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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180208 23:02:00

another rough day for stocks europe ends in the red the dow tumbles a thousand points of the u.s. markets fall over three percent what's behind the new downward trend we'll get the view from wall street also coming up germany has just reported bumper trade figures but that's unpalatable makers they just can't keep up and turning off ukraine's tap the country will miss out on vital natural gas in combat as the north stream two pipeline between russia and germany gets the go ahead. i'm done your winter in berlin this is your business update volatility has plagued the markets all week following a broad sell off on monday european shares closed in negative territory and thursday's session ending a short lived rebound germany's dax was the worst affected in europe closing down two point six percent in new york the dow finished over there are so many factors involved that it can cause a bottleneck from the machines that make the pallets to the forests that produce the wood it's an operational nightmare. the family owned company and monster is running at full capacity now in its sixth generation that specialized in producing wooden transportation pallets forty years ago. the head of the family says they've never had to cope with the kind of overwhelming demand they face right now. and they are the shed was piled high from wall to wall with pallets now it's cleaned out. and why is that. the economic boom industry is literally pulling out pallets straight out of the dryer and straight on to the trucks we can hardly even manage to build up a small buffer as a reserve. last year vingle hided took on twenty new workers now with a total workforce of ninety the company is having to work in shifts just to keep up those still on the market today have extensive lead times we sometimes have to wait two or three years for a new machine. even the mild european winter is a factor behind the shortages joint managing director marcus wrinkle hider says it's hard to get wood from eastern europe right now. logging in eastern europe is done mainly in winter there's a lot of moral and they can only access the forests when the ground there is frozen and there's no swamp and they can get the machinery into fell the trees right now the ground won't support the weight of the heavy machinery. think it is lucky it can process locally sourced wood in its own sawmill that means it can compensate for the shortage of eastern european would at least. germany has its foot firmly on the gas pedal after granting apartment for the north stream to natural gas pipeline from russia the first pipeline of the north stream russian energy needs to upgrade the infrastructure a pilot project financed by dr bank and underwritten by german export guarantees will see the multi-million euro compressors successively replaced but the question is will they ever really be needed. the north stream pipeline linking russia and germany directly across the baltic sea see here to be joined by second street to construction is due to get underway later this year the new pipeline will be able to transport some fifty five billion cubic meters of gas equivalent to two thirds of the cast transiting ukraine on average in recent years the projects critics in ukraine stream to would mean more than just empty pipelines and transit income. they say will increase europe's dependence on russian energy and allow the kremlin to put political pressure what it's called the eastern european satellite states by halting supplies without endangering deliveries to its peak western european customers feel that something north streams backers including former german chancellor and current chairman have consistently rejected saying the deal is purely driven by economic considerations and provides additional capacity rather than replacing the existing pipelines ahead of ukraine's state energy companies not convinced and hopes the project can still be stopped i have never heard of any major gas pipeline project we believe is not a done deal there are still a lot to be done but for all the. talk fears are as much about politics as they are about business for the past forty years this station and dozens others like it across ukraine have kept russian gas flowing west europe keeping households from berlin to the balkans warm in winter the fear here now is that if not stream to you is actually built europe's energy supply will no longer depend on transit through ukraine and as a result european policymakers will pay a lot less attention to keeping ukraine stable. but just a matter of months ago to construction to get underway ukrainian hopes now resting brussels and washington to finally translate their vocal opposition to the project direction. nicolas connelly reporting there from ukraine for investigations in hungary have reached prime minister viktor all dance family and bury him prosecutors following a recommendation by the european anti fraud office to investigate. they suspect. e.u. funds in thirty five public lighting projects in several towns they were carried out by the company controlled by law and he also says the investigations are politically motivated ahead of a national election in april. receives billions of euros in development funds every year. i'm afraid of that whole your business if you want more you can check us out on social media facebook and twitter elastics about the moments that. it's all about the stories in song and it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us into sponsored by distinctive instagram or others at g.w. story the topic each week on instagram.


Transcripts For MSNBCW MTP Daily 20180809 21:00:00

Exploring issues that affect leaders in the U.S. and around the globe. about. can the legal system resist a political campaign led by the president of the united states. >> my favorite weird anecdote of yesterday, at one point giuliani was running out of so many people to talk to, he had to talk to a fellow lawyer. jay sekulow had a radio show. here is jay sekulow interviewing rudy giuliani, his boss as the attorney. listen. >> mayor, i know you've said and i've said we want to see this come to closure soon here. mayor? >> yeah, we do. it's about time that it ends. i also think, and i hope the special counsel is as sensitive to it as we are. we do not want to run into the november elections. so back up from that. this should be over with by september 1st. >> is that a threat? >> look, it's throwing everything at the wall and trying to see what sticks. i think everything that's said here is correct. this is a political messaging campaign, but it's not without peril, right? everything rudy giuliani said sort of reveals what the legal all of this that that was a mistake? >> well, i covered the bill clinton controversy. and, yes, the clinton people went after the prosecutor. but i think what donald trump and his team are doing here is something far broader and deeper than that. they're going after the entire department of justice. they're going after the entire judicial system as bill was saying. the angry -- there's the angry 13, who are the prosecution team. there's the angry 17 plus who are the grand jury. >> we assume he uses 17 as some bizarre qanon thing or not. they randomly started moving from 13 to 17. >> no, they're talking about the grand jury, i think. >> no, he calls them the lawyers, but okay. >> in any case -- no, he c conflated with the kbragrand ju the other day. they're going after the legitimacy of the entire judicial branch of the government. that's something bill clinton didn't do. he had a prosecutor who was well known that he used as a tart. this is much, much different, much deeper and much more pro founding. will the judicial system as a whole be able to weather it? and that's ultimately going to come down to the supreme court in one way or another down the road. >> i think it is the o.j. strategy, you discredit not just the individual prosecutor but in the case of o.j., in a sense the l.a. police department. there there were some things that could be discredited -- >> we went down this o.j. -- by the way, in our meeting today, we went down the o.j. rabbit hole. i said who's mark fuhrman and somebody said peter strzok. >> but that september 1st mention is ominous. giuliani is purposely conflating two things. the justice department informal guidelines, i believe, not law, you shouldn't bring an indictment in a politically sensitive case 60 days before the election. not that the investigation shouldn't continue. >> says you should stay quiet. >> which mueller is capable of doing. but that is ominous. and what trump said at the end of the tweet you showed on the screen, stay tuned. i do wonder if labor day they say, look, he hasn't resolved this yet, this is an outrage, you shouldn't have these things going on in the election season and he starts firing rosenstein and mueller. >> i raised that possibility here last week that i think he's not ruled that out by any means, trump hasn't. he's looking for the timing, not the possibility. and by the way, the other thing they can do, the prosecutor can do is go silent between september and november, which i think is what's likely to happen. >> kimberly, i think a big factor here in whether the president acts, manafort is guilty or innocent. >> i think that's a big thing. i think this is what we're seeing this getting kicked up so much right now is we see the first real trial in this mueller investigation, the first evidence and it's not looking good at all for manafort. i think that that is a big factor in this. but to the point of the potential for firing rosenstein or someone else in the investigation, what does -- if that happens before the midterms, what does that do but serve as the best get out the vote device for democrats leading up to the election? how is that a politically good move? i just don't see it. >> here's more rudy giuliani. sometimes you just want to play it because you can't believe what you're hearing on television sometimes. this