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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live 20160903

why wouldn't he apologize for what he did. why wouldn't he apologize for discriminating against african-americans in housing. why wouldn't he apologize to some of the other ugly things that he has said to the african-american community, so, no, this is not acceptable under any circumstances. >> all right, mark thompson. thank you so much for your thoughts. that is it for me on a.m. joy. over to my colleague, alex whit. >> all right, joy, thank you very much. and i'll take it from here, everyone. we are going to stay with this breaking news story. just past noon in the east, 9:00 a.m. out west. we're going to go to donald trump's visit to the black church in detroit. just minutes ago, he wrapped up remarks after so much uncertainsy as to whether or not he would even address the congress gantts there. this is video that was shot just minutes ago. he sat there in the first few rows, he was clapping and swaying right along there with the church. one of his key supporters was there with him. and here's what mr. trump told them just minutes ago from what appeared tor prepared comments. >> you do right every day by your community and your families. you raise children in the light of god. i will always support your church, always. and defend your right to worship. so important. i am here today to listen to your message. and i hope my presence will also help your voice to reach new audiences in our country and many of these audiences desperately need your spirit and your thought. >> that is donald trump, who's take i taking part in this church service. this is the scene outside of the church. dozen of people dpatherring to protest his visit. they marched right near that church. chanting dump trump. all holding up signs reading no hate in the white house. a bit earlier this morning, detroit's mayor held a news conference to voice his skepticism over this visit. >> it just feels to me like a madison avenue image makeover. i feel like i'm watching the next season of the apprentice. i just think they are very cynically trying to create a new image and we'll find out today if i'm wrong and mr. trump comes out with very specific plans on how to improve schools and reduce poverty. all the the reaction surrounding it. >> outside, you're going to be able to see there are still protesters around. they've been around for a couple of hours. maybe we saw 50, 60 protesters, not happy. that he is in the neighborhood. now, inside, we had trump arrive a couple of hours ago. pretaped an interview with the pastor as we already now, but we didn't know was whether he was going to address the crowd and of course as you saw, he did. he read from prepared raushs that he said he wrote a little bit ago. a few days ago i think is what he said. that you may understand better than i will. i think the words he used. and then proceeded to read those. he went off script several times. cited scripture. i wasn't able to gauge the reaction because i wasn't inside. we were able to see the pews were not full. 140 o a church rep told me today they could have had 1400 people in there. appears they didn't get that money. but this is very interesting visit by trump. his critics said when he started that direct appeal to african-american voters, why are you speaking the to largely white crowds over and over and over. so, here he is coming and bringing his message directly to black audiences. a lot of people going inside said they were willing to listen to him. they were willing to see if he would change. but a lot of those even those who were going to go inside said they weren't going to vote for him. he had just said too much to them. it was a foensive. they were just willing to let him be and say what he wanted to say. >> nothing is more sad than when we sideline young black men. with unfulfilled potential. tremendous potential. i met some people this morning that were incredible people. young people. our whole country loses out. when we're unable to har necessaharness the brilliance of energy of these people. when one hurts, we all hurt. so true. we're all brothers and sisters. and we're all created by the same god. we must love each other. and support each other. and we are in this all together. all together. i fully understand that the african-american community has suffered from discrimination. and that there are many wrogs that must be made right. they will be made right. i want to make america prosperous for everyone. >> of course, the only way for trump to go in terms of support from the african-american community is up and our most recent poll, he's at 1%. historic lows, there's that, but then the crowd who says this is part of his appeal to his was. those who are leaving white voters largely because they don't like the label that is put on trump supporters and trump being a racist. but one thing is for sure. that in the last couple of week, trump had hit this message. in every rally, in his prepared remarks, he has made a direct appeal to african-american voters and here he is in detroit a couple of protest rs said i give him an a for showing up, but i won't vote for him. interesting to see how others feel about that. >> well, he clearly has some work to do with that community, so thanks so much. we'll let you know that our jermaine lee has been inside the church service. as soon as he makes his way out of the crowd and to a microphone and the camera, we'll talk with him as well. but right now, i'm delighted to bring in crystal ball, direct strategist, senior fellow at the leaders council and joy reed. a family reunion here. let's get to your reaction. >> it was interesting a couple of things and you and i looked at each other when we heard jacob say despite being a 1400 seat capacity, the pews weren't full. it's interesting is that we heard earlier that they were turning people away. that you had to have a ticket to get into the church and the people were being turned away without tickets, so they could have added more people inside, but perhaps that means they were carefully screening to make sure the crowd inside would be friendly. it will take more information on that. i've been trying to get some information on who wrote the prepared remarks that donald trump read from the podium still waiting on that. but these were clearly remarks that were reprepared for him. i had heard earlier before, at least last night, that he was going to greet the church for maybe five to ten minutes. he did more than that. he gave a speech, so clearly, he had a prepared speech. he touched on some traditional conservative themes. school choice. defending your right to worship. the religious liberty theme and those lead me to believe that jacob is correct, that this was a speech a lot about white conservative voters who want to feel more comfortable to see that picture of him standing next to ben carson, standing in a black church. he thinks will help him in the white house. >> crystal and i were watchinging it in the makeup room and when donald trump was talking about defending the right for people to worship, is it me or was this country founded on those principles? >> it was. >> interesting point to bring up. >> if anyone has put that principle at risk, it is donald trump with his religious tests that he has proposed in banning muslims. good the to hear he has a newfound commit m to religious liberty. the speech was carefully scripted, which i any is interesting. donald trump's whole thing is he's the tell is like it is guy and clearly based op the carefully prepared nature of this speech he gave and the reporting about how carefully conceived this sper view was and the responses laid out p business hi aides, the it's clear that at least his aides, if not him himself, very uncomfortable in the setting an very nervous about what he might say or do. i'm not trying to be smart or sassy here, but if you wanted to reach out to the african-american community, i think you would start by firing the white nationalist you just hired to run your campaign. i have a hard time seeing how you're going to get a significant amount of support while you have someone like steve bannan who ran the website as this platform for the racest alt right that hillary clinton laid out as long as you have him at the helm, i don't see how you get past the 1, 2, 3% he's at now. you've got a majority of americans who tell pollsters that donald trump is racist and you can't win the white house when the majority of american people think you're racist, so he needs to appeal to the white women in the suburbs and the college educated white men who have left him and make the case to them that he's doing this outreach and that he is not in fact -- >> these pictures will turn up on conservative media. you'll see them splashed across. this will be the most positive toward black people headline we've had. one reason, good point, this was very scripted. the moments when he went off script, i think were interesting. there were two that i'll point out. one when he said i hope my presence here helps you reach new audiences. alluding to his ability to get ratings. then saying he thinks his wife could be a tv star, but the other, right, so weird when he said i didn't know what i was getting myself into. he praised the interview, which is counterintuitive given that the last 24 hours t news cycle has been about how scripted that interview was. his questions, the questions were provided to the campaign. his ap answers were scripted. he said he didn't know what he was getting into, but he did. >> tremayne, he's at the camera. am i right? and if so, great. let's go to you. first thing we were talking about was the fact that the church wunts completely full. and joy was hypothesizing maybe that's because they were screening those who could get in because i was talking to you about 8:15 this morning and there were cars streaming in. i cannot imagine they weren't able to lod load it up to 1400 people, the maximum capacity. >> well, i'm not so u sure if they were turning, they didn't turn that many folks away. we were standing here all morning. i think they were selective on the front end, who they were giving these tickets to. i spoke to a woman sitting next to me who said her pastor had gotten about ten or 15 and he wanted to delegation from his church to come and show support and for bishop jackson, but also to pray over donald trump. to be in that sanctuary, to try to have a spirit of good will. now, inside the church, you had a front section and two side sections that were completely full. i was sitting maybe 200 people. but behind me, there were maybe another 150 seats left emp thety one thing that stood out to me, not that he wouldn't have been welcomed as a guest, but they were eating it up. he was hitting those keywords. soul. bring souls to the polls. these keywords they use to manipulate the audience, but when donald trump on script and off talked about so you feel, the upliftment of the soul, at the end, he talked about 1 john chapter 4. kind of came into the audience. you could feel the energy, but at the end, when bishop jackson also presented donald trump with this jewish shaw and draped it over his shoulders and there they are smiling, that woman right next to me kind of grimaced a little bit wondering if this is about theatrics, optics. they wanted to hear about a plan. you heard donald trump talk about school choice and protecting religious liberties and the idea that when he drove around this morning and saw people sitting on the curbs without jobs, that somehow, he would have some sort of plan to you know, energize and build it back up. but again, he was warmly welcomed and i think the images we'll be left with, donald trump with his arm around bishop jackson, this smiling black pastor with the shaw and bible in his hand. it may have been a win donald trump. >> if he saw people sitting around the curb, it is saturday. so it might be -- >> having a day off. >> it's a beautiful day. >> and it's is summer, so i think the it's interesting if he drove around and saw people sitting around outside, that it was presumed they were jobless. maybe just having their day off. >> do you know is donald trump now going to be going on any sort of a walking tour because that was a possibility. i know that there was some speculation as to whether or not they were going follow through with that. is that happening? >> i'm not sure if it's a walking tour. he will be making other stops in detroit. about 10, 15 minutes ago, he was ushered out along with the press pool, so ipg the plan is that they will embark on some sort of tour. not sure in the vehicles or walking or where it will be. the pastor said there are other stops. >> this is dr. carson accompanying him, who