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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20130212

street stations in san francisco. >> 40% of our trips each day either begin at embarcadero or montgomery. >> reporter: the biggest problem is getting the riders on and off the trains at rush hour without backing up the whole system. and that's why bart is laying tracks for this massive expansion with new underground platforms on both side of the trains complete with sliding glass doors. so that we would -- you would load on to this train from here and on that side as well? >> either that or you could -- everyone loads this way and exits the other way. it's much more fast and smooth. >> reporter: they would also add more escalators. >> we want to make them high speed. that's key, high speed escalators get people up and out quickly. >> reporter: in the meantime, you may see some things disappear, as well. >> look at this. there's not on a phone booth here. let's just get them out. these seats, eight feet wide. it's precious space. we can do something much more narrow and fit a lot more people. >> reporter: how crowded does it get down here? >> really crowded. i have to stand and sweat on the train every night. >> reporter: what do you think of the idea of adding another platform over there. >> i think that would be great. >> reporter: why? >> because you can get more ridership. >> reporter: but it's not going to come cheap. the cost, about $900 million. will this mean higher fares? >> it could mean higher fares, yeah. it might mean higher fares at that station, too. >> reporter: it's going to take a couple of years to get the funding because there's competition. let's not forget that bart also wants to go to san jose and expand elsewhere. it's going to be interesting, liz, in that they do start this, what they are going to do is tunnel it all underground just like the central subway and keep bart running and then at the very end break out those walls and have a whole new station. it ought to be something to see. >> absolutely. anything that's going to ease that commute every day, got to work. thank you. >> reporter: it's worth a shot. >> absolutely. thanks, phil. when you think of what causes bay area gridlock you think of accidents, there's construction of course, and weather. but now as kpix 5 reporter john ramos explains, there's an expensive new problem adding to the slowdowns. >> reporter: sitting in freeway traffic may feel like time stolen from your life and in some cases that's exactly what is happening. >> stuck right here. >> reporter: copper thieves have stolen the wires along the section of highway 238 in castro valley. that's knocked out the warning lights and messages on this on- ramp. in other areas they have blacked out metering lights causes freeways to clog up with cars. >> it's serious when you figure that over the past seven years, caltrans statewide has spent $27 million replacing copper wire that's been stolen. >> reporter: half of that damage, $2 million every year occurs right here in the bay area. repairs can cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace 10 0 bucks of copper at the resicker will. >> it costs time in time, productivity, frustration. people are paying a price far beyond the $2 million every year. >> reporter: this crew is replacing the old box with the metal topped one that can be welded shut. it's really just an effort to slow the thieves down. >> take about couple hours to cut the welding. >> reporter: you think it's going to work? >> so far it's worked. >> reporter: caltrans won't talk about the other strategies it's pursuing with law enforcement. but they are asking the public to report anyone working on the roadway who doesn't look legit. it's in everybody's interests, they say, because it's no secret who is going to pay for all this. in castro valley, john ramos, kpix 5. developing news out of concord. a 14-year-old was rushed to the hospital after being hit by a car this afternoon. it happened at the intersection of solano way and grant street about 1:30. the intersection is blocked off for the afternoon and early evening. it may be blocked off for another hour. the teenaged boy was in critical condition. we are told the driver is cooperating with police. crews in san bruno cleaning up a big mess after caltrain slammed in a big rig. that happened about 2:30 this afternoon on angus avenue. the truck driver says he tried backing up after approaching a bridge that didn't have enough clearance. but he was blocked by cars behind him and then you guessed it, within just a minute a southbound train was closing in. no injuries in the collision. right now, caltrain is single tracking it around the scene. there are about 30-minute delays. a rude awakening for some concord residents after vandals slashed at least 60 car tires up and down the street. it happened on bel air, glazier and machado drive in concord's valley district. kpix 5 reporter don ford tells us neighbors were hit more than once. reporter: salvador gonzalez owns five vehicles and he woke up yesterday morning and found nearly all his tires were slashed. his wife raquel says they lost 12 tires. >> and then our truck, too, and another van too, that my husband, you know, changed the tires already because we need the vans for work. >> reporter: concord police say someone slashed the tires on over 60 vehicles in three different neighborhoods. neighbors tell me that number is climbing and could reach as many as 80 cars. neil harris is having his car towed. he lost three tires and considers himself lucky. >> the man across the street lost four truck tires and his car tires too. might come him $1,700 or whatever. >> reporter: destruction is everywhere. beth baker drives a large suv. >> it actually costs over $1,000 to get ours replaced. they're big tires. >> reporter: with over 200 tires slashed in one night, the damage estimates could easily exceed $30,000. local big o tire was swamped as they helped people get back on the road. >> this morning at 9:00, tow trucks pulled stuff in. >> reporter: the manager believes an ice pick was used: he says the tired cannot be patched. >> once you have a puncture in the side wall you can no longer fix it. the tire is not usable. >> i hope they catch whoever did it. they hurt all people. >> reporter: police say only that the incident is under investigation. in concord, don ford, kpix 5. firefighters are called out to put out a car fire in hayward. mercedes-benz caught fire in a parking lot on a street. that smoke could be seen for blocks around. it took firefighters about an hour to douse the flames. in san francisco, fire crews rescued a man stuck on a cliff at baker beach today. fire officials say the young man climbed up the rocks on the north end of the beach and then couldn't get down. they rappelled down this afternoon and got him. there were no injuries. right now tasers are the topic at a community meeting in san francisco. police are talking about a proposal to equip some officers with those stun guns. the police commission is expected to consider the proposal sometime after tonight's gathering in the bayview which is the last of three community meetings. we're told the topic is not on any upcoming agendas yet. the murder charges have been filed against the ex-l.a. cop still on the run. no sign of christopher dorner and now police are using a million-dollar reward to try and entice dorner to give himself up. randy paige has the details. >> reporter: police are asking you to take a close look at this photo of christopher dorner taken by a security camera on january 28. this is the most recent photograph of the suspected killer. police are asking that you focus on this photo in order to increase the quality of the tips that are pouring in. 700 so far and counting. if you think you have spotted him, don't go near him. >> we're reminding the citizens of los angeles that this is a very dangerous individual. he has demonstrated that he has no issue with killing people, completely innocent people. and so if you see this individual, that is a 911 call if you see him. >> reporter: the $1 million reward is being offered to anyone who provides the information leading to his capture and conviction and that includes dorner's family. in fact, that message is going out to christopher dorner, as well. >> if mr. dorner would like to see a member of his family get a million dollars, he could make that happen, couldn't he? >> absolutely. the reward that is out there right now is for anybody who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of christopher dorner. if christopher's mom were to turn in her son today, we would be more than happy to facilitate that, then i'm quite certain that she would be entitled to that reward. you know, again, i don't say that i jest. we'll do whatever it takes to have him surrender. we would love for this end in a peaceful manner and then deal with this issue in the courts. >> that was randy paige reporting from los angeles. coming up, a kpix 5 exclusive. you will see how a skydiving jump can go wrong. a bay area man in a near freefall from 13,000 feet survivors. his gopro camera reported the terrifying plunge. >> how apple fans might tap into a device someday making them like james bond. >> the south bay may take the cake temperature-wise. find out when you may be close to 70 coming up. q this is welcome news for a company criticized for its lack of innovation, following the death of steve jobs. but kpi apple stock is up tonight thanks as to speculation for a smart watch. they are criticized for lack of innovation following the death of steve jobs. but kpix 5 reporter mike sugerman asked, how much can you possibly do with something as small as a watch? >> reporter: anybody know what time it is? 5to 20. does anybody really know what time it is? do you know what time it is? >> 1:58. >> reporter: 1:58. okay. >> reporter: we do know chances are it's because you looked at your smartphone. watches? not so much. is that about to change? >> so a bunch of rumors cropped up this week that apple might be testing out an iwatch. >> reporter: molly wood who by the way wears a watch for style thinks it could be called a watch but think more a remote control for your iphone vie. >> bluetooth. >> people say it could be some sort of curved display that would obviously be high style as is apple fashion and it might somehow interact with your phone. >> reporter: don't think dick tracy so much nor inspector gadget. working controls and buttons on such a small screen could be a problem. >> that's a good question what you would be able to do with it. there's a lot of speculation. presumably you might be able to look at your contacts. you might be able to text. maybe it will monitor your health. >> reporter: and hopefully with less lip flap than our skype conversation with larry magid have. there have been such attempts before. >> metta watch strata is the first smart sport watch for smartphones. >> reporter: metta watch raised money on the site kick-start. >> this is pebble. >> reporter: as did another such idea pebble. apple seems to be a bit behind the curve if in fact it really is in the iwatch game. these are just reports and apple has no comment. >> the miraculously sometimes there are leaks and it gets people talking about them like we're doing. and apple thrives on that. >> reporter: even if true it could be two years before you might get one. mike sugerman, kpix 5. a skydiving jump goes terribly wrong. the parachute malfunctioned at 13,000 feet. the skydiver's gopro camera shows his out-of-control fall and the hard landing that he survived. it's a story you will only see on kpix 5. it happened on gerardo flores' 30th jump. >> look up to see the plane have a point of reference. >> reporter: flores felt confident after two years of training at the skydive monterey bay school. >> you just feel like you're flying. >> reporter: but seconds into his freefall he felt a jerk. >> it just exploded, just threw me to the side. something went wrong. >> reporter: his parachute had opened on its own at 13,000 feet. >> it's super high. 100 things go through your mind. >> just opened up at 13,000 feet. >> you never open above 6,000 feet. >> reporter: talking to his camera, you hear him thinking out loud. >> still have plenty of time. just opened up. >> reporter: deciding whether to cut loose. >> i said wait a minute. if i fall right now what if the reserve doesn't open? >> reporter: he doesn't realize how much trouble he's in. >> i can see the drop is way down there. and that's all i remember. >> reporter: for unknown reasons, flores passed out. 20 minutes later he crashes into the drop zone. teachers from the school rush to his aid. >> call 911! ambulance! >> reporter: they were able to get him airlifted to a hospital. flores was unconscious for two weeks suffered broken ribs and a lacerated tongue, but survived. >> the faa he said you are the luckiest man i ever met. >> reporter: but flores didn't feel so lucky when he read the faa's report. the agency investigates skydiving accidents. >> just opened up. >> reporter: the report found a critical velcro closing flap on the parachute casing was completely worn and the par shoeed's rigging had knots prompting the inspector to note these lines should have been replaced on the parachute's rigging. >> i could have died that day. >> reporter: flores relived the terrifying moments when he finally got his gear back from investigators along with the camera that recorded his fall. >> oh, my god. i can here myself choking. >> reporter: skydive monterey refused our request for an interview. an industry expert found cause for concern. >> that's disturbing. >> that man is dr. craig stapleton. he clocked more than 8,000 jumps as a member of the u.s. par shooting team. later in the newscast his surprising comments on an industry with very little oversight. our weather is spectacular. >> stunning, wonderful. >> how much time did you plan on spending outdoors in february? compare that to how much time we have spent outdoors. we need the rain and we need the snow in the mountains but yet, you can just go outside and enjoy the sunshine, too, because it's there for the taking we have ourselves another clear night and chilly. in the mid-30s in san jose but look at the highs today. napa 68. february 11, are you kidding me?! oakland 68 degrees. richmond 65. san francisco 63 before a sea breeze kicked in. concord 63. livermore 61. no rainfall on the radar nor will there be for a while because the high pressure dome that gave us the sunny mild weather today is not moving. it is stuck off to our west. it might be a word you would use if you want the rainfall but you would be happy if you want sunshine to know the high pressure dome is going to get closer and have more influence. as the high passes closest to us on friday many of you in the south bay like san jose, los gatos, los altos may hit 70 on friday and everybody will be in the mid- to upper 60s for the back half of the week. so not as cold at night. we'll still be in the upper 30s but not near freezing by the end of the week. close to 70 degrees by friday and it's all about the sunshine. highs tomorrow pretty close to normal. low 60s is where we should be this time. year. it's why we live in northern california. 61 livermore. san rafael 61. mid-60s wednesday, thursday, friday the upper 60s with sunshine. onshore flow over the weekend will drop the temperatures back two or three degrees but i really don't see much of a pattern. what i'm looking at now is when is that high going to move and get a storm to give us some rainfall? right now the answer to that question is not over the next 10 days. i don't see it happening. valentine's day? maybe dinner outside. >> perfect. >> get an early -- why not? >> it's february. >> why not? >> yeah, right. >> thanks. >> i'm hoping to find like a sense of relief, but usually that exact opposite thing happens. >> the downside of doing your own medical research. the risks when you're feeling sick and you go searching the web. >> the countdown to the opening of the new bay bridge span is on. kpix 5 is proud to be the official television station for the opening ceremonies in september. and we will be keeping you posted on the plan for the big day. >> and tomorrow night tune into spanning the future, the new bay bridge. ken bastida and our team of reporters look ahead to the labor day closure and the grand opening plans. the prime time half-hour special starts at 10:30 tomorrow right here on kpix 5. your symptoms... to figure out what's wrong? dr. kim says, don't do it! w trying to self well you feel sick so what do you do? maybe google your symptoms to figure out what's wrong? dr. kim says, don't do it. why trying to self-diagnose can backfire on you. >> can find out a gazillion things wrong with you if you wanted to. >> aneurysms, cancer, all that stuff. i feel like i'm a doctor sometimes. >> reporter: from the common cold to the rarest most exotic diseases the internet is filled with information about every possible ailment. for a growing number of people all that information may pose a greater health danger than what might actually ail them. >> it's like hypochondria triggered by the internet. >> reporter: it's called cyber- chondria when people self diagnose and stress out. >> my left arm was numb and sore. the first thing that showed up i'm having a heart attack. >> the fear kind of just keeps the getting escalated. >> reporter: by the time people see a doctor, based on what they have read online they think the worst. >> that's the risk which is there by using all these random searches. >> reporter: 28-year-old lisa locke says she cannot stop. with each symptom there is another behind it and more. it goes on and on. >> i'm hoping to find like a sense of relief but usually the exact opposite happens. i'm stressing myself. do i have this or that? >> reporter: locke has diagnosed herself with everything from heart disease to momentum but there's never been anything wrong with her other than the stress and anxiety she suffers from self- diagnosing. >> i have gotten yelled at by numerous people in my family. >> reporter: they may exaggerate symptoms. that may lead to improper care and delay in treatment. they may not even want to see a doctor. >> the internet benefits outweigh the perils. nothing is better than a real doctor. >> reporter: dr. kim mulvihill, kpix 5. coming up in our next half hour, the first pontiff to step down in 600 years. why pope benedict xvi is resigning and reaction from bay area parishioners. >> you might want to check your credit report. how often mistakes happen and why they can be so tough to correct. >> and for the second part of our exclusive kpix 5 story about the skydiving accident, the faa investigation and an industry expert's surprising comments. am i allergic to any medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. that hasn't been done in 600 years. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and now at 6:30, pope benedict xvi is doing something that has not been done in 600 years, resign. the 85-year-old pontiff said that he will step down at the end of the month after nearly 7 years as pope because he is simply too old to carry on. in a statement, the pope said, after having repeatedly examined my conscience before god, i have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the petrine ministry and now the catholic church is faced with finding a replacement just before the holiest season. kpix 5 reporter len ramirez in santa clara with what bay area catholics would like to see in a new leader. len. >> reporter: well, they would obviously like to see some changes happen in the catholic church. the catholic church church is an old institution and the california missions are a symbol of the church's spread from europe to the new world more than 200 years ago. the church is spreading quickly in the third world. and so there's a lot of speculation around here that there might be a new pope from one of these regions, africa, asia or south america. reporter: at the vatican tonight preparations are being made to convene a meeting of the college of cardinals to elected -- to elect a new pope like the sudden and unusual retirement of pope benedict xvi, the selection of a new spiritual leader for the world's 1.2 billion catholics could offer some breaks with tradition. >> you have a number of cardinals now who are from africa, south america and asia. i think it would not be a shock if we had somebody from one of those places. >> reporter: santa clara university's father michael mccarthy says the cardinals have always at least in the last several centuries picked a european priest. but this time, those considered top contenders are from around the world and third world including: >> it's always a mystery what the college of cardinals thinks when they gather. but i do think that they are aware that catholicism is increasingly becoming a global reality. >> reporter: many parishioners coming to saint joseph's cathedral in san jose are praying for the cardinals and hoping that the new pope will usher in a new era for catholics. >> i'd like to find a person that can keep some of our old traditions but also be progressive and maybe have women priests and sort of the new changes that people want. >> reporter: the san francisco -- a lot is being said about the timing of the announcement before the season of lent. the most important season on the calendar for catholics a season of renewal or rebirth. it's also believed that maybe this is the pope trying to say something trying to give a message to the cardinals as he passes the reins to another pope. >> ash wednesday coming up this week. thank you, len ramirez. a bad credit report could cost a loan or job and now we are learning 40 million americans have a mistake on their credit reports. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts explains it may be nearly impossible to fix. >> my credit history is still reflecting a foreclosure. >> reporter: an erroneous foreclosure on a credit report resulted in four years of frustration for martha de jesus that eventually prevented her interest refinancing her mortgage. >> i was denied because i had foreclosure in my history. and i told him that my home was not foreclosed. >> reporter: she is not alone. according to the federal trade commission, one out of five consumers has an error on a credit report and a recent "60 minutes" investigation reveals it's nearly impossible to convince the credit agencies to fix them. >> the federal law says that if you believe that there is a mistake, they have an obligation to do a reasonable investigation. >> reporter: but ohio's attorney general says that's not happening. >> they are not doing a reasonable investigation. they are not doing an investigation at all. >> reporter: and "60 minutes" may have uncovered why. former credit reporting agency employees in places like india and the philippines admit to correspondent steve kroft they had no email, internet or any way to investigate consumer disputes. the attorney general has opened the investigation but in the meantime it's up to consumer to be pro-active. check your credit report at to won't give you your score but it's the only truly free report and it will reveal errors including id theft, unauthorized credit cards and, yes, faulty foreclosures. we helped resolve ma martha's error by going to the company responsible, wells fargo. they believe that it should be the responsibility of the credit agency. >> they cannot seem to get it right. >> reporter: now, ma that called our hotline for help and here's a great example of why you should check your report once a year. only 20% of people do. but beware, sites like are not actually free. they are revenue makers for the credit reporting agencies which also charges you for free reports on their sites. annual credit report is the only truly free one. >> sometimes you have to pay for your fica score and that might be worth it sometimes to know that score. >> reporter: absolutely. it's not bad to pay for the report. you just don't want to accidentally sign up for recurring charges which happens on these sites. president obama getting ready to deliver his fourth state of the union address. the white house says tomorrow's speech will serve as a book end to the inaugural address. a sign the president will touch on priorities such as immigration reform and reducing gun violence but the main thrust of the speak will be on so-called pocketbook issues. >> the core emphasis that he has always placed in these big speeches remains the same and will remain the same, which is the need to make the economy work for the middle class because the middle class is the engine that drives this country forward. >> kpix 5 will air the president's state of the union address live tomorrow starting at 6 p.m. flocks of birds leaving behind health hazards. the tactic in one bay area community to get rid of the geese. >> spinning, spinning into final for 20 minutes. and you hit the ground. >> his parachute opened too early and improperly but that's not all. why the faa report on his accident is what he says really bothers him. a city in the east bay. the problem is the mess the birds leave behind at a public park. so now, k-p-i-x 5 reporter a wild goose chase may soon end for a city in the east bay. the problem is the mess the birds leave behind at a public park. so now kpix 5 reporter patrick sedillo tells us the city has hired some four-legged friends to tackle the issue. >> we have had a herd of geese that have actually been growing throughout the years and the sports user group, the little league and soccer players, the families are concerned with the goose droppings. >> reporter: so the city of dublin called in four paw, a goose control company run by vicki and denise. >> started out of necessity for both denise and myself. we had regular corporate jobs. and they went out of state. >> reporter: so they started a new business helping chase off the geese, like dublin sports park. >> anywhere from 250 to 300 and that is dropping as we use the dog patrol. we are seeing less and less geese returning to the park. >> away, away! >> reporter: as soon as the geese spotted the car they took off in a hurry, so fast we could barely catch them on camera. the dogs chance and shelby had already been working that kylie took a year to train. this is amazing video shelby is walking this injured goose out of harm's way into safety. >> they are protected those birds by federal law. this is a technique that's allowed. it is a way to deter and harass them without physically harming them. >> reporter: for these two entrepreneurs things are looking up. their business started by chance is growing. >> we do a business complex out in walnut creek. we also have a golf course that we are going to be starting. and we do another business complex in emeryville. >> reporter: if you think you can just start a business like this yourself, a word of caution. these are highly trained licensed and bonded professionals. patrick sedillo, kpix 5. this skydiver's parachute failed because of among other things worn-out velcro. coming up, the second part of our kpix 5 investigation into how something like this could happen at 13,000 feet. >> good evening to you, meteorologist paul deanno with the forecast that continues to be dry, driest start on record for a year in many locations including oakland. when will we see rainfall? that's coming up next. >> have you seen the warriors' new uniform? it's -- different! i'm dennis o'donnell and a former 49er quarterback tries to resurrect a career of the raider quarterback jamarcus russell coming up. so if you have a flat tire dead battery need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. in real time.. the terrifying moments all caught on the ju earlier in this newscast we showed you a skydiving accident in realtime. the terrifying moments all caught on the jumper's gopro video. it happened in a popular destination for bay area thrill seekers and world tourists. in part 2 of our exclusive kpix 5 report, an faa report sheds light on some aspects of the industry that you may not have ever considered. >> are you guys excited? >> yes. >> reporter: dozens of customers a week come to skydive monterey bay, a school that promises the highest jumps with panoramic views. after a 20-minute safety session, they are suited up and off they go. beginners jump in tandem with teachers for safety. but gerardo flores wishes he could warn them about what happened to him. >> the chute opened. >> reporter: last summer when he was taking his 30th jump at the school, his parachute opened prematurely and improperly sending him into a tailspin. >> so you're spinning, spinning into a final for 20 minutes and hit the ground. about 35 to 40 miles per hour. >> reporter: flores suffered head injuries and fractured ribs but what's really bothering him now is this: an faa report on his accident that found some of his rented gear was worn beyond serviceable limits. skydive monterey bay turned down our request for an interview but this industry expert told us -- >> my real problem was him wearing the video camera. >> it can be a distraction, usda recommends at least 100 skydives for a video camera. >> reporter: dr. craig stapleton has clocked more than 8,000 jumps as a member of the u.s. parachuting team. >> it's a dangerous sport. you're jumping out of an aircraft in flight and that's part of the thrill but that lures people to the sport. >> reporter: he says when you jump you take on the risk and liability and 99.99% of the time, according to the latest statistics, you will survive. but after reading through the faa's reports, stapleton admitted a worn-out main velcro flap on the parachute container is disturbing. >> it covers that area where the deployment system is situated. so it makes it easier for things to run into that pin to knock that pin that keeps the container closed. >> reporter: as for knots in the rigging ropes? >> another disturbing issue. >> reporter: who is checking the gear? an faa certified rigger who may also be an employee of the company. >> the faa doesn't have a parachute department. >> reporter: the agency can conduct random visits to the schools but -- >> essentially unless they bring a rigger to the drop zone and pull every rig off the shelf there is no way to inspect. >> reporter: he says it's self- regulation something he believes the industry does a good job with. that doesn't reassure flores. >> i put my trust -- i put my life on the line trusting the school. never again. >> skydive monterey bay says flores' possible distraction from using that camera combined with his improper techniques led to his accident. we have posted the school's complete response on our website, along with the full faa report as well as the raw video of flores' jump. it's at >> good information for people who are thinking about possibly doing that. just check things to be sure it's safe. >> thank goodness he was calm. >> oh. >> amazingly so. >> just talking as if he is just sitting in a coffee shop. hey, 13,000 feet, amazing. glad he is going to be okay. glad for the sunshine and beautiful weather. going on right now, heading out this evening and maybe you're taking the dog for a walk, taking the family out for a walk after dinner, mid- to upper 50s for many. concord 58, oakland 359. san francisco 52. tonight chilly. likely staying just above freezing but you can still get some frost around napa, fairfield and santa rosa. livermore down to 34. fremont 35. redwood city and mountain view in the upper 30s. radar is clear. we are one of the spots in the country that has been inactive with weather. the northeast got the blizzard. the southeast got. this take a look at this amazing video. hattiesburg, mississippi. look at that. that is actually my opinion a little too close to a tornado and not driving the opposite direction. looks like they are driving toward it more than anything else. this is the result of what happened from that tornado. i remember yesterday i was looking at the storm prediction center's website. about 65 people were injured. amazingly with the damage that you are looking at, nobody died. that's all that matters. so we're thankful for that. but a big tornado. 