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burnt-orange car. >> we are not excluding anyone in this. obviously, as far as we can find now, he was the last person with hannah, so the focus of our investigation. >> reporter: police put out this wanted poster today, because they no longer know where jesse matthew is located. saturday he and family members came to police headquarters and asked for a lawyer. police found one, but matthew then left without answering questions. later that evening, elsewhere in al bemarl county, as state police watched, matthew drove off at a high rate of speed. that led to these two reckless driving charges the police will now use to arrest matthew, if they can find him. >> we want to speak to him, because, again, he was the last person we can show was -- we know was with hannah graham. so he has got to have information we need, and is very frustrating. >> reporter: it's been three days since jesse matthew's landlord has heard from him. we were with her when she entered his apartment following the police search. and while francis lee van dell says while he was far from an ideal tenant, she is surprised to hear him called a person of interest in hannah graham's disappearance. >> i'm horrified. i'm in shock. >> reporter: do you believe he could have anything to do with her disappearance, or do you think it's unlikely? >> he seems a mild man. not that -- you know, not violent. but i don't know. >> reporter: now let's take a closer look at that wanted poster of jesse matthew. 6'2" tall, 270 pounds. police believe he may be in a light blue nissan sentra with tags va c4-575. police say further that obviously he has contacts in virginia, but also has associates or contacts in maryland, the district of columbia, pennsylvania and new york. now coming up on news4 at 6:00, the help that charlottesville police are getting from law enforcement in northern virginia and suburban maryland. you'll see them in my story at news4 at 6:00. i'm julie carey, news4. hundred rounds of ammunition. that's what a federal prosecutor says was found inside the car of the man who breached white house security. former army veteran omar gonzalez appeared in federal court a short time ago. the prosecutor called him a danger to the president and ordered gonzalez held without bail until it his next court date. the first family was not at the white house at the time. the security secret service has tightened security after they say gonzalez made it all the way across the lawn into the white house. agents stopped him just inside the door. how could it happen at one of the most carefully protected buildings in the world? the secret service is facing tough questions after the embarrassing incident. and now there's talk of new check points and tourist screenings. news4's mark segraves is live outside the white house with reaction from local leaders and folks who work around there. mark? >> reporter: that's right, pat. you can see lots of tourists out here on the plaza today. but this is also a popular thoroughfare for locals, pedestrians and cyclists cut through all of the time. and it wasn't too long ago you could drive your car down pennsylvania avenue. but after a man hopped this fence on friday and made it inside the white house, secret service says they are now considering adding check points where people would have to be screened before they walked down here. they're even considering closing off this sidewalk. the security breach friday night wasn't the first time someone has jumped this fence. it's happened more than 100 times since the 1970s when a man was shot and killed after he jumped the fence. after a plane was flown into the white house in 1994, the secret service moved to close pennsylvania avenue to cars. >> it had nothing to do with pennsylvania avenue. but they seized the moment and closed pennsylvania avenue and then said it was all based on what happened in oklahoma city. >> reporter: now after friday's breach, there have been news reports that the secret service wants to increase security outside the white house. including adding check points where pedestrian bags would be searched before being allowed to walk through the plaza or park. >> it would be terrible. first of all, the message it sends about, you know, a dangerous environment right out of the box i think makes it a terrible idea. >> this is our nation's capital and it's up to all law enforcement to make it safe for everybody. obviously, the security of the president is foremost in our thinking. but i'm confident that the secret service could come up with a better plan. >> reporter: on capitol hill today, delegate eleanor holmes norton fired off a letter to the head of the secret service, asking they reconsider anymore security that would impact visitors. >> i'm very concerned that they're already floating check points to get into where, the outdoors? you know, we've got checkpoint to get into buildings. now we're going to have check points to get in front of buildings. >> reporter: and it's not just lawmakers who are upset about the possibility of being kept further away from the white house or having to go through another security checkpoint. >> i hope it doesn't happen. we've got too much security already. >> i think there's a lot of security to put on pedestrians and citizens of the district. >> reporter: now officials with homeland security and the secret service say they're going to review everything that went on here over the weekend, and then consult with congress and the white house before making any changes to security. of course, d.c. officials would like to be part of that conversation. now coming up at 6:00, how america's main street went from becoming open to everyone to possibly becoming an enclosed security zone. reporting live at the white house, mark segraves, news4. stay with news4 for more on this story. coming up at 5:30, the insider view from nbc's white house correspondent, chris jansing, who was at the white house during that security breach. one parent says it's heartbreaking. a teacher at a daycare center in prince william county is accused of biting a toddler under her care. and today we learn she was working at the goddard school in woodbridge, virginia, despite having criminal charges in her past. news4's kristen wright talked to that teacher today and joins us live from woodbridge with more on the story. kristen? >> reporter: well, jim, police say the teacher bit the child on september 11th. the very next day, an anonymous tip came into child protective services. today we talked to this teacher who is accused and also a lot of parents who came here today wanting some answers. >> this is just very heartbreaking. now i don't know what to do. i mean, it's a trust issue. >> reporter: melda pulled her two children out of the goddard school in woodbridge as soon as she heard a teacher was arrested for allegedly biting a child. >> that's what's very scary about it. i'm pretty sure a lot of the teachers -- who knows if my 2-year-old was ever in her care. >> reporter: police say 23-year-old theresa brown bit the 13-month-old boy on the shoulder hard enough to leave a mark after he bit another teacher. news4 found brown at her home today. she has been fired. brown wouldn't appear on camera, but told us she didn't bite anyone. she thinks another child did it, and that she is only being accused to distract from other problems at goddard. the owner of the facility, nadia choudhry, is also charged with neglect. >> staff went to the owner, and attempted to report the incident. and that's when the owner told that staff member to not report the incident. >> reporter: some parents are asking why brown was working at goddard in the first place. she has a criminal history of arrests, including assault, forgery and stealing. >> the daycare system is unpredictable. you think a place is great one day and the next day you don't know. but for the most part i'm pretty happy with my experience here. so hopefully, you know, something like this is just an anomaly. >> it's going to take a toll on the family. i am going to have to take some days off work and figure out what to do now. >> reporter: we spoke to the corporate office of the goddard school and they told us that right now they are reviewing their hiring practices, including the process of background checks. coming up tonight at 6:00, we'll explain how theresa brown was able to work here with children, despite the fact she had gotten into trouble before. live in woodbridge, kristen wright, news4. right now we get the latest from the scene of a large fire in northern virginia. a viewer sent us this cell phone video of flames shooting out of the burke nursery and garden center. late this afternoon, the fire started near some mulch and then it spread to a nearby building. no one was hurt, but what a raging fire it was. in video from chopper 4, it looks like a greenhouse structure burned. the main office is still standing. the company's website says the garden center opened back in 1977. firefighters are still working to determine what started that fire. well, say goodbye to summer. we had some wind out there today, the beginning of fall officially arrives later today, and it already is starting to feel the part. doug kammerer is in the storm center with more. came in on cue, doug. >> really did, jim. we're talking about the first day of fall beginning tomorrow morning. it will be the first full day. actually starts tonight, just after 10:30. take a look. show you the temperatures we have seen so far today. around average for the most part in d.c. at 76 degrees. 76 towards fredericksburg. look at hagerstown, though, only 67 for a high. and notice what's going to be happening. a very chilly night tonight, a cool day tomorrow and then watch this. coastal system moves up along the east coast and then by wednesday into thursday, it could bring us a lot of rain. we could be dealing with a very cool and a very wet week. i've got all the forecast details coming up in just a minute. thanks, doug. the owner of the ravens on the defensive right now following a new report about how he handled the ray rice domestic violence case. jason pugh is at the live desk with more. jason. >> pat, baltimore ravens owner, steve bisciotti spoke to the media a few minutes ago addressing a espn report that claims the ravens knew what happened inside that elevator much earlier than when tmz released that video. the ravens are refuting that repo report. here's what bisciotti had to say this afternoon. >> there is no excuse for me to have not demanded that video, except i wasn't concerned or interested enough to demand it. never crossed my mind. i'm sorry for that. deeply sorry for that. if i -- if it had crossed my mind, i would have demanded it. if i had demanded it, i would have gotten it. and if i had gotten it, i would have forwarded it to the nfl and it would have turned into an unprecedented suspension for ray. >> reporter: now steve bisciotti also went on to say that no one within the ravens organization will lose their job due to the handling of this ray race incident. reporting from the live desk, jason pugh, news4 sports. free rides on the toll road. coupon deals for restaurants and a chance to win a spa package. why the company in charge of the express lanes in virginia is now offering these details. playoff tickets for the nats sell out in 17 minutes. but there may be another chance to get your hands on some. and the parents of hundreds of newborns dealing with a potentially dangerous health scare tonight. why they're all rushing to get their kids tested. the 495 express lanes are supposed to make your trip faster, but this week you could also get a free ride. a special promotion is trying to encourage more people to use the lanes in order to get lunch. news4's chris gordon is in springfield near the braddock road exit. hey, chris. >> reporter: well, good evening. we are next to one of the entrances to the 495 express lanes. they are being underutilized during some of the hours of the day, especially lunch time. so the private company that operates those express lanes is coming up with some innovative offers to try to get you to use the toll road. we mounted a camera on our hood and drove the 495 express lanes at midday. there were only a few cars with us. at the same time, the nonexpress beltway lanes were filled, but moving at speed with no backups. depending on the distance you drive, express lanes cost up to $3 for the midday trip. >> reporter: they're trying to get more people to use the 495 express lanes. what could they do to get you to use them? >> i don't know. because it's an extra charge for that. >> reporter: transurban is the private company that separates the 495 express lanes. it recently mailed this offer to northern virginia households to entice more drivers to use 495 express lanes. experience lunch in the fast lane. for those who registered, they got coupons to travel for free on the 495 express lanes from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. all this week. and they were given special discount coupons for lunch at one of twelve restaurants. >> we always want to see more customers, definitely. the more folks out there, the more folks that have an ez pass and can take advantage of this, that's great. and that's great for drivers on the beltway, as well. >> reporter: the 495 express lanes opened two years ago this november. transurban tells us, in the june 2014 quarter, there were 43,325 workday trips. that's almost a 24% increase over the previous june quarter, when there were 34,947 workday trips. the record daily toll revenue reported is over $161,000. how often do you use them? >> maybe two to three times a week. >> reporter: what would get you to use them more? >> for it to be cheaper. >> reporter: and because of the high cost, some drivers are cheating. they are using them like hov lanes when they don't have the necessary three people in the vehicles. coming up tonight, a news4 at 6:00, we'll show you how virginia state police are cracking down on the cheaters. live in fairfax. back to you in the studio. >> thank you, chris. it's not tax time right now but there is a scam out there that involves phony irs agents. the scammers have targeted people in montgomery county. one person was out $3,000 after the crook asked the victim to buy green dot cards at a safe way in rockville. here's how it works. the scammers pose as irs agents and tell you there is a warrant out for your arrest. and you'll get served unless you cough up some cash. >> these crooks sound convincing and they are. they are good. we all must work together to educate and protect one another. so be on alert, be mindful of what is happening. and be mindful of those you talk to on the telephone. >> these con artists have scammed people out of millions of dollars across the country. the irs says it never calls taxpayers by telephone for taxes od odor or threatens arrest. the irs notifies people by mail first, always. >> always got to be on your toes. >> pretty sad out there. well, doug, we're going to need sweaters and jackets tonight. >> yeah, and that's why jim and i are growing the beards. >> keep faces warm. >> yeah, keep it warm. we're going to be so-called over the next 24 hours. these are our playoff beards. >> they are. and this is going down. we're riding this all the way. >> the contest. wife not happy about it. sorry, honey. let's take a look and show you. go nationals. out there right now, looking good. plenty of sunshine. but the wind has been coming in from the northwest. and it's been a little bit of a cool wind. most of us have seen temperatures in the 70s. but some of you have stayed back in the 60s and many of you are there right now. >> 74 degrees, winds out of the north at 18 miles per hour. so an 18-mile-an-hour wind right now. and look at the wind gusts, up to 25 miles per hour in washington. 25 in hagerstown and over 20 in leesburg. so it's definitely been a little bit on the breezy side. all in all, not too bad. 74 currently in d.c. 63 though in hagerstown and 72 in frederick. so you see the cooler air that's going to continue to make its way across our region. take a look just farther back to the west. that's 63 in hagerstown. 57 in pittsburgh. 57 in state college. so it's going to get really cool overnight tonight. i would say most of you will be in the 40s overnight and into early tomorrow morning. so what to wear tomorrow. i think tomorrow you're not going to need the umbrella. you'll need the jacket, though. maybe the long pants for the first time if you're sending the kids off to school. they may need the pants. maybe the jeans early. because tomorrow will be a chilly day. how chilly? well, nothing around our region, but there could be some frost way back toward the west. we're talking about garrett county, western allegheny county, petersburg area of west virginia, temperatures could get into the upper 30s tonight for the first time this season. as far as we're concerned, not worried about rain, as i mentioned. going to stay on the dry side today. tomorrow we stay dry too. and right now it's looking pretty good. but just down to the south, there is a storm system trying to develop. and i think that's going to get in here during the day wednesday. so here we are future weather tuesday tomorrow at 8:30. no problems. tomorrow, plenty of sunshine wins again. just a few clouds. here comes the storm system during the day on wednesday. notice the clouds early wednesday morning, stocked in with theclouds. and then here comes the rain late into the evening. and look at 9:00 on wednesday night. we could be inundated with some rain out there. we need to see some rain, and this system could give it to us, both wednesday and thursday. so we're still monitoring this situation, see exactly where the storm sets up. some of us could be in for some good rain. so 70 degrees tomorrow in leesburg. no rain tomorrow. plenty of sunshine. high temperature around 73 in the d.c. metro area. some of you staying in the upper 60s. 75 on your wednesday with that 30% chance of rain late and overnight a really good chance. same deal goes for thursday with a high of 72. 76 on friday and not quite done with the warm temperatures just yet. i think we get back up to 80 degrees on saturday and summed sunday. and next week looks really warm. so for now on the cool side for a couple days. >> thank you, doug. a new study on autism sheds some light on what expecting mothers may be able to do to help reduce the risk. and a redskins captain lost for the season. chris cooley joins dianna with more on how the team will replace the leadership of deangelo hall. we're coming right back. welcome back to news4 at 5:00, i'm dianna russini live at redskins park. sunday was the first game the redskins played without robert griffin iii this season. kirk cousins was the starter, and lots of people today are saying wow. kirk cousins was impressive. and this week's coolly report, the future is bright with cousins at quarterback. >> he's awesome. his offense is awesome. and distributes the ball to a bunch of different receivers. starts 12 of 13. did everything right. exceptional job. hard to be critical of what kirk did throughout most of the game. would like to see him finish. >> reporter: today's big news, deangelo hall talked to us at redskins park today. he was on crutches. his ankle in a boot. his achilles' heel completely torn. he's done for the season, he says. how big of a loss is someone like deangelo who will hall? >> without question a leader in the heart of the defense. it's a big presence that you lose. and it's hard to keep that presence when you're not oppose the field. >> reporter: do you think this washington redskins right now at the point they're at have enough talent on their team to get a win against a team like the new york giants who really aren't that good? >> the giants -- >> reporter: okay, they looked good yesterday. >> the giants were pretty good yesterday. the answer to your question is yes, they absolutely have enough talent on their team. but they have to find a way to win as a team. they have to understand who they are as a group of players and team and have confidence to finish a game. we have seen two games so far this year that in my opinion we should have won. and there isn't quite that killer mentality mind-set that says we'll take this game over now. we'll take it from here right now. >> reporter: all right. so the redskins will face the giants on thursday back at fedexfield. special teams. that is the biggest weakness on this redskins team right now, ask chris cooley at 6:00 has the answers. he thinks he knows how the team can fix it. i'm dianna russini at redskins park. >> thanks, dianna. at 5:00, a proposal that could transform some prince george's neighborhoods by turning old bill boards into newer digital ones. why some folks are calling this another form of pollution. also ahead, new details about the man who jumped the fence at the white house on friday as he appears before a judge today. we'll talk to one of the reporters who was there about what it was like. and the changes she's already seeing. and the health scare that's resulted in hundreds of parents testing their newborns for a contagious disease. right now at 5:30, a young mother shot and killed at home with two of her young children in the house. this evening, we're hearing from the victim's grandfather as police try to find a suspect and a motive. news4's pat collins is live near the scene in southeast washington. pat. >> reporter: pat, she was a dancer, she was an artist, she was the mother of four young children. she was murdered inside her home here in southeast. who could have done something like this? we begin with words from the victim's grandfather. >> the monster that did it, the monster needs to be caught. it was a monster that killed my granddaughter. he needs to be caught. >> reporter: that's michael conyers. he's the grandfather of the murder victim, dee dee conyers. he was the one who found his granddaughter dead inside her apartment here on ridge crest court in southeast. >> i was in total shock. i really was. i was hysterical. i could not call 911 fast enough. >> reporter: dee dee conyers was the mother of four children. two of her children, a 2-year-old boy and 3-month-old girl, were inside the apartment when she was shot and killed. now this happened on september 14th around 7:00 p.m. but we're just learning the details now. dee dee conyers had just moved into this apartment, most of her belongings were still in boxes. there was no sign of a forced entry. her grandfather says dee dee was a kind woman who would feed and shelter people who she really didn't know. he says her kindness may have cost her her life. do you think she was too trusting? >> yes, entirely too trusting. and when she moved into her old place, i said leave the old friends at the old neighborhood. so i was trying to move everything out of her apartment all by myself. >> reporter: dee dee conyers was just 27 years old. coming up at 6:00, a message to the killer from her mother. you might be surprised about what she has to say. live in southeast, pat collins, news4. pat, thank you. a same-sex marriage ceremony in maryland had a special fish ant this weekend. elena kagan presided over the wedding of her former law clerk. it was the first time she officiated a same-sex marriage. ginsburg and sandra day o'connor have also officiated at same-sex marriages. the court could reconsider the constitutionality nationwide in its upcoming term. security heightened around the white house after a man makes it all the way inside the executive mansion. police found 800 rounds of ammunition inside his car. >> we have learned he's a veteran who was arrested back in july in virginia. nbc white house correspondent chris jansing was at the white house when the security breach happened. chris, tell us what it was like that day at the white house before all of this happened. >> reporter: what happened, jim and pat, was unprecedented, because i was down in the press area, and people were yelling that there was a jumper. that is not unusual. but they said he had gotten inside the white house and we couldn't believe it. that has never happened before. he ran across the lawn behind me, went up the steps to the north port i co and went in through the front door which was obviously unlocked. that raised a whole lot of questions, because there are so many protocols in place to stop something like that from happening. there are k-9s trained to knock and hold people down. why were they not released, why were snipers not used? those questions being asked by a lot of members of congress who are actually going to come back and have hearings on this coming up. but we've also learned that omar gonzalez was known to authorities. back on august 25th, he was stopped along the south fence of the white house. he had a hatchet that he was carrying inside pants. he was allowed to leave. on july 19th, he was arrested while speeding and was part of a chase there. he had a large number of weapons with him, including two sniper rifles, five handguns. but the only illegal gun was a sawed off shotgun. we're also told at the time he had a map of the d.c. area, pointing to the white house. and so a lot of questions are being raised about why he wasn't on their radar and, of course, the big question, how did he get over the fence and go through the front door. that door is now locked. you mentioned stepped up foot patrols, stepped up surveillance. also conversations about should they do something around the perimeter of the white house, should people have to go through security. so many people, hundreds of people every day to take tours of the white house. are they going to have to change those protocols. but there is an investigation that is ongoing. there is obviously a sense of urgency, although the president when asked about it today at an event having nothing to do with this, obviously, said he has confidence in the secret service. we do know, though, that on friday night and not surprisingly, he was updated on a regular basis several times throughout the evening. and throughout the weekend about this ongoing investigation. pat and jim? >> nbc's chris jansing live at the white house. very frightening day on friday. thank you for sharing your perspective with us too. we appreciate it. >> sure. police believe they are zeroing in on a dangerous self-taught survivalist accused of ambushing two state troopers and killing one of them. eric frein has been on the run in pennsylvania for ten days now. over the weekend, police found an assault rifle in the pocono mountains. they don't know if it belongs to frein. police believe he planned -- had been planning his attack and escape for months, or maybe even years. they warn that frein is armed and dangerous, but they believe he's targeting police officers, not civilians. >> it is our conclusion that he is aimed totally at police officers, because there were unarmed civilians who right in the exact same location. during the course of the shooting. and he chose not to shoot at them. >> frein is now on the fbi's ten most wanted list. thousands of residents were ordered to lock down after the shooting. today some students were able to go back to school. there is extra security and children will have to stay inside all day. we're learning new details tonight about that deadly tour bus crash in delaware over the weekend. the bus left washington, d.c. and was heading up to new york city when it flipped over here on sunday. a woman from new york and another from turkey were killed. dozens of other passengers, including the bus driver, had to be hospitalized. state police say drugs and alcohol were not factors in this crash. the ntsb is now investigating just what happened. they have served their community for more than 30 years, but now this haven for some is going to have to shut its doors. and a new study that is shedding some light tonight on what expectant mothers may be able to do to reduce the risk of autism. sunshine and a cool night tonight. but then we look down to the south. take a look at all this moisture down around florida and georgia. going to try to move our way. i'll show you when it could get here and what to expect for the rest of the week coming up in my forecast. doctors say iron is crucial to early brain development, and that may explain the results of a new study. the study shows a link between low iron levels during pregnancy and autism. in the study, women who have low iron were five times more likely to have a child with autism if the mother was older than 35 when she gave birth. scientists say obesity related hypertension and diabetes also increased the risk. it's where they have gone to battle addiction, to recover from abusive relationships, and at times just to get off the streets. but after 35 years, rachel's center, a shelter for homeless women in northwest washington, will close its doors for the final time next week. news4's zachary kiesch explains why. >> i am grateful for rachel because they have done enough for me. >> reporter: rachel's women center has been supporting homeless women since 1979. regina allen is one of them. >> i had both. i had a breakup and i had addiction. >> reporter: for many this brownstone on 11th street in northwest d.c. is the only home they know. but after 35 years, they announced last week they'll close at the end of the month. >> that's our number one concern, is where are these women going to go if these doors close. these women to be an extension of anyone's family. >> reporter: packed did you feel backs at the door reflect the transient community they serve. sheila cain used to be one of them. >> i didn't know that you could be clean and sober after being addicted to so many various things. my life is much happier now. >> reporter: today she is in her own place with the help of rachel's and so is she. both rely heavily on their support. >> i'm going to cry because i'm saying goodbye. >> reporter: a pillar in the d.c. area will close its doors with those who have benefited, say, the bonds and lessons won't be lost. reporting in northwest d.c., zachary kiesch, news4. the creators of a cartoon with a reputation for being offensive or taking aim now at the redskins. >> don't you see that when you call your organization the washington redskins, it's offensive to us? >> how is it offensive? >> coming up, how "south park" is entering the discussion over the name controversy. imagine billboards like these lit up like television screens around principle john, gorges county. gorges county. gorgin fairfax county we had to cut a lot of waste. we consolidated offices. started sharing printers. we can walk a few feet. replaced computers, but kept the monitors. they still work fine. we even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three million dollars! i approve this message because congress doesn't need another right winger. they need someone who can balance a budget. oh, and we definitely didn't need so many government studies. now to the billboard backlash playing out in prince george's county this week. for years, residents there have called the signs an eyesore. but now there is a new plan to make them even more visible. bureau chief tracee wilkins is live now with both sides of this controversy. tracee? >> reporter: well, jim, this is a county that does not like billboards. and in the '90s, they moved to actually stop new billboards being built. so if you see a new billboard like this one, it's not new. that's why some are saying why update them? we want to see them go away. in the early 1990s, there was a push to phase out billboards in prince george's county, some feeling they were eyesores. so no new structures have been built since. which is why some are confused about a new push to modernize some with l.e.d. lighting. >> it's like a giant television screen in the sky. it just doesn't make any sense. >> reporter: a proposed bill due to be reviewed by a county council zoning committee tomorrow is pushing to turn some old billboards into l.e.d. signs. the clear channel outdoor company is behind the bill being introduced by council member andrea harrison. >> we understand the outdoor advertising industry. we would very much like to see this happen, because they would reap financial benefit from it. but why they would do it in the county is beyond me. >> reporter: a spokesperson with clear channel communications released this statement, saying, digital billboards are a vital resource, providing local businesses and not for profits with affordable advertising while allowing law enforcement and emergency services to communicate important and timely messages. >> i would like to see the bill disappear. >> reporter: he and other neighborhood associations are planning to fight the proposal. >> particularly the proximity to so many residential communities, never mind distracting driving going down the highway. it's just unacceptable. >> reporter: a spokesman with clear channel outdoors tells me there will be no animation and these boards will not be moving messages, but will be static messages on l.e.d. screens. now, they also say these screens can help to save lives and be very useful in emergencies. the council member says that's why she is supporting it. we'll have more on that coming up on news4 at 6:00. reporting live in landover, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. a prince george's county police officer is off the job now after he was arrested on assault charges over the weekend. officer michael o'connell has been with the department for three years. o'connell was assigned to the patrol unit. he was off duty saturday when he was arrested for second degree assault in baltimore. it's unclear who the victim is. o'connell is now suspended with pay while the investigation continues. tonight, the news4 i team uncovers a troubling trend. sometimes with deadly consequences. many of us have tried to save a few minutes by taking a shortcut. but the i-team discovered for more than 100 people that was a dangerous decision to make as they walked along local train tracks in our area. it's illegal to do so, but as our scott macfarlane discovered, it's also very common in some neighborhoods near d.c. >> yeah, pat, the news4 i-team was tipped off about the trouble near the tracks. people dangerously climbing over the csx and commuter trail tracks in several local neighborhoods. some of them racing in front of or just behind some very fast-moving trains. our cameras caught them in the act at those locations in which other people have been recently hurt or killed. that includes a woman named mary, killed as she walked along the tracks in riverdale. her father spoke with us. >> the shopping and restaurants are on this side. the houses are on this side. the train tracks are the fastest way to get from point a to point b. >> reporter: on foot. >> on foot. by far. it's much shorter. >> reporter: coming up later tonight at 11:00, our full news4 i-team investigation. you'll hear from a woman who actually lived after being hit by a train. in that case, in hyattsville. also, where are some of the potential hot spots, the most trespassed areas in our region? we'll look into that and what's being done and what's not being done to slow down and stop this trouble near the tracks. scott macfarlane, news4 i-team. a local community has a big hand in preserving the chesapeake bay. prince george's county is among nine communities in maryland that received a grant today to help reduce storm water runoff into the bay. the money will be used to make upgrades at the county's department of environmental building to reduce pollution. now, three similar grants were awarded in the district. in new york, activists flooded wall street. the protesters claim big corporations are not only profiting from the climate crisis, but also causing it too. they say the biggest offender is the fossil fuel industry. today's demonstration comes on one day before the united nations climate summit begins. gone in just 17 minutes. that's how long it took for nats tickets to sell out on the team's website today. which means there are no seats left for the national league division series. but there will be some standing room only tickets available on game day. you could try to get those tickets on stubhub. when last we checked, tickets were going for about $85 on the site. >> wow. from stub to stumble. here we go, doug kammerer, take it away. our first night of fall. how low are we going to go tonight? >> so excited about the nationals on their trip to the playoffs. come on, guys. we can do this together. i'll tell you as far as the weather is concerned and also excited about a cool night tonight. i like these cool nights as we inch into fall. outside right now, looking at pretty nice conditions. sun goes down tonight at about 7:05. and this will be the last day of summer, so to speak, at least astronomical summer. 74 degrees now. 72 by 7:00 and 67 at 11:00. the rest of the region, 64 in gaithersburg at 5:00. so you know we're going to be on the cool side as we move on through the rest of the night. restton at 69 degrees. we're not going to see anything on the radar. don't worry about that. here is our skycast, really depicts what the day is going to look like. does a pretty good job, too. 7:15 tomorrow, nothing. just sunshine across our area. look at this. 5:00 tomorrow, beautiful. but then we get into the day on wednesday and you notice starting off with some sun early. here come the clouds during the afternoon and notice what happens after about 5:00 here. here comes some rain. and it could be some steady rain. that rain coming in across the city, and i do think that rain could last right through the day on thursday too. so we are talking about some fairly cool numbers as we make our way in. talking about the numbers, 51 in d.c. tonight. 40 towards the west in herringerstown. 42 in frederick and manassas, so very chilly start times for tomorrow or starting temperatures tomorrow. so take the jacket. cool day tomorrow. 75 on your wednesday. 72 on thursday. good chance of rain, i think, will start to increase those chances as we move into the day tomorrow. and then much warmer -- much warmer as we head into the weekend. a tv reporter makes a memorable exit. >> and as for this job -- it's not that i have a choice, but [ bleep ] i quit. >> up next, why that reporter walked off the job, left the anchor hanging right in the middle of a newscast. i'm tom sherwood on the anacostia river. below, plans for a pedestrian park that would stretch 1,000 feet across this river. i'll have the story coming up. i have total respect for you. when i named my company washington redskins, it was out of deep appreciation for your team and your people. >> well, we don't feel very respected! >> the controversy surrounding the name of washington's football team will be front and center on the season premier of "south park." from the looks of it, team owner dan snyder, head coach jay gruden, along with rg3, will all be spoofed in the upcoming episode. well, it was the tv newscast that had jaws dropping last night. an alaska reporter, char low green, quit in grand fashion by saying an expletive on-air and then just walking out of the studio. here is the reason why. >> i am the actual owner of the can business club and will be dedicating all of my energy fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in alaska. and as for this job, well, it's not that i have a choice, but [ bleep ] i quit. >> yeah, she'll work again in a studio. the anchor looked stunned before she apologized to viewers. green later told a newspaper that her station had no idea she was going to quit or that she was affiliated with the alaska cannabis club. people are using their new iphones in the three days since the iphone 6 has been out, more than 10 million of them have been sold. that's about 1 million more phones than were sold during last year's debut of the iphone 5. the new iphones are faster and have a wireless chip for making credit card payments. demand for the new phones is so high that some customers are having to wait for up to four weeks for delivery. now to a tuberculosis scare at a hospital that has left newborn babies exposed to the potentially deadly bacteria. >> a hospital is located in el paso, texas. an employee who worked in the maternity ward has tested positive for it tb. as nbc's kerry sanders reports, parents are terrified their babies could have been exposed and they want answers. >> i need some answers. >> reporter: it is the worst possible nightmare for a hospital and parents. newborn babies exposed while still in the nursery to tuberculosis, a disease that left untreated could be deadly. jessica martinez gave birth to sebastian last october at providence memorial hospital in el paso. she is one of more than 700 mothers in texas and new mexico who had their children here in the last year. >> tb is a serious but treatable disease. >> reporter: all of them got this alarming letter from the el paso department of health, warning their infant may have been infected with tb. a hospital employee who worked in the nursery was recently diagnosed with tuberculosis. officials are not releasing her name, but say she has been put on leave. the hospital says so far, no other employees have tested positive for the illness. >> babies are vulnerable, especially their immune systems are not as strong. they're at risk, without a doubt. >> reporter: in a statement, providence memorial said we take our obligations to our patients, the employees and the community very seriously. we have taken actions that are designed to prevent a similar incident from occurring. >> even if he's not sick, it's just that fear that it gives me that he could be. and that i couldn't prevent it is what kills me inside. >> the hospital is working closely with the health department there to determine which children and employees may have been exposed. now at 6:00, an unprecedented security breach. an iraq war vet jumps the fence and gets into the white house. even more alarming, what authorities allegedly found in his car. police enter the apartment of a man they call a person of interest. they took out bags of evidence. what they're learning about that man seen leaving a bar with hannah graham. the ravens on the defensive amid a troubling report. what did the team really know about ray rice's elevator attack. first tonight, disturbing revelations about the security breach at the white house. >> the iraq veteran who ran inside friday night was a threat to the president. we now know the same man was arrested earlier this year with a gun and a map showing the white house. >> tonight we have team coverage. mark safe graves with a look at the potential changes. we begin with steve handelsman. >> reporter: this is looking less like a dumb prank and more like a real attack friday. it's adding urgency to the investigation to find out why officers here failed to stop the kind of invader they train to deal with. there were more police and barriers