is a detroit native. he can be a tour guide. >> he's with ohm rosa, darryl scott and ben carson. so this has the fingerprints of an -- she is an evangelist, ordained minister, so it's an interesting trio of people that visiting that surge. >> despite the one woman who you suggested was grimacing ali l bit at the theatrics of this, how would you describe people as they were going in? what they expected, wanted to hear from trump. were most people skeptical or were they with the sincere open heart, see what this guy brings? >> i think they were sincere in the spirit in which they came. i think when you think about the polling numbers for michigan, 8% african-americans in the state say they'll vote for donald trump. across the nation, it's 1%. these aren't trump supporters. these are good church folks who wanted to come and they wanted to hear what he had to say. they wanted to come with you know, an emotional spirit. these are good christian folks. so, but you overhear conversations about folks saying i didn't want to come. the woman i was telling you about, she said her husband parade on it for three days and decided this wasn't the event for him. she said she wanted to come to show support for the church community. though he was warmly welcomed, i think he was welcomed because he was a guest in this church and that's how church folks are going to welcome guests, they are. politi politics politicians. i think most weren't converted, but i think they appreciate it. at least from the energy and feel from the crowd. they did appreciate his words. he put those sheets of paper down and spoke on message, on script. clearly given his track record had help with that. hit on a lot of good points. the folks you have to imagine knew would resognate with this group. but i don't think there were many converts. they wanted to come and offer their spirit. >> you know, one thing that i would point out in response to what you say u there is even for someone who speaks as loudly as donald trump does, i think actions still speak louder than words and given his background as the person who really led the birther movement against the start, in the real estate business instructing his managers to mark see on applications for colored and denying housing to people based on the color of their skin. ipg that long list of his 70 years this planet is a hard thing to do. when i say it's too little too late. not just talking about this campaign. showing concern for this community. lost on these voters. the department of justice. lawsuits into the housing practices. more recently. the folks i've talked to say they feel disrespected, what else do you have to lose. >> a bit of reporting, the attempt to sort of pull professionalize the trump campaign, which is a little high level circuits. it hasn't been an operation -- tlfrs rnc output. our reporting on this, early on, it was an event put together by the campaign. it was not organized. rnc staffing did come into play. free wheeling on its own. you can see that it does appear that rnc staff stepped in, revud or i don't know if they prepared this statement, but it's a statement that was vetted through the channels. i think what you're seeing here is an attempt by the republican national committee and minority staff on the committee to pull this campaign back on to a normal track. what we've seen the that when that happens, it doesn't take long before trump goes freelance. and so that's off script. >> yes. all right. gosh, such a welcome to have all three of you. tremayne, you out in the field, joy, crystal, you guys are welcome on my show 24/7. thank you guys so much. also coming up in my next hour, someone else open to the invitation 14/7, reverend al sharpton. he'll be talking about the visit to the church in detroit. getting into the presidential debate, the challenge for third party candidate gary johns and how he is getting the court system involved. plus, breaking news on what was tropical storm hermine. the flood danger and where that storm's headed next. 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>> rip currents. >> great. have you had any b problems today, with r people mostly following your rules? >> yeah, everybody's being good. the police are out here doing their job, trying to make sure people curiously looking down at the waters edge there are not putting themselves in danger. it's one thing to be up here on the board walk, another to be too close down there to the waters edge. that's sort of setting the scene for what is going to be a continuing situation lake this. day at least because we know out there, hermine is actually picking up strength. >> clearly. you're barely anyone to stand up and those three guys, they're now just coming off the water, but while they were in it, i was quite worried they were going get pulled in. nobody ought to be b near the beach there. just for everybody who may have seen the earlier broadcast, john harwood was talking about there was a big bruce springsteen concert, that has been canceled. >> there's a lot of disappointed people here. they bought their hotel rooms. they're this town. planned to go to the concert and there was also an american heritage music festival also canceled. for good reason. you don't need people out in their cars driving. these gusts can move a car over. sxwl appreciate the camera man trying to wipe away the water. >> wiper blade there. >> thaupg, kerry. and your camera man. now to msnbc moeteorologist bonnie schneider. >> in fact, the storm search threat for parts of nnlz ands virginia has increased. as well as the strength of hermine, so now, a post tropical storm meaning it doesn't have the same characteristics of a warm core, but don't let the name fool you. it's quite dangerous. 65 mile per hour maximumwinds. the movement to the east, northeast at 15, but then it's going to slow down. this is the latest track from the national hurricane center just in and i want to draw your attention to this. by sunday nikt, we could have hurricane hermine once again. that's right. the water out here in the atlantic going over the gulf streak might sit long enough to intensify to a hurricane and not just for a brief period. from the hurricane center, that by supd night, possibly hurricane strength and that sticks around through tuesday. and even into early wednesday, a very strorng tropical storm, so that wha this means is a raised threat and concern for coastal flooding. right here across new jersey into virginia and certainly along long island and coastal sections. with hermine sitting here and stalling cut off from the jet stream, the storm has nowhere to go but rotate and loop around. as it does, we have an increaseded threat for storm surge, so this is new from the advisory we just got in. now, 3 to 5 feet from virginia all the way to new jersey. this is the flooding at the time of high tide. so, coastal residents particularly for atlantic city, cape may, ocean city, maryland. this is where we're looking at some of the biggest storm surges. seaside heights, high storm surge. lots of people like to look at the ocean during these systems, but you never want to go in. the waves look angry and are going to stay that way for days until hermine eventually moves out, but that's not going to be closer to thursday. we have the warning in effect to montauk. so a long lasting storm period period. >> we were just showing you seaside heights. we're going to take you back there for a live report and see b about the effects. we'll be back there live in just a moment. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? 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>> the winds just keep picking up out here. it's getting really gusty and if you look out at the water, you can see the waves, they've increased all morning. createded very dangerous rip tides. there are a few people on the beach. but not a whole lot. they're going up and down the beach, patrolling, telling people to stay out of the water. it's a little chilly, so not sure who would dpo in water, but they want to keep emp out. it's dangerous out there. just a short while ago, we spoke with the mayor. he said they have preps going on all morning. they are preparing for this hoping that it doesn't get too bad. alex? >> okay, thank you so much. we'll be watching closely with your help what's going on there. new scrutiny, the questions being raised after fbi notes released from an interview with hillary clinton over her e-mail server and what those notes reveal. plus, the breaking news on hermine, the state of emergency as well as the demand to new jersey residents. introducing new olay eyes. a collection for the look of every eye concern. lift depuff brighten smooth or ultimately all of it. eyes express every emotion, not your age. new olay eyes. ageless. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at donald trump has just wrapped up his iraqs at the great faith ministry in detroit where he also attended morning worship. even at the church, he miss a chance to get political. >> becoming the nominee of the party of lincoln, a lot of people don't realize that abraham lincoln, the great abraham lincoln, was a republican. has been the great es on of my life. it was on his legacy that i hope to build the future of the party but more important, the future of the country and the community. i believe we need a civil rights agenda for our time. one that ensure it is rights to a great education, so important and the right to liver in safe and in peace. >> now, gary johnson, libertarian nominee for president. good to see you. thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you. >> all right, i would like to first get to your campaign. your candidacy. i want to ask you about your thoughts about trump's appearance in detroit today. what do you think is the point of what he's doing and how effective is it going to be? >> i don't know. i mean, him going to mexico, i'd rather you know, focus a little bit on that. because i know something about that. the fact he wants to still deport 11 million workers. in new mexico, that's not going to work well. 50% of the population in new mexico is hispanic. that's going to involve checking papers. every other house, we're going to check papers and undocumented wok workers that go back 20, 30 years ago, a lot of those workers have bought homes. they've had kids who have had kids and they're going to be sent back to mexico. this is not a good thing at all. the it's a horrible, horrible scenario. that apparently, will get played out in new mexico. >> okay, though relative gary to what's going on there in detroit today, trump polling 2% in the african-american community. we know about uphill climbs. what kind of climb does he have to siphon off some other votes? >> i think it is an uphill climb. what i'm saying regarding all lives matter. all lives matter, but black lives matter. black lives matter because black rs being shot at the rate of six types that if you're white. if you're arrested on drug related crime and you are of color, there's a four times more likelihood that you're going to go to prison than if not. the things strump trump says are really trying to ignore that issue, trying to take away from the awareness that needs to be, that all of us need to focus on. i think we've had our heads in the sand on this issue and i put myself out there as first and foremost. i've add my head in the sand on this issue not recognizes this discrimination that takes place. i think he has an uphill battle and what he says belays what the reality is. >> all right, let's get to uphill battles. getting you to a debate stage. you're polling at 10%. you know you're supposed to get to 15 before you can get there, but you are well aware that polling shows a majority of voters think you should get to deba debate. so what needs to change to bripg the procedures in line with public sentiment? how should the commission hand third party candidates and do you think quour going to get fo one of these three debate sns. >> alex, an investor business dale by poll came out yesterday that had me at 12%. if you do the math on that, that's 15 million voters. the issue is just appear ng top line of the polls. my name in 50% of the polls is appeari ining as the third or fh question on the list, then 99% of the media just reports on the top line. trump and clinton. so 70% of america doesn't know i'm running in the race. ipg this bodes well for more support because myself and -- we've been there. done that. fiscally skeptical when it comes to military intervention. supporting free trade. that's a combination that neither hillary clinton or donald trump has. >> his first debate is three weeks from monday night, so if you don't qualify, what's your plan then? >> you keep plugging away. it's not an end of f the clock ticking