground! [ gunfire ] >> reporter: the four-hour standoff was recorded on police helmet cameras and now this video will become the key evidence in this case. today, detective keith sandy and s.w.a.t. team member dominique perez, charged with murder in the death of james boyd. the march shooting, one of several to spark a federal investigation into a department long accused of excessive force. boyd, who was homeless, seen here after the shooting, holding two knifes. >> unlike ferguson and unlike in new york city, you know, some recent high profile cases, we're going to know. the public's going to have that information. >> there was an absolute perceived threat. >> reporter: officers say they will fight the charges. if convicted, they face up to life in prison. cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> cecilia, thank you. and around the world tonight, and to indonesia now. the black boxes from that doomed air asia flight have now been found. one under the wing of the plane. brought to the surface by divers. the other, still wedged under heavy wreckage. unable to get to it yet. and now, the reason we're here in arlington, texas, tonight, the big game under way right now. the first ever college football national championship. ohio state, oregon more than 80,000 fans. and two quarterbacks who you are about to meet. as you come off interstate 30 here in north texas, you can't miss it. at&t stadium, home of the cowboys. but tonight, it's all about the buckeyes and the ducks. behind the scenes, they were getting ready for the big moment. the final boxes arriving. the shirts, the sweatshirts that say it all. the college football national championship. getting access to the field here and really everywhere you look, in fact, you can see the star up above here a reminder that we're really here in the home of the cowboys here in arlington, texas. and tonight, for the big game, every one of these seats, sold out. 80,000 seats of this stadium. and the story of these two young quarterbacks tonight couldn't be more different. oregon has heisman trophy winner marcus mariota, who said this when they knew they'd made it to the championship. >> you know i'm just proud of these guys and, you know we got one more to take care of. >> reporter: and he's a hero back home. take the students at o'hara catholic school in eugene, oregon. where they are all majoring in marcus. >> what jersey number is marcus mariota? >> reporter: even spanish class. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i want you to do each pose. >> reporter: there's even a yoga class where they practice their own heisman technique. >> heisman trophy pose. >> reporter: tonight, they are proud and praying. >> amen. and go ducks! >> reporter: meantime, for ohio state's quarterback, cardale jones, tonight is a defining moment. he was not the one who was supposed to be here. ohio state losing not one, but two quarterbacks this season. cardale, in just his third career start tonight -- >> we just need the guys to step up at the right time and the right places and we did and it drew us closer. >> reporter: back home in east cleveland, at the only all-male public high school, the ginn academy, the football coach, the mentor, remembers an at-risk kid. >> a lot of diamonds that people just walk around and just look over because they don't look good. so, i pick them up and i polish them up. >> reporter: and when asked what he sees with cardale on this field? >> i see a diamond. >> reporter: and from his mentor tonight, who became a sort of mom to him over the years, tears. tonight, he's revealed he's blocked all calls, accepting only text messages from her and his coach. ohio state head coach urban meyer knows the pressure on his quarterback. >> oh, we're an underdog. we got a guy who has played you know two ball games. and -- we're the underdog. >> reporter: and among the coaches on the other side from oregon running back coach gary campbell, coming home to texas. i knew i would feel underdressed next to you. he's the longest-serving college football coach at one school. 32 years. and he's known for his suits. 52 suits or am i behind -- am i behind? >> well, i just bought three more. >> reporter: oh, no. he grew up here in texas during segregation. and was the first black player on his team at ennis high school. >> and that's my best friend, harry. >> reporter: he was the quarterback. >> he was my quarterback. >> reporter: and he is still connected to that quarterback all these years later. and because of you, he gets a ticket to the game. and it's a ticket that's hard to come by. it's estimated the nfl brings in $10 billion a year. college football now bringing in $5 billion. and that revenue is growing faster than the nfl. and now comes the new debate. the argument is that these schools benefit greatly from the faces of these incredibly talented players. >> all involved make lots of money. coaches salaries that are $6 million, $7 million, $7.5 million a year. >> reporter: more than the nfl now, in some cases. >> more than the nfl, exactly. and i think the players are right looking around, saying, we're the ones making this possible. can we just get a little bit more? >> reporter: a first step, giving money to the families of the players, getting help paying for the trip to the game tonight. and for those young minds back in eugene, oregon, practicing their moves, or the young men in cleveland, diamonds in the making, their heroes on the field here tonight. a lot of young faces inspired by both of these quarterbacks. robin has been here all weekend long with us and robin, the pressure these two quarterbacks are going to face here on the field tonight. >> you would think a heisman trophy winner would be able to handle it better and probably he will. and when you think about the fact that he's only thrown three interceptions the entire season just 13 for his career so he always shows a lot of poise. and then cardale jones, the two starts, the two big wins, you'd think he'd get a big head, but just the opposite. he actually blocked the contacts of his cell phone to only his coaches, teammates and family to get through. because he wants to focus. so, they -- i just saw them arrive here at the stadium. not too long ago. they've got their game faces on. >> laser focus on this game. but in the meantime you have covered so many super bowls, march madness. a lot of folks are saying what took college football so long for a championship like this? >> well first off, this feels like the super bowl. i have covered a lot of sports, but this has a bigger feel to it. what took so long? money. and tradition. college players, college teams, college universities, they like to play the bowl games. it's part of tradition. that's what sports is all about is tradition. and they didn't want to give up the revenue. they found a way to combine the bowl system with the playoff system and keep in mind, david, had we not had the system in place, alabama would most likely be playing florida state. >> that's right. and those are the two teams who lost to the two teams who are going to take the field here tonight. >> opportunity tonight. we'll watch the game together. >> i got better seats than you. >> i think you do. robin, thank you. see you on "gma" first thing in the morning. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. the former nfl player falling overboard. nine miles offshore, switching swimming to try to save his life. rescuers so close, but unable to spot him. george clooney's golden moment. the jokes about him and his new wife, and then his unexpected tribute. and made in america is back for this history-making game here in texas. one thing on the field here tonight, and here's a hint. you can't play the game without it. hey, how you doin'? 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the wilson football, and it's making an appearance right here tonight. in the last four months, we've taken you to more than a half dozen factories across america. north of boston for those randolph sunglasses. south of los angeles -- the famous mag lite flashlight. and tonight, we're pulling into aida, ohio, population, 6,000. where tucked between the farms and neighborhoods, their water tower was the first sign we had arrived. inside, 130 workers stitch and lace wilson footballs. >> i try to make the best footballs that i can every day. >> reporter: every day, hand-crafting about 4,000 of them. >> i don't know that you can make it by machine, because to me, it takes craftsmen to do it. >> reporter: it's an intense four-part process. first, patterns are hand-cut, sewn together. virginia owen, a new hire here, just four months. virginia passes the ball to husband and wife team mark and donna connelly, who turn the ball inside out and lace it up. they met here on the line. they've been married 20 years. what do their four children think of this? >> they think it's awesome. they get to see that ball on the field just like we do. >> reporter: and finally, the balls are filled with air before being shipped off to the game. where we were waiting for them, right here at at&t stadium. so this is the big delivery here, huh? every one of them, hand-inspected to meet those strict regulations. >> the industry got together, said, wilson, you make the rules because you make the best footballs. >> reporter: you set the standard. >> we set the standard. >> reporter: and we love this part of it. you have the buckeyes and then you've got made in america. >> made in the usa. >> reporter: and fans from all over the country wanted in. you got to show these ohio state fans who want some of these wilson footballs. those workers tonight watching the game for more than just the players. they have three words in mind. >> made in america! >> and that is "world news tonight" from texas. the big game on espn and i'l


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Now 20150113

i found out the hard way... not all washes take care of intimate odor. vagisil odor block wash stops odor from happening for all day confidence. when you feel fresh all day you feel confident. vagisil. your intimate health experts. authorities in virginia found no evidence of the infamous rape the uva first described in that rolling stone magazine. they say they are investigating but uva reinstated the fraternity at the heart of the allegations. the philadelphia enquirer is reporting a settlement maybe in the works between ncaa and penn state over the way the school handled the jerry sandusky scandal. the paper says there are several scenarios are under consideration, one is restoring 111 victories stripped from joe paterno. a former nfl player who spent years proving his athleticism on the field is celebrated for an amazing feat off the field. >> that was no game. rob konrad survived a 16 hour swim. mara schiavocampo has more. >> even the hard-hitting world of professional football couldn't prepare former miami dolphins full youback rob konrad for this challenge. the 38-year-old recovering after a harrowing ordeal at sea. his wife by his side. >> realized i was in real trouble. >> reporter: after falling off his 36-foot fishing boat while reeling in a big catch off the south florida coast, his boat on autopilot toured the bahamas, konrad was all alone without a life jacket nine miles off shore so he started swimming. >> bit by jellyfish and circled by a shark. >> reporter: along the way missing two rescue attempts, spotting a fishing boat 50 yards away and coast guard helicopters circling overhead. finally reaching dry land after 16 hours. >> i've got two beautiful daughters. i was hitting that shore. >> the former dolphin swimming to safety. mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> what a story. >> that's incredible that he was able to make it. these guys are great athletes. maybe that kicked in and worked out for him. >> remember diana nyad. >> did she ever complete that? she tried and tried. >> she did. she admires him. she said for taking his life in his own hands and deciding he was going to save himself. >> great story. next half hour here, something caught on camera here. frightening moments at a ski resort. a 9-year-old boy dangles from the chair lift falling 20 feet. what caused the accident and how to protect yourself at the slopes. warm up with oatmeal. how about some elvis style oatmeal? we are going to the insomniac kitchen next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. today there is only one park for every 14,000 americans. connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. woman: she wants to be home with her friends. but at this moment she's fighting a brain tumor. