Mailbag 2/10
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Class or classes that most impacted your life? - DressHerInWhiteAndGold
Ben: Oh man, this is a tough one. My journalism capstone was incredible, but I also really got a lot out of my Intro to Acting class I took on a whim my last semester.
Carter: MUSI 1008, 2008, 3008, and 4008. Better known as marching band. Oh, and I can’t forget MUSI 4802, the special topics course.
Also, Applied Combinatorics (MATH 3012) was a lot of fun, because after multiple semesters of dry multivariable calculus, it was extremely refreshing to take an
applied math course to remind myself I did, in fact, enjoy math before calculus came along. I had a question asking how to calculate the total number of possible ACC football schedules for one exam.