15 different tornado reports out of alabama and mississippi yesterday. we're talking about rainfall deficit. we have had very little activity. we could use a little rain. the deficit since the top of the year 5.25" of rainfall. if you go back to july since we had so much at the end of the year, we are only 1.25" deficit. water vapor up in the pacific northwest towards spokane and burns, oregon, that is where we have some moisture in the air. that would turn into cloud cover or rainfall in some spots. for us none of that. we won't have any of that anytime soon because this big dome of high pressure is taking that moisture sending it off to the east and every direction but here. so we'll have chilly mornings, sunny afternoons, and a gradual warmup as that high gets stronger and closer to us. some of you will get into the upper 60s. some of you will even hit 70 degrees by friday. that will be february 15th. you may hit 70 degrees. sunny through the weekend and temperatures will not be near freezing, 30s inland but not near freezing for the next several nights. sunnyvale 62 tomorrow. san jose sunshine 63. san ramon 62. concord tomorrow 62 degrees. kentfield 60. and alameda sunshine for your tuesday, 62 degrees. milder still wednesday, thursday and friday. upper 60s widespread in february. and we'll be dry all the way through the weekend into the top of next week. dennis has sports coming up next. what's that? when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. winless in it's last five games thomas greiss making his third start of the year... todd mclellan mig a tale of two seasons for the sharks. after 7 wins they are now winless in the last 5. todd mclellan might want to wait before giving him another one. the blue jackets 45 seconds into the game, columbus up 3-1 in the third and they blow it open with three goals in the final frame. sharks allow a season-high 6 goals. they fall to the blue jackets 6- 2. are you ready for this? the warriors had the day off but they still made national news unveiling their any ultimate jerseys the first-ever modern day short sleeves. warriors will wear them three times this season. that probably is enough beginning february 22nd against the spurs. [ laughter ] >> we want to be the stylish -- the most complete ones on and off the floor. and i think it's a win-win. now i finally realize why harrison was lifting weights today doing pushups. he knew he was going to be modeling. i think the fans will embrace how great the team looks. >> that's a great point. the biceps start coming out. [ laughter ] move over tiger and roy the favorite to win the masters might be brandt snedeker who held off the field over the weekend for the win in pebble beach and has now finished in the top 3 in four of the five tournaments this season. the locals i think all week were pulling for this guy, james hahn, the cal product tied for the lead heading into the final round. and while he did come up short of winning, the alameda kid finished tied for third and showed people his game is as strong as his dance moves. >> starting off the week, i was the youtube sensation. i was the guy that did the gangnam style dance but now i feel like i'm a decent golfer. golf pays better than youtube. but just having fun out there. any chance that i get to show my personality and know that you know, we're people too, you know, we like to have fun. we're not just chasing the ball around 24/7. >> he picked up $300,000 for the win. quarterback jamarcus russell won just 7 of 25 started with the raiders but the former number one pick is trying to shed the label as one of the biggest busts in nfl history. >> we are going to get comfortable with it again. yeah. absolutely. [ yelling in the background ] >> yeah. >> that is former 49er quarterback jeff garcia helping to train russell who as you can still see is -- needs to shed a few more pounds. russell has not played in the nfl since being released by the raiders after the 2009 season. now, if you were busy hanging ten with kelly this weekend, here's what you missed. >> let's it go -- score! >> wisconsin beats the buzzer to send the game to overtime where the badgers would knock off third ranked michigan. >> durant tips the pass off the side. that poor woman's head right there. oh. on the bright side, she got to meet the durantual one on one. have a nice trip see you next fall. "linsanity." alive and well last night in sacramento. the former palo alto star with the block on one end then throws it down over francisco garcia. the rockets in oakland tomorrow night. the annual shovel races in angel fire, new mexico. the winner was 45-year-old john schroeder who hit a top speed of 68 miles per hour and finished the course in 13.7 seconds. the contest got started when skiless operators would ride their shovels down the mountains at the end of the lifts. and you know, i hear paul over there, oh, ah. obviously have to be careful. >> high risk, high rewards. >> put your kiester -- >> at 67 miles an hour? >> i don't think so. >> and everybody wipes out. it doesn't end well even if you win. >> shovel. >> liquid inspiration. >> prize money was $200. i don't know. >> buy a round. see you at 11. captions by: caption colorado joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: welcome back, welcome back. thank you for coming. thank you very much, everybody. hey, welcome to "family--" [audience cheering] come on. hey, welcome to "family feud", everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and boy, we got a good one for you today. returning for the 3rd day with a total of $20,785 from wooster, mass. it's the hughes boys. [cheering and applause] and it's a rematch, folks. we gotta do a rematch. there was a little slight incident with the term "running water". it could have been--so, hey, in all fairness, we're bringing the same family back, give 'em another shot at it. from seattle, washington, it's the williams family. [cheering and applause] let's go. give me jared, give me andrea. let's go. folks, here we go. we've got the top 7 answers on the board. we asked 100 single women, name something specific a woman might do at a bar to get a man's attention. andrea. >> smile. steve: smile. [cheering and applause] >> whoo! steve: pass or play? >> play. >> we're gonna play, steve. steve: they're gonna play. [cheering and applause] clarence, the state trooper, ride motorcycles every day at


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140307

to send most of those to the north. overlooking the san jose area, well, got some temperatures dropping off now to 49 degrees in san jose, 50 in san francisco. 43 degrees in livermore. by the afternoon, we are seeing some sunshine and just gorgeous weather. temperatures up in the 60s even some low 70s in parts of the east and also the south bays. could get warmer over the weekend too. we'll have more on that in a moment. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. and back out to oakland all lanes are finally back open on 880 before the 980 interchange northbound. some of us saw this coming into work. there was a high-speed chase involving a wrong-way driver. the driver ended up crashing northbound 880 by the 980 interchange. for a while one lane was blocked but again we just talked with chp and everything is now clear so no delays out of downtown into the macarthur maze. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. westbound 92 at the speed limit out of the east bay heading over the high-rise along the peninsula. for sill sell commuters westbound 237 also still clear leaving milpitas. this is one earlier accident a car actually ran down the embankment. they need about 100 feet of cable to retrieve the car. it is counter-commute but heads up eastbound 580 approaching 205. that's "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> elizabeth, thank you. a family escaped their burning apartment by throwing their child from the window to a neighbor below. kpix 5's cate caugiran is in hayward gathering the latest developments from the scene. cate. >> reporter: michelle, as you mentioned those two people suffered minor injuries jumping out of a second-story window trying to get to safety and as you also said, they threw their 3-year-old toddler into the arms of a neighbor. this happened at 11:00 at night on 7th street and c street. hayward fire says smoke was coming out of the upper apartment when firefighters got on scene. it took about 15 minutes to knock it out. but unfortunately, the apartment was a total loss. and the fire damaged three other apartments. investigators say the fire started in the kitchen of the upstairs unit. the cause is under investigation. but firefighters say it appears to be accidental but you're taking a live look now at smoke. we want to let you know just probably a few minutes ago as we were here on scene, an entirely separate fire started also on 7th street. hayward firefighters are here on scene trying to knock it out. we're seeing that it's white smoke now so that's got to be a good sign meaning that they are really making a good effort of knocking out those flames. we will bring you the latest on this separate fire as we have it. reporting live in hayward, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> again, firefighters say the two adults who jumped from the burning apartment had minor injuries but should be okay. the toddler didn't have any known injuries but was taken to the hospital as a precaution. well, a bay area man is suing a monterey county sky driving company claiming a faulty parachute led to a serious crash and injuries. anne makovec has more from the newsroom. >> reporter: in this lawsuit gerardo flores says the parachute opened prematurely and we have the chilling video flores shot of the jump that could have killed him. >> call 911, ambulance! >> reporter: flores was recording this video of that jump in 2012 when the parachute opened prematurely. he passed out in midair crashing to the ground near marina municipal airport landing face down. he was rushed to the san jose hospital where he was unconscious for two weeks suffering serious head trauma and broken ribs. an faa report found worn and broken parts on the skydiving equipment he rented. he said the lines should have been replaced prior to allowing the parachute to be placed in service. skydive monterey turned down our request for an interview but said that flores's gear was in proper working order and improper use by the jumper was the cause. he is asking for more than $25,000 in damages including medical costs and lost wages. >> all right. anne makovec live in the newsroom, thank you. two men are in custody accused of a rash of crimes dubbed the can't stop won't stop robberies. they are suspected of holding up about 20 small stores in san jose just since december. this surveillance video from one of the stores shows one bandit firing a warning shot into the ceiling. moving toward apartment buildings now. >> the arrest happened saturday after this police chase. the sjpd used thermal imaging to track the suspects down. investigators say one of the men was leaving a store and hopping into a getaway car. the suspects are identified as jesus beltran escobar and angel recognized leon. some people on the peninsula can expect police or fbi agents to knock on their doors next week to find witnesses who may help solve a series of murders in 1976. new information making a connection between the murder of a 19-year-old in reno with the killings of four young women on the peninsula so they will be asking people near the murder scenes now to think back some 38 years. >> potentially an individual that lived in this area that traveled to reno back and forth had business there, mentioned to you that he or she was going there, we are just trying to jog people's memories. >> the killings known as the gypsy hill murders because one of the bodies was found off gypsy hill road. a teen struck by a train will be buried this weekend. jenna betti was killed last sunday on the tracks near old orchard and howe roads in martinez. family members say she tried to grab her cell phone on the tracks when she was struck by the freight train. betti's funeral will be sunday at christ the king in pleasant hill. some more development and economic growth were the high loots of oakland mayor jean quan's state of the city address last night but her big promise more cops. >> over the time that i have been mayor, we have had four new police academy. they have been the most diverse in history. we are getting the highest graduation rates right now. >> last night she talked about the fight against crime and noted the california realtors named oakland as the top turnaround city in the state. this was the mayor's last state of the city address as she faces re-election in november. re-election will be a tough battle for the mayor. in an exclusive kpix 5/surveyusa poll we found only 24% of oaklanders approve of the job she is doing right now. a $9 billion deal will join safeway with albertsons to create one of the largest grocery store chains in the world. albertsons' owner bought all of safeway's 1300 stores in 20 states. the owner says the merger is a cost-saving measure but no stores will be closed. experts disagree. >> there is going to be stores that are closed. i think there's going to be unfortunately jobs lost. >> pleasanton-based safeway's ceo is expected to become the president and ceo of the combined companies when the merger is complete. a blind man falls off a metro platform in l.a. the lucky break that saved this man's life. >> the senate kills a bill to change the way the military handles sexual assault cases. what's next for one of the most pressing issues facing the armed forces. >> and time to start thinking weekend! the weather, hey, could be pretty good at least part of the weekend. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and if you are riding mass transit on this friday morning, so far everything looks good. we just checked in with bart, 27 trains all on time. a check of the roads after this break. ,, ,,,,,,,, [son] she has no idea. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams] we get to the end of the day dinner'and i am toast. suit. in fact, we've had toast for dinner. but tonight i nailed it. kfc family feast. 9 pieces any recipe, 3 large sides, 6 biscuits, $19.99. do not give up on dinner. ♪ a vote to back now at 5:11. president obama is demanding russian forces withdraw from ukraine's crimea region. crimea has scheduled a vote now to break away and join russia. the united states and european union have responded by sanctioning moscow and the president called it a violation of international law. he called russian president vladimir putin and urged him to come up with a peaceful solution. russia sank a warship off the crimea coast. it is blocking 7 ukrainian naval ships there. some of the ships may have escaped before russia sealed off the waters. the senate blocked a bill that would have stripped senior military commanders from their authorities to prosecute rape and other offenses. the vote was 55-45 in favor of the proposal short of the 60 needed to move ahead. pentagon leadership vigorously opposed the measure. >> if you don't have the commanders as part of the solution, they are part of the problem. >> senator claire mccaskill of missouri has her own legislation keeping prosecution within the chain of command but allows for more checks and balances. a blind man falls in the path of an uncoming commuter train down in -- an oncoming commuter train down in l.a. the train rolled over him but the man fell in just the right spot. juan fernandez reports. >> are you okay? >> no! >> oh, he's alive. >> reporter: alive but injured. the voice that answered with a simple no is that of a 47-year- old blind man who fell off the metro red line platform at wilshire boulevard and vermont avenue. >> yes, someone's down there! >> reporter: look closely and below the gap you can see him moving. christopher who shot this video with his smartphone was on the 6-car train heading downtown when it suddenly came to a stop. >> the driver put the emergency brake on. the train stopped. everyone was pretty shook up about it. >> reporter: was it an abrupt stop? >> it was a screeching stop. >> ambulance on the way!! >> reporter: a crowd quickly formed where the 47-year-old man fell wedged between the ramos. his cane by his side. >> it looked like oil on the floor but it was blood. he was injured. >> reporter: according to a metro spokesman, it appears the man simply fell over the edge moments before the train rolled over him. the train operator saw the man, sounded the horn but the train couldn't be stopped. >> the person is extremely lucky. it's a one in a million chance that you get run over by a train and you live through it. >> reporter: the injured man was eventually put on a stretcher and rushed to a waiting ambulance. train service resumed about 30 minutes later. >> what a lucky guy. >> one lucky guy. >> a little compartment down under those platforms sometimes and he is blind and knew enough to crawl in there. 5:14. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> all right. thanks, guys. and we will go out live show you what's going on. overall we're "friday light." we have had a couple of incidents this morning so for the most part now everything is quieting down actually. some cars out there heading to work as you can see here in our westbound 237 cam leaving milpitas. this accident is now cleared. it was counter-commute heading into tracy. all lanes are back open on eastbound 580 and if you are heading toward the dublin interchange, things look good here as well and continue that way westbound all the way through the castro valley y. i'll show you the drive time for that stretch, it is -- i got to get a little closer to read it -- 15 minutes now between the altamont pass and 680. but we are beginning to see a few delays building out of the tracy year. you can see to north flynn some slowdowns but once you get to the livermore valley approaching vasco, everything looks great. maybe you are heading out of town got a flight to catch over by sfo or just traveling along the peninsula, 101 is a clear shot from san francisco all the way down past your san bruno exits into san mateo. if you are heading to the south bay really problem-free as well through downtown san jose and along highway 85. 237, 101, you name it, still moving at the speed limit. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." the weekend has approached or is here, i should say. almost. here's lawrence. i can feel it liz! yup. we have that weekend coming and you know what? the weather going to be looking very nice outsided every. today we're going to get things going with high pressure building in overhead. a lot of clouds off the coastline and we have seen patchy fog this morning. throughout the afternoon though plenty of sunshine coming our way. and the temperatures going to start to warm up maybe we begin to sneak in a couple of low 70s outside. but there's a slight chance of some showers as we head in toward sunday at least north of the golden gate bridge. that ridge building in now though setting most of the energy and most of those clouds well north of the bay area for the time being. i think we'll see a few more of those by saturday afternoon but not before we squeeze in some warmer temperatures on saturday. heading to the high country looking good to enjoy snow about 51 lake tahoe, 69 degrees in fresno. we start out with a couple of patches of fog lots of sunshine by the afternoon and then through saturday we see clouds creep into the skies but the rain stays north. that rain line begins to shift a little further to the south, maybe some showers north of the golden gate bridge as we head in toward sunday. temperatures around the bay area today will be in the 60s and the low 70s in the south bay, low 70s toward the coastline, about 69 in livermore. about 70 degrees in brentwood and 68 in benicia. inside the bay very comfortable 68 degrees in oakland, 68 also in santa rosa. and 65 degrees in mill valley. as we look toward the next couple of days, we are going to see some beautiful weather maybe some mid-70s by tomorrow. i think a better chance of rain for everybody sunday night into monday. by the way, this weekend we spring ahead. don't forget to set those clocks one hour ahead. that means, unfortunately, we lose an hour of sleep. it makes the day seem much longer. >> i guess. we lose an hour of sleep. >> 3:30 in the morning, monday morning. >> energy, right? >> you know what time it is, lawrence? >> i'm excited about this! >> yeah. >> let's do it. >> showtime. >> i'm nervous. >> i'm finally out of the hot seat. >> i'm nervous. i asked the bosses to step it up and give me harder words. >> this has a lot of syllables and it's from the home office in bakersfield california. as we have been telling you kpix 5 is the proud sponsor of the cbs bay area local spelling bee so it's time for a word of the day and for the first time in a day and a half, i don't have to answer this. >> yes. >> well, it's a great word. >> i'm ready. >> the word from the geometric world, dodecahedron. >> never heard the word. >> this is very good for us. it's a greek word. it's a solid having 12 plane faces. >> dodecahedron. >> is that your final answer? >> i don't know if there's an e at the end. >> you got it right. what is up with that! > [ applause ] >> you don't even know what it is! >> wow! >> i'm not worthy. [ laughter ] >> that was illustrious by the way. she continues her -- i think you are six for six? >> i just shocked myself. >> you need to be going to the spelling bee. to test your skills search kpix 5 cbs on facebook and "like" our page and test your spelling ability. there is a little primer on there for michelle. she did a little video. look for word of the day in your newsfeed. >> i need that card because i'm framing this one. dodecahedron! >> trending now, oscar pistorius he pled not guilty to murdering girlfriend reeva steenkamp. today is the fifth day of the trial. also barbie. the doll turns 55 this weekend. oscar mayer the company has created a bacon-scented alarm clock app. >> what's up with that? >> sj sharks. they beat pittsburgh last night 5-3. and, of course, tgif is trending. follow us on twitter. >> i think dodecahedron should be trending! >> that's unbelievable you spelled it correctly. >> we have another hot one coming up in an hour! we have an update on the bear who surprised skiers on the slopes up in heavenly valley. how he is doing in his recovery coming up. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up the swamp is getting their gators back and why the penguins are so bad when they trade the igloo for the tent. straight ahead. here's first clue for "where's roberta?." for years, everybody in the bay area could use this door but ever since the loma prieta earthquake, we all must keep out. "where's roberta?" as the news continues on kpix 5. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just usepmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. [yawn] i just had a dream i was at mattress discounters with tempur-pedic and the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! icomfort, by serta... optimum, by posturepedic... ahh! comforpedic, by beautyrest... ooh! 48 months interest-free financing, free delivery, and queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! that's more mattresses than you can shake a bone at. ♪ mattress discounters good morning. getting another check of your bay area roads. everything is free and clear moving at the speed limit if you are heading into san francisco right now. you can beat the rush. we have a new crash in san jose. report on that coming up. good morning, everybody. the last time the penguins beat the sharks in san jose, bill clinton was in the oval office, the english patient was the best picture, and i was still at kron-tv. figure skater polina edmunds wasn't even born. joe pavelski with the pass on the money to brent burns who ties the game on a one-timer. but the sharks take the lead on a weird play. thornton absolutes from the blue line and scores and the sharks win 5-3. the train stopped tiger at durall. he is not on his game. he is two over through ten holes in the rain. jason dufner birdied four holes to start the round. he is three under through 16 putting him in a five way tie for the lead. but play was suspended. baseball, the reds no hit the giants through five until that man went deep. pablo sandoval his first home run of the spring. tim hudson tossed three shutout innings and the giants beat the reds 3-2. san francisco state taking on chico state in ontario. chico hit nine threes in the second half and they win 78-66 in front of a packed house down there. so the gators are coming home but one san francisco team is out. usf is still alive and they play in the wcc tournament this weekend. i'm dennis o'donnell. have a great weekend, everybody. well, we have an update on an injured bear cub found at a tahoe area resort earlier this week. >> we do. the cub was found in heavenly on monday kind of wandering through the ski resort. he was taken to the lake tahoe wildlife care center. there he is. he is being treated for wounds on his feet and a tough shoulder. he was underweight in a big way so right now they are trying to fatten that bear cub up. the care center set up a webcam of the cub and say he is eating well and should be released in a couple of months. >> good he is doing well. >> gets to go home in the sierra. it is 5:25. the meat recall linked to a bay area slaughterhouse is getting worse. the major retailers now warning their customers. coming up. >> reporter: i'm cate caugiran live in hayward where three people including a toddler had to jump out of a second story window after their apartment caught on fire. we'll have the details in a live report. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. a bay area skydiver files suit. i'm anne makovec live in the newsroom with the video of the jump that he says could have killed him. >> a market in the north bay turns out to be a front for highly illegal activity. what police found inside. >> are you ready for the weekend? we have some nice weather coming at least part of the weekend. the other half, well, that could be different. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and here's that accident i mentioned. it is a solo car crash driver facing the wrong way, northbound 101 in san jose. we'll have all the latest details coming up. good morning, everyone. it's friday, march 7. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 5:30. breaking news now out of hayward where firefighters are battling a carport fire. huge flames shot into the sky shortly before 5:00 this morning. the fire is burning at an apartment complex near 7th and key streets. firefighters appear to have the fire under control. no injuries. >> this fire started two houses away from another overnight fire. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is reporting from where a family made an escape from a burning apartment. >> reporter: that family suffered minor injuries. they are expected to be okay. it's certainly been a busy morning for hayward fire. busy few hours, rather. this fire that we're talking about in particular happened in this building right over here. firefighters say it started around 11 p.m. last night. smoke was billowing from the second floor apartment when they arrived. the people who lived there jumped out of the second story window throwing their 3-year- old toddler into the arms of a neighbor. >> that's about a 20-foot jump from that window to the foundation. >> reporter: now, it took fire crews about 15 minutes to knock it out but the apartment was a complete loss. we know it also damaged three other units and investigators say the fire started in the kitchen of the upstairs unit. right now officially, the cause is under investigation. but firefighters say it appears to be accidental. reporting live in hayward, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> firefighters say the two adults who jumped from the burning apartment have minor injuries but should be okay. the toddler didn't have any apparent injuries but was taken to the hospital as a precaution. and breaking news in east san jose. two people are rushed to the hospital after an overnight house fire. the fire started at about 3:30 this morning at a home in the 2900 block of aetna way. we just talked to firefighters and learned they are now considering it a crime scene. they tell us two people initially were unable to escape and they were badly burned. more than 60 retail chains across the country are now affected by a meat recall linked to a petaluma slaughterhouse. the u.s. department of agriculture says affected products have been sold in 35 states as well as guam and canadian authorities say recalls are under way in five provinces. rite aid, walmart, 7-eleven and safeway are a few of the chains affected. rancho corporation closed after the recall of 9 million pounds of meat having allegedly sold meat from unhealthy cattle. no human illnesses reported. for more go to time to talk to mr. friday. he is delivering in a big way. >> this is going to be a great weekend. at least the first part of the weekend should be fantastic. we have some changes coming on sunday but today, we are off and running on what looks like a very nice day ahead some spring-like temperatures as we head into the afternoon. out the door we go. just a couple patches of fog and high clouds overhead. clear skies and down to 43 in livermore. 5 in san francisco. and 50 in san jose. let's plan on upper 60s and some 70s into parts of the east and south bays. warmer tomorrow. big changes for sunday. we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. at least you don't have to commute to work tomorrow hopefully. right now the roads are pretty quiet. we had a couple of different incidents but i just checked and everything that we had is now cleared out of lanes. so we'll show you some live traffic cameras some sensors. this is one they just took this out of the chp report. it was in san jose a driver facing the wrong way northbound 101 approaching capitol expressway. had been blocking one lane. never saw much of a delay because of it though. it's still early and you can see that northbound 101 drive still clocking in about 11 minutes between 280 and 237. here's a live look outside. we also had that earlier crash and police activity involving a wrong-way driver northbound 880 before the macarthur maze. that reopened a while ago so obviously no delay right now past the oakland coliseum. southbound looking good as well near oakland airport. other bridges san mateo bridge no problems so far between foster city and the east bay. we'll get a check of mass transit including bart coming up. in the meantime, back to you guys. 5:34 now. a bay area man is taking legal action against a monterey county skydiving company claiming a bad parachute led to a disaster. more now from kpix 5's anne makovec. >> reporter: in that lawsuit, gerardo flores says the parachute he rented was in such bad shape, that it opened prematurely and we have the chilling video flores shot of the jump that could have killed him. reporter: it happened on gerardo flores's 30th jump. >> i always look up to see the airplane. >> reporter: he felt confident after two years of training at the skydive monterey bay school. >> you just feel like you're flying. >> reporter: but seconds into this freefall, he felt a jerk. >> just exploded. just yanked me to the side. something went wrong. >> reporter: his parachute had opened on its own at 13,000 feet. >> it's super high. 100 things go through your mind. >> it's opened up at 13,000 feet! >> you never open above 6,000 feet. >> reporter: 20 minutes later, unconscious, flores crashes down on the drop zone. teachers from the school rush to his aid. >> call 911! >> reporter: he was airlifted to a hospital unconscious for two weeks. he had broken ribs and a lacerated tongue but survived. >> the faa he said you are the luckiest man i ever met. >> reporter: but flores didn't feel so lucky when he read the faa's report. the agency investigates skydiving accidents. >> i could have died that day. >> reporter: the report found a critical velcro closing flap on the parachute casing was completely worn. suspension lines were broken and the parachute's rigging had not prompting the inspector to note, these lines should have been replaced prior to allowing this parachute to be placed in service. skydive monterey bay turned down a request for an interview but in a statement told us, flores' gear was in proper working order and that improper use by the jumper caused the accident. live in the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> what is this man looking for in the lawsuit, do we know? >> reporter: more than $25,000 including medical costs and lost wages. >> okay. anne makovec live for us this morning, thank you. a san rafael corner store closed this morning for allegedly selling drugs. federal agents turned azteca market upside-down looking for meth and cocaine yesterday. they even ripped open pinatas. the store had been under surveillance for a year and investigators say people who ran the place alfredo lopez, alejandro lopez and miguel macias, were involved in undercover deals with agents. the men could be connected to a mexican drug cartel and the store may have been just a front. >> i never did see anybody shopping there. i saw people hanging out at the register. but i have never -- i never actually saw anyone shopping. >> during searches that happened simultaneously in san rafael daly city and hercules yesterday, undercover agents say they collected three pounds of cocaine, 11 firearms and meth. two men already sentenced for beating giants fan bryan stow now face new weapons charges more jail time, as well. investigators say when louie sanchez and marvin norwood were arrested for the beating, they both had several guns. last month, the pair pleaded guilty for attacking stow three years ago in a parking lot at dodger stadium. that left stow permanently disabled. sanchez was sentenced to eight years in jail, norwood four. happening today a new bill will be introduced in an effort to deter bullying and cyber bullying in california. it's in response to the 2012 suicide of audrie pott. the 15-year-old saratoga girl was distraught after she was sexually assaulted while unconscious then discovered there were photos of the incident. state senator jim bell of san jose will introduce the bill today. the measure aims to make cyber bullying easier to charge in adult court with harsher personalities. "newsweek" says the 64-year- old japanese-american man out of l.a. county is the creator of bitcoin. the mysterious virtual currency. that man says "newsweek" got it all wrong. >> i have nothing to do with bitcoin. i never worked for the company. i don't know any people there. i never had a contract there or anything like that. and i wasn't even aware of the product. >> the man from temple city told reporters if he admits to being bit coin's creator he would be in trouble. he did say he was an engineer many years ago and is capable of designing the currency. reporters had a hard time getting a hold of knack moto. he led a large group of journalists on a low-speed chase through l.a. before finally speaking to them. "newsweek" says it's standing by its story. hm. >> a mystery. >> crazy. the labor department is just out with some new numbers that will probably drive the market today. jill wagner of cbsmoneywatch.comjoins us. >> reporter: good morning. we just got the monthly jobs report numbers. the economy added 175,000 jobs in february. that is more jobs than expected but the unemployment rate also ticked up to 6.7%. this comes after two months of disappointing jobs numbers mostly blamed on bad weather. right now futures are pointing to a positive open for the market. well, facebook is going back to its roots. the social network rolled up an up dated design for its newsfeed. so now the desktop newsfeed looks like your mobile newsfeed. the updated design has the best of both worlds like bigger photos and images but say it's easer in to navigate. and the winner is louisiana. a new report by film l.a. says the bayou state beat out hollywood as the top destination for the $7 billion movie industry. this year's oscar winning film "12 years a slave" was filmed in new orleans. crews are heading there because the state offers a 30% tax credit on the production budget. canada and california are now tied for second place followed closely by the united kingdom and georgia in the fifth spot. frank and michelle? >> jill, we hear there is a list of the hardest working cities out. so where does san francisco fall? >> reporter: well, that's right. analyzed the average number of hours that people work each week with an emphasis on the service oriented businesses like dry cleaners and hair salons. san francisco is number 41 on the list of 50 cities with people working an average of 57 hours a week. new york is in first place. phoenix in second, boston in third. frank and michelle, it's a lot of work. i'm glad it's friday. >> you're in the top city. i guess we have to work more. >> i thought san francisco would rank a little higher but all right. 41? >> they put in their four hours and go home. >> reporter: it's still way more than 40 hours a week. >> that's true. all right, jill wagner of, have a great weekend. thank you. it is 5:41. a blind man falls in the path of a speeding train in l.a. how he ended up walking away without even a scratch. >> a south bay task force busts one of the most successful identity theft rings in the area. how they got away with it for so long and what you can do to protect yourself from similar schemes. >> reporter: good morning, everybody, good morning! today's edition of "where's roberta?" is actually our eighth installment. and every, single week it's been really a learning experience for me. but this week i learned so much about history and its place right here in san francisco. so okay, i have a clue for you coming up. first off, this "where's roberta?" segment coincides with a special event going on this weekend. and although we may visually see this location every, single day, especially in you work or live in san francisco, very rarely has anybody been allowed to this location for "where's roberta?." okay. frank, michelle, lawrence and elizabeth, any kind of guesses? >> hm. >> you got me stumped a little bit. >> maybe is it the palace of fine arts? >> i thought it was the palace of fine arts, u.s. mint coit tower maybe it's re-opening. >> reporter: no, but you know what? that's a good idea for a future "where's roberta?." but we are going to have "where's roberta?" coming up. >> we're here to help. >> we can't wait to find out later. >> reporter: we'll find out during our 6:00 newscast so stay with us for this week's edition of "where's roberta?." >> all right. say hi to brian, by the way. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we get to the end of the day dinner'and i am toast. suit. in fact, we've had toast for dinner. but tonight i nailed it. kfc family feast. 9 pieces any recipe, 3 large sides, 6 biscuits, $19.99. do not give up on dinner. ♪ frantic commuters in l-a bu one of the most prolific i-d theft rings in the bay area it was a very sophisticated ted gas stat a story you'll see on kpix 5 a theft ring is busted in the bay area. it was a sophisticated operation that targeted gas station customers. kiet do with how the suspects sold tens of thousands of credit card numbers from -- stole tens of thousands of credit card numbers from people like you. >> reporter: michael wong is a member of what investigators say is one of the largest band of identity thieves in the bay area who stole tens of thousands of credit card numbers from gas stations for years. so what did wong do when he saw his family in the courtroom? somebody get that man a tissue. >> these individuals are responsible for a great deal of loss in the bay area and throughout california in general and that will come to an end. >> this would be what will plug into the socket on the gas pump. >> reporter: lieutenant michael sterner showed us evidence seized in a recent raid a dozen custom built gas pump skimmers made with off the shelf parts. >> on the back side at the top of the blue is a socket that can be unplugged from the gas pump would be plugged into. >> the big break in the case came when an employee from a gas station thought there was a skimmer on one of his pumps. >> reporter: that's when agents from a task force set up surveillance. when those alleged crooks came back for the skimmer device the agents moved in and arrested them. >> they didn't put up a fight. >> reporter: in all, five people were arrested. they found stacks of counterfeit credit cards that even had the secret hologram visible only with a uv light. the cards had matching high quality fake driver's licenses complete are all the new security features. they also found a kilo of cocaine and assault weapons including a grenade launcher! what in the world were they doing with a grenade launcher? >> i don't know. there is also a chance it was a man thing. >> reporter: others have not been tied to suspects. as customers here's what you can do. pressure gas station owners to change locks. and get back in the habit of using security stickers. also, if you become a victim, call the bank and the police. it helps detectives to establish a pattern. here's something else investigators have learned. the safest pump to use is the one closest to the attendant. it is the least likely to have a skimmer installed inside. >> for us, it's a tortoise and hare scenario. they might win short term, but they are not going to win. we're persistent and we know how to find them and we will find them. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. are you okay? >> no! >> he's alive. >> frantic commuters in l.a. rushed to help a blind man that fell on the tracks of an oncoming train. the train tried to stop but rolled over out 47-year-old. it didn't touch him though. l.a. metro says the man fell in the perfect spot and that's what saved his life. the blind man was walking with a cane when he went over the platform. he was hurt from the fall but otherwise he is expected to be okay. >> incredible. there's a little space in there that the train doesn't affect. >> it was the perfect way -- >> blind and knew to get in there. incredible. all right, liz. how are the roads on this friday? >> yeah. we're doing okay. we had a couple of earlier accidents and those are done. lighter volume. no sign of metering lights at the bay bridge toll plaza. fastrak holders are in luck. no delay at all approaching the pay gates. just slight delays for cash payors. westbound 237 still moving well out of milpitas. westbound 580 a little sluggish actually on our sensors as you get closer to 680 and the dublin interchange but it's farther east where we are seeing the usual traffic again. you're used to this if you commute this every day so 20 minutes between the altamont pass and 680. it picks up once you get past the vasco road exit. and this is one accident -- i should say a stall, a stalled big rig northbound 680 by crow canyon. we are not seeing delays. they may have cleared that off to the right-hand shoulder but we'll call to confirm that and the eastshore freeway which was the hotspot yesterday we had that bad accident multicar crash in emeryville that stacked things up we are crossing our fingers for you for a better drive and so far that appears to be the case for richmond. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." lawrence has the weekend forecast for us. should be a nice start to the weekend as we are going to see plenty of sunshine coming our way and spring-like temperatures breaking out. today it will happen. we are going to see some 60s and some 70s by the afternoon. out the door a little cool though this morning. we have some mostly clear skies inland some 50s and 40s. upcle of patches of fog -- couple of patches of fog approaching the coastline but otherwise improving weather throughout the day today a lot of sunshine into the afternoon. temperatures going to be a little bit warmer under mostly sunny skies. then there's still a chance we could see a couple raindrops north of the golden gate bridge as we head in toward sunday. so enjoy the sunshine while we have it. it's going to be hanging around today and tomorrow. could be even a little bit warmer maybe even some mid-70s popping up around the bay area. if you are traveling around the state today, looks like a good day to do it. 73 degrees and sunny in sacramento. 51 in lake tahoe. 62 degrees in the monterey bay and 69 in fresno. a computer model showing you a few clouds moving across the skies high clouds generally and tomorrow begins to thicken up late in the day but staying dry. things could change though as we head in towards sunday. you can see some of the showers creeping a little bit further to the south but staying mainly to the north of the golden gate bridge. temperatures for today we are planning on 60s and some low 70s in the south bay. low 60s out toward the coastline. and as you head inland 60s and low 70s should be a gorgeous afternoon. 68 degrees in santa rosa. 68 in sonoma. 69 in napa valley. 64 degrees in san francisco. your sunrise time 6:33. sunset is at 6:09. it should be a beautiful one. looking out over the next couple of days, yup, nice start to the weekend. slight chance of some showers. more clouds on the way for sunday. i think a better chance of rain for everybody late sunday night into monday but then back to more sunshine maybe some mid- 70s toward the middle of next week. so starting to feel a little spring coming on here. looking pretty good. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. let's check your pollen report for today. well, we have a little more sunshine showing up so the pollen count is on the rise in medium category, high tomorrow and slowly ticks back a little bit by monday. it looks like it will still be medium high on monday. it is time for what is driving you crazy this morning during your commute. and we got an email from jim in napa. he wrote in and said, what drives me crazy is when people use the right turn only lane to pass and then cut people off as they go through the intersection. jim, you're right, it is illegal and sometimes often dangerous. the california drivers handbook makes it clear under what conditions when you can pass to the right. all right. we want to know what drives you crazy during your commute. ask a question or share a gripe by emailing or tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. >> thank you. 5:55 now. two years after her son was killed a southern california mother is grieving the loss of his memorial. a cross that was placed by the roadside where her son was killed was removed yesterday by atheists. they said it received two complaints about the cross that was on public land. after they were removed, someone else replaced the crosses. here's a story for those of how don't believe in fortune cookies or winning lotteries. >> you should believe. this woman won in a big way. 75-year-old emma duval of new york used the numbers she found right inside a fortune cookie to pick the numbers on a powerball ticket. and you won't believe it she matched five numbers without the powerball but it was good for $2 million. duval says she will invest it and maybe visit family in switzerland. >> how lucky is that? >> i think about it. i don't think i have ever done it though. >> no. >> i think i'm going to try it. >> what the heck? it is 5:56. next half hour, coming up, part of a house collapses in an early-morning fire in san jose. the fight to put out the flames before more damage is done, coming up. since i had had health insurance -- i wasn't sure kind of what policy i needed. within 45 minutes i had an insurance policy. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. developing overnight, fire forced a frightening escape from a second floor apartment in hayward. a three-year-old was thrown from the window to a neighbor. >> i shop here at this safeway because it's just close to my house. if i had a choice, i would go someplace else. >> safeway's being sold and merging with albertsons. albertsons' parent company says this consolidation will mean lower prices and better customer service. >> these individuals are responsible for a great deal of loss in the bay area and throughout california in general, and that will come to an end. >> a high-tech task force busts one of the biggest id theft rings in the bay area. >> president obama has told president vladimir putin that russia violated ukraine's sovereignty when it invaded th crimeaian peninsula. the president is ordering travel bans and asset freezes against anyone who helped facilitate russia's invasion of ukraine. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, happy friday, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 6:00. breaking news in san jose where an early-morning house fire has sent two people to the hospital. the fire began about 3:30 this morning at a home on aetna way on the city's east side. firefighters told kpix 5 they now consider it a crime scene which is standard procedure when a


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140307

they say two people initially were unable to escape the home and were badly burned. let get you out the door with traffic and weather. liz? >> reporter: we just took a call from a member of the kcbs phone force alerting us to a problem on highway 4 westbound so the accident, it was an accident, happened approaching lone tree. and you can see the delays as far back as hillcrest so this is going to be a slower-than- usual ride, 14 miles per hour approaching lone tree. here's a live look at the bay bridge. this is kind of "friday light." we are not seeing any metering lights yet. almost every other day this workweek we have seen the metering lights turned on before 6:00. so at 6:01 you can see everything is moving fine in the middle lanes, the fastrak lanes. the cash lanes are backed up to mid-parking lot. and here's a live look at the nimitz, 880 in oakland near the oakland coliseum. everything is free-flowing between hayward and downtown oakland. bart also a great idea systemwide no delay. in fact all mass transit, bart, muni, caltrain and ace all on schedule. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." lawrence has your -- kind of what a little 50/50 for this weekend? yeah a split decision. hey, i want to be part of your phone force. just call you? >> yeah, just give us a call. >> i will do that then. telling you all about nice weather today and saturday. high pressure now building in overhead. a few high clouds going to stream across your skies. other than that we are looking good today. plenty of sunshine coming our way and the temperatures going to be warming up in a hurry. looking towards san jose, we have some mostly clear skies and because it's clear outside, the temperatures acolder this morning. 42 degrees in santa rosa. 50 in san jose. and 43 degrees in concord. as we head toward the afternoon, though, enjoying some spring-like conditions outside as high as 70 in fairfield, 68 in san jose, maybe about 70 degrees in gilroy today. and about 68 degrees in oakland. more on that weekend forecast, guys, coming up in just a few minutes. back to you. >> lawrence, thank you. there were two fires in one neighborhood in the east bay overnight. kpix 5's cate caugiran is on the scene where some of the victims had to jump from a second story window. cate. >> reporter: it was a drastic move, michelle, but they needed to do that in order to escape the flames. it happened at this second story unit. firefighters say they found smoke coming out of the second story window when firefighters got on scene. the good news, though, is that family that had to jump out, they are going to be okay. they jumped out of that second story window and they threw a 3- year-old toddler into the arms of a neighbor. we spoke with the family just a few minutes ago and here's what they had to say. >> we think someone set it because there's these girls that live in our building and their cars are the only ones in the driveway that are safe. they said somebody's mom tried to set the fire before and their cars couldn't be the ones that are out of harm's way. >> reporter: actually that woman was from a separate fire that happened a few hours after that first house fire. that fire was at a carport just a few houses down. that happened on sea and 7th street where several cars were destroyed and that was one of the women who owned one of the those cars who lived closest to the flames. now, going back to the house fire that happened at 11:00, again, we spoke with the family including the 3-year-old little kid who was thrown out of the window. >> she had came outside my mom was on the ground and she had to catch the child. i don't know who tossed him out. she caught him. >> reporter: it took about 15 minutes to knock that fire out. the apartment was a total loss and three other units were damaged. investigators say it started in the kitchen of that unit. they say at this point, it's still under investigation. but it appears to be accidental. reporting live in hayward, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> firefighters say the two adults had minor injuries but should be okay. the toddler did not have any known injuries but was taken to the hospital as a precaution. a terrifying near death experience has prompted a bay area man to file a lawsuit now against a monterey bay company skydiving company. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec live in the newsroom with more on who says who is at fault. >> reporter: in that lawsuit gerardo flores says that the parachute he rented was in such bad shape it opened prematurely and we have the chilling video he shot of the jump that could have killed him. gerardo flores was taking his 30th jump when his parachute opened improperly prematurely sending him into a tailspin. >> so you're spinning, spinning into a final for 20 minutes. and you hit the ground about 35 to 40 miles per hour. >> reporter: flores was unconscious when he crashed on to the drop zone suffering from head injuries and fractured redskins. teachers from the school rushed to his aid. he had head injuries and fractured ribs. he was airlifted to the hospital unconscious for two weeks. the faa said his gear was worn beyond serviceable limits. skydive monterey bay turned down our request for an interview. a rigger can be an employee of the company. >> i put my life on the line trusting the school. never again. >> reporter: skydive monterey bay sent out a statement saying flores's gear was in proper working order and that improper use by the jumper caused the accident. >> you know, anne, i jumped once before and as i recall you take on the risk and liability, right? >> reporter: you can imagine how many forms and waivers you have to sign before skydiving but the question here is about the equipment and whether or not the company did or should have known it may have been faulty. >> all right. anne makovec live in the newsroom, thank you. a north bay corner store busted for allegedly selling not just beer and wine but meth and cocaine. as andria borba reports, federal agents even ripped open a pinata as they searched for drugs. >> reporter: with a chain link and lock on the front door azteca market in san rafael will be closed for some time. >> it is a mess in there. >> reporter: you can see through the window a store tossed by the feds in the marin county major crimes county task force. >> the fbi and police and they come yesterday yeah around 3:00, 4:00, yeah. i don't know what happened. >> reporter: agents were hunting for drugs specifically meth and cocaine. they looked everywhere, including in pinatas and underneath the veggies. the store and three people, alfredo lopez, alejandro lopez and macias were involved with undercover agents for a year. >> the responsibility is his because it's his store. >> reporter: they are allegedly a front for the operations of a mexican drug cartel. >> i never saw people shopping. i saw people hack credit card numbers out at the register but i never saw anyone shopping. >> reporter: during searches that happened simultaneously in san raphael, daly city, san pablo and hercules, undercover agents say they collected three pounds of cocaine, 11 weapons and meth. >> that's my little shopping place to go get food. the thing that just absolutely amazes me is they're like family. they have just been gentlemen. >> reporter: in san rafael, andria borba, kpix 5. >> the suspects were arraigned in federal court in san francisco this week. the gypsy hill murders have gone unsolved for almost 40 years. but new evidence may help crack the cases. investigators say new information connects the murder of a 19-year-old in reno with the killings of four young women on the peninsula. they are now trying to find witnesses who might be able to solve the murders from 1976 and authorities will be asking people on the peninsula for help. >> potentially an individual that lived in this area that traveled to reno back and forth, had business there, mentions to you that he was going there. we are just trying to jog people's memories. >> all the victims were around 19 to 20 years of age. and many had car problems around the time they were killed. the men who beat giants fan bryan stow now face additional jail time over new weapons charges. investigators say when louie sanchez and marvin norwood were arrested for the beating, they both had several guns. last month, the pair pleaded guilty for attacking stow three years ago in the parking lot of dodger stadium. that left stow permanently disabled. sanchez was sentenced to eight years in prison, norwood four. time now 6:09. the biggest grocery chain in the bay area has agreed to a sale. what this means for its workers and for you the consumer. >> here's clue 2 for you for today's "where's roberta?." i'm at a place that rarely anyone ever gets to go to. but you probably -- >> it's frozen in time. hey, folks, around the bay area today, we have some clouds coming our way this weekend. but some warmer temperatures too. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and hey, people may be rocking out later on this afternoon in justin herman plaza. there's a concert going on between noon and 1:30 so check out this latest tweet from muni warning us heavier-than-usual delays along the embarcadero. full look at your drive to work coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,, save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you bay area landmark... only on kpix 5, roberta gonzales can go places that most people cannot and this time she managed to climb a bay area landmark. >> all right. that's a hint. and here's another. roberta is live on the embarcadero in san francisco this morning. so roberta, where are you? >> reporter: yes. [ laughter ] >> reporter: we are right now at justin herman plaza. we are directly across the street right now from the port of san francisco and in fact, this is our eighth installment of "where's roberta?" and with the return of daylight saving time this weekend, we thought what a better time than to talk time with the clock at the ferry tower at the san francisco embarcadero. the san francisco ferry building is a terminal for ferries that travel across the san francisco bay, a marketplace, and also has offices located on the embarcadero. on top of the building is a 245- foot-tall clock tower. rarely is anyone allowed inside the tower. but we had the great opportunity to enter and meet dorian claire clockmaster. >> this one was installed in 1898 and it cost i think it was $5,043. >> reporter: how many dials? >> four dials each 23 feet made of a very fancy grade of plywood originally they were sugar pine so i changed the hands for plywood because the sugar pine hands that had been up since 1898 were quite dry rotted. >> reporter: how did the clock operate in the olden days? >> wind it up every saturday morning. takes between five and 10 minutes of diligent cranking. this is a windup that's now electrically driven. >> reporter: tell me something very few people know. >> the north facing dial has been one minute fast for approximately 60 years. and i guess the public is accustomed to it so i've left it that way. >> reporter: what happens when we return to daylight saving time? >> if you like, you can be here at two minutes to 2:00 and you'll start seeing the hands advance and exactly at 2 clock it should say 2:00. >> reporter: it survived the 1906 great earthquake. >> but not being very well mounted to the tower, and that could be improved and they could wind it up today and run it. but nobody wants to wind it. maybe somebody would. it's fun. >> reporter: and it certainly was fun learning all the historical data and information and time on the clock at the ferry tower right here at the ferry building off the embarcadero. hey, gang, we want to hear from all of you at home. we want to hear your suggestions for "where's roberta?." all you have to do is go to our kpix 5 facebook page and give me some ideas and suggestions. but meanwhile if you want to see the clock at the ferry building today, i got to tell you there's a lot going on out here. michelle and frank, take a look at this. a big stage is erect, there are people gathering, there's a concert taking place at 12:30 today. >> 12:30, maybe we should go right after the noon show. >> we're done at 12:30. quick question, roberta. do they ever give tours or is it always closed to the public? >> reporter: it is closed off. it has been closed off since, well, actually the loma prieta earthquake. they don't let anyone up there anymore at all. they did have tours in the '50s and '60s. it was a special treat. >> that is cool. all right, roberta, thanks. time now for a little traffic and i guess liz will give us a little tour, too, right? >> you saw them setting up for that concert. we want to let you know that a conference is going on between noon and 1:30 and they are expecting extra traffic along the embarcadero. and the bay bridge already seeing delays beginning to build. for a friday we are seeing a lot of cars this morning coming into san francisco. as they turn on the metering lights at 6:05, it's already backing up to the first overcrossing. also heavy delays right now on westbound 580 already this morning up to 21 minutes. we cannot call it "friday light," just the typical commuter traffic, sadly, through the livermore valley continuing to the dublin interchange. this is a live look at the south bay. still problem-free. in fact, can you see any yellow sensors? i don't see any. 101 is quiet now coming from morgan hill heading into san jose. 280 and the guadalupe parkway also look good through downtown san jose. and here's a live look westbound 24 at telegraph coming into the macarthur maze leaving the caldecott tunnel. so far there is no problems this morning and we'll get a check of mass transit coming up. in the meantime, the weekend is here. let's get a check of your forecast now. here's lawrence. all right. and we have a great weekend ahead. we are going to see plenty of sunshine today and some spring- like temperatures. still we are starting a little cool out the door this morning and that's because skies have cleared out very nicely just a couple of patches of fog and some high clouds drifting overhead. otherwise, it looks like we are in for a great day ahead. going to see mostly sunny skies into the afternoon. and it looks like some great weather ahead too. mostly sunny and a little bit warmer. then possibly some rain moving in on sunday. looks like things could be a little bit unsettled then at least north of the golden gate bridge. but for now we are looking at some very mild temperatures, spring-like conditions. we'll hold off the storm for sometime until probably late in the day on sunday. and then we'll start to move in bringing a chance of rain for the rest of the bay area overnight sunday night into monday. temperatures if you are traveling today looking very nice mostly sunny skies in the sacramento valley 73 degrees there. 51 and mostly sunny in lake tahoe and 73 in redding. computer models showing you just a couple of passing high clouds. otherwise lots of sunshine today and then by tomorrow afternoon, the clouds begin to gather but it stays dry should be a warmer day on saturday. and then as we head in toward sunday there's a chance we could get clipped by there storm system maybe light showers north of the golden gate bridge and then everybody seeing rain towards sunday night and monday. temperatures for today should be special. 69 in morgan hill. 66 milpitas. east bay temperatures in the 60s and low 70s. inside the bay 68 oakland and 64 degrees in san francisco. your sunrise time 6:33. sunset at 6:09. and as we look toward the weekend yeah, we have some great weather coming our way. but a slight chance of showers north bay on sunday. better chance of rain for everybody on monday. >> look at tuesday and wednesday, thursday. >> very nice. >> looking very spring-like. >> okay. thank you. time to spell again. >> all right. can't wait for that. >> little miss perfect in the hot seat. it's time for the word of the day. michelle griego has been hitting them out of the park. perhaps we can stump you. >> i'll try for 7. >> the word is guinness. it's from a west african geographical name plural noun english cold coins issued from the 1600s to the 1800s worth about 21 shillings. guineas is the word of the morning. >> it's not the beer guinness. no, i don't believe so. workers restoring the old irish house found hundred dollars every hundreds of guinness under the floorboards. it's a west african geographic name. it's english. >> guiness. eas. >> that is your final answer? >> do you want to change anything? >> oh, my gosh. >> guineas. >> whoo. >> you know what we'ring do? we are flying right to vegas after the show. you are amazing! [ applause ] >> west african geographical name, that helped me out. >> search kpix 5 cbs on facebook and "like" our page and test your spelling ability. look for the word of the day in your newsfeed. this is fun. >> tune in at noon. we try to stump the pro. michelle griego. out of the ballpark. the big meat recall linked to a bay area slaughterhouse just exploded. the major retailers now warning their customers that story coming up. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, of the swamp is getting their gators back and why the penguins are so bad when they trade the igloo for the tent straight ahead. ,,,, uncle go one,two,one,two,one [uncle]thistwo,one.cotch,okay? [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. good morning, everybody. the last time the penguins beat the sharks in san jose, bill clinton was in the oval office, the english patient was the best picture, and i was still at kron-tv. figure skater polina edmunds wasn't even born. last night she dropped the puck. joe pavelski with the pass on the money to brent burns who ties the game on a one-timer. but the sharks take the lead on a weird play. thornton shoots from the blue line and scores and the sharks win 5-3. >> tiger's back didn't stop him but the rain did. he is off his game 2-over through ten holes. jason dufner birdied four holes to start the round. he is three under through 16 putting him in a five way tie for the lead. but play was suspended. baseball, the reds no hit the giants through five until that man went deep. pablo sandoval his first home run of the spring. tim hudson tossed three shutout innings and the giants beat the reds 3-2. san francisco state taking on chico state in ontario. the ccaa tournament down in ontario. chico hit nine threes in the second half and they win 78-66 in front of a packed house down there. so the gators are coming home but one san francisco team is out. usf is still alive and they play in the wcc tournament this weekend. i'm dennis o'donnell. have a great weekend, everybody. play of the day now. a little preseason baseball. l.a. angel mike trout smacking the ball this one goes deep to left it's going to find a gap but the dodger defense does a little fumbling out there so could trout get an inside-the- park home run? there he goes around third. not so fast! the dodger d coming up. the relay, the play at the plate, he's out! good try. nice d by the dodgers in the end anyway, your play of the day. 6:27 now. the bay area man who survived a horrific skydiving accident has now filed a lawsuit. who he blames for his near death experience. >> reporter: and i'm cate caugiran live in hayward, where three people had to jump out of a window including a 3-year-old boy after their apartment caught on fire. hear from the family on that dramatic jump. ,, safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. right now, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are just $2.77. brew up a great cup for less. folgers is only $6.88. and charmin is $8.99 for 9 mega rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. "could have killed him." your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. a bay area skydiver files suit. i'm anne makovec live in the newsroom with the video of the jump that he says could have killed him. >> and safeway being sold. what we have learned about the dea with your neighborhood store and your grocery bill. >> it is friday and the weather looking great! we have some great weather ahead into the weekend, too. we'll talk about that coming up. >> it is friday isn't it? and unfortunately we have good sized delays already at the bay bridge. they turned the metering lights on, so you're jammed solid through the overcrossing. full look, we'll get you to work on time, coming up. it's friday, march 7. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 6:32. breaking news in east san jose where a house fire sent a man and a woman to the hospital this morning. a neighbor captured these flames on his cell phone shortly after the fire started. on aetna way two people couldn't get out of the home possibly because of security bars. they are being treated for serious burns at the hospital. investigators say it appears the fire began in a rear patio area. breaking news now out of hayward where firefighters are battling a carport fire. huge flames shot into the sky shortly before 5:00 this morning. the fire is burning at an apartment complex near 7th and key streets. that fire happened steps away from another overnight fire. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran is reporting from where a family made an escape from a burning apartment. you talked to a family who had to throw their 3-year-old boy out the window to save him to a neighbor below. >> reporter: i did. that family said they came back to the home because they heard about the carport fire thinking it was their home on fire because it was so close. so needless to say it's been a busy few hours for hayward firefighters. it's not too long ago about 11:00 last night firefighters arrived to this apartment to find smoke billowing from the second floor. a grandmother and her husband were trapped with their 3-year- old grandson. the couple threw the toddler out of the window into the arms of a neighbor before jumping 20 feet to safety. by spoke with the boy's mother a few -- we spoke with the boy's mother a few minutes ago. >> my mom had to get stitches. her eye is black, big -- her face is swollen, pelvic bone fractured and she is going into surgery for that. she is fine. my stepdad has a broken ankle and they had to break it back in place. >> what happened? >> had to jump out the window. >> reporter: oh, wow. so you're a brave boy, huh? >> mm-hm. >> reporter: that was the 3- year-old boy thrown out the window and what a brave boy he is. now, the boy's mother says that her mother and stepdad are expected to be okay. they did suffer some minor injuries but the apartment was a complete loss. the flames dammed three other units. arson investigators are looking into what caused the fire. it started in the kitchen of the apartment. it appears to be accidental. cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> the fire apparently started in the kitchen as cate said of the unit that was destroyed by flames but it's good to see that everyone is okay. how about the weekend? friday is a go do it day. saturday, sunday, we need a little -- >> i'm feeling this friday. i'm feeling it today. it's looking good, too. we are going to have some great weather coming our way today. you're going to see a lot of sunshine, a little cool if you are headed out the door right now. we have seen mostly clear skies although a couple of high clouds and a few patches of fog toward the coastline. still, got some great weather ahead as we look towards san jose. the airport there, going to see a lot of sun today. and the temperatures in toward san jose probably near 70 degrees by the afternoon. but we are starting out cool in spots. 42 in santa rosa. 43 in concord and 49 now in san francisco. enjoying sunshine by the afternoon and spring-like temperatures and in fact 60s and some low 70s going to be common. maybe even a little warmer on saturday. got some changes for sunday. we'll talk about that in a moment. right now let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> lawrence, i mentioned that kcbs phone force warning us earlier about an accident westbound 4 at lone tree. it's cleared now in antioch. we still have slowdowns in the area. there may still be activity off to the right-hand shoulder. sluggish through antioch and slow past the pittsburg-bay point exits in concord toward 242. westbound 580 "friday light." still 21 minutes so we are still seeing some delays as you get closer to the livermore valley. once you get past the 680 interchange things improve especially out through castro valley and dublin grade area. here's a live look at the bay bridge. metering lights were turned on at 6:05. this is also busy for a friday. friday traffic usually is lighter. bay bridge already backed up to the foot of the maze. you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to get on the span and it's slow from the n klein out to treasure island. san mateo bridge -- it's slow from the incline out to treasure island. san mateo bridge bridge, westbound 92 no delays to the peninsula. that's your latest traffic. a bay area man is taking legal action against a monterey county skydiving company claiming a bad parachute led to disaster. anne makovec joins us from the newsroom. >> reporter: in this lawsuit gerardo flores says that the parachute he rented was in such bad shape, that it opened prematurely. and we have the chilling video flores shot of the jump that could have killed him. it happened on gerardo flores's 30th jump. >> i always look up to see the airplane. >> reporter: he felt confident after two years of training at the skydive monterey bay school. >> you just feel like you're flying. >> reporter: but seconds into this freefall, he felt a jerk. >> just exploded. just yanked me to the side. something went wrong. >> reporter: his parachute had opened on its own at 13,000 feet. >> it's super high. 100 things go through your mind. >> it's opened up at 13,000 feet! >> you never open above 6,000 feet. >> reporter: 20 minutes later, unconscious, flores crashes down on the drop zone. teachers from the school rush to his aid. >> call 911! >> reporter: he was airlifted to a hospital unconscious for two weeks. he had broken ribs and a lacerated tongue but survived. >> the faa he said you are the luckiest man i ever met. >> reporter: but flores didn't feel so lucky when he read the faa's report. the agency investigates skydiving accidents. >> i could have died that day. >> reporter: the report found a critical velcro closing flap on the parachute casing was completely worn. suspension lines were broken and the parachute's rigging had not prompting the inspector to note, these lines should have been replaced prior to allowing this parachute to be placed in service. skydive monterey bay turned down a request for an interview but in a statement told us, flores' gear was in proper working order and that improper use by the jumper caused the accident. live in the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> what is this man looking for in the lawsuit, do we know? >> reporter: more than $25,000 including medical costs and lost wages. >> okay. anne makovec live for us this morning, thank you. happening today, a new bill will be introduced in an effort to deter bullying and cyber bullying in california. it's in response to the 2012 suicide of this young woman, audrie pott. the 15-year-old saratoga girl was distraught after she was sexually assaulted while unconscious and discovered someone took photos of it. the measure aims to make cyber bullying easier to charge in adult court with harsher penalties. a $9 billion deal will join safeway with albertsons and create one of the largest grocery store chains in the world. albertsons' owner bought all of safeway's 1300 stores in 20 states. the owner says the merger is a cost-saving measure but no stores will be closed. experts disagree. >> there's going to be stores that are closed. i think there's going to be unfortunately jobs lost. >> pleasanton-based safeway's ceo is expected to become the president and ceo of the combined company when the merger is complete. 6:40 now. more than 60 retail chains all across the country are now affected by a meat recall linked to a petaluma slaughterhouse. the u.s. department of agriculture says affected products have been sold in 35 states as well as guam and canadian authorities say recalls are under way in five provinces. rite aid, walmart, 7-eleven and safeway are a few of the chains affected. rancho corporation closed after the recall of 9 million pounds of meat having allegedly sold meat from unhealthy cattle. no human illnesses reported. weave a list of the recalled products at our website, and there's a link on that main page. a local task force busts one of the most successful identity theft rings in the area. how they got away with it for so long and what you can do to protect yourself from similar schemes. coming up. >> and the manhattan just opened up about 10 minutes ago. let's get a quick look at the big board right now. you can see the dow is up about 62 points. coming up we'll get an update from kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. ,,,,,, bulldog: oooh! bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters pollen report for today we have a little sunshine coming our way things heating up and so are all the pollens too. they are going to be on the rise through tomorrow. decrease sunday, high into monday. the u.s. economy created more jobs than expected last month. it's friday! here now to chat kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: good news coming from the labor department today. a gain of 175,000 jobs in february. that's still not what we would like to see, but it was a lot better than expected. economists were looking for 140,000 to 150,000 jobs because of the nasty winter weather across much of the country. they even added another 25,000 jobs to the prior two-month totals which combined still only add up to 213,000. the unemployment rate went up from 6.6 to 6.7%. a few more people looking for work. but still dealing with some issues out there. construction was a surprising strength gaining 15,000 jobs in spite of the winter weather. most economists are looking for stronger gains in the jobs market once spring starts to take hold across much of the country. big deal in the grocery business with safeway agreeing to that $9 billion buy-out from cerberus capital management. the deal won't close until later this year so it's still too early to tell if any safeway stores will be closing, how many layoffs may be occurring at corporate headquarters in pleasanton or the overall impact on consumers. cerberus did buy albertsons starting back in 2006, albertsons had 600 chains and is down to about 200 locations now. safeway shares down 3% on the news but they have been soaring over the past month on the takeover speculation. right now we are off to a mixed start on wall street. the dow up 54. nasdaq is down about 1. the s&p moving higher by 3 points. michelle and frank, back to you. >> what day is it again, jason? >> reporter: i'm sorry, what was that. >> what day is it again. >> reporter: it is friday. >> absolutely. >> our favorite day of the week. >> have a great weekend. >> reporter: you, too. 6:46. let'slet's check the roads with elizabeth. we have a number of incidents out there and the bay bridge is backed up. along the peninsula southbound 101 approaching ralston coming into belmont we have an accident there blocking one lane fortunately though we are not seeing any major delays. could see some traffic tie-ups this afternoon. muni warning us through a tweet that there's going to be a big concert going on in justin herman plaza from noon to 1:30 and so you may find a lot heavier traffic along the embarcadero especially pedestrian traffic with that concert going on right around lunchtime. here's a live look at the bay bridge. it's busy for a friday. it's stacked up close to the foot of the maze now. the metering lights have been on since 6:05. they turned on the metering lights after 6:00 but the approaches still look good. that eastshore freeway drive time a lot better than yesterday. 