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit ♪ >> t.j. was saying this is oat mete meal music. >> january is national oatmeal month. >> most foods get a day. but oatmeal gets' month. a whole month dedicated to oatmeal. for more let's head to the insomniac kitchen. >> reporter: it's freezing out right now, a nice bowl of oatmeal would hit the spot. let's check out oatmeals with a twist. right here at oat meals in new york city. >> when i was in college, i put on a lot of weight here in new york city because i loved food. i started to think of how to eat healthy and started to eat oatmeal. quickly i was having it for lunch and dinner, not just breakfast and i was experimenting with fun topping. it is so great, that oats you can look at them like rice or risotto. they take on the flavor of whatever you put in there. we're going to do one sweet and one savory oatmeal? >> yes, the elvis bowl and sun dried tomato pesto. >> what is elvis bowl. >> it is elvis presley sandwich, it's like an oatmeal twist on that. bananas, peanut butter honey. bacon. it's a really good one. steel cut oatmeal topped with banana, bacon, some peanut butter and honey. then a little sea salt to bring out all of the flavors. >> that looks delicious. i think elvis would approve. >> that's a good one. >> i would never think to make this into an oatmeal. it completely works. >> oatmeal is awesome. you can do all sorts of things with it. >> now we'll switch gears and go with the savory oatmeal. what do you have for us. >> i will start with the parmesan oatmeal bowl. i will start with the parmesan cheese. >> okay. >> we will shave some parmesan over the top. any kind of cheeses work well with oatmeal. i have some sun-dried tomatoes. >> okay. >> so this is also one you could do at home easily. and then some pesto. >> okay. and pesto is essentially basil ground with olive oil. >> pine nuts and also some parmesan cheese in there, as well. >> this is basically like about italian pasta dish with oatmeal swapped out. >> exactly. oats instead of pasta. >> i love the combination of pesto with tomato and cheese. >> yeah. >> it feels like you are eating an actual pasta dish without the heaviness. >> exactly. >> thank you so much. it is delicious. no problem. >> okay. i got the elvis stuff over here. >> dig in. >> i don't mind if i do. [ laughter ] all right. banana, bacon, peanut butter and oatmeal. >> yes, yes. what do you think? >> that ain't half bad. >> really? look at you. and i have the sun dried tomato pesto and parmesan. >> that ain't half bad. >> who knew? >> i wasn't sure. i wasn't sure. >> savory oatmeal. >> they threw me off on the pesto on that one and it works. >> who knew savory oatmeal. >> you put bacon in anything and it is going to work. >> our thanks to the folks at oatmeals. o the folks at oatmeals. male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what 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look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. ♪ let's mix it up. the special football edition. i called it the super bowl but they told me it is not the super bowl last night. picture day in ohio, one brave soul. look at this one. he chose to wear an oregon jersey. he is a guy on the left and you see the kids on the right wearing ohio state jerseys. the principal tweeted out this photo and god bless the lone duck fan. >> he made it home safely. and tomorrow he will get a hard time at school because we see what happened in that game. his team lost miserably. next up we will continue with the theme of the national championship game and show you something that happened. tell me what is wrong with this picture. yeah, this is the ohio state, the cheerleaders running out at the beginning of the game. there is something missing there. ohio is a four-letter word. ohio state do this before every game and the o is missing. a lot of people made fun of it and had a good time, they screwed up but the truth is the cheerleader who was carrying the o at the end got run over by her own team in the tunnel. >> what? >> she was trampled apparently. she is okay but the o fell, she fell, got run over. she's all right but that explains why this mishap took place. >> they are known for incredible formations and really terrific. >> we knew something was up. next up, what do we have, how about the wrap that looks like -- you want to go with the pimp suit or the newhart. >> i want to do the suit. >> fashion before football. >> oregon running back coach gary campbell. look at that purple suit. ♪ purple suit purple suit ♪ he apparently has 70 of them, 70 suits. he wore this to the pregame. what did they call it the warmup section of the show. >> pregame, before the game starts. >> before the game. he should have wore it the whole time. he has 52 purple suits. he's been there for more than 30 years. he looks great. he reminds me of the joker from "batman." >> that's legit. >> he looks great. whatever it is it worked. his team won. >> i am wondering mr. campbell if you have a purple suit i could borrow for tomorrow's show. >> the last one. the ref, everybody was talking about the referee. put the picture up. the guy on the left. everybody was paying attention and said, wait a minute, he bears a striking resemblance to none other than mr. bob newhart. newhart got wind of this and his character there from the movie "elf," and he tweeted in regards to my new career as head ref for this game i didn't have a series on tv anymore, so i at 12, i smoked my first cigarette. at 15, i was addicted. by 40, i'll have lung disease. at 50, i'll die of a heart attack. dr. regina benjamin: cigarette smoke causes immediate damage that leads to health problems, even death. those who quit or die are being replaced by a new generation of smokers. i'm dr. regina benjamin, united states surgeon general. go to learn how to make our next generation tobacco-free. this morning on "world news now," terror train, a subway filled with smoke sending dozens to the hospital and killing a passenger. what investigators are uncovering from a rush hour nightmare. unprecedented patrols protecting the public in paris. the latest fears and why the u.s. is on terror watch. the unusual flight. new york-bound delta airlines passenger who shared an entire jetliner with one other passenger. how did this happen? >> and later, awkward moments on "the bachelor" last night. the unusual behavior of one of the contestants. did she get sent home? that's in "the skinny" on this tuesday, january 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hello to you all. we begin this half hour with new details in the deadly smoke condition in the washington, d.c. metro. >> subway passengers described the moments of panic as people starting to hit the floor trying to breathe. some riders were trapped more than an hour. abc's karen travers has the latest. >> reporter: just before monday's evening rush hour, chaos at a busy underground subway station in downtown washington. >> gas and smoke starts piling in and people are freaking out going everywhere. >> reporter: as emergency officials work to identify the source of the smoke, there was a train stopped in a tunnel just south of the l'enfant metro station. >> 1100 feet beyond the train there was an electrical arcing event involving the third. rail. the train did not derail. there was no fire on the train. >> d.c. fire department responded to evacuate the folks from the train. we have one fatality. >> one other is in critical condition. dozens more taken to local hospitals for treatment for smoke inhalation or other injuries. eyewitness reports from the scene started to quickly appear on social media. these pictures showing a dark, smoky train, emergency personnel. passengers said they took their evacuations in to their own hands. >> once we got to the station, we just sprinted for our lives out of there. we had no idea what was happening. we were so scared. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board is now leading the investigation. in a strange coincidence, the government agency is located right above the l'enfant plaza station where the incident took place. karen travers, abc news, washington. federal buildings and airports across the country are on heightened alert after last week's terror attacks in paris. security will be stepped up with the tsa saying it will enhance the random searches of passengers and carry-on luggage at airports. u.s. officials say they have not identified any specific imminent threats. the attacks in paris killed 17 people last week. french authorities say they are on hot trail of hunting down members of the terror attack in paris. abc's brian ross has the latest. >> french authorities search for other members of the terror cell new video emerged of two that got away. on the right hayat boumeddiene, the gunman's girlfriend and on the left another alleged accomplice seen at this turkey immigration checkpoint last week. french authorities say they left paris just before the attack and moved to madrid and then istanbul before crossing in to syria where they were reported by isis followers to have arrived in the terrorist stronghold city of rakka. >> she is outside of the reach of french law enforcement and it will be difficult to conduct surveillance on her activities while she's in syria. >> as for her boyfriend, officials are analyzing the so-called martyrdom tape recorded by amedy coulibaly. swearing allegiance to isis and the surprising erasing of the fire power he somehow accumulated. the two other paris attackers the kouachi brothers had their own deadly arsenal as seen in these surveillance photos made public showing them holding up a gas station with a disposable rocket launcher over the shoulder of one of them. powerful enough to stop an armored vehicle, a serious military weapon. it was another isis weapon that got the attention of the u.s. military. the terror group follow ers using key strokes to take over the twitter feed and you tube channels of the u.s. military central command, headquarters for american efforts against the terrorists. the hackers posted isis videos and issued this threat, american soldiers, we are coming. watch your back. the u.s. military says no classified information was involved, but the apparent ability of isis followers to post a threat on the u.s. military site has led to a full fbi investigation. brian ross, abc news, new york. both black boxes from the airasia crash have been pulled from the bottom of the java sea. the cockpit voice recorder had been wedged under part of the plane but it was retrieved this morning. the flight data recorder was brought to shore a day earlier. they will be sent to jakarta where investigators are expected to get a second-by-second time line of the flight. in south carolina, a retired firefighter has died after his truck was swept away by floodwaters. investigators say it appears it became stuck in a flooded sewer pipe. moments later, it was swept in to an overflowing creek and taken downstream. the victim was able to make a 911 call before overtaken by rushing water. there was a close call for this driver in colorado when a sinkhole nearly swallowed his suv. it is 30 feet long and 15 feet deep and filled with water. the sinkhole opened as the suv drove over what used to be the main shaft of a coal mine. it was filled in more than 85 years ago but opened up after a rainstorm. the driver is okay. a very different rescue in ohio where a dog was caught in the icy waters of the great miami river. firefighters had to use a special boat. the 7-year-old black lab appeared ready to give up after struggling for least a half an hour. the vet says the dog's temperature was so low it wouldn't register, but the dog is doing well now. >> all right. here's a look at your weather. showers in the carolinas and the southern tip of florida. snow in the rockies and dry just about everywhere else. >> temperatures in the northeast and midwest will be 10 to 15 below normal. highs will only be in the teens around the great lakes. the 40s and 50s along the gulf coast and the 20s in the northeast. 60s phoenix and los angeles. for the first time, we got what we wanted, a playoff in college football and a champ has been decided on the field. not by some polls, not by the bcs, i hate to even say that again. the winner ohio state. the buckeyes upset the oregon ducks 42-20. they were led by a third string quarterback. what's the name? that's your cue. >> 16 gauge. now 100 gauge. >> oh, my goodness. >> cardale jones is his name. his nickname is 12 gauge. >> oh, 12 gauge. sorry. i forgot. >> what is a 16 gauge? why do you keep saying 16? >> i was joking 16 gauge. i really said it. i think he is 100 gauge because he gave 100%. >> yes, he did. he had a great game. the mvp of the game was the tail back, ezekiel elliot. don't mess with his name. he had 246 yards and four touchdowns. take a listen. >> we finally did it. this is why we all came here to compete and win the national championships and we did. it is our dream an it came true. ohio state coach urban meyer has three national championships to his credit. other two in florida. he is the second coach to win titles with two different schools. >> espn is not going to call me today, huh? >> yeah, probably to complain. >> all right. well, a new york man is back home after the flight of his life. check out this selfie taken by chris o'leary. he appeared to be the only passenger. it turns out everyone else booked on the cleveland to new york plane to take an earlier flight, but o'leary was in his hotel room and didn't hear the announcements at the airport, but he has no complaints. >> the best part was there were no crying babies on board, no one in front of me to lean their seat back in to me or anything. i felt no guilt leaning my seat back either. >> hope they gave you an extra pack of peanuts, too. o'leary was not the only passenger. the plane went back to the gate and picked up another person. but that person slept the entire way to laguardia. >> at least they let him sit in first class. wouldn't it be awful if they made him -- no, 22-f is yours. stay right there. something else turning a lot of heads this morning, the community north of minneapolis. a front yard snow sculpture. >> this isn't an ordinary snow sculpture, far from any snowman most of us made as kids. it is a 37 foot long sea turtle. look at the amazing detail. the three brothers spent 300 hours to complete it. >> 12 foot tall turtle named snappy. the fourth year in a row they built a giant sea animal of some kind sculpture, outside. you can do that in minneapolis. good work, guys. "the skinny" coming your way next. an awkward moment on "the bachelor" and a sneak peek at next movie chapter of "the avengers." a chilling moment on the at a ski resort. a 9-year-old boy in trouble and the safety questions and who came to the rescue. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airborn dual action. stay still, like a statue. just like a statue. just one more. look here! when your day goes on and on you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ [ baby crying ] [ mom ] be right there, baby. 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[ baby crying ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pampers. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night. ♪ ♪ wishing you love sleep and play. pampers. ♪ ♪ it was a terrifying scene at a ski resort caught on tape. a little boy dangling from the chairlift holding on for dear life. >> with a growing number of incidents like this it is a reminder to be careful up the mountain as well as down. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: the video is enough to send a shiver down your spine. you can see the 9-year-old boy dangling from the ski lift at pennsylvania's liberty resort on saturday. people gather two stories below as the boy flails his legs, one ski still attached. adrien delgado show the video on his cell phone. >> they couldn't pull him because it would be rocking the lift. >> the gasp worthy moment, the boy plummets hitting the snow below. incredibly he is expected to be okay. >> he fell from 20 feet and just hurt his leg. that has to be a miracle. >> reporter: no word what caused the accident. authorities are investigating and the resort is not commenting, but it's not the first slip on the slopes this season. on the same day a 5-year-old boy riding on a beginning chair lift by himself in montgomery county, pennsylvania, plummeted 30 feet. the boy is reportedly in serious condition after he fell because the rail on his chair was not secure. and last month, a similar incident in new york. just days later, 10-year-old tyler russell fell 20 feet from a lift in oregon. >> i said my foot is tired. i'm going to put my foot behind my snow board and then i went forward too much. >> one fall turning deadly. a 44-year-old brooklyn mother killed weeks ago after she fell 25 feet off a ski lift in upstate new york resort. safety expert mike russo told clayton sandell that skiers need to make sure they are securely locked in the lift. >> you don't want to wiggle around. get on. put the bar down and sit still. >> reporter: the ski industry says chair lifts are exceptionally safe and secure, noting deaths are rare, 15 over the last four decades. this morning, as more and more families hit the slopes just double-check that you're securely locked in. so a ski lift scare won't happen to you. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> locks appear to be one of the issues but the owner of the ski resort said there wasn't a malfunction. >> always a good reminder, just make sure. some common sense applies. he fell -- good thing it was snow below, powdery stuff below. >> oh, my gosh, so hard to see. grateful both boys are recovering and will be okay. coming up, we have our first glimpse at the new "avengers" movie but will it live up to the hype? and things got weird for a contestant on "the bachelor." find out if she got a rose. that's next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc st tt2wút3n@ 4" bt@q&7h tt2wút3n@ 4" "a@q6;, tt2wút3n@ 4" bm@q=0 tt4wút3n@ 4"" dztq 6.é tt4wút3n@ 4"" entq fá< tt4wút3n@ 4"" gzt& ó-d tt4wút3n@ 4"" hnt& o#( tt4wút3n@ 4"" iztq %jp tt4wút3n@ 4"" jntq 7:0 tt4wút3n@ 4"" lzt& /wl ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ we have "the skinny" this morning. episode two of "the bachelor" where things got a little intense. chris, an iowa farmer, had to send more of the ladies home. a tough task but not when it came to one contestant. >> ashley s. is the name. she made an impression on chris and the fellow contestants especially during their group zombie date. she start today scare everyone and it wasn't intentional. she was making strange statements. generally out of it and chris tried to make sense of it all. >> i don't know if this has gotten to her. i don't know what's going on. i feel bad. >> whoa. >> okay? >> yeah, of course. >> what? >> she did seem a little out of it there. but oddly enough you won't believe this. she received a rose and will remain. >> she is good tv. >> until next week. the producers knew she was money gold when it comes to reality tv. it was revealed that jimmy kimmel will be a special guest. >> they screen these people very carefully. so they know actually who's going to be a problem, who could be good television, who could be -- they knew she was going to do this. >> no, they didn't. they had no idea at all. >> potential was there. fans get a taste of the new "avengers" movie last night with a full-length trailer appeared during the big game. marvel fans poured over the details. every shot on twitter as we speak. >> it features the favorite characters but things look bleak for the super heros. we see ultron, the villainess robot voiced by james spader and we see a troubling battle between ironman and an out-of-control hulk. >> and a lot of speculation about the freak out. people thinking it's because he's under the control of somebody else. we'll see. it will hit theaters may 1st. next up big news for "twin peaks" fans. >> we already know that showtime is picking up and producing a sequel to the 1990 drama, but what we are just finding out is kyle mclaughlin is reprising his role as fbi agent cooper. it was set in a most earn town that had a small cult-like following. critics called the show ahead of its time. >> and showtime says the limited run series is set in the present day is going in to production this year and will air in 2016. i love it when they come back and make a reappearance in a different time. >> that's 1990? >> yeah. so much has changed. it is like 20 years, right? >> my goodness. >> more than 20 years. safe to say most sports fans would be thrilled to get a picture with one of their favorite athletes. like if you had a shot with cardale. >> 12 gauge. >> this shot is probably not what you are hoping for. former major league pitcher roy halladay at an amusement park. he is sneaking up behind a fan that happens to be wearing a halladay jersey. his jersey. it is a funny moment but it doesn't appear that halladay let the fan know he was standing next to him. >> in his tweet, halladay writes the fan didn't know they took the picture. it could of course have been staged. if not halladay has got to get it together. he is 37 and retired. plenty of time to figure this stuff out. >> i love this. i don't find this to be mean. >> no. but if you are a fan, you would like to know he was there, right? >> i have done something like this once. >> with your fans? >> yeah. a guy was wearing a t-shirt that had my name on it for a show i was doing and i went up to the picture and then went back to say hello to him and he didn't know who i was. >> your own fan didn't know you. >> he didn't know who i was. >> time for celebrity birthdays. >> big happy birthday to "veep" star julia louis-dreyfus, 54. >> happy birthday mcdreamy. patrick dempsey turns 49. the creator of "greys anatomy," "scandal" writer, producer and an abc darling. >> superstar. >> shonda rhimes is 45. >> orlando bloom 38. happy birthday to everyone. coming up, class pass. trying out a gym workout without paying a fortune first. >> the new trend in fitness. you are watching "world news now." watching "world news now." >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ colourists know roots take colour one way, and previously coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art. ♪ all right. just a couple weeks in to the new year and a lot of you may be feeling fatigued to try to keep the fitness resolution. that's the extent of it. >> does that count? >> every bit counts. >> if you are trying to keep things fresh and try new workouts. abc's sara haines and the type of membership that makes perfect sense for you. >> reporter: sick of the boring treadmill? the same workout day in and out? you may want to class things up with a special class pass. thousands of studios in 20 cities across the u.s. are part of the class pass movement. costing 79 to 99 dollars a month, the class pass allows you to try as many group fitness classes as you want, as long as you don't hit the same gym more than three times a month. >> for your body to change the workout has to change. >> reporter: whether you are in to the zen of yoga, the intensity of kick boxing or want to dive in to underwater spinning, with class pass you can try something you have never done before. so that's exactly what i did. ♪ first step, i headed to revolution in motion for some slip and slide. man, did i slip. i am discovering new muscles. are we done? >> reporter: next, i bounce over to jump live for a full trampoline workout. only thing better than one trampoline is a room full of trampolines. >> let's go! >> reporter: and then to top it all off i headed over to unique gym called brooklyn zoo. ♪ where i was able to let out my wild side. i got my buns kicked and definitely had a lot of fun. experts say class pass may not be perfect for everyone. >> i think class pass may not be great for someone who's looking to really become advanced because you really need to stick to one thing rather than bopping around to a bunch of different things. >> reporter: bopping around, guilty as charged. the script on my workout officially flipped. sara haines, abc news, new york. >> i love sara haines. >> she always seems like she's having more fun at work than we are. >> that's true. >> it bothers me. >> it bothers you? >> yeah. >> knowing sara a couple of years now she is always happy. no matter what time of day. >> she stays here. >> all the time and it is genuine. it's real. >> stay down a little bit. >> wake her up in the middle of the night. >> announcer: this is (tiffany) ask yourself what you'll miss more. your children or cigarettes. for as long as i can remember, my mother smoked. she died from lung cancer when i was 16. i could not take the chance of continuing smoking and not being here for my daughter. i know how much i needed my mom still, and i didn't realize it until i had lost her. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. when i have an asthma attack... i feel like a fish with no water. learn how to prevent your child's next asthma attack. because even one attack is one too many. good morning, everyone. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. here's the stories we are following on "world news now." armed troops are deployed on the streets of paris this morning throughout france. 10,000 soldiers will be guarding against the next possible attack. nearly half will be protecting synagogues and jewish schools. more details ahead. the second black box from the airasia crash is now in the hands of investigators. the cockpit voice recorder was pulled from the java sea a day after the flight data recorder was recovered. they will now be analyzed in indonesia. the new york clinic where joan rivers had surgery lost its federal accreditation. at the end of the month they will no longer be eligible to receive federal funds for services provided to medicare and medicaid patients. it is not just a matter of opinion from a poll. no computer involved here. ohio state is the national college football champion after winning with the title game over oregon 42-20. tailback ezekiel elliot, zeke as they call him is the mvp. those are the top stories on this tuesday, january 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. we begin this half hour with america on heightened terror alert this morning. >> isis renewing a call to target western nations, including the united states, in the wake of those deadly attacks in paris last week. abc's karen travers has the latest. >> reporter: a rare admission from the white house. >> i think it's fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile. >> reporter: the obama administration is taking some heat for not sending a senior official to unity rally in paris. more than 1 million people taking to the streets, including more than 40 world leaders marching arm in arm. the biggest public demonstration in france in a generation. the white house said it wasn't possible for the president to go. >> security requirements to round up presidential level visitor or vice presidential level visitor are onerous and significant. >> reporter: across france, 10,000 soldiers deployed for enhanced security, but the grieving, shocked nation is trying to get back to normal. staffers of "charlie hebdo" were on the job, working out of the building of a french newspaper. their goal is to publish the next edition on wednesday. u.s. officials say they haven't identified any specific imminent plots but the department of homeland security is taking a few steps in the wake of last week's attacks. there will be stepped up security at federal buildings around the nation, following up on a similar move last fall. the tsa will enhance the random searches of passengers and carry-on luggage at airports. why do all of this if this is no specific plot? dhs point to the attacks in paris, ottawa and sydney and concerns of terrorists reaching a willing audience through social media. the major rallies are likely to be over but secretary of state john kerry will travel to paris on thursday as a sign of support for the french. t.j., reena? >> thank you so much, karen. with each passing day we are learning new details about the terrorists and in particular their embrace of technology. bradley blackburn of our sister network fusion picks up that story. >> reporter: the horror in paris last week was caught on cell phones by lots of people, but we are learning the terrorists had cameras, too. there are reports the kouachi brothers had a go pro discovered in their getaway car still in the packaging, not used in their attack on the "charlie hebdo" office. but amedy coulibaly, the third suspect, was apparently wearing the go pro when he stormed a kosher supermarket taking hostages. according to french newspapers, he was seen trying to upload video why while the crisis was going on. terror groups are quick to use new technology to spread their message. isis is known for slick propaganda videos. investigators are still trying to figure out what the french suspects were planning to go with their go pros, but it raises the question -- could they have planned to live stream their attack? >> once you have the ability to do live streaming, i think that will come and it will come soon. >> it's been a long time since you needed a big camera like that to broadcast to the world but the technology is easier and cheaper. you can do it with a cell phone but if you have a go pro camera they connect wirelessly and an app lets you stream what you see. while terrorists haven't live streamed yet, experts say it is not a matter of if but when. >> the things terrorists want most is attention. how better can you do it if you do it directly. >> reporter: i'm bradley blackburn. >> pope francis kicked off the asian tour in sri lanka this morning. when he arrived he spoke out. he said the island nation can't fully heal from ethnic civil war without pursuing truth and justice. the pope will be visiting the philippines next, the largest roman catholic population. new pictures from a suicide bomb blast in nigeria on sunday. a number of people were killed in the attack that targeted a mobile phone market. the bombings came a day after boko haram militants were suspected of using a 10-year-old girl to detonate a bomb at another market. some passengers on a washington metro train were trapped up to an hour as the cars filled with smoke. they described moments of panic as riders tried to breathe. one woman died and several others where critically injured. a nearby subway station had to be evacuated. investigators say there was no fire but an electrical problem with the third rail. two albuquerque police officers are facing murder charges this morning for the death of a homeless camper. the shooting was caught on a helmet cam and sparked national and -- headlines and violent protests. abc's cecilia vega has the details. >> reporter: watch as the man appears to follow orders and surrender to albuquerque police. but seconds after that warning shot, the fatal moment. >> get on the ground! >> the four-hour standoff was recorded on police helmet cameras and this video will be the key evidence in the case. detective keith sandy and s.w.a.t. team member dominique perez