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and that in the past she has made mistakes, but never involving children. listen to this mother at goddard who says there is no excuse for any of this. >> this is the first time my children have ever been in daycare. and now this just really -- they just started september 1st. >> this is very heartbreaking, because now i don't know what to do. it's a trust issue. >> reporter: one of the owners of the center is also charged. police say nadia choudhry failed to report the alleged biting incident and told the teacher not to. coming up, theresa brown's theory to explain why she's being accused. also reaction from the goddard school. in woodbridge, kristen wright, news4. the search is expanding now for the person of interest in the disappearance of hannah graham today. scott macfarlane at the live desk. >> reporter: charlottesville police just released a wanted poster for jesse matthew. take a look at your screen. matthew went to police headquarters saturday and asked for a lawyer but left without speaking to investigators. police tailed him but say he sped off and is charged with reckless driving. he is wanted on those charges but remains the primary person of interest in hannah graham's disappearance. investigators say he is the man with hannah in surveillance video that's been widely released. his apartment was searched last week, and this is video of police back there again this morning, removing more potential bags of evidence. meanwhile, the search for hannah entering a new phase, we're told more than 1,000 volunteers helped comb the city of charlottesville this weekend. that force has been narrowed down to a dozen specialized rescue workers. julie carey will have more coming up on news4 at 5:00. pat, back to you. today we still don't know what happened to two missing toddlers. they live in montgomery county. sarah and jacob hoggle haven't been seen in three weeks now. volunteers got together over the weekend but their searches turned up nothing. yesterday a group met at seneca valley high school and looked in wooded areas of the county. the children's mother, catherine hoggle, is in police custody. police believe she knows where they are, but they say she is not being cooperative. breaking developments this afternoon in the search for three afghan military officers who disappeared in cape cod on saturday. an afghan military source tells nbc news the three men will rejoin the rest of their team later today. they were located at the border today, trying to cross into canada at flyiniagara falls. they were part of a group of 14 afghan soldiers taking part in a military exercise at the national guard base in cape cod. they slipped away from their military escorts during a trip to a mall saturday night. they were not armed. it's widely believed they came to the u.s. with the intention of seeking asylum in canada. right now the prince george's county police department is working to learn more about an officer charged with assault. baltimore police arrested michael o'connell over the weekend. we're told he was off duty. right now o'connell is suspended with pay. we expect to learn more once police schedule a hearing. well, some drivers are getting a free ride on the 495 express lanes this week to get lunch. the company that operates the lanes on the beltway in virginia has partnered with restaurants in tyson's corner to offer a toll free trip during lunch hours. so from 11:00 to 2:00 every day, people who registered, whether they have an easy pass or not, are cruising the lanes for free. >> what we want to do is to get them comfortable, get them to get an ez pass and come back and see us on the 495 express lanes. >> here's the catch. the registration period is already over. coming up tonight at 5:00 on news4, chris gordon talks to drivers to see if that promotion is working. a survey of the rudest drivers in the country ranks idaho drivers at the top of the list. says the state's motorists driveway under the speed limit and that's one half. and the other half drive aggressively to get around the slow pokes. d.c. holds second place in the survey, which notes that d.c. has the largest number of speeding tickets per capita. virginia, by the way, comes in 28th on the list. maryland is below that at 32. as for the nicest drivers in the country, well, you need to go to north dakota to share the road with them. there is one way to avoid rude drivers on your commute. simply leave your car at home. and today a lot of folks are doing just that. this is car free day. it's being observed around the washington area and around the world today. people are urged to walk, bike or take mass transit to work. there was a special event in montgomery county near metro stations. the goal is to reduce the demand for gas. the car free day is celebrated in 40 countries. if you're hoping to catch the nats in the playoffs, you might be out of luck, folks. tickets on the team's website sold out in just 17 minutes today. so there are no seats left for the national league division series. however, there will be some standing room only tickets available on game day. otherwise, your best bet would be to buy some through stub hub. when we last checked, tickets on that site were going for about 85 bucks. >> had to be fast. >> yeah. we are just hours now away from the official beginning of fall. and it's already feeling like fall. >> all day it has. we woke up with a chill. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is in the storm center with our first fall forecast. how about it, chuck? >> jim and pat, beautiful afternoon outside, but, be man oh man, have the seasons changed since yesterday. 86 for a high yesterday. we were 10 degrees cooler this afternoon. low and mid 70s. and it's blustery and breezy outside. northwest winds gusting between 20 and 30 miles per hour all over the region. so as you make your plans for your evening, breezy for the next hour or two. clearing after 7:00 a.m. and getting chilly and fast. so if i were you, i would grab some long pants and a jacket before i went outside for any evening activities. any real chill coming our way for tomorrow morning. more about that when we start looking at the four-day forecast in a few more minutes. >> thanks, chuck. a day on the water ends suddenly for one florida surfer. >> i looked down and next thing i know, i'm getting pulled by a shark. >> why beach patrol officers say there were so many sharks in the water yesterday. and two women are dead today after a bus heading from d.c. to new york city crashes. we've got the latest after the break. stay with us. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. you're watching news4 at 4:00. alcohol may have been a factor in the death of a rutgers student who died after attending a party at a frat house. caitlyn covax was 19 years old, a sophomore studying animal science. covax was at the delta cappa epsilon fraternity house when she went into medical distress. her friends rushed her to a hospital but she couldn't be revised. police and prosecutors are waiting for autopsy results now, but they say alcohol appears to have been involved. . a surfer in florida is not afraid to go back into the water, despite having just survived a shark attack. he was out in the water yesterday morning, not too far from daytona beach, when he felt a tug on his foot. beach patrol officers say there were a lot of sharks in the water, because there were so many bait fish. the 24-year-old surfer describes how he managed to get away. >> i looked down and next thing i know i'm getting pulled by a shark, and it was just kind of dragging me around. and i got free from him, paddled in, and came over here to the hospital. definitely something you've got to be aware of, and, you know, try and be safe about. >> aside from a broken tendons in his foot, he is expected to be okay. this is at least the eighth shark bite of the year in that area. a three-day trip to d.c. ends tragically. a tour bus heading back to new york city crashes in delaware. beefing up security at the white house after one security breach and one close call over the weekend. and 'tis the season, but forget the pumpkin spice lattes. starbucks is testing a new coffee with a beer flavor. in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. welcome back to news4 at 4:00, i'm jason pugh here at the live desk. baltimore ravens owner steve ba shaty addressing the media right now. this press conference being held after espn came out with a lengthy report this past friday saying the ravens tried to hide certain information and cover things up in regards to how they handled the ray rice incident. bashati claims that was not the case by the ravens. >> almost everything in there is anonymous, but it's clear it's ray's agent and ray's friends. you know, they are building a case for reinstatement. and the best way to build a case for reinstatement is to make everybody else look like they're lying. >> reporter: the nfl players association will appeal the indefinite suspension of ray rice. rice has also consulted with several lawyers contemplating legal action against the ravens and the nfl. jim, pat, back to you. >> thanks, race on. tragedy hits two women heading back from a sight-seeing trip in d.c. their tour brush crashed in delaware on its way back to new york. it happened yesterday afternoon. dozens were hurt. some are still in the hospital. as nbc's anne thompson reports, witnesses who stopped to help are still shaken up. >> one man saying "my wife, my wife, my wife." keeps replaying in my mind. >> reporter: a drive turned deadly when a tour bus carrying 50 people crashed. delaware state police say the bus was traveling southbound on route 1 when it hit a curve on an off-ramp, flipping on to its roof. the bus continued sliding down a slight grass embankment, rotating on to its left side, where it finally came to a stop. >> one adult female was underneath the bus where she was trapped under that bus. >> reporter: that woman died at the scene. another woman was later pronounced dead at the hospital. the remaining 47 passengers on board and the driver suffered a range of injuries. >> injuries vary widely. these patients have some head injuries, some injuries to their torso, ribs, abdomen, fractures, extremitie extremities. so different levels of injury. >> reporter: 19-year-old college student cruz and a friend from were on their way home from the mall when they saw the overturned bus. they pulled their car over and jumped out to help. >> we went to the car, got first aid equipment, passed out gauze, bandages, whatever we could, tried to comfort people. >> it made me think about how fragile life is. >> the tour group had just left washington. the tour itself is sponsored by e-world travel and tours, which is based in new york city. we just got in some new video of a huge fire at a nursery in virginia. scott macfarlane has pictures and details. >> reporter: new cell phone video just sent to us. take a look. you're about to see it. this fire broke out at burke nursery and garden center just off burke road at about 3:00, started near some mulch and spread to a nearby building. look at the flames, look at the smoke. now let's go to chopper 4. it just arrived over the scene. you can see the flames are gone. the smoke dying out too. but this fire did reach two alarms at one point in burke. nobody is hurt. firefighters are still investigating the cause. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. >> scott, thank you. what a day we had in prince george's county on saturday at our -- what is it, 22nd annual blue bird blues festival. >> so much fun on saturday. so many friends and great music and who is that on the stage? >> yeah, there's my co anchor, first time i've ever seen her in a baseball cap. i didn't recognize her. chuck witnessed this. >> he was in your face. >> i know! >> i asked for his autograph. he said okay, sure. >> and i was reeled in. what a turnout we had. there we are dancing there. that's pat and me -- no, that's not us. i should have been dancing as much as food as i had. great food. the ribs were fantastic this year. a good time had by all and tremendous crowd. kristen also there, and chuck on hand. everybody was praising the forecast. >> chuck, you brought all that sunshine. my goodness. >> if you were in the shade, it was the perfect day to be outside. but if you were in the direct sun, it sure felt a lot like summertime out there. >> needed that sunscreen. >> singing the blues a little bit because of the heat. what a beautiful day. thank you so much for everybody who came out. we signed everything we brought. water bottles, bags, everything we could bring, we put autographs on it. thank you for coming out. a great weekend of weather. felt like summertime. and yes indeed, that's it for summer, everybody. the autumn equinox arrives this evening and will it feel like fall tomorrow morning, northwest wind at 17 miles per hour, but bone-dry air and the northwesterly wind into the region. temperatures aren't too bad. low to mid 70s around the metro but still struggling to get into the mid to upper 60s, northern maryland, panhandle of west virginia. so this evening temperatures are going to drop very, very quickly. we'll be down in the low 6 ohs by 9:00. western suburbs probably in the 50s by then. future weather forecast, a lot of stuff going on in the weather this coming week. fortunately, it starts quiet. today is great. here we are tomorrow morning, plenty of sunshine. and a beauty of a day coming our way tomorrow. just maybe a few high, thin clouds late tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. storm team 4 radar, nothing to show around our area, but look at all of the moisture down here lying in wait as it were across florida, georgia and the carolinas. that's going to gradually start moving its way up the coast and will impact our weather as we get into wednesday evening and thursday. so here's future weather starting now at 6:00 on wednesday morning. skies going back over to mostly cloudy. and by late in the day wednesday, rain chances starting to sneak back into the picture. by 5:00 wednesday, probably the commute to and from work will be dry. rain looking more and more likely for wednesday evening on into the day on thursday. but by and large, nothing to worry about for your weather impact for tomorrow. here's the way the next four days are shaping up. tomorrow looks great, but man is it going to be chilly in the rning. 40s in the suburbs. i'll show the hometown low temperatures in a bit. chance for showers late wednesday on into thursday. and i'm optimistic for friday and the weekend. more about that when i see you in a few. >> alrighty. here's some of the stories trending online right now. cheers, virginians have set a new record. they bought more alcohol at state liquor stores than ever before. in fact, they have broken the record every year for 16 years, and that's produced $140 million in profits. the top sellers? jack daniels, smirnoff, jim beam and gray goose. and sales of fireball cinnamon whiskey have more than doubled over the past year. >> okay. from liquor to beer, starbucks testing a new brew. brew for customers who prefer a different kind of foam on their drink. it's a latte that tastes like beer. it's called the dark barrel latte. and it's made with a flavored syrup that is supposed to taste like dark beers such as begin necessary. it's topped with a whipped cream and dark caramel sauce. so take that pumpkin spice latte. there is no alcohol. the beer flavored is available only in a few test markets, ohio, and my home state of florida. >> for folks who want to have coffee with their beer. >> exactly. 5:00 p.m. school districts across the country are on alert today. the costly scam that is targeting schools. >> and a local educator gets high honors at the white house today. you're watching news4 at 4:00. it's a story that should put school districts all over the country on alert. fake invoices showing up in their mailboxes, a scam that could cost schools big bucks if they're not careful. nbc's kristen dahlgren has our story. >> reporter: the kids are back in class. their backpacks filled with books. but the better business bureau is warning somebody is trying to make a bundle off of back to school. >> it was a large dollar amount for us. so it's something that caught my attention right away. >> reporter: in the pioneer school district in shelton, washington, principal mandy jesse got a bill for $647 for books she never ordered. >> i had this off feeling about it, that something was just not right. >> reporter: it was the same bogus notice that's now been reported by schools in at least 36 states. the invoices have all the buzz words. math practice, common core standards, even a familiar-sounding name. scholastic school supply. >> that's something that would trigger them to go ahead and pay the bill, is because it's a trusted name. >> reporter: but this has nothing to do with scholastic, inc, the world's largest publisher of children's books. scholastic, inc put out a statement saying the two were not affiliating and demanding they cease and desist using scholast scholastic's name. as for getting a statement from the other scholastics? the number on the invoice isn't in service. >> reporter: the e-mail goes unanswered. while back at pioneer primary, principal jesse is just trying to get back to school. >> what this does is it causes a distraction from what we should really be doing, which is focusing on improving student learning. >> reporter: at least one lesson learned already this year, make sure you read every invoice carefully. kristen dahlgren, nbc news. she is a champion of change and this afternoon a local educator has a white house award to prove it. amelia castenada at the alexandria center for higher achievement works with middle school students and families by providing after school and summer programs that prepare them for college. she is one of two local educators honored at the white house, which created the champions of change program to feature individuals who were doing extraordinary things to empower and inspire members of their communities. >> so my job is really to make sure that we provide opportunities for them to actually achieve grade and at least start thinking about college in middle school, instead of waiting until high school to figure it out. >> the other local honoree is of cheverly, maryland, a bilingual counselor at the education campus here in washington. changes are coming to 1600 pennsylvania avenue after a man homs the fence and makes it inside the white house before being stopped. the new details just coming out of court about the man. you've heard the calls for police to wear cameras in the wake of the shooting death of michael brown. now citizens of ferguson, missouri, are wearing the cameras themselves. there is chilling new information about the man accused in friday's security breach at the white house. he was arrested earlier this year with a gun and a map, showing the white house. today prosecutors called him a threat to the president. news4's steve handelsman is live now at the white house with more on this disturbing story. steve? >> reporter: it is disturbing, pat, thanks. good afternoon. it means this is looking a lot less now like some kind of a stupid prank and a lot more like a genuine attack here at the white house on the white house. on friday. and it's adding urgency to the investigation to try to figure out why the officers here failed to stop exactly the kind of invasion they train to deal with. there were more police and barriers at the white house when word came friday's intruder was more menacing than he first appeared. 42-year-old omar gonzalez was formally charged with unlawful entry, but prosecutors said the army veteran was arrested in virginia in july with a shotgun, and a map with the white house circled in his car. carrying just a knife, he jumped the fence friday, crossed the lawn and got through the main door to the white house before he was arrested. no attack dog was used. no gun fired at him. the obamas had just left. former secret service agents are appalled. >> you certainly cannot allow an intruder to make it that far. if you have to kill the individual, then you kill the individual. >> reporter: president obama today was not critical. >> i'm grateful. >> reporter: the agency is investigating who made mistakes friday and why. here on the north side of the white house today, there is this new temporary fence, but most of the white house fence as it was on friday, as it's been for decades, people can come right up to it. like these people. it's only six feet high or so, easy to scale. and the public wants to get this close. >> we all should have access to the white house. >> instead we should have security inside if they need it. >> reporter: that's the secret service goal. >> protecting the president and first family, also protecting the status of the white house as the people's house. >> reporter: now a review of how better to accomplish goal number one. more on omar gonzalez. when he was arrested in virginia in july, he had not just a shotgun, but a sawed off shotgun, which is illegal in many jurisdictions. at least two rles and other guns say virginia police and prosecutors today. it turns out just a few weeks ago on the other side of the white house, the south side, he was stopped with a hatchet in his belt. not arrested. and police say after he was arrested on friday, they found 800 or so rounds of ammunition in his car, but no gun. i'm steve handelsman, news4. >> steve, thank you. a missing person mystery in the district this afternoon. former d.c. treasurer lasana mack disappeared eight days ago near the pet worth neighborhood. investigators tell us he may be driving a gray 2013 ford explorer. mack was the district's treasurer from 2005 to 2012. d.c. police are asking you to give them a call if you have any information on his whereabouts. some residents of a town torn apart after a policeman shot a teenager to death are taking steps they say will help them protect themselves. reporter grant business bissell says how residents are equipping themselves with knowledge and cameras. >> reporter: devices like this are becoming more and more common in this community. >> the ferguson police department was equipping themselves with 50 body cameras, so we thought it best to equip this neighborhood with 110 body cameras. >> reporter: jacob crawford says it's helping community members protect themselves and others through a very specific purpose. >> it's a nonviolate observation of the police. where people go out with video cameras and document the police when they stop members of their community. >> reporter: but with the cameras comes responsibility and training. we watched the group the canfield watchman. >> this is what the police seem today. they target us. and we wanted to change that kind of image as protecting the people. >> reporter: together, david witt and jacob crawford are helping educate the people of ferguson on how to handle being stopped by police and protect their own rights. and their program has the approval of ferguson's police chief. >> just the idea of private citizens filming police doing their jobs, i don't see anything wrong with that. as a matter of fact, it happens all of the time. we also have cameras now we're using to film our interaction with the public. >> they are running group classes. the goal is to teach citizens their rights when they're stopped by police, and how to hold police accountable for inappropriate behavior. good news for those of you looking to pick up some extra cash. we've got the latest on holiday hiring, including who plans to add the most jobs. and a woman undergoes brain surgery while she's awake! it's an unusual procedure. we'll tell you why she wasn't put under. and i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. doug is putting the finishing touches on what could be a frosty start tomorrow for some. otherwise, plenty of sunshine before our next chance of needed raindrops comes our way. seven-day forecast, just ahead. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. you're watching news4 at 4:00. we want to hear from you about the stories that get you going. >> follow us on twitter and facebook. it's easy, folks. the . there are likely a lot of smiles at apple headquarters. the newest iphone has set a sales record. more than 10 million iphones, 6 and 6-plus phones sold in three days. by comparison, the iphone 5c and 5s sold 9 million in the debut last year. the new phones are faster and have a wireless chip for making credit card payments. they cost 200 bucks with a new contract. well, fall is nearly upon us, i think just hours away. is that right, chuck? but we're already looking past the pumpkin. look at you. she was doing this in july. there is some good news as we look far in advance to holiday shopping for people trying to find work. >> that's right. retailers are hiring for the holidays and doing so in big numbers this year. news4 consumer reporter erika gonzales is here to tell us why so early. >> you know, companies are always looking at their bottom line, right? and when it comes to holiday shopping, you know, the truth is, we wouldn't be seeing this type of hiring hike if there weren't an inkling of truth about big spending this year. so fedex, they're adding 50,000 seasonal employees. u.p.s., 90,000, which is almost double what it initially forecasted last year. big bucks retailers like walmart, target, kohls and jc pen also getting in on the action. and while the application process is under way, these employees may not start until november. and then what happens to these employees once holiday shopping and returns have ended? the question here is how many will stay on board. if we look at last year, target kept 40% of its employees, and this year walmart says it will retain about 25%. today i spoke with the national retail federation and they said while consumer confident is not at an all-time high, it's still a good time for consumer spending and, of course, that also means a good time for retailers. >> the holiday season can account for as much as 35% of a retailer's annual sales. for many companies, when they bring in that extra staff at the end of the year for the holiday season, it really is make or break for some of these companies. >> the national retail federation will release holiday spending forecasts in about two weeks. so it's going to be interesting to see how many dollars exactly we're going to be talking about this year. >> and if it's going to be a good year. thanks, erika. new technology giving thieves a new way to break into your house. we've got what you need to know to protect yourself. you're watching news4 at 4:00. for your own security, you've got to pay attention to this story. new technology is literally giving thieves the key to your front door. >> you won't believe how vulnerable you are. nbc's jeff rossen shows us the problem and the way to protect yourself. this is how it's worked for decades. want your keys copied? go to a hardware store in person. the only way a thief could get your keys, physically steal them off a table or out of your bag. not anymore. this new website called keys duplicated is a game-changer. all you have to do, snap a clear photo of any house key with your smartphone and upload it to their website. their sophisticated software analyzes the grooves of the key down to the tiniest millimeter, all from that photo you sent them. then this machine drills out the key's teeth. a perfect match to the key in the picture. the key is mailed right to you, and it's cheap. only $6 a key at no i.d. verification. does this disturb you? >> yes, it does. >> reporter: now police departments across the country are worried thieves will take advantage, snapping stealth photos of your keys in public, then showing up at your doorstep, with your key. unlocking your door with ease, and walking right in. >> the thing is, you wouldn't even know you've been had. you had your keys, you didn't know someone has taken a photo of it. >> not until something bad happens to you. >> reporter: but does it really work? my producer, charlie, that's him, is about it to test it out. while i'm out of town for another story, he snaps a quick pic of my house key lying on a table. then he uploads it to the site, gives his home address, and voila, just a few days later duplicates of my keys arrive at his apartment. but instead of breaking in, charlie wisely waited for me to get back. >> all right. the moment of truth. does it work. >> let's find out. >> reporter: just to show you and everyone at home, my front door, it is locked. it's try the key. >> try the key. >> reporter: wow. >> it was that easy and we're inside your house. that could have been a total stranger. >> reporter: or a thief. we went straight to the ceo of keys duplicated, ali raheemy. the good news is, we tried your technology and it works like a charm. >> great to hear it. >> reporter: the bad news is, it worked like a charm and police say it could work like a charm for bad guys too. >> yeah. there's no doubt that this could be used by somebody to copy somebody else's key. i just don't think that's very likely that it will happen. if it ever happens, it's going to be a jilted ex lover or a disgruntled co-worker. people who have other ways of breaking into your house. >> reporter: his company is still new, and so far no reported cases. he says they require a valid e-mail address, creating a paper trail. but he admits they don't verify it's your key or even your credit card. there's no i.d. verification. the address i give you could be a bogus p.o. box. there is no other i.d. verification is there? >> for i.d. verification, there's not. that's true. >> reporter: does that concern you? it concerns police we spoke to. >> security is our top priority. we're constantly improving it, so of course it's a concern. i say we're on it. >> reporter: but police say until that loophole is closed, this company aimed at convenience may pose a danger. >> keys duplicated says it won't copy car keys or high-security patented keys and won't accept pictures that are blurry or are taken from too far away. the advice from police, treat your keys like you treat your driver's license or credit card. don't leave them lying around or let anyone you don't trust handle them. and don't try taking a picture of jeff rossen's key off the screen and breaking into his house, because we're told he changed the locks. >> smart man. makes sense. take a look at this, folks. so called king fire in northern california has now ballooned to 82,000 acres. the massive inferno is burning 60 miles east of sacramento in the town of eldorado. three dozen homes and structures destroyed so far and many more threatened tonight. at least 2,000 people were forced to evacuate. cooler, wet weather over the weekend helped firefighters contain some of it. but it also made visibility as you see or don't very tough. police believe this fire was sparked by an arsonist. a suspect is in custody. those smoky conditions also forced the last-minute cancellation of a major athletic event. >> air quality officials recommended the event be cancelled. >> an ironman competition in nearby lake tahoe was cancelled sunday morning just before it was about to start. the announcement was a big disappointment for the 3,000 athletes who had signed up for it. most of them had trained all year for the event. and many of them were visibly upset. the 140-mile endurance race involved swimming, cycling and running. a little girl and her family have quite a story to tell about her ball playing with the yankees. the team star, derek jeter, playing in the final home games of his career, and every game is special for fans. so imagine friday when a third-baseman tossed a jeter ball, dad caught it and the daughter promptly threw it back. check out the faces of the family. not to worry, though. the ball was returned to the family a short time later. that thing is going to be worth something. >> she was being a good sport. >> she won't do that again. >> a good little sport. >> $1,000 souvenir to an adult. watch me throw this, dad. >> so chuck, fall arrives right on cue. how did that happen? >> well, we are working hard in storm team 4 to make sure that all the seasons are lining up just the way we want them. a beautiful summery like weekend and the autumn equinox arrives at 10:29 tonight, and you will need your warm fuzzy blanket by tomorrow morning. start looking for it now, everybody. because you're really going to need it. there is the view from our tower camera, looking southbound past cathedral over the national mall. beautiful day outside. just a few fair weather clouds drifting harmlessly overhead. here is our exclusive sky cast 4. pretty much like what they have outside right now. and by 7:00 tonight, these clouds are going to start breaking up after the sun goes down. so much of the overnight hours tonight. skies will be partly to mostly clear. a light wind, a clear sky and super dry air in place. it's going to be really, really chilly tomorrow morning. i don't think national airport can drop below 50 degrees. we haven't been below 50 since the middle of may. but all of the suburbs -- all of the suburbs west and north will be in the 40s by tomorrow morning. a bright and sunny day coming our way for later on tomorrow. going out this evening, not a bad evening to be outside. skies will be clear. but turning chilly. bring a jacket. evening temperatures, upper 50s and low 60s. the day ahead for tomorrow, school kids have a jacket ready for bus stop weather first thing tomorrow morning. all code green for tomorrow. no weather problems at all. lows tonight, check out these numbers, everyone. 51 downtown and low to mid 50s bayside. you go away from the water and away from the urban heat island. check these numbers out. 42 in frederick. 40 in hagerstown. 40 in martinsburg, patchy frost out here. there is a forecast advisory in far western maryland. so it's going to be a cold start tomorrow morning. coldest in the suburbs for sure. low to mid 40s in most of the suburbs. low to mid 50s in town. then for tomorrow, a bright and sunny day on the way, going out that early morning dog walk or jog. jackets needed in the morning. it will be a quick warmup so good news coming your way. and highs tomorrow, what a nice day. generally to the upper 60s and low 70s. here's that all-important seven-day forecast. a cold start tomorrow and a cool day tomorrow. clouds back late on wednesday with a chance for some light showers. probably not until after dark wednesday and light showers off and on through thursday. then drying out just in time for the weekend, and warming up again as well. highs back near 80 for both saturday and for sunday. >> thanks, chuck. first at 4:00, a billboard backlash in prince george's county. new digital bill boards could be moving in and some folks aren't so happy about that. here's what they'll look like. you may have noticed some at d.c. bus shelters. that same company is hoping to get the okay to make some billboards around prince george's digital. the signs would do advertisements and also offer public service information as well. but some folks are saying absolutely not. >> it's like a giant television screen in the sky. it just doesn't make any sense. >> coming up on news4 at 5:00, bureau chief tracee wilkins looks into that billboard controversy. and today's news for your health. a debate over electronic cigarettes. those e-cigarettes. this newest research found they may not be as effective in helping cancer patients give up smoking. researchers studied more than 1,000 cancer patients enrolled in a smoking cessation program. at the end of the program, e-cigarette users were just as likely to keep smoking tobacco as the others. sales of e-cigarettes have skyrocketed in recent years, despite questions about their benefits and potential risks. they're calling it a milestone in neurosurgery. it's called an awake craneot me. here's how it works. the surgeons have successfully removed a brain tumor from a patient while she was awake for part of it. the surgeons wanted to make sure she could perform certain movements on command. >> i remember them saying wake up, it's time to wake up. and i remember being told things like frown, smile, squeeze my hand. >> the brain actually has no sensation. so the only thing that actually hurts is the skin. the bone doesn't hurt and the brain doesn't hurt. >> just amazing. dr. kelly says brain tumor patients are good candidates for this kind of surgery. tracking down the man accused of murdering a pennsylvania state trooper. police believe they are closing in on the suspect who has been on the run for more than a week. you're watching news4 at 4:00. it's day ten of an intense manhunt for a sniper in pennsylvania. >> investigators say they are closing in on the survivalist who ambushed two state troopers, killing one of them. here's nbc's ron allen with the latest. >> reporter: federal agents joining the hunt for eric frein look ready for war. the massive manhunt several square miles around the suspend's home, following a trail left behind, including weapons like this ak-47, and ammunition possibly used in the ambush. >> up until now, his advantage has been this is his backyard. we are pushing him hard. he is no longer safe. >> reporter: as the dragnet closes in, and a two-day emergency lockdown for thousands of residents in immediate danger lifted, many now wonder how far away is safe enough. this man is leaving his home for now. do you think he's still around? >> they believe he's in the area, yes. >> reporter: that's what they said? >> that's what they're saying. >> reporter: but his neighbor is staying put. >> i don't feel he's going to be shooting civilians. he's got something in for law enforcement. that's why i'm not nervous. >> reporter: police believe frein may have been spotted several times while traveling 20 miles through rugged terrain on foot. as they try to reassure communities where many businesses and schools have been shut for days that the danger soon will pass. is it safe enough to reopen schools? >> those are individual decisions the school districts have to make. we have every reason to believe that frein is focused on law enforcement and specifically the state police. right now at 5:00, armed and dangerous. what prosecutors now say they found inside the car of the man who jumped a white house fence and made it inside the executive mansion. telling her story. a teacher at a daycare center accused of biting a toddler. what she says really happened inside the classroom. and the ravens try to clear the air today as the investigation into what they knew about ray rice takes another twist. good evening, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. two searches under way in the case of a missing uva student from alexandria. >> just a short time ago, police again searched the apartment of a person of interest in the case, jesse matthew. he was the last person known to be with 18-year-old hannah graham of fairfax county who went missing early saturday morning a week ago. police are also searching for him. northern virginia bureau chief julie carey is in front of his apartment in charlottesville. julie joins us live with the latest. julie. >> reporter: well, there have been a lot of new developments in this case today. first off, detectives came back to jesse matthews' apartment back there looking for specific items that have emerged during the investigation. mid afternoon, they put out this wanted poster of jesse matthew. these are the warrants charging him with reckless driving that could be used to arrest him. charlottesville detectives spent several hours in jesse matthew's apartment, bringing out three more bags of evidence. they first searched here friday, before matthew had been named as a person of interest. this security video shows him at the downtown mall in the early morning hours of saturday, september 13th. soon after, matthew was seen with 18-year-old hannah graham entering the tempo restaurant. the two also left the restaurant together. police especially want to know if anyone saw the two enter matthe


