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Transcripts For KCSMMHZ Journal 20130117

we begin in algeria where there are conflicting reports coming in from the southeast of the country. several hours ago, it was reported some foreigners and algerian workers had managed to escape from the gas facility where dozens of hostages are being held by extremists. now, a mauritanian news agency is reporting that as many as 35 hostages and 15 of their captors have been killed in air strikes by the algerian armed forces. there has been no independent confirmation, though, of that news yet. >> one group linked to al qaeda claimed the hostage-taking was in retaliation for the french intervention in neighboring mali, where french troops are moving deeper into territory still under rebel control. further north, the french air force is targeting a legend rebel positions. the unrest is now fear to be spilling across the border into algeria where the country's army has surrounded the scene of the hostage-taking. at least 20 foreigners are among the hostages. among them are workers from norway, france, and britain. >> events at the remote gas plant unfolded rapidly with conflicting reports about the number of hostages who escaped before the algerian military launched an air strike. the regional news agency said the operation resulted in many casualties. >> the situation there is confusing. i am in constant contact with algerian officials to find the best way out of this. i will not say precisely how many french people could be in captivity. what counts is allowing the algerians to free them. >> in an interview, and employees spoke about how the drama began on wednesday. he said, "they attacked the sites simultaneously come storming in, and once it was daylight, they gathered us all." the commando is led by an algerian extremists, seen here in an older video message. he wants to end the french intervention in malki which has whichmal -- mali which has you in backing. the extremist group al qaeda in the islamic margaret, which says it carried out the attack, is viewed as extremely dangerous. >> they are a threat. they are a threat to our country. they are a threat to the world. wherever they locate and try to establish a base for operations, i think that constitutes a threat that all of us have to be concerned about. >> officials are clearly worried that the hostage-taking could be followed by further incidents. >> as we heard there, the hostage-takers in algeria are demanding that france and its intervention in mali. first of all, a very fast-moving situation. we are getting reports of the air strike by the algerian military, possibly 35 hostages dead. what are you hearing about that? >> it is clear something is going on because the british foreign officers have confirmed that they have been told by algerian is that some kind of operation has been launched by security forces there. what we are getting out to the mauritanian capital on the website agency which is quite well-connected and has been broadly accurate since this began is that there have been attacks by helicopters on the site of the hostage takers, and it would happen when hostage- takers were trying to move hostages around the site, and helicopters fired on them with some kind of missile, and they are saying 34 hostages and 15 hostage-takers were killed. we have no way of verifying that, but as i say, it is clear something has happened. >> of course, we will be watching that closely for an independent verification. obviously, this hostage-taking was an extremely immediate retaliation for what france has been doing. what is france saying about the hostage crisis? >> we have to be careful in the way we assess the hostage crisis and how it all happen. yes, it does seem that -- inevitable that there is a link with the mali situation. on the other hand, it is not something which could have just been cooked up at the spur the moment. it may well have been a planned weeks and months in gestation, very well-prepared, and it was the trigger of the mali operation which set it off. what the french are saying is it just proves the extreme nature of the danger facing westerners, western interest in this part of the world and how it has made all the more necessary the kind of intervention they have taken in mali, but i think in the back of everyone's minds is the way this is internationalizing this conflict. the implications of this are really quite considerable, given that there are americans, there are british. algerians themselves are involved in this. it shows you how the mali conflict, launched a week ago, is taking on regional and even world-scale applications. >> thanks very much for that. >> meanwhile, european union nations are stepping up efforts to fight rebels in mali. eu foreign ministers in brussels for talks there. nato approved a mission to send 200 military trainers to help mali's forces. >> and they are considering other ways to help the government. the first troops from the african-led mission are due to arrive today. >> for more, we are joined by our brussels correspondent. the eu has agreed to send military personnel. do we have any idea what this mission will look like? >> it is important to stress first of all that the idea is not new. back in december, they agreed they saw the situation and said they would send down a couple of hundred instructors -- of around 200 instructors -- to train the army, and now, of course, in light of recent developments, this mission will be sped up, which means 200 instructors or 250 will be sent down. they will instruct the army in terms of basic military training, but also in the field of international and humanitarian law and how to protect civilians. there are not many details yet in the number -- and the number of people deployed to the ground could rise again. all we know is that the training mission will be led by a french commander. >> how has the mission been affected by the hostage situation? >> we have heard from our paris correspondent and everyone here in brussels agrees this crisis is expanding. it is becoming a crisis of the whole region, so of course that has an impact also on the mission. the eu has said that they will not get involved in combat activities, but like i said earlier, the number of people deployed on the ground could rise, especially to protect instructors on the ground so we could see easily the numbers doubled to, say, 500 people deployed on the ground in the next couple of days. >> thanks very much for this. >> how much is at stake in mali? it has already had an impact on algeria. >> france says its mission is essential to stop mali falling into the hands of terrorists completely, but what kind of conflict is it getting into? >> by some estimates, just 2000 rebels control mali's north. can that be possible? the fighters use pickup trucks to move from town to town, and they know their way are around. it is unclear what kind of foreign support they are receiving. but the influence of the mali- based islamic organization al qaeda stretches across northwest africa from iraq. so it is likely there is support from abroad. the major fear is that rebels could flee across mali's porous borders and spawned a long- lasting guerrilla war. some observers see parallels between france's intervention and the international mission in afghanistan. that was supposed to be a limited-term deployment. it became a long war, but one political experts as comparing the conflict makes no sense. >> the people in mali are not as supportive of radical elements as was the case in afghanistan. and i would say that the countries that are intervening are deciding themselves what they are getting involved in. that is a huge difference to afghanistan. no one knew at the outset what they were getting into. >> french president francois hollande has set the bar high for the mission. his aim is to liberate no. mali and to stabilize the country over the long term. international community has largely backed the intervention, but whoever joins the fight likely faces a long and difficult war. >> countries like mali need to establish a stable government capable of guaranteeing security to its people. and not just security, but also living conditions that will prevent people from supporting terrorists. >> elections had been planned for april. that is now completely up in the air. even if the military intervention is a short one, mali is likely to remain politically unstable for some time to come. >> coming up, floods are causing havoc in the indonesian capital. >> first, here's a look at some of the news. >> syrian activists are reporting a new massacre by government forces. the syrian observatory for human rights says pro-assad troops killed more than 100 civilians on tuesday. witnesses are reported as saying troops hunting rebel fighters slotted entire families, including women and children -- slaughtered entire families including women and children. >> new demands come as pakistan's chief anti- corruption official refused the supreme court order to a rust -- arrest the prime minister over lack of evidence. m in the u.s. president's gun control proposals face an uncertain future. there's no majority in either house of congress with resistance from both republicans and democrats. gun supporters have also launched an advertising campaign against obama's move. the proposals including a ban on assault weapons in response to last month's school massacre in newtown. >> bush fires continue to rage in australia. dozens of homes have been destroyed, and firefighters are struggling to keep the situation under control. more fires are expected this weekend as even higher temperatures and winds are forecast. >> in indonesia, heavy monsoon rains have triggered severe flooding in much of the capital, paralyzing daily lives. at least four people are reported dead, and thousands have had to evacuate their homes. >> authorities have been setting up emergency shelters, and have faced the flood alert -- raised the flood alert. more heavy rain is forecast for the next few days. >> jakarta has come to a standstill. muddy waters of to two meters high in the city center have forced many government offices and businesses to close. people simply cannot get to work. >> i am really sad. i am trying to reach my store, but there is no transportation, no trains, or even a motorbike. but i will keep trying to get there. >> some 20,000 residents have been forced from their homes and evacuated into makeshift emergency shelters. >> my house is totally flooded up to the second floor. i got all my family and children out. now we are here. >> little relief is in sight over the next few days with weather officials predicting more heavy rain. the government has promised to provide food and supplies to those affected. almost half of jakarta lies below sea level, making flood and landslides a frequent occurrence during the wet season. >> we will be back in a minute. >> we will be looking at boeing's dreamliar. just about the entire global fleet has been grounded. we will be looking at that. -- boeing's dreamliner. >> welcome back. aviation authorities worldwide have grounded the boeing 787 dreamliner over safety concerns following battery problems with a stated the our aircraft, including one that led to an emergency landing. >> this is the first time since back in 1979 that a u.s.-built plane has been grounded on such massive scale. it is a huge blow as well to the image of boeing, which has marketed the plan as the future of air travel -- marketed the plane as the future of air travel. >> the decision came overnight. six planes operated by united airlines have been barred from taking off. european regulators followed suit. the 787 had been about to leave chicago to return to poland. >> confirming that they have cancelled the inaugural departure from chicago to warsaw. the plane has just arrived safely, landed just now about five minutes ago. the reason for the cancellation is that both boeing and the faa had issued a recommendation to our board in warsaw to cancel the flight. >> passengers were booked on to other flights. most were unfazed. >> my husband was flying, and i really do not want to take any risk. i would rather have him fly either tomorrow or take some flight tonight by different airplane lines. >> officials have reacted swiftly to the latest incidents. wednesday, a dreamliner made an emergency landing in japan because of issues with its batteries. the grounding could prove disastrous for boeing, which has its future writing on the aircraft. the investigation could take weeks. >> for more on the business fallout of all of this, let's go to frankfurt. whenever we talk about blowing, you also have to talk about its sworn enemy. will lead to be licking its lips -- will it be in jeopardy licking its lips of the extra orders? >> they will be getting more orders, but not necessarily because of the dream minor. airbus sold 13 less planes than boeing last year, and now the forecasts are pretty optimistic. investors liked the story and the outlook, so they raised eads shares. also the market in general is up now because of new economic data coming from the u.s. housing data has been better than expected. this gave a boost to shares said that the dax is up by nearly 1%. euro stoxx 50 rising by about 0.75%. there have been some hints that the debt crisis might be solved and that many states are in a pretty good way. >> thanks for that. >> it is election year here in germany. this september, angela merkel will bid for another four years running the country, and this weekend, there's an early test for her coalition. >> ahead of that, merkel and her government have been touting their economic credentials today in parliament. their