New york cIty. On thIs monday, September 30th, 2024. And thIs Is Fox FrIends. From y new and Improved and just refreshed StudIo M. BrIan took me forever to get thIs ready. Steve Its really somethIng. New coat of paInt. Anyway, we start wIth very serIous news. A Fox Weather alert. Rescue and recovery efforts are underway after helene leaves unImagInable destructIon across towns throughout the eastern thIrd of the UnIted States. Its been an IncredIbly apocalyptIc weekend for all of us here. Carley as nearly 100 people are confIrmed dead, we talk to resIdence, local offIcIals, and reporters on the ground all mornIng long. Lawrence plus, VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs says she wIll do a better job fIxIng the border than former PresIdent Trump. BrIan yeah. Lawrence Dhs Down Plays Thousands of Illegal crImInals roamIng our country. These are serIous problems. And we know donald Trump Wont solve them. BrIan all rIght. And some News Outlets paIntIng a posItIve pIcture of the murdered Hezbollah L
Photo: Frank Hamilton Not so long ago, Future Islands vocalist Samuel T. Herring’s lyrics painted a picture of relationship bliss. Released in 2020, the band’s last album ‘As Long As You Are’ chronicled his experiences after relocating to Sweden to start a new life with .
Future Islands new LP is that rare album where you might find yourself with the unusual but life-affirming compulsion to dance and quietly sob at the same time.