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would assassinate me in or around the capitol. >> basham is accused of illegally having a weapon, handgun found. a trailer was used to transport a handful of useable explosives found at his home yesterday. they were taken to the bomb squad's special facility where they were detonated. officers will remain here overnight because it is an active crime scene. in the meantime, he is scheduled to be arraigned in santa clara county superior court tomorrow. reporting live in santa clara, marianne favaro, nbc bay area news. >> thanks you. we have more news about accused killer christopher dorner. late this afternoon the test results were announced. it was indeed dorner's charred body found inside the cabin in big bear. we also learned more about the last moments of that standoff. a source close to the manhunt told los angeles times that s.w.a.t. team feared that more officers could be killed if the gun fight wasn't over before sunset. that's why they tossed the highly flammable canisters into the cabin. a san jose man is accused of plotting to bomb a bank. he made a brief appearance in federal court today. the first since his arrest last friday. investigators say he did not know his accomplice was an undercover fbi agent. the judge postponed the hearing after his attorney cited his history of mental illness as a reason for a competency evaluation. the investigative unit uncovered that the suspect previously served a year in jail for possessing illegal weapons. the assault rifle and banana clips were legally purchased in arizona but are illegal in california. a bay area elementary school shut down today while police investigate a murder there. hillside elementary was closed after a young man was shot and killed on campus around 8:45 last night. deputies responded to the 911 call and found the man, 18 or 19 years old, lying in the school field, bleeding from a bullet wound. he died later at eden medical center. almedia county sheriff's office hasn't yet identified. he may have been shot over a game of dice. counsellors will be on hand tomorrow in case any students want to talk about what happened here. >> the school is a safe place for them. we don't want them to be afraid to come to school. we take all possible precautions to keep them safe. and we do what we can. these type of events tend to happen at night when student are not here. >> the school says the fences were locked. no arrest has been made. >> police need your help located a burglary suspect. we have surveillance video from the scene. it was taken during early morning hours last friday, february 8th. the suspect is seen on the front porch a of a home. when the coast is clear he eventually climbs up and there you see it, steals the camera. if you have any information you are urged to call police in pleasant hill. >> san francisco police need help catching three men who smashed cases of a jewelry store. the men were part of an alleged crime spree spreading several weeks since mid january. >> police want it know if a robbery last night is related to a string of robberies. a woman in her 50s was beaten and thrown to the ground then a man took off with her purse. police released this sketch last week of man believed to be responsible for two other incidents. one on ramona street. the other on cam lin drive. in each case, the robber add similar description. today inspiration turned into shock. south african gold medallist oscar pistorius is charged with killing his girlfriend. his girlfriend, model reev reeva steenkamp was found this morning. he became one of most famous athletes if the world. dubbed blade runner because of his high-tech prosthetics, he is a double amputee. a spokeswoman confirmed previous reports of domestic disturbances at his home. >>. [ inaudible ] >> i'm not going to elaborate -- [ inaudible ] >> the prosecution says pistorius will appear in court tomorrow morning. the story, you might recall, he won two gold medals and a silver medal at the olympics in london. coming very close to shore now, those passengers are finally getting cell service and we are seeing more images from inside the crippled vessel. we have a live report as the ship is coming home. >> plus, set lord of the rings and is finding they are cred precious in the world of science and astronomy. meet the man who is literally finding new moons. a story that will make the bay area proud. >> and politically charged flash mob. inside after bay area prison. we talked to the man who started it all. >> and good afternoon. i'm jeff live at at&t park where the giants stepped up to the plate to give a little love tonight, to an organization that spreads all year long. we will talk more about this grand event and why it is on the field of at&t park. plus, your forecast in just a few minutes. everybody's getting into it. life behind bars did not stop. dozens of san francisco jail inmates are sending a musical message about domestic violence. male and female inmates took part in a choreographed number pf identical performances across the world are raising awareness of domestic violence issues. inmates had just one rehearsal before dancing together to a song called "break the chain". they described the chance to dance for a cause, liberating. >> made my heart feel good. you know, i got sisters, i got cousins, i have friends, a lot of friends abused by people, by men especially. you know, i would like to see that change. >> san francisco sheriff who pled guilty to a domestic violence charge invited the group into the jails. he wasn't invited to take part in the city's official domestic violence event today. this is a vacation they will never forget for all the wrong reasons. more than 4,000 people just looking for a clean