is rudy giuliani basically as you pointed out earlier, kimberly, openly admitting what they're afraid of. >> he knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask. he's going to ask him, did you tell comey to go easy on flynn? the president will say, no, i didn't. hey, bob, you know it. why do you want to get him under oath? you think we're fools? you want to trap him into perjury. we're not going to let you do that. he doesn't need to ask a single question on obstruction. he has all the answers. they're not going to change. the president is not going change his testimony. so stop the nonsense. you are trying to trap him into perjury because you don't have a case. >> the president has lied, he's going to continue lying. >> we're not putting him under oath. then he lies under oath. >> the president really wants to testify and his lawyers are holding him back. i think that's all nonsense, it's all a political narrative. they have convinced a fair number of reporters because i think the president probably tells his staff so they can tell the reporters, i'd love to get in a room with mueller. i think i could convince him. >> one thing he said is true is that mueller knows all the answers. if the president doesn't testify and somehow that's protecting him from something is utter nonsense. certainly the idea that they can negotiate. okay, as long as you don't talk about obstruction or collusion, that somehow mueller will go on with this, mueller has not agreed to anything on the record. this is only giuliani's sort of spitballing publicly that we have to go on. >> but howard, this is the trump m.o., delay, delay, delay. this is how he handled debtors. every time you thought he was done as a businessman, he kept buying time, offer them 10 cents. keep negotiating. eventually the bankers are like, fine, i'm done. >> i agree with that. if i can go back to an earlier point about manafort, i think the people around manafort for sure see this as a whole with trump. in other words, you were saying that it's going to depend on what happens in this manafort trial. i was out there today and talking to some people there. they see it -- he sees it as part -- they're pushing the illegitimacy of prosecution thing in the same way. how much they're going to be able to get that on the record in court i don't know. but their whole spin is that the only reason -- that he's being pru prosecuted for illegitimate reasons. >> they're basically saying because of mueller, what, somebody else might not have found the crimes? >> well, that he wasn't -- they're going to say if they can't put it on the record in court, they'll say he wasn't audited. this is a standard thing that happens but they'll make that assertion. >> you know why he wasn't audited? because the irs has had its funds cut year after year after year. audits are down overall. do you think white collar crime is down? >> my point is when it comes down to it, assuming he's convicted on some of these charges, they will make the manafort trial part of the larger narrative of how this is all an illegal prosecution. rudy is basically -- what he said, they're going -- there's going to have to be an investigation of the investigators. >> he actually said it. we've been joking that's what they want. he just went and said it. >> and if republicans do pretty well on november 6, which i'm not sure what that means, certainly if they do really well -- >> it's about holding a chamber. >> i think we are looking at pardons and looking at trump two or three months after the election before we get into the 2020 cycle to really clear the decks. of course there could also be more indictments this month or a mueller report this month. cohen tapes. there's so many moving parts in this. >> i also think that the manafort trial is harder to discredit a jury verdict than it is -- >> what if they get lucky and get a hung jury? what does trump do if that happens? >> fires rosenstein. >> see, it's a witch hunt. hung juries can happen, right? >> it has to be unanimous, by the way, in the federal criminal trial. it has to be unanimous. >> there you go. we've all seen the movies and they do those things. where's john cusack, is he involved in this? kimberly, bill, howard, stick around. up ahead, the latest on the paul manafort trial. what actually happened in there. and a surprise from the judge. 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well, let's have that conversation. joining me now is an msnbc contributor and former u.s. attorney, barbara mcquade. all right, barbara, that's my simple first question here. i know that u.s. attorneys, sometimes you want to use the press, sometimes you don't. bob mueller is a man who does not want to use the press at all. but it's a one-sided fight right now. if it is a pr battle, does bob mueller need to rethink his strategy? >> well, i think it is his m.o. certainly to stay out of the press. he has been known for saying that the press is -- can be your friend at times but at other times not, so he prefers to keep his head down and to do his work. so i doubt he's going to change his ways. although you make a good point, which is he's used to working in a world where the ultimate decision maker is a judge or a jury and it doesn't matter what the press has to say and doesn't matter what public opinion says. in this scenario where it could come down to a report for impeachment consideration, it very much is a political situation and up for public debate so is he out of his comfort zone here where he's dealing with something where the political stakes are so high. nonetheless, i doubt he'll change his game. my guess is he will make a decision to either persuade president trump to sit for an interview, serve him with a subpoena or decide to go forward without it. >> this hemming and hawing by giuliani where it looks like he and mueller's team are going back and forth, and we don't know whether that's true or not because mueller's team are so mum and whether this is giuliani playing to the cameras. but i am curious, mueller could end this, as you just said, if he decides, you know what, i'm going to split the baby here. i'll do the subpoena that i know i can win, which is to question him about all of his actions as a candidate. and i punt the questions about obstruction. is that the fallback scenario here? >> i don't see robert mueller going that path. i think he very much would want to ask the questions about obstruction, so i think the demands that giuliani's team are making are quite unreasonable. i don't see any reason why robert mueller would give up on those questions. there's some very real questions here about obstruction of justice. the only person who can really answer those questions are president trump himself because corrupt intent is so important. but really i see his sitdown as president trump's opportunity to tell his side of the story. if he doesn't want to avail himself of that in some ways, maybe robert mueller just walks away and assumes the worst about him. but if he were to file that subpoena, i am very confident that he could win unless we get a new supreme court, brett kavanaugh is someone who has written on a strong executive and strong executive privilege and so maybe the calculus changes once he comes to the court. but that case of u.s. versus nixon, unanimous opinion from the 1970s, seems like the law is very strongly in favor of robert mueller, at least as of this point. >> let's talk about the other big legal drama in trump world, the one where we have you tethered to a camera there for us, the paul manafort trial. you're outside the court house. prosecutors are back at it. they're showing how they say manafort committed bank and tax fraud. the latest example, apparently manafort claimed a new york city condo was a second home when he was renting it out on airbnb. that allowed him to get a bigger loan and lower mortgage rate from the bank. the airbnb listing disappeared right around the time manafort was trying to secure that loan. how airtight, how good was the testimony today, how good were the prosecutors today at making their point in your opinion? >> i think it was a very strong day. today was a prosecutor's dream. it can be very dull and tedious for the jurors and for the court watchers, but the case comes in through documents. they had bank witnesses who were just up there talking about how they do their jobs and walking through all of these different loans and all of the contradictory statements that were made by paul manafort. i think a very strong day for the prosecution. the defense tried to make some points by saying that rick gates was involved in some of these communications or that some of these statements weren't a big deal, but i think that the evidence really does not support their theory that this is all rick gates. we've got paul manafort personally sending e-mails, personally attending the closings, so i think today is a very strong day for the prosecution. >> the fact that the defense keeps bringing up rick gates, is it pretty clear that's their whole strategy here? it's not manafort that did all this, it's gates? >> it is. and you know, rick gates is not a bad person to try to pin this on. he came across as a really despicable person and someone who will lie to do whatever he wants. but the rest of the evidence corroborates the testimony of rick gates and isn't consistent with the theory that the defense is trying to pin on him. he's certainly involved in some of these things and works together with paul manafort to commit some of these bank frauds and some of the tax fraud, but you see paul manafort very involved. the testimony of accountants who say that paul manafort was deeply involved in his finances and knew where every penny was spent, i think, is going to be enough for the jury. you never know what a jury wants to do, but if they act reasonably and rationally, i think there's sufficient evidence to convict. >> all right. let's talk about judge ellis. it was quite a shock to some. he had a star turned today with a big profile on "the new york times." part of me thinks