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more menacing than first appeared. 42-year-old omar gonzalez was formally charged with unlawful entry, but prosecutors said the army veteran was arrested in virginia in july with a shotgun, and a map with the white house circled in his car. carrying just a knife, he jumped the offense friday, crossed the lawn and got through the main door to the white house before he was arrested. no attack dog was used. no gun fired at him. the obamas had just left. former secret service agents are appall appalled. >> you cannot allow an intruder to make it that far. if you have to kill the individual, then you kill the individual. >> reporter: president obama today was not critical. >> i'm grateful and satisfied. >> reporter: the agency is investigating who made mistakes friday and why. here on the north side of the white house today, there is this new temporary fence. but most of the white house fence, as it was on friday, as it's been for decades, people can come right up it. like these people. it's only six feet high or so, easy to scale. and the public wants to get this close. >> we all should have access to the white house. >> instead we should have security inside if they need it. >> reporter: and that's the secret service goal. >> protecting the president and the first family, but also protecting the status of the white house as the people's house. >> reporter: now a review of how better to accomplish goal number one. more on omar gonzalez when he was stopped in virginia in july. he didn't have just a shotgun. it was a sawed off shotgun. possession is a crime. police say he had a couple rifles and other guns with him. they say a few weeks ago he was stopped here at the white house on the other side, the south side, with a hatchet in his belt. he was not arrested. they say when he was arrested on friday, they got permission to search his car and found 800 rounds of ammunition. but no gun. and this final word. the best weapon the secret service might have here to prevent this kind of intrusion is the belgian attack dogs. the handlers are out here frequently and brag about how fast and fierce and well-trained the dogs are. but on friday, news crews out here say they saw no dogs and no handlers. i'm steve handelsman, news4. back to you. >> thanks, steve. it is not unusual to hear about the white house fence jumpers, but making it inside the executive mansion is unprecedented. tonight as secret service reviews its policies, we're looking back at other incidents and the close calls and the changes that have followed. mark segraves continues our team coverage, live outside the white house now. mark? >> reporter: well, you're right about this not being an unusual occurrence. a secret service report released more than a decade ago found there had been hundreds of securityreaches here at the white house since 1970, including two separate gunmen firing bullets at the white house, and more than 100 fence jumpers. every time there has been a security breach, there has been an after action reviewed to review the security procedures, and in some cases, like in this case, there have been security changes that will impact the public. up until 1995, you could drive down pennsylvania avenue right in front of the white house. local leaders complained when the secret service closed pennsylvania avenue to cars, but to no avail. >> they would just close all the streets, put up barricades and not let anybody go through. >> reporter: over the years, security breaches included a man crashing a plane on the lawn in 1994 to a man trying to drive through a gate just this weekend. fence jumpers have ranged from a man killed by security in 1976 as he ran toward the white house to the man last month dressed as pokey man who made it over the fence. lawmakers and tourists and residents all said making pedestrians go through a check point before walking near the white house is going too far. >> the first instinct of secret service is to protect their own you know whats rather than to protect the president and the public. >> i'm not quite sure how beneficial it would be. maybe it's a good idea. i guess the government will have to decide. from my perspective, i think it would slow me down in my training. >> too much security already. >> reporter: now you're looking at one of the changes that's happened just since friday. that's those fences that have been put up keeping people just a few feet away from the fence where the jumper went over. another change that we have witnessed just in the past 90 minutes that we have been standing here, twice secret service police have closed the sidewalk and pennsylvania avenue to pedestrians, bicycles. they have moved everybody back into the park, kept them there for at 1.15 minutes before giving the all-clear. no ex pla medication given as to why. live at the white house, mark segraves, news4. >> thanks, mark. new developments tonight in the search for a missing uva student. tonight we are learning more about the man seen leaving with hannah graham the night she disappeared. his name is jesse matthews. police left his apartment this afternoon. they were carrying several bags of evidence. matthews is what's being called a person of interest in this case. but he's also wanted by the police for another reason. bureau chief julie carey is in charlottesville now with more on that. julie? >> reporter: well, charlottesville police say they got what they came for here today when they did a second search of jesse matthews' apartment. and now they hope these arrest warrants on reckless driving charges will help bring this person of interest in for questioning. by issuing this wanted poster, charlottesville police stepped up their search for jesse matthew. he is the last person known to have seen missing uva student, hannah graham. detectives also returned to matthew's apartment for the second time. they were looking for specific items that have emerged in the investigation, and they found them, carrying out three bags. now they want to find 32-year-old jesse matthew. >> we want to speak to him, because again, he was the last person we can show was -- we know was with hannah graham. so he has got to have information that we need. >> reporter: this is the security video that shows matthew on the downtown mall early saturday morning, september 13th, just before he and hannah graham were seen at the tempo restaurant together. there was new frustration for police over the weekend when matthew and several relatives came into headquarters and asked for a lawyer. police found one, but matthew then left without answering questions. later that evening, elsewhere in al bemarl county, matthew drove off at a high rate of speed. that led to these two reckless driving charges that police will use to arrest matthew if they can find him. >> there are different family members that have been spoken to, and i won't go into who has been cooperative and not. but needless to say, he is not here. >> reporter: this is matthew's landlord. she last spoke to him thursday and says it's hard to learn he's the person of interest. >> i'm horrified. i'm in shock. >> reporter: do you believe he could have anything to do with her disappearance, or do you think it's unlikely? >> he seems a mild man. >> reporter: new investigative help has also arrived from some northern virginia and maryland agencies. on the scene today, a k-9 team from fairfax county helped with a more focused search along with park rangers from anne arundel county. let's take a closer look at that wanted poster. some of the details. jesse matthew is described at 6'2", 270 pounds. police believe he may be in his sister's light blue nissan sentra with virginia tag vac4575. he has friends and contacts in other states in this area, in addition to virginia. he knows people in maryland, the district of columbia, pennsylvania and new york. we learned today he has lived in charlottesville his entire life, working at uva hospital, but has also been a cab driver in the city in the past. the next big development could come as soon as tomorrow when charlottesville police are expecting some results back from the state crime lab on evidence they submitted there. for now, reporting live from charlottesville, i'm julie carey, news4. >> hannah graham's parents spoke out yesterday for the first time since their daughter went missing. they called the situation every parent's nightmare. at one point her father held up a stuffed rabbit hannah received as a newborn. he called it hannah's guardian angel. he says she took it everywhere, except last month, when she returned to college. >> constant companion that is, except for about six months when hannah was 3 years old, when he was lost at nursery. we found bb and brought it home to hannah. all we want to do now is to bring hannah home safely. >> hannah's father also said they had been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. despite nearly two weeks of searching, there are still no signs of two young children from montgomery county. volunteers searched some wooded areas across the county over the weekend, but they did not find any clues that would lead them to sarah and jacob hoggle. those two disappeared earlier this month while they were with their mother. she is now in custody, but police say catherine hoggle is not providing any information about where she may have taken those kids. new developments in the ray rice scandal. jason pugh is at the live desk now with comments from the ravens' owner about an espn report regarding the team's handling of the investigation. jason? >> yeah, ravens owner steve by shotty said the character of his organization was attacked after espn released a lengthy report claiming the team knew what happened inside that elevator the night ray rice hit his then fiancee. the report also claims the ravens pushed the nfl for more lenient punishment for ray rice. bisciotti spoke with the media for almost an hour today refuting that report. he says he has no plans of firing anyone for the incident and how it was handled. bisciotti claims the report was completely one-sided. >> i wish that they had at least acknowledged that during their fact-finding they were get the majority of this story from people who are paid to work to get ray's suspension overturned. i think maybe people would have looked at it and said, well, let's keep that in mind when we read it too. >> now the team did release a statement before the press conference today, saying they did not ask for any favors from the nfl or roger goodell when it came to the punishment of ray rice. from the live desk, jason pugh, news4, sports. >> thanks, jason. flames and smoke filled the sky after a fixture at a local community caught fire. we'll look at what's left and report how investigators are trying to figure out what started it. a daycare employee is accused of biting a toddler to teach him a lesson. tonight we're digging into the woman's history of criminal arrest, why she was allowed to work with children, even though she hadn't passed a background check yet. the mother of four young children murdered inside her home. two of her children were there when it happened. i'm pat collins. the story coming up. news4. oh, you might not only need the jackets. maybe the coats tomorrow morning. that's how cool it will be in some locations. and then -- well then maybe the umbrella. the storm system moving up the coast could bring a lot of rain. i'll show when it moves in next in my forecast. the three afghan army officers who disappeared in cape cod over the weekend have been found. they were located at the border today, trying to cross into canada at niagara falls. they were part of a group of 14 afghan soldiers taking part in a military exercise at the national guard base in cape cod. they slipped away from their military escorts during a trip to the mall on saturday night. they were not armed. it's widely believed they came to the u.s. with the intention of seeking asylum in canada. you will not feel secure, even in your own bedrooms. that is the latest threat from isis in an apparent audio recording that calls on followers to kill americans and our allies. nbc news cannot verify the authenticity of that recording. but speaking on msnbc's "morning joe" secretary of state john kerry called the islamic militant group one of the most dangerous he's ever seen. >> they have a radical extremist philosophy, cultish attitude. it's not a religious outlook. it's a self-described cult that is evil. they are avowed genocidists. >> kerry says the coalition to stop isis is growing, and includes several middle eastern nations. a young mother was murdered in her apartment. her two very young children were there to see it all. her family says her trust in others might be responsible and might have cost her her life. tonight that family is looking for answers as the police try to find a suspect and the motive. pat collins is near the scene now in southeast d.c. with more. pat? >> reporter: jim, tonight the mother of a murder victim has words of forgiveness for her daughter's killer. if you could talk to the person responsible for this, what would you say? >> i forgive whoever did it and please turn yourself in. no matter where you go, or what you do, god has got his eyes on you. bring yourself to justice. >> reporter: the victim, 27-year-old dee dee conyers. she was a dancer, she was an artist. she was found dead inside her apartment by her grandfather. >> i was in total shock. i really was. i was hysterical. i could not call 911 fast enough. >> reporter: dee dee conyers was the mother of four children. two of her children, a 2-year-old boy and 3-month-old girl, were inside the apartment when she was shot and killed. now this happened on september 14th around 7:00 p.m. but we're just learning the details now. dee dee conyers had just moved into this apartment. most of her belongings were still in boxes. there was no sign of a forced entry. her grandfather says dee dee was a kind woman who would feed and shelter people who she really didn't know. he says her kindness may have cost her her life. >> the monster that did it. and the monster needed to be caught. it was a monster that killed my granddaughter. he needs to be caught. >> reporter: police have posted a $25,000 reward in this murder case. live in southeast, pat collins, news4. >> we are starting to feel a little chill in the air. doug kammerer, what is going on? >> i just want to say, it's finally great to meet you of the. >> oh, hi. yeah, i know. >> a great job in the morning. >> i appreciate your work. and i like this action right here. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> all right. we'll see how this goes. nationals. if you win the world series, this thing -- even going to be jayson werth up here. maybe not that much. but nationals, i'm doing this for you guys. let's take a look outside right now. yes, on the cool side for sure. you wake up tomorrow morning too? >> i certainly am. be there at 4:26, doug. >> 4:26 is when they start in the morning. yeah, i'm up watching every day. outside right now, it is on the cool side. and it's been a little breezy too. high temperatures today only in the low 70s for most areas. right now sitting at 72 degrees. winds out of the northwest at 15 miles per hour. so we are seeing that wind. and that wind has been upwards of 20 to even 25 miles per hour during the afternoon. look at the numbers right now. 63 in gaithersburg and hagerstown. 68 in manassas. if this was 11:00 at night, that would be normal. but temperatures are already at this level at 6:00. so we are going to be very, very cool tonight. look at the numbers to the north. already down to 57 in pittsburgh and 55 in state college. that's the cooler air that continues to move on into the region. so what to wear tomorrow. especially for tomorrow morning. really going to be the first time out at the bus stop that the kids are going to need the long sleeves. maybe the long pants. maybe the jacket. if not the coat tomorrow. because that's how cool we're talking. i think many of you will wake up to temperatures around 40 degrees. and look at this. a frost advisory in effect. not for our area. we're not going to get that cool. but it is for the mountains of west virginia, back towards garrett county, maryland, as well. and even parts of the allegheny front. so we're talking some cool air, the coolest air so far this season. really only going to be here for one day. on the radar, we're not talking about rain either. at least not for today or tomorrow. i think we're going to see plenty of sunshine tomorrow. a few clouds moving up from the south. that's where our next storm system is going to be coming from. and that one will have some rain with it on wednesday. we have been very dry, we need to see some rain. i think it's coming. not tomorrow. future weather, tuesday, 8:30 in the morning, looking good. tomorrow afternoon, i think a few clouds make their way in. mostly mid to high level clouds. still a very nice tuesday afternoon, just on the cool side. look at wednesday morning. here we are at 9:positive 30, the clouds around here and late in the afternoon, here comes the rain. it looks like we're going to have to increase rain chances, especially late wednesday into the day on thursday. some of us may actually see some beneficial rain, some pretty good amounts, too. we'll talk about that over the next couple days. 70 degrees in leesburg for tomorrow with abundant sunshine. 73 in d.c. 72 towards fredericksburg. high tomorrow in hagerstown, 68. and i do think some of you will stay in the upper 60s tomorrow. then on wednesday, we get back to 75 as those clouds move in. so does that chance of rain late in the day. most of the day will be dry on wednesday. it's really late wednesday into thursday that we see most of the rain and look at the weekend. the weekend once again looking pretty good. high temperatures around that 80-degree mark. so get the jacket and umbrellas the next few days. next. >> one man saying my wife, my wife, my wife. and that keeps replaying in my mind. >> a fatal tour bus crash traveling from d.c. to new york city. we're learning the conditions of the victims and if the driver will face any criminal charges. new at 6:00, green park space over water. see the final four designs for the city's first elevated park right on the anacostia river. plus awesome by association. the local communities close to d.c. that are getting national attention as the best places to live. new tonight, a $40 million pedestrian bridge could bring new life to the anacostia river. that area near the washington navy yard. >> plans call for benches, bike paths and maybe some cafes. the bridge park would be next to the new 11th street bridge crossing the anacostia river. tom sherwood reports, planners want your opinion on four final designs. >> reporter: the new 1 1th street bridge interchange. it's taken tons of traffic off city streets and on to i-295. but these old support pie license that held up the old bridge could see new life as a pedestrian bikeway with trees and benches and places to sit and eat or just watch the river. >> the 11th street bridge park will be 1,000 feet, three football fields. >> reporter: four firms are competing for the chance to build the new urban array of green space and activity space that would redefine the area that's emerging from its old industrial use. >> and we see this as a wonderful opportunity, a really unique opportunity, to metaphorically and physically bridge two disconnected communities. >> reporter: the $40 million pedestrian project would link the navy yard and nats ballpark area with underdeveloped neighborhoods of historic anacostia. local residents welcome prospects for new jobs and new urban amenities. >> it will be nice, because it will have like my daughter to have something to do. and it's going to be nice. >> reporter: organizers of the public/private partnership have held dozens of community meetings and will hold more before construction. >> we'll make a final selection on october 16th. we'll announce the final winning team, and the earliest this could be opening would be summer of 2018. so mark your calendars today. >> reporter: in the district, tom sherwood, news4. if you want to weigh in and vote on which project you like best, head to our website, and search bridge. an employee arrested for biting a toddler at a daycare. we'll tell you about what we're learning about her criminal past and allegations of a cover-up. plus a new incentive to ride the beltway express lanes. why some drivers won'ting charged for using the highway. criticism over new billboards in a local county. some say it will save lives. others say it's an eyesore. you trust them to watch your children. but a daycare employee is now charged with biting a toddler to teach him a lesson. tonight, new reaction from the accused as parents take matters into their own hands. cell phone video capture the fiery scene. what helped fan the flames at this northern virginia business. some say it will save lives. others say it will ruin their neighborhood. tonight, the growing backlash over billboards in one county. a daycare teacher in virginia has been accused of biting a child, and the owner of the daycare is accused of trying to keep employees from reporting it. >> now some parents say they're scrambling to find new child care. as we learn more about the alleged attack. kristin wright is live in woodbridge, where there are also questions about the teacher's prior arrests. kristin? >> reporter: on one of the most obvious questions being, how was theresa brown hired as a teacher here at goddard last month after run-ins with the law many times before? the goddard school says theresa brown signed a sworn affidavit saying she didn't have a criminal record. corporate told news4 brown's background check was still being processed more than six weeks after she started working at the woodbridge preschool as a teacher. the one condition, brown couldn't be alone with the children. this mom is asking how arrests for assault, forgery and stealing were not discovered. >> it's not an excuse. they're saying that it takes 20 days for the state of virginia to get back to you about any kind of criminal charges. you can do a case search online on anybody. >> reporter: police say brown bit the 13-month-old boy on the shoulder hard enough to leave a mark after he bit another acher. news4 found brown at her home today. she has been fired. brown wouldn't appear on camera, but told us she didn't bite anyone. she thinks another child did it, and says she has made mistakes before, but never involving kids. >> this is just very heartbreaking. because now i don't know what to do. i mean, it's a trust issue. >> reporter: the owner of the facility, nadia choudhry, is also charged with neglect. police say she told a teacher not to report the incident. >> the daycare system is unpredictable. you can think a place is great one day and the next day you don't really know. for the most part, i'm happy with my experience here so hopefully something like this is just an anomaly. >> reporter: the goddard school is a national chain. we talked to corporate today. they told us that right now they are reviewing their hiring practices, including their background checks process, because of this entire situation. choudhry, the owner of this particular facility, her parents are also owners, and they tell us tonight that they are looking closely at the documentation provided by new hires. live in woodbridge, kristin wright, news4. >> thank you, kristin. business owners serving fairfax county for nearly 40 years are now checking out the damage from a fire. a viewer sent us this cell phone video of flames and smoke pouring out of the burke nursery and garden center this afternoon. here's a scene from chopper 4. it looks like the main building is in good shape, but a large greenhouse and structures around it have heavy damage. no one was hurt. the fire started near some mulch, which helped fuel the flames. tonight investigators are still looking into t cause. three people are in critical condition tonight after a deadly bus crash up in delaware. two women were killed. it happened when a tour bus traveling from d.c. to new york flipped on its side and slid down an embankment. it happened as the driver was trying to negotiate a curve on a ramp from u.s.-1 to u.s.-13 in new castle delaware on sunday. all 50 people on board that bus at that time were injured. a college student who came upon the scene described the chaos there. >> i do recall someone -- and i guess she was trapped underneath the bus. and one man saying my wife, my wife, bhi wife. and that keeps replaying in my mind. made me think about how fragile life is. >> the bus and the tour company were operated by companies based in new york city. the national transportation safety board says it willry to figure out what caused that crash. at this point, the driver is not facing any charges. a prince george's county police officer is not working tonight. he was arrested for assault over the weekend. his name is michael o'connell. he has been with the department for three years now. he was assigned to the patrol unit, we're told. we're also told he was off duty on saturday when he was arrested for second degree assault of up in baltimore. it's unclear who the victim is. o'connell has been suspended with pay while that investigation continues. tonight the search is on for a former d.c. government official who vanished. lasana mack disappeared over a week ago and friends and family say it's unusual for him to leave without letting anyone know. mack was last seen along taylor street northeast just a couple of blocks from the maryland line. police say he could be driving a gray 2013 ford explorer. mack served as treasurer of the district from 2005 to 2012. critics say it looks like a huge tv screen in the sky and now they're fighting to keep digital billboards out of prince george's county. but while some people consider the signs an eyesore, others claim it could fight crime. bureau chief tracee wilkins reports. >> reporter: in the early 1990s. >> the was a push to phase out billboards in prince george's county, some claiming they were eyesores. so no new structures have been built since. which is why some are confused about a push to modernize some with l.e.d. lighting. >> it's like a giant television screen in the sky. it just doesn't make any sense. >> reporter: a proposed bill due to be reviewed by a county council zoning committee is pushing to turn old billboards into l.e.d. signs. the clear channel outdoor county is behind the bill being introduced by council member andrea harrison. >> we understand that the outdoor advertising industry would very much like to see this happen, because they would reap financial benefit from it. but why they would do it in the county is beyond me. >> reporter: digital signs like this one looking for the east coast rapist have been used to make major cases, according to clear channel. a spokesman with clear channel outdoor released this statement, saying, since 2007, digital billboards have led to the apprehension of over 51 criminals. and can also be used to offer real-time warnings and amber alerts to the community. but cavet and other neighborhood associations are planning to fight the proposal. >> particularly the proximity to so many residential communities, never mind the distracted driving going down the highway. it's just unacceptable. >> reporter: there are about 200 billboards still left in prince george's county. this company is talking about transforming at least six of them in the first year if this bill gets approved. but this is just the beginning to a very long road. in landover, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. major overhaul in the way the city issues parking tickets. we'll report what's being done to cut down on mistakes. comedy central takes aim at the redskins name controversy, but first, how about our weather? >> a cool night tonight. that's for sure. probably the coolest night we have seen so far this season. and then watching a storm system down to the south. a lot of rain down there moving our way. i'll show you when it gets here in a minute. in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. the comedy central show "south park" has never shied away from controversial topics. >> in the name of decency, i'm asking you please stop using the name washington redskins to refer to your company. >> stop? but why? >> you have no right to use our name to get attention. >> the trademark got pulled so i'm totally free to use the name, actually. >> don't you see when you call your organization the washington redskins, it's offensive to us? >> how is it offensive? >> it's derogatory, mr. cartman. >> it makes us feel like a joke! >> there you go. the ad aired during the fourth quarter of the game yesterday against the eagles. in the premier later this week, "south park" will spoof the debate over the team's name. not surprisingly, that spot is getting mixed reaction from fans in our area. a planned software redesign should cut down on the number of incorrectly issued parking tickets in the district. the city's department of public works says the change will require tag numbers to be entered twice. a department spokeswoman tells news4 it is similar to commercial sites that require you to enter a password or account number twice. the move comes amid complaints too many tickets are written for the wrong vehicles. the change should roll out over the next couple months. most of us know the benefits of living in the washington area. but now a handful of local communities are getting national attention as well. in its annual list, "money" magazine ranked the best small cities in america to live. mckinnie, texas, took the number one spot. columbia, maryland, along with reston, virginia, made the top ten. rockville, bowie and dale city made the top 50. the magazine looked at the local economy, housing, schools and health care to create this best list. coming up, we're going to report on the new effort to get drivers to use the beltway express lanes and why some people say the project is really falling short. exceeding expectations. details behind apple's record-breaking weekend and what it means for those of you in the market for a new iphone. if you don't already have a new iphone 6 and you want one, you might have to wait a while. in the first three days since its debut, apple sold a record 10 million of those things. that's 1 million more than the last time a new iphone came out. there were about 4 million preorders for the iphone 6, and the 6-plus. but demand is still so high, some people are having to wait about a month before they get their new phone. the new iphones are faster and have a wireless chip for making credit card payments. fast and free. that is a promise of a new promotion on the 495 express lanes this week if you drive the lanes during the lunch rush. but it's not for everyone, and if you break the rules, it could land you a ticket. news4's chris gordon in springfield now with more on the added incentive for drivers. chris? >>eporter: good evening. transurban is the private company that operates the 495 express lanes. it is offering new incentives to get you to try their toll road. but at the same time, they are issuing a warning to would-be cheaters. virginia state police are cracking down this week on drivers trying to avoid paying tolls. and ride 495 express lanes for free. >> a lot of drivers know, to take the 495 express lanes toll-free, you have to have three or more people in your vehicle, and an ez passlex that's set to hov mode. but if you have it in hov mode, you need to make sure you have three or more people in the vehicle, or you risk getting stopped. >> reporter: we mounted a camera on our hood and drove the 495 express lanes at midday. there were only a few cars with us. at the same time, the nonexpress beltway lanes were filled, but moving at speed with no backups. depending on the distance you drive, express lanes cost up to $3 for the midday trip. >> i travel a lot, and i'm not in rush hour traffic. so i don't use them. >> reporter: this mailer was recently sent to northern virginia households to entice more drivers to use the 495 express lanes. for those who registered by september 17th, they got coupons to travel for free on the 495 express lanes from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. all this week. and they're offering special lunch discounts at restaurants, and friday drawings for prizes for a spa package, tickets and dinner at wolf trap or $1,000. that's to attract new drivers to the toll road. long-time users already know its value. >> the expense is worth the convenience, particularly if there is a huge backup, because it is great if there is a backup on the beltway. >> reporter: the express lane speed limit is 65 miles per hour, and many drivers feel the time they save is worth the tolls they pay. that's the latest live in northern virginia. chris gordon, news4. >> thanks, chris. an exciting day in a classroom. a $1 million winner went back to school. her name is sarah manchester. she hit the jackpot on wheel of fortune. >> loud laughter! >> can you use $1 casino million? >> her answer is, duh! she teaches math at tacoma park middle school. she also won a trip to the dominican republic on that game show. she is only the third person in the history of the game show to win the $1 million prize. good for her. >> i'm so glad it was a teacher who won that $1 million, right? >> local teacher. >> good for her. >> love it. we've got nice stuff out there. >> really. >> you were telling me how you loved yesterday. >> it was so special. wish you could bottle it and open it up once and again. >> tomorrow morning a lot different, though. for your kids, for my kids, for your kids at home. we are talking about a very cold start tomorrow morning. some of you may even be close to the upper 30s. yeah, that's what we're talking about. really the first time this season we've been this cool. today a little bit of a breeze out there on the anacostia. guys in a fishing boat there, quite a few people enjoying the waterfront across our region today. a pretty nice afternoon for sure. but yeah, a little bit on the breezy side. those winds gusting upwards of 15 to 25 miles per hour. current temperature sitting at 72 degrees with some sunshine. 70 degrees around 7:00. dropping quickly, though. so still looking good in the city, but still chilly. much, much cooler around the 11:00 hour and 64 degrees. look at the numbers already. 61 degrees in gaithersburg. 64 in leesburg. 66 in manassas. going to cool quickly tonight and we are talking the coldest this season. storm team 4 radar clear, not seeing anything on the radar. look to the south. i am watching this area of moisture down here into portions of atlanta, jacksonville and parts of the florida region. that moisture is going to get itself together during the day tomorrow, and then start to move to the north. as it does, it's going to bring us some rain on wednesday. tomorrow morning, starting off pretty nice. look at this. beautiful shot on our skycast. skycast also showing a beautiful day tomorrow, plenty of sunshine. a few clouds. watch what happens on wednesday. we start to see the clouds beginning to move into the area early in the morning and then they will thicken during the day. not a lot of sunshine on wednesday. and then look at this. here comes the rain. the rain coming down across our region, especially wednesday night into the day on thursday. a lot of you asking about the redskins game too. yeah, could be some rain even then. so heads up for that. 75 on wednesday, 72 on thursday with that chance of rain. i've got 40% chance but that may be going up by 11:00 tonight. the latest forecast tonight at 11:00. this weekend, saturday and sunday, looking freight good. right now nice and warm, high temperature around 80 degrees. gets cool, but not for long. >> thanks, doug. dianna is at the park. really short work week. >> players have to get over the loss but have to learn how to get over playing without deangelo hall. coming up, we talk to the veteran quarterback about exactly what happened, and he tells us which superstar he called right after he was injured. sports is next. this is the xfinity sports desk, brought to you by xfinity. your home for the most live sports. okay, dianna, here's the deal. doug and i are sitting here with a gentlemen's bet. he said deangelo hall called somebody yesterday after he went down with an achilles injury. is it kobe bryant? >> reporter: you guys are good. that's why they pay you a lot of money. >> there you go, all right. way to go, doug. >> reporter: no, doug uses siri. >> no, no, no. >> reporter: only to find out kobe's age. 37. well, he actually hurt it when he was 37. guys, so we know the redskins lost to the eagles yesterday. deangelo hall tore his achilles. today we talked to him. he said he did not expect it to be this severe. he says he is done for the season. for now, all he can do is wait and hope to get back on the field. >> you know, it's very disappointing. you know, it's very disappointing. it i was like there is no way i'm staying in this locker room while we're out there in the dog fight. so you know, it happened. so many coaches, you know, the owner, bruce, everybody is kind of consoling me like i'm dying. you know, i feel good about it. i'm optimistic. so i'm just ready to get to work. >> reporter: welcome into the cooley report. tell me one thing that needs to change on this washington redskins team in order for them to start winning games. >> one thing that has to change is your special teams. without a question. you have to find a way to make plays instead of give up big plays. so we saw all of last year and haven't seen this year. make the plays you're giving up. >> reporter: 511 yards of offense yesterday for the redskins. kirk cousins comes out and i think had everyone going, oh, my gosh. this is his team. what was your reaction when you saw kirk cousins? >> the reaction to kirk is wow. but i'm not surprised. and i would say calm, cool, collected. business-like. knows where he needs to go with the ball, distribute the ball. he understands that. just find that mentality if you're kirk cousins to say my game. my team, my game. >> reporter: i feel like the team now is like you want to believe, right? you want to think they can be so good. and then these problems happen during the game, and you just throw your hands in the air like no, they're really not that good. >> yeah, i think anyone as a redskins fan, players on the sideline saw the punt bounce back to the 41 and said this is it, this is where we take the ball down the field. this is it. tired of throwing my hands up in the air. >> all right. so meanwhile, this afternoon the ravens refuted an espn report about the team's handling of the ray rice investigation. the front office claims they didn't ask commissioner roger goodell for any leniency towards rice's punishment. ravens' owner steve bisciotti spoke this afternoon and while acknowledging he did not pursue the videotape, he did defend his organization. >> i am thoroughly aware of what the league expects the team to do in instances like this. and the people in my organization did their jobs. their jobs, as they're defined and as they're expected to be met by the league. so nobody is losing a job here. >> reporter: all right. fondly, nats playoffs tickets went on sale today and they sold out in 17 minutes. that's all it took today for fans to get down there to get their tickets. the nats coming off their longest road trip of the year. one in which they went 9-2 and clinched the nl east. there are just seven regular games remaining for the team, all at home. that starts tomorrow night against the mets. the nats' first playoff game will be on october 3, that's a friday. most likely at home. the time is still to be determined. finally, baseball right around the corner, guys. get your tickets. and something also too here at redskins park. the biggest problem for this team, we talked about deangelo hall. this is the injury report. look at that. 17 players. this is not good. they've got a game thursday. >> one of those things in football you have to expect. but boy, sure is tough to deal with no matter what. thanks, dianna. appreciate it. that's our broadcast for now. "nightly news" next. >> see you at 11:00. on our broadcast tonight, armed and dangerous. what we now know about the security breach at the white house including a previous scare and arsenal of weapons and what the secret service already knew about the suspect. the enemy within. what the obama administration is warning about trained isis fighters on american soil. teachers with guns, loaded weapons in the classroom. it's legal in a lot of places, even if the students and their parents don't know. and winning isn't everything, but this team hasn't lost in six years. tonight, the lessons they are taught that the pros could use right about now. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. duri a