meaning that the polls still will continue and i think that 15%, look, we're ratcheting up the polls. if it's not 15 in the first debate, it will be there after, but very quickly, 12% investor business daily poll, that's 15 million voters. i don't know how the presidential debate commission ignores that and how about an edict that for those final polls that my name son the top line and not the third or fourth line. if it's on the top line, hey, i'm maintaining. i'm in. >> how do you convince voters though that a vote for you while may adhere to their moral guidance, moral conscious and how they feel about this election, is not necessarily going to result in a win in seeing you in the white house. much as i know you want to be there and there are plenty of people who would love to see you there, but for the majority of vote rs that cast their vote for you, it may not happen. >> a wasted vote is voting for somebody you don't believe in. keep in mind that 50% of all people that are going to register to vote right now are registering as independents. where is that representation? i happen the to think it's a big six lane highway down the middle that's being occupied by two former republican governors that severed in heavily democrat states that got re-elected. look, you don't have to guess as to whether or not we would be effective. we've been there, done that. i don't think anyone can argue we didn't make a positive difference in both states. new mexico, massachusetts. >> you make a good point. ipg a lot of people will applaud both of you for your ability to leave in a very bipartisan fashion in both states. thanks so much. best of luck. look forward to talking with you again. >> thank you very much. all right, we're going to take you back to detroit right now. donald trump and ben carson. they are speaking with people out on the trail. as they're making their way around detroit. let's take a listen. >> we be about ready to go. it's up for sale. >> very nice. >> i'll send you a copy of art of the deal. the first book before i went on the show. >> thank you very much. >> excellent. are you guys going to interinterview. >> good luck. you have a nice time here. >> you, too, watch that bee. >> church tomorrow. >> so beautiful. >> have a wonderful time. very blessed. >> he's a great man. today. oh, okay. you guys have a great time. >> thank you. >> be safe. >> vote trump. don't forget when you go to the polls! seems like donald trump is doing what was on the schedule. which is something of a walking tour in parts there of detroit. we're going to bring you more of that as we get the information. also coming in our next hour, al sharpton, stay with us. we'll be right back. here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. what makes wendy's baconator different? 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zpl he showed up and i've got to give him credit for that. so a couple of weeks ago, we saw him talking about black issues, but only to white audiences and now, he does this, but the key is does he keep doing this or is this the exception that confirms the rule. if he goes out and talk to white audience and smeeks to a minority audience, then he's given it the old college try. >> maybe ooum not as optimistic as vicki. you have to remember, from the beginning, he was wup of the leading proponent of the idea that president obama was not a legitimate president, so we know coming in this is a tough sell. to me, when i see trump giving that speech, notice in the clip you played, he's reading his ipad, focused on what seemed to be pre paired remarks. that's not the donald trump we've known over the past 15 months, to me, that does not strike me in any way as authentic trump. maybe as panicking about his numbers and it's giving it a college try to try to do damage control. >> okay. now let's get to immigration. so, victoria, want too play for you what mr. trump told our affiliate in philadelphia. here it is. >> once the border is secure and we've stopped this horrible flow of illegal immigration, once that's all done oaf a period of time, we sit back, we see br wr is the country, what's happening and make a determination for the people that are here that weren't criminal, other than the fact they came in illegally and we make that determination at a future date. hopefully, it will be positive. >> so, is this part of the softening that trump has been talking about at different points over the last week? >> the truth of the matter is i haven't seen much change in trump's rhetoric. and also his actual policy plan about immigration. i went back and looked at the plan he posted and he hasn't changed. what he just told the affiliate sounds like what the gang of eight a couple of years ago put forward in their immigration reform program. the bill says we need to secure the border, we have to have 90% security. the border. and then we can get to the issue of those persons living here without papers. trump has a different idea. he wants to send everyone back and have them reapply. but that idea, that focus on the border before getting to undocumented persons is a lot like the plan that's been proposed. >> i want to play for you something and for our viewer, there's a sound bite that got a lot of o attention this week. it's from joy reed's interview with the founder of latinos for trump. >> we need to understand this is, this is a different time and we're having problems here. >> what problems? >> my culture is a very dominant culture and it's imposing and causing problems. if you don't do something abt, you're going to have taco trucks every corner. >> you have u to sort of follow the bouncing ball here because on the one hand, you have some trump advisers saying we're reconsidering our support lt what was your reaction? >> to be honest, i live on the upper west side of manhattan. there is a taco truck on my corner and i love it. so, any way, when i see this, why are these latino supporters of trump reconsidering because despite the rhetoric, there's really been no change and what should be very concerning to republicans right now, we just had yesterday new polling out for latino decisions. donald trump has negative net 53 arooufl ratings, but more worrisome for the gop, 73% of latinos say' the gop does not care about latinos or is hostile to them. that's a big problem going forward. we have politicians who have a future looking ahead to 2020 who still support trump, so this is going to be a big problem for the party going forward. i feel like this gentlemen, maybe he's misguided. i think the best we could say ta this look, the la thety know electorate is very diverse. we have all kinds of views, but he's very much of a in the minority. and just to remind people, so much attention given to trump this week r in for his speech, his general idea is not the american mainstream. 84% of americans do favor a path to citizenship. >> okay. thank you both so much. i'm going to blame trump and hermine for having an abbreviated conversation. see you guys again. thank you so much. what was hermine is expected to regain strength and become a hurricane once again. the path it's taking and the new alerts being issued. hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurae. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. it'...when that laxour loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've en to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptom or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? 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Transcripts For CNNW Inside Politics 20161003

trump tries to regain his footing and as the vice-presidents's candidates get their big chance on the debate stage. >> this is a choice, men and women, are whether or not we're going to continue to go downhill to a weaker america on the world stage. >> you can't spend your whole life hiring lawyers to evade paying taxes and then suddenly at age 70 say, boy, i'm going to be great for the vets. been stiffering them all my life but i'm going to be great for the vets now. >> with us to share their reporting and insights, and from politico and cnn correspondents. last week was a bad fweeshg donald truweek for donald trump. history, in 2012 donald trump posted this graphic on twitter. half americans don't pay taxes despite crippling national debt. the suggestion, is there a lot of free loaders out there? turns out donald trump may well be one of them. the "new york times" obtained copies of one year of trump's state filings claim $1ds billion losses, in 1995. because of that tax experts told the times he could have avoid paying federal income taxes nearly two decades. his campaign is threatening to sue the newspaper but surrogates tell you this is exactly why you should vote for trump. >> there's no one who's shown more genius in their way to maneuver around the tax code and to rightfully use the laws to do thavgts the man's a genius. he knows how to operate the tax code for the benefit of the people he's serving. >> the man's a genius. there's that old metaphor, making chicken salad out of -- but what -- but what are they going to say, i guess? the trump campaign, any indication he'll decide, okay, here's the rest of my taxes put these in context? they don't deny authenticity but the "new york times" obtained illegally, maybe we'll see you. the hillary clinton has a brand new ad out, turn it around, bring it you. where it's headed? >> he's not going to release his tax returns i am willing to predict that. but look at -- what's the up side for him? releasing his tax returns? is he going to win a single voter over a single undecided voter over? and i think, though, that the bigger question for him as people begin to process this is, not even so much that he used the breaks that are available in the law, but that they were born of a gigantic business failure in the middle of the 1990s. the economy was booming, and somehow he managed to have that chicken salad moment with his businesses. >> his casinos losing money, airline a failure, had, the palace hotel and other real estate investments went bad. it happens. he's in a big business. big business safety monis a lot. to your point ashes bad you're, you are a smart businessman he could prove he had good years by showing other years. right? >> but he isn't going to do that or being a surrogate. no harder job in politics being a surrogate. >> though only three of them. >> to glenn's point, striking how a few members of congress or governors, he has out there, working for him and he literally has about half dozen surrogates. from prominent members of american politics. huge gains. those people, sitting members of congress invisible. extraordinary. >> filled by newt gingrich, rudy giuliani and chris christie, in in sways , in in sways s in sways ome ways iterations of donald trump. saying the same thing and saying exactly what trump says about himself, that he's a genius. >> say he's a genius. very frustrating, not just for us, news organizations asking for clarity, context, explain the laws, what loopholes, deductions legally. no indications donald trump did anything illegal here but frustrating for republicans. a lot of candidates throughout for congress and senate and governor and they get asked about this stuff and when you talk to their campaigns they say, when they reach out to the trump campaign they get the same talking points. he took advantage, didn't do anything wrong. took advantage of loopholes available and paid very little or nothing, that makes him smart. >> and most americans don't want to pay taxes anyway or pay as few as possible. that's what donald trump was doing. the problem, they'll hear about this in television ads. priorities usa cut an ad they're playing in some of these battleground states. featuring a woman in ohio where she's talking about donald trump playing by different rules. she had to pay taxes. he's not supporting veterans, not is a importanting schools. tough to get out of this and hillary clinton brought this up in that debate. this is going to continue to dog him. i think you're right. he's not going release his taxes but more questions, who would you want as president and would he close loopholing allowing him to take advantage of this large tax write-off in the early '90s? apparently no if you look at his tax plan. >> they have him from both ends of the income scale. he stiffed the united states government. their agent. also an incredible weight of evidence that he stiffed vendors who worked for him. i thought that was actually one of the more powerful moments of the ho hoff tr hofstra debate. i have people write mere, stiffed, father owned an antique store, grabbed a $2,000 lamp and said, i'll pay you later, only after several months he actually paid up. something that contributes to a narrative of this guy stiffing people. >> saying he's for the little guy and being a hypocrite and to the old tweet, sends out a tweet saying half of the americans why aren't you paying taxes? in debt. hillary clinton said, tim kaine, too, before you jump in, to your point about the surrogates. talking points from the campaign, god bless them. we all want loyal supporters. chris christie saying, people saying explain this loss? i thought he was a great businessman? donald trump's calling card i will do for the government what i did for my business. asking for details and you get this. >> this is actually a very, very good story for donald trump. you know, about the losses. the fact is that this is a guy who rebuilt his entire business empire after the recession in the early 1990s, wrote the art of the comeback. let me tell you, america needs a comeback and we need somebody like donald trump to lead that comeback. >> again, an easy way to prove it. if there's a great comeback, let's see 1996, 1997, 1998, and so on and so forth, and you can prove the comeback story, but you're willing to bet, from "the washington post," willing to boat steve bezos fortune? >> willing to bet anybody else's but mine. yeah. again what is the upside to releasing his tax returns? especially what's the upside five weeks before the election? >> some indication since the debate, though, that hillary clinton is gaining nationally in polls and key swing states. might they get to a point where they see this pressure? >> why you see him this morning on the clip you played at the intoe to the show. moving on now to the e-mails. right? moving on to living off the land territory where you reach for whatever message that day falls into your lap. last week it was bernie sanders dissed by hillary on this hacked tapes and trying to find way to change the topic. one fast point, though, for hillary. if there is a sort of -- a cloud, a silver lining for her, she almost has to pick, because there's so much out there for her. does she want to prosecute a populist case against donald trump and portray him as hurting the little guy? getting way with stuff that average americans can't, or do you want to do what she has been doing. much more gender and race and saying this guy is an outright lier in american life in 2016 and this is going to set us back. >> get a sense of that. in ohio, we'll get a sense of that. they say they're going to, my words, channel an elizabeth warren and have a populist, after the epipen maker, wells fargo and donald trump as a businessman. before you jump in what she's done on twitter. tweets are priceless. hillary clinton again trying to get under donald trump's skin as she did to a degree in the debate. can man who lost a billion dollars in one year stiff small businesses to glenn's point and paid no taxes maybe claiming he's good at business? and then says, again, i think this is designed to sort of goad trump into saying more. according to the "new york times," trump pay contribute more to our college students and military than he wants to deport the undocumented immigrants. >> she goes after the very points about donald trump's biography he is most proud of and punctures them. i think that whoever they have on the campaign who's studying his psychological profile know that this is the single most guaranteed way to force him to erupt and you know, at 3:00 in the morning, that's what he's worried about. >> and they did that early in that first debate. jit her second answer was about his wealth inherited from his father, $14 million. >> his daddy's money. >> and from there pretty much off the rails. in some ways to jonathan's point, it's sort of all of the above. go with the race stuff, gender stuff as well as puncture an idea a populist out for the little guy and even barack obama talks about this. he said in one of his speech, all of a sudden donald trump is for the little guy, but you couldn't rent a place in one of his condo buildings. you couldn't get on his golf course, which i think is a pretty powerful message here as they try to get older voters, millennial voters as well as some of those working-class whites. >> this isn't just a matter of attacking donald trump's psyche. hillary clinton understands this psychology herself. she is having a big kick over the last couple of days. she is doing unto him as others have done unto her for a lot of years. to karen's point in 2007 i sat down with her before the election, the race, really took hold and she said to me, the blood sport aspect of running for the president is that they attack you on your strengths. and she spoke about that in a defensive way. what we're seeing right now is her being able to flip that around and turn it on donald trump. >> we'll see if, what happens. which trump we get this week. see if we get a disciplined trump, campaigned about 3,472 times. get a disciplined trump and then he sewed, up next to the countdown clock. and then he goes off script. started out today, military cyber security event. tone more somber and dismal. we'll see what happened. saw what happened sunday night. pressure gets you in a president's campaign. watching it play out. donald trump stays perfect on the trail this week, an issue in the vice presidential debate tomorrow night. hillary clinton will bring it up again with new information on taxes in the next debate next sunday night and here you live in a swing state you're about to see this. >> i'm hillary clinton and ai prove this message. >> you work hard. you pay your taxes. so why didn't donald trump pay his? he claims he's worth $10 billion. but a new report shows he may not have paid any federal taxes for almost 20 years. >> he didn't pay any federal income tax. if he's paid -- >> that makes him smart. >> if he thinks that makes him smart what does he think of you? >> how stupid are the people of the country? >> i'm hillary clinton -- >> well, if you're a trump supporter you don't like that, but that's a powerful ad. >> yep. you know, from that debate you felt like it was going to be an ad, when he said that makes me smart. now you've got ammunition with the "new york times" reporting, this october surprise that land right in the middle of a really bad tailspin for donald trump. >> think about, a presence of mind to move off her talking point. that makes me smart and stop, excuse me. what did you just say? that not paying taxes makes you smart. i want the people of america to hear thatcan you imagine the impact if she had gotten off-script and gone after him? >> i'm guessing she'll try again. >> her experience takes hold. from the lazio experience, infamous lew crossed the stage. i interviewed her in april about this, the key on a debate stage is not what you say. it's how you react, and in that moment, i didn't want to stop this guy from making the biggest mistake of his career. she has the same attitude in terms of -- >> treting point. sit tight. up next, donald trump getting more personal on the campaign trail? 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>> now his adviser say it's all fair game because hillary clinton calls trump a sexist and misogynist, but many other republicans worry it's a strategy certain to exacerbate trump's already deep problems with women voters. this might not help either. >> don't you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the united states than a woman and the only thing she's produced is a lot of work for the fbi checking out her e-mail jgs. >> that was rudy giuliani playing the role of archie bunker. i mean, we're laughing about this, but there's a presidential election in 36 days. >> yeah. >> and maybe that's not what he meant, but it kind of the tone -- >> a woman. >> this woman, how about, secretary clinton, or this, the democrat, or his opponent. why does it have to be "this woman"? >> because she's in their heads. rudy, i am old enough, i had hair at the time i was covering it, to cover rudy giuliani's almost race again hillary clinton in 2000. he's clearly got a score to settle, but this is not the man you want out there discussing women's issues. you know, my moment of the week last week was when giuliani and newt gingrich on the same day were discussing women's body image issues having to do with the miss universe controversy. again, it gets back to the fact that guy can't have anybody standing on the stage with him who doesn't directly reflect him. >> i'm old enough to remember, too, and didn't rudy giuliani blink, choose not to run? >> yeah. >> you had your chance. had his chance. he didn't -- he didn't run. >> and these are the people rounding donald trump and talking to him about this campaign. you've got roger stone, of course, too, who has all sorts of theories about the clintons' marriage. >> and area 51. >> yeah. and newt gingrich, rudy giuliani and donald trump between them have had nine wives. so it's -- you know -- >> the thick about going after the clintons' marriage it has been tried and tried and tried, and just a reminder that in december of 1998 when the congress was about to impeach bill clinton, hillary clinton's favorables went up to 66% in pew. so why are they deciding this is the right moment to go back and remind the country of the last moment it was truly sympathetic towards hillary clinton? >> here's your answer, not saying it's a good answer, here's your answer from rudy giuliani. he says it's not just about bill clinton. it's about hillary clinton. >> after she called him a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobic, i don't know, schizophrenic and no know what else at the end of that debate, i think it's fair game. i am saying the problem with hillary clinton has nothing to do as far as i'm concerned her marriage. it's her protection of bill clinton for 20 or 25 years against allegations of rape, taking advantage of an intern and going on the attack and trying to make those women appear to be insane in some cases. >> it's called biting the forbidden fruit. right? they're just overwhelmed by the temptation. it's out there. trump likes to operate with the politics of the personal. right? he's not going after her because her, know, highway plant isn't scored by cvo. this is what he wants to do. get down and sort of gutter-level politics. the fact is, though, that he knows that the approach he took in the first 20 minutes of that debate is better off. hammer -- >> why won't he do it? >> hammer her for being a political insider 30 years and reflecting the status quo they know is did politics. why can't he do it? >> his moat effective moment. >> because he wants to hit back on personal stuff, not policy. >> but why? >> because -- >> he can't help it. >> because she hit him where it hurts and he can't stop talking about it, and obsessed with it, too. the guys around him, too. >> my colleague on friday, which was, she wants to be nasty. i can be nastier. it's not about winning votes or -- he just wants to come out atop of the argument. that's what he does. who he is. you know? >> and also a feeling in that circle that it wasn't prosecuted the right way back in the '90s. if in the '90s it was too much about hillary clinton's, or bill clinton's infidelities, hillary clinton was the victim. if they can transfer is now to her somehow being the bad american in this, an enabler, then it's a new audience, it's a different kind of country now. i mean, that's the -- i'm knotty it will work but i think that's their bet. >> the fact between rudy giuliani and donald trump we're talking about six marriages and the clintons are still on their first one. still on their starter marriage. and i do think -- and by the way, when she ran for the senate, a lot of women voters in new york did have a problem with this, and she had to have a lot of sessions in people's living rooms where she would take questions from women, why did you stay with him? i do think that -- it wasn't like the whole country wasn't paying attention in the '90s, and maybe you can argue that the millennials we s weren't paying attention. it's not like we haven't all been here before. >> do we think, we have a big debate. he lost the first debate, it's clearly under his skin. the next big one is next sunday night. get to the vice president debate in a minute. clues should, have done in the first debate, doing it in the seconded. is that real or to get these conversations, get on television, people talking about bill clinton's history, see if it sticks, if it's out there and what does he know preparing for the second one? does he really think that's the best argument about the clins ss in the '90s, as opposed to what was effective. she's been around forever, won't deliv deliver change because she's part of the problem. >> i don't think this is about debate sta teachry. i think this is what the guy wants to talk about. i think we are witnessing a presidential nomination as self-expression. this dude wants to talk about this stuff. she kpemed ed t question compelled to talk about it, and that 30-year argument he made at that debate in the first 20 minutes was really effective. i was talking, direct messaging with clinton people at the time and they were worried about that. it is a mystery to me from any political perspective why this guy isn't just hitting that again. the other thing about it, did you hear him talk about the clinton foundation once during the debate at hofstra? >> no. or benghazi. >> left a lot of opportunities on the table. >> the single most important thing to know about the second debate is it's a town hall format meaning half of the questions in that debate are going to come from members of the audience, all of whom are undecided voters. and so a voter asks you, how are you going to guarantee that social security will be there for me? you cannot then say, well let's talk about monkia lewinsky. >> much harder. easier to do that. much more difficult someone looking at you, i lost my job, my brother or sister is serving in iraq or afghanistan right now. everybody sit tight. a lot more to talk about. new audio proves hillary clinto supporters. what does brns think? bernie sanders think? and on this side it's tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... i'm in tennessee... virginia... tennessee... and now i'm in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm... welcome back. maybe over the weekend you tracked the basement baristas debate. bernie sanders is with her. >> if you listen to the whole discussion that she had, a very important point that she made is that a lot of young people who went into debt, worked very hard to get a good education, get out of school and can't find jobs commensurate with the education that they received. >> now, at issue was this hacked audio recording of hillary clinton discussing sanders supporters at a fund-raiser. >> some are new to politics completely. their children of the great recession, and they are live income their parents' basement. >> now, if you listen to snippets of it, just listen to snippets of it, it were sound a little condescending, but if you listen to it in its entirety, here's what clinton campaign would say is the important context. >> i think we all should be really understanding of that, and we should try to do the best we cannot to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. you want people to be idealistic, you want them to set big goal, but to take what we can achieve now and try to present them as bigger goals. >> now, trump saying that this is a horrific attack on sanders' support e s they should support him or gary johns are or jill stein, just so they don't support hillary clinton. >> if you listened to the whole thing, it's her explaining that she's a pragmatic progressive what she said in the debate. this doesn't help her. millennials are starting to shift a little in some of these state-by-state polls, parked with gary johnson and jill stein and this doesn't help. >> johnson is losing ground in the national polls. we had a poll out today that showed that there really was not net loss that clinton was getting from johnson, that it seems to be relatively evenly split in terms of where he's throwing support but she has a significant rising in the west. johnson is doing well in colorado, home state, his pro-weed message is resonant with young people and the majority of votes is coming from younger voters. she's okay right now, but if that leeching still continues, you know that could present a problem for her up the road. >> one of the striking parts of that audio, if you listen to it all, was, candidates when they're behind closed doors like that often tell the truth, and she sort of let slip she actually is truly a conventional center-left democrat. it was jarring to hear that at first. no. just fascinating. so much epoch liptic talk about the end of america and the trump folks leaped on this for reasons you mentioned. they wanted to use it to tamp down the sort of bernie crowd enthusiasm and point out the fact she's kind of a centrist in american politics and that her election wouldn't, yes, move that much from the status quo, but it wouldn't destroy america, either, necessarily. and so if you're trump, which do want to have? sort of being not a real lefty in turns off the bernie folks or have her, you know, being a real threat to america? it's kind of hard to have both. >> schae been trying, if you watch the past week, pretty methodical. new hampshire, sat in ohio and iowa, excuse me, for early 1r 9 voting. went to charlotte, going to go and the mayor said, please, don't come now. no time for this now. but did go down yesterday. these a grandmother but can't quite understand what the people in charlotte and other african-american communities are going through. >> i'm grandmother, and like every grandmother i worry about the safety and security of my grandchildren, but my worst are not the same as black grandmothers. who have different and deeper fears about the world that their grandchildren face. >> an important visit for her. one, let's stop a second. mr. trump going well and hope he strikes the right tone as well. after something like this leaders should visit a community that's going through this. be honest. north carol kar carolina one of states and the african-american community, turnout is critical for her. >> turnout. exactly. the issue is not so much the great danger african-american or younger voters will go to is some our candidate. it is that they are not going to show up at all. north carolina is one of those states where if you look at the numbers, old people and young people have the biggest disparity in their voting patterns in north carolina. much more so even than other states. so if older people show up and younger people don't, she is sunk. so her challenge is convincing these parts of the obama coalition that this election matters. and that it really does make a difference whether you show up or not. >> does it help that we talk about political endorsements. does it help lebron james, celebrity athlete, pride of akron and hero in cleveland because of the championship for the cavs, endorsed her over the weekend. a lot of work to be done across our great country. we need a president who understands our community and will build on the leg siacy of president obama? >> and mate the front page of the local akron paper there. it helps. rather have that endorsement than not. think about it, his appeal in hoy hoy, 1.3 million people shows up add that parade after they won the championship. it's very broad. >> and miami down the tubes for hillary, of course. but it does show -- to the degree she's focusing on mobilization at this point. near october and not necessarily appealing to swing voters. doing some of that, much more about getting out your base. lebron james sunday and -- >> word the president of the united states, barack obama is going home to illinois to early vote. trying to set an example for people. get out early. when we come back, clinton momentum does that put more pressure on mike pence in the vice presidential debate? that's next. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. that's all that matters. 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picking up somebody sniffing here. i think it's her sniffs. she's been sniffing all night. testing -- testing -- "gyna, gyna," huge gyn achagyna. >> secretary clinton what do you think about that. >> i think i'm going to be president. >> a little laughter. and farmville, and -- you disagree? >> plenty of good seats still available. >> come on now. it's true vice presidential debates rarely have a big impact on the race but also true they can be memorable. >> let me help you with the difference, ms. ferraro between iran and the embassy in lebanon. >> i almost resent vice president bush patronizing attitude that you have to teach me about foreign policy. >> senator, i served with jack kennedy. i knew jack kennedy. jack kennedy was a friend of mine. senator, you're not jack kennedy. >> who am i? why am i here? >> hey, can i call you joe? >> i think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don't come off your mouth the right way. >> i always say what i mean. >> they can be fun. they can be memorable. the question is, can they move the dial, and i don't mean to -- we're also told tim kaine won the coin toss, gets the first question. whether that make as difference or not. as you go into this, are the stakes higher for either one? too much in expectations? look at it, donald trump lost the first presidential debate. polling shifted in democratic favor since. therefore, can you complete that thought with more pressure on mike pence to turn in a strong performance? >> i think so and more pressure on joe biden last go-round after obama has that terrible first debate. he kind of needs to go in to give democrats something to cheer about. kind of go in, and cleanup duty. we'll see if pence can do that. if you're tim kaine and he's anything like clinton in that first debate, he's got a real mission, got a real strategy. he wants to really move the ball forward in way they've already done. >> tim kaine is going to be on offense. mike pence will be on defense. and if what we've heard from mike pence on the trail is any indication, as he is called upon to defend donald trump, he is going to keep going to larger assertions about this character. we are going to hear a number of times how big his shoulders are. >> uh-huh. >> and -- >> broad shoulders, and like reagan. >> right. >> well, but let's -- so the first question comes up i assume, elaine quinones, works now for cbs. i acoukussume pence's answer, u audit. we won't move past that before the election? >> depends on a few issues, has had to carve out his independence and taxes was one of those issues. birtherism, too, said obama was born in america before trump even did. spence walking his own vulnerability and loyal to his running mate. i think you're right pap , a ba of how can you defend x, y or z comment. >> and how can you defend a private e-mail server? >> both will sfoin a brougpin t issue about the country or politics. pence is a conventional conservative running a conservative campaign, not imitating hillary clinton, you know, falling into a car, like trump is, and so i think you're going to see perhaps an outbreak of at least some civility tomorrow night. it's going to be -- tough to the extent they're going to go after clinton and trump but these twos guys are not getting down to the gutter though. >> how cool if tim kaine at the beginning of this decided to conduct the entire debate in spanish? i mean, he really has -- he adds a dimension -- both of these guys, incident he, add a significant dimension to their principles, and i think pence has really been probably the most disciplined and effective surrogate trump has and to jonathan the point ts, it is emblematic he's not been out there in front of the storm defending him. >> he does what he has to but a one-sentence defense before he moves on to larger talking points. >> a great prediction "new york times" in the over the weekend from tucker martin of virginia political consultants, going from an ali/frazier fight to a book club. >> god forbid, yes, going back and forth with character questions about their bosses, if you will. god forbid we had a conversation about isis, about social security, about taxes, about economic growth nap would be shocking. obviously they both understand the state of the race going into this. i mentioned horse race polls, hillary clinton moved up, donald trump down in a few key swing states and abc "washington post" poll out today, slight but what you watch to see if it continues. trump's unfavorable we be able to up from the debate. hillary clinton's unfavorable within margins. 53% of voters view her unfavorably. donald trump went up after the first deebbate, 69% to 54%. now it's going back the other way after the first debate. i put on the table, 36 days left, a big week. every second leading up to that second debate. >> and can these two guys, like nice and nicer, can they transfer their likability to these candidates? i mean, we've seen mike pence try to do that. we've seen tim kaine try to do that as well. and we'll see, can they sort of maintain their niceness, but also go after each other? and i think for mike pence one of the dangers, i think, his very conservative record in indiana particularly around issues of lgbt rights, whether or not that comes up. >> and the other thing, one of the key demographics both candidates are going for, educated white voters, and pence's conservatism doesn't necessarily jibe with that group. >> compared with trump, that's so small, though, right? the larger issue is trump's challenge with women voters in america. if he can't nation problem this week, in this debate, it's going to be hard for him. >> and sit tight one more minute. tomorrow night, their mint in the spotlight. the vice presidential debate starts at 9:00 p.m. live coverage, pregame starting at 4:00 p.m. don't miss it. up next, major spoiler gary johnson. could he cause problems for hillary clinton? your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. this is for real. i'm a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. that just tastes better. with more vitamins. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. head around the "inside politics" table and ask our great reporters to get you the political news aarround the corner. >> we touched on this earlier. i'm going to focus on the degree to which a town hall format will test a completely different set of skills from both of these candidates. for trump it's going to be his capacity for empathy and engagement with an individual's problems, and i think with hillary clinton it's going to be a question of whether she, too, can connect and not go into sort of lawyer litigator mode. >> i can't wait. i think it's fascinating and going to be great. >> mike pence is not leaving the commonwealth after the debate tomorrow. he'll stick around having a rally in the shenandoah valley. not a frequent campaign stop in october of election years for candidates for president and vice president. why is he doing that? the trump campaign believes they can bring the state back into play. hillary clinton has not been on the air in virginia since august, but the trump folks believe that they have an opening, if they can get more conservatives out to vote. now, that's where you go find conservatives in the state in the shenandoah valley. the challenge for the trump folks, even if they maximize turnout in rural virginia, still a huge problem. a third of the state's voters live around d.c. and they are sour on mr. trump. >> we'll watch that one. glenn? >> hillary the challenge with gary johnson being strong in the west. the thing that could move the dial, we've heard about dark murmurings about new wikileaks batch of released e-mails. hillary's folks conspiring, a strategy of the trump campaign insofar as they have one, pull those voters away from hillary clinton. i think we'll all watch to see what wikileakss comes up with this week. >> it's october. surprises. >> talking about north carolina. numbers to think about as hillary clinton tries to turn that state blue. in 2012, 80% of eligible black voters voted in north carolina. they obviously voted overwhelmingly for obama. 96%. he still lost that state by 92,000 votes. he lost it, because of his weakness among white voters. only 31% of white voters, down from 35% in 2008. she's really got some work to do. in some ways you feel the black vote was maximized in 2012. can she do that again and make in-roads with white voters as well? >> keep an eye on that. bill wells won't be at debate because the libertarian didn't make the cut but a happy warrior and in the race to the end. the former massachusetts governor is number two on the libertarian ticket. what is aleppo fame? he would be horrified if libertarians helped donald trump win the presidency drawing votes who otherwise would vote hillary clinton. as a result, weld might quick the ticket if evidence libertarians are helping trump. earlier on cnn's "new day" believed the libertarians will hurt trump more by attracting moderate republicans. in the end, he insisted he's in the race to the end. my colleague wolf blitzer starts after a quick break. i've never been #1 in anything until i put these babies on. now we're on a winning streak and i'm never taking them off. do i know where i'm going? absolutely. we're going to the playoffs. allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me. it's good to be in, good hands. [ clock titime. ] you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all... we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. [ clock ticking ] hello. i'm john berman in today for wolf blitzer. it is 1:00 p.m. here in new york. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks so much for joining us. up first -- 36 days and counting until the presidential election, and team hillary clinton out in force armed with new ammunition against donald trump over his taxes. the "new york times" reports that trump record add $916 million loss in 1995, which would have allowed limb to legally avoid paying federal until taxes for up to 18 years. a clinton spokesman, hardly impartial we might add, call it is a bombshell. we'll listen for new reaction from hillary clinton this hour. she gives an economics speech in the battleground state of ohio. we have live pictures, i believe, from that event site. no. live pictures of me. bill clinton, he sshe on th he trail. and vice president joe biden in florida. there we go. that's where bill clinton will be speaking in saginaw, michigan. all right. not saginaw. that's biden in florida. live pictures from the joe biden florida event. as for donald trump,e


Transcripts For CNNW Wolf 20160930

govern are mike pence face-off in the one and only vice presidential debate. in the days since the first presidential debate, donald trump has spent a good amount of time defending past statements about a former miss universe and overnight took to twitter to keep up his attacks on her and hillary clinton. our political director david chalian joins us now from new york. david, the issue first came up at the debate, hillary clinton brought up alicia machado's name, talked about names that donald trump had called her, like miss piggy. now trump himself is fanning the flames. what's the latest? >> he is indeed, wolf. he just can't seem to resist engaging in this battle, sort of stepping into the trap that hillary clinton laid for him at the debate. talk take a look at his 2:00 a.m. tweet storm overnight, middle of night, what donald trump was tweeting at 2:00 in the morning. first, wow. crooked hillary was duped and useed by my first misyew. hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which is terrible. followed by this fwetweet. using alicia m. as a paragon of virtue shows that hillary clinton suffers from bad judgment. hillary was set up by a con. and then this one. did crooked hillary help disgusting? check out sex tapes and past alicia m. become a u.s. citizen so she could use her in the debate? so, wolf, clearly, donald trump not wanting to let this perceived slight, the fact that a former miss universe now is going after him in part of the campaign, he's not letting that go by and hillary clinton is noticing. she had her own tweet storm in response to donald trump this morning before she took the stage in florida. take a look at what she said. she said, this is unhinged, even for trump. a few notes. that was followed by the next couple of tweets. what kind of man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories? finally from hillary clinton -- whishgs something gets under donald's thin skin he lashes out and can't let go. this is dangerous for a president, clinton says. >> david, it's also fascinating. all of this twitter war going on as some new polls are coming out in key swing states. polls, scientific polls, taken after that first presidential debate. >> that is right, wolf. it's almost universally good news for hillary clinton in some of these really critical states. take a look here in florida, where hillary clinton is today. there's a new mason dixon poll out, and it shows she has a four-point lead. 46% to 42%. gary johns, 7%. new hampshire, four electoral votes, new poll. clinton up seven points there. 3 2% to trump's 35% to johnson's 1%, and finally in nevada, where donald trump had been leading or tied, take a look at this. hillary clinton now in a new suffolk university poll there has 44%, a six-point lead over donald trump's 38%. gary johnson down at 7%. wolf, florida and nevada, those two states, we have as real remaining true battlegrounds, and right now these two polls today showing hillary clinton with a slight edge there. if they were to fall into her camp, absolutely no path for donald trump to win the white house. >> i'm sure she's encouraged by the numbers. poll numbers go up and down and right now going up for hillary clinton. thanks, david chalian. reaction now from the trump campaign. joining us, the former georgia congressman jacks kaningston, senior adviser to the trump campaign. thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you, wolf. >> let me get your reaction. i know donald trump closely follows these poll numbers. he must be pretty upset looking at three key battleground states and hillary clinton's going up, his numbers going down? >> what we know is that this is a jump ball and it's going to go back and forth the next 30 days, and we were prepared for it. keep in mind, there are states like michigan, like pennsylvania, like virginia and colorado which we told, it's all over. there's no pathway there, and yet in each of those four states we're very, very competitive. and i think that you're going to just see these polls slide everywhere, because it's interesting when you think about who hasn't made up their mind about this election by now? and yet there's still people out there undecided. one of the polls we watched carefully is right track, wrong track. that number is still as high as 70%, and for people who want change, people who want the sluggish economy to end and reduce their tax burden and regulation, they're going to break for donald trump, because they know hillary clinton has had 30 years to do these great and wonderful things she's promising to do and hasn't done it. she hasn't even been part of the solution. so we still feel that we're very optimistic, and it's going to be very, very competitive. we're going to see slippage back and forth but feel good about florida today in michigan and yesterday in new hampshire. we had huge numbers. our rallies consistently are larger than hillary's. the excitement factor is for us, and she's getting propped up by everybody in the democratic establishment. we understand that. that's not a bad move, but the reality is, america knows hillary clinton. and i don't see a lot of things breaking in her way. >> remember, bernie sanders had bigger rallies than hillary clinton did yet he lost that democratic nomination. let's talk about the real uproar that's developed. i leash sha machado, miss universe, release add statement this morning on instagram. let me read it to you. the republican candidate and his campaign team are again generating attacks insults and trying to bring back slanders and false accusations about my life. all of these in order to intimidate me, humiliate me and destabilize me once more. through his hate campaign the republican candidate insists on demoralizing a woman definitely one of his most terrifying traits. why is he continuing to bring up this whole issue of alicia machado? why does he think it's necessary, four, five days after the debate to be tweeting in the middle of the night about her? >> well, i think what happened is, hillary clinton kicked up that sand hill the other day, or that ant hill, if you will, and then donald trump, as you know, he reacts. but he's reacting on twitter, totally different than he's what he's saying on the campaign trail. >> let me interrupt, congressman. what's the difference if he makes a public statement on twitter or a public statement at a rally or in response to a reporter's questions? these are all public statements by the republican nominee for president of the united states. should a president, a presidential nominee be tweeting or making any public statements about a sex tape that apparently doesn't even exist involving a former miss universe? >> well, as you know, wolf, when donald trump gets pushed, he pushes back. and i think in this situation, the clinton folks have a lot of treatment of women in the past that if hillary clinton wants to go there, then i think that it's only natural that the trump campaign's going to go there as well. >> but let me interrupt once again, congressman, because you've been in politics for a long time. there are aides that he has, supporters he has, that can certainly go ahead and make these kinds of statements, but is it presidential for the nominee himself to be making these kinds of accusations? >> well, i think that what's going to happen, you'll see it more and more in the next few days, just as you did yesterday in new hampshire is, he's going to talk about taxes, the economy. he's going to talk about nafta, talk about crime in chicago, and i think this thing is going to die down. unless the clinton campaign keeps it up, and we cannot compete