he made the apology thinking his star turn isn't playing so well. obviously it had to do with an official complaint by the prosecution. one, was he truly apologetic? and two, has the judge hurt the prosecution's case with the jury? >> so the request of the government overnight was a curative instruction, because the judge had admonished them in open court, really scolded them for allowing their expert witness to sit through the trial, which he hadn't known until he was called to the stand, despite the fact that the government had filed a motion to do that and the judge had granted it. and so they asked for a curative instruction to tell the jury that the government had not done anything wrong. he did that, but he did it in a way that sometimes you see celebrities make apologies. i apologize if anyone was offended. he said something to the effect that i may have been wrong and so you should set aside my comments made to the government yesterday. so whether that was effective or not, whether you can unring the bell, i'm not sure. but he did at least say that his instruction may have been a mistake and that they should disregard that. has he hurt them in the case? you know, he interjects his opinion from time to time in some ways in a very inappropriate way that could have a harmful effect. >> we shall find out how he behaves next week when the defense puts on some witnesses and if he acts the same, maybe everybody quiets down, right? >> absolutely. i am told that this is the way he rolls. >> yeah, that's what you hear. barbara mcquade, i'm glad you're not getting wet today, so thank you. glad no rain. >> thanks very much. up ahead, our tribute to the academy awards. and during the break, our tribute to all the people who make the movies possible, key grips, bus boys, lighting, production. if you're turning 65, you're probably learning so what makes an aarp medicare supplement plan unique? well, these are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp and that's because they meet aarp's high standards of quality and service. you're also getting the great features that any medicare supplement plan provides. for example, with any medicare supplement plan you may choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you can even visit a specialist. with this type of plan, there are no networks or referrals needed. also, a medicare supplement plan goes with you when you travel anywhere in the u.s. a free decision guide will provide a breakdown of aarp medicare supplement plans, and help you determine the plan that works best for your needs and budget. call today to request yours. let's recap. there are 3 key things you should keep in mind. one: if you're turning 65, you may be eligible for medicare - but it only covers about 80% of your medicare part b costs. a medicare supplement plan may help pay for some of the rest. two: this type of plan allows you to keep your doctor - as long as he or she accepts medicare patients. and three: these are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. learn more about why you should choose an aarp medicare supplement plan. call today for a free guide. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec®. it's starts working hard at hour one. and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. they're adding a new category. outstanding achievement in popular film. it seems the oscars believe best picture is really code for outstanding achievement in unpopular film. last year's winner was "the shape of water." it made $64 million domestically. meanwhile "jumanji" made $400 million. so let's just give everybody an ard wa. how about best adaptation of a theme park ride, best indifference to acceptance speech interruption music, best american accent by a british actor, best british accent by an american actor, most disappointing sequel, best remake of a movie that sucked the first time, best film featuring dwayne "the rock" johnson, best film not featuring dwayne "the rock" johnson, outstanding achievement in going overbudget. longest dramatic pause. how about that liamnest neeson. seriously, giving oscars to everybody is no way to become popular. if you stick with this monumentally half-baked plan, maybe it's time to rethink the design of those statuettes. we'll be right back. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. welcome back. the president's former campaign chairman of course is on trial. his former personal attorney is the focus of a federal investigation. and a special counsel named robert mueller, who's investigating russia, that's still going on. but president trump has another legal headache and it's a headache that threatens to expose his past business dealings, and it's a headache that could even expose publicly his tax returns. it's a lawsuit that was filed by the district of columbia and maryland's attorneys general accusing mr. trump of violating the constitution's emoluments clause. barring a last-minute appeal, which could happen, the suit now heads to the discovery phase. of course that's where things could get interesting and, well, a bit ugly. that's where we could learn more about which foreign government officials have stayed at the trump hotel in d.c. we could find out how much they paid during their stays. and perhaps most importantly, the public may get its eyes on the president's tax returns that he has been so reluctant to reveal, at least the 2017 ones. with me is one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, maryland's attorney general. mr. attorney general, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me, chuck. >> in pretty simple terms, the emoluments -- you're filing under the emoluments clause. explain why the state of maryland has standing. how does the state of maryland being harmed by the president's hotel in washington, d.c.? explain it. >> we've claimed standing on a number of different bases. the judge has found we have standing because we have institutions that compete with the trump post office hotel in maryland and we have constituents, businesses in our state that compete with the trump post office hotel. >> the biggest one being marriott actually for what it's worth. >> right. >> i'm curious, did you ask any private companies to join you in this lawsuit? >> we did not. but standing is -- we've also argued when we joined the union, maryland joined the union, we made a deal. we ceded sovereignty to the american government with the understanding that the president was going to put our interests first, not look at his bottom line and have that guide the country. that's the purpose. there are original anti-corruption laws. >> they strongly maintain there is nothing unconstitutional about a foreign government paying for a hotel room and what his lawyers call a routine business transaction having to do with his presidency. what do you say to that argument? >> the judge has said that they're wrong. their interpretation of the emoluments clause is tailored to suit donald trump's interests and conflicts with the plain meaning of the clauses and with what is very clearly the intent of the framers of the constitution. >> for what it's worth, let's put up the emoluments clause here. no person holding any office of profit or trust under them -- under the united states shall without the consent of the congress accept of any present emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince or foreign state. >> right. and you'll notice that that clause has four uses of the word "any." it's very broad. of any kind whatever. the justice department arguing on behalf of the president has said, oh, it's very narrow. it's only if he's making a profit. the root word comes from a latin word that means to grind corn so only if he's engaged in manual labor and making a profit would that be an emolument. the judge found it's any profit gained or advantage. that's what the framers were going for. >> it is the department of justice and not a personal lawyer that is defending the president. is this because -- who are you suing here, the office of the president or are you suing the individual, donald trump? >> our original complaint we sued donald trump, president of the united states. we've amended it to include him as an individual. right now he's being defended in the original part exclusively by the justice department. so we're paying for his defense. but he also has private counsel that has entered appearances to defend against the suit against him as an individual. >> if he can prove that he has donated all his foreign profits back to the federal treasury, does that get him out of this? >> not good enough. >> why? >> because he's receiving payments from foreign states and foreign princes. i mean there was just an article last week -- >> the saudis. >> the saudi prince who had all his retainers stay at the trump hotel in new york. and so they would like to define it as profit, pure profit, and they claim that's $151,000. which seems insanely low. but it's not that. it's the receipt of payments themselves that violates the emoluments clause. let's say you win. what's the -- you know, what do you get? what's the recourse? >> at a bare minimum, he would have to stop receiving foreign payments. >> so the governments right now, kuwait, malaisia, the philippines, no official foreign entity could do any business at the trump hotel or he would have to turn down that business? >> he would have to stop receiving those payments. how he does that is in part up to him and in part up to the court. there's another emoluments clause, the domestic emoluments clause and that says the president only gets only his salary during his time in office and the trump hotel lease itself is an emolument. it says no federal official can receive any benefit from this lease. >> wait a minute. we just learned this year in his new filing, there was an llc formed where he earned $100,000 just off the sale of presidential paraphernalia. so is that in this instance defined, then that's a violation of the domestic emolument clause? >> his ownership of the lease certainly is. >> so owning an llc getting profits