22 minutes on the eastshore freeway from the carquinez bridge to the maze. here's a live look richmond/san rafael bridge traffic. if you are heading towards the toll plaza, you can some slight delays especially in the far right lanes. we want to know what is driving you crazy during your commute? this morning and every morning. we get a lot of responses. jim in napa said what drives me crazy is when people use the right turn only lane to pass and cut people off as they go through the intersection. well, like i said, we always want to know what drives you crazy during your commute. so we found some youtube video a couple of examples on youtube of reckless drivers doing exactly what jim wrote about. look at this one a car passing on a very short right turn only lane to get ahead of the other driver. wow, so the california drivers handbook makes it clear under what conditions when you can pass to the right. this is obviously not one of them. ask a question or share a gripe by emailing or tweet me at #ewengerkpix and watch to see if your question gets answered on air. so lawrence, that is obviously very illegal and dangerous, as well. >> i have seen that many times too. >> i do, too. >> i saw it just the other day and these guys almost got in an accident and there was almost road rage. they were really going at it for a while. >> don't beat anyone up. >> crazy on the roads. folks, if you are headed around the bay area today we are going to see a lot of sunshine and these temperatures going to be warming up nicely. out the door, because of the clear skies, we do have some cooler conditions outside. some of the numbers dropping off into the 40s and the low 50s now. even a couple of patches of fog toward the coastline. mostly sunny as we head in toward the afternoon and temperatures going to be a little bit warmer. hey, we could see some mid-70s as we head in towards saturday but a chance of showers to the north by sunday. for today it will be mild temperatures low pressure off the coastline, most of that going to head up to the north for now but that will change the latter part of the weekend. temperatures in the central valley traveling, 60s and some 70s. the high country 51 degrees and snow up in lake tahoe but not today just enough to ski on up there. hey, folks, we have some changes in the works as we head in toward saturday. should be a warmer day and then late in the day the clouds begin to move in. then on sunday there's a slight chance the system could clip the bay area, bringing with it at least a chance of a couple raindrops north of the golden gate bridge. temperatures in the 60s and 70s for highs today. looking toward tomorrow maybe some mid-70s in the warmer spots. then that slight chance to the north on sunday better chance for rain for everybody sunday night into monday. then warmer weather as we head in toward the middle of the week. don't forget, yes, this weekend, we spring ahead. set those clocks one hour ahead. that means for us we lose an hour. >> what time does your alarm clock go off? >> 1:45. it will be like 12:45 now. >> good luck with that. >> thank you very much. >> we feel your pain. a story you will only see here on kpix 5, investigators bust one of the most prolific i wanted d theft rings in the bay area. it was a sophisticated operation that targeted gas station customers. kiet do with how the suspects sold tens of thousands of credit card numbers from people like you. >> reporter: michael wong is a member of what investigators say is one of the largest band of identity thieves in the bay area who stole tens of thousands of credit card numbers from gas stations for years. so what did wong do when he saw his family in the courtroom? somebody get that man a tissue. >> these individuals are responsible for a great deal of loss in the bay area and throughout california in general and that will come to an end. >> this would be what will plug into the socket on the gas pump. >> reporter: lieutenant michael sterner showed us evidence seized in a recent raid a dozen custom built gas pump skimmers made with off the shelf parts. >> on the back side at the top of the blue is a socket that the cable they unplugged from the gas pump would plug into. >> the big break in the case came when an employee from a gas station thought there was a skimmer on one of his pumps. >> reporter: that's when agents from a task force set up surveillance. when those alleged crooks came back for the skimmer device the agents moved in and arrested them. >> they didn't put up a fight. >> reporter: in all, five people were arrested. they found stacks of counterfeit credit cards that even had the secret hologram visible only with a uv light. the cards had matching high quality fake driver's licenses complete with all the new security features. they also found a kilo of cocaine and assault weapons including a grenade launcher! what in the world were they doing with a grenade launcher? >> i don't know. there is also a chance it was a a ma keys mow thing. >> reporter: others have not been tied to suspects. as customers here's what you can do. pressure gas station owners to change locks. and get back in the habit of using security stickers. also, if you become a victim, call the bank and the police. it helps detectives to establish a pattern. here's something else investigators have learned. the safest pump to use is the one closest to the attendant. it is the least likely to have a skimmer installed inside. >> for us, it's a tortoise and hare scenario. they might win short term, but they are not going to win. we're persistent and we know how to find them and we will find them. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. time now is 6:52. president obama gets russian president vladimir putin on the phone. obama's warning when we come back. >> reporter: a hayward family jumps out of a second-story window after their apartment catches on fire. we are going to hear from a little 3-year-old boy who was thrown to safety. ,,,,,,[ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ there's a curly fry tree.jack. and a chopper out back. there's a barn full of buns. and a thing you gotta try. a critter that makes burgers with bacon inside. boooorrrk- it's beef and pork! get bacon in your burger. jack's new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun. boooorrrk - it's beef and pork! get bacon in your burger. moooiiink. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at president vladimir putin th russia violated ukraine's sovereignty when it invaded the crimean five things to know at the :55. president obama has told russian president vladimir putin that russia violated ukraine's sovereignty when it invadedded the crimeaian peninsula. senate has blocked a bill designed to tackle the sex assault epidemic in the ranks. it would have stripped military commanders of their control over such cases. pleasanton-based safeway is being sold and merging with albertsons. albertsons' parent company says the consolidation will mean lower prices and better customer service. it doesn't expect to close any stores. the 14-year-old martinez teen hit and killed by a train will be laid to rest on sunday at christ the king church in pleasant hill. jenna betti died on the tracks last sunday in martinez. a man and woman are hospitalized with serious burns after a house fire early this morning in east san jose. the fire started at about 3:30. firefighters now consider it a crime scene because the cause is unclear. i'm cate caugiran live in hayward where a couple was forced to jump out of this second story window and throw a 3-year-old boy to a neighbor for safety. firefighters say it's because a fire started at this apartment complex around 11:00 last night and when they arrived on scene smoke was billowing from the second floor apartment. a grandmother and her husband were trapped with their 3-year- old grandson. they threw the boy to a neighbor before jumping 20 feet to safety. we spoke with that little boy maurice who acted like a big boy last night. was it scary? what happened? >> jump out the window. >> reporter: oh, wow. but you're a brave boy, huh? >> mm-hm. >> reporter: well, there's good. can we get a smile from you? good. now, it took fire crews 15 minutes to knock it out but the apartment was a complete loss. and three other units why damaged. the fire started in the kitchen of the upstairs unit. right now the cause is under investigation. but firefighters say it appears to be accidental. now, the couple that jumped from that window suffered some minor injuries from the 20-foot fall but family says they are resting now and are expected to be okay. live in hayward, cate caugiran, kpix 5. thanks, cate. we'll go flying over highway 4. westbound pretty slow going right now just past the antioch exits. we had an earlier crash by lone tree. it's now clear. but we are still seeing brake lights as you can see from those yellow sensors. once you hit willow pass, as well. a look at our sensors in the south bay northbound 101 typical commute past capitol expressway continuing out by de la cruz. the nimitz freeway still moving at the speed limit near oakland airport. lawrence? >> all right. we have a great day ahead here going to see lots of sunshine outside. hey, these temperatures are going to warm up very nicely. just a couple of high clouds overhead towards san jose right now. this afternoon though it is going to be a gorgeous day. some of these temperatures in the 60s and low 70s. saturday looks good, slight chance of showers north bay on sunday. chance of rain for everybody sunday night and monday. >> thank you. >> we are going to try to stump you at noon. by the way i mispronounced the word! and she still spelled it right!! >> you said guinness and it was guineas. >> have a great morning. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, march 7, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." a united states warship moves closer to ukraine overnight. president obama and president putin talked for more than an hour about a potential end to the crisis. >> a top military officer paid to prosecute sexual assault cases is now himself accused of sexual assault while on a conference of sexual assault prevention. plus, a chase through the streets of l.a. for the elusive founder of bitcoin. we begin with today's "eye-opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> the version of the telephone call, agreed on one


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140307

in saratoga where lawmakers are hoping audrie pott's death wasn't in vain. anne. >> reporter: this law does have a long way to go in the state legislature. but the push was kicked off here today in the small city of saratoga where a teenaged tragedy took place. at a press conference this morning, the santa clara county d.a. laid out the scenario. >> the young woman a group of young men, alcohol, sexual assault, social media, and then sometimes suicide. >> reporter: 15-year-old audrie pott hanged herself in 2012 after pictures of her naked body were dissemnated to fellow superintendents at saratoga high. she had been -- to -- disseminated to fellow students at saratoga high. she was drunk and was sexually assaulted and pictures were then disseminated online. audrey's law would criminalize this activity. if it involves a minor it would be a felony. the boys in her case were charged with sexual battery but the proceedings are secret in juvenile court. two of the boys got 30-day sentences, the third 45 days. had audrie been awake at the time of the assault, the case could have been brought to adult court. >> we feel that unconscious or incapacitated sexual assault victims are not provided with the appropriate protections under the current law. >> reporter: this law would allow for stiffer penalties in hopes of bringing justice to future cases of what backers called a 21st century tragedy. >> we're here today to city if we can make some sense out of her senseless death. >> reporter: this bill would need two-thirds approval in the state legislature. if it is passed, it could take effect as soon as january 1 of next year. live in saratoga. anne makovec, kpix 5. a dramatic escape from an apartment fire in the east bay. a 3-year-old boy tossed from a second-story window as the flames closed in. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran on the life or death decision and the toddler who came through grinning. >> reporter: it was about a 20- foot-long drop between this window and the ground. a risk one family took when they decided to jump in order to save their lives. >> crazy. >> reporter: investigators say a fire broke out in this apartment around 11:00 thursday night trapped inside a couple and their 3-year-old grandson. facing flames and no way to get out, they jumped. the grandmother jumped first, then her grandson 3-year-old maurice was tossed out of the window where her sister caught him. fitzpatrick was in richmond of the time of the fire. it was her son who was thrown to safety. >> i was hysterical. my baby, my baby, that's all i was thinking about was my baby. >> reporter: 3-year-old maurice shy at first told us he was a big boy thursday night. >> are you okay? >> yeah. >> reporter: what happened? >> just jumped out the window. >> reporter: oh, wow. so you're a brave boy, huh. >> mm-hm. >> reporter: fitzpatrick says her mother and stepfather are okay but suffered a few injuries. >> my mom, she had to get stitches right here, her eye is black, it's big. this side of her face is swollen. her pelvic bone is fractured and she is going into surgery for that but other than that she is fine. my stepdad's ankle is broken and they had to break it back in place. >> reporter: it took 15 minutes for fire crews to knock out the flames, but the apartment was a complete loss. firefighters say the fire damaged three other nearby units. investigators say the fire started in the kitchen of the upstairs unit. right now the cause is under investigation. but firefighters say it appears to be accidental. in hayward, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> and just a few blocks away and hours later nine cars were destroyed in a separate fire. huge flames shot into the sky shortly before 5:00 this morning. it happened in the carport near 7th and key streets in hayward. kpix 5 spoke to two women who live there. >> i was shaken. i don't know what to do. and it was like leave before everything blows up. it was so scary. >> no one was hurt in the fire. arson investigators are still trying to figure out the cause. in the south bay, two people trapped inside a burning home on aetna, that's because security bars on windows and doors did not have safety latches. the man and woman inside had to get out through the back of the house where the fire was raging. they were rushed to the hospital with critical burns. their condition is unknown. and firefighters are considering this a crime scene. no word as to why. eastbound drivers had a tough time on the bay bridge early this morning. chopper 5 caught views of this accident which blocked three lanes near treasure island. injuries were minor. the accident was cleared just before 8:30 an hour after it happened but one lane remained closed for maintenance work. a bay area man is suing skydive monterey bay claiming the company provided him with a defective parachute. >> call 911! >> kpix 5 obtained this video of the ill-fated jump in 2012. gerardo flores of san francisco claims the chute opened early causing him to pass out in midair. they then crashed to the ground near marina municipal airport. flores was rushed to a san jose hospital where he remained unconscious for two weeks. he suffered serious head trauma and numerous broken bones. live pictures from justin herman plaza in san francisco's financial district. thousands are expected for a big concert going on. if you want to see the show, bring a canned food item to get in. volunteers hope to package 15,000 meals for stop hunger now and hope it collect 15,000 pounds of canned food for the san francisco food bank. as for the show itself, it starts in 20 minutes. and that's when grammy nominated singer genelle monet will take the stage. just yesterday she performed at the white house with legends like aretha franklin in the women of soul concert for the president. thieves trying to steal a part of california history. their target, the golden spike at california's railroad museum. the attempt failed. nothing is missing after the wednesday break-in. part of the museum is closed because display cases were damaged in the area where the spike is on display. >> this is the only area that currently is cordoned off until we can get everything in the shape that it's viewable to the public. >> this section will stay closed until the investigation is done. the golden spike is a twin to the spike used by leeland stanford to join the first continental railroad in 1869. seaworld's biggest star could be taken out of the spotlight. new legislation now aimed at banning shamu shows. richard bloom is expected to propose a bill today that would make it illegal to use orca whales for entertainment. legislation would ban captive breeding programs. the bill would still allow the killer whales to be on display, just not performing. amazing video of a waterfall in the middle of downtown san francisco. what happened to cause the downpour. >> one of the most successful identity theft rings in the bay area shut down. how they got way with it for so long and what you can do to protect yourself from similar schemes. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. well, it is a gorgeous day now. but this weekend could be 50/50. we'll explain next. ,, crossed in front of them. t dash cam caugh a man and his wife are driving in ontario canada when they hit a truck that crossed right in front of them. their dashcam caught everything. and later they took a closer look at the video. it showed the truck driver you can see right there talking on a cell phone. he has been charged with failing to yield to traffic. well, a story you'll only see right here on kpix 5. bay area investigators bust a sophisticated id theft ring that targeted gas station customers. kiet do with how the suspects stole tens of thousands of credit card numbers from people like you. >> reporter: michael wong is a member of what investigators say is one of the largest band of identity thieves in the bay area who stole tens of thousands of credit card numbers from gas stations for years. >> these individuals are responsible for a great deal of loss in the bay area and throughout california in general and that will come to an end. >> this would be what will plug into the socket on the gas pump. >> reporter: lieutenant michael sterner showed us evidence seized in a recent raid a dozen custom built gas pump skimmers made with off the shelf parts. >> on the back side at the top of the blue is a socket that the cable they unplugged from the gas pump would plug into. >> the big break in the case came when an employee from a gas station thought there was a skimmer on one of his pumps. >> reporter: that's when agents from a task force set up surveillance. when those alleged crooks came back for the skimmer device the agents moved in and arrested them. >> they didn't put up a fight. >> reporter: in all, five people were arrested. they found stacks of counterfeit credit cards that even had the secret hologram visible only with a uv light. the cards had matching high quality fake driver's licenses complete with all the new security features. they also found a kilo of cocaine and assault weapons that included a grenade launcher. the skimmers are everywhere. inside these envelopes are dozens of the guys found across the bay area that have not yet been tied to any suspects. as customers here's what you can do. pressure gas station owners to change locks. and get back in the habit of using security stickers. here's something else investigators have learned. the safest pump to use is the one closest to the attendant. it is the least likely to have a skimmer installed inside. >> they're not going to win. we're persistent and we know how to find them and we will find them. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. a live look at the big board on this friday afternoon. the dow has been heading up after a downward trend much of the day. investors starting to brush off worries about higher oil prices and the ukraine crisis. the nasdaq, s&p continue to head down though. major bank is offering a new checking account to prevent customers from overdrawing their funds. the bank of america account will prevent customers from taking out too much money from their atms. it will also stop them from spending more than their balance while paying bills online or making other purchases. the banks don't do this kind of thing out of the kindness. their hearts. customers will have to play a flat rate fee about $5 a month. feds want an explanation for child car seat maker graco. the company recalled millions of child seats because a buckle can get stuck that risks and emergency. the government wants to know why infant seats with similar buckles were not included in the recall. graco will send free replacements to the owners of the recalled seats but owners of the infant seats must make the request. "newsweek" says a 64-year- old japanese-american man out of los angeles county is the creator of bitcoin. the mysterious virtual currency. that man says "newsweek" got it wrong. >> have nothing to do with bitcoin. i never worked for the company. i don't know any people there. i never had a contract there or anything like that. and i don't even -- i wasn't even aware of the product. >> satoshi nakamoto of temple city told reporters if he admits to being bit coin's creator, he would be in trouble. he did say he was an engineer many years ago and is capable of designing the currency. reporters had a hard time getting a hold of nakamoto. he led a large group of journalists on a low-speed chase through l.a. before speaking to them. "newsweek" stands by its story. check out this waterfall. it spewed from a downtown san francisco high-rise this morning. officials say a sprinkler line ruptured around the tenth floor of the building at market and kearney around 9:30 this morning causing a downpour and soaking the streets below. the leak is secure. i'm sure insurance companies have been called. >> oh, yeah. >> what a messes. by the way, i'm the creator of bitcoin. [ laughter ] >> just so you know. >> i knew it. i had my suspicions. [ laughter ] >> can you tell us what it is? >> i'm not quite sure! [ laughter ] >> but i made it. it's worth millions. > around the bay area today we are seeing a lot of sunshine outside now. just a few high clouds drifting overhead as high pressure builds in very nicely and setting the stage for at least a good start to the weekend. things going to change a bit as we head in toward sunday. overlooking san jose, we have some sunshine, temperatures starting to warm up nicely. 65 in concord. 65 in livermore. 61 in san francisco. and 64 in san jose. throughout the afternoon, we'll see plenty of sunshine and just a couple of high clouds. mostly clear tonight with just a few patches of fog. and then rain possible i think north of the golden gate bridge sunday. the rest of the bay area just passing clouds. nice ridge though building in outside. that will bring with it some mild temperatures for today. and maybe even a little bit warmer on saturday. good day to travel if you are doing that today, temperatures in the 60s and 70s in the central valley, 50 in lake tahoe, 61 in monterey bay. passing clouds otherwise looking good today. late tomorrow afternoon we'll begin to see a few more clouds. and by sunday, there's a chance we could see a few of those showers up in parts of the north bay. but that's about it. i think sunday night into monday, a better chance of rain for the rest of the bay area. temperatures for today plan on some 60s even low 70s in the south bay. low 60s toward the coastline. 60s and 70s into the east bay. even the north bay checking in about 68 degrees in santa rosa and 64 in san francisco. the next couple of days we'll see plenty of sunshine coming our way. some clouds going to roll in towards sunday and chance of showers into early monday. and by the way, don't forget, guys. spring ahead. that's right, roll those clocks forward. we lose an hour saturday night into sunday. >> that's hard for us to get up so early. >> the days will seem longer for everybody else except for us. it's once again time. >> that's right. week talking about this all week. it's a time for to test our spelling skills with our word of the day. frank tested me twice this morning. >> you're eight for eight. so we're stepping it up. we're trying to balance it out a little bit. so we took the winning word from the 2010 spelling bee. >> oh, okay. >> from the cleveland plains dealer. >> okay. >> the word is stromer. ♪[ music ] >> thank you. >> very dramatic. it's designed to measure the amount and speed of blood through an artery. it's of german descent. >> okay. >> s-t- rp- >> stromhar. >> so then i am still okay because it was wrong on here. [ laughter ] >> so i think we do a do-over. >> we are going to have to ask because i have stromuha. >> we'll do that. >> i guess we will. >> you can see the oral bee streamed live on our website 10 a.m. on saturday march 15 and test your word skills by search kpix 5 cbs on facebook and "like" our page. we'll try to figure it out. >> is that a fail? >> on this week's edition of "where's roberta?," we take you to a place that everybody can see it. but very few can visit it. that's coming up. as the news continues right here on kpix 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [uncle]this is hopscotch,okay? uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? bay area landmark... roberta is live in san frano this mor only on kpix 5, roberta gonzales can go places that most people cannot. this time she managed to climb a bay area landmark. >> reporter: roberta is live in san francisco. hi, roberta. >> reporter: good afternoon. we thought we would join forces today with "where's roberta?" and the return of daylight saving time. so today, we introduce you to a clock from 1898. >> reporter: the san francisco ferry building is a terminal for ferries that travel across the san francisco bay. a marketplace. also has offices located on the embarcadero. on top of the building, is a 245-foot-tall clock tower. rarely is anybody allowed inside the tower but we entered and met dorian the clockmaster. >> this one was installed in 1898. it cost 5: $043. >> reporter: how many dials? >> 4 dials each it 3 feet. made of a very fancies grade of plywood. originally they were sugar pine so i changed the hands for plywood because the hands that had been up were dry rotted. >> reporter: how did it operate in the olden days? >> wind it up every saturday morning. takes between 5 and 10 minutes of diligent cranking. >> reporter: and now? >> this is a windup that's now electrically driven. >> reporter: tell me something very few people know. >> the north facing dial has been one minute fast for approximately 60 years. and i guess the public is accustomed to it. so i have left it that way. >> reporter: what happens when we return to daylight saving time? >> if you like, you can be here at 1:58 and you will see the hands advance and at 2:00 it should say 2:00. >> reporter: the clock survived the 1906 quake. >> but not being very well mounted, the tower, and that could be improved and they could wind it up today and run it but nobody wants to wind it -- well, maybe somebody would. it's fun. >> reporter: it was so much fun learning about the history of that big beautiful clock! you know what? i want to hear your ideas for "where's roberta?" so visit us on our kpix 5 facebook page. i want to hear from you. but now, it's time to say good- bye. but we'll be right back. right after this brief time- out. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,b r e a k ============== it troubles to me to say this but on a technicality, she is still perfect. we had it incorrect. stromuhr is the correct spelling! you're still perfect! >> break out a dictionary this weekend. >> good luck. see you monday. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. >> brooke: so... you're in love with ridge? >> katie: yes. i'm in love with ridge. >> hope: anything? >> ridge: no. this could take a while. >> hope: yeah. my mom is not going to accept this easily. honestly, she's probably not going to believe it. >> ridge: i should be there to help her explain. >> hope: trust me. you'll get your chance. they're sisters, you know. i-i understand why katie wanted


Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20140307