with them when it comes to the sleaze factor, but when you're a private citizen and somebody attacks you, and this was a total setup, then your reaction is to push back, which is what has happened, but, again when it comes to the substance of his message, what you're seeing on the campaign trail is, let's improve this economy. let's make america great again, with better trade deals, with stronger national security. let's re-do nafta and that's what he still is -- >> and you make a fair point, when he talks about those kinds of issues, he does seem more presidential and his numbers clearly go up, when reading a script from a teleprompter, very disciplined, speaking about policy issues, but when he tweets in the middle of night about miss universe, whom he called miss piggy and all that kind of stuff, that certainly doesn't help him. i assume you agree? >> there has been some outrage and i don't know ms. machado but have seen many interviews with her. she's not a very credible witness, you might say, and so i think it's far more important for us to be talking about jobs and trade deals and national security, and the clinton foundation, which was not even brought up during the debate the other night and i think all of those -- those issues are something that's relevant to the people. i think, for example, talking about five people in the clinton staff who now have immunity from the fbi, it almost seems like the fbi is -- >> i think -- those are all fair points. donald trump had an opportunity in that 95-minute debate to go ahead and raise those issues. he didn't. he was focusing in on other issues, and a lot of his aides at least privately say he missed some good opportunities to go after hillary clinton and score some points. let me -- we're almost out of time but a quick question on the new york state attorney general's office saying the trump foundation may not necessarily have filed the right certification as a charity in new york state to actually solicit doan asian donations, release tax returns. does it make donald trump seem like he doesn't play by the same rules the rest of us do? >> the new york attorney general is a donor for hillary clinton, she referred to him as a main supporter and using new york tax dollars to go after donald trump and inject in this political race, a and i think that's an abuse of office. he certainly had no problem with the clinton foundation not disclosing who their donors were. he let them slide on that. so i think in terms of where that's coming from, if other attorneys generals were jumping in on some of the issues which he claims is an issue there might be a pattern there. the reality, this guy is a clinton shield and everybody knows that. >> do you know if the trump foundation did file the right papers, the certification papers in order to solicit donations? >> wolf, i believe they have complied by the new york laws and it seems very odd that suddenly the new york attorney general, who has been in office for a while, suddenly decides that this is something that was overlooked. the trump foundation plays by the rules. they have self-reported when they've made mistakes. they've done a lot of good for a lot of people, again, this is the same attorney general who doesn't even worry when the clinton foundation doesn't file all of the, all of their disclosures. so, you know, unfortunately, somebody like that a partisan, can use taxpayer resources to get involved in politics and i think it's a sad thing. i think it's abuse of office. >> we'll see if that proper certification was filed. we'll continue to check that. jack kingston, thanks as usual for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. up next, the clinton camp according to millennials, courting millennials. showing what the presidential nominee is doing to back bernie sanders. and the train in hoboken, killing a woman and injury more than 100 people. an update what they're learning right now. that's coming up. to severe pla, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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>> reporter: young voters fueled president obama's wins. he got 60% of 18 to 29-year-olds in 2012. a demo nearly 20% of et vote now could be growing. >> young people could represent 25% of the vote. >> reporter: team clinton is putting such a premium on millennials they hired youth directors in key battleground states. lily cat lynn runs north carolina and says social media is key. >> we can't necessarily knock on every door. students move every year. having those kinds of conversations but through our text lists or through twitter. >> reporter: still, polls show clinton is underperforming with millennials. so the campaign is deploying high-profile surrogates. bernie sanders is lobbying his army of young supporters. >> it is imperative that we elect hillary clinton as our next president. >> reporter: chelsea clinton is h hopscotching college towns. why is it so bad for your mom to do that? >> thank you for including me in the millennial demographic. i'm just at the older end. if we think about the younger millennials only about 55% of 18 to 24-year-olds were registered to vote at the end of 2016. we just need to do a better job collectively making the case what's at stake in this election. >> reporter: at each carolina university in north carolina we heard why it's been so hard. >> what is your experience in getting your friends on the hillary clinton train? >> it's been pretty difficult. especially because a lot of young people especially at ec were for for bernie sanders. >> what moral ground does hillary clinton have to stand on to continue running as the democratic nominee? >> i would hope as someone who clearly have a passionate supporter of senator sanders, that you'll listen to him directly. and not rely on me to make the case. >> reporter: he really tacame t protest and walked out holding a sign for green party candidate jill stein. >> reporter: you don't really think jill stein can win, do you? >> we're going to establish relevance for the green party doing what wheer doing. >> reporter: losing to third-party candidates is a dire concern for hillary clinton. >> if you vote for someone other than hillary or don't vote at all you are helping to elect hillary's opponent. >> reporter: for some that's working. sanders delegate who told us clinton's college affordability plan convinced him. >> leveling out the cuts in colleges in states and also making the federal government match it fourfold. >> reporter: stroll through campus, it's clear clinton has work to do. >> who are you going to vote for? >> jill stein. >> hillary clinton. >> i'm undecided. >> our chief political correspondent dana bash is here with us along with cnn politics reporter eugene scott and cnn political analyst and author of "how's your faith," david gre gr gregory. new poll out. under 35 millennials clinton 40% of the vote.36%, gary johnson, >> exactly why the clinton campaign is working so hard spacekly to target millennial where is i was in north carolina and other states with high percentages of young voters, colorado, pennsylvania and others. because they're not just worried that they will, you know, not get registered and so forth. they're worried these voters are actively going to go to the polls with what they consider a protest vote, which is gary johnson. some of the students i spoke to there are actually talking to friends over and over trooying to convince them the kind of thing we heard from hillary clinton on her plane yesterday. the vote for gary johnson or jill stein is chlthrowing away r vote. >> a vote for trump as well. >> right. >> eugene, pugh study saying millennials are the most democratic, political democratic, capital d, of any generation, slightly more than half. 51% identify at democrats, or lean democratics. of awe reporting why is she having so much trouble getting their support? >> people in the millennial generation were originally with bernie sanders, and bernie sanders was very effective in communicating why they should not support hillary clinton. and so now she's in a position where she's having to respond to all of those attacks. what's really helpful in the situation, now bernie sanders is saying that "the" candidate presently running, most in alignment with my values is hillary clinton and he's hoping that people onboard with him originally will come over to her. >> could be a huge asset if he actually goes out and does a lot of work for her. >> wolf, i am a millennial. >> you were one. >> i was. >> around during the switch. >> i can see the millennials. because negatives are so high and i'm teaching a fall in tufts university, dealing with a lot of young people on the election and media. so interesting, the trust deficit in big institutions including in politics and in government. so i don't think there is an overwhelming feeling they have to be engaged, have to be inv h involved. unlike 2008, a single moment in barack obama's candidacy, they don't feel it about hillary clinton and condescending to a lot of younger people. even michelle obama saying, if you do this, vote for anybody besides hillary clinton you're throwing your vote away. i don't think anyone likes to feel that way. she has to find her own pitch, get involved, be with me, here are some of the reasons why even if you don't think i'm perfect. getting them engaged to want to be part of the process is something that is harder this year than say in 2008. >> eugene, you've spoken to a lot of millennials. how will they feel? a close election and vote for jill stein or gary johnson and help donald trump win the election. do they want donald trump would be president of the united states? >> no. millennials supporting one of the two major party candidates are supporting hillary clinton but don't think if donald trump wins it will be their fault. they thinks the fault of hillary clinton not reaching out to them addressing the issues they think are most important. one thing that's really interesting. seeing gary johnson do really well with some millennial voters, i'm wondering if the clinton campaign going to start being more aggressive and attacking the johnson candidacy hoping to acontracontacting mor millennial voters to her. >> one thing i see, those who were brernie sanders supporters still not on the clinton train, sanders during the primary said, don't let anybody tell hue to vote for. something i heard repeated back to me when i posed what you did. bernie sanders is out this this week with clinton in new hampshire saying, please, vote for clinton, and the response by these people who are not yet on board with clinton is he told us not to listen to people like that, even him. >> next tuesday night the vice presidential debate. one and only vice presidential debate. pence and kaine. there's going to be a lot of nest in that, certainly not at much interest as a presidential debate, but it could be important. >> it's always important. look, we have to remember that these are people that have to be qualified to the president in the voters' eyes, that's an important part of voting for the ticket. i think you, you'll have two professional politicians who know the issues pretty well. i think in the case of mike pence, what's striking is to see to what extent he twists himself in knots trying to stay onboard with the top of the ticket, and i think he's compromised himself a number of ways in trying to defend donald trump and it's such a strange fit and i think that's what i'll be looking for, to see to what extent he'll stand by him. >> and mike pence, rehearsing, practices for weeks and weeks gearing up for this debate. >> got to stand in for tim kaine, the governor of wisconsin, as scott walker, has been working for a long time. i talked to him about this when hi saw him at the reagan library in california a few weeks ago. he said i feel so much -- frankly pressure to do well. i mean, he said it's because he's doing it for donald trump and feels the need to contribute and not hurt the cause, but i totally agree with you, david. they have so many differences on policy issues. it's going to be interesting to see if he answers the question on whatever policy issue it is based on his own views or what donald trump's views are. >> a lot of people will come away. i remember leishman in 2,000, whoa. these guys should be running for president. i think these two who know a lot, have a lot of experience, will leave a lot of people with positive impressions. the wild card -- >> assuming policy oriented between the two vice presidential candidates. guys, thanks very, very much. coming up, ntsb investigators in new jersey hit a road block. having trouble downloading critic the data from the event recorder of that passenger train that crashed yesterday. what that means n s for the investigation. the