this way would be too? >> i was unaware of the fact that he was actually selling mugs -- >> we were too when we saw this llc. he reported income based on that. >> well, the short answer is he can't profit from being president of the united states. and that's what both emoluments clauses are set up to prohibit. and he is the first person in history to profiteer from this high office. >> does that extend to his family? i mean if his sons are profiting off of the office but it's not him, does that get him out of this? >> well, we're not suing his sons. >> no, i understand that. >> and his daughter is a federal official of some kind and prohibited by the foreign emoluments clause from receiving any payments, emoluments of any kind whatever from foreign states. >> last question. discovery is going to happen soon. >> yes. >> assuming this appeal gets denied. whether they do appeal or not. what is the soonest that we might see discovery, which might mean the tax returns? >> the judge asked us for a schedule and it's due next week. so we are in negotiations right now with the justice department to determine how quickly we will get discovery and what happens after that. >> this is one of the under radar legal problems for the president. thanks for coming in and explaining your side of this. >> enjoyed it a lot, chuck. >> thank you. up ahead, florida senator bill nelson and the terrible, no good, very bad week for him. and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 'cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection. it turns out they shared or at least they did at one time. despite running campaign ads blaming each other for the algae bloom crisis that truly is wreaking havoc on my beloved state of florida, both nelson and scott apparently have asked the epa to delay higher water quality standards. then nelson told the "tampa bay times" he didn't recall doing that and that prompt this harsh attack yesterday that nelson is no longer dealing from a full deck. but that wasn't it. nelson told "the tampa bay times" that russian operatives had penetrated certain counties in florida. asked to elaborate, nelson said it is classified. the state says it has zero information supporting his claim. obviously if true, this would be not just a big story, a major story. but with no evidence to back it up, it just raises a lot of questions. florida is a prime opportunity for republicans to pick up a senate seat in november. bill nelson needs to be playing error-free ball against a billionaire. this week he had two unforced errors. more "mtp daily" after this. do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet? do you want $4.95 commissions for stocks, $0.50 options contracts? $1.50 futures contracts? what about a dedicated service team of trading specialists? did you say yes? good, then it's time for power e*trade. the platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. looks like we have a couple seconds left. let's do some card twirling twirling cards e*trade. the original place to invest online. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and 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came to business and maybe none of this is shocking them and that's why there's no outrage over it. >> i think we don't know what level of outrage we're going to see until november, number one. and i think there's insensitivity, but there's also throwing things in people's face. and there's a wall-to-wall quality to the stories coming out of washington, whether it's chris collins in buffalo -- >> we've been here before. and when it comes, it comes in waves. >> we were saying during the break, this emoluments thing sounds so arcane but actually it's the accusation of the president profiting off the presidency. in another day an time, that alone would be a huge story. >> some would say it's an impeachable thing. >> the voters out there knew what they were getting going in, but they didn't vote for donald trump for this purpose. they didn't vote for him to step on the gas pedal of this kind of thing and they wanted him to be an outsider who would do some things to maybe clean it up a little. and that's certainly not happening. >> kimberly, i would say this. there's plenty of trump voters who say he's getting his. what about the clintons. >> right. >> that's always what it is, what about the clintons. >> during the campaign this whole connection to people who had access to the clinton foundation. it's worth keeping in mind that the clinton foundation was an actual charity doing good things for people. >> that was a legitimate concern and plenty of obama white house people were uncomfortable with because it looked back. it was not a nonentity. that was a fair hit. >> without question, but at this time there's not even a charity involved. >> no. trump has taken it to another level. >> exactly. this is just personal profiting. but the piece that gets left out is the national security concerns. we have people, governments that are purposely going to stay at trump properties in order to curry favor with the president of the united states. that is something that is unprecedented. >> which is what the founders were worried about when they wrote that. >> right. go ahead. >> if you were a democratic challenger, i do think the chris collins story is amazing. what's amazing is what's legal. he also happened to do insider trading. but it's legal to be a congressman, to be on the board of a startup -- >> in the house, not the senate. >> to introduce lengislation tht helps that company. to buy and sell shares in that company as that legislation like moves through congress or doesn't move through congress and to dump the shares. his only mistake was there was insider information. i think a democratic challenger would be well advised to run on an anti-corruption, anti-washington platform. what makes them credible, they have to say some of the things the clintons did may be uncomfortable too. i want to clean it all up. i think that's an effective message against an incumbent republican congressman but they have to be willing to run against inside democratic party as well. and that's nancy pelosi. >> beto o'rourke's campaign say we thumb our nose at the no corporate money, no pac money. they claim that resonates. >> i would also suggest that even though i try to get outside the beltway as much as possible, we are all creatures of that here to some extent and i think we're a little dulled by it. >> we're numb. we know all these people that get rich off the system. >> and donald trump is not -- he could have easily said a few words of shock and outrage of his own. >> if you're a democratic challenger, you don't have to mention trump. just say i am going there to clean it up. why is there not legislation. you could run a nonpartisan outsider campaign as a democratic challenger that i think would be pretty effective. >> we've gone more than 24 hours since chris collins was arrested by the fbi, his first congressional endorser and he's tweeted nothing. >> a rare show of restraint on the part of this president. >> maybe the pardon papers are getting drawn up, i don't know. >> i think that's probably the best thing for him to do at this point, but it does make it surprising. >> it's -- >> well, and he hasn't resigned. >> not only is he not resigning, he's going to fight. but why shouldn't he? and i don't -- >> that's the atmosphere now. >> ironically, look at everybody that quits. al franken wishes he didn't. anthony weiner probably push he didn't in some bizarre way. >> senator menendez didn't. >> and he's about to get re-elected. >> the atmosphere here now is not only that anything goes, but in your face. >> it's brazen. >> if there's a brazen got to it i think if the american people if brought properly to their attention, aren't going to like. >> the mar-a-lago country club stuff with the -- first of all, when you read that the marvel entertainment chair is calling the shots at the va, i don't even know -- it just seems like parody. >> it does. i think it all goes into this idea that trump is running a grievance campaign where he sees -- he paints everyone as attacking him and so no allegation sticks. if you look at the connections, his love affair with vladimir putin, if he could get away with that, then this idea that he has other people running the va, the idea that he's sort of benefitting from his presidency in a financial way, it's harder to make those things stick. >> everybody that does an argument only goes so far when you have to choose on election day. >> that's why they like hillary clinton on the ballot. kimberly, bill, howard, thank you very much. up ahead, creating a safe space. the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association. are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? in case you missed it, if president trump has his way, our u.s. military tree might grow another branch. vice president pence laid out a new plan for a space force to be established by 2020. the white house says the proposal would help maintain american strength in the great beyond. >> now the time has come to write the next great chapter in the history of our armed forces. to prepare for the next battlefield, where america's best and bravest will be called to deter and defeat a new generation of threats to our people, to our nation. >> the next generation of threats up in space. anyway, the idea is drawing plenty of -- you know, this is not the right way to tell this story. it doesn't feel right. i think i have a better idea. so there you go, space


Transcripts For DW Drive It - The Motor Magazine 20181001 13:30:00