message -- while growth is slowing this year, germany has weathered the euro crisis pretty well. >> merkel is counting on that message winning the day both this weekend and in september, but the opposition has other ideas. >> with an important state election coming up this weekend in lower saxony, the campaign rhetoric is getting hotter. reporting on the condition of germany's economy, the economics minister was keen to take as much credit as possible for record employment numbers, rising income, and falling debt. >> it is no accident that our economy is in good shape. it is no accident that new jobs are being created every day. they were created by the efforts of the german people, but they were also created by this governing coalition from >> but the opposition social democrats promptly pounced on the economics minister's claims. >> if you had anything to do with economic growth, then you have heard growth even more than you have hurt your own party's election results. >> the man who hopes to take chancellor merkel's job later this year accused her of failing to recognize the dangers of an unrestrained financial system. >> for too long, the government has tried to pretend it is all just a debt crisis of other individual countries, but that is only part of the story. now the truth is going to hit you in german taxpayers where it hurts. >> merkel and her cabinet are now hoping economies across europe will start to pick up before the election. those hopes received a boost with news that the european central bank sees growing confidence among financial markets. >> time to move on to sports now. more bad news for former bicycle racing champion lance armstrong. the international olympic committee had stripped him of the bronze medal he won in the 2000 olympics in sydney. >> armstrong has already lost the seven tour de france victories he won after being found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs. later today, an interview in which he reportedly admits to using drugs is to be broadcast on u.s. tv. and now to a soccer sensation that has taken pretty much everyone by surprise. barcelona's former coach will take over as bayern munich. >> guardiola was the hottest coaching property and head office on the table. instead of rushing up on his english, he is taking a crash course in german. >> it is a done deal, and bayern cannot wait to welcome their new coach. he will take the reins at the end of the season. it was the result of months of negotiations. journalists descended on the club in large numbers, but they were to be disappointed. >> there's nothing more to add. >> guardiola will take over coaching duties from the retiring coach. >> he's a fantastic coach with loads of experience. he's just the right man. he's also young. by the time he arrives in july, he should be able to speak german well. >> he has already won all the top honors in european club football. he took barcelona to no fewer than 14 titles in his four years at the club. he then left for a year of the game. all of europe's top clubs were chasing his signature. few expected him to put pen to paper at bayern. now it is hoped he can bring some spanish flair to bavaria. >> the coach has to be strong, passionate, and have the energy to enjoy every single game. >> the triple would be the perfect leaving president before the current coach hands over. >> despite the sweltering heat, it was a good day for the world's top seeds at the australian open. both serena williams and victoria made it in the third round. >> in the midst contest, -- german #1 also made it through. it is a moving story full of ups and downs and featuring an unsung hero of modern life. >> yes, it is the story of an escalator. the moving staircase is celebrating its birthday. the first one went into operation in new york 120 years ago. >> during the years, escalators have come a long way. >> as darkness falls, it becomes more than just a mode of transport -- it looks like a work of art. this escalated takes visitors into a museum, a former coal mined in western germany. it is an arrival in style. >> the color, this orange is not because it was thought up by the stardust architecture -- architect. it is made to symbolize the glow of smoldering steel. >> it is 58 meters long, 24 meters up, and has an incline of 27 degrees. it takes 90 seconds to reach the top. it is a technological wonder that we take for granted. in its 120-year lifetime, the escalator has helped to make life easier and people lazier. early escalators were little more than a conveyor belt without steps. some even had saddles for the users to sit on. the escalator truly came of age with the construction of subway systems. passengers were ferried up and down the underground. soon department stores were replacing elegant staircases with their moving counterparts. now escalators have melted seamlessly into the background of modern life. a giant outdoor escalator has even been installed in colombia. the only drawback is they are prone to breakdowns, and then it is a case of back to the stairs. still, if this one is anything to go by, the escalator at 120 is still capable of scaling new heights. >> before we go, we do just have time to recap of our top story -- the hostage crisis in algeria. several foreign hostages held at the internationally operating gas plant in algeria have reportedly been killed when the algerian armed forces launched an assault on islamist militants. news agencies are reporting a number of hostage takers also lost their lives in that strike. >> the hostage taking is said to be in response to a french military assault on islamist rebels in neighboring mali. we will bring you more on that story in later bulletin's as the news comes in. >> stay with us. we will have more news for you at the top of the hour. captioned by the national captioning institute


Transcripts For LINKTV Deutsche Welle Journal 20130117

are conflicting reports coming in from the southeast of the country. several hours ago, it was reported some foreigners and algerian workers had managed to escape from the gas facility where dozens of hostages are being held by extremists. now, a mauritanian news agency is reporting that as many as 35 hostages and 15 of their captors have been killed in air strikes by the algerian armed forces. there has been no independent confirmation, though, of that news yet. >> one group linked to al qaeda claimed the hostage-taking was in retaliation for the french intervention in neighboring mali, where french troops are moving deeper into territory still under rebel control. further north, the french air force is targeting a legend rebel positions. the unrest is now fear to be spilling across the border into algeria where the country's army has surrounded the scene of the hostage-taking. at least 20 foreigners are among the hostages. among them are workers from norway, france, and britain. >> events at the remote gas plant unfolded rapidly with conflicting reports about the number of hostages who escaped before the algerian military launched an air strike. the regional news agency said the operation resulted in many >> the situation there is confusing. i am in constant contact with algerian officials to find the best way out of this. i will not say precisely how many french people could be in captivity. what counts is allowing the algerians to free them. >> in an interview, and employees spoke about how the drama began on wednesday. he said, "they attacked the sites simultaneously come storming in, and once it was daylight, they gathered us all." the commando is led by an algerian extremists, seen here in an older video message. he wants to end the french intervention in malki which has whichmal -- mali which has you in backing. the extremist group al qaeda in the islamic margaret, which says it carried out the attack, is viewed as extremely dangerous. >> they are a threat. they are a threat to our country. they are a threat to the world. wherever they locate and try to establish a base for operations, i think that constitutes a threat that all of us have to be concerned about. >> officials are clearly worried that the hostage-taking could be followed by further incidents. >> as we heard there, the hostage-takers in algeria are demanding that france and its intervention in mali. first of all, a very fast-moving situation. we are getting reports of the air strike by the algerian military, possibly 35 hostages dead. what are you hearing about that? >> it is clear something is going on because the british foreign officers have confirmed that they have been told by algerian is that some kind of operation has been launched by security forces there. what we are getting out to the mauritanian capital on the website agency which is quite well-connected and has been broadly accurate since this began is that there have been attacks by helicopters on the site of the hostage takers, and it would happen when hostage- takers were trying to move hostages around the site, and helicopters fired on them with some kind of missile, and they are saying 34 hostages and 15 hostage-takers were killed. we have no way of verifying that, but as i say, it is clear something has happened. >> of course, we will be watching that closely for an independent verification. obviously, this hostage-taking was an extremely immediate retaliation for what france has been doing. what is france saying about the hostage crisis? >> we have to be careful in the way we assess the hostage crisis and how it all happen. yes, it does seem that -- inevitable that there is a link with the mali situation. on the other hand, it is not something which could have just been cooked up at the spur the moment. it may well have been a planned weeks and months in gestation, very well-prepared, and it was the trigger of the mali operation which set it off. what the french are saying is it just proves the extreme nature of the danger facing westerners, western interest in this part of the world and how it has made all the more necessary the kind of intervention they have taken in mali, but i think in the back of everyone's minds is the way this is internationalizing this conflict. the implications of this are really quite considerable, given that there are americans, there are british. algerians themselves are involved in this. it shows you how the mali conflict, launched a week ago, is taking on regional and even world-scale applications. >> thanks very much for that. >> meanwhile, european union nations are stepping up efforts to fight rebels in mali. eu foreign ministers in brussels for talks there. nato approved a mission to send 200 military trainers to help mali's forces. >> and they are considering other ways to help the government. the first troops from the african-led mission are due to arrive today. >> for more, we are joined by our brussels correspondent. the eu has agreed to send military personnel. do we have any idea what this mission will look like? >> it is important to stress first of all that the idea is not new. back in december, they agreed they saw the situation and said they would send down a couple of hundred instructors -- of around 200 instructors -- to train the army, and now, of course, in light of recent developments, this mission will be sped up, which means 200 instructors or 250 will be sent down. they will instruct the army in terms of basic military training, but also in the field of international and humanitarian law and how to protect civilians. there are not many details yet in the number -- and the number of people deployed to the ground could rise again. all we know is that the training mission will be led by a french commander. >> how has the mission been affected by the hostage situation? >> we have heard from our paris correspondent and everyone here in brussels agrees this crisis is expanding. it is becoming a crisis of the whole region, so of course that has an impact also on the mission. the eu has said that they will not get involved in combat activities, but like i said earlier, the number of people deployed on the ground could rise, especially to protect instructors on the ground so we could see easily the numbers doubled to, say, 500 people deployed on the ground in the next couple of days. >> thanks very much for this. >> how much is at stake in mali? it has already had an impact on algeria. >> france says its mission is essential to stop mali falling into the hands of terrorists completely, but what kind of conflict is it getting into? >> by some estimates, just 2000 rebels control mali's north. can that be possible? the fighters use pickup trucks to move from town to town, and they know their way are around. it is unclear what kind of foreign support they are receiving. but the influence of the mali- based islamic organization al qaeda stretches across northwest africa from iraq. so it is likely there is support from abroad. the major fear is that rebels could flee across mali's porous borders and spawned a long- lasting guerrilla war. some observers see parallels between france's intervention and the international mission in afghanistan. that was supposed to be a limited-term deployment. it became a long war, but one political experts as comparing the conflict makes no sense. >> the people in mali are not as supportive of radical elements as was the case in afghanistan. and i would say that the countries that are intervening are deciding themselves what they are getting involved in. that is a huge difference to afghanistan. no one knew at the outset what they were getting into. >> french president francois hollande has set the bar high for the mission. his aim is to liberate no. mali and to stabilize the country over the long term. international community