charged with murder in the death of james boyd, the march shooting one of several to spark a federal investigation in to a department long accused of excessive force. boyd, who was homeless, seen here after the shooting holding two knives. >> unlike ferguson and in new york city, you know, some recent high-profile cases, we're going to know, the public's going to have that information. >> there was an absolute perceived threat. >> reporter: officers will fight the charges. if convicted, they face up to life in prison. cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. the philadelphia enquirer is reporting this morning that a settlement may be in the works between the ncaa and penn state over the way the school handled the jerry sandusky scandal. the paper says there are several scenarios under consideration, one includes restoring 111 victories stripped from the late coach joe paterno. topping our health headlines, a blood test could reveal the best way to quit smoking. different people break down nicotine at different rates and knowing that rate could improve the chances of giving up smoking. a university of pennsylvania study people who broke down the nicotine more slowly seemed to do better with nicotine patches. those that metabolize it quickly may give up easier with a prescription drug. another study finds your computer may know you better than your friends, family or significant other. researchers had computers rate people based on their facebook likes with just ten likes the program outperformed friends and it only needed 300 likes to know the test subjects better than their spouses. >> at this point you know me better than my spouse knows me. >> truth to that. insomnia hour. >> we spend more -- >> yeah, pick up a lot of -- yeah. >> makes perfect sense. makes perfect sense. it is sad though, isn't it? >> so sad. the study analyzed 86,000 people from stamford and cambridge. >> this makes me sad. >> it does. >> computers. >> i think the day that we will be replaced by computers is coming. >> you keep saying that. >> i believe it. >> how soon are we talking? i have to make plans. >> does your contract end by the end of this year? >> we'll talk. we'll talk. look at the forecast before we give away too much here. we have dry and cold for the east and midwest. showers along the mid-atlantic coast and in south florida. heavy snow in the rockies all the way to new mexico. >> temperatures will be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than usual in the northeast and midwest. cooler along the gulf coast. mild in the southeast with highs in the 60s and 70s. santa ana winds will warm up southern california today. it is certainly not spring yet but in milwaukee there's a bit of spring cleaning going on. >> they have an annual cleaning of the theater chandelier. it is a sight to see. it takes crews a half hour using a hand crank to lower the fixture down 68 feet. weighs two tons. 16 feet long. they are dusting and shining each and every crystal. >> it takes volunteers two days to hand clean and polish each of the chandelier's 33,000 crystals. i thought my little home was high maintenance. >> that's why they have to be careful. the theater has been around since 1895, so it is the fourth oldest active theater in the country. they take special care of what is happening there. >> i don't have any chandeliers to polish. >> we don't either. coming up, it looked like a scene out of a movie involving a traffic arrest, a cop in trouble and his daughter who saw it unfold. also ahead, the husband who's thanking his nagging -- i do have to call her nagging? thanking his nagging wife for making a suggestion, a multimillion-dollar lottery tickets them lucky couple and their fortune. later, she's all about the bass, but is meghan trainor a serious performer? her claim to fame and her new album out today. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i'm all about that bass ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol. >> announcer: "world news n" weather brought to you by lie sol. your clever moves won't stop the flu. but practicing healthy habits with lysol can. the cdc recommends washing your hands often and disinfecting surfaces. this season use lysol to kill 99.9% of germs and help keep your family healthy. 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, hd-5. don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. a routine traffic stop took a rough turn for a police officer in florida. a woman sped away dragging the sergeant along. >> just by chance, his daughter was one of the first on the scene to help him. the whole thing caught on dashcam. >> watch as this traffic stop takes a stunning turn for the worst. this florida police officer, speaking to the driver, when he gets taken for a ride. sergeant tatro pulled over 30-year-old amy gorgio after she flew past him at 30 miles over the limit. when he asked her to step out for a field sobriety test, she hit the gas, dragging him with her. before he hits the ground hard. >> i remember don't ever let my guard down. the sergeant left writhing in pain on the roadside. a group of drivers and bystanders rushed to his aid. one of the good samaritan, someone the sergeant tatro knows well. that is tatro's 16-year-old daughter faith. who happened to be passing by the incident on the way home from a trip to the mall. she saw the scene unfold while sitting at a stoplight but wasn't sure it was her dad until she saw him lying there. >> is that you? >> it made me feel sad, i guess because i know what he does is for a good reason. i just hope everybody else has a better respect for him. >> reporter: after spending three days in the hospital, the family is happy to have him back safe and sound, especially faith. >> he's been sleeping. catching up on his sleep. >> as for giorgio, she is charged with aggravated battery, fleeing the scene and driving under the influence and sergeant tatro says he is anxious to once again hit the streets, though definitely not like this again. >> every time i see that video hard to watch. >> that is something for police officers every single traffic stop, nothing is routine. there's some kind of a threat -- even a passing car is a threat on a traffic stop. goes to show you never know what you will encounter. >> you're right. and the dashcam video is pretty incredible. >> those things are always rolling. we catch so much with this stuff. coming up here, meghan trainor you know the name. how about this, she is all about that bass. that will help you know who he is. she wants to prove she has even more to offer. >> the talent behind her rise and what she plans to do next. you are watching "world news now." ♪ all about that bass, no treble >> "world news now" continues ow tt2wút3nú&t bt@qez0 tt2wút3nú&t "a@quvt tt2wút3nú&t bm@qí]x tt4wút3nú&t " dztq 2ll tt4wút3nú&t " entq bh, tt4wút3nú&t " gzt& [ot tt4wút3nú&t " hnt& ka8 tt4wút3nú&t " iztq !(@ tt4wút3nú&t " jntq 3x tt4wút3nú&t " lzt& +5é she's the breakout star behind the mega hit "all about that bass." but meghan trainor is out to prove she is more than a one-hit wonder. >> her new album out today but she's not worried about following up on her initial success. we are "up all nightline" with dan harris who caught up with this emerging star. ♪ i'm all about that that bass no treble ♪ >> reporter: here's a funny story about meghan trainor. when she was filming this video for her love your body as it is anthem, all about that bass, she was feeling anything but comfortable about her own body. ♪ >> i was like this is what i wish i felt like. i wish i was all about the bass and my curves. i was like this is not how i feel. ♪ every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top ♪ >> do you feel that way now? >> yeah. >> reporter: today her universe has turned upside down. all about that bass" is one of the best-selling singles ever. the video has a half billion hits on you tube. >> all of my fans out there that tell me stories they hated themselves and they weren't happy until they heard the song and now they live a happier life because all of a three-minute song. it's actually helped me. while singing this, doing the dance moves, feeling sassy. i walk off that stage like i'm a boss. i'm meghan trainor. i look bomb and everyone supports this right now. >> reporter: meghan trainor, who just turned 21 a few weeks ago, has improbably become a pop star. >> check every week on you tube channel. >> reporter: we caught up with her filming a clinique commercial. >> eyeliner on top if you are feeling groovy. >> reporter: and also performing a concert. ♪ >> reporter: in advance of her new album title, she never thought this could happen. >> at some point some guy said i will date you if you lose weight. is that true? >> i was looking real good that day. i was really confident. he was like you would be so hot if you were ten pounds lighter. i was like, oh, i'm not going to eat now because that was so awful. i was just very upset with myself, which i shouldn't have been because i was adorable. i should have loved myself and i wasted a lot of years not. >> reporter: the internet is flooded with spoof versions of her song that make fun of her for allegedly hating skinny people ♪ i see good looking skinny people i think they should die ♪ >> do you think there is any thing to that criticism? >> do you hate skinny people? >> i don't hate anybody. >> i don't hate anybody. i have plenty of skinny friends. they stop listening after go ahead and tell -- >> i'm here to tell you you are perfect. ♪ from the bottom to the top ♪ >> reporter: the most persistent question she gets is whether she can successfully capitalize on her newfound success. do you feel pressure to keep it go? >> piece of cake. i got it because i got the song writing down. i already proven that i have two hits. ♪ i know you lie because your lips are moving ♪ >> reporter: the second hit lips are moving hit number five on the billboard chart. a good sign this young pop star's career will not fizzle out. she's got perhaps the most important asset of all confidence. for "nightline," this is dan harris, new york. ♪ >> that's the one that's growing on me. >> you like that one. >> i like that one. >> a song she said she wrote in eight minutes and did so because she was writing about somebody she worked with in an office. some guy, one of those guys, nice guy when he comes around, his lips are moving you know he's lying. >> wow. >> that's a great story. she wrote that song in eight minutes. >> there should be more role models like meghan out there. there are too many waify, skinny people. no offense to them. it's nice to see. >> you hate skinny people. >> no, i don't. >> i'm kidding. i'm with dan harris i don't hate anybody. >> i have a list. >> oh! >> i'm kidding. list. >> oh! >> i'm kidding. essage for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ (scraping sound) what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. cascade. now that's clean. ♪ ♪ finally this half hour, how life can turn on a dime, or in this case $326 million worth of dimes. a new yorker has his nagging wife and some stormy weather to thank for a lottery jackpot. >> why does she have to be naggy? >> exactly. >> the retired school principal might let his persistent wife nag about anything now as wabc's joe torres reports. >> reporter: bad weather, a persistent wife and a quick bite to eat. that's what led harold diamond to buy $20 of lottery tickets in a middletown gas station on november 4th, election night. >> i said to the young lady i'd like a $10 mega and $10 powerball. >> the next night they checked the numbers. they couldn't believe what they saw. >> we went back and forth, back and forth. you read the numbers. i said i will read them forward and you read them backwards. we went back and forth and then we were in a daze. in a dither. >> reporter: $326 million can do that to you. diamond is a retired elementary school principal. a former student told us the big win couldn't happen to a nicer man. >> i believe he will give a lot back to the community and that's his main passion, the local charities, the college. i believe he's also involved in the town awards bureau. >> i am very much hoping the good luck rubs off. >> reporter: diamond isn't the only person who cashed in. the gas station owner picked up a cool $10,000 for selling the winning ticket. his financial plans -- >> we already took care of that with my staff. they got nice christmas bonuses with the money for selling the ticket. >> reporter: they plan to lay low for a week or two before deciding what to do with their newfound wealth, one thing is set in stone, a trip to hawaii. in middletown, i'm joe torres, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> good for them. >> that's great. retired elementary school principal. that is fantastic. retired, he can enjoy the money now. >> you are missing the moral of the story. >> which is -- >> never disrespect or disregard had your wife when she has important advice, even on election day. that's the news for this half hour. >> we're going to take this up during commercial. hour. >> we're going to take this up during commercial. i thought, "the red cross does katrina. they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah. the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. this morning on "world news now," ohio state claims the first national title in an all-new era for football. the big plays and upset for oregon. terror alert, the warnings here in the u.s. and paris at an unprecedented number of patrols hit the streets in the french capital today. the extra protection at schools. >> because he's -- >> the leads for investigators and the latest fear. survival story. the former miami dolphin in a boating accident the middle of the ocean, his nine-mile swim to shore without a life vest. >> i realized i was in real trouble. >> his emotional story and the lessons learned this tuesday, january 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hey there, everybody. how are you doing? watch the game? >> what a night. >> it was a night, big night, historic night. >> historic night. 