world peace with a reminder by next we have to comprehend where this has taken us but today there is a new arms race. our time gorbachev and the opportunity for peace which starts october third on t w. hello and welcome to driving to be the motor magazine coming up a new rescore b.m.w. our electric i f t eighteen. beatlemania works for goes wild for the beatles sunshine tour. and the newest generation of hyundai santa fe. today you might want to shape or is testing the hyundai santa fe for us has been a fixture among s.u.v.s since two thousand and one and in many ways helped develop the segment on today's fourth generation issue v. has a new face with sleek headlights and a large grill time for a closer look. just like its predecessor the new hyundai santa fe features front and all wheel drive the hyundai offers four different engines for the market launch two diesel engines and one gasoline that remains to be seen if the offer a hybrid option later on. if i clearance and all wheel drive make the hyundai well equipped for off road driving him out a while says it but anybody who shows out for an upscale car like this isn't likely to take it into rugged terrain and they're looking for a comfortable ride to get the santa fe delivers a model compares it to being carried in a sedan chair but you don't even have to shift the transmissions automatic. on the one downside is that fuel consumption is higher with all wheel drive because we tested the gasoline engine it springs from zero to one hundred kilometers per hour in ten point four seconds that's more than enough for a family s.u.v. top speed is one hundred ninety five kilometers an hour the car maker race field consumption at about nine point three leaders were testing the highest trim and germany at least for forty seven thousand europe's. its face is especially eye catching the slim headlights and large grille give the s.u.v. a futuristic catch. compared to its predecessor the new santa fe has grown seven centimeters to reach four point seventy seven meters length. and has a runny looking rear with broad shoulders and tail lights. the trunk holds six hundred twenty five leaders. inside everything is geared towards elegance the dashboard is made of leather and the seven inch and fourteen months system has high resolution picture quality and plenty of gimmicks. at the touch of a button the leather seats well gliding and any direct. into any position you'd like. there are also two cup holders an auxiliary u.s.b. and an induction station on board. the back comfortably seats three with plenty of leg room to spare. i listen to some of the manual believes the santa fe is a great choice for comfortable travel the interior is high quality in the design is classy we engines all meet the new year zero sixty temp emission standards but if you want to do more for the environment you'd best switch to a different one day model such as the all electric vehicle version of the kona or the next hour by fuel cells or hydrogen you get to three sets by the lake this fall so order able nick so then the end get to summit against a set of details for the bus national front. the second generation audi q three is a family as u.v. a compact crossover with well developed all around talents the exterior embodies greater self-confidence while the interior offer is plenty of room variability and practical details adding up to a greatly enhanced overall utility. plus the new q three is a good deal shorter than his predecessor. one highlight see an inside view the symmetrical lighting graphics of the head and tail lights the shoulder line connects them formally creating an athletic overall impression of muscle over the wheel arches. no longer the smallest of us who views the. three has now grown has become more confident and is a more a very king s.u.v. during the creative design process for the car we really had one word in mind and that word was balance balance is something that we strive to find in ivory day lives is something that we seek to find in the environment the research on ourselves in and with the objects that we surround ourselves with we really wanted to encompass this balance in the new q three been not only in its function so how it works and how people use it but also in its design how it looks and how it makes you feel. rather than go for a cutting edge look by moving controls to a second touch screen above the stick shift how do you locate the conventional climate controls under the optional ten point one inch display. a wireless charging station is built in for cell phones flashlights and other devices. definitely worth mentioning and experiencing is the l.e.d. lighting it can be set to a wide array of colors. an important feature of any compact s.u.v. is the luggage compartment depending on the position of the back seat bench cargo capacity is anywhere between five hundred thirty and six hundred seventy five leaders folding the seat down expands the space to one thousand five hundred twenty five liters. for the new q three audi's offering an initial choice of four engines three gasoline and one diesel in combination with front or watch you all wheel drive and output ranging from one hundred ten to one hundred sixty nine kilowatts all are four cylinder turbo charged engines with direct injection the transmission is either a shake speed manual or a quick shifting seven speed extremely automatic. for myself father could be in or of out he points out that the suspension. is of the very latest generation for their all wheel drives with a new generation holodeck system that ensures virtually permanent all wheel drive that can be switched to front wheel drive whenever needed. the various driving modes can be said using audi's drives the way. you'd be done you know being or absent the q three offers a choice of driving the auto sets of balance configurations dynamic tightens up the suspension for car buyers who prefer a sporty or driving style and then there's comfort while individual customizes the suspension for perfect adjustment to a given driving preference. the new q three is rolling off the assembly line it out he's plant in georgia hungary deliveries are scheduled to commence in some european countries this november and germany the q three will list for more than thirty thousand euro's the starting price for the previous model was just over twenty nine thousand. c. and has rolled out the terracotta third and shoe remodel in the spanish carmakers product offensive the latest c.e.o. to be designed and developed amount to read and build and will support it provides a sneak preview of the design language of future c. models say that hopes the new s.u.v. will not only advance the brand's image but appeal to new target groups the terracotta has already taken over as the brand new flagship. vision urban ethic is a revolutionary new mobility concept presented by mercedes-benz vance it's based on an autonomous driving electric powered chassis that can accommodate different interchangeable modules able to carry people are moved goods as are. right sharing vehicle the vision urban ethic can see them to twelve a cargo module and transport up to ten standard european ballots for. next season b.m.w. will be entering the formula the racing series with its very own race or for the first time before now the car maker had only ever been involved in directly because inside the house is only against mark. motors more directors proud their entrance safety m.-w. has been an official vehicle partner since season one they've seen the i eight safety car on the track and have been closely following the formula east series over the past seasons they think the series has developed well and many originally equipment manufacturers seem to agree they are following suit and getting involved are planning to it's a place to be and set to be. the most mindfucking at the eyes of the international on immobile federation if i am so so quite proud of its electric racing series. before we start our car garage show head of the f.i.a. commission for alternative power train technologies is glad this series is bringing so many manufacturers together and creating the right kind of competition he considers it a great marketing tool for electric car makers their greatest good however is ensuring that private teams can survive at the formula easy and remain profitable past examples of shown that when that's not the case the entire series is at risk so this is also the school. wagner also took part in b.m.w. i have eighteen projects. i made as a mobility technology company as you look at it and we always believe that motor sport is in that leading edge to double up test and perfect technologies so it helps us. to keep their finger on the pulse that's one. like i said it's a technology company gives us a chance to interact with city centers movie people system look at the technology that is today and stake into the future so we really are participating and developing some foundational aspects for future mobility. b.m.w. use new formula isa's dumbos incredible games over at standard i three engine the race car is fifty percent lighter sixty six percent more compact and one hundred percent more powerful. marquardt explains how they did it they gathered the i three engineers who had also worked on the electric power train for the i ate it put them together with specialist for the formula eep our train and turned them loose instead of worrying about cost or scale ability because they were told to focus solely on performance efficiency and lightweight design the results he says are incredible and will benefit i prodded customers for quite a while to come now that they've shown what can be done they've forged a path for future scaling and production to each of us make use. of scandal child only knows aliens who can fly the model. b.m.w. is entering the formula each championship with not one but two vehicles both race cars will be piloted by experienced drivers one of them is portugal's antonino feelings because stuff he's been in formula eve from the very beginning. obviously we were racing fully electric car so the whole concept of follies that you cannot go flat out doing the whole race you need to find ways to make yourself a fish and the quickest way to the end of the race with a battery that you have so there is a lot of lift that it calls saying before the corners when you break you regenerate energy. back into the battery so you have to take all of these things into consideration to make the car last longer than the others but obviously drive as fast as