According to Geojit, Farmers in Telangana have sown rabi crops over 603,848 acres as of Wednesday, slightly higher than 603,038 acres a year ago, according to data from the state government.
According to Geojit, The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange of India has modified the quality specifications for the castor seed futures contracts beginning from Dec 18 and subsequent contracts.
According to Geojit, The area under rabi crops in Gujarat rose 6.9% on year to 2.9 mln ha in the current season as of Monday, according to the state agriculture department.
According to Geojit, The area under rabi crops in Rajasthan was down nearly 8% on year at 9.03 mln ha in the current season as of Friday from 9.80 mln ha a year ago, according to a release by the state agriculture department.
According to Geojit, Farmers in the country have sown rabi crops across 43.5 mln ha so far, down 5% on year, according to data from the agriculture ministry.