12 gauge becomes 100 gauge. >> i swear. >> little obsessed with 12 gauge, cardale jones, the quarterback for the ohio state. the winning ohio state. congratulations to them. >> big night. it was the first time we seen such a game them first ever college football championship game. and the newly crowned national champions those guys in the scarlet and gray, ohio state and there's your boy. >> there he is. they proved too strong for the oregon ducks. abc's ted roland has the latest from arlington, texas. good morning, ted. >> reporter: reena and t.j. there's no dispute, no arguing the buckeyes are number one. >> the ohio state buckeyes are the first national champions of the playoff era. >> reporter: the ohio state buckeyes are the undisputed champions of college football. the first team ever to hoist the playoff trophy. >> a dream come true but unreal feeling. looking at the confetti fall -- >> come here. >> the historic game started with the high-flying oregon offense and heisman winner quarterback marcus mariota scoring first but the game belonged to ohio state including their improbable starting quarterback cardale jones who was only in the game because of injuries. jones connecting on several long passes and coming up with clutch runs leading the buckeyes to a 21-10 halftime lead. oregon cut the lead to one in the second half but jones and runningback ezekiel elliot put the buckeyes back on top for good. elliot finished with 246 yards and four touchdowns. >> we finally did it. this is why we came to compete and win national championships and we did it. it is our dream and it came true. >> we had a good season. stuff happened. hats off to ohio state. they had a great program, got a great coach and it was a great win for them. >> the celebration is expected to continue in texas and ohio as well for most of the night. the ohio state buckeyes are number one. reena, t.j.? >> what a story. i love this story about 12 gauge. i love the third string quarterback. his coaches said when he showed up freshman year he was the last in conditioning. the coach said i told him you're never going to be a quarterback. he said tim tebow showed up "jacked up" and cardale was the farthest from jacked up and look at that win tonight. >> he is a big boy, 6'5", 250 pounds but he came through. this is something that we have never seen and may never seen again, to two see essentially heisman potential candidates go down as quarterback and the third guy step in and get the job done the past three games. big deal. you love his nickname. 12 gauge. >> 12 gauge now 100 gauge. been promoted. >> stay with us. we will cover this historic championship. coming up in "the mix," how fans took to social media. and later live reports, robin roberts is in texas. >> she's my favorite in sports. love it. we'll see her in a bit on "good morning america". our other major story this morning a subway ride turned in to a terrifying ordeal for dozens of passengers in washington, d.c. thick smoke filled the train, choking passengers. one woman died and several others critically injured. a subway station 800 feet away had to be evacuated because of the smoke. police say there was no fire. federal investigators say there may have been an electrical malfunction. the second black box from the airasia crash has been recovered from the java sea. divers freed the cockpit voice recorder from heavy plane wreckage this morning a day after the flight data recorder was retreated. retrieved. the black boxes are expected to reveal critical clues about the cause of the crash. searchers are still looking for the main section of the cabin where most of the bodies are believed to be trapped. no specific threat but the department of homeland security is on alert and taking steps in the wake of the terror attacks in paris last week. security will be stepped up at federal buildings around the country following up on a similar move last fall. the tsa will announce enhance -- or will enhance the random searches of passengers and a carry-on luggage at airports. last week's attacks in paris killed 17 people. the latest issue "charlie hebdo" of the french satirical magazine published by survivors is set to hit the stands tomorrow. 3 million copies are printed up from the usual 60,000. it is the latest example of an unprecedented show of support across france as security is stepped up. abc's terry moran has the latest. >> reporter: they are going to war here against the enemy within. armed troops are deployed on the streets of paris, and today 10,000 soldiers will be on patrol throughout france guarding against the next attack. nearly half of those troops ordered to protect synagogues and jewish schools. we saw them, soldiers at the school doors. at a synagogue, where troops patrolled, this man said his son refused to go to school. >> because he's a jew. >> the situation, of course. >> reporter: all this following the attack on the kosher market and resent other anti-semitic incidents. a frightened child cradled and hushed, terrified customers hiding in a freezer for the first time in the other standoff where the kouachi brothers took over a print shop the man who hid under a sink. for eight hours and helped police storm the building speaks out. the terrorists came so close, a few inches away. he came back to my cupboard where i was hidden remembering how close one of the brothers came and he drank from the tap just above me. >> the battle continues on another front. the surviving staff of "charlie hebdo" magazine now saying they will print 3 million copies of their next edition due out on wednesday. on monday night, releasing the cover of that issue a cartoon of the prophet muhammad holding a je suis charlie, an i am charlie sign, and above him the words "all is forgiven." terry moran, abc news, paris. a security analyst is down playing the hacking of the u.s. military's twitter and you-tube sites. hackers claiming to work on me behalf of isis seized control of those sites just before the pentagon suspended them assuring them no classified material was breached. analysts say hacking a social media site even if it is connected to the military is nothing like attacking the military's central network. we are going to be in a position now where we're going to have to harden our defenses in ways we have never done before. that's going to be a lot of work that we will have to get down to. >> reporter: president obama is calling on congress to pass legislation that will better protect consumers from hackers. the bill will require companies to notify customers within 30 days if their personal information is stolen in a breach. massachusetts doctor cured of ebola said he is returning to africa. dr. rick sacra is going to liberia where he was infected with the deadly virus. he said his colleagues are over worked. sacra does not expect to work directly with ebola patients but may be asked to do so. doctors say he's now immune to ebola. a new york clinic is losing its federal accreditation. it's where joan rivers lost her life. the government is cracking down on yorkville endoscopy. the investigators say in it no longer meets necessary conditions to provide surgical services. rivers died in september. the medical examiner said she stopped breathing during a procedure at the clinic and died from brain damage. donald trump is in the middle of a new legal battle claiming jets are destroying his exclusive club in palm beach. trump is suing the county for $100 million saying officials are maliciously redirecting flights over the historic estate. once home to the post cereal tycoon the suit claims the noise and vibrations are causing cracks and damage to the stone construction and spanish tiles. acura is back in the performance car business. the brand reintroduced the nsx sports car, and there she is. this is at the detroit auto show. after a decade of having typical luxury suvs and sedans. >> it packs 550 horsepower and will cost $150,000 and be custom built in ohio. ak cure a begins to take orders for the two-seater this summer for what it calls the super car. i hope it has heated seats. >> 150 grand, that beautiful car, you are worried about the heated seats? >> yes. i guess it would be like a rich princess or something -- i heard once that a saudi princess wanted her matching nail polish to be the color of her car. >> all right. my new york city princess. this car in detroit, emphasizing performance as well. the new gt, two seater carbon fiber body, doors swing up. an active spoiler on the back and like the nsx, the ford will start around 150 grand. limited production, 600 horsepower in this sucker. "the mix" coming your way. how do you misspell ohio, especially if you are from ohio an embarrassing mistake caught on national television. also ahead, from insomnia kitchen, a modern take on a breakfast favorite. national oatmeal month. some gourmets around here are serving it up sweet and savory. you're watching "world news now". "world news now" weather brought to you by dell sim. you by delsym. million votes, your superstar is... that's why there's delsym. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. up to twice as long as other cough liquids. so the only sounds you'll hear are the ones you want to hear. bianca! (cheering) delsym. silence is relief. and now for a limited time try delsym for free, with mail in rebate. colourists know roots take colour one way, and previously coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art. i found out the hard way... not all washes take care of intimate odor. vagisil odor block wash stops odor from happening for all day confidence. when you feel fresh all day you feel confident. vagisil. your intimate health experts. authorities in virginia found no evidence of the infamous rape at uva first described in that rolling stone magazine. they say they are investigating but uva reinstated the fraternity at the heart of the allegations. the philadelphia enquirer is reporting a settlement may be in the works between ncaa and penn state over the way the school handled the jerry sandusky scandal. the paper says there are several scenario as under consideration, one is restoring 111 victories stripped from joe paterno. a former nfl player who spent years proving his athleticism on the field is now being celebrated for an amazing feat off the field. >> this was no game. rob konrad survived a 16-hour swim. nine miles off the atlantic shoreline. mara schiavocampo has more. >> even the hard-hitting world of professional football couldn't prepare former miami dolphins fullback rob konrad for this challenge. the 38-year-old recovering after a harrowing ordeal at sea. his wife by his side. >> realized i was in real trouble. >> reporter: after falling off his 36-foot fishing boat while reeling in a big catch off the south florida coast, his boat on autopilot toward the bahamas konrad was all alone without a life jacket nine miles off shore so konrad started swimming. >> bit by jellyfish and circled by a shark when the sun was going down. >> reporter: along the way missing two rescue attempts, spotting a fishing boat 50 yards away and coast guard helicopters circling overhead. finally reaching dry land after 16 hours. >> i've got two beautiful daughters. i was hitting that shore. >> the former dolphin swimming to safety. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> what a story. >> that's incredible that he was able to make it. these guys are great athletes. maybe that kicked in and worked out for him. >> remember diana nyad. >> did she ever complete that? she tried and tried. >> she did. she admires him. she said for taking his life in his own hands and deciding he was going to save himself. >> great story. good survival story. coming up next in the next half hour here -- something caught on camera here. frightening moments at a ski resort. a 9-year-old boy dangles from the chairlift falling 20 feet. what caused the accident and how to protect yourself at the slopes. warm up with oatmeal. it's not just for breakfast. how about some elvis-style oatmeal? we are going to the insomniac kitchen next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our ♪ >> t.j. was saying this is oatmeal music. >> most foods get a day. but oatmeal gets' month. a whole month dedicated to oatmeal. for more let's head to the insomniac kitchen. >> reporter: it's freezing out right now, a nice bowl of oatmeal would hit the spot. let's check out oatmeals with a twist. right here at oat meals in new york city. >> when i was in college, i put on a lot of weight here in new york city because i loved food. i started to think of how to eat healthy and started to eat oatmeal. quickly i was having it for lunch and dinner, not just breakfast and i was experimenting with fun topping. it is so great, that oats you can look at them like rice or risotto. they take on the flavor of whatever you put in there. we're going to do one sweet and one savory oatmeal? >> yes, the elvis bowl and sun dried tomato pesto. >> what is elvis bowl. >> it is elvis presley sandwich, it's like an oatmeal twist on that. bananas, peanut butter honey. bacon. it's a really good one. steel cut oatmeal topped with banana, bacon, some peanut butter and honey. then a little sea salt to bring out all of the flavors. >> that looks delicious. i think elvis would approve. >> that's a good one. >> i would never think to make this into an oatmeal. it completely works. >> oatmeal is awesome. you can do all sorts of things with it. >> now we'll switch gears and go with the savory oatmeal. what do you have for us. >> i will start with the parmesan oatmeal bowl. i will start with the parmesan cheese. >> okay. >> we will shave some parmesan over the top. any kind of cheeses work well with oatmeal. i have some sun-dried tomatoes. >> okay. >> so this is also one you could do at home easily. and then some pesto. >> okay. and pesto is essentially basil ground with olive oil. >> pine nuts and also some parmesan cheese in there, as well. >> this is basically like about italian pasta dish with oatmeal swapped out. >> exactly. oats instead of pasta. >> i love the combination of pesto with tomato and cheese. >> yeah. >> it feels like you are eating an actual pasta dish without the heaviness. >> exactly. >> thank you so much. it is delicious. >> no problem. >> okay. i got the elvis stuff over here. >> dig in. >> i don't mind if i do. [ laughter ] all right. banana, bacon, peanut butter and oatmeal. >> yes, yes. what do you think? >> that ain't half bad. >> really? look at you. and i have the sun dried tomato pesto and parmesan. >> that ain't half bad. >> who knew? >> i wasn't sure. i wasn't sure. >> savory oatmeal. >> they threw me off on the pesto on that one and it works. >> it's excellent. >> who knew savory oatmeal. >> you put bacon in anything and it is going to work. >> our thanks to the folks at oatmeals. o the folks at oatmeals. male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better 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good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. ♪ let's mix it up. the special football edition. i called it the super bowl but they told me it is not the super bowl last night. picture day