latest information we're getting, right after this. investigators hit a snag trying to download information from a recorder from that new jersey passenger train that crashed yesterday. one woman died, more than 100 other people hurt. ntsb wants to know why the train did not slow down at all before crashing into the hoboken, new jersey, terminal. joining us from hoboken and with me here in washington. start with the ntsb investigators. they're having trouble getting data from that recorder. what are you hearing? >> yes. apparently older technology and have not been able to download that critical data. things like the speed of the train, when the engineer hit the brakes. so they have not been able to do it. they've now shipped this recorder to the manufacturer saying that it will get to the manufacturer in kentucky by tomorrow morning. so until they are able to download that, wolf, we will not know how fast this train was traveling as it approached that station there. we do know that they do have access to some security footage. so they're reviewing that as we speak. there are a total of two reporters onboard this train. they only have one. they still have not been able to get to that second one, because of all of that wreckage you see on the screen. so they hope that they will be able to get to that second box today. >> passengers told us yesterday that train did not slow down at all. it was going full speed as it came into that hoboken terminal. investigators are also, they want to interview the engineer, two other crew members who were on that train. do we know, a., if they've already done those interviews? started the interviews? when will we get the results? >> at this point they have not been able to interview the engineer, at last check. we know they made contact with the engineer. he was heavily medicated last night and in no position to do that interview. they are still hoping that they can do that interview with that engineer today, at some point. we also know that toxicology tests have been run and expect possibly when the ntsb gives their next update sometime later on this afternoon they will be able to say, yes or no, as far as alcohol and drugs, because of that preliminary testing. >> everybody is anxious nofor that. what do you know about the woman on the platform in the terminal, not on the train, who actually was killed? >> yeah. killed by that falling debris, wolf. her name is fabiola de kroon, 30 years old a mother and wife just moving here to hoboken with her husband, because she's from brazil. we actually talked to a realtor not long ago who says the day before the crash the two were walking around the city looking for new promise for her and her husband and her young daughter to live in. she actually found a property she liked so much she faced time with her husband to show to him who was away on a business trip. such a heartbreaking story there. the realtor telling us when she learned of the woman who died, that was her client, she was devastated because this is a 34-year-old mom looking forward to begin a new life here in hoboken, wolf. >> more than 100 other people injured. what's the status of the more, the severely injured passengers who were on that train? >> reporter: we have good news to report than. jersey medical center, the nearest trauma center where the accident actually happened. only two people listed in condition a little less than serious and probably won't be released from the hospital, but a little more than a dozen people are likely to be released from the hospital, and that's really all that's palestiremain that particular hospital. most of those involved in the crash have recovered, wolf. >> encouraging. thank you both. coming up, syrian government forces prepare for their final offensive to capture the besieged city of aleppo. the u.s. is trying to intercede, but will it be too little too late? and the state department deputy spokesperson, mark toner is standing by live at the state department. you see him there in front of all of those flags. we'll discuss with him, when we come back. when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. remember when you said men are supeyeah...ivers? 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>> reporter: something they're watching around the clock. you said, syrian-led. said to include iranian backed forces, lebanese hezbollah and others in the mix. the fighting by all measures is well underway is well begun. the bombardment of hospitals, of waste supply it's, medical facilities, no humanitarian aid getting in. all of this under way. something the syrian regime backed by the russians, make no mistake about it, has a lot of experience doing over the last years of the civil war in syria. so the question is, will they make the next move and will we actually see these syrian-led infantry troops start going black by block through aleap pp where the rebels are trying to make their last stand? it's a huge concern. the humanitarian disaster absolutely beyond the critical stage, and people are looking to see what -- you know what measures might be taken. is there any hope here? right now, hope for aleppo seems very slim, indeed. >> senior administration officials, barbara, are saying that the u.s. is considering a tougher response now to russia's support of the bashar al assad regime. what form could that take? could u.s. pressure on russia, though, at this late stage come, simply too late? >> reporter: some people feel it's too late. what will make vladimir putin listen to barack obama and pull back for the support what is happening in aleppo? make no mistake. vau russian support central in u.s. view. talk about another round of cease-fire. the intelligence and military people i speak to have very little hope of that. just look at the video you're showing on the air right now. one of the big questions is, will aleppo fall? there is a theory, a potential option in the works to allow some of the other coalition allies to supply arms to some of the rebels, but there's a lot of question whether any of that would be enough. would the u.s. take the ultimate step of engaging in strikes against syrian airfields that are being used, military facilities, being used to launch these operations? that seems very slim indeed right now. the u.s. does not show an appetite for direct military confrontation, but the time is ticking for the people of aleppo. the heartbreak really grows by the day, wolf. >> certainly does. barbara starr reporting from the pentagon. thank you. let's talk a little more ar russia's involvement. mark toner is joining us from the state department. thanks for joining us. >> thanks. happy to be here. >> thank you. has secretary kerry, the russian foreign minister lavrov, have they spoken today? >> they did. they spoke earlier today, wolf. i don't have much more to report in terms of progress. as you know, secretary kerry made very clear over two days ago that we're at the limits of our ability to continue to have bilateral relations regarding syria with russia. we have seen no progress. and frankly, in the face of what's happening in and around aleppo as barbara just conveyed, it's hard to have or hold much hope out for a real credible cease-fire to get back into place. >> has there been a formal decision to suspend u.s./rush bilateral discussions, engagements, whatever you want to call it on this syria crisis. >> not yet. but as i said, we're very close. i think secretary kerry said it best the other day when he said i'd be accused of diplomatic malpractice if ai didn't pursuea diplomatic solution to moor utmost ability to do so. that's his role, job, as secretary of state. barbara said there's not a lot of other great options out there. certainly with an inner agency looking at all of those options and weighing them. we did have heartbreaking, we did have an agreement had it been implemented in good faith by the regime and russians could have gotten us to the next step, reduced violence, allowed humanitarian assistant and got political negotiations back on track. so far from that right now. >> how did the conversations with secretary kerry and foreign minister lavrov end? >> what we're looking for is something to restore some form of credibility to this process. secretary kerry outlined some of those ideas, or some of those options last week at the u.n. the general assembly in new york. such as the grounding of the regimes air forces within that space around aleppo. what we've seen is a lack of effort or proop erhaps a lack o influence by russia and it's ability to influence the regime. what we're seeing around aleppo appears to be a final assault on aleppo, an attempt to bring aleppo under the control of the regime. this is so fraught. this could easily go from bad to worse. wee fear an escalation as the regime pushes into aleppo. trying to avoid the modern opposition drawn further into the arms of al nusra, an al qaeda affiliate could all happen. this could get worse before it gets any better. >> how much of an involvement, we heard barbara starr report from the pentagon, helping the syrian army, iranians helping the syrian army. i assume the russians are helping the syrian army. how much involvement is iran, hezbollah, playing in the assault on aleb oh? >> aleppo? >> nothing new. we've seen hezbollah play a support supporting the regime for years. no surprise they are playing -- >> but are they involved militarily on the ground in april aleppo with the erian army. >> they have in the part and we see that continue. >> what about iranians? >> we've seen it in the past. i can't assess think in1r06789 right now in aleppo but it wouldn't be surprising they're playing a role there as well. >> what about the russian military? >> the russians, we can all see the effect vaurussian support i having. carrying out air strikes that appear to be targeting civilians, civilian infrastructure. hospitals, schools. this is egregious, and secretary kerry made this point the other day. in flag grant virant violation international law. hard to believe in a diplomatic process here given what's happening on the ground. >> does the u.s. believe russia is engaged in war crimes right now? >> i'm not going to make that evalue a lot at this time. what we've talked about and said, what's happening in in clear violation of any humanitarian or international law and indeed what we're looking for, at some point is accountability for its actions, and i think that's -- that's the bare minimum we can expect. >> you're a season's diplomat. if they're engaged in violations of international law, humanitarian laws, aren't those, wouldn't those actions be war crimes? >> again i don't want to make those kind of claims or proclamations right now. our lawyers, legal teams, international legal teams are looking at some of these things. so we're just not at that point. but i don't want that to be a threshold we're looking at. i think what we're already outraged about is just what's happening in terms of continued strikes against civilian, children, innocents, really. that's an in egregious violation of any acceptable behavior. >> let me get your reaction on another important issue that's come forward. as you know, congress, the senate and the house, overrode president obama's veto, approved what's called the justice against sponsors of terrorist act giving victims here in the united states of the 9/11 terror attack the right to sue saudi arabia on the claim that saudi arabia provided some support to some of those terrorists. i know the saudi government responded way statement. what is the administration, the state department, doing, because the threat out there from the saudis is, they're going to retaliate? >> well, look, we've been very clear in the leadup to this vote about our concerns regarding this legislation. let me preface what i'm about to say, though is that we, of course, understand and -- and are sympathetic to the kearnsco of these 9/11 family whose suffered so much, but our other concern here is for the protection and safety of our military, our diplomats, and others working overseas in the national security interests of the united states of america. and we believe this law could put them in jeopardy. it's sovereign immunity is the technical or legal term here. and it's a real concern. as you said, the saudis and others in the region have voiced concerns about this new legislation. >> mark toner, deputy spokesperson at the state department. mark, thank you very much for joining us. >> happy to be here. coming up, world leaders attend the funeral of shimon peres. you'll hear president obama's very moving eulogy for the statesman right after this. you tell your insurance company they made a mistake. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? 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