nothing was agreed upon. >> russia tightens its grip on the crimean peninsula. >> an american warship steaming toward the black sea as crimea has a referendum that could make them a permanent part of russia. >> russia is not friendly, as you probably realize. >> top prosecutor for sexual assault cases, lieutenant james morris is suspended for groping allegations. >> outed as a founder of bitcoin. >> just one small problem. he says it's not true. >> i have nothing to do with bitcoin. >> new jersey governor chris christie attacking the president of the cpac. >> you see something going off the rails and what you decide to do is stay as far away from it as possible. if that's your attitude, mr. president, what the hell are we paying you for? >> 175,000 jobs added to payrolls last month. the unemployment rate ticks up to 6.7%. >> -- cringe-worthy crash in canada. nobody was hurt. >> oh, no! >> oh, that? >> let me see your teeth. >> we can get together and starting a martha stewart-johnson -- >> oh, boy. >> we have a couple of technical fouls. >> that's ridiculous. >> we have a student coming onto the court. >> it is what it is. you really can't control crazies. >> and all that matters. >> president obama hosted a performance called "women of soul." but he had a little spelling trouble when it came to the queen of soul. >> when aretha first told us what r-e-s-p-e-c-t -- [ laughter ] -- meant to her -- >> on "cbs this morning." >> a california man says he lost $500,000 in las vegas, now he's suing, claiming he was too drunk to gamble. >> he says they let him get drunk and blow all his money and the casino said "yeah, exactly." >> this morning's "eye-opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning" and good morning, norah. >> good morning to you, charlie. ukraine and its neighbors are lining up against a plan to make crimea part of russia. by phone, president obama told russian president vladimir putin a referendum on the move is unacceptable. that call came after president obama ordered travel and financial sanctions. >> this morning, an american destroyer carrying guided missiles is approaching the black sea which borders ukraine and southern russia, but navy officials say the "uss tuxen" is on a scheduled training mission. elizabeth palmer is there. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. well, there is political rhetoric, and then there are facts on the ground and the fact here is that crimea is already being run as if it had joined the russian federation. russian flags fly atop public buildings. yesterday, a group of ukrainian journalists arrived by private chopper on a reporting trip, but they were promptly turned around and escorted back out by russian attack helicopters. and local crimean tv was taken off the air and replaced with russian programming. the station's news anchor is outraged. "citizens of crimea who are first and foremost citizens of ukraine have been denied their rights," she says. the newsroom has now been silenced. as for the international monitors sent in to take stock here, the message to them? butt out. when they showed up at the border between ukraine and crimea yesterday, armed men simply wouldn't let them in. russia and pro-russian groups are making the rules here now and they've got plenty of muscle to back them up. of course, thousands of crimeans don't want to join the russian federation formally but under the circumstances, at the moment anyway, they're lying very low. charlie and norah? >> thanks elizabeth. president obama spelled out america's position yesterday before speaking to president putin. >> the proposed referendum on the future of crimea would violate the ukrainian constitution and violate international law. any discussion about the future of ukraine must include the legitimate government of ukraine. >> the russian leader said this morning that negotiators are still far apart, but major garrett at the white house reports there's hopeful signs. major, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, charlie and norah. president obama and russian president vladimir putin disagree about almost every single one of the basic facts in ukraine, but they are talking about a resolution. it's a potential for a deal and we must emphasize and pretty much capitalize the word "potential." there's no sign that anything is imminent, but the two leaders did talk for more than an hour by phone yesterday, and president obama outlined a possible path to resolution. it would include three factors. one, russia would accept the may 25th presidential election in ukraine as the most important election. it would not try to push any kind of secessionist referendum in crimea. russia would allow international observers in to crimea to investigate what's going on and it would also return all of its russian forces to their bases where they have legitimate treaty rights, but end patrols and end checkpoints throughout crimea. to all this putin was noncommittal to say the least, but the kremlin in an official statement did not denounce the ideas. high-level talks will continue on the u.s. side between secretary of state john kerry, his russian counterpart, foreign minister sergey lavrov. also, late yesterday, president obama spoke by phone with japanese prime minister shinzo abe, part of a white house strategy to isolate russia in asia, but also build support for an alternative g7 summit that would not include russia because the other g7 nations intend to boycott the g8 summit that putin was to host in sochi russia, in june. charlie and norah? >> major, thanks. u rainn eye ukraine will be the main topic on "face the nation." james baker and paul ryan sunday on "face the nation." another high-ranking military officer faces allegations of sexual assault. cbs news confirms that joseph morse, the man in charge of prosecuting sexual assault crimes is now under investigation himself for inappropriate sexual contact. jan crawford is in washington with the case as the senate looks to change how military deals with the epidemic or trouble. jan, good morning. >> reporter: well good morning, norah and charlie, and good morning to our viewers in the west. the latest allegations are almost impossible to believe. the man in charge of prosecuting the army's sexual assault cases has been accused of a sexual assault while at a conference on sexual assault prevention. lieutenant colonel joseph morse oversaw the army's special victims prosecutors, a team of two dozen lawyers that handled sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. he also led the government's case against staff sergeant robert bales, who is serving life in prison for the murder of 16 afghan civilians. now, morse has been suspended and is under investigation after a female army lawyer said he try to kiss and grope her in a hotel room during a 2011 legal conference on sexual assault. no charges have been filed. the allegations come as the defense department is grappling with the sharp increase in assault complaints including against high-ranking officers. >> sorry, no cameras. >> reporter: last year another military officer responsible for sexual assault prevention air force lieutenant colonel jeffrey krusinski, was charged with groping a woman outside a virginia bar. he was acquitted in a civilian court, but is expected to retire from the military. and this week brigadier general jeffrey sinclair is facing a court-martial on charges that include forcing a junior officer to perform oral sex. >> we want to make sure they are not let off the hook for this. >> reporter: congressman is now debating whether to change the way the military handles these cases. on thursday the senate tabled a bill sponsored by new york democrat kirsten gillibrand. the legislation would take decisions on sexual assault cases away from commanders and put them in the hands of military prosecutors. >> the reason why a female marine does not come forward is because she does not trust the chain of command. >> reporter: now senators who opposed that bill say they agree there's a problem, that gillibrand's bill isn't the solution. they say it would weaken the commanders, and they're offering some more modest changes to the legal system and that's expected to be approved on monday. >> jan thanks. high-profile republicans are reconnecting with party activists at this weekend's cpac conference. the list of speakers include presidential hopefuls including new jersey governor chris christie. he found the welcoming crowd after months of controversy back home. chip reid is covering the conference in national harbor maryland, south of washington. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. you know some potential republican presidential candidates came here on a mission -- to reingratiate themselves with the party's conservative base after falling out of favor. and at the top of that list is new jersey governor chris christie. a round of applause greeted chris christie. >> the fact is we've got to start talking about what we're for and not what we're against. >> reporter: a welcomed reception for the new jersey governor with national ambitions. last year, christie wasn't even invited to speak here because conservatives were angry over his embrace of president obama after hurricane sandy. this year christie attacked the president. >> mr. president, what the hell are we paying you for? >> reporter: he said republicans need a positive message to counter the democrats. >> our ideas are better than their ideas, and that's what we have to stand up for. >> reporter: senator marco rubio was also seeking redemption after angering conservatives by supporting comprehensive immigration reform. he turned his fire on the president's foreign policy. >> we cannot ignore that the flawed foreign policy of the last few years have brought us to the stage, because we have a president who believes but by the sheer force of his personality, he would be able to shape global events. >> reporter: the annual conservative gathering is designed to rev up the republican base with big names delivering a red-meat message. >> it is here. it is now. we are coming together. >> reporter: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, in his own tough re-election fight, even appeared on stage with a firearm to hammer home his support for second amendment rights, an attempt to show he's a man of the people. >> the president of the united states is treating our constitution worse than a place mat at denny's. >> reporter: but it was senator ted cruz who rounded out the republican message. >> we need to repeal every single word of obamacare. >> reporter: gearing up the crowd for a fight in 2014. >> how do we win elections? in the contrast between corrupt washington and the american people, we stand with the american people. >> reporter: today's headliner will be kentucky senator rand paul, who always has a huge following here. he'll be speaking at 11:45 pacific time. charlie and norah? >> thanks chip. new job numbers are raising expectations for the economy. the labor department says employers added 175,000 positions in february. but the unemployment rate rose to 6.7%. officials say more people started looking for work last month. the northwest faces a growing threat of mudslides this morning. passenger train service is shut down north of seattle now after a slide blocked the tracks. meteorologist megan glaros of cbs station wbbm shows the wet weather continuing over the weekend. >> good morning, charlie and norah. and good morning to those of in the west. you get a brief break from the rain, anywhere from san francisco all the way up to vancouver, canada will deal with yet another storm system going into saturday and sunday. so the weekend will be rather rainy at times. but landslide risk will continue in the pacific northwest, and that rain continues saturday into sunday. so keep those umbrellas handy there. we're talking about a high temperature today of 74 degrees in los angeles, 80 in phoenix, about 43 for billings montana. chicago will see the first 40-degree day in a while. so celebration there. by the way, don't forget to spring forward. lose an hour of sleep, but the sun will now begin to set at 7:00 on sunday night. the former girlfriend of oscar pistorius took the stand this morning in his south africa murder trial. she says the double-amputee olympian once fired his gun recklessly. correspondent and cbs news contributor deborah patta is at the courthouse in pretoria. deborah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the court has just heard evidence that samantha taylor was only 17 when she met oscar pistorius. the couple dated for 18 months and she said the relationship ended because he was cheating on her with steenkamp. taylor whose face was not allowed to be shown, was tearful during her testimony. she told the court pistorius always carried a gun and would sleep with it next to his bed at night. on one occasion the couple were driving with a friend and they were pulled over by police. the officers noticed a loaded gun on the car seat and demanded that he empty the gun. pistorius, according to taylor, was furious, i do not like anyone touching my gun. he then drove off and fired the weapon through the open sunroof of the car, laughing with his friend as he did. court had to be adjourned on two occasions, because taylor brook broke down sobbing. charlie and norah? >> all right, deborah patta, thank you. this morning, former executives of what wuss a high-powered law firm face dpozs dozens of charges. it's being compared to enron. the indictment comes after the largest law firm bankruptcy in history. >> among the big-name clients, the walt disney company and dallas mavericks owner mark cuban. manhattan district attorney said the men conspired for years to hide the dire condition of their firm. >> the defendants simply lied. they lied and masked the firm's financial shortfallings, deceived lenders, investors, and others into believing the firm was in far better financial condition than it actually was. >> mellody hobson is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is the significance of this. >> huge. it's a big deal. biggest bankrupt in law firm history. it has 1,300 lawyers in new york. you're talking about a firm that has $500 million in debt. so huge. the fraud right at the top, seven people have already said they were involved. the four people running the firm were perpetrating this fraud. and this was enron/worldcom kind of stuff. literally cooking the books. so it is a really big deal. >> a lot of accounting chi cannery as they said. what about the s.e.c. also filing a civil suit? what do they want? >> the s.e.c. is involved because in 2010 the firm had a debt offering, a private debt offering, and 13 insurance companies bought the bonds, which meant they had security. that meant they were regulated by the s.e.c. the new s.e.c. chair, mary jo white, says when she finds ss securities fraud, she'll be aggressive in prosecution. and the paper trail, when you read this indictment, 60 pages, 106 counts of fraud, the e-mails they were wrighting to each other, shocking. >> will we see a ripple effect? >> i think the ripple effect there will be a bunch of lawyers at law firms around the country asking more questions of the partners. this is again a story about e-mail, writing this down. you do not expect it -- >> from lawyers! >> -- from lawyers. >> i know. that's the part that's crazy. and asking questions about who was auditing them. what would be the repurrercussions for them? they didn't catch the fraud. >> this was a prestigious law firm. >> big deal. prestigious, global footprint. it had been two firms that came together in 2008, came together during a very, very tough time. >> thank you. >> thanks. it's time to show you some of the morning's headlines. "wall street journal" says american wealth hit a record high. a federal reserve report finds the net worth of households rose to more than $80 trillion last year. that is a 14% jump from 2012. the gains were seen primarily by the very wealthiest americans. "the boston globe" says governor deval patrick could sign a bill that prohibits upskirting. it comes after a controversial court ruling. it bans taking secret photos of anyone if the picture is of a sexual nature. a court said it did not break the law by taking a photo under a woman's skirt on a train. the protest in venezuela turned violent. demonstrators clashed with security forces thursday, leaving two people dead. packs of pro-government bikers rode through caracas' neighborhoods removing street barricades. more than 20 people have been killed in unrest since the protests broke out last month. "the new york times" says companies are looking at cutting health care costs. a new survey finds employers shifting the burden onto workers. companies are experimenting with new concepts like private exchanges. the average yearly cost of care is more than $12 500, and that is up almost $600 from last over. employees pay almost a quarter of that amount. and "the los angeles times" says the owner of the albertson's supermarket chain is buying rival safeway for $9 billion. the combined company would own 2,400 stores across the country with more than 250,000 workers. that would put if behind industry-leader kroger. it's now 7:19. ahead, the man suing a looking like a beautiful friday around the bay area. high pressure now building in. a few high clouds drifting in overhead. a couple of patches of fog toward the coastline. looking good over san jose. got some mostly sunny skies, the temperatures a little cool out the door 50s and 40s this morning. by the afternoon though enjoying sunshine and numbers up in the 60s and low 70s. could be a little bit warmer on saturday, maybe some mid-70s. clouds rolling in on sunday chance of rain sunday night into monday. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. the white house welcomes powerful women of soul. >> ahead, we'll take you to the party as patti labelle leads the "a" list of music royalty in the east room. >> the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hershey's spreads. 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[announcer] welcome to the all-new intuit quickbooks. do more than ever before with quickbooks. make any place your place of business with it. get paid faster with it. run payroll with it. sync this stuff with that stuff with it. turn on only what you need with it. sample from our smorgasbord of apps with it. take in the big picture with it. see your finances in a whole new way with quickbooks. this is your business on the all-new quickbooks. run with it. you've tried to forget your hepatitis c. it's slow moving, you tell yourself. i have time. after all there may be no symptoms for years. no wonder you try to push it to the back of your mind and forget it. but here's something you shouldn't forget. hepatitis c is a serious disease. if left untreated, it could lead to liver damage and potentially even liver cancer. if you are one of the millions of people with hepatitis c you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. because people like you may benefit from scientific advances. advances that could help you move on from hep c. now is the time to rethink hep c and talk to your doctor. visit to find out about treatment options. and register for a personalized guide to help you prepare for a conversation with your doctor. [ bettina ] my dentist said to me that i had acid erosion. he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. i am a healthy girl i love salads, i love fruits and it's not something i want to give up. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel twice a day as my daily toothpaste. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. it's just so great because all of those foods that i enjoyed so much i didn't want to give up, and now i can continue to have them. dinner's not my strong suit. we get to the end of the day and i am toast. in fact, we've had toast for dinner. but tonight i nailed it. kfc family feast. 9 pieces any recipe, 3 large sides, 6 biscuits, $19.99. do not give up on dinner. ♪ ♪ you guys are good to go. lemme just get this out of here. unlike some places we don't just change your oil. our oil offer comes with a four-tire rotation and a 27-point inspection. and everything looked great. actually, could you leave those in? sure. want me to run him through the car wash for you, too? no, no, i can't. and right now get acdelco professional durastop brake pads installed for only $99.95 or less per axle. chevy certified service. woohoo! i've been claritin clear for 7 days. at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. 16 days! 26 days of continous relief. live claritin clear. every day. morning. the first happe good morning. a pair of fires in hayward this morning the first overnight on 7th street. several people jumped out of the window to escape the fire. a carport caught fire on the same street about 5 a.m. investigators believe it may have been arson there. a san francisco man is suing skydive monterey bay claiming the company provided him with a defective parachute. geraldo flores passed out before hitting the ground in 2012. he said the chute had worn broken parts. more than 60 chains across the country are now affected by a meat recall linked to the ran clo feeding corporation in -- rancho feeding corporation in petaluma. investigators believe they sold meat from sick cattle. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. let's head out to the bay bridge toll plaza. if you are one of these folks heading into san francisco you will be waiting for at least 20 minutes jammed solid through the macarthur maze. busy for friday. no incidents just the metering lights were turned on around 6:05. here's a live look at the nimitz. slow past 238. continuing by the oakland coliseum everything looks better. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." here's lawrence. liz, are you feeling great today? >> the great karnow! >> we are going to see a great day ahead as lots of sunshine going to be building in. and some spring-like weather outside. these temperatures are going to be warming up nicely too, this afternoon, under high pressure. couple of clouds likely to filter in, otherwise sunshine and 60s even some low 70s. the weekend at least the first part looks good. slight chance of showers north bay on sunday. and the rockets have had the steal -- >> so much for showtime. just when it looked like things couldn't get any worse for the once mighty lakers the team suffered the worst loss last night. adding to the misery they were humiliated by the l.a. clippers. 102-94. the lakers' record stands at 21 wins, 41 losses. would you guys say this rivalry is kind of like duke-north carolina? >> no, it's not like that. but it's been a terrible season for the lakers. >> yeah. >> maybe there'll be some changes. >> maybe so. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, what happens in vegas is headed for a courtroom. bill whitaker talks to the gambler who was in a drunken blackout. why he said the casino made him lose $500,000. >> plus an american culture at the white house. we'll take you to the celebration as patti labelle melissa etheridge and new voices honor the women of soul. and we'll tell you how president obama found himself a little bit of a subject. that's ahead. >> it looked like quite a show. a california man is the focus of international attention this morning. "newsweek" reports that he is the mastermind behind bitcoin. the digital money is accepted by merchants all around the world, but the creator has been a mystery. in a moment, we'll talk to the "newsweek" author who says she tracked him down. but first, vinita nair shows us how the man is disputing her report. >> okay, no questions right now. i want to be left alone. >> reporter: 64-year-old dorian satoshi nakamoto emerged from his southern california home thursday and walked right into a media frenzy hours after "newsweek" magazine said he was the mystery man behind bitcoins. >> i'm not in bitcoin. >> but your address in bitcoin -- >> reporter: according to the article, nakamoto is a model train buff who lives in a modest single family home with his mother. when congranted about bitcoin, he said i am no longer involved in that, and i cannot discuss it. the article triggered a full-blown game of cat and mouse through the streets of los angeles, with the media tracking nakamoto's every move using the twister #bitcoinchase. he ended up at the bureau. over a meal of free sushi, he continued to deny he was the computer whiz worth an estimated $400 million. in fact he said he hadn't heard of bitcoin until three weeks ago. >> the main reason i'm here is to clear my mind that i have nothing to do with bitcoin. nothing to do with developing -- i was just an engineer doing something else. >> reporter: this isn't the first time the media has tried to unmask bitcoin's founder. other outlets have tried but failed to identify the creator. nathaniel popper covers bitcoin for "the new york times." >> this is a global system worth billions of dollars and i think the world does have a right to know if people have sunk anywhere lives into this. >> reporter: at least for now -- >> -- i don't know any people there. >> reporter: -- it looks like the mystery lives on. for "cbs this morning," vinita nair, new york. >> leah mcgrath goodman wrote the "newsweek" article. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> you heard him. "i have nothing to do with this." why are you so sure? >> well, i have to say that the bits of conversation i had with him, that was the clincher for me. seeing him flee a scene and now deny it i have to say it's mystifying to me. his family and that's part of why i had written the story said he would either cagey or deny it, but that he was definitely involved with bitcoin. now he's saying he was confused -- >> he's telling people he's confused about it being a question about -- >> the confidentiality agreement. that's what he says. this is one reason i heard. >> there are a couple of versions. >> when you asked him about bitcoin, and he said i can't talk about this anymore, he was referring to a confidentiality agreement, not referring to bitcoin. and he said that was very clear. >> yeah no. that's not what happened. >> how did you track him down? >> well i was with a couple of friends, researchers -- i'm an investigative journalist but they do things i don't even do and they have exercises i don't use, so we worked in a team and sat off on the path and we would work and we started out thinking it could be a pseudonym. it could be his real name. we could not confirm it wasn't a pseudonym. we couldn't confirm it was. so we worked with the possibilities and narrowed it down. this was the last and final and strongest lead and at no time could we cancel it out. and still not. >> we heard bitcoin as digital currency. i think few americans understand. why do we care who he is the founder, the face? >> i heard a lot about this, why do we care who he is? i guess it's the individual. i think it's natural to know who's behind bitcoin, and even if he is no longer involved because it's a one-world currency and understanding what firmed it. it's a nonpolitical financial -- but if you go and talk to the people, they'll tell you it was politically motivated. so a lot of mystery, and i thought as a journalist to clear it up. it's disappointing to say maybe not yet. >> you're being threatened on twitter, we'll release your home number, address. are you worried about your security? >> yeah i found pretty much everything online this morning, including what security questions are on my web site and things like that. >> are you worried? >> clearly somebody thought that we did this as an act of war against satoshi nakamoto and bitcoin, and i certainly never meant it that way. you would think -- you would think we had demonized him or would did not like the coin in the article, which was not at all the way i wrote it. >> all right. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. this morning, the first family heads to florida, but last night the obamas hosted some of music's biggest stars. it was a tribute to the women of soul for pds and performance at the white house conference series, and bill plante shows us the impressive lineup. ♪ >> reporter: working for the man thursday night performing for the president in the east room of the white house. ♪ rolling on the river ♪ music icons patti labelle and melissa etheridge belting "proud mary" along with a new generation of soul singers. ♪ young stars and others that came before. >> i'm just so happy to just be in the presence of such amazing women. >> reporter: but among all those power house women of soul it was only fitting that the queen herself would steal the show. ♪ the only one to miss the note was the president. >> when aretha first told us what r-s-p-e-c-t -- [ laughter ] -- meant to her -- >> reporter: he may have missed a letter but aretha and the rest never missed a beat. ♪ >> this is what soul is all about! this is part of americana! ♪ i'm the only one who'd walk across a mile for you ♪ >> reporter: while the legends of soul performed thoir classics, relative newcomers paid homage. ♪ let's dance for love ♪ >> reporter: ariana grande was the youngest singer in the lineup. >> mr. president, mrs. obama, how are ya? good to see you. >> reporter: she sang a tribute to the late whitney houston. ♪ love one more time i don't want to hurt anymore ♪ >> reporter: and on this night, honoring the women of soul, who else to bring it home? for "cbs this morning," bill plante at the white house. >> now, there's a party i'd like to be at. >> i was going to say. i wish we were there. >> a little respect. >> r-e-s-p-e-c-t. i think he was trying to think of the words to the song, a little brain fart for the president. >> i did not know she was that impressive. she sounded like whitney had that same pow otherful. >> ariana grande, she's a 20 something, but i love she sang to the president, saying what's up? >> you don't normally have the president and first lady addressed that way. >> what's up? coming up a vegas gambler, but this time the house doesn't win. >> i take full responsibility for getting intoxicated. now to a blackout stage, not really. i believe they just keep bringing me drinks i blame that on them and then continuously letting me gamble and letting me drink, i blame that on them. >> okay! >> all righty then! >> okay! well, now he wants $500,000 back, and he's going to court. i can tell it already, i think. we'll have more ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter comes litter re-invented. 