dependency. will: this is insanity. [laughter] also, another piece of insanity. rachel: this is insanity, for real. will: you know well, of course, we have enabled not just as society, but many parents have enabled gender transitioning at the age of 9 or 12, pre-puberty, doesn t matter. gender transitions in general. well, musician, star neo, i hope i said that right, had said this on vlad tv. watch. i feel like parents have almost forgotten what the role of a parent is. amen. we ve lost control. if your little boy comes to you and says, daddy, i want to be a girl, and you just let him rock with that? he s fine. right. and where did he get that from? if you let this 5-year-old boy decide to eat candy all day, or he s going to do that. exactly. when did it become a good idea to let a 5-year-old, a 6-year-old, a 12-year-old, make a life-changing decision for themself? when did that happen?
else why would not this become a thing? you are exactly right p, we set the stage for people to be allowed to change characteristics about themselves, then why not take on the role of changing your race, and i found this online, there is quite a large race change to another community, and just like transgender is an, this happens to be conflicting young women more so than any other demographic. and they are taking on racial stereotypes, listening to subliminal videos on the internet, that they think overnight can change their characteristics and have them looking like a different race. the right gender transitions, they play into a stereotype to reinforce the identity that they now say they want to choose. you mentioned young girls, here is one disturbing personal story. her name is alyssa, 15, special connection with japan. was born in the ukraine, but she goes by the japanese name and she listens to subliminal messages. that promise shoot to wake up