has largely backed the intervention, but whoever joins the fight likely faces a long and difficult war. >> countries like mali need to establish a stable government capable of guaranteeing security to its people. and not just security, but also living conditions that will prevent people from supporting terrorists. >> elections had been planned for april. that is now completely up in the air. even if the military intervention is a short one, mali is likely to remain politically unstable for some time to come. >> coming up, floods are causing havoc in the indonesian capital. >> first, here's a look at some of the news. >> syrian activists are reporting a new massacre by government forces. the syrian observatory for human rights says pro-assad troops killed more than 100 civilians on tuesday. witnesses are reported as saying troops hunting rebel fighters slotted entire families, including women and children -- slaughtered entire families including women and children. >> new demands come as pakistan's chief anti- corruption official refused the supreme court order to a rust -- arrest the prime minister over lack of evidence. m in the u.s. president's gun control proposals face an uncertain future. there's no majority in either house of congress with resistance from both republicans and democrats. gun supporters have also launched an advertising campaign against obama's move. the proposals including a ban on assault weapons in response to last month's school massacre in newtown. >> bush fires continue to rage in australia. dozens of homes have been destroyed, and firefighters are struggling to keep the situation under control. more fires are expected this weekend as even higher temperatures and winds are forecast. >> in indonesia, heavy monsoon rains have triggered severe flooding in much of the capital, paralyzing daily lives. at least four people are reported dead, and thousands have had to evacuate their homes. >> authorities have been setting up emergency shelters, and have faced the flood alert -- raised the flood alert. more heavy rain is forecast for the next few days. >> jakarta has come to a standstill. muddy waters of to two meters high in the city center have forced many government offices and businesses to close. people simply cannot get to work. >> i am really sad. i am trying to reach my store, but there is no transportation, no trains, or even a motorbike. but i will keep trying to get there. >> some 20,000 residents have been forced from their homes and evacuated into makeshift emergency shelters. >> my house is totally flooded up to the second floor. i got all my family and children out. now we are here. >> little relief is in sight over the next few days with weather officials predicting more heavy rain. the government has promised to provide food and supplies to those affected. almost half of jakarta lies below sea level, making flood and landslides a frequent occurrence during the wet season. >> we will be back in a minute. >> we will be looking at boeing's dreamliar. just about the >> welcome back. aviation authorities worldwide have grounded the boeing 787 dreamliner over safety concerns following battery problems with a stated the our aircraft, including one that led to an emergency landing. >> this is the first time since back in 1979 that a u.s.-built plane has been grounded on such massive scale. it is a huge blow as well to the image of boeing, which has marketed the plan as the future of air travel -- marketed the plane as the future of air travel. >> the decision came overnight. six planes operated by united airlines have been barred from taking off. european regulators followed suit. the 787 had been about to leave chicago to return to poland. >> confirming that they have cancelled the inaugural departure from chicago to warsaw. the plane has just arrived safely, landed just now about five minutes ago. the reason for the cancellation is that both boeing and the faa had issued a recommendation to our board in warsaw to cancel the flight. >> passengers were booked on to other flights. most were unfazed. >> my husband was flying, and i really do not want to take any risk. i would rather have him fly either tomorrow or take some flight tonight by different airplane lines. >> officials have reacted swiftly to the latest incidents. wednesday, a dreamliner made an emergency landing in japan because of issues with its batteries. the grounding could prove disastrous for boeing, which has its future writing on the aircraft. the investigation could take weeks. >> for more on the business fallout of all of this, let's go to frankfurt. whenever we talk about blowing, you also have to talk about its sworn enemy. will lead to be licking its lips -- will it be in jeopardy licking its lips of the extra orders? >> they will be getting more orders, but not necessarily because of the dream minor. airbus sold 13 less planes than boeing last year, and now the forecasts are pretty optimistic. investors liked the story and the outlook, so they raised eads shares. also the market in general is up now because of new economic data coming from the u.s. housing data has been better than expected. this gave a boost to shares said that the dax is up by nearly 1%. euro stoxx 50 rising by about 0.75%. there have been some hints that the debt crisis might be solved and that many states are in a pretty good way. >> thanks for that. >> it is election year here in germany. this september, angela merkel will bid for another four years running the country, and this weekend, there's an early test for her coalition. >> ahead of that, merkel and her government have been touting their economic credentials today in parliament. their message -- while growth is slowing this year, germany has weathered the euro crisis pretty well. >> merkel is counting on that message winning the day both this weekend and in september, but the opposition has other ideas. >> with an important state election coming up this weekend in lower saxony, the campaign rhetoric is getting hotter. reporting on the condition of germany's economy, the economics minister was keen to take as much credit as possible for record employment numbers, rising income, and falling debt. >> it is no accident that our economy is in good shape. it is no accident that new jobs are being created every day. they were created by the efforts of the german people, but they were also created by this governing coalition from >> but the opposition social democrats promptly pounced on the economics minister's claims. >> if you had anything to do with economic growth, then you have heard growth even more than you have hurt your own party's election results. >> the man who hopes to take chancellor merkel's job later this year accused her of failing to recognize the dangers of an unrestrained financial system. >> for too long, the government has tried to pretend it is all just a debt crisis of other individual countries, but that is only part of the story. now the truth is going to hit you in german taxpayers where it hurts. >> merkel and her cabinet are now hoping economies across europe will start to pick up before the election. those hopes received a boost with news that the european central bank sees growing confidence among financial markets. >> time to move on to sports now. more bad news for former bicycle racing champion lance armstrong. the international olympic committee had stripped him of the bronze medal he won in the 2000 olympics in sydney. >> armstrong has already lost the seven tour de france victories he won after being found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs. later today, an interview in which he reportedly admits to using drugs is to be broadcast on u.s. tv. and now to a soccer sensation that has taken pretty much everyone by surprise. barcelona's former coach will take over as bayern munich. >> guardiola was the hottest coaching property and head office on the table. instead of rushing up on his english, he is taking a crash course in german. >> it is a done deal, and bayern cannot wait to welcome their new coach. he will take the reins at the end of the season. it was the result of months of negotiations. journalists descended on the club in large numbers, but they were to be disappointed. >> there's nothing more to add. >> guardiola will take over coaching duties from the retiring coach. >> he's a fantastic coach with loads of experience. he's just the right man. he's also young. by the time he arrives in july, he should be able to speak german well. >> he has already won all the top honors in european club football. he took barcelona to no fewer than 14 titles in his four years at the club. he then left for a year of the game. all of europe's top clubs were chasing his signature. few expected him to put pen to paper at bayern. now it is hoped he can bring some spanish flair to bavaria. >> the coach has to be strong, passionate, and have the energy to enjoy every single game. >> the triple would be the perfect leaving president before the current coach hands over. >> despite the sweltering heat, it was a good day for the world's top seeds at the australian open. both serena williams and victoria made it in the third round. >> in the midst contest, -- german #1 also made it through. it is a moving story full of ups and downs and featuring an unsung hero of modern life. >> yes, it is the story of an escalator. the moving staircase is celebrating its birthday. the first one went into operation in new york 120 years ago. >> during the years, escalators have come a long way. >> as darkness falls, it becomes more than just a mode of transport -- it looks like a work of art. this escalated takes visitors into a museum, a former coal mined in western germany. it is an arrival in style. >> the color, this orange is not because it was thought up by the stardust architecture -- architect. it is made to symbolize the glow of smoldering steel. >> it is 58 meters long, 24 meters up, and has an incline of 27 degrees. it takes 90 seconds to reach the top. it is a technological wonder that we take for granted. in its 120-year lifetime, the escalator has helped to make life easier and people lazier. early escalators were little more than a conveyor belt without steps. some even had saddles for the users to sit on. the escalator truly came of age with the construction of subway systems. passengers were ferried up and down the underground. soon department stores were replacing elegant staircases with their moving counterparts. now escalators have melted seamlessly into the background of modern life. a giant outdoor escalator has even been installed in colombia. the only drawback is they are prone to breakdowns, and then it is a case of back to the stairs. still, if this one is anything to go by, the escalator at 120 is still capable of scaling new heights. >> before we go, we do just have time to recap of our top story -- the hostage crisis in algeria. several foreign hostages held at the internationally operating gas plant in algeria have reportedly been killed when the algerian armed forces launched an assault on islamist militants. news agencies are reporting a number of hostage takers also lost their lives in that strike. >> the hostage taking is said to be in response to a french military assault on islamist rebels in neighboring mali. we will bring you more on that story in later bulletin's as the news comes in. >> stay with us. we will have more news for you at the top of the hour. captioned by the national captioning institute


Transcripts For KCSM Journal 20130118

>> hello and a warm welcome to the "journal" here on dw. >> coming up in the next half- hour -- reports of dozens of deaths in an air strike as the algerian hostage crisis deepens. >> europe's air safety authorities follow the u.s. in grounding all boeing 787 dreamliners pending a safety review. >> and former barcelona coach pep guardiola gets set to take over bayern munich. we begin in algeria where there are conflicting reports coming in from the southeast of the country. several hours ago, it was reported some foreigners and algerian workers had managed to escape from the gas facility where dozens of hostages are being held by extremists. now, a mauritanian news agency is reporting that as many as 35 hostages and 15 of their captors have been killed in air strikes by the algerian armed forces. there has been no independent confirmation, though, of that news yet. >> one group linked to al qaeda claimed the hostage-taking was in retaliation for the french intervention in neighboring mali, where french troops are moving deeper into territory still under rebel control. further north, the french air force is targeting a legend rebel positions. the unrest is now fear to be spilling across the border into algeria where the country's army has surrounded the scene of the hostage-taking. at least 20 foreigners are among the hostages. among them are workers from norway, france, and britain. >> events at the remote gas plant unfolded rapidly with conflicting reports about the number of hostages who escaped before the algerian military launched an air strike. the regional news agency said the operation resulted in many casualties. >> the situation there is confusing. i am in constant contact with algerian officials to find the best way out of this. i will not say precisely how many french people could be in captivity. what counts is allowing the algerians to free them. >> in an interview, and employees spoke about how the drama began on wednesday. he said, "they attacked the sites simultaneously come storming in, and once it was daylight, they gathered us all." the commando is led by an algerian extremists, seen here in an older video message. he wants to