whether or not donald trump s language leads to increase violence against people of color are white people. people of color already understand this. there have been plenty of reports of latinos in el paso who now feel like they have a target on their back. the african-american experience in this country has been one of undersurveillance and under the thumb of the law. this is not a new phenomenon. what is new about this is you have someone in the white house who is a narcissist and racist. and you saw evidence of both this week. he travels to dayton and el paso and what comes out of that? a video that s essentially a campaign ad of him going to the hospital,s had scored to heroic music with everyone taking his picture and the president giving thumb s up. it s not about the victims. it s not about the families. it s not about the pain and the way those communities have been scarred. it s about trump as a man of action. he will take any event, no matter how horrid and turn it into a stag