Transcripts For WRC News4 At 11 20140923

8:30 eastern time. it's the first round of air strikes in syria after weeks of targeted bombings in iraq. i'm erika gonzalez. >> congress gave president obama the green light to strike isis in syria last week. it's where that group is head quartered. darcy spencer is monitoring the latest developments from the live desk. darcy? [ inaudible ] -- around the city, including the group's headquarters, weapon depots, training sites and troop encampments. fighter jets made the first past. that's being followed by drone attacks and tomahawk missile strikes from a destroyer in the red sea. the pentagon says partner forces are also taking part in the strikes. sources tell nbc news, that includes saudi arabia, the uae, jordan, and qatar and that they're involved operationally. the white house assured congress the arab nations would take part in beating back isis. the pentagon says given that these operations are ongoing, we're not in position to provide additional details at this time. the decision to conduct these strikes was made earlier today by the u.s. central command commander under authorizer authorization granted him by the commander in chief. on top of these strikes, the uk launched four strikes in iraq today. at the live desk, i'm darcy spencer. >> of course this all comes on the eve of the president's trip up to new york for the u.s. general assembly tomorrow, where he says, in his own words, his job is to rally the world to defeat this threat. during a white house briefing today, officials talked about foreign fighters both in europe and the u.s., who have gone to train in syria and could potentially come back and pose a threat. we could hear from the president before he leaves for new york in the morning, look for updates on news 4 today starting at 4:26, and the latest overnight developments on nbc erika? >> the other big story in washington tonight, security at the white house. we are now hearing from the ex-wife of the man who jumped the fence and made it inside last friday. there are also new questions about why the suspect wasn't stopped sooner. news 4 jackie bensen is outside the white house with the latest. jackie? >> well, we can tell you there are new security measures tonight, including the barricade you see behind me and something we saw about a minute ago for the first time in decades here. we were all ordered off the sidewalk in front of the white house at exactly 11:00. the secret service will also review an incident last month when the same man was found with a hatchet by the white house. by that point, they say omar gonzalez should have already been on their radar. >> this is the mugshot of white house intruder omar gonzalez taken july 19th after his arrest for reckless driving, eluding police and possession of a sawed-off shotgun. a search of the iraq war veteran's vehicle found legally owned rifles, some equipped with scopes and could be used by a sniper. and what's described as a map of washington, d.c. with a line drawn to the white house. a spokesman said the weapons were stored for safe keeping and both the atf and the secret service were notified about the arrest. prosecutors revealed that in late august secret service officers stopped him near the south lawn of the white house after they noticed a hatchet in his waist band. he was released after a search turned up no weapons. but then last friday night, gonzalez was back, he jumped the fence and managed to get inside an unlocked front door of the white house. court documents say he had a vg 10 folding knife, similar to this one in his pants pocket, 800 rounds of ammunition, two hatchets and a machete was found in his car. his ex-wife spoke by phone. >> i want him to get treatment. he doesn't need to be punished. he didn't go to the white house to hurt obama. >> a review is ushd way to find out why trained attack dogs were not deployed as they have been in the past. >> thank you, sir. >> i'm grateful for all the sacrifices they make on my behalf -- and my family's behalf. >> gonzalez will remain jailed until his next court appearances. >> jackie, thanks. now congress is launching its own investigation tonight. the house oversight committee is calling on the secret service director to explain what the agency is doing to address the breach. one possible security measure isn't getting much support. some d.c. lawmakers and visitors say requiring pedestrians to pass through a checkpoint before walking near the white house would go too far. >> right now, yellow caution tape in northeast d.c. after an underground power transformer exploded. fire workers rushed to the scene and an investigation is under way. pepco estimates all power will be restored by 2:00 in the morning. we were told that school will be canceled at eastern tomorrow. we could learn tomorrow what police found inside the car that they believe hannah graham was riding in the night she disappeared. police expect lab results from that search to be available tomorrow. investigators collected more evidence from the home of jesse matthew today. he's now wanted on reckless driving charges after speeding away from police over the weekend. his landlord says tonight, it's hard for her to believe that matthew was involved. >> i'm horrified. i'm in shock. >> do you believe he could have anything to do with her disappearance? or do you think it's unlikely? >> he seems a mild man. >> digital bill boards are also being used in an effort to find hannah, the space is being donated for free. a new request tonight for investigators looking for children who have been missing for two weeks now. police released two pictures of cars that jacob and sarah hoggle may have been riding in when they went missing. they're asking for video of the car in hopes of finding a better time line. the mother went missing around the same time, but turned up four days later. she, however, is not cooperating with police. and tonight, parents in virginia say they can no longer trust a local daycare after learning that a teacher was fired for biting a toddler. police arrested theresa brown on charges of assault and battery. she worked at the goddard school in wood bridge where investigators say she bit a 13-month-old boy so hard that it left a mark on his shoulder. news 4 spoke to brown today. she wouldn't go on camera, but told us that she didn't bite anyone, and thinks that another child did it. >> turning now to the forecast, there's officially a fall chill in the air tonight, and it sounds like we may have some rain to come with it before too long. >> fall officially arrived in the last hour. and the first morning of fall, it's going to be a cold one. the numbers out there, already down to 50 degrees. that means the upper 40s are next for you. still 62 in the city. 55 in reston. you're going to walk outside tonight or early tomorrow morning and you are going to notice a definite chill in the air. the jackets tomorrow, but then, get ready for the umbrellas. we have some rain and could be a lot. i'll explain in just a minute. >> thank you, doug. a fairfax county business goes up in flames and tonight investigators are trying to find out what caused this blaze. a viewer sent us this video of heavy fire and smoke pouring otf this afternoon. chopper 4 flew over and found heavy damage to a large part of the greenhouse. no one was hurt. a new place to walk and bike and enjoy a water-front view. now you can weigh in on how this d.c. spot should look. a public-private partnership wants to built a huge green space on the foundation of the old 11th street bridge. it would link the park area with ana costia by 2018. the committee will take the favorite design into consideration for choosing a finalist. next at 11:00, the news 4 iteam uncovers a dangerous trend that can be deadly. >> literally right in front of the trains. >> what's being done to stop being from illegally crossing railroad tracks and where it's happening most. >> there's no excuse. >> the baltimore ravens fire back about the ray rice case and why the owner says, consider the source. >> nothing but october, that's the slogan as the nationals head into the playoffs next week. banners featuring some of your favorite players have been installed now on nearly 300 light posts near nats park. playoff tickets went on sale today and they went fast, folks. coming up in sports a bit later, find out how to get your hands on some. a police officer's personal vendetta against the legalization of pot in washington state has backfired. seattle's prosecutor is throwing out every ticket written in that city so far this year for public use of marijuana. he says, of the 100 tickets issued so far in seattle, 80% came from one officer. that officer even wrote on one ticket that the pot law is silly. the people who paid a fine will be refunded. that officer has been reassigned. trouble near the tracks. more than 100 people hit, hurt, or killed along train tracks in the d.c. area in just the past three years. our cameras caught some trespassers pushing their luck. as scott mcfarland discovered, getting on top of those busy tracks is easier than you think. >> what you're about to see is technically a crime. a crime news 4 iteam cameras captured over and over and over again. since september 2011, at least 107 people in virginia, maryland, and d.c., have been hurt or killed doing this. trespassing, walking on the tracks. including along these tracks in prince georges county. >> the tracks are the fastest way to get from point a to point b. it's much shorter. >> walter knows the risk it brings. his daughter, mary. >> she literally was pinned to the front of the train. >> was hit and killed by a csx train while walking on the tracks here just north of the station in 2012. >> so my guess is, she froze. it threw her. her neck was snapped. >> walter keeps a wall of photos, her art, and her ashes in a bedroom. >> a beautiful girl, talented, smart. >> reporter: but she's not the only one killed walking the tracks in recent months. far from it. look at this, the bushes give away near the tracks so many people have crossed through here, there's a bit of an informal walking tracks. so we deployed cameras around the area to see if people would cross. and they did. including this man. >> are you concerned it might not be safe to cross those tracks? >> i look both ways. >> you been doing it for a while? >> yeah. >> he drove here from out of town, parked his track on one side and climbed over the tracks to shop at a store on the other. he said it was easier than driving through traffic. >> did you have any concern the train would sneak out of nowhere and clip you? >> they can be very quiet. i have a 30% hearing loss, so i look both ways. >> within five minutes of arriving, we spotted trespassers in river dale, in hyattsville and in beltville, where lourdes gomez tried to cross, before she got hit, knocked out cold, broken bones, and her teeth knocked out. i knew that i was running a risk, she says. but that she doesn't see a no trespassing sign or any fences. >> our iteam cameras and crews didn't see any trespassing signs at any of the three locations, nor any fences to block track climbers. so we asked csx why, and the agency declined multiple requested for interview, instead issuing a written statement, saying, we do install signs and placards along the right-of-way when possible, but these are frequently vandalized. education and awareness campaigns are used. >> see tracks, think train. >> they have their own police force to patrol the tracks and has come into contact with 150 trespassers, in some cases, turned them away, some cases, arrested them. >> walter worries for more because of his daughter who made itn the tracks anyway. >> a federal railroad dins dent report found the number of people hit is down slightly in the past year. but the number of deaths and injuries nationwide is rising. this story started with a tip. if you have something for the iteam to check out, call 202, 885-4444, or e-mail them at news 4 >> it's going to be chilly tonight. >> let's get this playoff beard going, jim. pulling it out for the nationals. i tell you what, it's going to be really chilly. you'll walk outside tomorrow and you'll go, woo, what was that? and that, mother nature bringing in some fall weather. the first official morning of fall, and it will feel like that, temperatures in the 40s across the region. a pretty nice shot city wise. that urban heat island keeping things warmer. currently at 62 degrees. winds out of the north at 10 miles per hour. the northerly winds will help things feel cooler. still 54 in manassas. 54 to winchester. so pretty cool. waking up tomorrow morning, here's what to wear. you know the jackets are going to be a necessity, maybe the long pants. you won't need the umbrella. however, by wednesday, i think we will need the umbrella. talking about cold, there's a frost veadvisory. the first one of the season. it's not going to get as cold, anywhere near our region. we normally don't get our frost until late october into november. not worried about that. radar is clear. this is just some ground clutter. no worries about that. no rain tonight. however, tomorrow, we'll start to see something happen. we have high clouds moving in across our region. that's from the storm to the south. this system has a lot of moisture associated with it, and eventually a lot of that moisture will make a beeline to our region. as it does, we'll be seeing our rain chances on the increase. future weather, starting tomorrow, 8:30, just higher clouds that we're dealing with. some sunshine tomorrow too. tomorrow afternoon, another beautiful day. i really do think tomorrow will be a fantastic afternoon, even though we'll start off quite cool, by noon, you could take off the jacket. wednesday morning, here's the cloud cover. what about the rain? here it comes around 9:00 on wednesday night. it could be fairly heavy in some locations. i think it could even last through the day on thursday. i know the redskins play on thursday. hoping that it's out of here by game time, but we could be in for a pro longed rainy period. something to watch. tonight, here's what we know, clear skies, cold in the suburbs, down to about 40, to 51 in the city, a definite chill. tomorrow afternoon, highs in the upper 60s to around 70 to the west. plenty of sunshine in the afternoon. as we move through the next couple days, we lose the real chill as we move back to around 75 on wednesday, but a better chance of rain. i've upped these chances on wednesday and thursday. 72 degrees on thursday, north easterly wind, and we're not done with the warm weather just yet. back up to around 80 degrees on saturday and sunday. so a little taste of fall and then a little bit of summer, just going, wait a second, i'm not done yet. >> looking good out there. the leaves are starting to change. the beards are out in full swing. it's getting there, guys. it's getting there, keep it up. >> we got another week or two to go. >> injuries piling up for the redskins today and the toughest loss isn't just felt on the field. jason's up next. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. this is the xfinity sports desk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. we kind of saw this coming, deangelo out for the rest of the season. going to hurt. >> the worst part, it was a non-contact injury, very unfortunate situation. the list of injuries for the redskins is getting longer and longer. they're already without their starting quarterback, their starting tight end, their starting nose tackle and now you can add your best cornerback to that list. deangelo hall is done for the season after tearing his achilles yesterday. it's not just his play on the field, but his leadership that will be greatly missed on defense. >> he's a veteran guy and has that experience that you can't coach. he communicates well with the young guys, a great leader by example. but to lose not just the player of deangelo, the person and the leader, it's a big blow. not going to lie. >> could have been a lot worse. could have been acl. could have been something, you know, that was quote/unquote, a bigger deal than an achilles. so this being injured thing is kind of new for me, so i'm going to heed the advice of all these people and i'm going to listen to them and i'm going to come back better. >> over in baltimore, the ravens released a statement denying a report from espn about how they handled the ray rice case. it claims they tried to cover up some information, and that owner steve bisciotti asked commissioner roger goodell for leniency on rice's punishment. >> almost everything in there is anonymous, but it's clear from the subject matter that there's -- it's ray's attorney, it's ray's agent, and it's ray's friends. and, you know, they are building a case for rein statement. and the best way to build a case for rein statement is to make everybody else look like they're lying. >> now bisciotti also went on to say that no one in the organization for the ravens will lose their job due to the handling of this ray rice incident. we go from football to baseball now. nationals fans are ready for playoff baseball. tickets for the nlds went on sale this morning and sold out in 17 minutes. you can still purchase standing room only tickets the day of the games. until then, just seven more regular seasons contests for the nats. they had the night off tonight. tomorrow they're back at it against the mets. elsewhere, the orioles visiting the yankees. derek jeter in his last series at yankee stadium, he's retiring after this year. every single standing ovation he got tonight, he earned it. drives in a pair of runs in the fifth inning, giving the yankees a 4-0 lead. jeter with a two-run double, three rbi in the game for the captain. on the mound for the yankees, michael panetta. he was dominant. top of the sixth. he's getting jonathan scope. can't catch up to that fastball. then in the seventh, nelson cruz, can't handle the breaking stuff. eight strikeouts, just one hit allowed, 7 1/3 innings of shut-out baseball. yankees win this one 5-0. a few more things for you. d.c. united head coach ben alton signed a five-year contract extension with the team, pluss some preseason hockey tonight. the capitals fell short in philadelphia to the flyers 5-4, but they did win two fights in that game. so that's good news. >> in the preseason that's counts. counts. >> yeah, it in cases of rape and incest, just counts. >> yeah, it like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. a woman down in texas is making the most of looking like disney's newest star in a side by side shot. >> oh, my word! >> you can see the resemblance. it's elsa from "frozen." haleigh is a seamstress and created her own gown, and visits the children. little girls love it. little girls love it. their parents can't get to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- sofia vergara megan boone musical guest, the black keys


Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20140923

robert palmer jr. retired a week after he was accused of shoplifting from the target in leesburg this summer. leesburg police charged him with the trial starting at 10:00 this morning at a court in leesburg. we want to get you caught up on the forecast now at 4:31. 55 degrees outside our studios. >> this is the kind of morning you need a jacket to start. let's go to tom kierein, hey, tom. 55 here but ten degrees cooler in the western suburbs. we are down to the mid-40s in loudoun county, parts of prince william and falkier. bowie, 49. college park is at 50. reagan national is 57. and so is annapolis. what to wear this morning? well, definitely from all the choices, a jacket and long pants for students waiting at the bus stop. if you're walking to the metro or bus this morning, you definitely need a jacket in the 40s between now and 8:00. between 8:00 and 10:00, pull over. it will be in the mid to upper 50s. driving this morning, turn the heat on between 6:00 and 8:00 where we'll be in the 40s. between 8:00 and 10:00, you need sunglasses with temperatures reaching the mid-50s. a look at the changes for the day ahead into tonight with next weather and traffic at 4:41. melissa, you had the heat on, right? i was very upset to turn the heat on but i understand. georgia avenue northbound at randolf road, two lanes are blocked due to an accident. beltway at river road, no problems there. 395 at the 14th street bridge, don't you wish it always looked like that? nice and clear. a wider look at things, inner loop and outer loop, no major problems but we do have this construction into the newsroom with wisconsin avenue southbound at dorset at bethesda, the right lane is blocked. see you in ten minutes. breaking news, a new youtube video showing several explosions reported to be u.s. air strikes on isis militant targets in syria. staff agency news posted this video. nbc news cannot verify authenticity. we do know a u.s.-led coalition launched air strikes in syria for the first time overnight. angie goff is live with the latest developments. >> reporter: we have a lot of information coming in, but i want to start with the coalition you just mentioned. for the first time, we are getting the names of the nations in on the air strikes with the u.s. they include saudi arabia, jordan and cutteqatar. these are some of the jet planes taking off, reportedly. we'll talk about where this happened. the bombing of raqqah is very significant because this is an area that is controlled by isis and considered to be the group's headquarters. we are hearing so far from the chairman of the house armed services committee releasing a statement saying, quote, this is one step in what will be a long fight against isil, end quote. we are also hearing from someone who identifies themselves as an isis fighter in syria. they are telling reuters, the news agency, the militants will respond to the air strikes. he also adds that they are zoning in and blaming saudi arabia for letting this happen. as we follow this story, we have breaking news that a syrian fighter jet has been shot down in israel. i'm going to work this and come back with an update in a few minutes. over to you. >> see you then, thank you. the air strikes come as the u.s. and world leaders are set to begin the united nations general assembly today. the foreign correspondent richard engel says the timing is clever and the u.s. can look strong with the actions underway. president obama is expected to rally more nations to join the campaign against isis militant. get breaking news about the latest in syria by downloading the latest news4 app. a pastor in prince william county is charged with sending explicit pictures of himself to a teenager. 22-year-old vincent bowes used a messaging app named kick to send the photos. he made no physical contact with the 15-year-old girl but he was arrested in north carolina last week and is waiting to be extradited back to virginia. today organizations from three maryland counties are banding together to stop cell phone tower construction at a public school site. they will hold a news conference tonight at the board of education. the group also includes people from montgomery and ann arundel counties. parents are being kept in the dark about pending cell tower projects. in prince george's alone, there are 73 towers on school grounds. nine already in the development phase. if you live in montgomery county, more than 30% of you are members of a homeowners or condo association. today the county council is introducing two bills to protect the associations. one forbids property openers from renting properties if they are more than 30 days past due on their association fees. the other bill requires directors to complete a course to learn the responsibilities of running the group. there's a rally about climate change in washington today hours before a united nations summit on the topic. president obama is scheduled to speak at this summit this afternoon. this is a huge rally that happened this weekend in new york city. organizers of today ooechbts want the d.c. council to pass a clean energy law. if you want to go, it's happening at 9:00 in front of the wilson building on pennsylvania avenue northwest. we are already dreaming of the fall classic coming to nats park this year, but today we'll get a taste of the winter classic. nhl will take over nats park for this event this morning. commissioner gary betman will be there along with members of the front office of the capitals and the blackhawks. nick baxter will be there as well. the winter classic faces off new year's day. >> a local day care teacher off the job accused of hurting a student. what she's blaming for the incident to leave marks on a young child. also ahead, cutting down on mistakes. the upgrades in place in d.c. to make sure you are not wrongly given a parking ticket. you are in for a shock stepping out the door this morning. we'll give you a little taste of winter. say it isn't so. the changes to see over the day ahead with your hour-by-hour forecast at 4:41. today virginia state police are cracking down on drivers trying to take the beltway express lanes for free. you are allowed to use the lanes for free if you have at least three people in your car. however, the people who run the road say not enough people are doing that. >> what we want to do is remind driver that is the travel toll-free, you have to have three people in your vehicle. >> you also need an e-z pass. during lunch hour, anyone can take the express lanes for free if you register beforehand. arlington is getting ready to commit a bunch of money for a streetcar line. a $26 million contract will be approved today for design work and engineering. hdr engineering is expected to get the work. hdr was also used in the district for the streetcar project. many of you complaining about the parking tickets in the d.c., the department of public works is planning a software redesign. they say the change will require tag numbers to be entered twice to cut down on the number of up correctly issued parking tickets in the district. you should see changes in the next couple of months. now time to look at the forecast. we said the word winter, which really is worrisome at this t of the season. >> let's not deal with that right now. >> just a little chill in the air, right? >> we'll get you weather and traffic on the 1s. first thing's first, we turned over to autumn last night with the arrival of the equinox and it's feeling atimmutumnal. lots of sunshine today. midday temperatures in the mid-60s by lunch hour. then late afternoon heading home from work and school, we'll be into the lower 70s. highs today just in the 60s. shenandoah valley, most locations by mid-afternoon in the mid to upper 60s to near 70 near the bay. this time tomorrow morning not quite as chilly. lows bottoming out in the upper 40s to near 50 degrees near the metro area. near 60 around the bay. the next chance for much-needed rain, when the first rain drops will fall coming up next weather and traffic on the 1s at 4:41. how is the commute so far, melissa? we have some construction here and there. first of all, the right lane at the inner loop prince george's county. landover road and central avenue, between the two exits we have the right lane taken up. that should be out of the way in a little bit. the rest of prince george's county heading south, branch avenue and pennsylvania avenue, 301, everything running just fine this morning. taking a look at 66 and 95 headed out of stafford, completely clear. no major issues that the point right now. taking a wider look at things, if you look at the beltway, you can see the inner loop and outer loop. 270 at old hundred road, no problems there. i'm back in ten minutes. melissa, thank you. putting up road blocks, why people in one community are upset about plans to upgrade a number of billboards. plus, we are tracking more breaking news out of the middle east where a fighter jet has been shot down overnight. what we're learning about the incident when we go to the live desk ahead. it is 4:43. welcome back. new security measures already in place this morning after a man managed to get inside the white house last week. news4's jackie benson says people were ordered off the sidewalk at 11:00 last night. meanwhile, we're learning more about this man, omar gonzalez. there are a lot of questions about why he was not stopped sooner. gonzalez was first arrested in july in virginia for reckless driving. he had weapons and a map of d.c. with the white house circled in his car. gonzalez was seen last month near the white house and was stopped last week after making it to the front door. gonzalez's ex-wife spoke to us saying he had no intention to hurt anybody. >> he doesn't need to be punished. he didn't go into the white house to hurt obama. >> now a review of security breach is underway now including why attack dogs were not deployed. the president says he still has complete confidence in the ability of the secret service to protect him and his family. a prince william county teacher charged with biting a student is blaming another student. police arrested teresa brown on charges of assault and battery. she worked at the goddard school? woodbridge where she bit a 13-month-old boy so hard it left a mark on his shoulder. brown told us she didn't bite anyone and thinks another child did it. the owner of the school is charged with not reporting the incident. angie goff at the live desk with breaking news that we are just getting in. a syrian fighter jet shot down in israel. the israeli military confirming that it shot down the aircraft, this after it infiltrated the air space. details surrounding the incident are not clear right now. leaders appear to be getting pretty nervous about the al qaeda fighters spilling across the border. over to you, aaron. 4:47 now. police are narrowing their search for a man accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and seriously hurting another. investigators are closing in on eric frein who has been on the run for ten days now and he's hiding in a wooded area where he grew up. his parents still live in the neighborhood in the pocanos mountains. some people living in the area have not been able to go home since police shut down roads. investigators say drugs and alcohol were not a factor in a deadly tour bus crash in delaware. the bus was traveling from d.c. to new york on sunday when it overturned on an off-ramp in new castle. one woman was pinned under the bus and died. another woman died at the hospital. three people are in critical condition. 4:48 now. nobody is losing their job over the ray rice scandal. that is the word from baltimore ravens owner steve bashadi. he spent an hour yesterday defending his organization's handling of the situation. he also said a recent espn report attacked the character of his organization. the report claimed the team knew about the rice case, tried to cover it up and push the nfl for a more lenient punishment for rice. bashadi says none of that was true. >> i wish that they had at least acknowledged that during their fact-finding they were getting the majority of this story from people who are paid to work to get ray's suspension overturned. >> the ravens say they did not ask for any favors or from roger goodell when it came to the punishment of ray rice. today a group of native americans want a lawsuit filed by dan snyder against him dismissed. this is about the team's trademark protection that they lost earlier this year. the u.s. patent and trademark office called the redskins name disparaging. the native americans said snyder would have to sue the agency over the decision, not them. the team lawyers say a provision in the law lets them sue them in this case. a meeting will be held at westbard avenue tonight. the new opener is considering a new center there. if you want to be there, head there at 7:00 tonight. nothing about october, that's the new slogan as the nats head into the playoff next week. banners already up outside nats park on 300 light posts. getting inside the park will be difficult in october. tickets went on sale yesterday. they sold out in 17 minutes. >> i'm surprised it took that long. >> you can still hope for standing room only tickets on the day of each game. and stubhub stadium room tickets start at $78. also an in-field box seat for game one is going for about $11,000. >> i don't know if you can tell from home, but aaron just got back from a little trip and has a little stubble here. and that's all in solidarity with the nationals. we saw tom's yesterday. >> you're growing a little goatee. this is three days here, so it is going to be a while. >> yeah, join us. show support for your nats. >> grow your nats facial hair. >> i can't help you, sorry. playoff stubble going. you will need some stubble to keep you warm this morning. we have a long way to catch jason wirtz, though. protect plants, it will be down to the mid-30s in many areas from western maryland into the highlands of west virginia between now and 9:00. look at petersburg, down to 37 degrees now. oakland out in garrett county down to 39. shenandoah valley, only near 40 degrees. front royal only at 41. mid-40s elsewhere shenandoah valley. east of the blue ridge, in the mid-40s. northern falkier and prince william in the upper 40s. 55. in the southern month comegomer county, the low er 40s. if you're walking the dog, it will be chilly near 47 degrees. between 8:00 and 10:00, in the mid-50s. we'll have clouds coming and going for the morning hours. by noontime, just some high clouds drifting over us. during the afternoon, partly cloudy. overall, a delightful afternoon coming up with temperatures reaching the low 70s by mid afternoon. so mild and comfy for the afternoon. love this photo. it was taken yesterday morning of the faint crescent moon over the baby sonia wagner. post your pictures to facebook or twitter and we'll share the photos. the first needed rain drops could arrive during the afternoon commute on wednesday and wednesday evening off and on showers. thursday a little cooler. then warmer again this weekend. a touch of sum we are highs in the 80s. now melissa is here to check on the traffic. what's going on? we are looking pretty good, but i'll be much happier with you this weekend, tom. i'm not so crazy about the 49 degrees i saw on my car this morning. that's not tom's fault. he just tells us what's happening. construction on 95 northbound with the left lane blocked near 198 in the laurel area. in and out of town, no major problems. 56 headed inbound/outbound, looking good right now. 95 as we are hopping on in stafford county, completely green the entire way up through triangle and across to woodbridge. no problems there. taking a look at branch avenue at the beltway, moving right along. 270 headed out of frederick this morning, southbound you still have a good trip this morning. no major problems right now headed out any time soon. remember, follow us on twitter @first4traffic. thank you, melissa. milk and sugar are so yesterday. the new trend for people looking to make their morning cup of coffee just a little bit cremier. hmm. first, unwelcomed upgrades. why people in one community say plans to update the billboards should not have been considered. plus, finding new life for an old structure. how to transform an old bridge into a welcoming place for pedestrians. stay with . in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. today a special honor for a virginia marine who gave his life in afghanistan. the stafford county sheriff's office will escort the body of sergeant charles strong from dover air force base back to the stafford county courthouse. strong is a native of suffolk county and died september 15th in combat. strong was married. his wife taylor is pregnant with a little girl due in september. you may experience road closures along route 3 and route 1 as the procession moves through. detectives want your help to find someone who stole a series of signs in st. mary's county. the sheriff's office says someone took eight road construction signs. the big orange diamond signs that say stay in the lane. the thief also took eight diamond stands. it's a battle over billboards in prince george's county. today the council zoning commission will review a bill to turn old signs into new digital led signs. the neighbors are planning to fight the proposal because they consider it an eyesore. there's a push to phase out billboards in the '90s which is why some are confused about the effort to update them now. >> particularly the proximity of so many residential communities, nevermind distracted driving going down the highway. it's just unacceptable. >> the company behind behind the bill said the boards help to fight crime. clear channel released a statement saying since 2007 digital boards have led to the arrests of over 50 wanted criminals. planners want your opinion on transforming the waterfront near nationals park. a public private partnership wants to build a huge public green space on the foundation of the old 11th street bridge to link the national parks area to historic an accostia by 2014. go to and search bridge to vote. you get to voice your concerns about the future of public schools in alexandria today. they are drafting a new five-year strategic plan for the school system. tonight you get the chance to weigh in on that plan. the meeting is tonight at 7:00 at the central office building in braddock place. a virginia man on the road to recovery received a big surprise. a group donated a new therapy to tucker winfrey. the 19-year-old is quadriplegic. he has been driving up to baltimore twice a week costing $100 an hour. if bike relieves muscle pain and helps him become more independent. the group is dedicated to helping those with spinal cord injuries. very nice. it's 5:00, stay with us, "news4 today" continues right now. say good-bye to summer as we take a live look outside right now at the first full day of fall giving us a little taste of winter. our storm team 4 is tracking the changes to help you plan what to wear this morning. and tracking isis. u.s. war planes strike a target inside syria. good morning, everyone. 5:00 a.m. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang for this tuesday, september 23rd, 2014. all right, leave the short sleeves in the closet this morning as you wake up to temperatures we haven't seen around here in months. >> you might want to go ahead and box them up. >> no, i'm not ready to box up the short sleeves. >> tom kierein is here to help you prepare for the day ahead with your winter-like -- do you want to call it that for some folks? >> down in the mountains we are in the 30s this morning. but don't box up


Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6am 20140923

6:00 a.m. the u.s. along with five arab countries have begun air strikes against isis targets in syria. the strikes began last night in the northeastern part of the country as they come as president obama heads to new york for the opening of the united nations general assembly. three afghan military officers who went missing in massachusetts were found attempting to cross into canada. officials were alerted by their dns -- about their disappearance when they did not return to a u.s. training base in cape cod. they were among hundreds of soldiers in afghanistan taking part in training exercises at camp edwards. the israeli military has killed two palestinians suspected in the fatal abduction of three israeli teenagers last june. the men were killed in a shootout with israeli forces in the west bank on tuesday. the teens' abduction in the west bank led to the recent war in gaza. >> it's getting worse and we need to do something about it. the world health organization has issue add new warning about the ebola virus saying if we do not get it under control now, the disease could become a permanent fixture in west africa spreading routinely like malaria or the flu. health officials say there could be as many as 20,000 cases of ebola by november. today the d.c. council will vote a a new controversial conceal carry gun law. the bill was drafted after a judge ruled d.c.'s ban on carrying concealed guns was unconstitutional. >> if it's approved, the bill could be facing challenges in the court system. vanessa herring is live outside the wilson building with more. vanessa? >> reporter: good morning. this is a bill that mayor gray and d.c. council didn't want to draft but that judge's decision forced them to come up with some sort of a system that would allow people to carry concealed guns in the district. now, the proposed bill is modeled after ones in other states that have successfully passed court challenges. if this bill is passed later this morning, permit holders would not be able to carry their concealed guns in government buildings, schools, stadiums, bars and restaurants or where public officials need to be protected. people who want permits need to explain why they want one in an application. some of the reasons like receiving a death threat or being a victim of domestic violence could get application approved. applications would have to be approved by police chief cathy lanier. if an application is does denied, the applicant would have a chance to appeal that decision. >> i happen to be one that really does not support having people walking around with guns concealed otherwise in the district of columbia. >> nine other states in the united states that have this discretionary measure law that is vital to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. >> reporter: the plaintiff is the original lawsuit against the d.c. gun laws say they feel this bill doesn't do enough and gives police too much power. if the bill is passed it would have to be reviewed by a judge. i'll send it back to you. >> thank you, vanessa, in front of the wilson building this morning. forensic results are expected later today in the disappearance of hannah graham. >> the tests were performed on items collected from jesse matthew's apartment, a person of interest in the case. >> investigators issued a wanted poster monday. they believe the man seen in two surveillance videos with graham, one shows him following graham. in the other pa through has his arm around here -- matthew has his arm around her. >> they now want him for reckless driving and more questioning regarding graham. montgomery county police are asking local businesses for help finding two missing children. hz9 police want businesses to pay close attention to their surveillance footage to see if they recognize sarah and jay exob hoggle or either of the -- jacob hoggle or either of the vehicles seen on police flyers. >> we have the flyer posted on our website the children have been missing for two weeks and their mother catherine hoggle is still in jail. police say they cannot activate an amber alert in this case because they've already recovered the last car the children were seen in. police say they have alerted agencies across the country about sarah and jacob. on our fan page, we have pictures of dozens of children missing from our area. take a look back and maybe you can help bring some of them home. it is 6:05. a teacher at a goddard school in the woodbridge section of prince william county is now charged with assault and battery for allegedly biting an infant. >> teresa brown bit a 13-month- old, left a mark on the boy's shoulder. brown allegedly bit the baby after it bit another teacher. police say the owner of the school was made aware of the incident but did not report it. she was charged with failure to report child abuse or neglect. pennsylvania's governor says he's confident an alleged cop killer will be phone. and a phone scam that targets residents in montgomery county. wusa9 is welcome back. i'm first alert meteorologist erica grow and we're starting to see a little bit after glimmer on the horizon there but the sun won't officially rise till 6:56 this morning. it's very chilly out there. keep that in mind. some temperatures in the 40s early this morning in the outlying suburbs. we'll be at 58 degrees by 9:00 a.m. 64 at 11:00. so still in the 60s as you're stepping out the door for lunch. but high temperatures today will be in the low 70s under a partly to mostly sunny sky. that is your quick look at weather. time again for timesaver traffic. taking a quick look there and just seeing the volume building for you. eastbound lanes of 66, saw the delays into manassas toward the rest area. below speed to get past 28 centreville. a little more volume building into fair oaks and vienna. all your lanes open into rosslyn. that's good news. travel the trip downtown kenilworth avenue, eastern avenue. pace still looks decent starting to slow south of eastern avenue to make it toward east capitol, pennsylvania avenue. volume building on cheverly coming in from columbia park. back to you. the hunt continues in eastern pennsylvania for a man suspected of ambushing and killing a state trooper more than a week ago. yethrough the forest in a northeastern part of the state looking for 31- year-old erica frein. frein is accused of killing byron dickson and injuring alex douglas outside their trooper barracks back on september 12. protesters flooded new york's financial district to speak out against climate change. organizers wanted to raise awareness about corporations and their roles in climate change. the demonstration in manhattan drew more than 300,000 people. here's a scam alert you need to know about because it's very effective. the crooks claim to be calling from the i.r.s. >> scott broom has the story of a couple of safeway cashiers who helped innocent victims who were just about to transfer money to the vines. -- criminals. >> reporter: the crist scam -- the i.r.s. scam i'm about to tell but is safeway has been training its cashiers to spot victims. >> i said excuse me, are you buying these for the i.r.s.? >> reporter: that's pat keller who described a couple armed with $3,000 in cash attempting to buy money transfer cards like these while nervously on the phone with someone claiming to be from the i.r.s. giving them directions. >> and i said, this is a scam. don't do it. happening the phone up. >> reporter: keller is credited with saving the couple but according to montgomery county police, at least 18 other victims have lost an astounding $95,000 in the last six months in montgomery county alone. the scam works like this. you get a call from someone claiming to be from the i.r.s. and they say you owe backtaxes whether you know it or not and a warrant has been issued for your immediate arrest. there's no time to argue about it and no time for checks in the mail but if you buy a cash transfer card and send the i.r.s. money immediately, you at least won't go to jail. it is a complete scam. take it from the i.r.s. >> we would never call you about taxes you owe without first mailing you an official notice. we would never require you to use a specific payment method for tax purposes, such as the prepay debit card. we would never ask for credit or debit card numbers over the telephone. >> reporter: unfortunately the scammers have not been arrested but local police and the i.r.s. want you to report it. if you've ever been called by these scammers. in rockville, scott broom, wusa9. >> go to for more information on how to make those reports so you do not fall for this scam if you get a call. at 6:12 here's another look at the question of the morning. according to a study people do this 30% less than they think they do. is it a, smile, b, whine, or c compliment someone? >> melissa zimmerman, you look wonderful this morning. she wrote c, compliment someone. >> we'll have more of your responses and the correct answer in about 30 minutes. we'll be right back. you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay. da! welcome back to wusa9. our time 16:15 with -- time is 6:15. with all the cool air out there, it is definitely feeling like the season of autumn. >> brink and beautiful. erica grow is in for howard. she'll have the full forecast in a few minutes. have you ever had one of those imaginary conversations in your head about what you would say to your boss if you ever quit? >> if you haven't seen this yet, take a look at this. a tv reporter in alaska didn't just say it to her boss, she said it to a live audience using a four-letter word, the f word. we don't mean fire. >> jeanne moos has the story of a reporter. >> reporter: why not quit quietly when you can go on live tv and drop the f bomb. charlotte greene quit her job as -- charla greene quit her job as a reporttory become a marijuana activist. critics wonder what was she smoking to do in? >> as for this job not that i have a choice but [ bleep ] i quit. >> reporter: the f bomb left the anchor shell shacked. >> all right, we apologize for that. [ silence ] >> we'll be right back. pardon for us. >> reporter: pardon for us? well, at least she didn't scream like ron burgundy floor manager. >> go, san diego. >> reporter: ktva later tweeted viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a ktva reporter on the air. the employee has been terminated. greene was coming out of a story she'd done on the alaska alaska cannabis club. she admitted she owned a club and would be devoting all her energy on an upcoming vote on whether to legalize pot in alaska. with the four-letter words, greene joins the ranks of those who have said take this job and shove it in spectacular fashion. none more spectacular than this. >> all of you out right now. >> i'm here to tell you that i'm quitting. >> reporter: the hotel room service server who brought a band along when he handed his boss his resignation and who could forget flight attendant steven slater who got on the plane's pa to curse and quit. then inflated the emergency slide for his grand exit or how about adam the taco bell manager who rearranged the letters on the restaurant sign. at least he put a smiley face after his f bomb. and this guy walked into the break room with his boom box blasting and "i quit" emblazenned on his naked chest. at least charla greene kept her clothes on as the reporter went to pot. happy to see her job in tv go up in smoke. >> i quit. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> more attention for her business than she probably could have reported. >> you couldn't get better advertising. >> i actually worked with someone who quit on the air. >> did he drop the bomb? >> no, denot use a dirty word but -- he did not use a dirty word but we were like, all righty then. not happening today. >> no, not happening today. she's right here. you have the forecast. give it to us. >> it's going to be cool today but sunny. so another day with lots of sunshine. however, we don't have that strong wind like we had yesterday. let's take a look outside. a beautiful start to the day. look at that rain beau in the sky. -- rainbow in the the sky. we'll have a partly sunny afternoon. a little bit of cloud cover starting to approach from the south with an approaching coastal system. but we won't see any rain from that today or even tomorrow. so day planner temperatures 58 degrees at 9:00 a.m. at noon about 69 degrees. so getting close to 70 degrees. those winds stay nice and light out of the northeast at only about 5 miles per hour for most of the day. today's high temperature 72. that's where we'll still be at 5:00. right now it is mostly clear and 55 degrees at reagan national. a nice comfortable spread between the dew point and the temperature so that dew point 42 degrees leaves us with low relative humidity. there's no obstruction to visibility out there this morning but we do have some pretty chilly temperatures, especially in the suburbs to the north of the beltway. only 43 in gaithersburg. 47 in hagerstown. 40 westminster. 45 in manassas and 49 right now at andrews. you can see on satellite and radar, that approaching cloud cover but the thicker cloud cover is still down into southern virginia, virginia beach, norfolk and we don't have any rain on the way until wednesday evening. you'll see that here on 9 futurecast. here comes the cloud cover. it's still off to the south of us though by this evening. it's not until we get into wednesday morning that that cloud cover starts to build in. so a partly to mostly cloudy day on wednesday. the rain holds off till wednesday night. 7:30 it's still not raining in the beltway but starting to rain in southern maryland. heavy rain, reds and oranges an indication of the possibility of downpours but look at the timing 1:30 in the morning on thursday. that's good timing. it means it won't be a huge impact to the morning commute. however, we still will have rain during the morning drive on thursday and then it tapers off to showers as we head into the afternoon. it looks like things will start to improve in time for that football game. today's high temperature 72 degrees in downtown washington. 27 in fredricksburg as well. 72 in martinsburg and 70 in hagerstown. lots of 70s out there as we head through this morning. and afternoon. in the first alert seven-day forecast, the heaviest rain will be on thursday. scattered showers through the morning and then we'll clear out for the weekend. that is your forecast. time again for timesaver traffic. not clearing out around the roadways. it's volume building but no big obstacles, erica. checking out the ride around the beltway, interstates to get there. very typical volume but lanes open for you as you make your ride on the utter loop west into silver spring. wilson bridge, oxon hill, everything is looking pretty good. check out the 270 ride where southbound delays getting south of route 80 if not a little bit before that actually closer to 85 to get down past 109 and stown. once you get past the truck scales volume building into germantown. lanes open to the beltway. virginia 95 heaviest volume still getting into quantico, getting into woodbridge. northbound 95 heading to lorton, newington, lanes open into springfield and on to 395. volumes build past edsall road. branch avenue getting past southern avenue, nice light volume. building volume on the suitland parkway, south on d.c. 295 and making your way in on the 11th street bridge from i-295. lanes are open. we'll be right back with more. thanks for joining us this first autumn day. anncr: hampton knows it's your most important videoconference of the day. hi! hi, buddy! anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality in cases of rape and incest, just like the right-wing republicans in congress. they want to overturn roe v. wade. so does she. "i think roe v. wade should be overturned." barbara comstock even voted with right-wing republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. that's all i need to know. i'm john foust and i approve this messge. welcome back. traffic is looking good and light around the area. building volume but no obstacles. that is the good news for folks right now traveling around the beltway, interstates to get there. no big surprises for you. the beltway in college park, volume is light. just building around to georgia avenue. bw parkway slowing at riverdale. lanes are open for virginia 95, 66 and on 395. just the volume into landmark and headed for the 14th street bridge. all lanes are open into downtown. mike, andrea, back to you. things are looking great on the roadways. it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. >> if you saw the sunrise this morning and looked at the sky lite, absolutely stunning. -- skyline, absolutely stunning. there's a look at the washington monument as the sun starts to peak over the horizon on -- peek over the horizon. the sunrise is looking gorgeous. the sun will officially rise at 6:56 so we're getting pretty close and we're starting to get beautiful colors on the michael & son weather cam. partly sunny by the afternoon. temperatures not quite as warm as they were yesterday. yesterday we got up to 76 which is close to our average high. todaat noon and 72 for a high temperature which is where we'll still be at 5:00. but notice those winds much lighter out of the northeast at only about 5 miles per hour for most of the day. i think that every once in a while it could gust to around 10 miles per hour but no big deal. 55 and mostly clear at reagan national right now. relative humidity is 62% which sounds high but when temperatures are this low, you really want to just look at the dew point. the dew point being 42. that's a nice comfortable level for us and we have nice comfortable spread between the temperature and humidity so we don't have any fog out there. just clear skies overhead. rye now it is only 43 degrees in gaithersburg, though. a chilly start to the day. 45 in 47 in hagerstown. 43 in culpeper and only 39 degrees in westminster. as you get closer to the water, it's a little warmer. 55 degrees in annapolis. so on satellite and radar, you can see our approaching coastal system. we're not looking at any rain on the map just yet, but you can kind of see those showers sneaking in to the raleigh- durham area. that shower activity will spread toward us as we head into wednesday but not for today. 9 futurecast we'll time out the arrival first. we'll keep it sunny through noon on tuesday. wednesday we're dry through the evening commute but here we are at 8:00 p.m. and the first line of showers starting to hoff into senior maryland. then heavy rain moves in during the overnight hours and we will see the possibility of that rain holding on through the early morning commute on thursday. so we could see some of the rain showers still lingering as we're heading out the door. that's why thursday is a yellow alert day. notice that the rain also keeps those temperatures down. a high of only 70 degrees on thursday after a high of 72 both on tuesday and wednesday. but a beautiful weekend in store. andrea, back to you. >> thank you, erica. the secret service is increasing its presence and surveillance measures around the white house. >> this comes after an iraq war veteran jumped over the white house fence and actually got into the building. nikki burdine is live outside the white house with hor on that lax -- more on that lax security on friday and the reaction since then. >> reporter: i got white house yesterday afternoon and there were a lot of tourists coming by to take pictures and i asked the tourists if they noticed anything different. for the most part they said no. there were a couple more security guards and officials standing out there than i usually see. there was an extra barrier. when i pointed it out to the tourist, they said it doesn't bother them at all as long as it's keeping everyone safe. we're still learning more about 42-year-old omar gonzalez, the man police say jumped over the white house fence and rushed towards the white house making it all the way inside before he was arrested. police say he had a knife on him. he reportedly told officers he was trying to warn the president the atmosphere is collapsing n. court prkors say gone -- prosecutors say gonzalez had 800 rounds ammunition in his car where apparently he has been living. in virginia he was arrested on a felony charge in july for eluding police and carrying a sawed off shot gun. here's what the press secretary had to say yesterday about this incident. >> providing security at the white house is complicated business. the white house is many people know one of the more popular tourist destinations in our nation's capital. thousands of tourists on a typical day will tour the white house. that means that thousands of tourists, members of the public will walk out that front door at the conclusion of their tour. the white house is of course a place of business. it's essentially a large office building. it is where members of white house staff and white house journalists show up every day to do their work and facilitating your entry and exit to this complex with a minimal amount of convenience while also providing security is an important priority. >> reporter: of course a full investigation is under way to determine exactly what happened, how this could happen and how they can keep it from happening again. even more measures could be put in place soon like public check points outside the white house. i'm nikki burdine, back to you. >> thank you. time to see what our partners at cbs this morning are covering. >> good morning, norah o'donnell live in new york. >> good morning. ahead we've got david martin at the pentagon with more detail on the first u.s. air strikes against isis in syria. plus, we're going to talk to c.i.a. insider mike morel about a separate mission to disrupt an imminent attack against the u.s. and bill o'reily is going to join us in studio 57 and geena davis says the movie "frozen" is just the first step. she's been studying gender bias and how she's using the findings to change the way women are represented in film. the news is back in the morning. we'll see you at 7:00. >> that looks like an interesting interview. we'll pay attention to that one. around 8:30 last knight the u.s. military -- night the u.s. military began carrying out air strikes against syria. >> they used fighter jets, bombers and tomahawk missiles. president obama ordered an expanded military campaign two weeks ago to disrupt and destroy isis. he said an international military coalition is going to participate. >> our objective is clear. we will degrade and ultimately destroy isis through a comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy. >> the u.s. has cearld out air strikes over -- carried out air strikes over isis targets over the past six weeks. yesterday is the first time they launched attacks over syria. president obama is expected to try to drum up more support at the united nations this week. so far at least five arab natures -- arab nations are participating in these air strikes. the white house is throwing its support behind the new afghan unity government. the country's next president was declared the winner of june's runoff election. abdullah will serve as the country's ceo, a role much like a prime minister. the results of the recount of the disputed runoff election were not announced. began ni will sign -- ghani will sign an agreement with the u.s. which allows 9800 u.s. troops to legally remain in the country after this year. e commerce giant alibaba had the biggest initial public offering of all time. the chinese company announced that it raised a whopping $25 billion after listing its shares on the new york stock exchange. >> analysts say positive economic effects of the sale will be felt mostly in asia, not silicon valley. things cooled off monday following friday's successful launch. shares fell 4% dropping below friday's opening price of $92.70. >> right now it stands at $89 a share. another setback for a proposed bowie wal-mart. prince george's county members sent the store plan back to the planning boards. they say they still need to address the impact on traffic for residents. >> the zoning authority denied wal-mart's request to build a supercenter in oxon hill. the latest decision as we said is another setback for wal-mart which is aggressively pursuing expansion plans in the washington area. coming up 06:35. wusa -- up on 6:35 and wusa9 wants to get you hired. francis o day company is hiring a professional truck driver. you need more than two years experience. if you want to find out more about the job, go to we want to congratulate our facebook fan of the day. today's winner is regi quinn from huntingtown, maryland. he says we wake up and watch andrea roane and crew every day. definitely the channel to go to to get the daily headlines, news and weather. love it. p.s., is a great tool. thank you, regi. >> sending love back your way. you win two tickets to the black keys at the verizon center. you can be our next winner. go to our facebook page and fill out welcome back. it is 6:38. i'm first alert meteorologist erica grow. a beautiful sunrise. just a few high clouds out there. that's all we're going to see today. no rain till wednesday night. the winds we had yesterday have settled down. the only thing that's different that you might say is a negative is that it is a little bit cooler during the day today. 64 degrees at 11:00. so a little chilly if you want to have lunch outdoors but if you get out in the sun, i'm sure you'll enjoy it. a high today of 72 degrees. we'll check out the ride for you. that is looking pretty decent right now, too. no issues to report as far as any accidents. i'm not looking for any troubles here. the volume you'll see building on the beltway outer loop into silver spring, pretty typical stuff. inner loop heading for the wilson bridge starting to see more volume in the local lanes past 210 on the bridge itself looking good. nice light volume local lanes. look at the beautiful sky for your ride. inner loop headed toward you there, headlights into alexandria. check out the trip for northbound 395 drivers heading past duke street, it's that volume. merging lanes from four to threep. the pace picks up only to slow briefly at the inbound 14th street bridge. 66 delays in manassas. separate delay in centreville getting into fair oaks but with lanes open toward the very nanny metro and the volume lessening in falls church now that the hov rules are in effect. back to you. >> thanks, bev. defending his team, the own her of the ravens rayed -- owners of the ravens raised more questions. >> a new report says the team knew of the details of what happened inside that elevator months ago. we have more. >> it was the manner in which he was saying the things which really stood out when you look at how this issue has really been addressed prior to this. very off the cuff. >> not scripted whatsoever. he sat down in a chairp, put down his bottle -- chair, put down his bottle of water. bisciotti said he wanted to address the latest report publicly because as he put it the ravens' confidence was being questioned. now their integrity. the report accusing the ravens engaging in a pattern of misinformation and misdirection. to counter that bisciotti took questions for about 45 minutes on the clock. during the q & a he said he believes most of the sources used for the story are people in ray rice's camp who are, quote, trying to build a case for restatement. he did also mention he was sorry for not insisting the team get a copy of the tape from inside the elevator saying at the time he wasn't concerned or interested enough to demand it. while he added he was surprised rice only got a two-game suspension initially, that had been start punishment in the past for players of domestic cases. >> the league never elevated domestic violence to the platform that it should have been on relative to some of these other offenses, bar fights and marijuana possessions and things like that. >> bisciotti went on to say he thought the front office had done their job and no one at the ravens would be fired over t. espn responded by saying it stands by its story. the league has turned to robert mueller so investigate its handling of the ray rice case. if you want to see the entire statement from the ravens, that is our our website you can see everything that they had to refute there. >> if you saw the outside the lines report, one of the reporters said they had 20 sources in some cases depending on what they were trying to vet throughout the report. it will be interesting to see how this unfolds as it moves forward. >> we'll get to the bottom of this. >> we still have no plan on how to go ford until super bowl. >> thanks, nick. 6:42. "the lion king" is now officially the greatest disney franchise of all, at least along the great white way. >> if you happen to be in fairfax county today, do not be alarmed. there's going to abflash mob breaking out -- to be a flash mob breaking out near a very po erica grow is back at 6:45 with more on today's weather and maybe a yellow alert in our future. >> it looks pretty likely that thursday will have to be upgraded to a yellow alert. we have beautiful weather for today and tomorrow, especially if you like that fall-like feel. it feels crisp out there. on the michael & son weather cam, you can see we have plenty of blue sky overhead. just a few clouds drifting in from the south. you'll see them in a minute on satellite and radar. but in our day planner, temperatures remaining in the 60s even through the noon hour. a high temperature of 72. that's still where we're going to be at 5:00. notice the winds out of the north and northeast at only about 5 miles per hour. so that's good news. we don't have as much of a gusty breeze. 51 degrees in fredricksburg. that's one of the warmer spots on the map. 45 in frederick and leesburg. only 43 in cup pepper and in gaithersburg. and a big difference from what we had out there yesterday at this time. 18 degrees cooler in winchester and frederick. 16 degrees cooler in manassas. that cool air that was rushing on in yesterday, it did lead to a nice afternoon, though it was breezy. now the center of high pressure that brought us the sunshine yesterday is closer to us. so that allows the winds to settle down and it still keeps the clear skies overhead. but an area of low pressure is approaching now making its way toward the coastal carolinas, and this will spread rain into the metro as we head into wednesday night and thursday morning. it looks like the heaviest rain will be during the overmight hours wednesday night into thursday morning. if there's lingering rain during the thursday morning commute, that will be a yellow alert day. for today just green alerts. beautiful weather out there. lots of sunshine. it will be a little bit chilly with a high of 72 degrees in manassas and fredricksburg. 70 hagerstown. 71 in gaithersburg. when you're standing in the shade, you'll definitely feel that little bit of a chill in the air but in the sunshine it should feel very nice because the winds are not going to be an issue today. overnight tonight, some high cloud cover starts to move in. temperatures won't be quite as chilly as they were early this morning. 50 degrees for your low tonight in manassas. 50 in orange as well. 48 in martinsburg and 56 in downtown d.c. if you are heading to the game tonight, game time temperature should be about 70 degrees with the mostly clear sky. make sure you bring the jacket or sweat shirt because by the time the game is wrapping up, 62 degrees and it will feel like it's in the low 60s for sure. this is the last home stand before the playoffs begin so you want to get out there and support your nats. so heading into wednesday, we're going to see an increase in cloud cover. the showers will hold off till after the evening commute. so we're keeping a green alert for wednesday. but then thursday that chance for rain will be with us all day long but greatest chances for rain will be during the morning commute so that's a yellow alert day. 70 degrees on thursday. back up near 80 degrees on friday and then beautiful weather for next weekend. lots of sunshine and highs in the low 80s. that is your first alert seven- day forecast. time once again for timesaver traffic. >> we've got good news on the roadways for the most part. just one accident to tell but that we're just hearing about near fort meade on route 32 near 175 with crews responding there. the outer loop of the beltway into silver spring, fairly typical delays with lanes reported open for your trip. sky 9 has been looking at the drive on 66 coming in from very nanny toward the beltway and falls church. volume but no accidents to report that o that trip. the beltway near 66 running freely as well right now. just starting to bog down a little bit more on the inner loop north of the toll road. 395, 95 your trip northbound heaviest into woodbridge coming through dale city, the left side of your screen, the headlights toward you just the volume streaming up toward woodbridge and into newington, lorton and springfield lanes are open. getting west of college park into silver spring, no delays forming near i-95 will take you past new hampshire avenue and around to georgia avenue with lanes open. lanes open bw parkway to cheverly. back to you. wusa9 wants to help you find the best and steer away from maybe the worst gas prices in your area. this morning we're checking pumps in woodbridge, virginia. the most expensive gallon of regular is at shell on jefferson davis highway. it's $3.39 a gallon according to aaa's mid-atlantic website. >> but the cheapest gallon of regular the 7-left an jefferson davis highway. $3.11 a gallon there. time to answer our question of the morning. according to the survey, people do this 30% less than they think they do. is it a, smile, b, wine, or c -- whine, or c, compliment someone. >> good morning, terry moe ne. everyone should smile more often and have a good laugh, too. you're right. the answer is [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastru ♪ ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. good morning. i'm vanessa herring outside the wilson building where d.c. council is expected to vote on a concealed carry bill. there would be some restrictions. applications would have to be approved by police chief cathy lanier and critics say the bill gets too -- gives too much power to police. >> reporter: i'm nikki burdine outside the white house where more security is in place after a man allegedly jumped over the white house fence and made it all the way across the front line and inside the front door before being arrested. that man was in court yesterday, omar gonzalez, 42 years old. is he facing serious charges in this incident. we're learning more about previous arrests he had with police and what police say he had on him after this arrest. they say they found 800 rounds of ammunition and police are still investigating this. secret service of course are doing a full investigation to determine if more security should be put in place here. back to you in the studio. osama bin laden's son-in- law is scheduled to be sentenced today in new york. he faces a possible life sentence in his terrorism case. he was convicted in march on charges he conspired to kill americans in his role as a spokesman for al qaeda. he was the voice of al qaeda recruitment videotapes aft 9/11 attacks. more than a hundred world leaders are in new york city at the united nations on a summit for climate change. it's part of u.n. secretary -- u.n. secretary-general -- [indiscernible] the goal was to keep the temperature from rising more than 2 degrees from where it is now. the world set another record last year for the amount of carbon pollution in the atmosphere. local health care profession professionals are looking to raise awareness about early breast cancer detection. women in prince george's county can take part in free mammography day at doctors community hospital breast care center. all you have to do is prove you're a prince george's county resident and meet other screening criteria> >> call doctors community hospital breast cancer center first to register and find out if you're eligible. if you do not know how to properly perform cpr, here is your chance to learn how. today fairfax county fire and rescue department are going to be performing a flash mob. is it going to look like this? what is that? to the hit "staying alive." it's going on today in the plaza at tysons mall. it starts at 11:50 this morning. >> there goes the flash factor. >> really. >> the lion king is the top entertainment ticket of all time. the long running broadway show has grossed more than $6.2 billion beating out "the phantom of the opera." it opened on broadway back in 1997. >> lots of sunshine today. and less wind than yesterday. but it will be a little bit cooler with a high of 72. we keep it dry on wednesday. it's wednesday night that the rain saturdays to move in and it could still be wet during the thursday evening commute. >> we'll check out and see if we're feeling the love on the roadways here. outer loop of the beltway volume into silver spring, pretty typical past coastville. university boulevard between -- colesville. boulevard boulevard in between police are responding to the crash. check out the ride for downtown travelers on the southwest freeway. volume building westbound toward the 14th street bridge. virginia 395 is just the volume into the bridge. your lanes are open. back you to guys. cbs this morning is next with the story of the facebook fortress. >> that's right. mark zuckerberg's $10 million home is a massive construction project and his neighbors are not happy about it. >> beverly and i will be back with traffic and weather. >> for news, weather and traffic 24 hours a day, go to >> we'll see you at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. pumpkin coffee for the morning and i've got my pumpkin k-cup packs for at home. now i can have my pumpkin coffee any time i want it. pumpkin's perfect. it's dunkin' with a press of a button. bring home pumpkin or any other k-cup packs for $9.99. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ good morning. it is tuesday, september 23rd 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." the bombings begin in syria, david martin with america's new battleground against isis. plus you cia snyder mike morell on a separate mission to stop an imminent attack on america. and bill o'reilly in studio 57 today. he's talking isis politics an his book that raises questions about general patton. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> america has launched its


Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 5pm 20141119

authorities tell us that he approached secret service and someone in iowa told him to drive to the white house. they located his car and found a rifle along with ammunition and a knife inside. police have the man in custody, charges are pending. right now on nbc 10 news at 5:00, sexual assault investigation, upper darby police arrest a man for attacking a 5-year-old girl and the crime doesn't stop there. >> nbc 10's george spencer is live in upper darby to explain. george, what have you learned? >> reporter: keith, the man at the center of this case is actually the relative of the young victim, we're learning. the allegations here disturb even police. we're told a 5-year-old girl was taken to the hospital just yesterday with symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease. doctors there at c.h.o.p. immediately called in police and investigators say that 5-year-old victim recounted to them details of the sexual assault by her 18-year-old relative. now, the suspect who has been arrested is originally from ecuador, though he's been living here in upper darby legally. he has denied the rape but police tell us he also has chlamydia as did that young victim. we're also told he has allegedly asked to account for this crime back in his native country. >> he asked if he could go back to ecuador and be tried in ecuad ecuador. if he's convicted and does any jail time he does it in ecuador. my statement to detectives was, if they want to come and fly him out, that's good with me. we'll put him on a plane and send him back to ecuador. >> reporter: the sexual assault at the center of all of this allegedly happened several months ago. police say it did take some time for that young victim's symptoms to develop. the 18-year-old suspect will likely be behind bars awaiting what's next in his case for some time. his bond is $250,000 cash. live in upper darby police headquarters tonight, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. now to a deadly pileup, skyforce 10 overhead after a tractor-trailer plowed into several cars, pushing them into a crumpled mess. two people died and over a dozen others were hurt. >> randy gyllenhall is live in maidencreek township. you have new details about charges in the deadly crash. >> reporter: yes, police have some video from outside of this dunkin' donuts showing the actual crash as it happened. that was very important in their investigation. they are not releasing that video today but we were able to get our hands on more surveillance video a few feet uo the road, seconds before the crash that shows the driver barreling south, police say he's asleep at the while. a quarter mile from the crash site, surveillance video captures the 18-wheeler cruising south. he slams into nine vehicles, pinning three of them against a large sign, flipping others upside down. >> but it is clear that he dozed off and it is clear he was driving too fast. >> reporter: officials say the driver, 50-year-old steven bernier woke up and tried to hit the brakes but it was too late. the crash left two people dead, trapped underneath the wreckage, nine other people were injured. the truck driver walked away. >> it sounded like baking sheets being knocked from inside the building on the ground. it continued and there was louder bangs and booms and screeching tires. i knew exactly there was a crash. >> reporter: officer robert wood was at the dunkin' donuts and ran over to help the victims. he says some were trapped, crying out for rescue, at least one car crushed like a soda can. >> i've been here 16 years and this is the worst i've ever seen, being right there at the time that it's happening. >> reporter: district attorney john adams says charges will be filed against the truck driver. he was working the overnight shift and police say he was also speeding. the entire accident captured on dunkin' donuts surveillance video, police say that evidence was key to this investigation. >> that video was telling. it was graphic. and the video really depicted this horrific accident. >> and, again, that video of the actual crash has not been released yet. that suspect is facing vehicular homicide and aggravated assault charges as well as a number of traffic violations against two people dead, nine people injured but that driver, the truck driver, was able to walk away without any real injuries. but he is now in police custody. live in berks county, randy gyllenha gyllenhall, nbc 10 news. neighbors and businesses watched in horror at what unfolded outside their windows. several witnesses told nbc 10 they had just arrived at work when the accident happened. >> i heard a big bang and i noticed the two tractor-trailers right where the dunkin' donuts was and instantly all the other cars just started smashing into each other and instant mayhem, people screaming. >> there were cars in the field, the tractor-trailer and a car was up against the sign at dunkin' donuts. it looked like an explosion went off. >> police said the driver fell asleep at the wheel. nabes and nearby workers claim this has been a deadly stretch of road for years. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> record cold air stings your consistent longer you're out in it. for people working out in it, like those guys building an eic rink in cooper river pack even harder. >> let's bring in meteorologist sheena parveen. how cold will it be tonight? >> we'll be cold once again but we don't expect to see record lows like we saw this morning. this morning we had a couple record lows getting set. here are the record low temperatures for this morning and the actual temperatures in georgetown, delaware, hit those record lows. he with were around 20 in philadelphia, upper teens through many of the suburbs as we go through tonight, though, it will still be cold but we just don't expect those record temperatures again. north and west through the lehigh valley, mid to upper 20s at the moment, millville, dover, many areas at or below freezing right now. it is another cold day and we will still cold for tonight. the wind chill with the wind around right now is making it feel 5 to 10 degrees colder than it is, by 8:00 p.m., 30 degrees. even by 10:00 tonight. the numbers keep on going down through the overnight hours. coming up, i'll show you how long the cold will last before we get a warmup. for the second time in less than 24 hours an entertainment company has cut ties with bill cosby. nbc pulled out of plans to have him star in a new family sitcom. a network spokeswoman says the project is no longer under development but didn't say why. the comedian is coming under increased scrutiny because of claims by several women saying he sexually assaulted them. a former model, janice dickinson is the latest to make accusations. netflix also put off a comedy special. former philadelphia district attorney lynne abraham is putting her hat in the ring for mayor. a victory would make her the first female mayor in the city's history. state senator anthony williams is expected to announce his candidacy within the hour. as we reported yesterday, former mayor nutter spokesman doug oliver is also considering a run. they represent people from all over the state of new jersey. but today the mayors from several new jersey cities were all in the same spot for the league of municipalities conference in atlantic city. during the conference, local leaders discussed their top concerns and brainstormed solutions to problems like crime and aging infrastructures. get a load of this. six feet and counting. tonight, people in upstate new york are preparing for even more snow. next, we look at why that's the case and why it could be moving into an already buried region. and when people can expect life to return to normal. facing more than balls and strikes, phillies slugger ryan howard was locked in a legal battle with his own family. millions of dollars were at stake. and serving up a lawsuit. why wawa could soon be taking a small indian restaurant to court. people in western new york just can't catch a break. take a look at what people are dealing with in the buffalo area right now. lake effect storm dumped up to 6 feet of snow. look at him trying to find his car. and more snow is on the way. >> cars buried, houses burr rid there, too. we're here with nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz to get a closer look at the situation up there. we just talked about this, the largest snowfall in one day in american history. >> we just got word from a buffalo tv station, 76 inches at least in one spot which according to them is the greatest one-day snowfall in u.s. history. >> and more to come. >> yes. that was in one day that they got. so this is the time lapse. you can see it's the same wind direction coming all across lake erie for over 200 miles straight. and that's what helps lead this very cold air over very warm water and creates this incredible band of snow. take a look at this. time lapsed video of yesterday's lake effect storm. now on the right side, they're not getting çanything. on the left side, they're getting buried, because of that exact wind direction. it's coming from lake erie, right into the southern part of buffalo. the northern part of buffalo got very little. and so, of course, they just weren't ready for this. >> i've never seen anything like this. 36. been in buffalo in some pretty good storms. this is by far the worst. >> i bet. buffalo's mayor says crews have already removed 5,000 tons of snow and much more still needs to go. we have some photos to show you from buffalo as well. there will be thousands of them. these snow-covered homes almost look like a post card. cars being buried but houses in imagine digging out of the driveway. these cars will not be leaving anytime soon. and then this poor dog trying to get out, the snow is piled up. it's a wall of snow blocking the entire door. and the buffalo bills stadium is right in the middle of all this. they have four feet of snow on the entire field and they're playing a home game on sunday. sheena? >> you cannot even gig to imagine dealing with any of that, really. record setting for us. we had the record-setting cold this among. we're not looking at the record-setting cold tonight, though. it will be another cold night, though, across the area. the cold is not going to break before the week is over. it will be cold and breezy as we go into tomorrow. but we have a warmup under way. a warmer weekend ahead. at least for the eagles game and then we keep on warming up as we go into monday. here's a live look outside, center city from the adventure aquarium. nice conditions this evening but it's still cold outside. 31 degrees in philadelphia, feels more like 22 degrees when you factor in the wind we still have around. anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees colder, that's what it feels like with the wind. 26 is the actual temperature in allentown, 29 reading, 28 in pottstown. everyone is at or below freezing. 29 in glassboro, 31 in wilmington, also dover, 30 degrees in atlantic city. again, when you factor in the winds, it's still feeling colder outside. feeling like the 20s for many of us, feeling like 23 in wilmington, northeast philly feeling like 19 degrees in allentown, 21 is what it feels like in reading. tonight and tomorrow morning, we'll still be cold. mid-to-low 20s. 23 for the morning low in allentown. 25 degrees for quakertown around the trenton area. 25 for doylestown, 30 northeast philly by tomorrow morning. closer to the shore, temperatures at or below freezing with, vinely coming in at the mid-20s. by tomorrow, we'll still be in the mid to upper 20s, so you still want the big puffy coats outside. we are locally dry. you start to notice snow, though, that's all part of the storm system moving once again into the buffalo area. they do expect more snow from this. but this should all really be staying up to our north and west. we won't really be expecting anything in the way of precip until late this weekend. here's future weather. any snow stays well to our north. we do,ç however, stay cold endg out the week but cold and dry for your friday. then going into the weekend we're dry. sunday we're pretty much dry. it's not until late sunday night when the warm air and rain move in. we have a warmup sunday that will come with the rain. that's why we're expecting rain and not snow. then as we go to the eagles game sunday afternoon, we start off in the mid-50s, fourth quarter. it will be a pretty nice mild game for the eagles. the rain shouldn't be until after that. for tonight, not quite as cold. still cold, though, 28 for philadelphia for the low. for tomorrow, we'll see another windy, cold day. temperatures a little milder than today, though, mid-to-low 40s. it will be windy, mostly sunny out there, too. on friday, we cool back down into the mid-30s for a high temperature. so same cold to end out the week. there you see the warmup sunday, possibly 70 degrees by monday. >> i like the sound of 70 degrees. thank you, sheena. whether we like it or not we'll no doubt see that snow. make sure you're prepared. nbc 10 talked to aaa to see what you can do. check your battery. the cold weather can drain its power. if it's old and weak your car may not start on a cold morning. >> in the cold weather your battery is responsible for cranking over that engine and getting it going. the colder the weather, the more the engine is tight because of the cold and the oil. it will be difficult for that battery, if it's weak to crank and get your car going. >> aaa says if your battery is three years or older you may need a new one to get through the winter. the organization also suggests putting together an emergency kit for your car. here is what you put into your emergency car kit now. how about a portable shovel, a set of jumper cables, work gloves, bungee cables and a flashlight. it's all listed on your screen. also how about rock salt, de-icer, a fully charged cell phone, ice scraper, blanket and, of course, food. those items should help you out if you find yourself stranded or need to wait for help. screening for sleep disorders. that's what federal regulators are recommending in the wake of a deadly train derailment. the national transportation safety board said his fatigue was caused by obstructive sleep apnea which he didn't know he had. four people died in the crash. the acting director of the secret service spent some time on the hot seat in washington today, joseph clancy testified before the house judiciary committee telling lawmakers how he's working to bolster the beleaguered asian states. highlights include recruiting highly qualifiedati asians. clancy took over from julia pierson resigned after a number of incidents, including an armed man scaling a white house fence and getting inside. >> although i firmly believe the secret service is better than this incident, i openly acknowledge that a failure of this magnitude, especially in light of other recent incidents, requires immediate action and longer term reform. >> joseph clancy is from havertown.ç the world health organization recommended that dr. felix baez go to geneva for treatment. he's one of the 165 cuban doctors and nurses treating people for ebola in sierra leone. he tested positive for ebola on monday. right now we can tell you he is in stable condition. >> ebola survivor dr. kent brantly says compassion needs to overcome fear when it comes to fighting the disease. >> i think the important thing is that we go to west africa and put a stop to the outbreak there while we continue to support and encourage the researchers and scientists who are trying to find a good treatment or cure or vaccine for ebola. >> brantly spoke on a tarmac in charlotte, north carolina today. behind him you could see a huge jet filled with 90,000 pounds of relief supplies headed for liberia. brantly helped organize the effort. bill and me linda gates are joining the fight against ebola. the couple's foundation is donating close to $6 million to help collect plasma from ebola survivors to help treat new victims. it contains substances the immune system makes to fight the virus. more than a dozen other companies and universities also contributed. overhauling immigration. tomorrow night, president obama will announce steps that he'll take to shield up to 5 million immigrants illegally in the united states from deportation. those eligible immigrants would not be entitled to federal benefits, including health care tax credits. the president said while everyone agrees the immigration system is broken, washington allowed the problem to, quote, fester for too long. president obama will travel to las vegas friday to promote his plan. a new nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows more americans disapprove of president obama taking executive action on immigration. but those views break down along party lines. here's what the survey found. 48% of americans disapprove of any executive action on immigration while 38% approve. when it comes to democrats, 63% back the president, compared to 11% of republicans. dollar tree shopping arrest. police say this man was doing more than bargain hunting. who he is and what he's accused of doing to other customers. comes as no surprise, the dangerous and stressful work police officers do every single day may put them at greater risk for a heart attack. officers are 30 to 70 times more likely to suffer sudden cardiac death during altercations, arrests or chases. the officer's risk of a deadly heart attack was also 20 to 25 times higher during physical training exercises and nine times higher than rduring rescu operations. forget about bed bugs, customers and border officials found another destructive pest in passenger's bags at philadelphia international. this is what they found, a copra beetle. one of the most destructive insect pests of grains, cereals and stored food. they discovered the insect twice in luggage in september. the beetles were in dried goods carry ied in dried items. this time yesterday, dozens of firefighters were battling flames at the popular columbus farmers market. but today, customers and business owners have hope. when shoppers will be able to return to the burlington county complex. it's one of the biggest contracts in all of sports but phillies first baseman ryan howard wasn't the only one getting paid. nbc 10 has details of a multimillion dollar howard family feud. plus, we're learning more  being blamed for this deadly pileup in berks couldn'tpy. he's been in trouble before. the disturbing crime he committed. that's coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00. this is nbc 10 news. right now at 5:30, picking up the pieces one day after this multialarm fire badly damaged a burlington county farmers market. new hope tonight for shoppers and business owners. >> nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter cydney long is live in columbus. you heard new information about the fire? >> reporter: keith, i did. that's right, investigators told he fire here contained to building four does not appear to be suspicious or set on purpose. the chief of police said, though, investigators will be back tomorrow morning to search for that exact cause inside. this as vendors and shoppers will be welcome back on their normal thursday but outside only. holly newell is still in shock. >> we lost all of our equipment, the entire store. >> reporter: on tuesday, flames destroyed her business, not just bagels along with nearly a dozen other shops housed inside building four of the nearly century old farmers market. >> you name it, they have it. >> reporter: tasha jones of mt. laurel knows the market well. >> you have the containers like you get in the chinese restaurant. >> reporter: considers it a unique retail shopping area, indoor and out. >> there's even a biker store for decals and all kind of little paraphernalia for your bike which i thought was a little unusual. >> reporter: as investigators search for the need until the hey sta h haystack, it doesn't appear to be criminal. >> there's no reason to believe it was criminal activity. >> 95% of the market was not affected by the fire. >> reporter: he says the columbus family will move heaven and earth to relocate vendors affected to other areas as soon as possible because the people who run the booths and shop here depend on it. >> the positive side is, there will be a lot of fire sales. i'm sure the maerchants want to be open. >> we're coming back stronger. >> reporter: you can see out here right now, the remedial firms are setting up to work through the night. among some of the businesses destroyed inside building four were a fried chicken restaurant as well as a jewelry store. many of them have invested 20 years here all of them tell me they're hoping to relocate to some of the vacant buildings here by next week thursday, their busiest day of the season, thanksgiving. live in columbus, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> it seems the record cold is here to stay. >> at least for now. nbc 10's first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here to tell us how cold it will get. >> it will be cold as we go through tonight. early this morning we hit records across the area. we're in the mid to upper 20s right now through much of the lehigh valley. 28 pottstown, 26 allentown, 31 philadelphia. low 30s south jersey and delaware. with the wind it feels 5 to 10 degrees colder when you factor in that wind chill in the area. by 6:00 p.m., we'll still be around 30 degrees, still cold and breezy by 8:00 tonight, around 30 still and we stay cold by 10:00 p.m. still cold through the overnight hours tonight. not as cold as last night. but the cold streak will last us through the end of the week. then we have a nice warmup in the forecast and also some rain. i'll show you the timing of that coming up. and this early arctic blast is making it tough for anyone working outside as you can imagine. the winter preview is hitting drivers hard. nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong explains. it's the feel in the air or the thermometer in your car didn't make it clear enough,ç captain obvious is here to help. >> it's kind of cold, very cold here. >> reporter: road workers had another tough day today. these guys are worried it's too cold too early this year. >> we're not in great shape. we're about to get realistic. it's not looking good to be honest with you. >> reporter: the weather is tough on the cars that drive by the crews, too. aa mid-atlantic says their calls were up 22% over the same day last year, responding to more than 2,200 weather related battery jump calls in our region, 37% of their total call volume. that's high. below freezing days mean extra fun and extra noise at the goddard school in wilmington. goddard schools have a weather chart that tells them when the kids can safely play outside or which days teachers should let the children go cra cra inside. >> there are guidelines where it's not okay. >> reporter: like today? >> today is not okay. yes. >> reporter: workers are scrambling to get this new italian restaurant in north wilmington. the guy building the patio fence, he says today was at least a little better than tuesday. on monday it poured, on tuesday it was frigid. wednesday has been pretty bought brutal, too. if you want to feel good, go and download the nbc 10 weather app. there's a 68 degree day on monday. doesn't look like it will be a perfect day but all the people you just met in the story will happily take 68 degrees. in wilmington, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. we have new information about a story we first told you about last week. fire investigators have determined the cause of a fire at the abington ymca. >> it started in a recalled heating and air conditioning unit. nbc 10's deanna durante spoke to investigators who are now warning customers to check their own units. >> it starts with a flash and quickly fills an empty day-care center with flames, black smoke so thick firefighters couldn't see when they arrived to put out the fire in the early morning hours of november 11th. investigators say having surveillance images of exactly where the fire breaks out is rare. they say the dangers posed by this heating and air conditioning unit where the fire sparked could be more common than anyone realizes. >> we found this unit specifically to be included on a recall list. >> reporter: investigators say thousands of these units were sold direct to consumers and installers. according to the consumer product safety commission, the units are commonly installed in commercial property and apartments but could be sold for home use and hotels. the qtvgymca had no idea the un were recalled, a fear they have that others are using it every day and have no idea the risks it poses. >> because the units that were installed were purchased by an installer or contractor who's hired when they do renovations in any building, could be your own home, that information may not be relayed to you directly as the homeowner or business owner. that may be related to the contractor who installed the unit. >> reporter: the unit is a general electric zone line packaged thermal air conditioner. abington investigators are reminding you that in this case the outcome was a lucky çbreak. the day-care center was open. >> you should listen when that safety information is put out there. it can protect you or the kids. >> reporter: the abington ymca disconnected all similar units in the building until they can all be checked out. the fire marshal's office is praising the fire alarm system for getting firefighters here so quickly. they are, again, reminding you, check the website, your home, to make sure you don't have any recalled appliances. nbc 10, deanna durante. new information on a story we first brought you last week. police in toms river arrested a man want e eed allegedly exposi himself to a child in a store. this is him. he's out of jail tonight after posting bail. the alleged incident happened inside the dollar tree store on hooper avenue in toms river. police say they received tips after surveillance video was released last week. at one point suspect got extremely close to the girl and allegedly exposed himself. investigators say the suspect ran off when the child's aunt confronted him. $2,600 worth of cell phones is how much a shoplifting suspect got away with when he hit three delaware cell phone stores in four days. this is the man state police aring laing for. he allegedly cut the cords and stole display phones at the metro pcs store and pennmark center in new castle. and the verizon wireless store at people's plaza in new york. he may be driving a black dodge dakota pickup truck. ryan howard was battling more than baseball rivals this past season. the reason he and his family were locked in a tense family feud over millions of dollars. and serving up more than sandwiches and gas, why wawa is taking a small florida restaurant to court. but first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00. the investigation into this deadly truck crash that crushed nine other vehicles. what happened behind the wheel? plus, we're checking records of the truck driver and his company. plus, more problems for bill cosby as more alleged victims come forward. couldn't the on nbc 10 news at 6:00. upper darby police called him a dirt bag who used a baby to carry out a crime. today authorities arrested a man they say stole a package full of toys from a porch. the crime was caught on camera here. police say the man in the video is 20-year-old evan brown. they have charged him with theft and receiving stolen property. officers tell us they found some of the toys in brown's home. >> something completely different down south. wawa wants a small restaurant in florida to change its name or face a charge. the new jersey based convenience store giant filed a lawsuit against an eatery in kissimmee. the lawsuit claims they are violating the name rights. wawa wants a judge to order the restaurant to stop using the name and way some sort of compensation. this is our digital exclusive story. are you flying out of philly for the holidays? how would you like to get free parking while you're away and make a catch. it's free so long as you don't mind that you have people driving your car while you're away. head to and our mobile apps to find out what this is all about. it's a digital exclusive story from our partners at read more on >> very interesting. record cold here but to our north, record snow continues to fall. six feet so far to be exact. next we check in with the weather channel as part of new york state remain crippled by lake-effect snow. here's some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 at 5:45. upper darby police superintendent laid out the case against a man accused of sexually assaulting a little girl. he says the 5-year-old victim ended up with an std because of it. we're not giving the suspect's name because the victim is a relative. police in berks county say the man driving a big rig fell asleep behind the whael and plowed into nine cars in maidencreek township this morning. two people died and nine others were hurt. the berks county district attorney says driver steven bernier is facing several charges, including vehicular homicide. former philadelphia district attorney lynne abraham is running for mayor. the democrat made the announcement today. abraham joins mayor nutter's former aide terry gillen and former city solicitor ken trujillo. former mayor nutter spokesman is also considering a run. anthony williams is expected to announce within the hour. record snowfall in western new york, even more is on the way. >> the weather channel's stephanie abrams is in hamburg to show us how much snowç fell and when more is expected. >> reporter: i want to show you the after-effects of the first storm we got and what we are going to see south of buffalo in hamburg yet again. first what we're dealing with now, this caught may eye. can you see the white hanging over right underneath this roof? that's a mound of snow. i'm getting concerned about all the snow that's going to be falling off the roofs. it's there, across the street on the hotel. it's also sloughed over the edge there. our temperatures as we get into the monday range we're talking 40s, even 50s. that's going to be a significant problem. another problem is people are still getting stuck. okay? it's not like you get rescued and you're fine. we're here at the entrance of our hotel. this truck tried to turn in and is now completely stuck and blocking the entrance. there was someone earlier today, took them three hours to dig their car out. now another driver is stuck. now let's go out from under the overhang and show you that people drive up to the hotel right now but they can't get any farther because this area isn't plowed. they're doing the minimum which is exhausting and tough enough as it is. that's all we really need at this point is just the very basics. this is how you see the road in the wintertime, typically. this is a road that i'm in the middle of right here. you would follow the poles, this is the edge of the road, so people would know in the winter when you can't see. the snow will get plowed. you may not be able to see some of the sticks. what do you do with all this snow? i wish we could send it to california to help them with their drought. on top of that, we get another foot, foot and a half tonight, into tomorrow and into friday. we're in the middle of this whole thing. you cry a little inside when you see we're going to get half inch let alone another foot and a half potentially here in buffalo. i'm meteorologist stephanie abrams. back to you. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> she makes our weather sound pretty good right about now, especially as we go through tonight. doesn't matter how cold it is, at least we're not seeing what they are seeing in parts of buffalo. we have another cold night in store. the cold will last through the end of the week, too. there is a warmup in the forecast. it will be here for the eagles game on sunday. the eagles will have way better weather than they had in green bay last week. lehigh valley, mid to upper 20s, 26 allentown, 29 reading, 28 in pottstown. 31 in philadelphia, 29 mt. holly, south jersey and delaware either at or below freezing except in stone harbor where temperatures, mid-30s but it's still cold. when you factor in the wind, it feels 5 to 10 degrees colder outside. feels like the teens in allentown, feels like single digits up in mt. pocono and through south jersey, delaware, temperatures here are mainly feeling like the mid-to-low 20s at this hour. it will be cold as we go through tonight. the cold air is sitting through the northern half of the country. there you see 20s and 30s here but through the southern states the cold air isç finally startg to retreat back a little bit. that's worth a little milder, however, we will have a warmup in the forecast, too. just not tonight. tonight low temperatures will be around 23 in allentown, 24 reading, mid-20s in quakertown. not those record lows we saw this morning but still cold. 27 for trenton tomorrow morning. 27 norristown, 30 for northeast philly. upper 20s mt. holly and upper 20s to low 30s along the shore. mid-20s for vineland, 30 for the morning low in dover around philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs, we should be in the upper 20s. everyone will be cold tomorrow morning. locally, though, we're mainly dry. the poconos could see light snow coming in from the system that is really slamming parts of the great lakes right now. pretty quick-moving system. poconos could see light snow showers. that's really about it. any other snow stays up to our north as we go to end out the week. we stay dry. so here's friday 5:00 p.m. dry but cold. as we go into the weekend we stay dry for most of the weekend. the warmer temperatures get to sunday. this is uned is 11:00 p.m. not until late sunday night is when we expect rain. it should be holing off until after the eagles game. 28 for the low in philadelphia, 23 north and west. then for tomorrow, windy and cold mostly sunny, temperatures in the mid-to-low 40s. not as cold as today but, again, you have to factor in that wind. it's still going to feel cold. by friday, temperatures are back down into mid-30s into the weekend, though, we are in the mid-40s for saturday. the warmup starts there and it continues for sunday for the eagles 58 degrees. late showers sunday. should be missing the eagles game but by monday we could be around 70 degrees. i'll tell you what, today is the last day to vote for our high school blitz game of the week playoff edition. we're talking salem pennsville, hammonton/shawnee, upper dublin/pennsbury. voting ends at 10:00 tonight. the game with the most votes will be featured on the high school blitz saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. ryan howard is making off-season news. >> this has nothing to do with how he plays or whether or not he's getting ready for spring training. i'm john clark. ryan howard has been battling his family over his money. has it broken his family apart? that is next. then coming up on nbc 10 at 6:00, the first for new jersey, the big change that's happening right now. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. many of us are aware you may have heard it chanted at the ballpark. ryan howard signed a $125 million contract with the team. >> he wasn't the only one getting that money. comcast sports net's john clark joins us to explain. >> he's been involved in a bitter legal fight with his family over his fortune. his brother sued him and ryan sued his brother and parents alleging they were, quote, engaged in a conspiracy to defraud him, unquote. here's ryan's dad and mom and begin brother watching him in happier times. the "daily news" provided all the details about this fight. early in his career, his dad took care of the finances, then created a corporation that employed all of them. at some point ryan terminated that deal with his twin brother. his brother then sued ryan for millions. his mom and dad, allegedly wanted $10 million for the contract with them to be broken, so ryan countersued his family. ryan's countersuit says ryan had become concerned with whether corey and his other family members were really working to protect his financial interests or were attempting to enrich themselves at his expense. ryan and his family settledç ts out of court last month. this is a sad tale. the family was always believed to be strong and a good foundation for ryan howard. i'm john clark. skyforce 10 is live over breaking news. >> nbc 10's christine madella live over a fire in west philadelphia. christine? >> you can see the fire crews out here. it's pretty dark in this area but they are battling a fire. this is in the cobbs creek section of philadelphia on cobbs creek parkway and firefighters are concentrating on the roof here, it looks like that's where the fire is all along the parkway you'll see heavy fire presence blocking off traffic. reporting live in skyforce 10, christine madella, nbc 10 news. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, just minutes ago the coroner's office released the names two of people killed in a horrific crash. we're also learning new details about the truck driver's criminal past. >> i'm tracking that arctic blast. it's setting new records. i'll tell you how long it's going to last and when we can expect temperatures near 70 degrees. that's right, near 70 degrees. details are ahead in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. nbc 10 news starts now. right now at 6:00 -- >> i only saw the one tractor-trailer and the two cars on top of each other and i'm like, this looks like something out of a movie. >> new details about the truck driver accused of falling asleep and slicing a deadly path across a berks county highway. >> when he woke up, he laid on the brakes. >> but it was too late. tonight, two people are dead and now we're lerging why the truck driver was on probation before the crash. >> now, just minutes ago police identified the two people who died. 23-year-old jeremy augustine. prosecutors say the truck driver is steven bernier, a convicted sex offender. he's in police custody facing a long list of charges, including two counts of homicide by vehicle. the d.a. says nine people were injured but he expects them to survive. new at 6:00, we're hearing the first responders' calls for help. >> accident, multiple patients entrapped. rescue 45, maidencreek township. >> i have one person entrapped for triage, bring one yellow. one refusal. >> tonight we have live team coverage. the nbc 10 investigators are looking into the truck driver's background. we begin with nbc 10 lehigh valley reporter randy gyllenhall. he's live at the scene in reading. what can you tell us, randy? >> reporter: police say it's unusual to file charges so early in a case like this but they were able to because of strong video evidence. a surveillance camera here at the dunkin' donuts caught the entire accident. it was like watching it live. they are not releasing that specific video but we were able to obtain video from accidents earl


Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 Morning News At 6a 20141110