end the french intervention in malki which has whichmal -- mali which has you in backing. the extremist group al qaeda in the islamic margaret, which says it carried out the attack, is viewed as extremely dangerous. >> they are a threat. they are a threat to our country. they are a threat to the world. wherever they locate and try to establish a base for operations, i think that constitutes a threat that all of us have to be concerned about. >> officials are clearly worried that the hostage-taking could be followed by further incidents. >> as we heard there, the hostage-takers in algeria are demanding that france and its intervention in mali. first of all, a very fast-moving situation. we are getting reports of the air strike by the algerian military, possibly 35 hostages dead. what are you hearing about that? >> it is clear something is going on because the british foreign officers have confirmed that they have been told by algerian is that some kind of operation has been launched by security forces there. what we are getting out to the mauritanian capital on the website agency which is quite well-connected and has been broadly accurate since this began is that there have been attacks by helicopters on the site of the hostage takers, and it would happen when hostage- takers were trying to move hostages around the site, and helicopters fired on them with some kind of missile, and they are saying 34 hostages and 15 hostage-takers were killed. we have no way of verifying that, but as i say, it is clear something has happened. >> of course, we will be watching that closely for an independent verification. obviously, this hostage-taking was an extremely immediate retaliation for what france has been doing. what is france saying about the ?ostage crisis? >> we have to be careful in the way we assess the hostage crisis and how it all happen. yes, it does seem that -- inevitable that there is a link with the mali situation. on the other hand, it is not something which could have just been cooked up at the spur the moment. it may well have been a planned weeks and months in gestation, very well-prepared, and it was the trigger of the mali operation which set it off. what the french are saying is it just proves the extreme nature of the danger facing westerners, western interest in this part of the world and how it has made all the more necessary the kind of intervention they have taken in mali, but i think in the back of everyone's minds is the way this is internationalizing this conflict. the implications of this are really quite considerable, given that there are americans, there are british. algerians themselves are involved in this. it shows you how the mali conflict, launched a week ago, is taking on regional and even world-scale applications. >> thanks very much for that. >> meanwhile, european union nations are stepping up efforts to fight rebels in mali. eu foreign ministers in brussels for talks there. nato approved a mission to send 200 military trainers to help mali's forces. >> and they are considering other ways to help the government. the first troops from the african-led mission are due to arrive today. >> for more, we are joined by our brussels correspondent. the eu has agreed to send military personnel. do we have any idea what this mission will look like? >> it is important to stress first of all that the idea is not new. back in december, they agreed they saw the situation and said they would send down a couple of hundred instructors -- of around 200 instructors -- to train the army, and now, of course, in light of recent developments, this mission will be sped up, which means 200 instructors or 250 will be sent down. they will instruct the army in terms of basic military training, but also in the field of international and humanitarian law and how to protect civilians. there are not many details yet in the number -- and the number of people deployed to the ground could rise again. all we know is that the training mission will be led by a french commander. >> how has the mission been affected by the hostage situation? >> we have heard from our paris correspondent and everyone here in brussels agrees this crisis is expanding. it is becoming a crisis of the whole region, so of course that has an impact also on the mission. the eu has said that they will not get involved in combat activities, but like i said earlier, the number of people deployed on the ground could rise, especially to protect instructors on the ground so we could see easily the numbers doubled to, say, 500 people deployed on the ground in the next couple of days. >> thanks very much for this. >> how much is at stake in mali? it has already had an impact on algeria. >> france says its mission is essential to stop mali falling into the hands of terrorists completely, but what kind of conflict is it getting into? >> by some estimates, just 2000 rebels control mali's north. can that be possible? the fighters use pickup trucks to move from town to town, and they know their way are around. it is unclear what kind of foreign support they are receiving. but the influence of the mali- based islamic organization al qaeda stretches across northwest africa from iraq. so it is likely there is support from abroad. the major fear is that rebels could flee across mali's porous borders and spawned a long- lasting guerrilla war. some observers see parallels between france's intervention and the international mission in afghanistan. that was supposed to be a limited-term deployment. it became a long war, but one political experts as comparing the conflict makes no sense. >> the people in mali are not as supportive of radical elements as was the case in afghanistan. and i would say that the countries that are intervening are deciding themselves what they are getting involved in. that is a huge difference to afghanistan. no one knew at the outset what they were getting into. >> french president francois hollande has set the bar high for the mission. his aim is to liberate no. mali and to stabilize the country over the long term. international community has largely backed the intervention, but whoever joins the fight likely faces a long and difficult war. >> countries like mali need to establish a stable government capable of guaranteeing security to its people. and not just security, but also living conditions that will prevent people from supporting terrorists. >> elections had been planned for april. that is now completely up in the air. even if the military intervention is a short one, mali is likely to remain politically unstable for some time to come. >> coming up, floods are causing havoc in the indonesian capital. >> first, here's a look at some of the news. >> syrian activists are reporting a new massacre by government forces. the syrian observatory for human rights says pro-assad troops killed more than 100 civilians on tuesday. witnesses are reported as saying troops hunting rebel fighters slotted entire families, including women and children -- slaughtered entire families including women and children. >> new demands come as pakistan's chief anti- corruption official refused the supreme court order to a rust -- arrest the prime minister over lack of evidence. m in the u.s. president's gun control proposals face an uncertain future. there's no majority in either house of congress with resistance from both republicans and democrats. gun supporters have also launched an advertising campaign against obama's move. the proposals including a ban on assault weapons in response to last month's school massacre in newtown. >> bush fires continue to rage in australia. dozens of homes have been destroyed, and firefighters are struggling to keep the situation under control. more fires are expected this weekend as even higher temperatures and winds are forecast. >> in indonesia, heavy monsoon rains have triggered severe flooding in much of the capital, paralyzing daily lives. at least four people are reported dead, and thousands have had to evacuate their homes. >> authorities have been setting up emergency shelters, and have faced the flood alert -- raised the flood alert. more heavy rain is forecast for the next few days. standstill. muddy waters of to two meters high in the city center have forced many government offices and businesses to close. people simply cannot get to work. >> i am really sad. i am trying to reach my store, but there is no transportation, no trains, or even a motorbike. but i will keep trying to get there. >> some 20,000 residents have been forced from their homes and evacuated into makeshift emergency shelters. >> my house is totally flooded up to the second floor. i got all my family and children out. now we are here. >> little relief is in sight over the next few days with weather officials predicting more heavy rain. the government has promised to provide food and supplies to those affected. almost half of jakarta lies below sea level, making flood and landslides a frequent occurrence during the wet season. >> we will be back in a minute. >> we will be looking at boeing's dreamliar. just about the entire global fleet has been grounded. we will be looking at that. -- boeing's dreamliner. >> welcome back. aviation authorities worldwide have grounded the boeing 787 dreamliner over safety concerns following battery problems with a stated the our aircraft, including one that led to an emergency landing. >> this is the first time since back in 1979 that a u.s.-built plane has been grounded on such massive scale. it is a huge blow as well to the image of boeing, which has marketed the plan as the future of air travel -- marketed the plane as the future of air travel. >> the decision came overnight. six planes operated by united airlines have been barred from taking off. european regulators followed suit. the 787 had been about to leave chicago to return to poland. >> confirming that they have cancelled the inaugural departure from chicago to warsaw. the plane has just arrived safely, landed just now about five minutes ago. the reason for the cancellation is that both boeing and the faa had issued a recommendation to our board in warsaw to cancel the flight. >> passengers were booked on to other flights. most were unfazed. >> my husband was flying, and i really do not want to take any risk. i would rather have him fly either tomorrow or take some flight tonight by different airplane lines. >> officials have reacted swiftly to the latest incidents. wednesday, a dreamliner made an emergency landing in japan because of issues with its batteries. the grounding could prove disastrous for boeing, which has its future writing on the aircraft. the investigation could take weeks. >> for more on the business fallout of all of this, let's go to frankfurt. whenever we talk about blowing, you also have to talk about its sworn enemy. will lead to be licking its lips -- will it be in jeopardy licking its lips of the extra orders? >> they will be getting more orders, but not necessarily because of the dream minor. airbus sold 13 less planes than boeing last year, and now the forecasts are pretty optimistic. investors liked the story and the outlook, so they raised eads shares. also the market in general is up now because of new economic data coming from the u.s. housing data has been better than expected. this gave a boost to shares said that the dax is up by nearly 1%. euro stoxx 50 rising by about 0.75%. there have been some hints that the debt crisis might be solved and that many states are in a pretty good way. >> thanks for that. >> it is election year here in germany. this september, angela merkel will bid for another four years running the country, and this weekend, there's an early test for her coalition. >> ahead of that, merkel and her government have been touting their economic credentials today in parliament. their message -- while growth is slowing this year, germany has weathered the euro crisis pretty well. >> merkel is counting on that message winning the day both this weekend and in september, but the opposition has other ideas. >> with an important state election coming up this weekend in lower saxony, the campaign rhetoric is getting hotter. reporting on the condition of germany's economy, the economics minister was keen to take as much credit as possible for record employment numbers, rising income, and falling debt. >> it is no accident that our economy is in good shape. it is no accident that new jobs are being created every day. they were created by the efforts of the german people, but they were also created by this governing coalition from >> but the opposition social democrats promptly pounced on the economics minister's claims. >> if you had anything to do with economic growth, then you have heard growth even more than you have hurt your own party's election results. >> the man who hopes to take chancellor merkel's job later this year accused her of failing to recognize the dangers of an unrestrained financial system. >> for too long, the government has tried to pretend it is all just a debt crisis of other individual countries, but that is only part of the story. now the truth is going to hit you in german taxpayers where it hurts. >> merkel and her cabinet are now hoping economies across europe will start to pick up before the election. those hopes received a boost with news that the european central bank sees growing confidence among financial markets. >> time to move on to sports now. more bad news for former bicycle racing champion lance armstrong. the international olympic committee had stripped him of the bronze medal he won in the 2000 olympics in sydney. >> armstrong has already lost the seven tour de france victories he won after being found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs. later