bathroom and fresh food. a nightmare scenario but it is almost over. that crippled cruise ship is now within eye shot of the shoreline. we bring in nbc bay area's jay gray who joins us from mobile, alabama. that's where the ship is toed in at a snail's pace. this is a bizarre story. what's the latest? >> roger, it keeps getting worse. look, imagine the passengers right now, they can see the shoreline, just can't get to it yet. that has to be frustrating. as they were moving at a pace of about seven miles an hour, the tow rope breaks and they will finally be in, hopefully, fingers crossed, sometime after midnight. even then it is a difficult go once they finally make it back to the terminal here. they are the first clear signs of desperation on board. pleas for help painted on bet sheets as triumph creeps into mobile bay. >> this is by far the largest cruise ship that ever docked the port of mobile. once the ship ties up, we estimate it will take four to five hours to complete debarcation of all of the guests off the ship. >> already four days of suffering for more than 4,000 on the ship. >> i know the sewer is backing up and water is in the cabin. and it is just a nightmare. >> their fear and frustration shared in short phone calls or text messages to loved ones back home. >> we are all together and in tears. everyone is overwhelmed. >> the 14-story, 100,000 ton ship sometimes tossed by violent seas, with no power to stabilize or steer. >> all you see is sky. just on the other side, all you see is water. that's how bad it was tilted at one time. >> as it is pulled through the narrow channel, at least 100 family members gathered at the port in mobile. anger and frustration growing. along with the wait extended because of difficulty getting the ship to port. >> if you are going to take responsibility for 4,000 people, you need to be sure that you your equipment is in good working order. >> for some, the tension has now turned to tears. >> this has been hard. it's been horrible. >> horrible for those waiting and so much worse for those still stranded out on the water tonight. >> and we're talking about 4,000 people when you combine the passengers and crew members. they are going to be on this ship, trapped now until sometime after midnight into the early morning hours of friday and understand wups they make it to the port here, once they are in, it will take four to five hours to disembark everyone. only one working elevator. even when they are back, it will take a lot of time and be a difficult go. i'm jay gray, back to you now. >> a lot of people to unload. i'm sure they are so excited to get back it land. thanks, jay. >> yes. >> in health matters with, changing a mother's blood comprehension could help when she is older. post menopausal women who had blood more likely to clot had matter in the brain. this can tleed memory problems and increase of stroke. preventing clotting in women could be a way to stop the progression of white matter and prevent serious memory and thinking issues in advanced age. >> okay, if you follow space exploration, you may have heard of kep lar, outside of our solar system. >> we are learning so much these days about the rest of the universe, it is easy to find out we don't know much about space. nbc bay area's gordon thomas has more. >> walter cronkite was talking about how scientist using data from the voyager mission had discovered a ring around jupiter. little did mark know that just a few years later he with use that same data to make his own discovery and far from his last. his desire now, to share some of his glory with the rest of us, is tonight's bay area proud. >> the view from outside mark showwalter's window in mountain view is nice enough. >> what we are seeing here -- >> as far as he is concerned, it is nothing compared to what is on his computer screen. >> maybe you can see the little thing left over right there. >> now, don't worry if you can't spot it right away. mark has a knack for spotting things in our solar system no one else has ever seen before. >> i'm a very much a visual scientist. >> he is working at nasa and now studying, mark has an impressive list of discoveries under his belt. the rings around jupiter. multiple rings and planets circli circli cirque uranis and now around pluto. one of mark's great skills seems to be his ability to strip away all of the visual noise that comes with taking pictures in space. and revealing what is hitten beneath. he also has a great instinct for knowing what to look for and where. like when he found a new moon orbiting saturn. >> i told my spouse that morning, i'm going to be looking for a moon near saturn today. so then i called home and said, guess what i did today? i found a moon around saturn. >> that no one had ever seen? >> that no one had ever seen. >> mark has been privileged to name many of them. a privilege he decided to share with the rest of us. remember those two moons orbiting pluto? right now they are calls p4 and p5. now a chance for the rest of us to share in mark's latest discovery, one unlikely to be his last. >> two moons in two years for me, that's pretty exciting. >> likely to take part in the vote on my facebook page. garvin thomas bay area. they have a list of names and who, of course, william shatner tweets mark and has another couple suggestions. one was vulkan. >> william shatner, come on. he has his fingers in everything. >> at at&t park for hearts after dark. a great event, tell us about it, jeff, it looks beautiful out there. >> i know. it is hard to even tell we are at at&t park. don't you agree? back here behind me. >> yes. >> i know, they totally transformed it. we are standing right now on center field and you know maybe you've given your loved one here on valentine's