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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200929 00:30:00

tonight, the fallout. the bombshell report about president trump's taxes. "the new york times" reporting the year president trump won the white house, he paid just $750 in federal income taxes. the same the year after. and in 11 out of 18 years they studied, he reportedly paid no federal income taxes at all. tonight, "the times" reporting the president also appears to be hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. tonight, who does he owe that money to? how president trump is now responding, and the biden camp responding tonight, too. showing how much the average american worker pays in taxes every year. all of this with the first presidential debate showdown 24 hours away. president trump and joe biden face-to-face. in this pandemic, there will be no handshake, no opening statements. biden in debate prep tonight. and what he says he expects from the president tomorrow night. and the president on how he's preparing. the new emergency unfolding tonight, evacuations in northern california at this hour. the massive fire quadrupling in size. tens of thousands forced out. a senior home evacuated. a hospital transferring patients. the coronavirus in the u.s., now on the rise in 33 states and puerto rico. new york state reporting its highest infection rate since june. president trump this afternoon saying, we are rounding the corner. dr. anthony fauci telling abc news today, we are not in a good place. and the key number we did not meet as we head into fall. new video surfacing tonight in the breonna taylor case. vice news saying it has obtained body camera footage from moments after the shooting. tonight, the officer charged with wanton endangerment for bullets shot into a neighboring apartment pleading not guilty. and tonight here, new questions about the ballistics report. the dramatic images this evening. the police takedown of president trump's former campaign manager, brad parscale, who authorities say barricaded himself in his home with multiple guns. police reporting his wife had bruises. new reporting tonight involving hall of fame football star joe montana and his wife, stopping an alleged kidnapping inside their own home. and america strong tonight. what you did after our report right here. good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you at home. and we begin tonight with that bombshell report on president trump and his taxes. the election just 36 days away now, and this is the most extensive reporting yet on the matter. reporters at "the new york times" revealing that they have examined 18 years of president trump's taxes. 11 of those years, they report president trump paid no federal income taxes at all. and the year he won the white house, they say he paid $750 in federal income taxes. the same the following year. that's about the sam amount an american worker earning $20,000 a year pays in federal income taxes, $750. "the times" points to those 11 years in which trump paid no income taxes at all. and "the times" also reporting that the president is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. more than $420 million in debt, that could come due over the next four years if he's elected, leaving the questions, who is that money owed to? and of course, all of this just 24 hours before the first face-to-face debate between president trump and joe biden. here's our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl leading us off tonight. >> reporter: on the eve of the first presidential debate, the american public is getting what's been described as the first detailed look at one of donald trump's most closely guarded secrets -- his tax returns. in its blockbuster report, "the new york times" reviewed detailed information on nearly two decades worth of trump tax returns. the details are startling. trump paid no federal income taxes at all in 11 of the 18 years they reviewed. in 2016, the year he won the white house, trump reportedly paid only $750. for his first year in office, he again paid just $750. $750 is roughly the federal income tax bill of someone who makes $20,000 a year. at the white house, the president insisted "the times" report was not accurate. >> well, first of all, i've paid a lot. and i've paid a lot of state income taxes, too. >> reporter: but state and federal income taxes are two different things. the president built his brand and his campaign on being a business genius with a midas touch. >> i have great business sense, i made a lot of money and i had great success. so, i've had great success. by the way, really successful. >> reporter: but "the times" reports the trump businesses, including his golf courses and resorts, are actually awash in red ink. his washington hotel reportedly lost $55.5 million since it opened four years ago. his foreign ventures, according to "the times," are among the few that have actually made money since he became president. more than $73 million. some of the most profitable in countries with authoritarian leaders, including the philippines and turkey. when trump ran for president the first time, he insisted he was loaded with money and had almost no debt whatsoever. >> i don't need debt. you know, it's very interesting. i'm so liquid, i don't need debt. >> reporter: but "the times" reports the president is actually drowning in debt, including more than $421 million that could come due over the next four years. the paper noting that if trump is re-elected, "his lenders could be placed in the unprecedented position of weighing whether to foreclose on a sitting president." today, the president tweeted he has "very little debt compared to the value of assets." he has repeatedly said his tax returns are under irs audit. >> it's under audit. they've been under audit for a long time. the irs does not treat me well. >> reporter: the newspaper reports the irs is in fact investigating a $72.9 million tax refund the president received in 2010 and whether he took improper deductions. "the times" found trump took tax deductions for money spent on his lavish lifestyle, including $70,000 on hairdressers during his time on "the apprentice" and more than $95,000 for ivanka trump's makeup artist. the president says he is "entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation and tax credits." he has long refused to turn over his tax returns, but he's also bragged about his ability to avoid paying taxes. >> the only years that anybody's ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax. so -- >> that makes me smart. >> if he's paid zero, that means zero for troops. >> reporter: the biden campaign points out that most voters do pay taxes, releasing an ad today highlighting working class people who have paid more federal income tax than the self-described billionaire in the white house. >> all right, so, let's get right to jon karl, he's with us live in cleveland, the site of the debate, tonight. and jon, we've all