monday, november 10th, 2014. hi guys. >> hi. >> we have a big monday night football game and, more importantly, ra philadelphia cup cake day. >> not vanilla cup cake day and we're celebrate nothing style here today. we have an entire truck of cup cakes coming outside our studios. we will tell but that. >> the best part, they will be free. >> free is for me. >> yes, the best part of today, you have given today a ten. >> double digit kind of a day, so enjoy it because as we told you last week and we knew this was coming with the polar plunge later in the week. today is a ten because temperatures will be in the 60's. we will take a walk the on mild side. he is chill think morning. temperatures in the 30's every where. we have cases below freezing. some in the city where we're close to 40. where the nice warm eagles jacket getting ready for tonight. satellite and radar showing a few claus and no precipitation for today or tomorrow. 38 degrees right now with sunrise happening officially at 6:40 this morning. here are those temperatures we're talking about. below freezing in allentown and pottstown. thirty-three in wilmington. 36 degrees in wildwood. calm wind for the most part. it feels like the temperature that it is. it is chilly but look at later on we will get up to 62 degrees. it looks like a very nice day ahead. we will tell you when bottom drops out coming up in the seven day forecast, hi, bob. >> 62 degrees at 60:00 two. live look at i-95 northeast philadelphia but not bad at all. monday morning with the eagles game at home on monday night football that means we will see a lot of unusual traffic patterns throughout the the day are you ready westbound on the schuylkill expressway, we will head out of town here from pretty much city avenue where we will start to see a backup, going around the curve to king of prussia we are in good shape. car fire though this is in plymouth meeting germantown and longfield road just outside of the plymouth meeting mall and, of course, big game tonight, kick off not until 8:30. lots open up officially at 1:30, however, some of the privately owned lots i know open upright around now 6:00 o'clock. you'll see a a lot of volume trickling in the stadium area all throughout the day using i-95 and that schuylkill expressway. septa jumping on board. they have the sports express trains starting to roll out of the fernrock at 6:30. every eight minutes taking the espresso down in towards south philadelphia. at the even of the game espresso right out of paterson avenue. northbound i-95, construction crews from the delaware state line in towards route 202, to maybe a half an hour or so, working on the ramps and mass transit looking good with no delays. chris and kerry, back over to you. 6:03. breaking news out of camden county, new jersey, two people rushed to the hospital following some sort or a carbon monoxide incident. >> fox 29's steve keeley is there in winslow township with the very latest, steve, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, two parents and a little four or five-year old girl all a alive because of this little girl who collapsed right in the front doorway when the first police officer responded to the 911 call at five of 4:00. maybe it is preschools teach little girls like that how to call 911 in an emergency and two very smart, very lucky parents taught their four or five-year old daughter too because she did and because of that, it was difference between this family of three being alive right now at local hospitals fighting for their lives or being killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. so 911 call comes in, just before 4:00 and when first police officer shows up here at this home in winslow township this little girl gets the door opened, that is the last energy that she has, she collapses unconscious at the foot of the police officer and immediately as soon as she finishing opening up the door. her parents overcome were found unconscious up in bed. police had instincts, this was carbon monoxide, called fire department, got here within seconds. they knew it was carbon monoxide as officers suspect when their meters pinned into the super high danger zone. the firemen went in with their air mask, and oxygen and got everyone out and rushed to local hospitals as fast as possible for another fight is underway to save them now. two reminders in this story, check your gas heaters now in this cold weather to make sure now that you have them running again that they are running safe and that pilot light is lit. same with the hot water heater, both are chief suspects in this case because both are in the basement where they have highest co ratings when they got in the house. and, also the fire chief told me that the readings so high, that if they even had a carbon monoxide detector in there which they don't know just yet it might have gotten saturated with his word and malfunctioned, that is how high the levels, and teach your kids the secondary minder if they don't know how to call 911. if you don't have a a land. ape, and, emergency. >> and pass worth but teach them how to call for an emergency. it turned out to be a triple life save inner this case and authorities will release the recording of this 911 call soon not just for the great story value of this amazing little prek girl but also for teaching value for other kids like her and other moms and dads that hopefully will turnout okay after this ordeal, and be able to tell the story of the little girl and how they taught her how who call 911 and good thing that they did, kerry and chris. >> thank you, sir. one person is injured following an overnight house fire in east mt. airy, fire crews called to the 6400 block of belfield avenue just after 1:00 o'clock. a 60 year-old woman was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. in word on what caused that fire. new for you this morning fire department investigating an early morning fire in chester around 12:30, fire fighters responded to a call on the 700 block of caldwell drive. there are no reports of any injuries. also new this morning a 27 year-old man is hospitalized following a crash in hockessin, delaware, it happened around 6:00 o'clock, in the 1600 block of old wilmington road. police say driver hit a park pick up that caused his car to launch into the second story of the a home. driver was taken to christiana hospital with possible head injuries, nobody in the home was injured. delco teen being called a hero after saving a philadelphia police officer from his burning squad car, that officer, crashed in the pickup truck at 28th and tasker in the grays ferry section of the city, and had it in the been for quick actions of this young teen that story may have evened very differently. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce live at 17th police district in point breeze with much more on this for us, hi jen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. the officer mark kensie is expect to be back here at the 17th district in the next few days thanks to the life saving efforts of 17 year-old joe chambers. take a look at the video. police cruiser up in flames and thanks to the 17 year-old the 17th police district officer inn identify is alive today and doing well. well, chambers, hoist also a volunteer fire fighters in delaware county says he was at his sisters house and ironically watching the tv show cops when the real life police emergency happened outside, he says he heard i bang and ran out. police cruiser driven by officer mark kensie had his lights and sirens on and heading to a call when his car crashed with a pickup truck at intersection of 28th and tasker. chambers says when he got outside the car was on fire, doors were locked and neighbor daunte beyond son stepped into help. together they were able to get the officer out of the car through a window. he was then transported to hup. chambers had the opportunity to meet the the officer in his hospital room, he says he was still recovering but realized who he was and says he was very appreciative of his rescue efforts. we will have that hero on our show "good day philadelphia" the at 7:30 this morning. kerry and chris. >> jennifer joyce, live for us in point breeze, thank you. the 21 days are up for a nurse forced in to quarantine after fightinge bowl will a in west africa. what he she plans to do tonight to celebrate. rock storm john bon jovi helping out his state and how he is helping out the middle class in new jersey. you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! officially no strike for septa a bob kelly cheering over there transit agency largest union ratified its contract friday. this is a two year deal. union president says is there still work to do to make sure there is no strike when this deal runs out. happy birthday to the u.s. marine core. a police caravan will be held between city hall and cookie's tavern where a celebration ceremony will be held throughout the day. escort begins at 11:00 this morning. usmc was established 239 years ago right here in philadelphia. >> it is kind of great to see them again. >> he was told that he would never walk again but dan rosies defying the odds. what he says he forgot, about being able to stand. bob? good for him. good morning. we are off to a good start this morning as we go for a ride north bound lanes of 202 rolling up through malvern heading up towards king of prussia, big game tonight in south philadelphia. we will check rest of the roads and sue has game will pretty nice sunrise as you can see from this view from the camera at philadelphia international a airport and bob kelly will tell you about the cars. at least they are a all moving this hour of the morning. so you will need your shades today, satellite and radar picture showing just a few clouds around but as we mentioned, it is a gorgeous sunrise and a cold front waiting in the wings. you can see boundary line stretching from lake ontario all the way over to montana and you can see some snow, in the dakotas and even over into minnesota and wisconsin this morning. that is their problem. but, of course, cold air will be our problem by end of the week, eventually that polar plunge will make its way here and we will have cold air invasion, that should kick in by thursday. wednesday is our transitional day. we will see temperatures in the morning maybe closer to the 20's like we have in minneapolis instead of the 30's we have here right now. we have 38 degrees in philadelphia. it is freezing in lancaster. 36 degrees in wildwood, and it was sunny and serene both days of the weekend but we got up to a high of 57 degrees yesterday. today is eagles kick off time at 8:30. we will be in the 50's by then, coming down from a high in the lower 60's. we are calling for 62 today and 68 tomorrow. why not give both days a ten since we will get that polar plunge by end of the week. temperatures by thursday will only be in the upper 40's and even chillier then that, on friday and on the saturday and cold air really hangs around throughout the entire weekend. sunday's high maybe around 48 degrees. so, that is a look at your weather authority forecast, it is time to take a look at traffic right now with bob kelly moving in, hey. >> hey sue, 6:17. good monday morning, we're starting to see some delays, on all of our major roadways here. this is a live look at the schuylkill expressway, there is your schuylkill river, art museum there in the upper left-hand side of the screen and we have brake lights towards center city philadelphia. we will see unusual traffic patterns with the game some folks will get in early so they can get out early to head to the game. schuylkill, 95, all of the road down towards the stadium area we will see unusual traffic patterns especially for the evening rush hour. now an accident northbound on the northeast extension, thinks all north of mid county so folks leaving say, plymouth meeting heading up towards lansdale expect delays. tacony pal will my use bridge expecting an opening at any minute at 6:30 is time to beat. either wait it out or head for bet soy ross. southbound on i-95 we are seeing break tapping through the construction zones at cottman and girard avenue. as i mentioned eagles kick off at 8:30. lots for the link at parking open up a at 1:30. septa a is jumping on board with the sports express trains, they will start rolling out of fernrock tonight beginning at 6:30. chris, back to you. >> should be fun. we, of course, our favorites in that game. developing for you right now, 48 are dead, dozens more injury following a suicide bombing at a high school in nigeria. survivors say 2,000 students gathered for the monday morning weekly assembly when a suicide bomber disguised in the school uniform detonated himself. citizens there feel under siege. just a week ago in the same city, 30 people were killed when suspect book a horam fighters attack during a religious procession. nine people are dead following a small plane crash in the bohamas. government officials say this plane crashed attempting to land on the island of grand bohamas yesterday. in fact crash happened as people were gathering for 2014 global leader ship forum. prominent minister who organized that event died in the crash. according to the local report. the causes under investigation. a 21 year-old army veteran was killed months after returning from combat in afghanistan this happened sunday morning. police say garcia was leaving a party at his girl friend ease house when two cars pull up and man got out and shot gar see a police believe the gun man targeted garcia following a dispute the day before, on saturday. >> he is an army veteran. my heart was struck when he would go abroad to serve our country, and then come back to die on our streets. it is really just wrenching, it is gut wrenching. >> according to initial reports the party was in honor of garcia's return from afghanistan. main nurse who defied attempt to quarantine her after treating ebola patients in have africa says she's looking forward to walking out her front door today like a normal person. the 21 day incubation period ends today for tracie hick ox. she plans to go to dinner with her boyfriend but she admits she's worried about how she will be received. she gained national attention when she for the back against state ordered quarantines in new jersey and in maine. president obama appeared on face the nation yesterday to explain his plan to commit an additional 1500 u.s. troops to the fight against isis. >> president says additional troops are heading to iraq to train and advice iraqi forces. emphasized the troops will not participate in the fighting. he's asking congress for $5.6 billion to proceed with the current plan. the the president says u.s. led air strikes have been very effective at degrading isis capabilities, iraqi officials say leader officeis was wounded in an air strike but pentagon is not confirming that information. when we get more on that we will pass ate long. one of two americans released is speaking out about what happened. this is kenneth bay being knock from the plane and back on american soil in washington state late saturday night. evangelical christian missionary was convicted two years ago of trying to over throw the north korean government. he was released, saturday, he lost 50-pound in captivity and reportedly been suffering from chronic health problems. but it was a seen of joy and emotional relief as he reunited with his family. i just want to say thank you all for supporting me, lifting me up, and not forgetting me, at the same time i was not forgetting the the people of north car rhea. >> also released 22-year old matt miller a arrested earlier this year for reported unrulely behavior. north korea is saying that miller wanted to experience prison life so that he can secretly investigate the human rights situations. the u.s. director of national intelligence negotiated their release. 6:22 is the time on this monday morning. did you ditch your iphone but miss your i messages, is there a new tool to make sure you keep this touch with your friends if you switch or ditch your phone. what's possible today? wi-fi access in more places then ever before. all your favorites in the cloud and on every device. a home you control with the touch of a finger. news and entertainment that informs and delights in ways you never thought possible. comcast nbcuniversal bringing media and technology together for you. inside a car designed we pto connect yous you love... to a world of possibilities. the connected car by volvo. innovating for you. give the gift of volvo this season and we'll give you your first month's payment on us. good morning, it is monday night football for eagles tonight. eagles seven-point favorite against the panthers. no nick foles who suffered that injury last week against houston so mark sanchez starts his first regular season nfl game in two years. chip kelly says he is ready. >> i think he has experience, and he has a good feel for it. just the timing of it, and, where to place the ball. it is just one of the things he does very well. it is just an experience factor coming n he had that before he got to us. >> and the streak continues for sixers, seven straight for those sixers, brett brown how can you coach that team. in toronto kyle lowery with the foul. do you remember him he had 14. watch this great sixers defense. just give him the open, three pointer. and he a has got it. that is lou williams. he had 16. innings isers down bias many as 43. they lose 120-will 88. they are terrible. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. 6:26 is the time on this monday morning. thanks for being with us. new jersey governor chris christie will a attend a special graduation ceremony for department of correction is today. >> that will take place at patriots theater and war memorial in trenton. later this morning christie and his wife will a attend a dedication ceremony for uae soccer field. jersey boy john bon jovi is helping out his home state, how he is fighting for the middle class. we have some breaking news for you this morning high levels of carbon monoxide found inside of a south jersey home. at least two people were rush to the hospital and just how dangerous the levels were inside of that home. an officer find he is one who needs help when his cruiser catches fire and a teenager didn't hesitate and came to his rescue. >> it was amazing, i mean just to be able to stand up again and look across the room. you know, i cannot think of words to describe the feeling. >> army veteran paralyzed in combat is now walking again, thanks to a new device, what he says he forgot about being able to stand up. >> little things we take for granted. >> i'll tell you what we're so grateful for so many reasons or should be anyway. it is monday, november 10th, 2014. >> 6:30. you are awake. hairs brushed. splashed cold water on the face. now time forgetting to the weather. >> i'm grateful for weather we had yesterday for walk to end alzheimer's. thank you for coming out yesterday and giving up your sunday morning. that was generous of you. now bus stop buddy is grateful and dry for eagles game tonight. maybe mom will let you stay up later. temperatures in the 30's. make sure you have a warm jacket on the bus stop this morning but later on today we're giving you a ten out of ten, sunny skies, we're on the mild side. can't think of anything negative about today especially when we know the colder air is coming but not here yet, just a few clouds making for pretty sunrise. 38 degrees. sunrise is official at 6:40. nine minutes from right now a 3-mile and hour wind makes 38 feel like 38. sixty-two later today. we will take it. pretty nice day for this time in november. now we're into double digits, november 10th. 45 degrees tonight, mostly clear. that is overnight low temperatures. temperatures in the 40's if you are at eagles game at the link tonight. just make sure you layer it up, bob kelly, good morning. >> good morning. sue. 6:31. back to work and school. we are looking live at 492 freeway here, curb side northbound heading in to philadelphia and we are seeing pockets of volume from the black horse pike tapping the brakes heading in to i295. and now southbound i-95, north east philadelphia, we are riding the brakes from cottman avenue down into girard avenue. gets really tight approaching girard, again, beginning of the morning rush hour as we fly in the fox 29 headquarters there in center city. crash out here in pottstown this is along swamp at knifer road and we're also dealing with an accident north on the pennsylvania turnpike, northeast extension, so, and, northbound, about 4 miles north of mid county. we will be heading up towards that lansdale area, 309, might be a little alternate for you. and tacony palmyra, still heavy, both sides from an earlier opening. betsy ross bridge is always the best bet. we have talked about an eagles game tonight. tim off at 8:30 but we will see unusual traffic patterns in and out of the stadium a area all day long. chris and kerry, back over to you. we have some breaking news at 6:32 this morning. this is in camden county, two people rush to the hospital after some sort of carbon monoxide incident. >> let get right out to steve keeley live from winslow township with more on this, hi steve. >> reporter: two parents and a child all three in different hospitals right now and carbon monoxide levels were so high in this house, listen to this, 30 times as high as the danger amount, that will set off a carbon monoxide detector f this family had carbon detectors in there this level so high it would have saturated them and made them malfunction. well, somehow this little girl got up in the in middle have the night and called 911. she knew how to do that. she knew something was wrong even though as we say every year carbon monoxide odorless invisible. she doesn't see anything bad. she doesn't smell anything bad. but she knows something is bad and wrong. she likely got up and tried to wake up her mom and dad. they were already in bed unconscious. she knew to call 911 and when the first police officer got to that front door, you'll see opened here after they aired out the place, she collapsed at his feet. >> when police got here juvenile opened up the door for them and immediately collapsed. >> she came to the door and immediately passed out. >> reporter: right at their feet. >> yeah, she was carried out. there was no response once they came out of there. >> reporter: how dangerous is level that you found when you got here. >> 900 parts per million causes coma and convulsions within minutes. so it is pretty dangerous. your normal carbon monoxide detector a alert around 35 parts per million. >> reporter: easily deadly real fast. >> yes, it could be deadly shortly. there was no detector activated here but with readings here that high it could have saturated the detector and malfunctions. >> thank god everybody was gotten out safely and we'd like to, you know, word of prayer lift them up in prayer. >> reporter: highest readings down in the basement where family's hot water heater is but more importantly their heat, furnace abe it was a very cold night in the 30's. everybody is turning their heat back on for the first time probably in the last few days. now, they don't know what the source was here just yet and they don't know what caused one of those two things to malfunction, however i will talk about the pennsylvania past here and something i had personally happen to me. look at the roof. you can see exhaust pipe for the furnace. i covered a story in cleveland once where they took that pipe off and family of five killed by carbon monoxide and they found years of bird nests, one on top of the other. birds were making homes in there. it eventually block the exhaust from the heat, furnace getting out and that made carbon monoxide build up enough to kill family of five and just this spring in my own home, my heat dryer which runs by gas coincidently, i heard all this scratching noise necessary there, and i said what is that? i saw birds were flying in. they somehow got their flap open and started making a cozy spring home to have their nest. i heard them. i didn't want to kick them out. i heard little birds hatched and all. that hey add birds nest in there and took care of that bring had carbon build up in my washroom. it happens. we don't know if it happened here but that is something you want to check. as we go in the heat season you want to check your fire nice has the right exhaust and believe it or not, little birds you see them in your backyard, they can end up killing you if they block your heat and exhaust pipes. that may have happened here. >> would you never have that, in your mind. steve keeley, thanks. good reminders. >> absolutely. 6:36. one person is injured following an overnight house fire, in east mt. airy, fire crews call to the 6400 block of belfield avenue a little after 1:00. a 60 year-old woman was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. in word on what caused the fire. also new this morning, the fire department is investigating an early morning fire in chester, at about 12:30 this morning, fire fighters responded to a call on the 700 block of caldwell street. there are no reports of injuries. also new a 27 year-old man is in the hospital fog a crash in hockessin delaware. it happened around 6:00 o'clock last night in the 1600 block of old wilmington road. police say the driver, hit a park pickup truck, which caused his car to then launch into the second story of a home. the driver was taken to christiana hospital with possible head injuries. no one was inside that home that was hurt. a philadelphia police officer rescued from piss burning squad car after a crash, and a delaware county teen is the hero who saved him. >> fox 29's jennifer joyce is live with this store friday point breeze, hi, jen. >> reporter: that is right, officer mark kensie remains at hup but recovering but he is a alive thanks to a 17 year-old guy from delaware county. he performed some life saving efforts, over the weekend. take a look at the video a police cruiser up in flames thanks to 17 year-old joe chambers, 17th police district officer inside that kara live today and doing well. chambers, hoist also a volunteer fire fighter in delaware county says that he was inside a home watching cops on tv when a real life police emergency happened outside. he says he heard a bang and ran outside. police cruiser driven by officer mark kensie remains i had his lights and sirens on and heading to a call when his car and a pickup truck crashed at the intersection of 28th and tasker streets. chambers says when he got outside the car was already on fire, the doors were locked, he knew he needed to get officer out through the window and fast. neighbor daunte johnson stepped into help and together they rescued the officer who was transported to hup. >> he was pretty shook up. he did call it in the radio and after that, he was in and out, like he was in chaka a lot. he could not feel his legs, he could not move, he just threw his arms outside the window and picked him up, drug him out. the whole car basically blew up in flames. >> chambers had the opportunity to meet officer kensie remainsie in the hospital. he says officer is still recovering but realized who he was and was appreciative of his rescue efforts. new joe chambers was on "good day philadelphia" at 7:30 this morning. he says he was running off of adrenaline, while he is a volunteer fire fighter in delaware county, he says it is something you cannot train for. he just stepped in and did what he knew what he needed to do. chris and kerry he was there, so cool. jenny, thanks. just about 6:40. judges and lawyers are lining up to run for openings on the pennsylvania supreme court. court has taken a bit of the hit following that pornographic e-mail scandal a involving various political officials in harrisburg. just advertise shamus mccaffery announced his immediate retirement last month after being implicated in both accepting and receiving these explicit e-mails. three spots are opened for reelection next year. now three democrats on the superior court have confirmed that they are running for opened positions and at least, nine other names are floating around as contenders. army veteran paralyzed serving in afghanistan is able to walk again, thanks to a new device, here it is, dan rosies first to receive this exo suit, donated to him by the organization solder socks which provides veterans coming home with certain necessities. dan was honored at the army gave i ppl stadium in chester over the week ebb. he suited up and walk while the crowd gave him a well deserved standing ovation. >> it is kind of great to see myself standing again. when i'm in the device just walking around i use the device at home as well, you know, i never really got that perspective of being able to see myself again and it is great, you know, i kind of forgot how tall i was. >> dan is evident thely using this device as part of the study to look at secondary benefits of standing and walking after paralysis. rutgers celebrating 240 years. >> university is planning various events a across its three campuses and that includes free cake for students and for staff. not just for football players. university would like all alumni to wear scarlet to show their rutgers pride so happy birthday, rutgers. don't expect a led zeppelin reunion anytime soon, just how much money robert plante turned down when he said no way i'm's in the doing this. cash. big, big money, sue. >> no stairway to heaven i guess. >> indeed. >> for us though we are going the other way down in temperatures this week we will tell you you when that happens and how good weather will be before then, your weather authority forecast coming up, chris. and, today is national vanilla a cup cake day so later this morning we will have a cup cake truck sitting outside our studio. is what your favorite cup cake. just tweet - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. of course, one of the tracks off legendary album, released this month, 35 years ago, we play this because, today, pink floyd has a new album out called endless river, a collection of instrumental songs but this should be it for them. this is it, they say. the light the night walk was a huge success, a lot of our fox 29 family was there to meet at macing teams trying to rare awareness. 7,000 people came out for the walk. it was a great afternoon of children's craft, family friend all working to raise money to fight blood capsers. fox 29 is a proud sponsor in the battle. today we raised $900,000, how neat, money to go towards helping children such as brook. chris o'connell spoke with the eight year-old who was diagnosed a year ago. >> why do you want to walk for the cancer walk. >> so i can raise money. >> reporter: why do you want to raise money. >> so i can get better. >> reporter: how do you feel now. >> i feel better. >> god is good and she's surviving this. i'm surviving this. everybody here today is walking for a great cause. >> yes, we are all team, brook. she's still getting chemotherapy but is doing well and such an inspiration. as are so many other people. >> fox 29 also join walk to end alzheimer's that was sunday morning. so sue serio pumped up the crowd by encouraging them to keep up got work of their goal of 1.2 million-dollar. i was there, dave schratwieser was there, chris was there, fantastic crowd. 10,000 people they think were there during this walk. >> close to 15. >> oh, wow. >> we just got some numbers? >> 15,000 people. >> good for you sue serio. >> it was incredible to be up on that stage and see that sea of people. it kind of choke me up. >> were you there from big daddy graham. >> yes,. >> another supporters of the cause and have been has a story of somebody in their family touched by alzheimer's disease. it was amazing. it really was just amazing. my daughter was there with her national honor society team from pen crease high school, yeah. we will show her picture later on. like i said, it choke us up a little bit. thank you for all you have done, 1.2 million-dollar, we're approaching that for alzheimer's association. now, here's a tweet we just got and a picture from jamie, her breakfast there getting ready not only for an early morning work out but a 10.5 hour workday. so look at what chan will he will she's watching. we love you. thank you so much for sharing your morning with us. now lets take a look at cloud around, satellite and radar picture. that is not really a big deal. we don't have any rain in the forecast for today or tomorrow, and we probably won't get, any precipitation of any type. you can see what is going on in wisconsin and minnesota, there is snow up there and stretches through the dakotas. it is cold enough for that but we don't have any precipitation in the forecast. we do have, cold air invasion, set to hit us later on in the week and it will really settle in wednesday night into thursday. that is when those temperatures will really plunge. currently we're in the 30's in philadelphia but you look up in minneapolis and see 26 degrees, our morning will be in the 20's, by the end of the week. by friday morning, sat kay morning as well. we have 38 degrees in philadelphia it seems baum any comparison. and even though it is pretty chilly this morning we have a nice rest of your day, the sunnies already, up, and it was sunny and serene all weekend but we had chilly temperatures on saturday when we made to it 50 degrees. it was 57 yesterday. today, it looks like a decent football weather day 52 degrees for kick off at 8:30, eagles verse panthers but temperatures will drop down through the 40's during the course of the day. so that takes care of today. tomorrow is veterans day. weather could not be any better. high of 68 degrees tomorrow. sixty-four before temperatures start to plunge, on wednesday, and then, a high of only 48 degrees, on thursday, and it will feel like winter on friday, after a spring-like day on tuesday, great crazy roller coaster ride but those temperatures stay in the 40's bob kelly both days of the weekend. >> last a couple days, 49. live look at the blue route, at the mid county interchange from quakertown, lansdale heading down in towards the schuylkill expressway. light volume so far but we have a accident northbound on that northeast extension. i will show thaw in a second. lets go for a fly here north on i-95, leaving center city heading in towards girard avenue watch for an accident on the northbound side. northbound on the extension 4 miles north of in mid county watch for a crash, heading up towards lansdale use route 309, out of fort washington, tacony palmyra slow on both sides, from an earlier opening, the betsy ross bridge is probably your best bet at the moment and don't forget tonight's eagles kick off at 8:30. official parking lots here in the link open up at 1:30 however some other lots that are private liz lots are already opened. folks are already down there beginning their tailgate parties even though game is not until 8:30 tonight. septa is kick nothing with some extra services for sports fans, these sports express trains on subway begin at 6:30 tonight out of fernrock, otherwise, mass transit, regionals, buses trains trolleys running with no delays. terry, over to you. >> early party. >> twelve hearst of tailgating. >> or more. >> fourteen hours. >> crazy. >> iphone users who switched to different smart phones can get their messages. according to the web site it launched aid new web tool and lets former users deregister their number from the i message systems to be transferred to a new device. is reporting, a effort to help boost garden state's middle class. according to reports rocker john bon jovi with other prominent new jersey leaders including u.s. ambassador to germany philip murphy will introduce a program design to explore new ideas to rebuild new jersey's middle class. that is not just affecting new jersey by the way. no amount of money can get singer robert plant to reunite with his band mates. >> he reportedly ripped off a nearly 800 million-dollar contract, right in front of the promoters. now they have apparently gotten greet light from other band members for this 35 date tour to bring stairway to heaven rockers back together but plant, we're not sure, he is not changing his mind. you may think reading tour kids or having a engaging conversation with them is helping their brains grow but may in the help their iq. why you probably are not able to make your kids smarter but you can help them be more successful in i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] it was 42 to nothing at ham time, green bay smoke the chicago bears. here's my worry, that this is considered a trap game tonight for machine night football, weak play here against a team we should beat. >> yes, the panthers good so would we be looking ahead because we have to go to lambeau field, next weekend. >> it looks like it will be tough. >> you know it is called a trap game. we need to talk to jon and sean they are having a huge tailgate part friday 97.5, they will be on today. >> i'm worried about this game, alex. >> i think we should be too. >> let's handle tonight too first. >> what is going on with your desk. >> okay. i'm combining two segment, we have the 17 year-old hero volunteer fire fighter coming in, he saved a field did you see footage. >> i did that car, yes. >> and then toys, the goddard school does this every year, they rank best educational toys for this holiday season. >> we want to find some things your kid might want because then they are learning something. >> exactly just not just play station and all that, mine less. >> yes. >> lets get to learn something watching good day. >> like the energizer bunny, the show is just going on and >> like the energizer bunny, the show is just going on and on and on it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. mark sanchez will start tonight but the question is does he have what it takes to lead the eagles to the playoffs. your holiday shopping just became easier, howie electric tronic gift cards could change the way we fill our gift list, what you need to know, before you start holiday shopping. are you hoping to travel this holiday season? it might too late to find a deal for thanksgiving but that doesn't mean they are not great deals out there right now, how you can save big time on a vacation before the end of the year. i'll tell what you our travel expert is in here today, this weekend you can go to aruba pretty cheap to get away from this cold snap, historic cold snap, coming in wednesday night, 200 million people in our country affected by how cold it will be. >> wow, yeah. >> lets go to aruba. >> let's all do it. >> lets go eagles. do you need to find green in do you have green on somewhere. >> i have always worked in front of the green screen, i don't have a lot of green but now i can do that. >> you have your green on. >> as tradition. >> yes. >> we have our eagles green on. >> two questions answered how soon can i get into tailgate at the parking lot. >> right now. >> they have been down there since 6:00 a.m. >> at xfinity live they are broadcasting live. >> outside too. they have been outside, with hot chocolate getting ready. >> eagles fans. >> i thought 5:00 o'clock but they are already there. >> yes. >> 8:30 tonight. >> we have a ten before it all goes downhill. >> how about two, ten's.


Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20150426

>> eddie: scott darling knows a lot of these players, doc, from his days. there is his former roommate filip forsberg spending a couple years with the nashville predators and their organization. ♪ ♪ >> doc: this are many traditions. we began with one with the anthem tonight and finish with the handshake line. it was julius irving who said after a play-off series there is nothing to do if you are the loser but rest recover, and return in the fall. meanwhile, the home team celebrates with 22,000. [ cheers ] >> doc: you are watching the stanley cup playoffs presented by geico. tomorrow, game six. st. louis blues against the minnesota wild here on nbc. coming up next except on the west coast, it's your local news and for viewers in the chicago area coverage continues with blackhawks post game live on comcast sports net. for eddie olezyk pierre mcguire, doc emrick saying good night. -- captions by vitac -- sfla i cry when i saw the news. tonight philadelphia are mourning over the death and destruction from a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. good evening. i'm denise mcconnell. tonight the united states is sending a disaster team and at least $1 million in aid to nepal. here's what we know right now about the earthquake. the death toll is now over 1,800 people, and it continues to rise. more than 4,000;w avalanche when the earthquake hit on mount everest. officials in allentown say four students studying in nepal are safe amid the destruction. the devastating impact overseas is felt back here in the delaware valley. one local man called nepal home for two decades and was moved to tears when the news of the earthquake hit philadelphia. >> reporter: nepal, a country in ruins ravaged by the massive quake that hit without warning.óf1 o use nepal was his home for 20 years. >> when i see hundreds of thousands of people crying because of the earthquake it's -- my heart goes out to them. >> the government of nepal took hem in along with more than 1,000 local refugees. a group of them watch coverage of the rush of worldwide aid and disaster relief, and they see how badly people are suffering. the desperate search for survivors and the widespread damage and destruction. >> i cry literally when i saw the news, when i heard when i saw people. many people i knew one of my colleagues who was teaching in a college together his house completely collapsed. >> reporter: the earthquake shook so violently it triggered av larchlgz and landslides. people jumped from buildings to avoid being crushed. the quake rattled sections of five countries and as night fell in nepal, thousands are left outdoors during more aftershocks. >> you can learn how to help with the disaster relief by heading to the nbc 10 news app. we have a list of organizations sending aid. look for the latest live updates from overseas tomorrow on nbc's today show beginning at 8:00 a.m. >> never hurt nobody. a south jersey family is mourning the loss of their grandson, son, and cousin. the high school football star was shot and killed just a block from his house overnight. family members say the 18-year-old died saving his younger cousin's life while they were walking to a store. he said he had a bright future in the college football prospect. nbc 10's randy talked to the teen's family. >> reporter: the family of a murdered camden football star gathers to grieve tonight. the very many's father wearing his son's varsity letter jacket quietly asks for help from the public. >> my son was a good person. any help anybody. >> reporter: jam ear ballard was shot and killed just after midnight a block from his house. the family says the teenager was taking a walk to the store with his younger cousin. >> jam ear was hit by the burst of gunfire, but managed to get his cousin to safety despite being rushed to the hospital. he died an hour later. >> he didn't do nothing to nobody. he is going places. >> he was a college football prospect playing linebacker for woodrow well son high school. jam ear has been recruited by temple university and was supposed to showcase his talent this week at a nike invitational. >> from the moment he touched the football everyone knew he was going to be a special player someday. >> reporter: his coach says jam ear was excited to play college ball to use his skills to get off the streets of camden and start the rest of his life. >> right now my heart is real heavy having lost you know jamir1v to senseless gun violence in the inner city of camden. >> reporter: camden county detectives say they're still investigating the murder. they do not have any arrests yet, and they don't have a motive. randy jillenhal, nbc 10 news. in a statement to nbc 10 jamir's passing is tragic. we join his coaches, teachers and loved ones in mourning his loss. we're closely supporting the students staff, and family during this mostdqkb difficult time." the man accused of shooting a philadelphia police officer is out of the hospital tonight. william nobblen was shot after police say he opened fire on officer daniel caustic thursday night in west philadelphia. he is facing charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault. nobblen was being investigated for a drug crime when police say he fired officer costic. he was able to return fire. nobblen ran off, but was caught a short time later. zirchlg the officer was released from the hospital yesterday, and today he plannedf7% his son's second birthday. cooler temperatures, but they didn't keep people from enjoying a night out on the town. nbc 10 along hatherford avenue, you might want to cover up your plants and flowers, though. nbc 10's first alert meteorologist brittany ship is tracking another cold night ahead. brittany there's a frost advisory for parts of our area? >> that's right. not as widespread as yesterday. our temperatures will stay in the 40s for philadelphia. we're also dealing with a few light showers moving into dover, but here's a closer look at the frost advisory expecting allentown stretching down into west rock hill. that's going to stay in effect until 8:00 a.m. basically our temperatures will drop down into the mid 30s. patchy frost is going to be a possibility. you want to cover up your plants, make sure your pets are inside. it's going to be another cold night. temperature in the poconos at 30 degrees. 36 in allentown. 37 degrees will be the overnight low in town. 41 in chester tonight. will drop down to 41 in glassboro, and 39 in cape may and)ñ d down to 41 in gilbert. as we wake up tomorrow morning, our temperatures will start off in the mid 40s. especially in philadelphia. if are you getting up closer to 7:00 a.m. 45 degrees for allentown. still in the mid 30s by 7:00 a.m. with the frost advisory staying in effect until 8:00 a.m. our average for this time of year, 67 tomorrow.ç >> it happened on the spring garden station. high school students attack each other on the platform. one person actually fell down on the train tracks, but was not hurt. the candidates for philadelphia mayor are talking money. five of the six democratic candidates debated at temple university tonight. at issue how to grow philadelphia's economy? they talked about more opportunities for locally owned and green businesses to get government contracts and ways to make philadelphia an environmentally innovative city. here's a look at the six candidates running for the democratic nomination. the winner will face melissa murray bailey. next on nbc 10 news at 11:00 major road closures in center city tomorrow. the respairs crews are making and the detours you want to know about. the local stool that locked their doors and left parents with no explanation. >> i'm john from comcast sports net. coming up later in sports rocking off ryan howard's back and philly to a second straight win. and -- ♪ >> today she reached another major milestone. her first touchdown. a feel good moment for temple's carry in white scrimmage. that is later in sports. sdmreerchlgts new at 11:00 new jersey transit riders will have a chance to weigh in on the transition increases. it faces a $60 million budget gap. the rising price of health care and retirement benefits for employees are blamed on the hearings on fair increases and service changes that will be held may 16th to the 21st. expect road closures if you are in center city tomorrow. the water department will be working at the intersection of 17th and locust street from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. this is a water main leak. locust street from 16th to 18th street and 17th street from walnut to spruce street to be closed. customers in the area may lose water surface. no explanation and no care for their kids. parents shocked when a local school closed its doors without warning. >> we received no notice whatsoever that this is going to happen. >> the legal troubles nbc 10 uncovered between the school's owner and the building's landlord. plus, what the company is doing to help parents. another cold night on tap for us. parts of our area still under a frost advisory. i'll let you know what to expect. plus, what's in store for us sunday. that's coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. two people facing charges in philadelphia, and police are searching for a third suspect. police say an 86-year-old george saunders and his girlfriend were walking in west philadelphia thursday when three women ordered them into a van. the women allegedly drove the couple to a center citibank opened a debit card in saunders' name before letting the couple go. three more people are under arrest in this beating of a homeless man at a w[z philadelphia gas station. they are all juveniles. that makes a total of six people in custody for the attack. more than two weeks ago. they've been charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault in the attack on robert barnes. barnes' family says doctors think he will remain in a permanent vegetative state. well the company behind the goddard school is reaching out to parents and faculty after the sudden closure of a montgomery county school and daycare. last night parents saw the landlord changing the lox to the goddard school along with a closed sign. parents we spoke with were stunned. >> not only do they have our money, but we also have nowhere to place our children for monday. nbc 10 uncovered a history of legal issues involving the franchise owner, including a bankruptcy filing. tomorrow goddard will open at east millerton schools from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. to help with enrollment and job opportunities. a spokesperson says parents who prepaid tuition will get full refunds. across the country thousands of volunteers came together today to make a difference. it was all part of comcast cares day. now, nbc 10 of the franklin boys and girls club where volunteers work to give them a new yard and a new computer lab. there were a few familiar faces in the mix. >> being out here is just incredible. >> it feels wonderful to actually get in there and change the building because the kids are the ones who benefit. love to do it. >> comcast donated $25,000 to the club to keep the renovations going after today. it's the parentiál company of nbc 10. good evening. we are tracking another cold night ahead with a frost advisory that's going to stay in effect for parts of our area for 3:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. i'm also tracking showers, mainly in the southern viewing area. southern parts of delaware and then another round expected as we head into monday. also warmer again in our seven-day forecast. we will see temperatures finally warming above average. today we see temperatures in the 50s, and right now we're still at 50 degrees. our wind speeds out of the southwest at 8 miles per hour and temperature-wise we're at 41 degrees in the poconos. mid 40s in allentown. 45 in potstown. 48 in mount holly. temperatures at the atlanta city airport at 47 degrees. mid 40s in dover and temperatures in wilmington this evening at 48. the frost advisory is going to affect the lehigh valley allentown included in that and, again, that's from 3:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. s patchy frost possible. you want to cover up your sensitive plants. temperatures getting down to the mid 30s. yesterday it was more widespread with our frost advisory and freeze warnings. at least we're not going to be quite as cold as what we saw yesterday. our radar shot shows that we are dealing with showers. mainly in the central and southern parts of delaware. as you zoom in we'll show you exactly the light and moderate rainfall south of dover, and this weather disturbance is mainly going to stay to the south of us. this is not going to spread into the rest of our area but pushes the parts of cape may, but after midnight we can pretty much be done with the showers. they should move on and as we head into tomorrow we'll start off at 8:00 a.m. with lots ofí7< clouds. notice as we go throughout your sunday, late morning hours, notice the clouds just burn off, and we are going to see another chance of showers mainly to the south on sunday, but it's monday that we have a chance to see widespread rainfall widespread showers, i should say. really light and some of the latest models are showing our chances of showers going down as we push into monday. tuesday we start to clear out. our temperatures start to warm up. our average for this time of year, 67. tomorrow will be still below average of 62. 59 on monday. as we head into tomorrow expect the temperatures to mainly be close to 60 degrees. low 60s. stay in the high 50s along the shore. tonight our temperatures dropping down to 42 degrees. still below average. 36 for our suburbs to the north and west and as we look to tomorrow our temperatures will be 62 and 65 degrees. more sunshine expected for us,"zif so that's nice. the seven-day forecast shows a chance of showers as we head into monday. the braves off the scoreboard. 16 innings as their weekend series. once atlanta got a sniff of they savored the opportunity. scoreless game in the fourth inning when ryan howard, the pitch to deep center, and that is gone. two-run shot. howard three home runs in his career against shelby miller. in the sixth nick grounder up the middle. eric young junior. braves make a 3-2 lead underway. a 5-2 victory. >> prepping for what could be an ep iblg night. alonzo is just getting familiar to his stick aroundings. the eagles acquired the linebacker from mccoy. alonzo's older brother carlos plays second base. plenty of baseball and he is stunned as he played football here in philadelphia this fall.( >> it completed their annual charity game with the offense topping the defense. 43-23. there was one lasting impression. you may remember the 4-year-old daughter of bengals defensive tackle and former central. leah has battled cancer, and last month it was announced she's in remission. today she took part in the toss and was installed in the offensive game plan. lining up as a receiver. taking the handoff and then running to the end zone with hooter the owl and the temple football team leading the way. she even performed an end zone dance to celebrate the moment that even lefth dad impressed. >> shemv loves playing football. me and her play football a lot when we're by ourselves, but for her to be able to do it with the whole team i know she enjoys that. she learns pretty well. she looks pretty athletic. she even surprised me abodq(e how fast she was running. >> got some speed. that's a great moment. that is sports. we'll be right back.


Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6am 20150426

meteorologist, brittanyney shipp. sounds like today will be a little bit better than yesterday. >> our temperatures will push closer to our average, which is 67 for this time of year for philadelphia, we'll see temperatures in the low 60s. let's take a look outside right now. we are still seeing cloudy skies. wehle see the clouds burning off and more sunshine heading into the afternoon. temperature wise it's cold in allentown. 36 degrees. 41 in quakertown. 40 in doylestown. mid-40s in bluebell 48 in philadelphia, 42 in washington township. temperatures in mt. holly at 41 degrees and right along the shore, 45 in beach haven and 47 in avalon. still under a frost advisory in some parts of our area allentown, lehigh. that's going to be until 8:00 a.m. patchy frost is a possibility. as we push into the rest of today, ours temperatures will start to climb closer to average, ranging between 62 and 63. i am tracking 70s back in your forks. i'll have that coming up in just a bit. rosemary? >> thank you brittney. this morning in nepal, people woke up screaming and ran into the streets because of a powerful aftershock. here's what we know that magnitude 6.7 aftershock hit around 3:15 a.m. our time. as of now, there are no reports of any deaths. the death toll from yesterday's 7.8 magnitude quake is nearing 2,000 people and there is a local connection. officials from mulenberg college in allentown say that four of their students are studying over there in nepal, but they are safe. meanwhile, a google executive, dan freedenberg, because the first american confirmed to have been killed in that quake yesterday. he died in an avalanche when the quake hit mt. everest. if you would like to hit with the disaster relief you can get some more information on our nbc 10 news app. we have a list of organizations sending aid. coming up in the next half hour we'll also have more from a local man with ties to nepal and tell you more about how he plans to help out. one person is at the hospital this morning after being hit by a car on street road in bucks county. this happened at the ramp to i-95 to ben salem just before 2:00 this morning. the crash shut down the road for nearly three hours. we're told the driver did stop. no word on the condition of the victim. also new from overnight, a man is extremely critical condition after he was shot in the face in a philadelphia neighborhood. this morning, police are looking for the person responsible. the shooting happened along darius street in the frankfort section of the city bust jfr midnight. gunfire struck the victim in the chin the neck and the back. this weekend, fallout over the police custody death of freddie gray boiled over in the streets of baltimore when a day of peaceful protests turned violent. here's what we know on that. people were looting the streets and looting the stores as you can see, and they spread out into the streets. again, this is all related to the death of freddie gray. we know that police there have been trying to keep the peace. the day started o ded out peaceful with demonstrators marching through the city but it turned violent as nighttime fell. we know that five officers were injured during the melee, one seriously wounded. three dozen members of the force were lined up in riot gear near the police station. people ended up coming out of their homes and throwing things at the police. at one point, city officials asked fans at the orioles baseball game to remain inside the stadium for their own safety. despite the violence the police commissioner decided to focus on the positive demonstrations that happened earlier in the day. >> i was very very pleased to see, and i saw this throughout the day, baltimore residents were telling people in the crowd to calm down and to relax, and i was very proud of them for doing that. that same thing happened in the northeast corner when that crowd, that agitated crowd got to camden yards. residents put themselves in between police officers and this agitated crowd and asked for calm and asked for police which was very good to see. >> the focus of this again, is freddie gray. he died from a spinal injury a week after he was taken into police custody. the commissioner has said that the 25-year-old was not buckled in a seat belt in the police transport van and that officers failed to give him medical attention in a timely manner. today administrators at a now-closed montgomery county day care will help parents find other options for their kids. this all comes after the sudden closure of the goddard school in blue bell montgomery county. nbc 10's katy zachary is live in blue bell with more. katy? >> reporter: rosemary this is not what these parents wanted to worry about going into the weekend. many of these are working families and they don't have any place to take their children starting tomorrow. now that the goddard school this location here in blue bell has closed. we met some of these families in the parking lot yesterday, and they tell us they were told about this late friday that their children's day care and school here is closing for good. it leaves about 100 young kids out of the classroom. now, we did get an e-mail from goddard school management late yesterday. they tell us they will help families find other day care options, and for those with no place to turn the school says it will provide free care for a week, but many families tell us it's not good enough. >> there are around 100 children now that need to get placed somewhere on monday. well, some of the local day cares are at their capacity. so am i supposed to just not go to work on monday? >> reporter: that's what a lot of parents are asking themselves today? now, we also got word from goddard school management that they are opening up their east norton location between 1:00 and 4:00 today to entertain questions from parents, to start that process of helping to find other day care options. now, what is behind this sudden closure? at 6:30 i'm looking into some legal documents that may answer that question. reporting live in blue bell katy zachary, nbc 10 news. this morning, three more juveniles are under arrest in connection with a group attack on a homeless man. this is surveillance video of that beating at a gas station in olney earlier this month. three other juveniles are already bringing charges, bringing the total number of suspects under arrest to six. they're charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault in the attack on robert barnes. barnes' family says that doctors believe he will remain in a permanent vesiclegetative state. honoring the man who was killed while walking his dog. next how a community in philadelphia is coming together to remember james stuhlman. the stakes are high as the pallet for same-sex marriage heads to the highest court in the u.s. and it's another cold start to our morning good morning. it's a cold start, but as we head into the afternoon, we'll see more sunshine and temperatures that are a few degrees warmer. our current temperatures in philadelphia 48 degrees. our feels-like temperature, 44 degrees with light wind speeds out of the north, northeast at 8 miles per hour. temperature wise in allentown, 36 degrees. so those locations still under a frost advisory. 33 in mt. pocono 41 in pottstown. 45 in millville, and 43 in atlantic city. so here are the areas under that frost advisory north hampton county lehigh county, all affected by that until about 8:00 a.m. we're still staying cool below average, our average for this time of year 67. today, 62. by tomorrow 61. i'm also tracking showers and warmer temperatures in your seven-day forecast. rosemary? >> thank you, brittney. across the country, thousands of volunteers came together this weekend to help out their communities. it was all part of comcast cares day. nbc 10 was at the northeast frankfort boys and girls club yesterday, where volunteers worked to give them a new yard and a new computer lab. comcast donated $25,000 to the club, to keep the renovations going. comcast, by the way, is the parent company of nbc 10. i look so old, john boehner has already invited netanyahu to speak at any funeral. >> it was a night of laughs at the white house correspondents' dinner. even the president was the butt of some of the jokes. we'll have more of it, coming up. ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. today, a man who was murdered while walking his dog in philadelphia's overbrook neighborhood will be remembered. family and friends of james stuhlman will gather at the historic african episcopal church of st. thomas in overbrook. they'll plant and bless a new tree on the grounds. police say stuhlman was walking his dog along wood crest avenue last month when he was approached by three teens. investigators say the boys wanted to rob stuhlman because they thought he was an easy target. he was shot once in the chest and died on the street. brandon smith and tyfine hamilton, both 15 years old, are scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing. they face murder robbery, and related charges in connection with stuhlman's death. a 14-year-old face robbery and conspiracy charges for his alleged role in the crime. tomorrow the defense is expected to start calling witnesses in the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. they are expected to testify about dzhokar tsarnaev's upbringing. the testimony may include some of his relatives. last week, prosecutors rested their case against tsarnaev. a jury is deciding whether to sentence him to life in prison or death. jury deliberations are set to resume tomorrow in the etan patz murder trial. maple shade native pedro hernandez is accused of killing patz in new york city in 1979. etan patz was 6 years old at the time of his disappearance. he became one of the first missing children featured on a milk carton. his body has never been found. pedro hernandez confessed to killing him three years ago, but his lawyers say that his admission was the fiction of a mentally ill man with a low iq. if convicted, he faces life in prison. this week the supreme court will hear arguments on same-sex marriage. the cases come from ohio kentucky, michigan and tennessee. each of those states had their marriage bans upheld by federal appeals courts. the justices will hear arguments on whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry and whether states must recognize same-sex marriages from other states. now to some news overseas where italian authorities rescued nearly 300 migrants from a boat off the coast of libya. those migrants were handed shoes and water when they arrived in sicily yesterday. the red cross and the units nationed refugee agency is providing the group with assistance. the flow of migrants trying to reach europe has continued, even after a migrant ship capsized last weekend. at least 800 people are believed to have died in that incident. good morning. a cold start once again, especially if you're in the lehigh valley which is under a frost advisory until 8:00 a.m. tracking the possibility of showers, mainly no southern parts of delaware and then warmer again, our temperatures will go back above average. in fact, today will be a little bit closer than we were yesterday. for philadelphia right now, 48 degrees, a mix of sun and clouds. our feels-like temperature at 44 and our wind speeds are out of the north-northeast at 8 miles per hour. cross the rest of the region 33 in the poconos, 43 in trenton, 41 in mt. holly, 44 in westchester, 40s in wilmington 47 in stone harbor, and temperatures in atlantic city at 43. so mainly this area highlighted in blue, these are the only areas dealing with temperatures in the mid-30s. patchy frost is a possibility. this frost advisory stays in effect, at least until 8:00 a.m. it's a very cold start to the morning, depending on where you are. our radar shot shows that little weather disturbance that's mainly staying to the south of us, but as we head into the next couple of hours, it's not out of the question we could see a few of those showers drifting a little bit closer to sussex county. once we get closer to that we'll start to see these clouds tapering off a bit and plenty of sunshine as we head into the afternoon. by monday we'll see another chance of showers. tuesday we clear up nicely. and then our temperatures start to warm up when we head into the middle of or your workweek. stars today is concerned, our average is 67 degrees, today we'll be at 62. still 5 degrees below average. 61 heading into start of your workweek. maybe your allergies are acting up a little bit like mine. the cold front today, oak, birch, maping, and we'll see high allergy levels dip and wednesday back up to high again. we won't get rid of a lot of those allergens until we get a good rain and that could happen as early as thursday. our temperatures today will rain between 62 and 65. cloudy at first, and we'll see a little bit more sunshine heading into the afternoon. your seven-day forecast shows that we still are going to see a chance of showers as we head into monday sunny on tuesday, 70 degrees by wednesday, and our chance of rain moves in by thursday. you ready for the blue cross broad street run? she is. this former villanova basketball player took up running to get in shape. now she's become a role holmodel. her story, after the break. i'm keith jones. join me today for "nbc 10 @ issue." beer, wine and liquor all sold under one roof. will one-stop alcohol shopping become a reality in pennsylvania. could the current state store system be modernized or scrapped altogether? we'll hear from beau sides. plus the inventable world of war. returning home with psychological scars and some say many do not get the help they need. see how one locally based group is helping to change that and raise awareness. and inspiring students. see how educators are encouraging young people in our area to explore careers in the fields that will shape our future. coming up this morning at 11:30, following "meet the press," only on nbc 10. at 6:22 on this sunday we have a heads up for drivers in center city. expect some road closures in rittenhouse square today. the water department will be working at the intersection of 17th and local streets the from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to fix a water plain leak. you can expect locust from 16th to 18th and 17th street from walnut to spruce to be closed. also customers in the area may temporarily lose water service. a former villanova basketball player started running to get back in shape after the birth of her children. now she's standing tall to a role model to her young kids and a proud member of the organization, black girls run. priscilla jackson is ready to run the blue cross broad street run one week from today. >> the joke is you don't hang around for too long before you become a runner. >> reporter: priscilla jackson is no joke. she juggles a full-time job, she's a wife and a mother of two daughters. >> i get to be a great role model for my children. >> reporter: the former villanova university basketball player wanted to get back in game shape. >> i gained 75 pounds with my pregnancies. it was horrible. >> reporter: she trained for the blue cross broad street run at the ymca in westchester and brings her children. >> i usually have my clothes, my running clothes underneath my work clothes. it's like super woman, literally. >> reporter: it's hard to miss this super hero mom at the gym. >> i'm 6'3" without shoes on. so depending on what shoes i'm wearing, i tower over everyone, or most people. >> reporter: she's a proud member of the organization, black girls run. >> it's really changing the lives of women. first of all, it welcomes everyone. it's highlighting the fact that we're recognizing that the statistics involving black women, involving our community, it's not pleasant. >> priscilla says bgr hopes to help shape the future of the generation for years to come. >> when i grew up i didn't see 40-year-old black women running around. i'm 39. i'll be 40 in january, i didn't see -- i just didn't. my children that's all i see. it breaks the taboo of exercising and it makes it relatable. people say, oh, you know if they can run two miles a day, i can probably do that. >> reporter: priscilla can do that now. she runs races across philadelphia and across the country. she says no matter where she runs there's always bgr women there for support. >> everyone everyone at a rate that's full of bgr women, day love it. because bgr cheers for everyone. and they are, they give you attitude and soul when they're cheering for you. you know that if you're struggling, and you hear, go you can do it! >> that was nbc 10's renee chenault fa-fattah fattah reporting. nbc 10 will bring you the race live. but before the race watch "ready set, run." we'll have a live race special on friday night at 7:00. right now on the nbc 10 news app, you can check out our "on the mile" series. we are counting down to the race with a mile a week. plus if you plan to run, get tips to hit the asphalt. it's all free on the nbc 10 app. a popular school and day care in montgomery county suddenly closes and now parents are scrambling trying to figure out what to do with their children tomorrow. we'll get the answer live from katy zachary, just ahead. sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. the death toll rises in nepal as rescue workers continue to search for survivors, one day after the earthquake. those left behind now have to deal with the powerful aftershocks is. this morning, a south jersey family is mourning the loss of a high school football star shot and killed just a block from his house. a cool cloudy start to our sunday but the sun will eventually start shining. here is a live look at the ben franklin bridge. that sun is going to start peeking through a little while from now. the details coming up in the first alert forecast. good morning, welcome back to nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's just before 6:30 on this sunday. let's get a check of the forecast new from meteorologist brittney shipp. good morning brittney. >> good morning. our temperatures starting off cold, especially in the valley where we have a frost advisory in effect until 8:00 a.m. as we take a look outside, cloudy conditions we'll see more sunshine as we head into the afternoon. a closer look at our right-now temperatures. 45 in millville, 44 in dover and 41 in pottstown. allentown at 36 degrees, and that's where that frost advisory is in effect for at least another hour and a half until 8:00 a.m. patchy frost is possible and again, this only affects a small area. the rest of us are in the 40s. over the next eight hours, we'll see temperatures warming up nicely into the mid-50s, by 11:00 a.m. by 2:00 p.m. 61. and today's high will range between 62 and 65 degrees. coming up, i am tracking more sun today. warmer temperatures again, above average. i'll let you know when and i'm tracking rain all in your seven-day forecast. we are continuing to follow the developments in the deadly earthquake in nepal. this morning, a powerful aftershock jolted the area, as rescue crews search for survivors from yesterday's quake. here's what we know. that magnitude 6.7 aftershock hit around 3:15 a.m. our time. as of now, there are no reports of deaths related to the aftershock. officials say now at least 2,100 people are confirmed dead following yesterday's quake. the united states is sending a disaster response team and $1 million in aid to nepal. most areas remain without power and water this morning. the devastating impact overseas is being felt back here in our area. a northeast philadelphia man called nepal home for two decades and us with moved to tears when he heard the news of the earthquake. the government of nepal took sharma in along with more than a thousand other refugees who are now living in philadelphia. a group of them watched coverage of the aftermath from rhawnhurst last night. it's been difficult for them to see the suffering, the search for survivors, and the widespread destruction. >> i cried when i heard the news. there are many people who i knew personally. one of my colleagues was teaching in a college together. his house completely collapsed. luckily, the family was out at the time. >> sharma's friends and family here in philadelphia plan to collect money to send to nepal. he says they are thankful for what the country did for them and they want to help out in any way they can. you can learn how to help with the disaster relief by heading to the nbc 10 news app. there we have a list of organizations that are sending aid over to nepal. in camden county police are looking for the person who pulled the trigger in a shooting that left a high school football star dead. somebody shot and killed 18-year-old jamir bullard early yesterday morning. the linebacker was hoping to play college football and was being recruited by temple university. the teen was walking to the store with his younger cousin just a block from his house when gunfire erupted. bullard was hit, but managed to get his cousin to safety. crews then rushed bullard to the hospital, but he died a sort time later. >> a good person and any help anybody, if you know who did this to my son, just bring him to justice. >> police do not know what sparked the violence. their investigation is ongoing. police in mercer county are investigating a quadruple shooting in trenton. this happened just after 6:00 last night on wood street. police tell us all four victims were treated at the hospital. one of them underwent emergency surgery. their conditions are on notice this time and there's no word yet on a suspect or a motive in this case. now to an update from philadelphia. police say they've made an arrest in connection with a withdrawal at a septa station. this morning, andrzei bodziak is facing charges. high school students attacked each on the platform. police are still looking for three more suspects in this case. this morning, a new mural is honoring the memory of a mother and her three children who were struck and killed by a stolen suv. yesterday, city leaders and family and friends of the victims were there for a ribbon cutting and unveiling of the tribute called loving memory. last summer keisha williams and her three children tierra thomas, reid and terence moore were run down. a stolen suv slammed into their fruit stand. and another family member died in the same lot in 2013. >> with the help of the community and the city officials of philadelphia we are turning this place that holds so much pain and heartbreak into something that can now bring joy. >> the city's mural arts program created the project with the help of the family and the community. today, administerrators at a montgomery county day care will meet with families of students in an effort to help find those families a different place for the children to attend school. katy zachary is live in blue bell with parents are trying to figure out what they're going to do with their kids tomorrow. >> reporter: a lot of them rosemary scrambling. we got word late yesterday from goddard school management that they will make every every to work with parents to help them find other day care options. and for some families they will provide a week's worth of free child care beginning tomorrow. but parents tell us they are still angry, because they didn't see any signs of trouble leading up to friday's abrupt closing here at the blue bell location. however, these court documents tell a different story. last year the franchise owner was sued by goddard systems for safety hazards on the playground. eventually that suit was dismissed, but a few months after that the owner filed for bankruptcy and we learned according to court documents, just three days ago, a judge dismissed that case. >> this guy had to know he was not going to be open much longer. >> we'll survive and get through, but there are a lot of good teachers that work here. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of teachers, a lot of parents, and a lot of young children wondering what tomorrow will hold. we also learned from goddard school management that today between 1:00 and 4:00 they're opening up their east norton location, where staff and some of the goddard management will meet with teachers and parents to help them figure out what's next. reporting live in blue bell katy zachary nbc 10 news. it's not a dog, it's not a wolf, it's a coyote. and it's in new york city. the chase that's becoming more common for police in the big apple. we'll explain. she has a whole lot to celebrate. lea still, the daughter of a pro-footballer beat cancer and now she's reached another milestone. we'll talk about it after the break. blp. oh i could watch that video all day. we are going to see a cold start to the morning, but as we head into the afternoon, a little bit more sunshine. temperatures warmer than what we saw yesterday. we're slowly getting back to average. i'll let you know what to expect on this sunday in my full forecast. good morning. let's take a live look at the poconos this morning, one of the coldest temperatures on the map. and parts of our area under a frost advisory so still a cold start for philadelphia not as cold. temperatures are actually close to 50 degrees. so that's a big difference from yesterday. feels-like temperature of 44. wind speeds out of the north-northeast at 8 miles per hour, and across the rest of the area the poconos 1 degree above freezing. 42 in coatesville. 43 in washington township. 40 in wrightstown. right along the shore temperatures are the mid-to-high 40s. 44 in dover. as we head into the next eight hours or so we are going to see temperatures eventually pushing into the 60s. today, our highs will range between 62 and 65 degrees. i am tracking warmer conditions. we'll go back above average and i'm tracking rain in your seven-day forecast. that's all coming up in just a bit. president obama poked funs at politicians, government officials, and even himself at the white house correspondents' dinner last night. >> and it is know wonder that people keep pointing out how the presidency has aged me. i look so old, john boehner has already invited netanyahu to speak at my funeral. >> the annual even brings together celebrities and journalists who cover the white house. it's a night for washington to let loose a little and the president's monologue is considered the highlight of the evening. >> i'm happy to report that the secret service, thanks to some excellent reporting by white house correspondences, they're really focusing on some of the issues that have come up. and they finally figured out a foolproof way to keep people off my lawn. >> here's a look at what the audience was laughing at. a computer-generated picture of arizona senator john mccain guarding the white house. by the way the dinner raises money for scholarships for young journalists. girl scout cookies and cheese puffs saved these women after a road trip to visit family turned into a two-weeknight mary. we'll explain. you'd think that new york city cops have seen it all, right? this may be a first for some of them. this weekend, officers captured a coyote wandering through lower manhattan. the coyote was tranquilized near the world trade center yesterday and taken by patrol car to the aspca. police have been on alert, as there have been a number of coyote sightings this week most likely this very coyote. true story of survival. two sisters say that they survived on girl scout cookies while they were lost for nearly two weeks in a remote area of michigan. a police helicopter spotted the women on friday 13 days after they visited relatives and then disappeared. their suv was stuck about three miles from lake superior. the sisters ate the girl scout cookies and some cheese puffs they had brought along for what they thought would be an eight-hour road trip. they also melted snow for drinking water. when the women spotted the adopter, they made sure that someone would see them. >> they got out of the vehicle and started waving their hands and were trying to build a fire quickly to signal to us that they were down there. >> the sisters were taken to the hospital to be checked out and they've already been released and reunited with their families. good morning. a cold start, especially in the lehigh valley with conditions under a frost advisory in the mid-30s. we are tracking showers, mainly going to stay in southern parts of delaware and warmer again, we will head above average. mostly cloudy skies. we'll see more sunshine as we head into the afternoon for philadelphia. 48 degrees. feels-like temperature at 44. still a brisk start to your sunday morning. a lot colder if you're in the poconos. 34 degrees. 40 in reading. 56 in allentown. 41 in mt. holly. temperatures in dover at 44 degrees. stone harbor at 47 this morning. and our temperatures are still going to stay a little bit below average. so here's where the frost advisory is. all the area is highlighted in blue swob blue, so it's a smaller area than yesterday, so it's nice our temperatures are slowly improving. our radar shot shows quiet conditions throughout philadelphia, but you'll notice just in southern delaware near sussex county where we're starting to see a few showers, the threat for showers will continue into your late morning hours, and a closer look at our 24-hour temperature change map shows that we are 18 degrees warmer in millville, about 12 degrees warmer in atlantic city, 11 in northeast philly and up 9 degrees in pottstown. but our future rather shows us that the threat for those showers will go into your late morning hours. probably stay to the south of sussex county but it's not out of the question with this weather disturbance. it's mainly to the south of us that we could see a little bit of shower activity. by 3:00 p.m. you'll notice all those clouds start to clear up. more sunshine for us as we head into sunday afternoon. we are going to see a chance of showers as we head into monday, the models are not reflecting that. and as we head into tuesday, we'll see drying conditions and then temperatures starting to warm up. our average for this time of year, 67 degrees, as we aide into today, 62. still 5 degrees below average. pushing into monday 61. our highs around the area today, around 53 in the poconos. 62 in allentown. 61 in quakertown. 60 in doylestown right along the shore, 63 degrees. 63 in vineland and in philadelphia. expect temperatures at 62. so that's the main range between 62 and 65 degrees. it will still be nice if you head out to the phillies game nicer than what we saw yesterday. wind speeds stay light out of the north at 6 miles per hour and then throughout the game the game starts at 1:35. in the 60s by 4:00 p.m., 62. and by 7:00 p.m. 58 and colder. temperatures today range between 62 and 65. starting off with more clouds then we transition to more sunshine. seven-day forecast shows warmer temperatures as we head into tuesday, wednesday. 70 degrees on wednesday and mild. a chance of rain by thursday. next in sports the fighting phils continue their series against the division rival braves and freddie galvas is flashing some leather. we'll take at look at this gem along with the rest of your highlights, straight ahead. we're following some breaking news out of the cobbs creek section of philadelphia where a minivan and a car collided. the crash happened just a short time ago on walnut and south 52nd street. the impact knocked down a traffic pole. two people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. as you can see, police are out there on the scene. the cause of this is under investigation. if you are traveling in this area of cobbs creek, keep it in mind that there may be some closures out there because of the police activity. as soon as we get an update we'll keep you posted. some frustrated parents will be meeting today about a popular day care and school. nbc 10's katy zachary is live in montgomery county with the day care dilemma. katy? >> behind me the goddard school here on blue bell abruptly closed its doors on friday leaving parents asking where they're supposed to leave their children come tomorrow. new today, the school may be offering a short-term solution for families. and parts of our area still around frost advisory. other areas, about 20 degrees warmer today than yesterday. i'm tracking warmer conditions as we head into the afternoon and what's in store as we head back to work. ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. i'm john boruk from comcast sports net. the phillies kept them off the scoreboard, but once atlanta got a sniff of offense, they relished the opportunity. scoreless game in the fourth when ryan howard tattoos a pitch to deep center and tas gone for a two-run shot. howard 4 for 7 with three bombs in his career against shelby miller. top of the sixth, nick with a grounder, but freddie galvas makes a diving stop and throws across his body to get his man, preserving the phils' 2-0 lead. but from there, everything else seemed out of reach. a run would score. braves take a 3-2 lead on their way to a 5-2 victory. we're now less than a week away from the nfl draft and the eagles are finalizing their boards prepping their war room for what could be an epic night for chip kelly and the birds. keiko alonzo is just getting familiar to his surroundings after the eagles acquired the line banker for mccoy. a alonzo's older brother plays second ways for the phyllis. so keiko could be playing plenty of baseball this summer and he'll be playing football here in philadelphia this fall. >> i was definitely surprised, because i didn't see myself getting traded or going anywhere. i saw myself being in buffalo, at least for those four years. but then, you know it happened and i'm just saying it's a business of you know, you know, i'm happy with where i'm at now and i can't wait to get to work. >> to the pitch. union visiting the columbus crew. 64th minute. eric scores on a header and flips out. union wishes they could have flipped the score. they lose 4-1. final day of the penn relay. nearly 50,000 showed up at franklin field. jordy williams running the last run. williams pulls away from the win and gets a huge trophy to take back to the main line. this is the age 75 and older, 100-meter dash. the gentleman you see right there in the far right, purple tights, 98-year-old champ, champ goldie. he finished in a time of 33.09. well the football team the temple football team completed their annual cherry and white spring game with the offense topping the defense, 43-23. but there was one lasting impression out of all of it. you may remember lea still, the 4-year-old daughter of bengals' defensive tackle and penn state standout, devon still. little lea has battled cancer but just this last month, it was announced she was in remission. well, on saturday, lea took part in the coin toss and then was installed into the game plan lined up a as a receiver, took the handoff from her dad, and ran to the end zone with the mascot and the football team leading the way. she performed an end zone dance that left dad impressed. >> she loves playing football. me and her play football a lot when we're by ourselves, was for her to be able to do it with the whole team running and blocking for her, i know she enjoyed that. she even surprised me about how fast she was running. >> and that'll do it for sports. i'm john boruk. enjoy the rest of your weekend. right now on nbc 10 news today, we are following developments out of nepal, where the death toll is rising and the search for survivors continues this morning. a popular day care closes its doors without warning. now parents are scrambling on this sunday morning to find child care before the start of the workweek. a live look down the shore in cape may shows a cloudy start to our sunday but temperatures will warm up higher than yesterday. good morning, welcome back to nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's just a few minutes before 7:00 on this sunday. meteorologist brittney shipp is tracking the cool conditions outside. and brittney you wouldn't know with this weather that may is right around the corner. >> i know, our temperatures have been about 10 degrees below average. today we'll get closer to our average with a 67 for this time of year. take a look at all the clouds this morning. it's a cloudy and cold start, with parts of our area like the lehigh valley still under a frost advisory until 8:00 a.m. temperatures in philadelphia at 49 degrees. 47 in northeast philly. 42 in pottstown. 38 in allentown. and 34 degrees in the poconos. our highs around the area today at 63 in the poconos, 61 in allentown, 63 in mt. holly, 68 in atlantic city. 63 in cape may and temperatures in philadelphia expected to reach a high of 62 degrees today. we could locally see temperatures a bit warmer than that. i'm also tracking a chance of rain in your seven-day forecast and warmer temperatures. i'll go over all the details, coming up.o,#5 new from overnight in bucks county, one person is in the hospital after being hit by a car in street road. this happened at the ramp to i-95 in bensalem before 2:00 this morning. the crash shut down street road for nearly three hours. we're told the driver did stop. there's no word on the condition of the victim. and the accident is under investigation. also new from overnight in philadelphia police are looking for the shooter who hit a man several times, even in the face. the shooting happened along dara street in the frankford section of the city just before midnight. gunfire struck the victim in the chin, neck and back. rate now that man is in extremely critical condition. this morning, we have new video of the rescue operation following the deadly earthquake in nepal. survivors are still being pulled from the rubble of buildings, more than 24 hours after the magnitude 7.8 quake. right now, the death toll stands at more than 2,100 people and that number continues to rise. this morning a 6.7 magnitude aftershock jolted the area sending people running into the streets, but right now there are no reports of any deaths related to that aftershock. if you would like to help with disaster relief just go to the nbc 10 news app, we've got some more information there, including a list of organizations contributing to the effort. coming up in our next half hour, we'll hear from a local man with ties to nepal about how he plans to help out. today, administrators at a now-closed montgomery county day care will help parents find other options for their kids. this all comes after the sudden closure of the goddard school in blue bell montgomery county. nbc 10's katy zachary is live in blue bell with more on this. katy? >> reporter: rosemary, this is not something parents wanted to go into the weekend worrying about. late yesterday, we did get word from goddard school management that they will help families find other day care options. and for those families with absolutely no place to turn the school says it will provide free care for one week. but a week worth of care doesn't really cut it for most of these families who tell us on late friday, they were told their which i would child's school is closing for good. at least, about a hundred young kids out of day care and out of the classroom. some of these parents have paid up-front tuition. most of them have no other child care coverage for monday and most say this is a major disruption to their lives and their kids' lives. >> it's really not fair to her. she'll have new teachers and new friends next week an


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