today, an interview in which he reportedly admits to using drugs is to be broadcast on u.s. tv. and now to a soccer sensation that has taken pretty much everyone by surprise. barcelona's former coach will take over as bayern munich. >> guardiola was the hottest coaching property and head office on the table. instead of rushing up on his english, he is taking a crash course in german. >> it is a done deal, and bayern cannot wait to welcome their new coach. he will take the reins at the end of the season. it was the result of months of negotiations. journalists descended on the club in large numbers, but they were to be disappointed. >> there's nothing more to add. >> guardiola will take over coaching duties from the retiring coach. >> he's a fantastic coach with loads of experience. he's just the right man. he's also young. by the time he arrives in july, he should be able to speak german well. >> he has already won all the top honors in european club football. he took barcelona to no fewer than 14 titles in his four years at the club. he then left for a year of the game. all of europe's top clubs were chasing his signature. few expected him to put pen to paper at bayern. now it is hoped he can bring some spanish flair to bavaria. >> the coach has to be strong, passionate, and have the energy to enjoy every single game. >> the triple would be the perfect leaving president before the current coach hands over. >> despite the sweltering heat, it was a good day for the world's top seeds at the australian open. both serena williams and victoria made it in the third round. >> in the midst contest, -- german #1 also made it through. it is a moving story full of ups and downs and featuring an unsung hero of modern life. >> yes, it is the story of an escalator. the moving staircase is celebrating its birthday. the first one went into operation in new york 120 years ago. >> during the years, escalators have come a long way. >> as darkness falls, it becomes more than just a mode of transport -- it looks like a work of art. this escalated takes visitors into a museum, a former coal mined in western germany. it is an arrival in style. >> the color, this orange is not because it was thought up by the stardust architecture -- architect. it is made to symbolize the glow of smoldering steel. >> it is 58 meters long, 24 meters up, and has an incline of 27 degrees. it takes 90 seconds to reach the top. it is a technological wonder that we take for granted. in its 120-year lifetime, the escalator has helped to make life easier and people lazier. early escalators were little more than a conveyor belt without steps. some even had saddles for the users to sit on. the escalator truly came of age with the construction of subway systems. passengers were ferried up and down the underground. soon department stores were replacing elegant staircases with their moving counterparts. now escalators have melted seamlessly into the background of modern life. a giant outdoor escalator has even been installed in colombia. the only drawback is they are prone to breakdowns, and then it is a case of back to the stairs. still, if this one is anything to go by, the escalator at 120 is still capable of scaling new heights. >> before we go, we do just have time to recap of our top story -- the hostage crisis in algeria. several foreign hostages held at the internationally operating gas plant in algeria have reportedly been killed when the algerian armed forces launched an assault on islamist militants. news agencies are reporting a number of hostage takers also lost their lives in that strike. >> the hostage taking is said to be in response to a french military assault on islamist rebels in neighboring mali. we will bring you more on that story in later bulletin's as the news comes in. >> stay with us. we will have more news for you at the top of the hour. captioned by the national captioning institute


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180828

all on their own and as america mourns the passing of senator john mccain the campaign battle lines are already being drawn in his home state of arizona by candidates who have more in common with. also coming up. it's good to have you with us tonight federal police here in germany are on standby ready to deploy if the call comes from the eastern city of kept it's there have been two days of violent anti immigration protests and protests triggered by the fatal stabbing of a german man on sunday to migrants have been arrested in that killing opposition parties criticizing the police for acting too late and german chancellor angela merkel saying there's no place for heat in the streets of germany. violence and unrest as protesters in cannes nets faced off on the one side groups to claim the city for themselves saying cabinets does not belong to foreigners on the other side counter-demonstrators saying they want the city to stand for openness the german government has been following the events in cannes that's chancellor angela merkel condemned the unrest busted and off because in what we saw there has no place in a country where the rule of law prevails we have video footage of people being hunted down and of gangs of rioters hatred on the streets i cannot stress enough that this is incompatible with the rule of law is going to fuel the k.f.t. and the protests in cabinets erupted over the fatal stabbing of a thirty five year old german man on sunday during a street festival police identified two suspects in the stabbing one man from iraq another from syria authorities have provided little information on the altercation that led to the stabbing but what is known about the case along with rumors circulated online have inflame tensions encampments. robot. go down start to get out of a city they chant social media posts include videos depicting what appear to be vigilante attacks on people believed to be foreigners participants in the rightwing demonstrations say their anger by crimes in the city but also at how the media presents what's happening on every evening this trouble encounters between groups i don't want to say it's only the foreigners but with this plenty of troublemakers. if you want to go out you can't go into the city without being scared of what might happen. i wouldn't call myself part of the mob and i don't want anybody calling me that just because i'm standing here. politicians continue to warn against vigilante justice yet following two days of violence can and the state of sex any remain on edge. or we see. this violence in xena phobia better ponselle it is a professor at dresden technical university specializes in populist movements in eastern germany he joins me tonight from dresden profesor pods and it's good to have you on the program eastern germany has the smallest numbers of migrants in foreigners than any region of the country yet it is a hotbed for right wing extremism and zina phobia why well there is a quite easily understandable reason for that seat with germany increased its percentage of foreigners in the country from ciro after the to something like twenty eight to twenty five per cent in a number of tea cakes that is slowly in east germany the percentage increase during the last five six seven years from zero to something close to ten percent so the dynamics between migration much higher in east germany then invest chimney and so if the reaction of the society against immigration which a significant minority of the people here doesn't want to have there's an interesting observation when it has to do really with numbers i'd like to point out something that happened last week in eastern germany eight t.v. news crew trying to cover a right so far right demonstration was detained by police for about an hour now this video that we're watching has been released and it shows a member of a far right group. confronting the journalist what it turns out that man is an employee of the state criminal police department now there are demands for an investigation into this how serious is the danger in germany of the far right infiltrating the police. there is without any doubt significant percentage of police people who sympathize with. movement with the a.f. t. because they feel being left alone by politics because the number of policemen has been cut down significantly during the last years such that the birth load imposed on the single policeman is much higher than it ever was and police experiences on the street that they were hated nearly hated by leftists whereas if they protect their own stray sions of writing demonstrators they're welcomed and people are grateful to them and this without any doubt is not without results in how policeman perceive about the political situation but it would be highly exaggerated to say well there is infiltration of the police by right wing extremists this is not the case but the sympathy is clearly not on the left side as far as policemen are conserved in germany. and since you have said that use fear that kim is just the beginning what do you mean by that. see the political elites the intellect elites in germany comes from germany into a multi-ethnic and multicultural society which has been happening in west germany for many decades such that such as a society is something quite common in many cities and parts of this germany but the transformation of a society so far not being multi-ethnic and multicultural into such a society is a process which will not go on without any conflicts any struggles input he couldn't not if the east german society which strongly dislikes being similar to some problematic areas invest money if this society reacts and even revolts against this transformation and this is why i feel that my best educated guess is that such clashes streets in particular it is jealous that it will be able in the future israel what developed calls that we have been seeing from the on the far right political party b.f.d. a member of the in the parliament here in berlin using social media and telling people to begin protecting themselves that's a call for vigilante justice how in the world should the government or the police for that matter respond to that. well it must be clear that the monarch probably. legitimately accepting power and even power against citizens rests with the state with the police and there is no right to. own discretion and they always not even the truth of it because usually there is safety. and of course many people get the feeling that the safety situation has deteriorated but it's simply not the case that it will be necessary to step in for the state of the police and this must be made clear and it can be make clear often enough professor venter ponselle joining us. we appreciate your insights and your time professor thank you but here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world the united nations human rights council says that all sides in the yemen conflict may have committed war crimes a report by three experts says that children have been the most vulnerable people in the conflict saudi arabia is supporting the yemeni government against the rebels who are backed by iran prosecutors at the international criminal court are calling for the conviction of former congo warlord bosco into gonda on charges including murder rape conscripting child soldiers and sexual slavery into god and faces eighteen counts for his role in the deadly conflict in the democratic republic of congo fifteen years ago he denies the charges. washington says the international court of justice has no authority to force the u.s. to lift its sanctions against iran iranian lawyers have demanded that the un court stop economic sanctions re imposed by washington over tehran's nuclear program the u.s. state department says that the sanctions are a matter of national security. well experts from around the world are meeting in geneva switzerland to discuss the future of killer robots now these all thomas lethal autonomous weapon systems can operate in kill without human guidance critics are calling for the new generation of weaponry to be banned globally before it ever goes into mass production. germany's armed forces already make use of semi autonomous weapons base and offenses too can seek out targets on its own. for now soldiers still have to give the order to fire but fully autonomous weapons are being developed they can select and attack targets without humans at the controls. they're highly controversial supporters say the new weapons are needed in modern warfare and will help people make ethically responsible decisions. warfare is becoming so fast right now that human beings are not capable of making intelligent informed decisions like they could in the past shouldn't have voiced concerns that autonomous weapons could diminish human responsibility in war we don't want to have happen is robotic systems out there causes some kind of mass casualty event and we know humans have all. these activists in berlin are protesting against autonomous weapons they want the german government to campaign for them to be banned worldwide . what's dangerous about artificial intelligence and robotics is that they're altogether removed from human decision making about good and evil about what's useful for people and what's not about a concrete situation human intelligence is still required for that. an international ban on autonomous weapons systems would only be possible with the unanimous support of the united nations but with the u.s. and russia both opposed that's highly unlikely. and joining me tonight is known sharkey he's a professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the university of sheffield in the u.k. he joins me via skype tonight from geneva