This series was created by Alain Chamot (1971-2020).
After our visit to the Outer Hebrides, we took the ferry from Stornaway to Ullapool, and drove to Ballater in the Scottish Highlands, to meet up with a friend who lives in Aberdeen. We spent the next day hiking a loop in eastern Cairngorms National Park, Aberdeenshire. Fairly decent weather, just a spot of drizzle. The start of our hike was such a gradual uphill that I was astonished to see how high we were as we circled back. Long, long downhill to Loch Muick, where Queen Victoria’s hunting lodge (Glas-allt Shiel) is located, within the boundary of the royal Balmoral Estate. My maternal grandmother was born in Aberdeenshire, so a wee bit of connecting with the landscapes where she grew up before she immigrated to British Columbia as a young adult.