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[ female announcer ] only with abreva. a las vegas player wants $500,000 back because he was in a blackened blackout. >> the gambler tells bill whitaker why the casino should lose this hand. >> picture this. you're walking down the street you're drink, you're drunk, and somebody reaches over and steals your wallet. you think that's right? >> reporter: that's what you think they did to you? >> yes. mm-hmm. >> reporter: mark johnston says he was welcomed to the new downtown grand casino las vegas super bowl weekend. so you are a high roller? >> yes, i've won this amount of money and i've lost this kind of money. >> reporter: $500,000? >> yes. >> reporter: but this time he says was different. >> i'll be honest with you, i was in a complete blackout. i've never been in a blackout before. >> reporter: he said the casino served him so many drinks he estimates between 20 and 30, he has no memory of playing table games all day. what do you think they were doing? >> i believe that they were just trying to take advantage of a player. if you're intoxicated if you're not allowed to gamble. they're supposed to stop you. >> reporter: but, he says, they didn't stop him. and he lost big, $500,000. he's now suing the casino citing nevada's gaming regulations, which forbid permitting persons who are visibly intoxicated to participate in gaming activities, and complimentary service of intoxicating beverages in the casino area to persons who are visibly intoxicated. >> he says that he shouldn't have to pay his losses because he was so drunk. well, then my next thought is well, what if he'd won? if the video surveillance shows someone who has been drinking but just like everybody else has been drinking, this guy is going nowhere. >> reporter: johnston contends the surveillance video is being reviewed. the gaming commission would not confirm that, saying only they opened an investigation. the casino wouldn't comment on a pending lawsuit. what could they possibly gain from this? what were they trying to do? >> gain? how about making money? >> reporter: you were drinking. you got yourself into this situation. you lost the money, because of your drinking. what's your responsibility? >> i take full responsibility for getting intoxicated. now, to a blackout stage, not really. i believe them just keep bringing me drinks i blame that on them and them continuously letting me gamble and letting me drink, i blame that on them. >> reporter: johnston says the casino has offered to settle for less, but, he says, for now he's proceeding with his lawsuit. for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker, los angeles. >> yeah casino is going, no he didn't. some could say he's not taking responsibility for his actions. >> also congratulations to bill whitaker, new correspondent. >> yeah, way looking like a beautiful friday around the bay area. high pressure now building in. a few high clouds drifting in overhead. a couple of patches of fog toward the coastline. looking good over san jose. got some mostly sunny skies, the temperatures a little cool out the door 50s and 40s this morning. by the afternoon though enjoying sunshine and numbers up in the 60s and low 70s. could be a little bit warmer on saturday, maybe some mid-70s. clouds rolling in on sunday chance of rain sunday night into monday. when ukraine's president escaped to russia last month he left behind a modern palace. his opponents took that over as well. "60 minutes" goes inside this new and excessive tourist attraction. that's next on "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] gogurt is specially made to freeze slip into a lunch box and be ready to eat by lunch. so lunchtime is better for everyone. gogurt, it is so good to freeze, thaw, and slurp. i'm pretty sure the back door is locked. anyway, what could happen in a couple of hours, right? when you're worried about things at home it's impossible to think about anything else. adt gives you fast response monitoring for burglary, fire and carbon monoxide. honey? you okay? plus, you can control your home from almost anywhere. [ click ] call now and get adt for just $79. so you can get back to date night. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. [ door knock! ] did you say bounty paper towels are the best?... love it... they're a must? yes, i did. this is viva® vantage and it's different because of the stretch. wow, that's awesome. that stretch means scrubbing power. i never knew paper towels could do that. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. ahead, hunting for the blue river killer. >> i'm tracy smith "48 hours." a dancer and mother of three young kids is found murdered in colorado's rocky mountains. there were secrets. she was afraid for her life. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." your health isn't always easy but you can do it. stay active... get outdoors... eat healthy... and choose colgate total®. it does more than protect it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours in 24 hours starts to fortify enamel, and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you can do it with colgate total®. 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[ male announcer ] toyota. let's go places. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning. we have a "kcbs traffic" update for you. a pretty major accident right now trying to get out of san francisco heading to the lower deck of the bay bridge. the accident just before treasure island eastbound 80. it's an overturn accident, it's a red pickup truck that truck is blocking two lanes. you can see it is beginning to slow already on eastbound 80 on to the skyway so again expect some major delays right now if you are trying to get out to the east bay. i would consider using bart. there's also caltrans roadwork in the area. bay bridge westbound pretty typical for this time of the morning. the metering lights are on so backed up into the macarthur maze. michelle, back to you. >> elizabeth, thank you. two people are rushed to the hospital after an overnight house fire in san jose. firefighters are now considering it a crime scene. two people were badly burned. and fire forced a frightening escape from a second floor apartment in hayward. a 3-year-old was thrown from the window to a neighbor. then a man and a woman jumped. they were hurt and taken to the hospital. the toddler is okay. and a second fire in hayward burns at a carport at an apartment complex near 7th and key streets. huge flames shot into the sky around 4 a.m. no one was injured. stay with us, weather in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later. a great friday around the bay area. a lot of sunshine coming our way. if you are headed out the door, looking good so far. a little cooler this morning, 40s and 50s to begin with. you can see some high clouds overhead already. we'll see a few more passing throughout the day but high pressure building in overhead. these temperatures going to warm up nicely. this afternoon, 60s even some low 70s. even warmer to start out on saturday. chance of showers in the north bay on sunday. ♪ good morning. it's 8:00 in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a u.s. war ship approaches one region. we will go inside the ousted president's secret mansion. also jody cantor from the new york times. she says mormon women are changing their church but hitting a ceiling. back on his feet after a major injury. but first on this march 7th 2014, here is a look at today's "eye-opener at 8:00.." there is political rhetoric and facts on the ground and the fact here is that crimea is being run like it has already joined the russian federation. cbs news confirms another high-ranking military officer faces allegations of sexual assault this morning. potential candidates came here with the party's conservative -- a california man is the focus of international attention. "newsweek" reports that he is the mastermind behind bitcoin. >> i don't know people there. >> seeing him flee the scene and deny it i have to say it's mystifying to me. last night the obama's hosted some of music's biggest stars. a tribute to the women of soul. >> there's a party i would like to be at. a casino is responsible for a drunken blackout. >> i believe they were trying to take advantage of a player. if you are intoxicated you are not supposed to gamble. they are supposed to stop you. >> i know what everybody at home might think. >> yeah, sorry i was drunk. i am charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. russia's foreign ministry says this morning the country will not accept the language of european union sanctions over ukraine, and it warns russia will retaliate. they are discussing a referendum to join russia. >> president obama told russia's president on the phone kwroed that next weekend's vote would violate the constitution. meanwhile, ukraine's new government wants interpole. he ran to russia last month leaving behind the secret a68 valued at $100 million. good morning. >> good morning, charlie, norah and gayle. we wanted to meet the people at the heart of ukraine's revolution. all of them were motivated by the disgust of the rampcorruption. >> this is a prime example of the corruption. >> this is what your revolution was about in a sense, this opulence, this complete lack of respect almost. >> this complete lack of taste as well on top of that. >> on top of that. the size of the fireplace, it's insane. >> it's twice your size. but the point is that this is all stolen money, this is all bribes and corruption and this is nothing that he earned. this is a man of who was sitting two times in prison and one of them for sitting hats and now he builds them for himself. >> the house has become an instant tourists attraction and documents found on the scene indicated that he spent $30 million on the chandeliers alone, and a private elevator with crystals couldn't have been cheap either. some of this want this to be turned into a museum showing the corruption. there was almost no looting when the house was taken over. when we sat down for a chat in the hall, flowers from the old regime just began to wilt. >> for an ordinary ukrainian person, what is the reaction to this? >> shock and outrage. we all knew he was corrupt and stole money, but the quantity of it is mind-boggling in every way. >> so you just asked the question what is the reaction to the ukrainians to all this. tell me what you saw the reaction taking place, how deep and profound their mission is. >> what is extraordinary, this is unfolding at such a break-neck speed. we have seen people overthrow a dictatorship, and now they are staring down the barrel of a russian gun so to speak. i think people feel vigilant and they are still out there in the square and still camped out and don't believe the revolution is over yet. they want to honor the sacrifice of all the people killed. but what is amazing, when you look at the scene at the house and all of these people going to you know sort of taking a look at the spectacle, there is no aggression there. there is no aggression. there is a kind of oh, my goodness, this guy really needed to go, but no anger or aggression. >> what about the people in the revolution because it seems like all walks of life are there when you listen to the people and interviews. >> people out in the street with their lead pipes and shields, and there were billionaires on the bare auricade. >> they were supporting the revolution? >> many were supporting the revolution which may seem counterintuitive, but when you look at the mismanagement of the regime, you see how that is possible. >> you point out so well in the piece that the heart of this is really an economic situation. >> exactly. >> some way the failure of the europeans to act quickly enough with a package, whatever that argument that is there, really the failure and corruption in ukraine, which racesises the question what approval will be needed from the american people. >> they will need a lot from their allies. >> that's sunday night on "60 minutes" right here on cbs. the northwest is bracing for more rain this weekend. just what you want to hear. high temperatures will reach 57 in seattle and 77 in los angeles, and other parts of the country are warming up after weeks below freezing and meteorologist, megan glaros says an extreme weather pattern may be returning this summer. megan, good morning to you. nice to see you, gayle, charlie and norah. we're talking about el nino. is there a potential for el nino to develop. computer models say we will see a warming down around the equator, and pacific ocean will be warm and what that does is kicks off an extreme of events which could mean fewer atlantic hurricanes and more rain in the west, and that is good for drought-stricken california. >> thank you young women are part of a major change in the mormon church, but still only men are allowed in the leadership positions. jody cantor in the green room this morning, she looks at the movement to transform religious rules. that's next on "cbs this morning." movement to trancesform religious rules. that's next on "cbs this morning." you've tried to forget your hepatitis c. it's slow moving, you tell yourself. i have time. after all there may be no symptoms for years. no wonder you try to push it to the back of your mind and forget it. but here's something you shouldn't forget. hepatitis c is a serious disease. if left untreated, it could lead to liver damage and potentially even liver cancer. if you are one of the millions of people with hepatitis c you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. because people like you may benefit from scientific advances. advances that could help you move on from hep c. now is the time to rethink hep c and talk to your doctor. visit to find out about treatment options. and register for a personalized guide to help you prepare for a conversation with your doctor. i did it. i did it too. [ female announcer ] do it. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. visit for details. ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the sun might be shining ♪ ♪ just a little more bright ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i think the stars might be hanging ♪ ♪ just a little more high ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ come on, love ♪ ♪ a new day is calling, and it feels so right ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. right now, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are just $2.77. brew up a great cup for less. folgers is only $6.88. and charmin is $8.99 for 9 mega rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ this morning we look at changing times for one of america's fastest-growing religions. in 2012 the mormon church lowered the age for women to become mission tphaeuries. since signing up the number has tripled. jody cantor is with us and did great reporting. >> thank you. like many religions the mormon church and their hierarchy is dominated by males. do you see that changing at all? >> that is exactly the right question. in the mormon church people generally do believe that women and men were put on earth for different reasons and have different jobs and traditionally only men have been true leaders in the church. however, women want more and more opportunities in the church. in part just because women's lives have changed and they are getting married later and they have been active professionally and some say i make the decisions all week and then i go to church and many of these women are very very attached to their faith and loved it but they said i really want more opportunity to lead i wish i had gone on a mission like my husband, and i wish i could hold my baby during a baby naming but right now that is a job only reserved for men. >> as they gained traction what is the reaction of the male hierarchy in the church? >> it's sensitive. on the one hand the church wants to stay current with the american temporary life and on the other hand they do believe that women's roles as wives and mothers are holy and the real religious responsibility is only for men. they are trying the make the change and update rules, but they really want to do it on their own terms. it's creating some uncomfortable situations, though. >> it has been that way for years, and why are they changing it now? >> because women's lives have changed so much. women who have law degrees, and top scientific researchers, and the internet and women are going online and sharing and comparing. >> there are specific outdated policies within the church? >> well, the one that women cold us really bothers them is having what is considered a pure sex life no premarital sex, you know, and sort of living very traditionally and purely is important in the church and church authorities interview you about that at various points in your life, generally those interviews are done by a male bishop typically an older man, and women told us they are very uncomfortable and intear gated about their sex life. some do it sensitively, but there is potential for error and abuse, and people have been asked very personal questions, and mostly what they said they didn't say i don't want the church to ask me about these things, but they said i want a woman present, a want a woman in the room. >> that article is very revealing. thank you for coming today. a mother of three leaves her own clue behind to find her killer. that's coming up on "cbs this morning" morning". this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by publishers clearing house and ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter comes litter re-invented. 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(announcer) introducing tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. ♪ turn around! ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tempted ♪ ♪ by the chocolate all around ♪ ♪ turn around brian! ♪ ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. tomorrow night "48 hours" examines a murder. one of the biggest breaks in the case came from the mother herself. >> it was the monday before thanksgiving in silver farm very small town colorado. it was a blizzard that night, very cold. and the story we had was that stephanie roller brunner, mother of three, while her young children are asleep, she supposedly goes out for a walk on this cold snowy blizzard night and she disappears into thin air. >> but when stephanie roller's battered body was found four days later under melting snow in the blue rush district attorney mark hurlburg knew that story didn't ring true. >> this was a very very brutal brutal murder. she was hit over the head strangled, and thrown into the blue rush and left to drown and die of hypothermia. >> stephanie's husband dale brunner says he was stunned to get the news. >> my first thought was what happened to her andmy second was my kids. i go, my god, my kids have lost their mom. >> for detective teresa bearing, finding stephanie roller's killer was more than a job. it was an on section. >> i had to focus. i had to do my job and bring that person to justice because she need thad and her children needed that. >> the more detective barger dug the more unsettling the picture. >> each day we looked into stephanie's life we learn thad stephanie had secrets. >> on the surface stephanie seemed to have an ideal life but below the surface there was trouble deep. >> what state was your marriage in. >> it was a juggling act. >> in what sense. >> she wanted out. she said i wantmet someone else. i want to move on. >> the person is someone police want to talk to the boyfriend. police believed ron and soon turned their attention to another suspect. >> i heard the door and there were two police officers. one of them flat out was yelling at me he said did you kill your wife. >> before it was over stephanie roller would become a key witness in her own murder trial testifying from her grave. >> i can't go next to him. with a hand on my throat, didn't scream it. screaming in my face i will kill you if you leave. >> she was afraid for her life. >> tracy smith joins us. she has a fascinating case. what evidence did the police have? >> not a lot. they had no murder weapon no blood evidence, and they had to prove that somebody hit her over the head strangled her, carried her to this river, carried her in with no foot prints not even fingerprints. >> who are the key suspects? >> there are actually three. they looked at the husband. she had a boyfriend and the boyfriend had a wife. >> wow. incredibly somebody whoa's's very very an grel. i'll be watching. you can see tracy's full report tomorrow night on your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning. we have another "kcbs traffic" update for you. trying to leave san francisco, using the lower deck of the bay bridge into oakland, expect some very big delays. these are some pictures taken just moments ago from chopper 5 of the accident on eastbound 80. it's just past the san francisco anchorage before you reach treasure island. they got the overturned truck uprighted as you can see there. it's being towed off the bay bridge right now. i want to show you some live pictures from chopper 5. this is the backup trying to get out of the city. huge delays a parking lot on northbound 101. the backups begin somewhere around candlestick. the skyway is obviously still very slow, as well. and the inbound central freeway we are seeing big delays. you can see from our sensors, 11 miles per hour on the northbound 101 approach leaving san francisco. we'll have another update in half hour. in the meantime, the news headlines, here's michelle. a pair of fires in hayward this morning. the first happened overnight on 7th street. several people jumped out of the window to escape. a carport caught fire on the same street at about 5:00 this morning. investigators believe it may have been arson. a san francisco man is suing skydive monterey bay claiming the company provided him a defective parachute. gerardo flores passed out before hitting the ground in 2012. he said the chute had worn and broken parts. more than 60 chains are affected by a meat recall. the products have been sold in 35 states. investigators believe rancho sold meat from sick cattle. stay with us, weather in just a moment. we have a gorgeous day ahead on this friday, lots of sunshine coming our way, a few high clouds overhead. but looking good from our mount vaca cam. we are going to expect sunny skies the better part of the day just some of those clouds cruising up above. otherwise, the temperatures going to turn out to be very nice. if you plan to led to san jose, we're looking at 68, 69 napa valley, 64 in san francisco. warmer tomorrow, cooling down sunday, chance of showers north of the golden gate bridge sunday into monday. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? 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"los angeles times" remembers the tommy john procedure, and it saved his arm. and that is known now as the tommy john's surgery. that's how hundreds stay in the game. and then "the japan times," famous classical works were made by somebody else. he denied the accusation he is deaf, and he said he could only hear occasionally. how does that work? i can't hear you. and then designed to keep things quiet. the cool fan uses akaosic engineering. in january, the founder told us the secret to the company's success. >> we see difficulties and restrictions and develop technology to overcome that and put it into a product that performs it better. >> the starting price of a cool fan, $370. >> our los angeles station said a blind man survived after being run over by a subway train. he accidentally walked in front off the platform and he fell flat between the tracks and was not hurt. a $2 million lottery prize based on numbers from a fortune cookie. the fortune contained 5 out of the 6 numbers chosen in the drawing. she plans to take a trip to switzerland. >> it will be hard to get a reservation at a noodle shop today. >> cookies anyone? >> nike signed a deal with johnny manziel. he could be the first overall pick in may's nfl draft. pat williams one of the most respected figures in basketball. he won an nba title as the general manager of the philadelphia 76ers featuring you know this guy, dr. j, julius irving and he drafted stars like shaquille o'neal and guided five teams to the nba finals but his life took an unexpected turn back in 2011 and was diagnosed with a form of cancer. he shares his battle in a new book, and it's called the mission is remission. and good morning to you. that did become your battle cry. >> happy to be with you. >> you were the least person for this to happen. you were in great health and ran marathons and exercised and ate right and you go to the doctor's office that day and gets this diagnose. >> yeah the doctor informed me he said you have an illness, and he said what i never heard of and i said what is that? he said that's cancer. that will clear your nostrils out quick. he had kleenex. and why me i have 14 grandchildren to educate? and then i asked the doctor what is the life expectancy and he said two to three years. and he said our job is to keep you alive long enough for all of this new medication that the research foundation is funding and getting in the pipeline. and i said well i am your guinea pig, and let's get on all of it. year four and feel good and we made a lot of progress. >> how does it affect you and where are we in terms of this disease that some friends of mine have as well? >> of course tom brokaw we just got that news a few weeks ago. the good news is that the research foundation has done an awesome job of funding and getting new tests approved by the fda, and they are sure working on me and i feel good. >> is a bone marrow process available for you? >> i had one two years ago, a stem cell transplant and i came out of that feeling quite good. i am encouraging people first of all, get your yearly physical, oh, my goodness and i feel good and i don't like doctors and i will take my chances, that's not good thinking. >> you are right about the attitude. it's so important to have the attitude and support. >> optimism and a positive out look. i got a nice note from arnold palmer, who did the forward for this book, by the way, and his family has been hammered by cancer, and he had prostate cancer and his daughter has dealt with breast cancer, and he wrote and said two things i learned do everything your doctors tell you, and -- i am not -- well do everything your doctors tell you, and keep an upbeat enthusiastic approach to life, and arnold said that's the best advice i can give you and that's good advice. >> we listed your many many accomplishments. were there any lessons you learned from the court from basketball that aapplied to fighting cancer? >> i think it's perseverance. don't give up. that's what i would say. the teams that excel, they battle through the tough times and when they are down they keep grinding, and that's the answer and it's easy to get discouraged with cancer and surrender, but i think you have to keep fighting and battling and above all not giving up on life and staying engaged in life. if you just sit at home worrying over your cancer issues and i have speeches to give and books to write and a basketball team to root for, and there's lots of reasons to live. >> yeah. >> the great legendary coach in his last decade john wooden all of his earnings went to an education fund and i am not that far along, but we have 14 grandchildren to make sure get educated so i have a lot of reasons to keep living. >> that book is on sale now. we have magic to do just for you, and we will show you how one performer these are the hands of a surgeon. a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. ♪ >> you know in the theater, instead of saying good luck you tell the cast to break a leg. we have a story of one broadway performer who faced a real injury and was lucky enough to return to the stage. jamie, good morning. >> good morning, norah. ryan is not your typical broadway star. this year he made a remarkable recovery, a recovery made possible by his incredible strength and the inspiration he drew from his sister. the concern the broadway reviveal of pippen is entertaining. but there is one moment when the show comes to a breath-taking halt. it's a stunt called rollabolla and perched at the top is ryan. he is one of the very few people in the world able to do the trick on five cylinders. >> do you have trepidation doing that trick every night? >> no i don't. i trained very hard on that trick. you have to be really calm on the trick. if you are a little shaky, too much adrenaline, it doesn't work. >> his talent garnered attention when the show opened but then he suffered a devastating injury during a rehearsal. >> you performed with a broken back? >> yes, i did. the show must go on. and the pain had gotten substantial. it was hurting a lot, and i started to sweat when i warmed up or did tricks, and i went back to the doctor and i said this is not right. >> griffith said the support of his wife producers and cast mates carried him through the next painful months and so did his sister victoria when he broke down had he told her the news. >> i cried, obviously. not in front of him. >> they were born into a british circus family and each of the eight kids trained as clowns and next as acrobats and then when they were 7 and 9, they were performing in vienna when an accident shook the family. >> we were playing hide and seek, and my sister climbed on the train -- >> climbed into volts of electricity. my clothes were on fire. >> the explosion was so loud and i remember them saying it shook and rvs. >> i was put into a coma. >> did you think you lost your sister forever? >> i remember standing there with all my brothers