For over sixty years, Mother Nature has transformed the rolling hills of North San Diego County into one of the most spectacular and coordinated displays of natural color and beauty anywhere in the world: The Flower Fields at Carlsbald Ranch. The 2022 bloom will include sunshine and flowers with the return of live outdoor music and a number of activities you won’t want to miss! Kids Day at The Flower Fields is full day of fun featuring drumming, bubble making, ballooning, face painting and more!We will also have performances by the BMX Freestyle Team at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Don’t miss out on the world’s most extreme freestyle stunt riders in an exciting, spectacular, non-stop, action-packed stunt show!An exciting addition to our Kids Day will be the General Yo Competition Team. Prepare to be amazed at these competitive yoyo masters demonstrating their exciting tricks and moves with performances at noon and 2 p.m.Kids Day at The Flower Fields will take place on Saturday, March 26 fro