switzerland where he's attending that you in conference mr sharkey it's good to have you on the show let me ask you about this current says under way right now the u.s. china and russia it doesn't look like they are going to sign on to any ban so is it even worth talking about. that's not true what you just set china have said they want the provisional thomas weapons they sent it all and they said it again this week we have twenty six nations who have signed on for prohibition and tomorrow there will be various statements to show movies supports war we'll be here for five years and it's been a long slow struggle and it's becoming coming to fruition we could really do with germany being on site though because you're coalition government twice in two elections have said they would. thomas weapons there's been a parliamentary questioning recently and germany has made it very clear that they will never use it on the weapons systems and that the don't want ever developed them but their idea is to go for a political declaration at the u.n. and i don't like that. and why you mr sharp do you think a political declaration does that have less teeth then outright ban would have. yes and it's not really it's if they're working with france and france is late the a is that we just need a political declaration and it should stop there whereas germany says that a political director. critical tonight can say that we're not or a sensor creation base and yes it should be an intermediate step towards so this difference and we don't know whether to be able to resolve that difference in time but we're hoping that by the end of this week we will get a new man the it's for next year to start negotiating a new international law and what the international law will be. i don't know who will be there pushing our to get a complete who have mission and it's not that we want a prohibition of the weapon it's what we're asking for is that all weapons should have meaningful suman control that seems reasonable and let's assume that a prohibition of some sort is you know is realized there isn't it similar to what was done with chemical weapons in the last century you also have somewhat of a global ban on that and yet as we see for example in syria chemical weapons are still used is that the same type of future we're going to be looking at with these killer robots. well of course i mean you can't stop anyone from using them but what happens is the international community turn to saddam and statement isis that the international community have not been happy with what happened to syria at all and they will they you know they're they're putting strong sanctions on russia as well you know the whole turns of this you don't have a law you let it let for it let's non-serious start until everyone has it and this is totally illegal it's you draw all straight line not many people will use and you'll get the person but they won't be able to do it for long and that's why it's important the law isn't perfect mr circular me just ask you before we run out of time here where are we in terms of technology do we how close are we to seeing killer robots being at ready you know to hit the battlefields and to be mass produced we're extremely close russia's working very hard at the united states of prototypes of fighter jets forms of lots of things submarines and battleships so it's moving very quickly china also quite a few weapons and israel israel's another big maker so a u.k. . so this could be the for the role that tomorrow things needed but of course they wouldn't be very compliant with the laws of war and that's one of the trouble things i don't think they will ever be really compliant with the laws of war and be able to reliably discriminate between military and civilian targets but if we weren't too worried about that in those numbers situation all of a stand to be here tomorrow those arche joining us tonight from geneva switzerland mr shorten we certainly appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you you thank. all right from killer robots to killer deal making i guess you could say in a deal making potentially deal breaking not and certainly looking very different at least the u.s. saying that it still hopes to find common ground on trade with canada because of course it reached that initial agreement with mexico still u.s. president donald trump suggests yesterday he could still leave also out of a final deal to overhaul the north american free trade agreement if the two sides fail to reach a compromise he's pressing canada to accept new terms for the way car imports are taxed and there's a lot at stake mutual trade between the three nations totals more than a trillion dollars every year. canada's nafta negotiator foreign minister chrystia freeland interrupted a trip to europe to rush back to washington to begin talks with her u.s. and mexican counterparts stand for she wants her country to remain part of a trilateral tact women's rights u.s. treasury secretary steven minutia believes washington could strike a trade deal with this week everybody he said their markets are very intertwined so it's important to reach an agreement the president is objective is to have deals with mexico and have a deal with canada and if we could do it as one deal would do it one deal if we do it in two deals will do it two deals with minutia expressed optimism that ottawa would agree to changes this is a complicated agreement there's lots of things in here that are all new i would think the candidate would be very much on board with a stronger intellectual property a stronger protections modernizing the agreement so i'm hopeful that the open issues with canada can be resolved quickly and they're going to come without a deal u.s. president donald trump has threatened to impose tariffs on canadian made vehicles but that could weigh on the on a motive sector on both sides of the border because the neighbors rely heavily on each other's components if talks with canada are not wrapped up by the end of this week trump only plans to seek approval from congress for the bilateral deal with mexico. has given a small financial correspondent stateside ends quote is on the story from new york ends with her from the u.s. on this story what about canada in all of this can we expect them to acquiesce so easily. well trade representatives at least in a washington believe that canada is far more dependent on the us than advise worser and to a certain degree there is some truth to that about seventy five percent of all experts from canada goes south the border meaning to the united states of the trade balance between the two countries is almost even but as canada is as small as is a far smaller economy they do depend more on the us and then the other way around if that will actually lead to an agreement as we've seen it was mexico on monday remains to be seen and talking trade games the us trade balance numbers are out and i don't think they're likely to make the present specially happy all they. know donald trump won't be happy when he sees the figures or on the other side he might find another argument for his tough trade negotiations the trade balance actually increase the deficit increased by a good six percent and reach the highest level since february but to a certain degree there is a good reason why america why the us is importing much more than they're exporting because the u.s. economy is really strong at this point are we just on tuesday got a new figures on consumer confidence it being the highest mark in about eighteen years here was the strong u.s. economy or was stronger consumers was an unemployment rate at almost a fifty year. people by more consume more so it's also the strengths of the united states why people. buy more and import more so there is in that sense a positive reason why the deficit increased by so much. financial correspondent yens kota thanks very much. the italian pilots union a and p. a c. has approved a collective labor agreement with ryanair as they spray through the budget airlines efforts to quell stall for tests in europe offer a deal with irish pilots last week a large majority of them over three hundred ryanair pilots in islam approved the agreement following eight months of negotiations and it shows better job security and pay conditions strikes by ryanair pilots and cabin crew across years have led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights in the past two months. right now for some schools these are thank you very much of it is day two with the u.s. open in new york and it's been a smooth ride for the big names of the tournament the second seed or the novel's the hakim from denmark beat former u.s. open champion samantha stosur in straight sets the danger took the opening set six three and dominated her australian opponent in the second to win it six to attempt to be one of the stars of the future naomi osaka booked her place in the second round by seeing off germany's laura the japanese player who's just twenty years old when her time six three six two and in the men's tournament the fridge mashad seeded number twenty six made it through the opening round by beating. subito of japan six three six one six three were his death u.s. senator john mccain has united democrats and republicans they have been eulogizing him as a statesman and a politician mccain represented the state of arizona in the u.s. senate for thirty one years the republican was known for his fierce independence and for reaching across the aisle but with mccain gone arizona may soon be represented by a very different type of politician. a veteran stands watch at a local more tree in phoenix where john mccain's body is being held before the public feeling on wednesday many hours owners have already visited this makeshift memorial to pay tribute to the late senator. but one of the things that i admired the most going about him was a drive that people lived on something and it wasn't being done they would know he got mad about it. he stood his ground pretty years stresses that he was easy to get along with says tommy espinosa. the latino advocate in the senate who were close friends for over thirty j. is obviously younger my so close that mccain asked espinosa to be a key player in his senatorial campaigns. john i said you know i'm a democrat so i'm not sure it's going to get you any votes you know and he said i don't care you're my friend i want you to be my co-chair i said well let me sleep on it because no i want to know has sir yes or no that. yes. espinosa says he wants to attend every single ceremony in honor of the senator who will first lie in state at the arizona state capitol. arizona is on a ring one of its most influential politicians on the national stage john mccain was one of the last republicans standing up to president trump he believed in bipartisanship at home and strong alliances overseas but it seems that the worth of mccain's debts his brand of conservatism is losing out that republican party is increasingly taken over by the president's rentals divisiveness and isolationism the one man who typifies that divisiveness is joe arpaio he's one of the three candidates running in the republican primary for arizona's second senate seat which will be up for grabs in the november midterm elections the former sheriff and controversial immigration hardliners supports trump one hundred percent a lot of people. maybe would never run for office or a not controversial a lot of controversial want to. help the president were before. standard policy. all republican candidates in arizona have embraced trump and distanced themselves from mccain his life will be honored over the next days but his party seems to have moved away from his ideals. well thousands of devoted fans are lining up in detroit michigan to pay their last respects to the queen of soul aretha franklin's body is lying in state in her hometown of detroit a private funeral will take place on friday the seventy third six year old died earlier this month from pain create a cancer. everything franklins fans mourn her death. the body of the queen of soul who died nearly two weeks ago lying in state in detroit i woman whose powerful music and powerful message meant so much especially to many african-american women i think are high. i am a very good point here it was. me. this is the forthright everything franklin setting things straight that fans all remembering. and after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day and stick around for that. folks the books of technology. the rhythm of the market. the momentum of the working world. me your masers german team in sixty minutes on t w. may nineteen sixty eight and i'm crying echoed around the world. young people build against their parents' generation. this was an absolute dusty full of stupidity and cliche to say they demanded nothing less than a home society full blown wide maelstrom of concern for young and the violence with the vietnam war plane which broke my generation watched the bomb war every day. our documentary takes a look at mile times because of those military commanders of. the first time had a feeling of being part of something. means of those events today. the seeds of civil rights. peace movement and women's movement. during this period. nineteen sixty eight the global revolts start september first on g.w. . a german man stabbed to death to mina arrested both suspects or foreigners that was all it took to trigger anti migrant protests men chasing down complete strangers who police say didn't look german well tonight federal police are on standby after two nights of violence from the chancellor to local lawmakers condemnation of street thug behavior and from right wing men.