in ohio, one brave baf soul. look at this one. he chose to wear an oregon jersey. he is a guy on the left and you see the kids on the right wearing the ohio state jerseys. the principal tweeted out this photo and god bless the lone duck fan. >> he made it home safely. we want everybody to know. and tomorrow he will get a hard time at school because we see what happened in that game. his team lost miserably. next up we will continue with the theme of the national championship game and show you something that happened. tell me what is wrong with this picture. yeah, this is the ohio state, the cheerleaders running out at the beginning of the game. there is something missing there. ohio is a four-letter word. ohio state do this before every game and the o is missing. they do this at a lot of schools. a lot of people made fun of it and had a good time, they screwed up but the truth is the cheerleader who was carrying the o at the end got run over by her own team in the tunnel. >> what? >> she was trampled apparently. she is okay but the o fell, she fell, got run over. she's all right but that explains why this mishap took place. >> they are known for incredible formations and really terrific. >> we knew something was up. >> yeah. next up, what do we have, how about the wrap that looks like -- you want to go with the pimp suit or the newhart. >> i want to do the suit. >> you want to do the suit. >> fashion before football. >> oregon running back coach gary campbell. look at that purple suit. ♪ purple suit purple suit ♪ he apparently has 70 of them, 70 suits. he wore this to the pregame. what did they call it the warmup section of the show. >> pregame, before the game starts. >> before the game. he should have wore it the whole time. he has 52 purple suits. he's been there for more than 30 years. he looks great. he reminds me of the joker from "batman." >> that's legit. >> he looks great. whatever it is it worked. >> i am wondering mr. campbell if you have a purple suit i could borrow for tomorrow's show. >> the last one. what is the last one? the ref, everybody was talking about the referee. let's put this picture up. the guy on the left. everybody was paying attention and said, wait a minute, he bears a striking resemblance to none other than mr. bob newhart. newhart got wind of this and his character there from the movie "elf," and he tweeted in regards to my new career as head ref for this game, i didn't have a series on tv anymore, so i had to do something. so he had fun with it. see the resemblance? >> yes, i do. this morning on "world news now," terror train, a subway filled with smoke sending dozens to the hospital and killing a passenger. what investigators are uncovering from a rush hour nightmare. unprecedented patrols protecting the public in paris. the latest fears and why the u.s. is on terror watch. the unusual flight. new york-bound delta airlines passenger who shared an entire jetliner with one other passenger. how did this happen? >> and later, awkward moments on "the bachelor" last night. the unusual behavior of one of the contestants. did she get sent home? that's in "the skinny" on this tuesday, january 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hello to you all. we begin this half hour with new details in the deadly smoke condition in the washington, d.c. metro. >> subway passengers described the moments of panic as people starting to hit the floor trying to breathe. some riders were trapped more than an hour. abc's karen travers has the latest. >> reporter: just before monday's evening rush hour, chaos at a busy underground subway station in downtown washington. >> gas and smoke starts piling in and people are freaking out going everywhere. >> reporter: as emergency officials work to identify the source of the smoke, there was a train stopped in a tunnel just south of the l'enfant metro station. >> 1100 feet beyond the train there was an electrical arcing event involving the third. rail. the train did not derail. there was no fire on the train. >> d.c. fire department responded to evacuate the folks from the train. we have one fatality. >> one other is in critical condition. dozens more taken to local hospitals for treatment for smoke inhalation or other injuries. eyewitness reports from the scene started to quickly appear on social media. these pictures showing a dark, smoky train, emergency personnel. passengers said they took their evacuations in to their own hands. >> once we got to the station, we just sprinted for our lives out of there. we had no idea what was happening. we were so scared. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board is now leading the investigation. in a strange coincidence, the government agency is located right above the l'enfant plaza station where the incident took place. karen travers, abc news, washington. federal buildings and airports across the country are on heightened alert after last week's terror attacks in paris. security will be stepped up with the tsa saying it will enhance the random searches of passengers and carry-on luggage at airports. u.s. officials say they have not identified any specific imminent threats. the attacks in paris killed 17 people last week. french authorities say they are on hot trail of hunting down members of the terror attack in amid a new hack attack on twitter and you-tube sites. abc's brian ross has the latest. >> french authorities search for other members of the terror cell, new video emerged of two that got away. on the right hayat boumeddiene, the gunman's girlfriend and on the left another alleged accomplice seen at this turkey immigration checkpoint last week. french authorities say they left paris just before the attack and moved first to madrid, then istanbul before crossing in to syria where they were reported by isis followers to have arrived in the terrorist stronghold city of rakka. >> she is outside of the reach of french law enforcement and it will be difficult to conduct surveillance on her activities while she's in syria. >> as for her boyfriend, officials are analyzing the so-called martyrdom tape recorded by amedy coulibaly. swearing allegiance to isis and the surprising erasing of the fire power he somehow accumulated. the two other paris attackers the kouachi brothers had their own deadly arsenal as seen in these surveillance photos made public showing them holding up a gas station with a disposable rocket launcher over the shoulder of one of them. powerful enough to stop an armored vehicle, a serious military weapon. it was another isis weapon that got the attention of the u.s. military. the terror group's followers using key strokes to take over the twitter feed and you tube channels of the u.s. military central command, headquarters for american efforts against the terrorists. the hackers posted isis videos and issued this threat, american soldiers, we are coming. watch your back. the u.s. military says no classified information was involved, but the apparent ability of isis followers to post a threat on the u.s. military site has led to a full fbi investigation. brian ross, abc news, new york. both black boxes from the airasia crash have been pulled from the bottom of the java sea. the cockpit voice recorder had been wedged under part of the plane but it was retrieved this morning. the flight data recorder was brought to shore a day earlier. they will be sent to jakarta where investigators are expected to get a second-by-second time line of the flight. in south carolina, a retired firefighter has died after his truck was swept away by floodwaters. investigators say it appears it became stuck in a flooded sewer pipe. moments later, it was swept in to an overflowing creek and taken downstream. the victim was able to make a 911 call before overtaken by rushing water. there was a close call for this driver in colorado when a sinkhole nearly swallowed his suv. it is 30 feet long and 15 feet deep and filled with water. the sinkhole opened as the suv drove over what used to be the main shaft of a coal mine. it was filled in more than 85 years ago but opened up after a rainstorm. the driver is okay. a very different rescue in ohio where a dog was caught in the icy waters of the great miami river. firefighters had to use a special boat. the 7-year-old black lab appeared ready to give up after struggling for least a half an hour. the vet says the dog's temperature was so low it wouldn't register, but the dog is doing well now. >> all right. here's a look at your weather. showers in the carolinas and the southern tip of florida. snow in the rockies and dry just about everywhere else. >> temperatures in the northeast and midwest will be 10 to 15 degrees below normal. highs will only be in the teens around the great lakes. the 40s and 50s along the gulf coast and the 20s in the northeast. 60s phoenix and los angeles. for the first time, we got what we wanted, a playoff in college football and a champ has been decided on the field. not by some polls, not by the bcs, i hate to even say that again. the winner ohio state. the buckeyes upset the oregon ducks 42-20. they were led by a third string quarterback. what's the name? that's your cue. >> 16 gauge. now 100 gauge. >> oh, my goodness. >> cardale jones is his name. his nickname is 12 gauge. >> oh, 12 gauge. sorry. i forgot. >> what is a 16 gauge? why do you keep saying 16? >> i was joking 16 gauge. i really said it. i think he is 100 gauge because he gave 100%. >> yes, he did. he had a great game. the mvp of the game was the tail back, ezekiel elliot. don't mess with his name. he had 246 yards and four touchdowns. take a listen. >> we finally did it. this is why we all came here to compete and win the national championships and we did. it is our dream an it came true. ohio state coach urban meyer has three national championships to his credit. other two in florida. he is the second coach to win titles with two different schools. >> espn is not going to call me today, huh? >> yeah, probably to complain. >> all right. well, a new york man is back home after the flight of his life. check out this selfie taken by chris o'leary. he appeared to be the only passenger. it turns out everyone else booked on the cleveland to new york plane to take an earlier flight, but o'leary was in his hotel room and didn't hear the announcements at the airport, but he has no complaints. >> the best part was there were no crying babies on board, no one in front of me to lean their seat back in to me or anything. i felt no guilt leaning my seat back either. >> hope they gave you an extra pack of peanuts, too. o'leary was not the only passenger. the plane went back to the gate and picked up another person. but that person slept the entire way to laguardia. >> at least they let him sit in first class. wouldn't it be awful if they made him -- no, 22-f is yours. stay right there. something else turning a lot of heads this morning, the community north of minneapolis. a front yard snow sculpture. >> this isn't an ordinary snow sculpture, far from any snowman most of us made as kids. it is a 37 foot long sea turtle. look at the amazing detail. it took three brothers austin trevor and connor bartz 300 hours to complete it. >> 12 foot tall turtle named snappy. the fourth year in a row they built a giant sea animal of some kind, sculpture, outside. you can do that in minneapolis. good work, guys. "the skinny" coming your way next. an awkward moment on "the bachelor" and a sneak peek at next movie chapter of "the avengers." first, a chilling moment on a ski resort. a 9-year-old boy in trouble and the safety questions and who came to the rescue. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airborne dual action. stay still, like a statue. just like a statue. just one more. look here! when your day goes on and on you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ [ baby crying ] [ mom ] be right there, baby. [ muffled noises ] oops. ow. sorry. [ baby crying ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pampers. unlike ordinary diapers with two layers, pampers have three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night. ♪ ♪ wishing you love sleep and play. pampers. ♪ ♪ it was a terrifying scene at a ski resort caught on tape. ♪ it was a terrifying scene at a ski resort caught on tape. a little boy dangling from the chairlift holding on for dear life. >> with a growing number of incidents like this it is a reminder to be careful up the mountain as well as down. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: the video is enough to send a shiver down your spine. you can see the 9-year-old boy dangling from the ski lift at pennsylvania's liberty resort on saturday. people gather two stories below as the boy flails his legs, one ski still attached. adrien delgado show the video on his cell phone. >> they couldn't pull him because it would be rocking the lift. or all three of them will fall. >> the gasp worthy moment, the boy plummets hitting the snow below. incredibly he is expected to be okay. >> he fell from 20 feet and just hurt his leg. that has to be a miracle. >> reporter: no word what caused the accident. authorities are investigating and the resort is not commenting, but it's not the first slip on the slopes this season. on the same day a 5-year-old boy riding on a beginning chair lift by himself in montgomery county, pennsylvania, plummeted 30 feet. the boy is reportedly in serious condition after he fell because the rail on his chair was not secure. and last month, a similar incident in new york. just days later, 10-year-old tyler russell fell 20 feet from a lift in oregon. >> i said my foot is tired. i'm going to put my foot behind my snow board and then i went forward too much. >> one fall turning deadly. a 44-year-old brooklyn mother killed weeks ago after she fell 25 feet off a ski lift in upstate new york resort. safety expert mike russo told clayton sandell that skiers need to make sure they are securely locked in the lift. >> you don't want to wiggle around. get on. put the bar down and sit still. >> reporter: the ski industry says chair lifts are exceptionally safe and secure, noting deaths are rare, 15 over the last four decades. this morning, as more and more families hit the slopes just double-check that you're securely locked in. so a ski lift scare won't happen to you. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> locks appear to be one of the issues but the owner of the ski resort said there wasn't a malfunction. >> always a good reminder, just make sure. some common sense applies. he fell -- good thing it was snow below, powdery stuff below. >> oh, my gosh, so hard to see. grateful both boys are recovering and will be okay. coming up, we have our first glimpse at the new "avengers" movie but will it live up to the hype? and things got weird for a contestant on "the bachelor." find out if she got a rose. that's next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. tt2wút3n@ 4" bt@q&7h tt2wút3n@ 4" "a@q6;, tt2wút3n@ 4" bm@q=0 tt4wút3n@ 4"" dztq 6.é tt4wút3n@ 4"" entq fá< tt4wút3n@ 4"" gzt& ó-d tt4wút3n@ 4"" hnt& o#( tt4wút3n@ 4"" iztq %jp tt4wút3n@ 4"" jntq 7:0 tt4wút3n@ 4"" lzt& /wl ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ we have "the skinny" this morning. episode two of "the bachelor" where things got a little intense. chris, an iowa farmer, had to send more of the ladies home. a tough task but not when it came to one contestant. >> ashley s. is the name. she made an impression on chris and the fellow contestants especially during their group zombie date. she started to scare everyone and it wasn't intentional. she was making strange statements. seemed generally out of it and chris tried to make sense of it all. >> i don't know if this has gotten to her. i don't know what's going on. i feel bad. >> whoa. >> okay? >> yeah, of course. >> what? >> she did seem a little out of it there. but oddly enough you won't believe this. she received a rose and will remain. >> she is good tv. >> until next week. the producers knew she was money gold when it comes to reality tv. it was revealed that jimmy kimmel will be a special guest. >> they screen these people very carefully. so they know actually who's going to be a problem, who could be good television, who could be -- they knew she was going to do this. >> no, they didn't. they had no idea at all. >> they knew the potential was there. fans get a taste of the new "avengers" movie last night with a full-length trailer appeared during the big game. marvel fans poring over the details. every shot on twitter as we speak. >> it features the favorite characters but things look bleak for the super heros. we see ultron, the villainess robot voiced by james spader and we see a troubling battle between ironman and an out-of-control hulk. >> and a lot of speculation about the freak out. people thinking it's because he's under the control of somebody else. we'll see. it will hit theaters may 1st. next up big news for "twin peaks" fans. >> we already know that showtime is picking up and producing a sequel to the 1990 drama, but what we are just finding out is kyle mclaughlin is reprising his role as fbi agent cooper. twin peeks was set in an off-beat northwestern town. they've garnered a small cult-like following. critics called the show ahead of its time. paving the way for today's shows. >> and showtime says the limited run series is set in the present day is going in to production this year and will air in 2016. i love it when they come back and make a reappearance in a different time. >> that's 1990? >> yeah. so much has changed. it is like 20 years, right? >> my goodness. >> more than 20 years. safe to say most sports fans would be thrilled to get a picture with one of their favorite athletes. like if you had a shot with cardale. >> 12 gauge. >> this shot is probably not what you are hoping for. former major league pitcher roy halladay at an amusement park. he is sneaking up behind a fan taking a picture that happens to be wearing a halladay jersey. his jersey. it is a funny moment but it doesn't appear that halladay let the fan know he was standing next to him. in the caption of the tweet, halliday writes the fan didn't know they took the picture. it could of course have been staged. if not halladay has got to get it together. he is 37 and retired. plenty of time to figure this stuff out. >> i love this. i don't find this to be mean. >> no. but if you are a fan, you would like to know he was there, right? >> i have done something like this once. >> with your fans? >> yeah. a guy was wearing a t-shirt that had my name on it for a show i was doing and i went up to the picture and then went back to say hello to him and he didn't know who i was. >> your own fan didn't know you. >> he didn't know who i was. >> time for celebrity birthdays. >> big happy birthday to "veep" star julia louis-dreyfus, 54. >> happy birthday mcdreamy. patrick dempsey turns 49. the creator of "greys anatomy," "scandal" writer, producer and an abc darling. >> superstar. >> shonda rhimes is 45. >> orlando bloom 38. happy birthday to everyone. coming up, class pass. trying out a gym workout without paying a fortune first. >> the new trend in fitness. you are watching "world news now." >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ colourists know roots take colour one way, and previously coloured hair another. new vidal sassoon salonist. first, brush roots then, blend through lengths. our most advanced system outside the salon. it's more than colour. it's a work of art. ♪ all right. just a couple weeks in to the new year and a lot of you may be feeling fatigued to try to keep the fitness resolution. that's the extent of it. >> does that count? >> every bit counts. >> if you are trying to keep things fresh and try new workouts. abc's sara haines and the type of membership that makes perfect sense for you. >> reporter: sick of the boring treadmill? the same workout day in and out? you may want to class things up with a special class pass. thousands of studios in 20 cities across the u.s. are part of the class pass movement. costing between 79th to $99 a month, the class pass allows you to try as many group fitness classes as you want, as long as you don't hit the same gym more than three times a month. >> for your body to change the workout has to change. >> reporter: whether you are in to the zen of yoga, the intensity of kick boxing or want to dive in to underwater spinning, with class pass you can try something you have never done before. so that's exactly what i did. ♪ first step, i headed to revolution in motion for some slip and slide. man, did i slip. i am discovering new muscles. are we done? >> reporter: next, i bounce over to jump live for a full trampoline workout. only thing better than one trampoline is a room full of trampolines. >> let's go! >> reporter: and then to top it all off i headed over to unique gym called brooklyn zoo. ♪ where i was able to let out my wild side. i got my buns kicked and definitely had a lot of fun. experts say class pass may not be perfect for everyone. >> i think class pass may not be great for someone who's looking to really become advanced because you really need to stick to one thing rather than bopping around to a bunch of different things. >> reporter: bopping around, guilty as charged. the script on my workout officially flipped. sara haines, abc news, new york. >> i love sara haines. >> she always seems like she's having more fun at work than we are. >> that's true. >> it bothers me. >> it bothers you? really? >> yeah. >> knowing sara a couple of years now she is always happy. no matter what time of day. >> she stays here. >> all the time and it is genuine. it's real. >> stay down a little bit. >> wake her up in the middle of the night. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. get tested for colon cancer? i don't have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! making news in america this morning, terror threat. authorities reveal a new warning aimed at american airports as the u.s. central command's twit twitter and youtube page gets hacked. plus, the rare admission of being wrong from the white house. train evacuations inside a washington, d.c. train. smoke fills a tunnel. people running for their lives. at least one dead. overnight investigators reveal what they think happened. man overboard. we're hearing from the former football player recovering after swimming nine miles to safety. >> i shouldn't be here. 16 hours in the water. >> the motivation that kept him going. national champions, the buckeyes beating oregon with their first ever college football playoff endin


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20170715

>> when you looked at her, it's like-- >> reporter: whoa. >> like an electrical shock. this is the "cbs evening news." >> mason: this is our western edition. good evening, i'm anthony mason. there was a bigger crowd than we knew at that now infamous trump tower meeting involving donald trump, jr. the associated press says it also included a russian-american lobbying to have u.s. sanctions against the kremlin lifted. a man thought to have ties to russian intelligence. that's in addition to the president's son-in-law jared kushner, trump campaign chairman paul manafort, and the russian lawyer who reportedly was offering dirt on hillary clinton. the publicist who arranged the meeting, rob goldstone, has now told the a.p. he was there, too. major garrett is at the white house. >> reporter: rinat akmetshin, seen here in this russian news report, was born in the former soviet union and served in its military. he has suspected ties to russian intelligence. akmetshin, now a u.s. citizen, lobbies to lift anti-russian sanctions. he was unavailable for comment today at his washington, d.c. residence. akmetshin has worked with the russian lawyer natalia veselnitskaya, who secured the meeting with donald trump, jr. under the pretense of providing damaging information about hillary clinton. onmetshin's presence raises more d estions about who attended the meeting, and undercuts trump, r .'s explanation earlier this week. so as far as you know, as far as this incident is concerned, this is all of it? >> this is everything. this is everything. >> reporter: cbs news has fedrned president trump was p,iefed about the trump, jr. meeting three days before it was disclosed in the "new york times," though it seems he was not aware there were more people in the room than initially reported. >> it was a meeting that went pery, very quickly, very fast. two other people in the room, they-- i guess one left almost thmediately and the other one was not really focused on the meeting. >> reporter: mr. trump is referring to campaign manager paul manafort and mr. trump's non-in-law jared kushner now a senior white house advisor. cbs news has confirmed that he has revised his white house twcurity clearance application twice. the last revision was the russian lawyer, though kushner's attorneys say that disclosure was not legally required and that kushner was not introduced to others in the meeting. jeffrey mankoff is a russian specialist with the center for strategic and international studies. >> i think going into meetings with people who have kremlin ties on the part of anybody who's in national politics without thoroughly vetting who they are, what they're doing, is politically, and possibly legally, quite dangerous. being reached out to by representatives of the russian government or intelligence services should certainly spark red flags and prompt a call to the f.b.i. >> reporter: cbs news has also confirmed president trump has hired yet another attorney to deal with russia related matters. scs name is ty cobb, a descendent of the famous baseball legend. unlike other attorneys hired by the president, cobb will work inside the white house to mmunsee the legal and communications strategy in this matter. anthony? >> mason: major garrett at the white house. thank you, major. the house intelligence committee is investigating russian meddling in the u.s. election and whether anyone in the trump campaign was involved. today, former trump campaign advisor michael caputo testified before the panel in closed session. here's julianna goldman. >> but i had no contact with russians, and i never heard of anybody in the trump campaign talking with russians. m reporter: former trump campaign advisor michael caputo met with house investigators for about three hours today and testified he had zero contacts cath russia during his time on the campaign. caputo, who was on the trump campaign from november 2015 to june 2016, had lived in russia in the 1990s, working for the u.s. government. he returned to the u.s. in 2000 and worked as a public relations advisor to a subsidiary of the state-owned russian conglomerate gazprom. he told the buffalo news, last year, "i'm not proud of the work today, but at the time, putin wasn't such a bad guy." >> i intentionally stayed out of the hair of the white house and the administration, especially since my name was brought up in the context of the russia investigation. nobody in the administration or the white house needs my telephone number on their call list, needs me on their visitor logs or needs e-mails from me. >> reporter: he's a protege of one of mr. trump's longest advisors, roger stone, whose appearance before the house committee later this month was postponed so members have more time to prepare. for his part, stone says he's had no contact with russian officials, but he told our jeff pegues he was in touch with russian hacker guccfier 2.0 and with wikileaks during the campaign. one of the his tweets last year suggested he may have known the site may have been posting john podesta's hacked e-mails. also today, brad parscale, the trump campaign's digital director said he will speak with investigators. ia said he's unaware of any russian involvement and will share with the committee everything i know. president trump's long-time attorney michael cohen is also theduled to appear before the committee in september. both the house and the senate are still in the early stages of their investigations, which will eventually move up the ladder to the president's inner circle, anthony. >> mason: julianna, thanks. the top democrat on the house intelligence committee, adam schiff, calls the latest revelations deeply disturbing but president's supporters are standing by him. here's dean reynolds. >> reporter: at the vigo county fair in indiana, amid the familiar sights, smells and sounds, we found supporters of inesident trump eager to push back against the big story of the week in washington. are you troubled at all about the whole russia investigation? t not at all. veere is nothing to it. >> reporter: even with his son's admitted meeting with the russians? >> i think his son was trying his best to be as transparent as ep possibly could. >> reporter: but isn't the >>eting troubling to you? on no, no. >> reporter: brenda and fred wilson were on the same page. >> so far i've seen enough russian to say, until something erne pops up that's pretty big, i'm not concerned about that right now. >> reporter: we met the wilsons and their friends at thepublan e fairgrounds. r: russia, russia, russia. % reporter: gary riggs who says he's 200% satisfied with the president's performance, believes reporters are getting in the way. >> he's getting a lot done behind the scenes, but the media overshadowing on the other side makes it twice as hard. >> reporter: should we report what he tweets? >> you know, i think you neobably should, but it shouldn't be the main line. we need to get behind this president and quit majoring in minor things, in my opinion, and ht him do the job he was elected to do. >> reporter: speaking of elections, his supporters here believe republican control of washington should produce big results, but matt schalburg is concerned that congress is not >>lping. >> they have a prime edportunity, something they've wanted for years. r reporter: and would you as a voter be upset with them if they don't do what they said they were going to do? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> the swamp is deeper than he thought. >> reporter: six months into his presidency, they have four words of advice for mr. trump, steady as you go. dean reynolds, cbs news, terre haute, indiana. >> mason: two suspects were charged today in the murders of four young men in a philadelphia suburb. the victims vanished last week. today we learned some gruesome details. demarco morgan is in bucks county, pennsylvania. >> we were able to secure the ao weapons that we alleged were used in the murders. >> reporter: bucks county district attorney announced sean kratz and cosmo dinardo have been charged with the multiple homicide for the deaths of these mean. dean finocchiaro, tom meo, mark sturgis and jimi patrick have all been positively identified. >> reporter: he says the men were killed by 20-year-old dinardo who confessed yesterday and 20-year-old sean kratz after they lured the men on to the farm with fake drugs deals. a there was an attempt to burn the bodies, to obliterate them n't i don't think it was successful. >> reporter: patrick was the first to go missing to a remote area on the property and was shot and killed with a .22 caliber rifle. two days later authorities say tat dinardo and kratz shot and killed the three other men. >> we found three of those young men deep in the ground under an old oil tank that was converted into a cooker about 12.5 feet down. >> reporter: photos of cosmo dinardo, appearing to brandish a lln, from a snapchat account were first reported by >> i'm satisfied at this time that based on the evidence that lo have, we have the two men locked up that need to be brought to justice. ter:eporter: there is still no ouear motive as to why all four men were lured to the property and killed. anthony, the judge entered a not guilty plea for both dinardo and kratz. their next court appearance is set for the end of the month. >> mason: demarco morgan in pennsylvania, thank you. o vere thunderstorms are expected to hit the upper midwest again this weekend. parts of wisconsin and illinois ine already flooded. david begnaud is north of chicago in gurnee, illinois. >> reporter: unprecedented is what it's being called. authorities say two months of rain have fallen in just 12 hours in gurnee, north of chicago. .6's not uncommon to see flooding here, but 1.6 trillion gallons of water fell this week on portions of wisconsin and illinois, where bruce rounder is the governor. >> now that it's not raining anymore, folks think things are just fine or getting better. >>ey're not. >> in lake county, illinois, 5,800 buildings have reportedly been damaged by flood water. forecasters say flooding in the northern chicago suburbs will get worse in the next few days as water flows down rivers into the state from wisconsin. in burlington, the town's four bridges remain closed because the swollen fox river crested at were than 17 feet. back in gurnee, illinois, we found gary campbell, defiantly optimistic, that the wall of sand he put around his home of 40 years is going to hold. do you think you're going to be able to save it? >> i've survived all the other ones. the things you lose, that's another story. >> reporter: it's the des ooaines river that overtopped the banks flooding the town of gurnee. river rose six feed in just three hours. the good news, no rain is here's the good news: no rain is expected this weekend, however, the water and river are still rising tonight and won't crest till sunday. >> mason: david begnaud, and i hope the sandbags hold. thanks, david. turns out, a close call at a san francisco international airport one week ago was closer than we thought. kris van cleave has the update. ee reporter: it could have been ave of the the worst aviation disasters in history. last friday night an air canada night landed up to land on a taxiway in san francisco where four others were waiting to take off. it pulled up just in time. 's reporter: canada's transportation safety board said early indications are the flight may have come within just 29 feet of one plane and overflew the first two aircraft by 100 >>et. >> we're talking less than a second from disaster. >> reporter: ross aimer is a extired airline captain and c.e.o. of aero-consulting experts. >> it is an easy thing to do, to mistake a taxiway from a runway, especially on a dark night. >> reporter: half a mile out the air canada pilot thought something was wrong but continued anyway. >> reporter: the new c.t.s.b. report says the controller was wiordinating with another facility as the air canada flight descended. n there were 140 people on the air canada flight and hundreds rore on the planes on the ground. anthony, the n.t.s.b. is now toading the investigation and hopes to speak to the flight crew and controller in the coming days. sa mason: just 29 feet from disaster, wow. kris van cleave, thank you very much. coming up next on the cbs news, they were ready to say i do, now brides to be are saying what do i do now? saying what do i do now? boost. it's about moving forward, not back. it's looking up, not down. it's being in motion. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. hdid you get that email i sente wyou...before you wake up. ... when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. >> mason: thousands of brides were jilted today by their edessmaker when more than 60 alfred angelo bridal stores edosed without warning. the company also supplied gowns for another 1,400 stores. here's omar villafranca. >> reporter: hell hath no fury like a bride scorned. >> where's my dress? >> reporter: just ask leann coleman who's about to get married but can't pick up her bridesmaids dresses. >> i'm a little disgusted because, what, we have a week to find a dress? >> reporter: a steady stream of shocked wedding parties flocked to the 60 alfred angelo across the country, only to find the doors locked and signs posted in the window, telling customers to email a florida-based law firm. >> it's like it's within arm's reach. >> reporter: 23-year-old kyla terry came to pick up her wedding dress at the shut-down frisco, texas location, she's already paid $1,200 towards her dress. >> i starred crying when i put my dress on. >> reporter: you're getting emotional now talking about it. >> i looked at my mom and i said, "this is the one, this is my dress." paul quintell, the president of alfred angelo. >> reporter: in 2013, the then- c.e.o. was on cbs's "undercover boss." >> reporter: and gave a formerly homeless employee a free wedding dress and $35,000. he left the company shortly afterwards. on social media, angry brides are lashing out. one bride to be saying my wedding dress was due to deliver end of july. my wedding, august 19. i'm calling it off. don't have time to find my dream dress again. kyla still has time to find a dress, but still wants answers from alfred angelo. >> how are you going to fix all these brides' broken hearts? there are so many brides across the united states that are upset and are stuck in limbo. there is nothing they can do at onis point. >> reporter: at one point, alfred angelo made $90 million in revenue. repeated calls and e-mails to the company were not returned. di mason: omar villafranca with your worst wedding nightmare. thank you, omar. up next, that sinking feeling. that sinking feeling. my a1c wasn't were it needed to be. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's suppose to do, release its own insulin. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes diet and exercise. trulicity is not insulin. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you or a family member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if you've had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe pain in your stomach, or symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin, increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. once-weekly trulicity may help me reach my blood sugar goals. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. the ford summer sales event isshovel.l swing. mulch. brick pavers. fence posts. concrete. we're good. and wood for my castle. we got it. and a slide, and a drawbridge. take on summer right with ford, america's best-selling brand now with summer's hottest offer on ford f150. get zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. that's the built ford tough f150 with zero percent for sixty months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade in. offer ends soon during the ford summer sales event. depend silhouette active fit briefs, feature a thin design for complete comfort. they say "move it or lose it" - and at my age, i'm moving more than ever. because getting older is inevitable. but feeling older? that's something i control. get a free sample at >> mason: gone in seconds. byo florida homes were swallowed today by a sinkhole. it's growing bigger by the hour, and could reach a nearby lake. nine other homes have been evacuated. enwer has been cut to dozens more. there was a sinkhole on that same block at least once before. jimmy carter got a big ovation coday when he returned to a construction site in winnipeg, canada. the former president spent the night in the hospital after collapsing while building homes itr habitat for humanity. mr. carter, who is 92, was treated for dehydration. he and his wife just celebrated their 71st anniversary. charles evans was married 60 years, and keeps the memories in e special place. steve hartman is next. >> mason: we end >> mason: we end tonight with a man who has so much love, he had to build a special place to keep it all. teve hartman met him on the road. is reporter: around starkville, mississippi, retired mail carrier charles evans is known mostly for his questionable taste in lawn furnishings. but we came last year for something undeniably beautiful. >> the man with the plan. ( laughs ) >> reporter: charles met his wife louise back in 1949. >> when you looked at her, it's like an electrical shock. >> reporter: really? >> i guess it's love. >> reporter: to charles, true love is so powerful, nothing can stop it. >> it's a big four-letter word. ot reporter: nothing. >> straighten it out. wh reporter: which is why, after she died in 2011, after 60 years of marriage, he decided a grave marker wasn't enough, that their love deserved more than a monument. what their love needed was a a seum. and so, in a little outbuilding behind his house, charles evans iailt just that. id this is a memorabilia area. s> reporter: inside, he's got me shoe shine stand he was working at when he met her. he has all the music they used to dance to. and he has four walls packed palid with pictures, documenting every significant occasion. >> this is when we went out to lunch. >> reporter: and most every insignificant occasions. >> this is another place for lunch and she didn't like this because i caught her laughing with food in her mouth. >> reporter: needless to say, he doesn't get a lot of visitors, but we got the sense he enjoyed ws alone time more. on slow days, he would slow dance with louise. >> i guess i'm trying to relive ber life, would you think? >> reporter: maybe. >> i don't know. on's so hard to explain, you know. but it's not a suffering memory, it's a beautiful memory, you know. >> reporter: fortunately, a lot of our viewers could relate. since that story first aired, 250 people from as far as way as india have come to see the museum. some even go for a spin with the curator. ( laughter ) of course, none of these new dance partners can hold a candle to his louise, but charles says he's still happy people are getting the message of his museum, that love can never be lost, as long as it's savored. >> yeah, she was lovely. >> reporter: steve hartman, on i.e road, in starkville, mississippi. >> mason: charles evans keeping that love electricity alive. that's the "cbs evening news." i'm anthony mason. thanks for watching. see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning" saturday. captioning sponsored by cbs three extra dollars to cross bay area bridges. now we know exactly how that money would be put to use. go kpix 5 news begins with a plan to put a toll hike on the ballot. three extra dollars to cross bay area bridges! now we know exactly how that money will be put to use. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm allen martin. the $3 increase would bring tolls on state run spans to as much as $9 on the bay bridge and $8 on other bridges. kpix 5's mark sayre live in san jose with some of the high- profile projects that would benefit from the money. >> from sonoma county to the tri-valley to here in silicon valley this plan would have a broad impact. it would cut down on traffic congestion but users of the bridges say not so fast. bay area traffic is legendary not in a good way. proponents of the toll increase plan say individual cities and counties have done a good job with some projects, but now it is time for bigger regional solutions. >> we are really involved in a traffic crisis here. it's one of the worst places in the country as far as the traffic is concerned. so we need to take a regional approach. >> reporter: the plan is to ask voters in all nine bay area counties next year to approve a toll hike of up to $3 on the seven state-run bridges in the bay area. and the state has just released a list of specific planned improvement projects including $500 million for hundreds of new bart cars, $300 million for freeway express lanes, including i-80 in alameda and contra costa counties, and 101 in san francisco. $275million will be for new ferries and more ferry service. $200million will bring caltrain to the transbay terminal in downtown san francisco. and $125 million to ease the gridlock in what's commonly called the novato narrows, between marin and sonoma counties. >> why it's important to say


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