pressed the president on his taxes throughout the years. four years ago, i asked then candidate donald trump when he would release them, he said what he said to so many reporters, after the audit. but he also told me, i went back to the transcript, he said, you know, i tell you, it's not a big deal. i asked, you don't think some voters will care? he said, i don't think so. i think people don't care. and jon, i'm curious, you know, four years later, that remains the central question, will some undecided voters care, now with this new reporting? >> reporter: well, david, the biden campaign has unveiled a tax calculator today, where you can compare how much you pay in taxes with how much donald trump paid. and you can be sure biden is going to make this a central issue that he hits in the debate tomorrow night. they sure believe that this is an issue that really hits home, an issue of fundamental fairness. >> and you can hear the rain there behind in you cleveland. that debate tomorrow night, as i mentioned off the top. jon karl, thank you. we'll see you tomorrow night, as well. that high stakes presidential debate, it's the first one, of course. president trump, joe biden, face-to-face, just 24 hours away. it will take place on that stage right there, cleveland, ohio. no handshake because of covid, no opening statements. biden has been doing debate prep and what he says he expects on that stage from president trump. and what the president says about preparing for the debate, as well. here's terry moran tonight. >> reporter: it will be a presidential debate unlike any in modern history. president trump and joe biden on the same stage for the first time. no handshake. no opening statements. and biden is prepared for the gloves to come off right out of the gate. >> he's going to want to make it personal. he's going to want to get in the mosh pit. i'm going to talk about why i want to be president of the united states. >> reporter: he has taken time off the trail to prepare. but the president campaigning hard. nine events in the last week. >> how many hours would you say you've spent on debate prep? >> a little time. i mean, not a lot. >> more or less than '16? >> i'm running a country. i'm -- you know, i don't have the luxury. >> reporter: the first question will go to president trump, who is using his third supreme court pick to fire up his base. formally nominating judge amy coney barrett to fill justice ruth bader ginsburg's seat this weekend. >> she is a woman of unparalleled achievement, towering intellect, sterling credentials and unyielding loyalty to the constitution. >> reporter: and biden is making the case that health care and guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions for millions of americans is at stake, with the court set to take up the fate of the affordable care act just one week after the election. >> the clear focus is, this is about your health care. this is about whether or not the aca will exist. this is about whether or not pre-existing conditions will be -- continue to be covered. >> reporter: he's heading into tomorrow with a ten-point lead in national polls over the president, and he'll be in his element, with 26 vice presidential and presidential primary debates under his belt. but this time, he'll be head-to-head with a president who acknowledges he began prepping weeks ago. here's what biden said about that to david. >> the president said he's already prepping for the debates. are you? >> so am i. i can hardly wait. >> who's playing trump? >> i'm prepping. >> reporter: and in these final hours before the debate, biden says going up against donald trump is a whole other ball game. >> what do you have to do to win the debate? >> just tell the truth. >> let's get to terry moran tonight. terry, tomorrow night's debate, you've got this new reporting on the president's taxes. of course, coronavirus here in the u.s. the supreme court vacancy. plenty for our colleague chris wallace over at fox news to get to tomorrow night. >> reporter: it should, david, be a meaty debate on paper, but let's see. those topics that chris wallace have chosen, six topics, 15 minutes each, the trump and biden records, the supreme court, the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, race and violence in our cities and the integrity of our elections. but i think voters are also going to get a good look at both men under pressure at length, really for the first time. david? >> 36 days to go. terry moran, thank you. of course, again, that crucial first debate tomorrow night. abc news with a special edition of "20/20" starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern, followed by the debate right here at 9:00. in the meantime, we're going to turn to the emergency unfolding in the west at this hour. a massive fire, quadrupling in size north of san francisco, racing across napa valley. families forced from their homes. just incredible pictures coming in. so many homes already destroyed. new evacuation orders just this afternoon. tens of thousands forced to flee. so many wineries also threatened tonight. this bed and breakfast burned right to the ground. a senior home has been evacuated tonight. a hospital rushing to transfer patients. and abc's kayna whitworth from california tonight. >> reporter: tonight, homes engulfed and more families told to get out, as multiple out of control wildfires rage north of san francisco. the fires more than quadrupling in size in just 12 hours. this glass fire sparked two other fires nearby, so, as you can see here in napa valley, we are essentially surrounded by flames. sirens blaring, families racing to evacuate. >> we left with nothing, i mean, just literally with nothing. we're so lucky to be alive. >> reporter: in santa rosa, city buses lining up overnight to take more than 100 senior home residents out of harm's way, some still in their pajamas. st. helena's hospital forced to evacuate for a second time in a month. >> we're very thankful that the hospital at least right now is still standing. >> reporter: and tonight, images of the burned out neighborhoods that firefighters couldn't save. david, firefighters were dealing with extremely erratic fire behavior and high winds. you can see how the smoke is really just starting to swirl and you hear the trees popping. winds are expected to die down, but the red flag warnings will remain in effect and in fact extend south into los angeles through tomorrow. david? >> all right, kayna whitworth with the unbelievable scene in california tonight. kayna, thank you. we move on this monday to the coronavirus here in the u.s. cases rising across much of this country. dr. anthony fauci telling abc news today, we are not in a good place. cases increasing in 33 states and puerto rico. more than 7 million confirmed cases so far. nearly 205,000 lives lost here in the u.s. and in florida tonight, the images coming in, the bars and restaurants crowded immediately after limits were lifted in that state. president trump this afternoon