you can you are fighting you're trying to win the race so you have a little bit of the d.n.a. of normal racing and then a little bit of futuristic the n.s.a. and the technology to help you and to combine to make this such exciting from the championship so it's a very different way to go racing but certainly makes for a very good racing for british racing driver alexander sims will be in the second car he's been competing for b.m.w. for years in all kinds of reaching series but this will be his first formula the effort it's a it's a really competitive field in full or a fantastic drivers and teams involved so i'm not underestimating how difficult it's going to be but at the same time i have every trust in b m w's ability to build a fast race car and you know we're going to go and do our absolute best. to do b.m.w. i eighteen already went out protest laps at the official formula the test and kind of found spain. is my client seems pleased he was prepared carefully he says and put together an experienced team with. their driver is going to bring years of experience on the table which gives them confidence of course you can never know for sure when entering a new car for a new season and it's like a reset in many ways so this is a good opportunity to enter of course they're eager to win a spot in the stamps as soon as possible and are looking forward to the season kicked off before you know as i lay all stances on start. and that would be december fifteenth. saudi arabia. they had this guy at the customer base for the super many segments might generally have a limited car budget but each player still has individual needs and tastes so today and it's paid to me is testing a mazda two and a very special three and then coming out soon. for this model modest offers a choice between three gasoline powered engines our test car is the smallest and most this range is powered by the smallest engine and puts out a modest fifty five kilowatts. what had lacks in performance however it makes up for in design and technology the special keys oku trim adds design perks and driver's assistant systems with many small but fine details that enhance elegance and comfort to the interior the little digital indicators to the left and right of this but ometer are well it sounds simple but whether steering wheel carry switches for audio sources volume and cruise control there is air conditioning and the drivers and passenger seats are heated the houndstooth pattern seat covers are exclusive to the trim. and of course the mazda two connects with mobile smartphones blindspot monitoring and lane departure warning are standard and the reverse camera warns of cross traffic and enormous help and tricky driving situations. the camera also warns of pedestrians behind the car. and jiah little runabout feels most at home in town where hardly anyone notices that it takes one boring eleven point three seconds to reach one hundred kilometers per hour from zero for its top speed is just one hundred eighty eight kilometers per hour it can only reach its max torque of one hundred thirty five new meters above three thousand eight hundred revs per minute fortunately the manual five speed transmission takes very little effort. is found that if she needed a little extra pick up she had to floor the gas pedal completely for getting around day to day especially when driving alone this car does the job but she's had to downshift quite often to get back into the proper river angel where the monster can make full use of his engine's output the trim also features tinted rear windows and matte black sixteen inch alloy wheels must have tos exterior design and has come of age this combination of a small engine and large range of extras goes for at least sixteen thousand six hundred nineteen year olds in germany that's almost four thousand more than the entry level version that's a lot of cash but it makes a big difference in looks and safety features. yet in his had no trouble noticing the special equipment inside she feels surrounded by fine materials the leather steering wheel for example it fits comfortably in her hands. almost a two versions now include she vectoring control to regulate the amount of power sent to each wheel and improve cornering capabilities it shifts the way to the front axle and reduces the center of michael force on the passenger. and in his would describe the most into this design in and sing in figure as a shake yet. sensible car. so then come do so who is the right buyer for this most goods to simply anyone who appreciates or smart design and wants good safety features and who generally doesn't take anyone else along on every gram of additional weight whether it's cargo or as passengers places an additional strain on the engine and that's where this money is going to could use a bit more. man i still haven't. the sun shone brightly on the fourteenth beatle sunshine tour thousands flocked to the event which for the first time was held and beatles birthplace board and the shade of the dots of glass cars silos clashing bugs met a newish generation beatles. tour initiator gabriela kind of says when she bought her first beatle she was sure she couldn't be the only one to develop such feelings were a car so she asked around on line and soon as i first meet up came together now it's turned into a huge community these days these new tools that i need to get some stuff. typically for the sunshine two or most beatles or decorated with love and care some cars reflect their owner's interests you can find bugs in star wars design. or glittering unicon beetles whatever brings a smile to the owner's face but the sunshine tour also attracts plenty of tuners more interested in performance. when they drawings came out for this space all the concepts of the need be told i thought wow that's a fantastic looking car i want to buy it but i only want one as a performance model because that's what i'm used to i like nice cars and i'm fast striving so i didn't feel there was that one point. that i don't. been working on ever since. the twentieth anniversary of the new beetle was a special cause for celebration even if some of the owners here came by their cars by chance. the mystical businessman didn't buy his car he wanted in a price contest but he'd always driven v.w. so it was a perfect addition then he checked out internet forums and read that the tour was like visiting family and everyone contributes their own ideas thomas says beetle is full of smurfs. and there's one with a poseidon engine in it so. there are all kinds of ways to play around with if everyone does what they like and feels acceptance and recognition it's not teasing or giants this is. the beetle with of the six engine is one of the most lavish revamps here the lower part of the bumpers come from a go for six dollars while the brakes are from an audi r s three the rims and exhaust have also been modified. inside you'll find a padded steering wheel audi seats and a roll cage. as a football boy to be owner munchen fetterman says he built in a percentage are thirty six mansion with three hundred horsepower and three point six liters of displacement he was more interested in the sound of the v. six engine and in high performance he says you can get better performance than this car has now with say two leader turbo and that's much cheaper and easier to have a license he does alter. the highlight of this year's beetle sunshine tour was the parade of cars through the v.w. plant two hundred beatles were invited to participate in this exclusive event drivers and passengers alike were thrilled to be a part of. the . irving is owner ordered side says he always used to drive a beetle and always liked it so when he saw this one in the showroom window he just had to have it he likes old cars the owner of a better. oh big a fight in the eyes and yet you try your best. wagon classic is also here showing off some gems from their collection like that have nearly convertible the roof of this two seater beetle retraction tire late into the body sadly a fire put have nearly out of business before it can even produce seven hundred of these cars the days of the current beetle look numbered two. cars shake says love their vehicles every day and join to drive it in hopes v.w. will decide to keep the granddaddy of all won't swags alive even just as an electric car in it to share it's. at the sunshine sure the dream of an electric beetle has already become reality at least in this custom build model from commercial electric cars the retro b. don't generate seventy kilowatts of power almost twice as much as the original bug and has a range of some one hundred fifty kilometers now v.w. just has to follow their example. and next time i'm driving we could volvo's exene forty crossovers to the test. and present say that's new sporty and the to rocka. the. mob. the be. a. good. movie. sure. what unites. what defines. the book trojan horse. what binds the continent to the bouncers and stories of punching the moon. spotlight on people the book the sun girl on t.w. . who've been fighting for decades taking seriously your homework here's what's coming up women's talk dollars. superhero movie smart cars smart stadium legends frank recently in dangerous time the bold move the former. coach of the bowling league to school in africa the more books more links to exception stories and discussions among users easy now i would say down to the coast musharraf's joining us. on facebook at g.w. for good. playing. whatever we begins of the day will get out of syria too and that was fear of the increase of the temperature entirely firstly we have to start by starting to decrease the amount of c o two for them so we have this is actually not a hard problem it just takes will power over there are very important economic interests to hold a lot of coal who own a lot of oil and that are doing everything possible to make sure this doesn't happen we have to fight them by twenty fifty will be well on the way to grow a lot of renewable solar wind. up to mr clarke. or not totally accept his p.c. . and me me and. me and.