day some sort of token of love. san francisco giants spread their love, lending the entire outfield to this event. hearts after dark. there is a flurry of activity banning here behind me as they continue to get set up. it starts at 7:30 tonight and it is all for an incredible cause. if fact, joining us right now we do have stephanie with san francisco general hospital foundation and stephanie, i have never seen an event on a baseball field tonight. if there is any event deserving of this incredible mix of environment, it is your foundation. tell us about what is happening. >> first of all, hearts after dark is an amazing event to benefit the hospital and commerce center which is the only level one trauma center here in in the city and a hospital for people without insurance. >> really raising every single dollar you can tonight is of utmost importance pour the san francisco community. >> yes, it is. money we raise tonight helps fund programs so when you that wouldn't get funded otherwise. that help patients and families. >> i saw on line, one in eight people would be effected and need some sort of trauma center help. and the event likely unfortunately is sold out for tonight. but stephanie, you are telling me people can go onien and donate. >> absolutely. can you good on the website and make a donation right now if you like. >> all right. >> in support of the foundation and we would just be thrilled. on valentine's day, a perfect gift for us. >> thank you so much, stephanie. we appreciate you coming out. let's look at weather graphics. mother nature showing us love. you can help support this incredible cause as well mp here is a look at air quality. and pollen causing big time problems. if you've been out video soob with you know what we are talking about. head stuffy and watery eyees. it will get bad over the next 36 hours. let's see what you will find here. for tonight temperatures in mid to upper 30s. cold and patchy fog in the north bay. tomorrow, daytime highs will be nice and warm. with plenty of upper 60s to low 70s. the event again at san francisco general hospital foundation happening tonight here at at&t park. and you can go to their website and check that out. clear here with temperatures in the low to mid 50s. and incredible cause that you want to check out their website. on that seven-day forecast, what you will find is plenty of shines as we head throughout this upcoming weekend. a lot of love tonight, but i think my love, my luck is running out. they have to get everything set up. i hear these guys are kind of anxious to get this chair. i don't know. looks like i'm out of here. bye. >> see you later. >> buster posey just texted and said, don't mess up the field. >> exactly. >> more pennies for your pop. a new soda tax in california is gaining steam. those details just ahead. updating you on breaking news we told but at the top of the newscast. we are following a double shooting. reports after double shooting in east san jose. our chopper is above the scene. you see police officers down below. a man and woman shot in east san jose. right near overfelt high school on the east side of town. we continue to follow the story. we will give you updates as they warrant in this newscast and coming up at 6:00. a new poll finds california voters see a strong link between obesity and sugary soda drinks and they support efforts to fight the problem. according to a field poll, 75% of voters agree that drinking sewed why regularly increasees a person's chance of becoming overweight. but only 42% have the same opinion of energy drinks like red bulls. despite scientific research which links sugar sweetened sports and energy drinks with obesity. the survey shows 68% of voters favor taxing sugar beverages if proceeds are used to improve school nutrition and pe programs. we are back in a moment. stay with us. [ male announcer ] tender sirloin and a succulent lobster tail... for an incredible $16.99. share the love this valentine's, with sizzler's steak & lobster. she made me promise to get back in time for our date tonight. that's important. that's important. i've already got a gift. got the flowers. flowers are easier because i got this rose garden. >> good sense of humor on this valentine's day. the president probably on his date right now with the first lady. >> exactly. >> have a nice valentine's day. see you at 6:00. >> good night. on our broadcast here tonight, the nightmare at sea. high drama and now a painfully slow ride to shore for thousands trapped aboard the crippled carnival cruise ship. several setbacks in the rescue mission, passengers becoming increasingly desperate. tonight our first look at what it's like inside. charged with murder. the shocking news we woke up to this morning. one of the most inspiring stars of the olympic games, the "blade runner," oscar pistorius accused of killing his girl friend. what really happened inside his heavily fortified home. the gift of sight. a big medical breakthrough tonight. the amazing way doctors are restoring vision to the blind. and a big change in the air. two big names announce they're merging to form the world's biggest airline. less competition, fewer choices. will it mean higher ticket prices for everyone who flies? "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. tonight the carnival cruise line vessel "triumph" with 4,200 souls on board is slowly making its way into port in mobile, alabama. and for those poor souls on board, conditions are miserable. they have dealt with sewage, food shortages and no circulating air. people are hungry and dirty and even when the vessel reaches the dock, it won't be over. it will take hours to disembark. and the process they are hoping


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