In this effort to solve the problem which we will do. Thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I turn outward a sandwich ranking miniter, senator grassley. Before the talk starts i like to apologize for particularly mr. Daniel for missing his testimony and say that sorry for the loss that you talked about. Also to apologize to everybody here because this is an apology ive done for the third time in the last half hour. First of all to News Conference with senator gillibrand and then to a group of people that i work with very closely on foster care. Its kind of a rude way to treat all you folks that come here when we have to have two votes and then to intervene things, what i appreciate to, hopefully your understand that. My first question is going to be two professor malcolm. A kentucky law took effect this month that allows people to receive an emergency protective order to pass a background check to obtain a provisional concealed carry permit in one day. I view this as a law that