Transcripts For DW Drive It - The Motor Magazine 20180925 23:30:00

worries for both people who live in a different scale shaping their nation. and their continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series from africa. d.w.m. dot com. hello and welcome to drive with a b. the motor magazine coming up a new race car b.m.w. our electric i f t eighteen. beatlemania wells fargo's wild for the beatles sunshine tour. and the newest generation of hyundai santa fe. to watch schaffer is testing the hyundai santa fe for us has been a fixture among s.u.v.s since two thousand and one and in many ways helped develop a segment on days fourth generation issue he has a new face where sleepy head lights and a large grill time for a closer look. just like its predecessor the new hyundai santa fe features french and all wheel drive the hyundai offers four different engines for the market launch two diesel engines and one gasoline that remains to be seen if the offer a hybrid option later on. it's high clearance and all wheel drive makes the hyundai well equipped for off road driving him out a while says anybody who shells out for an upscale car like this is unlikely to take it into rugged terrain and they're looking for a comfortable right if the santa fe delivers a model well compares it to being carried in a sedan chair but you don't even have to shift the transmissions automatic even at the touch of a button the leather seats will glide in any direction for going to any position you'd like. there are also two cup holders an auxiliary u.s.b. and an induction station on board. the back comfortably seats three with plenty of leg room to spare. i listen to some of the man who will believe santa fe he is a great choice for comfortable travel the interior is high quality and the design is classy the engines are meet the new year zero sixty temp emission standards but if you want to do more for the environment you'd best switch to a different day model such as the all electric vehicle version of the kona or the next hour by fuel cells or hydrogen you get to themselves by the lake this fall so themselves father daniel beaner of audi points out that the suspension is of the very latest generation for their all wheel drives with a new generation aldec system that insures virtually permanent all wheel drive that can be switched to front wheel drive whenever needed. the various driving modes can be said using audi's drives away. you don't know being are absent the q three offers a choice of driving the auto sets of balance configurations dynamic tightens up the suspension for a car buyers who prefer a sporty or driving style and then there's comfort while individual customizes the suspension for perfect adjustment to a given driving preference. the new q three is rolling off the assembly line it out as planned enjoy hungary deliveries are scheduled to come and soon some european countries this november and germany the q three will list for more than thirty thousand euro as the starting price for the previous model was just over twenty nine thousand. the c.e.o. has rolled out the terracotta third as you remodel in the spanish carmakers product offensive the latest see i had to be designed and developed a mountain and build it was work it provides a sneak preview of the design language of future so you have models say and hopes the new s.u.v. will not only advance the brand's image but appeal to new targeted groups that are rocco has already taken over as the brand's new flagship. the vision urban ethic is a revolutionary new mobility concept presented by mercedes-benz vance it's based on an autonomous driving electric powered chassis that can accommodate different interchangeable modules able to carry people are moved goods as a place to be and set to be. the most light for. the international animal beall federation if i am so so quite proud of us electric racing series. before we took our car garage ahead of the f.i.a. commission for alternative power train technology says glad this series is bringing so many manufacturers together and creating the right kind of competition he considers it a great marketing tool for electric car makers their greatest good however is ensuring that private teams can survive at the formula easy and remain profitable past examples are shown that when that's not the case the entire series is at risk so this is a whole the school. also took part in b.m.w. i have eighteen project. the magna is a mobility technology company as you look at it and we always believe that motor sport is in the leading edge of devil upcast and perfect technologies so it helps us to keep the finger on the pulse that's one. like i said it's a technology company it gives us a chance to interact with city centers open a movie depot system look at the technology that is today and stake into the future so we really are participating and developing some foundation last. for future mobility. b.m.w. use new formula isas from both incredible games over in standard ide three engine the race car is fifty percent lighter sixty six percent more compact and one hundred percent more powerful. and smart car and explains how they did it they gathered the i three engineers who had also worked on the electric power train for the i ate a point them together with specialist for the formula eve hour train and turned them loose instead of worrying about cost or scale ability but they were told to focus solely on performance efficiency and lightweight design the results he says were incredible and will benefit i prodded customers for quite a while to come know that they've shown what can be done they forge the path for future skilling and production to each of us make issues including the scandal child in the city and so confide to my. b.m.w. as entering the formula each championship with not one but two vehicles both race cars will be piloted by experienced drivers one of them is portugal's antonino feelings because that he's been in formula even from the very beginning. obviously we racing fully electric car so the whole concept of for me is that you cannot go flat out doing the whole race you need to find ways to make yourself a fission was the quickest way to the end of the race with the battery that you have so there is a lot of lift and coasting before the corners when you break you regenerate energy back into the battery so you have to take all of these things into consideration to make the car last longer than the others but obviously drive as fast as you can you are fighting you are trying to win the race so you have a little bit of the d.n.a. of normal racing and then a little bit of futuristic the n.s.a. and the technology to help you and to combine them. this is such an exciting from a championship so it's a very different way to go racing but it certainly makes for a very good good racing for british racing driver alexander simms will be in the second car he's been competing for b.m.w. for years in all kinds a racing series but this will be his first formula effort it's a it's a really competitive filter in film larry fantastic drivers and teams involved so i'm not underestimating how difficult it's going to be but at the same time i have every trust in b.m.w. his ability to build a fast race car and you know we're going to go and do our absolute best. new b.m.w. i am v eighteen already went out for test laps at the official formula eve test and kind of found spain. i was hopeful as my consignors policed a have prepared carefully he says and put together an experienced team with. their drivers are going to bring years of experience on the table which gives them confidence of course you can never know for sure when entering a new car for a new season and it's like a reset in many ways so this is a good opportunity to enter this of course they're eager to win a spot in the stamps as soon as possible and are looking forward to the season kicked off if i don't as i lay all stances on style. and that would be the center fifteenth. saudi arabia. that's the customer base for the super many segments might generally have a limited car budget but each player still has individual needs and tastes so today and is pretty. he is testing a mazda two and a very special three of them can you not see one. for this model mazda offers a choice between three gasoline powered engines our test car is the smallest and most this range is powered by the smallest engine and puts out a modest fifty five kilowatts. what had lacks in performance however it makes up for in design and technology the special keys oku trim adds design perks and drivers assistance systems with many small but fine details that enhance elegance and comfort to the interior of the little digital indicators to the left and right of us but ometer are well exhaustible the leather steering wheel carries switches for audio sources while you and cruise control there is air conditioning and the drivers and passengers seats are heated the houndstooth pattern seat covers are exclusive to the trim. and of course the must into connects with more miles smartphones blindspot monitoring and lane departure warning are standard and the reverse camera warns of cross traffic and enormous help and tricky driving situations. the camera also warns of pedestrians behind the car. and jaya little runabout feels most at home in town where hardly anyone notices that it takes one bring