saying we are rounding the corner. dr. fauci has said we need to be at 10,000 cases a day as we head into the fall flu season to tackle this pandemic. but we are far from that. here's abc's victor oquendo. >> reporter: in florida, crowds are again packing restaurants and bars after the governor gave the green light to fully reopen. >> it honestly looks like it's business as usual. it looks like how it was pre-covid era. >> reporter: after first reopening in may, florida became the epicenter of the virus, so far, losing more than 14,000 lives. cases are now rising in 33 states and puerto rico. dr. anthony fauci telling "gma" he's concerned about the level of infection. >> we're not in a good place with regard to what i had said back then, because as we get into the fall and the winter, you really want the level of community spread to be as low as you possibly get it. and i hope not, but we very well might start seeing increases in deaths. >> reporter: new york sounding the alarm after topping more than 1,000 cases for the first time since june. it comes as thousands more students go back to new york city classrooms and limited indoor dining reopens. today, president trump announcing 150 million rapid tests are on their way to the states. the vice president today with this blunt warning. >> the american people should anticipate that cases will rise in the days ahead. >> reporter: but moments later, the president once again claiming we are rounding the corner on the virus. >> we're rounding the corner. and very importantly, vaccines are coming, but we're rounding the corner regardless. but vaccines are coming and they're coming fast. >> reporter: nearly 205,000 americans have lost their lives to covid-19. just weeks after teacher demetria bannister passed away at 28 years old, the virus claiming her mother's life. 57-year-old shirley, a nursing teacher, who learned she had covid the day she lost her daughter. what has this been like for your family after losing both your aunt and your cousin? >> it definitely leaves a void within each and every one of us. i think sometimes we think that they went somewhere and, you know, they'll be back. but then reality will sink in. and we realize that their destination has no return. >> reporter: and as for those rapid tests promised by the white house, they are just $5 apiece, with results in 15 minutes. the hope is that they will help reopen schools. david? >> all right, victor oquendo tonight. victor, thank you. next to the dramatic images from ft. lauderdale. a top campaign adviser to president trump, brad parscale, taken down by police after he barricaded himself in his home. his wife calling 911 to say he was armed. tonight here, what police now say they discovered. here's rachel scott. >> okay, come out here. >> reporter: tonight, alarming body cam video showing senior trump campaign adviser and former campaign manager brad parscale tackled and taken down by florida police. >> get on the ground, man. >> i didn't do anything. >> reporter: his wife racing out of their home and calling 911. >> he went away and then i heard a loud boom. >> reporter: telling police parscale was intoxicated and armed. >> he went back inside, came back out of his office, like, cocked his handgun and went back inside. >> you got a lot of guns in the house? >> i think we have, like, four or five. >> reporter: candice parscale telling officers her husband had suicidal thoughts over the past few weeks. police swarming the neighborhood, negotiating with him to surrender. >> okay. all right. can you do us a favor? can you walk out with no weapons, please? >> most importantly, he's the best. >> reporter: it's a dramatic manager, who spoke to leslieliee stall of "60 minutes" about being a newcomer and helping trump win in 2016. >> your wife has a wonderful expression about you being thrown into this. >> yeah, she said that i was thrown into the super bowl, never played a game and won. >> reporter: in 2018, he was put in charge of the president's re-election campaign. but he was demoted after disappointing turnout at a tulsa rally in june and questions about misspending millions, leaving the campaign strapped for cash. tonight, parscale is hospitalized, undergoing a medical evaluation. the police report saying his wife had several bruises on her arms and scratches on her cheek and forehead. one officer saying she accused her husband of previously hitting her. and tonight, a campaign official telling us their thoughts are with brad parscale and his family as they wait for the facts to emerge. david? >> all right, rachel scott reporting tonight. rachel, thank you. when we come back here, new video in the breonna taylor case. and the hall of fame football star joe montana and his wife stopping an attempted kidnapping in their own home. it's been broken. and put back together. this is hal's relief, knowing he's covered by medicare from blue cross blue shield. and with coverage you can trust, backed by over 80 years of healthcare expertise, we'll be there when it matters most. this is medicare from blue cross blue shield. this is the benefit of blue. this is medicare from blue cross blue shield. people are waking up tog with what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... ...and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away... ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. now to news in the breonna taylor case tonight. former officer brett hankison pleading not guilty to wanton endangerment for allegedly firing into a neighboring apartment. vice news obtaining body camera from the moments after the shooting, saying the video shows police yelling commands at taylor's boyfriend, kenneth walker, as he's arrested. a kentucky state police ballistics report given to abc news is now raising new questions about who fired the shot that injured an officer that night. when we come back here, the alarming scene at joe montana's home. uters. ♪ so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, that definitely appealed to me. you're learning how to create spreadsheets, documents, forms and surveys. i'm thinking i can become more marketable. i got to about the third course and i'm like, you know, i probably could do this for a living. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots and lots of people can learn. ♪ i feel hopeful about the future now. it's empowering to have that knowledge that nobody can take away from you. ♪ so are we. prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. that's over 25 million people. with over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. we make it easy for you with online tools, e-signatures, and no-medical-exam life insurance. plan for better days. go to or talk to an advisor. here's to the duers. to all the people who realize they can du more with less asthma thanks to dupixent, the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? 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Medic Ambulance celebrates 45 years of saving lives