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casualties also. there was no. traffic church's highest ranking clerics how australia. is found guilty of sexually assaulting two boys a dramatic fall from grace for the former fighter i'm going to pope francis'. president trump arrives in hanoi for his summit for the north korean leader kim jong il by the two leaders will discuss nuclear arms the korean. i'm welcome to the program. britain's prime minister has told members of parliament that they will have a chance to delay breck said if they defeat her deal again threesome a change of heart came after several senior ministers threatened to resign there she allowed him to extend the march deadline to avoid the u.k. crashing out of the e.u. without a deal parliament is due to hold its next vote on mrs may's deal on twelfth of march prime minister's announcement follows that word from the opposition labor party on monday that it would support calls for a second referendum if it doesn't get the deal it wants. it from house having rejected leaving with the deal negotiated with the e.u. then rejects leaving on the twenty ninth of march with our withdrawal agreement in future framework the government will on the fourteenth of march bring forward a motion on whether parliament wants to see a short limited extension to article fifty. and if the house votes for an extension seek to agree that extension approved by the house with the e.u. and bring forward the necessary legislation to change the exit date commensurate with that extension that's got more mess from masters outside the houses of parliament and london welcomed back at what else did cerise i'm a tell em piece today. well she said that she really does want to make breaks that happen she said anything else would be a betrayal of democracy and she made it clear that for her only a short distance in is something that she would consider because she says at the end of these three months so at the end of june we would still somehow face a cliff edge scenario which is something that many in parliament really want to avoid they want to avoid crashing out of the european union without a deal to resolve a or said well it's best to vote for me vote for my deal now because even if you get an extension you would still in the end face the situation that you can still question without a deal if there is no in this period of time if there is no agreement so three months nor more than that with the prime minister let's pick up on that point if the british parliament does vote to extend this deadline what do they hope to achieve in three months so they haven't in two years. that's a very good question for her. i think the reason may is stressing that she's still negotiating with brussels and they're sending the attorney general over hoping that he can bring some more clarification something more than warm words i've just spoken to one of trees amaze own parties bricks of tears and he said well we are really we in the you are very very close together we nobody wants to actually wants to have the so-called backstop come into effect which is the situation of northern ireland it's more a matter of giving us some assurance that we have some possibility to leave and we need we need to know that we are able to leave the european union that's what they want to hear so she's saying we're still they go sating trust me i will come back from brussels with something and then she's going to put it to a vote in about two weeks time let's bring in the mugs. studio in brussels welcome max how is the e.u. likely to respond to extension requests from the u k. there has been growing sympathy for here in brussels to extend the article fifty period so effectively to delay bragg's it but the e.u. has always insisted that there needs to be a reason for that and that's where your question from earlier comes in what should they achieve in three months that they hadn't achieved in two years indeed a very good question if there is no purpose to the extension let's say a second referendum or new elections then the e.u. will have to be creative in explaining why they are granting this extension normally the thinking here was that it would be a technical extension meaning that they would be willing to extend this article fifty period if the end was in sight if they knew where they were heading if there was a solution in sight and they just lead a little more time to implement that but that's not the case at the moment so although there is sympathy for an extension the reason for which three some may would seek that extension is not clearer than and then before an extension makes an already complicated situation ridiculous if if this is extended to june say there are european parliamentary elections in may how would that affect the vast and what britney can take pot. that's a very legal and technical question but the thinking here is that if the extend up until the first session of the new parliament so before the new parliament constituents itself then they would be fine if they go beyond that and let's say in the first session which takes place in july of the new european parliament that parliament makes a decision a legally binding decision then it gets complicated because that anyone in britain or anywhere in the european union could probably go to court and say hang on a second the u.k. at that point was technically speaking part of the european union they did not get their say in this decision by the european parliament so any decision that the parliament takes that without the brits could be very difficult to stand up in court and that's why everybody talks about an extension up until the end of june all right final question to you get nice. on this question of a second referendum britain's main opposition announced yesterday that they would snobs support a second referendum under certain specific circumstances this is a mess already how disruptive would a second referendum be to british life and british politics. well that of course depends who you ask those who have fought for a second referendum for them this is really a very happy moment and very happy succumb stands that jeremy corbin has the leader of the opposition has has changed its stance because they have always said that if paul amend cons clear up what they call this mess then it has to be has to be going back to the people and it might in the end be the only solution for the wrecks a crisis because emotions not just in front of parliament you can hear all these people shouting behind you but also involvement a really high and people really have the entrenched views on whether brags that is something that needs to happen. anything else on the mcclatchy or whether. i think it's really the downfall of the u.k. to leave the european union so the question is how can they bring polman back together they might not and in that case they might have to bring it back to the british people about tourism a has also once again said that she is absolutely against a second referendum so it remains to be seen whether this will actually happen or not. in london max hoffman in brussels thank you both let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world iran is insisting that president rouhani has not accepted the unexpected resignation of foreign minister mohammad the jeffords arief mr zarif was responsible for negotiating iran's twenty fifteen nuclear deal with world powers in his social media post to apologize for what he called his shortcomings several prominent members of parliament of called on him to reconsider. voters in cuba have overwhelmingly back to a new constitution the document enshrines the country's one party socially system while recognizing private property and foreign investment as well as modest social changes your natural commission says movement eighty five percent of voters back the change. kerry has been released from jail facing a spent the weekend behind bars after being charged with sexually assaulting three teenage girls the woman has pleaded not guilty to all charges which date back to one thousand nine hundred ninety eight. pakistan has summoned india's ambassador in response to indian fighter jet setting targets inside pakistan india says the targets were terrorist camps and that the strikes killed hundreds pakistan denies there were any casualties and since it reserves the right to defend itself tensions have been growing between the neighboring states since forty indian soldiers were killed in a militant attack in kashmir two weeks ago. jubilation across india as news of the airstrikes emerge there have been growing impatience to avenge a suicide attack against indian soldiers in kashmir earlier this month as delhi announced it had targeted the militant group that claimed the massacre celebrations arrested throughout the country. according to the indian government a large number of militants were killed after its warplanes struck a training camp near the pakistani town of balakot the town is some fifty kilometers from the so-called line of control the ceasefire line that is the de facto border in kashmir if confirmed it would be india's deepest cross border raid on pakistan in decades. new delhi says it launched the air strikes because it had intelligence that the militant group was planning further attacks. the government of india is firmly risen pre-computed to taking all necessary measures to fight the minutes of terrorism hence this nonmilitary preemptive action was specifically targeted at the junction of mom of the camp. but pakistan is disputing india's version of events in a tweet the pakistani military confirmed that india violated the country's airspace but deny there were any casualties. in response to the incident pakistan's prime minister imran khan called an emergency meeting to discuss further steps following the talks as foreign minister sami mood koresh condemned the incursion in the strongest terms once again indian government has resorted to a self serving ridiculous fictitious. from has been done for the district. being an additional mob. of regional peace and stability at grave risk. while the results of india's military incursion in the early hours of tuesday remain disputed many in the country have chosen not to question their government's version of events. has got more on this from date of due course for the sort of follow the car in the indian camp and welcome so let's talk about the strikes first of all how significant. well it is usually significant because the market a major escalation between the two countries a major ratcheting up of patience between the two countries ever since that deadly suicide attack earlier this month which killed more than forty soldiers and what makes this strike also significant i think is that it marks the first time that india since a war with pakistan in one nine hundred seventy one pleads that it is crossed the line of control that's the deep thought factor border that divides us out of the circuitry from indian administered kashmir so india really cleans to a hit a target across the international border the deep inside pakistani territory about fifty miles from the white control in a location where you know treating cancer kashmiri militants are due to existed for a number of years so i think it marks of real escalation from previous indian reprisals and the pakistani response so far has been diplomatic that's right i mean but the start is really soft to downplay this incident it has denied india's cleans of heavy casualties inflicted when it hit when it came to him to this major terrorist camp there are reports that say the pakistani authorities have cordoned off the area where the strike took place not even allowing local police in so i think it will take some time before we get the full details of what really happened there but but the study of privacy in front garden has really questioned india's version of events he's called it you know reckless and fictitious and so we're really hearing conflicting that it's really good pakistan about this incident which is really not surprising by itself that these two countries have butted heads over the decades how worried should the rest of us be at this escalating. i mean that's right i mean