One who engages in a rebellion or one who would perpetrate a bait and switch on the people of the state by voting contrary to the binding pledge. Rather than as proxy voters, they are free to do so. The states determine how to select electors and ensure they meet the relevant requirements and perform their duties as assigned. This means they can oversee bribery as the power to appoint. This must include the power to remove and elector without requiring a full criminal trial. Under my friends position as a practicality, they would cast a valid and illegal votes. In this case the state presented him from casting the ballot just like it is an illegal ballot if you dont find it here in colorado. As the court explained the purpose reflected the reality that the act did as pledge agents for their Political Parties and the history of such should be given great weight. As the justices point about the importance of enforcing the pledge requirement, its worth noting people rely on such as this t
This oral argument is one hour. The Colorado Department of state i noted at the outset Justice Sotomayor is recused on the case. The constitution authorizes the states to use their authority to remove the elector one who engages in a rebellion or one who would perpetrate a bait and switch on the people of the state by voting contrary to the binding pledge. Rather than as proxy voters, they are free to do so. The states determine how to select electors and ensure they meet the relevant requirements and perform their duties as assigned. This means they can oversee bribery as the power to appoint. This must include the power to remove and elector without requiring a full criminal trial. Under my friends position as a practicality, they would cast a valid and illegal votes. In this case the state presented him from casting the ballot just like it is an illegal ballot if you dont find it here in colorado. As the court explained the purpose reflected the reality that the act did as pledge ag