eleven point three seconds to reach one hundred kilometers per hour from zero or that its top speed is just one hundred eighty eight kilometers per hour it can only reach its max torque of one hundred thirty five nude meters. a bow three thousand eight hundred revs per minute fortunately the manual climbs speed transmission takes very little effort. in is found that if she needed a little extra pick up she had to floor the gas pedal completely for getting around day to day especially when driving alone this car does the job but she's had to downshift quite often to get back into the proper rev range where the mazda can make full use of his engines output the trim also features tinted rear windows and matte black sixteen inch alloy wheels most good to use exterior design and this come of age this combination of a small engine and large range of extras goes for at least sixteen thousand six hundred nineteen year olds in germany that's almost four thousand more than the entry level version that's a lot of cash but it makes a big difference from looks and safety features. yet had no trouble noticing the special equipment inside she feels surrounded by fine materials the leather steering wheel for example it fits comfortably in her hands. almost a two versions now include vectoring control to regulate the amount of power sent to each wheel and improve cornering capabilities it shifts the way to the front axle and reduces the center of michael force on the passenger. and in his would describe the must have two and this design an engine configuration as a shake yet sensible car. so then conti so who is the right buyer for this most good to simply anyone who appreciates a smart design and wants good safety features and who generally doesn't take anyone else along every gram of additional weight whether it's cargo or as passengers places an additional strain on the engine surprise us and that's where this money is going to could use a bit more snow and ice don't than. the . sun shone brightly on nov fourteenth beadle sunshine tour thousands flocked to the event which for the first time was held in beatles birthplace war and the shade of the auto shots glass car silos classic bugs that the newest generation beatles. my now tour initiator gabriela kind of says when she bought her first beatle she was sure she couldn't be the only one to develop such feelings were a car so she asked around on the line and soon the first meet up came together now it's turned into a huge community these days these and also when you need to get close and stuff. typically for the sunshine tour most beatles are decorated with love and care some cars reflect their owner's interests you can find bugs in star wars design. or glittering unodc on the eagles whatever brings a smile to the owner's face but the sunshine tour also attracts plenty of tuners more interested in performance. when they drawings came at for this people the concepts of the need be told i thought wow that's a fantastic looking car i want to buy it but i only want one as a performance model because that's what i'm used to do i like nice cars and of fast diving so i didn't feel there was that one point eight and i don't. and been working on it ever since. the twentieth anniversary of the new beetle was a special cause for celebration even if some of the owners here came by their cars by chance. this man didn't buy his car he wanted in a prize contest but he'd always driven v.w. so it was a perfect conditions then he checked out internet forums and read that the tour was like visiting family everyone contributes their own ideas thomas' beetle is full of smurfs. and there's one with a poseidon engine in it. there are all kinds of ways to play around with this but everyone does what they like and feels acceptance and recognition it's not teasing or giants this is. the beetle with a venus six engine is one of the most lavish revamps near the lower part of the bumpers come from a go for six dollars while the brakes are from an audi r s three the rims in exhaust have also been modified. inside you'll find a padded steering wheel audi seats and a roll cage. as a football goal to be owner mountain fed him and says he built in a plus sign at our thirty six engine with three hundred horsepower and three point six liters of displacement he was more interested in the sound of the v. six engine than in high performance he says you can get better performance than this car has now with say two leader turbo and that's much cheaper and easier to have a license he does alter. the highlight of this year's beetle sunshine tour was the parade of cars through the v.w. plant two hundred beatles were invited to participate in this exclusive event drivers and passengers alike were thrilled to be a part of it. now . your views owner side says he always used to drive a beetle and always liked it so when he saw this one in the showroom window he just had to have it he likes old cars the owner of the better. the fish big defying the i have yet to try your best. swag and classic is also here showing off some gems from their collection like that have nearly convertible the roof of this two seater beetle retraction tiredly into the body sadly a fire put that girl out of business before it can even produce seven hundred of these cars the days of the current beetle look numbered to. be card check says folks love their vehicles every day joy to drive it he hopes v.w. will decide to keep the granddaddy of all won't swag so why even just as an electric car in it to share it. at the sunshine tour the dream of an electric beetle has already become reality at least in this custom build model from commercial electric cars the retro beetle generates seventy kilowatts of power almost twice as much as the original bug and has a range of some one hundred fifty kilometers now v.w. just has to follow their example. and next time on drive it we put volvo's exene forty crossovers to the test. and present the see that's new sporty s.u.v. the to rock up. to. i'm going. to. have a. cliff lawyer. culture . car hair. superman. superfood stylish star long gone to lead a. lifestyle during. the moment. thirty minutes strong. core more. fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world of work here's what's coming up. on the most talk on g.w. go they'd use the superhero comics shown such as how to use some of the smart limits to how smart talks smarts to find the legend the fierce and find no movement down on the brink creasing dangerous times. tucker you made. your link to lose from africa the world join us on facebook j w africa. germany street by street. here street. the most traditional find at any target. check him with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on g.w. dot com. shows a view of the world. where i come from the door that to get to cisco it's just like this chinese food doesn't matter where i am it's a forest reminds me of home after decades of living in germany china's food is one of the same i miss the most but better taking a step back i see things i need to look different in our brand of ford's first as an articulation the fact that it's just the other part of the law i haven't been implemented in china tatsuya a lot of chinese people wondering if they're going to say play but if i have


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Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 00:13:00

a super advanced system. involving lasers signed a secret you can read about it laser systems that would shoot missiles, jets out of the sky. with pinpoint accuracy. they are advancing in this research. all of this was a possible because 1983 in 1986. can you imagine if joe biden had won the day? could you imagine? this man is wrong in every respect and now he is a literally funding the regime to the tune of over $1 billion funding them telling israel take their foot off the gas pedal. they hit the brakes do not defeat hamas do not defeat hezbollah don't you dare respond to iran and elway that might


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 03:13:00

a super advanced system. involving lasers signed a secret you can read about it laser systems that would shoot missiles, jets out of the sky. with pinpoint accuracy. they are advancing in this research. all of this was a possible because 1983 in 1986. can you imagine if joe biden had won the day? could you imagine? this man is wrong in every respect and now he is a literally funding the regime to the tune of over $1 billion funding them telling israel take their foot off the gas pedal. they hit the brakes do not defeat hamas do not defeat hezbollah don't you dare respond to iran and elway that might


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 07:13:00

a super advanced system. involving lasers signed a secret you can read about it laser systems that would shoot missiles, jets out of the sky. with pinpoint accuracy. they are advancing in this research. all of this was a possible because 1983 in 1986. can you imagine if joe biden had won the day? could you imagine? this man is wrong in every respect and now he is a literally funding the regime to the tune of over $1 billion funding them telling israel take their foot off the gas pedal. they hit the brakes do not defeat hamas do not defeat hezbollah don't you dare respond to iran and elway that might


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