Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation of the USA has signed a memorandum of understanding with South Korea's Hyundai Engineering and SK E&C to conduct joint research and development for the commercialisation of Hydrogen Micro Hubs over the next five years.
Grupa Azoty Police, Ultra Safe Nuclear and the West Pomeranian University of Technology have signed an agreement to build a nuclear energy research facility based on Ultra Safe Nuclear's Micro-Modular Reactor technology. Meanwhile, Polskie Elektrownie JÄ…drowe, Westinghouse and Bechtel expect to soon sign a contract for the design of Poland's first large-scale reactor.
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation has signed a memorandum of understanding with Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to explore the deployment of a Micro-Modular Reactor in Lappeenranta. Meanwhile, USNC has signed an MoU with Canadian privately held investment firm Portland Holdings Investco Limited to promote the MMR in the Middle East, North Africa and the Caribbean regions.
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation has signed a memorandum of understanding with Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to explore the deployment of a Micro-Modular Reactor in Lappeenranta. Meanwhile, USNC has signed an MoU with Canadian privately held investment firm Portland Holdings Investco Limited to promote the MMR in the Middle East, North Africa and the Caribbean regions.