and sisters, and -- uh just not knowing. >> victoria lost an arm in the accident. the family moved to the u.s. so she could be treated at the shiner's hospital in springfield, massachusetts. >> just go down and back up. >> amazingly, it was not long before she was back to her old tricks. to this day, don't be surprised to find a one-armed cyclist in the parking lot of the shiner's hospital. in the meantime the rest of the family took their act to the city streets across the united states. ryan's obvious skills began to get noticed by the circus community, including snyder who performed in pippen. >> he goes and says let's do this together. are you ready? do you want to play? >> after a long recovery ryan is back to thrilling audiences as fearless as before. broadway offered him things he never had, a steady job, a bank account and a permanent address, and since his injury perspective. >> it changes you. like i had four months 4 1/2 months to sit there and just go through my head why it happened and why it happened to me and it happened to make me better. >> guys it was on the grounds of that shiner's hospital where 14-year-old ryan was doing summersaults and caught the eye of his wife. >> i didn't know you could move with a broken back? >> he has such incredible strength. his muscles kept it in place, and that's why he did not know at first. >> the play i want to go and see now is pippen. >> you are watching "cbs this morning." [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver your tv goes where you take it allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪ ♪ thichg we've got something good here. >> very good. it's nice. be sure to tune in to "cbs evening news" tonight with scott pelley. as we leave you, take a look at this week. >> russian troops are going to stay in ukraine until the situation normalizes. >> russia's on the wrong side of history on this. >> the only thing that vladimir putin understands is tough. >> they want yanukovych brought back here preferably in a cage. >> ail be the abt to be called on. >> a pregnant mother drove her minivan into d ocean. >> court greed that's driving them. >> i spend close to $5,000 on my classroom every year. >> of your own money? >> we all d. >> it made it up out of the hole. not to many karrs could do that. >> close it down. >> i am a member of the united states of america. >> can you take it? i can't get everybody in here. >> we crashed and broke twitter. >> laissez les bons temps rouler. that's what they say in new orleans. >> that guy had a good time. >> he sure did. ♪ o sometimes i get a good feeling ♪ >> why is it called tinder? >> tinder is actually -- why the [ bleep ] is it called tinder? >> is it called a hamster wheel? >> no i wouldn't call it a hamster wheel. >> probably fair to say -- >> you know him, charlie. does he always speak like that? he always scream like that when he's talking? >> vampire bats they can run. if you look at the dirty places you might find beautiful, beautiful unexpected things. >> how do you respond to the criticism about it? >> welcome to the crackhouse. >> maybe you haven't heard. >> did you say, i'm going to be so good that they're going to have to keep me? >> i thought cripey i have no idea. >> r-s-p itdserer-e-c-t. >> they can last 8 to 12 hours. >> right now? >> what dawes that mean. >> like mr. right now. >> hi, charlie. >> hospital.. after an overnight house fire in san jose. firefighters are now considering it's 8:55. time for some news headlines. two people are rushed to the hospital after an overnight house fire in san jose. firefighters are now considering it a crime scene. two people were badly burned. fire forced a frightening escape from a second floor apartment in hayward. a 3-year-old was thrown from the window down to a neighbor. then a man and a woman jumped. they were hurt and taken to the hospital. the toddler is okay. a second fire in hayward burned at a carport at an apartment complex near 7th and sea streets. flames shot into the sky around 5 a.m. no one was injured. with the forecast, here's lawrence. we have great weather coming our way on this friday a lot of sunshine outside as high pressure builds in. a few high clouds. otherwise, we are going to see plenty of sunshine throughout the day and spring-like temperatures. high pressure now moving in. you see some of those clouds rolling over the top of that ridge. otherwise, though, what a gorgeous afternoon. how about this for nice? 69 degrees in napa. 68 degrees in san jose. and 64 degrees in san francisco. as we look forward to the weekend, we're enjoying some mid-70s in parts of the interior valleys on saturday but the clouds rolling in on sunday. chance of showers north of the golden gate bridge and better chance of rain for everyone late sunday night into monday. >> we are going to check out your "kcbs traffic" coming up. good morning. another check of your "kcbs traffic." there is still a lot of gridlock on freeways around san francisco. trying to get out of the city, northbound 101 and northbound 280 now, a lot of gridlock. a lot of traffic jams because of an earlier accident on the lower deck of the bay bridge. eastbound 80 before treasure island, all lanes were reopened about 30 minutes ago but give yourself some extra time. that 101 approach jammed solid to candlestick. in the commute direction, we're still seeing delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights were turned on shortly after 6:00. and you are still backed up into the macarthur maze. but again, that accident eastbound shouldn't have impacted the westbound commute. san mateo bridge we also had an earlier crash on the western signed of the span. still slow leaving hayward as you can see from that drive time nearly a half hour taking you to foster city. wayne: let's go! you've got $20,000. (screams) i got a monkey, i got a monkey. jonathan mangum, fitness profession-oh. - you're wayne brady. wayne: yes. - who wants to make a deal!? jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal" i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in, let's get to it, one person, who wants to make a deal? (cheers and applause) come here, piggy, jennifer. hey, oh. come here, piggy. come with me, come with me. oh, hey. you're jennifer. - yes, sir. wayne: now what do you do? - i'm a nursing student. wayne: a nursing student. where does one go to nursing school? - wake tech. wayne: wake tech? - yes, sir. wayne: where is wake tech? - raleigh, north


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20130219

jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapeños, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese. ♪ you're a - a hot mess ♪ and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, skydivers blame him for what went wrong. . this is kpix 5 news. call 911. his own camera captured the parachute accident that nearly killed him. >> i put my trust and i put my life on the line tonight why other sky divers blame him for what went wrong: gooevending. i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken. nobody saw this coming. a nasty backlash against the man you just saw there. kpix 5's allen martin told us the sky diver's story last week. tonight allen tells us the man who almost died is now getting hate mail. >> it happened last summer on gerardo flores's 30th jump. seconds after leaving the plane his parachute deployed early and according to an investigation improperly. >> they actually locked the parachute in a big spin like a funnel and you start dropping. >> the tail spin lasted 20 mntz during which flor,s spaszed out. his camera captured the entire fall. minutes after our story aired irate comments in all blaming him for the accident. the comments were vicious. i am very disappointed that you are still alive said one. you were rewarded with pain. stay out of my sky said another. >> could have been something as simple as an e-mail campaign to smear mr. flores. >> flores's attorney believes the sky diving community is demonizing flores to distract from the potential responsibility of the school. >> we do believe there's many violations by sky dive monterey. the equipment was in a serious state of disrepair. >> an faa report found a critical velcro closing flap on the parachute container was completely worn, and the parachute's rigging had not prompting the inspector to note these lines should have been replaced. >> it's a report. it's subjective. >> after avoiding our interview request for weeks the school's jackie bar rxack made hearst available. >> any knots in the rigging is an event of how he deployed. it's nothing we had done prior to thiz jump. absolutely not. >> as for the worn-out velcro. >> the way that he landed with his container hitting the ground could wear out any number of things. >> she's convinced the main factor was flores's use of a camera. >> in a recent interview flores showed us how he placed that camera inside the glove of his left hand. >> so i still have my finger rings, my hand was never a problem. >> i had no idea. we would never allow thim to jump with a camera. >> only very experienced sky divers use hand cams. >> this is very intrusive way to set this up and no, not one person in sky diving would arrange something like this. >> the uspa's director of safety and training agrees. >> uspa has -- has guidelines that people shouldn't jump with a camera with less than 200 jumps of experience. >> jim crouch admits it's a guideline, not a regulation, but throughout the years this shm of guidelines has contributed to a ten told reduction in -- in fatalities in sky diving in the u.s.. >> but uspa guidelines also suggest at least 100 jumps before sky diving above 15,000 feet yet sky dive monterey bay promotes the world's highest jumps at 18,000 feet and confirms flores often jumped from that height. >> the final faa report is still pending so we don't know exactly what caused flores's chute to deploy prema churly but the u.s. parachute association guidelines consider a premature di employment, a serious incident especially for a novice. >> i remember from your first report, he was unconscious before he hit the ground. have they figured out what caused him to lose consciousness. >> not exactly. several experts we talked to speculates that possibly the leg harness was cutting off his circulation. that caused him to pass out and obviously lose control. >> he was in a pretty high altitude. >> they was in ha with the pult for a long time. >> thank you for that report. first the temperature change plunge. now, paul says we're about to see another big change in the weather. paul. >> we've got some rain fall coming and high deaf doppler picked up showers earlier this oevening. that has moved through. there's nothing on the radar now but this will be different when you wake up tomorrow morning get the kids off to school and head to work. here's the rain fall heading in our direction. i'll stop the clock there around 11:00 in the morning with widespread soaking rain fall, something we need. snow levels going to develop tomorrow. locations like mount st. helena, mount hamilton, mount diablo will be getting snow showers tomorrow. stick around. coming up in a few minutes. >> all right. thank you. new trouble tonight for a bay area mom you may remember. christine hubb spent time in prison for having sex with her kid's teenage friends. now, kpix has learned why she's become behind bars. . >> the department of corrections tells me that hub's parole officer busted her with pornography. that was enough to send a lifetime sex offender back to santa rita jail. >> back in 2010, christine hub the mother of three cried as she was charged for having sex with two 14-year-old boys including one who was her daughter's boyfriend. hub would serve two and a half years before being released, but the department of corrections says she's back behind bars again. she was arrested friday night in hayward during a routine compliance check, hub's parole officer discovered that she was in possession of pornography a felony parole violation for hub. hub had became known nationally as hummer mom for the suv she troef the teens around in, in livermore. she was originally sentenced to five years in jail and was paroled after half that time. hubs will have a hearing to determine what happens next. according to state law she could spend up to a year behind bars for this violation. live in dublin, kpix 5. some extra patrols on a college campus tonight after a rapist attacked a woman out for a walk at lunchtime. it happened at uc santa cruz between upper cory amp theater and the classroom unit buildings. kpix 5 kip doe says the woman gave police a very good description. >> the victim is now out of the hospital. she was beaten up pretty badly but kept heifer wits about her. she gave police a description they say has an amazing amount of detail. within minutes of completing a suspect sketch, officers began posting fliers at bus stops leading in the campus. we saw students following police tips to not walk alone. the mood, shock and fear. >> it happened in the middle of the day, and i think that's something that's really scary. it's unfair to not be able to, like walk around campus by myself. >> the attack happened at 12:30 yesterday afternoon on a wooded path near the amp theater. at near any six feet tall and 200 pounds, the suspect overpowered the victim, raped her and severely beat her in the head and torso but she got a good description. green eyes dark hair, tattoo on his right shoulder and buy accept a deep growly voice and he reeked of cigarettes. >> it's shocking. you know, it's not to suggest that crime doesn't occur on our calm pus. it's just that this is -- this -- this is not the norm. >> the secluded redwood forest setting, part of the campus's charm has been tainted in a blirng by one man. >> as far as, like, the safety issue that -- that kind of takes away from the scenery because like, you want to be able to enjoy it, go out and have fun with friends and stuff. >> i have felt safe on campus and now i don't. it's literally completely changed in one day. >> and so last week, there was a robbery where a student was robbed at a bus stop while she was waiting at night and then shot in the back of the head. the student survived. that happened just two miles from where we are right now so this is really shaken the campus community. they'll be holding a public forum on wednesday at 7:00 p.m.. live in santa cruz, kpix 5. did you see what happened at cal last night? take a look at this. basketball coach mike montgomery shoved star player allen crabbe during the come from behind win. after the game montgomery said it was meant to snap this star out of a funk and it worked. he later apologized saying he went too far. >> i was trying to get him going. probably overdid it a little bit, but allen is my guy. i need him to be going. we can't win if he's not ready to play. >> the coach got a reprimand from the pac-12 but so far no suspension. says minute dpomly deserves to be befrnled for at least one game. the city of san jose needed to save some money so it decided to turn off street lights in many areas. it turned out it wasn't such a bright idea. kpix 5's linda ye tells us why they are turning them bab on. lain linda. >> well, ken for the past three years they did turn lights off in neighborhoods like this one where there's primarily industrial and warehouses and soft the roadways. as you can imagine there weren't a lot of people walking on the streets, but it became a problem for the surrounding neighborhoods. >> 900 street lights were turned off saving the city nearly a hun thousand dollars a year in energy bills but when darkness fell some people felt they were prisoners in their own neighborhoods. >> it is kind of scary because you -- you -- you can't always see what's going on, you know, and then, like, we walk the dogs at nighttime and we only go around the corner and then back because we're -- you know, we don't want to be too far from the house because it's dark. >> it was mostly lights out on main arteries of the city, but even those lights are slowly coming back on. the blackouts caused problems, especially in allen rock. >> we have seen the rising graffiti in certain areas a lot of property crime. one thing that the streets are relying on is lights from the property. that's -- you know, it's not acceptable. we need street lights to get turned back on. >> the city council just approved the cost to eventually bring all the lights back on. they'll be phased in at around 200 lights a month. >> a general recognition that we have a rise in crime problem. we need to do everything we can to put a damper on it and turning lights on is the simplest way to start. >> so, you see lights like this in this neighborhood off heading in san jose, well, they are a welcome site. city leaders figure it'll be the next three to four months and all 900 lights that they did shut off will be back on. live in san jose, cbs 5. coming up a motive in the new town, connecticut shooting. the other infather and motherous mass murder add an lanza mrooefs he was competing with. why facebook doesn't have to pay any taxes on the money it made last year: plus hundreds of jobs up for grabs and hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. [ female announcer ] try new honey nut cheerios medley crunch, with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, get whatever you want, baby. let's just share a 20 piece. [ internal ] 20 mcnuggets, for only $4.99? she's beautiful smart and sensible. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's extra value menu. the simple joy of having more to love. ♪ ♪ for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. hook elementary school.. was obsessed with another mass . cbs news has learned that the man who killed 26 people at sandy hook elementary school was obsessed with another mass murderer and trying to out do him. >> law enforcement sources tell cbs news that adam lanza saw himself as being in direct competition with anders brevik an norwegian man who killed 77 people in july, 2011. he killed 8 with a bombing in town town oslo. he then moved to a nearby island where he shot and killed 69 people, mostly teenagers atinding a summer camp. two officials who have been briefed on the newtown investigation say lanza wanted to target his death toll and targeted nearby sandy hook elementary because it was quote the easiest target with the largest cluster of people. based on evidence they have collected investigators also believe lanza was acting out the fantasies of a video shooting game. officials have not publicly revealed precisely what led them toth motive but sources say nfthers have found evidence lanza was obsessed with brevik. . >> now, police are reaching out to people in the online gaming community who may have had encounters with lanza to better understand the full scope of what motivated him. it's one of the bay area's most successful companies but facebook doesn't have to pay a dime on the money it made. it raked in more than a billion dollars in profits last year, but according to a tax watch dog group because of a loophole, facebook doesn't owe the irs anything. in fact, it's getting a refund, $429 million. what's going on here? facebook got a billion-dollar tax break because of how executive stock options were priesd, and it's all perfectly legal. looking for a job? well you're in luck. there are hundreds of openings at the bay -- in the bay area right now, and you don't need any tech know how. julie waut says they're eel even help pay for your groceries. >> star mc fwshgsowan began working at whole foods when she was just 15, a natural career choice for this now pastry chef since her mom worked here, too. >> after school i would come stay with her until she got off of work. >> before long she began working at the retailer. started in 1980 with just under 20 people in its flag ship store in texas. the company now boasts 73 thousand employees with 400 stores and growing. >> we have 150 positions available. >> store manager jeremiah newman says the company is on a hiring push. in addition toth current openings whole foods is expanding with three new bay area stores resulting in about 500 new jobs, and there are plenty of employee perks like discounted froeslys and company stocks while some applicants come in with specialized skills, managers say a good attitude is the primary prerequisite. >> for folks who don't have a college degree are there opportunities here to come this as an entry-level employee and move up through the ranks. >> yes. i started 15 years ago and came in as a bagger on the front end. >> that entry-level job turned into a successful career, a path star hopes to replicate. she's already well on her way. star began as a baggers and quickly moving up through culinary ranks. >> where do you see yourself ten years from now. >> hopefully being a bakery team leader. >> more information about opportunities at whole foods and other bay area companies head to slash consumer watch. >> thank you julie. the starting wage at whole foods in san francisco is 11.25 an hour. well after the huge meteor blast comes the meteor rush. that's right. russian scientists confirming they have found more than 50 small meteorites on the surface of that frozen lake. now, locals are rushing to comb through the snow and ice trying to get their happeneds on some meteorites valued at get this $2,200 a gram. that is 40 times the value of gold. the fragments are made of just rock and a bit of iron. >> $2,200. >> yeah. makes you want to jump into an icy lake, doesn't it. >> almost. i have to put on one of those wet suit sfwls not going to get that cold around here, but certainly was pretty chilly change today, wasn't it? probably hit you oun the way out. not 70 anymore is it. we're right back to winter. here's a peek at what well. winter weather advisory. good news here it's ski week for a lot of resorts and we need the snow in the mountains like putting money in the bank. we're putting water in the bank for summertime. 4 to 8 inches of new snow for tomorrow night. we'll see some rain around here tomorrow but right now high deaf doppler is dry. tomorrow morning different story. we need to make up some rain. 4 inch deficit san jose, nearly that for livermore more than half a foot for san francisco. we'll get some of that back tomorrow as the cold front is working its way through the bay area we've got a shield of rain fall from seattle. it's that rain right here that will be pushing down toth south and east and likely impacting your drive to work. we'll talk about this front. this likely will be the wets day of the week. it eat be a soggy day from start to finish. some of you may get a half an ifrmg of rain from this but then the moisture tap gets cut off. all the moisture will stay up in washington and oregon. we don't get it. we'll stay chilly, breeze circumstances temperatures not hitting 60 until friday. let's talk about tomorrow. our computer is predicting a little more than a quarter inch of raven fall for san francisco nearly half aven inch for concord, hayward and mrez son ton and about one-third of aven inch for santa rosa. slight chance of thunderstorm tomorrow with that ryan snow level dropping to 2,#50 00 feet. chilly and please si but dry for the rest of the week. highs tomorrow chilly, 14 grow bes low average for san jose, only 51. palo alto 51, los gatos 50 degrees. only 50 with those showers tomorrow and chilly for mill valley and san francisco low 50s, that's it. we're dry wednesday through friday, but we stay cool and breezy. another chance of showers on saturday then get back toth low 60s by sunday and monday. got the cold part of winter back. we do not have the wet part. tomorrow is about it when it comes to rain. >> we only have one-half. we need both. >> we need a whole pizza pie not just half. coming up how two bay area women are dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. every time someone chooses finish over cascade, it sparks a movement. look ! no ugly spots ! and see that shine ! you've got to try finish. because once they try finish they can't keep it to themselves. i'm switching for good. wow ! awesome ! finish is seriously good. cannot believe how great it works. incredible shine. i won't use anything else. love, love, love finish ! so far over a million neighbors, friends, and family have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide. the ambulance can't always get there in time. kpix 5's oduces us to 2 . every second counts when someone's been shot. unfortunately the ambulance can't always get there in time. kpix 5's david jackson introduces us to two bay area women who are saving lives by teaching regular people to play paramedic. >> in oakland they are overworked and undermanned. both police and paramedics respond to shootings and 911 emergencies, but victims still often die, sometimes because police will not allow paramedics to enter a dangerous crime scene. that's why thomas and fill lips decided to create people's community medics and start saving lives in oakland themselves. >> as soon as we arrive at a situation, we just try to help people in the best way that we can. >> and people paramedics has worked well with the real paramedics. >> we have a good relationship with them. all we doing is adding a cushion in between the time that they get there. that's all. that's basically what we're doing. we're assisting them. >> the oakland police department is warly of citizens working at a crime scene but agrees that saving lives should come first and praises people's paramedics for training citizens to care and respond. for an organization like this, sometimes their work just comes down to simple luck and timing. two months ago there was shooting right here near the intersection of 61st and san pablo avenues and thomas happened to be just five blocks away when it happened. she responded immediately, and it's something that's appreciated by the local businesses and the residents. >> i think that thank god that somebody is willing to step up and help because if we get toth point where we don't step in and help then you're going to lose a lot of lives innocent live sfls there is no perfect answer to violent crime but sifl yavens, as paramedics can and often do help and the idea is now spreading to cities all adaughters or sons country. in oakland david jackson kpix 5. the giants have named their opening-day starter, and it looks like the players need save them. woolite everyday cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer. was hanging with the a's in .. . our baseball spring training coverage continues right here on kpix 5. dennis odonnell was hanging with the a's in phoenix. >> thank you. hello, everybody from the desert. the big news out of giants camp today for the first time in four years the pitcher not named will start the opener. matt cane will throw against the dodgers on april 1st and why do they call it spring training? let me show you. a machine was used to lift pop flies to a's today. problem was nobody seemed to be able to catch them, not even fwoel glover josh reddick. cheers rang out when a player actually caught a baseball. one told me he'd never seen anything like it but it turns out there may have been a reason. >> we had a little trouble with the machine. it was throwing up some knucklers up there. that was the sun field so there were different issues. over in the other field you wouldn't have been asking me these questions sgluk bet reddick won't let that happen when the real deal begins. the wrestling fanatic was showing off his wwe belt and sporting a new luke. at first glance i thought the as had signed jeremiah johnson but one teammate coined a different name for the right fielder. >> hill billy jesus with his fake country accent that he uses from wherever he's from. >> i think it's kansas. they try to be red necks down there. >> i love it. just let red be red and laugh at it as he walks by. >> they may have lost brandon and johnny but you can bet that hilly billy jesus is going to keep it loose. >> back to you. all right. dennis some sobering news. jerry the owner of the lakers passed away today in los angeles after a lengthy battle with cancer. bust controlled the team in 1979 and won ten nba championships in 16 trips toth league finals. he was 80 years old. time now for the monday night top five no. 5 brittany guideliner of baylor reach it had 3,000 point plateau. no. 1 baylor wins at no. 3 uconn by six. no. 4 james madison needs a miracle to beat delaware and they get it. allie-oop with sun second left. no. 3, never good to get hit in the man zone. patrick iliash taking it from eric. no. 2, college ball. that is free throw? really? all right. and no. 1, check this out. >> that's a free throw. >> half court shot hit by university coach gil chung. he won a free tuition for a student. >> oh my gosh. >> pick anybody. he picked the coach. good choice. coach hits the half-point shot. free tuition. that guy is the ñáçwçñ


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