The Community Recreation Association is seeking nominations for the Gib Kittredge Memorial Award, which will be presented at the 28th annual Gib Kittredge Auction and Awards Ceremony in June. Nomination
DALTON, Mass. — The Community Recreation Association (CRA) is seeking nominations for the Gib Kittredge Memorial Award, which will be presented at the 28th annual Gib Kittredge Auction and.
12:51PM / Thursday, April 08, 2021 DALTON, Mass. Berkshire Money Management has donated $10,000 to Berkshire United Way to help fund the #HereForGood Volunteer Month. We have always and consistently supported community endeavors that raise up our neighbors, colleagues, friends and family in as many ways as we can, said Community Development Director Nichole Dupont. This past year has been particularly focused on daily service and being of service to our community. I have had countless conversations with non-profits and other Berkshire organizations, big and small, and they have all expressed the same sentiment. Our community needs US, all of us, more than ever before – and not just now, but in the coming year and years ahead. So that s where BMM is going to be.