Medic Ambulance expanded its reach to Fairfield and Suisun in 1986 and Rio Vista in 1992. Ambulance services, initially modeled like tow trucks, were provided by Medic and Solano Ambulance. In 1992 it began construction of its new Vallejo headquarters at 506 Couch St, moving from the previous location at Nebraska Street.


Medic Ambulance celebrates 45 years of saving lives

Medic Ambulance expanded its reach to Fairfield and Suisun in 1986 and Rio Vista in 1992. Ambulance services, initially modeled like tow trucks, were provided by Medic and Solano Ambulance. In 1992 it began construction of its new Vallejo headquarters at 506 Couch St, moving from the previous location at Nebraska Street.


Transcripts for KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240604 22:59:00

here in normandy. good night. or has burned at least 57 acres and is threatening structures near saint helena. cal fire says the crystal fire is near crystal springs road and silverado trail. they've called in air support to try to help the firefighters. there are several wineries in that area, and cal fire says the flames are currently burning toward the bell canyon reservoir, not too far from rombauer vineyards. the bay area air quality management district has issued an air quality advisory. because of all the smoke that fire near the location of the 2020 glass fire, which wiped out hundreds of homes and damaged dozens of wineries. and with that, we say, good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil. we will continue monitoring the fire all throughout the afternoon and evening.


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