india and pakistan have really been you know lost. in a cycle of mutual distrust impulse to to pretty for decades and you know the muslim majority disputed region of kashmir has really been at the center it's really been a flashpoint between the two countries the two countries have been at war twice over that the two neighbors new t.v. accusing each other of initiating cost border skirmishes in the uk it's part the start sponsoring cross border terrorism of harboring terrorists providing them with the path and it's a chargeback sort of consistently tonight so in this environment and given to these escalation i think you can safely say that this conflict is not going away anywhere anytime soon so no follicle in delhi thank you. d.w. has uncovered new details about the way german weapons and technology are being used in the war in yemen as part of an investigative research project known as hashed out german arms it was found evidence that saudi and iraqi forces are using german weapons in yemen for nato ground and air operations a far greater role was previously known. tens of thousands of civilians have borne the brunt of the war in yemen millions are on the brink of starvation the united nations asked describe this as the world's worst humanitarian crisis i started that coalition including forces from the united arab emirates have been involved in the fight against with the rebels in yemen since twenty fifteen both countries have long been the top clients of germany's arms industry the german government has repeatedly denied any damage of german they'd weapons being used in yemen citing the country's strict export guidelines trawling through videos photos and satellite images d.w. research partners found evidence that german weapons sold to the emirates and saudi arabia are in fact be used in the india is one example of come home to foreign bursaries in the fighting for the emirates in the cold war the german built a reference station mounted on armored vehicles. now the full report of the investigation will be really released at eight o'clock c.e.t. us tonight on the w. news and now we come to this part of that investigative team but the reports together welcome me let's start with the where the when the when were these weapons sold to saudi arabia in the usa well it's a mix i mean some of these weapons were sold in the eighty's in one thousand such as tornado jets but quite a few of the actually sold off of the war started in twenty fifteenth's i got a couple of examples here we're talking of patrol vessels helicopters radio systems artillery of munition pistols rifles warhead the list why it's list and. when used all of these were exported after twenty fifteen after the war in yemen was ongoing after the saudis endemol rocky's were clearly involved so there's a mix old and new but exports are continuing the latest exports were approved as late as september twenty eighth and what reaction has there been from the german. well so far not a lot we obviously put the accusations to them they declined to comment on the use of specific weapon systems i think we'll probably get more of a reaction once the full report comes out later on tonight we're expecting reactions either then immediately or tomorrow but of course these are big accusations and we will we do expect some kind of reaction at some point you know for now thank you. much more to come this story eight o'clock central european time when the full force is released on the dump dot com it shows how jim and weapons sold to saudi arabia on the united arab emirates are being used to fight the war in yemen so stay tuned for that. moving on to other news the vatican has described the conviction of australian cardinal george pablum five counts of sexually assaulting children us painful news the vatican so form a trash continues to protest his innocence and has launched an appeal a court in melbourne found him guilty of sexually assaulting two thirteen year old choir boys in the late one nine hundred ninety s. . i. know you will make your i pod cardinal george pell faced a torrent of abuse as he left his latest court hearing in melbourne so now he's free but victims outside the courts are calling for a tough sentence that catholics in a week i'm on that he be excommunicated from the church george pell is amongst a freak he has to be child not home detention none of these very weak justice we want to seem gyle we want to see him for all i even tell. the jury found that tell sexually assaulted two choir boys in a melbourne cathedral in one thousand nine hundred ninety six the unanimous verdict was handed down on december eleventh but due to a suppression order reporting is only now being allowed a previous trial resulted in a hung jury tell has always denied the charges peters and simple. i'm innocent of these charges. are false. whole idea of sexual abuse is power and to me. your pal is on leave from his role as treasurer the third most powerful position in the vatican. he is also australia's most senior catholic cleric. and. pope francis has in the past praised for his response to abuse but his conviction is another stain on a church whose leaders are accused of failing to deal with child sexual abuse within their ranks. the final preparations have begun for the second summit between the north korean leader kim jong un u.s. president donald trump. and the. noise on the kim jong. before him meetings that due to begin on wednesday and b. this will discuss ways to implement a promise. to give up its nuclear weapons. which could move from de to become. well alexandra what are people expecting from this meeting. well we have to say that president's trump himself has sort of downplayed expectations saying while talking about nuclear as asian that he is in no rush that he is happy that there is no testing anymore but of course we have to say that the u.s. president is a lot of pressure in washington to bring a foreign policy success back to washington and the recent government shutdown was seen as a big defeat for the president he's approval ratings remain low the mauler investigation is closing in and the democrats in congress are blocking his domestic agenda so in this situation he desperately needs a win however we have to say that it's still pretty much open where we are going to see a joint statement a document at the end of this meeting here in hanoi to pick up on that point because of course of the end of the last meeting there was a deal which wasn't very fireball chairman kim promised lots and appears to have delivered little so are we likely to see a different american approach this time. well that these many experts hope knowing that this summit cannot solve the whole problem the whole conflict with north korea but many experts here hope that that summit will start at least a process leading to a complete and verifiable denuclearization of north korea and there are rumors that king jum junk on maybe you willing to offer some concessions that he may be willing to destroy one of north korea's major new sites that he may be willing to let inspectors into the country and then in return the president can agree to a joint the ration and and of the korean war declaration of course some things like that that would be more symbolic because a peace treaty would involve south korea of course china and maybe even the u.n. command and we are talking here about speculations but as you can see there are some concessions are expected when you talk to experts about what is possible at this summit in hanoi. on naaman and honey thank you. i'll start with the football in the final game of the bundesliga so much today twenty three leipsic hosted hoffenheim a win would have seen the leapfrog black bag black back into third place often hard right meanwhile have their eyes on the european spot for next season. you really are not a smug look very much at home ahead of kick off the hof and i'm coach takes charge of light from the beginning of next season and this was a chance to get used to his future surroundings. his side took the lead after twenty two minutes on three courage for an easy tap in one nil to the visit of the croatia international tenth gold this been a sega campaign chrono rich just avoided being offside. it was the only goal in a hard fought first half. his hoffenheim side lead but not as mine is always a man with a plan and he handed out here instructions minutes after the restart. they didn't seem to work though like six really or been close with the free header. night six current coach nick will be novice months boss at the club next. but there was no love lost as the hosts kept at it. and eventually captain often did grab the equaliser just a minute from time. when i'm going to strike at using the lead so late good awareness from marcel austan b.x. had a organs you call eyes are. tough and i'm fluffed a very late chance a one one draw leaves the result is eight and i see comfortably in fourth now it's man is on course for champions league football with his new site next term. interest roger federer began his latest attempt to win his one hundred eighty piece singles title. well the hard for victory in dubai he broke in the first game off his match against a philip kohlschreiber took the first set six for the german forces way back and left in the tie at one set all fours in the third set of federer had stepped up his play taking it all by six games to one. and british investigators say the plane carrying argentinian football a millionaire salad which crashed into the english channel last month was not licensed for commercial use it hasn't yet been determined or whether the it could be classified as a private strip i mean commercial regulations were not a pleasurable the air accident investigation board released photos of the downed aircraft on monday the course of the crash is not no solace body was recovered from the seabed wreckage two weeks after the crash a pilot's davidson's has not yet been found. his reminder top stories after this but his prime minister threesome night last made a major concession on bread said she was offered the lawmakers the chance to delay the new craze departure from the twenty ninth of march if they reject. the divorce deal call it seems to devote something bad about. india has come from its military has conducted asked drugs against what it called a terrorist camp inside pakistan and in the media report more than three hundred numbers into the field at this time denies there are any characters. i just know i was here all day w. news asia i think proper turn the service truck into treasure they take a look at his newly opened twice took one took off. plus a child will hop out that story on for more all the while this more of course on the website e.w. dot com i'll be back at the top but not a good there. it's time to take one step further. and face the consummate good time to search the unknown and fight for the truth as. a tug to overcome boundaries and connect the world to. come it's time for w. d w d is coming up ahead meet for minds did you know it costs fifty cents to feed one hundred child for one full day the day before the copy. to follow from the first dog with to share the meal up to share her meal with children with just fifty songs and a talent or smartphone together we can move global hunger sleeze download the app. i'm skilled at the volume or that's hard and in the end it's a me your not a lot of the year and more we will send you that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers would lie and say. what's your story. on what numbers of women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trained always to understand this new culture. another visitor not the guests you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. this is news coming up on the program fresh fears of an all out confrontation in kashmir after india launches overnight air strikes against a militant count inside pakistan china has called for restraint and as the kim jong un express rolls into vietnam ahead of his second historic summit with donald trump we'll look at what acts were stake for south korea. and from ways to wonder india's capital now has an eyeful tower.


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