In a groundbreaking achievement that has captured international attention, Oiza Sadiq, a young and tenacious talent from Kogi State, Nigeria, has shattered glas
When Peace Itimi started working remotely from Nigeria, she promised herself she would stay in Nigeria, until the Lekki toll gate killing scared her out of her wits. Today, Itimi has spent 9 months away from Nigeria but doesn’t miss the country.
Recognition for Rootcode founder Daily News (via HT Media Ltd.)
Founder and CEO of Rootcode Labs Wins ‘ICT Entrepreneur of the Year’ Award at The National ICT Awards 2020
Founder and CEO of Rootcode Labs Alagan Mahalingam was named ‘ICT Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the National ICT Awards (NBQSA 2020) which was held at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall recently.
The gala awards ceremony was organised by the Sri Lankan chapter of the British Computer Society (BCS) – The Chartered Institute for IT – for the 23rd consecutive year, with the main aim of providing international recognition for the outstanding achievements of Sri Lankan people and organisations. The annual competition seeks to improve the standard and quality of local ICT products and services to facilitate their entry into the international market. National participants of the NBQSA are further nominated for the Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA).