Kanishak Kataria and three others from Rajasthan are among the top 10 candidates clearing the civil services examination 2018. While Kataria, a B-Tech from IIT Bombay, topped the examination, Akshat Jain, an engineering graduate from IIT Guwahati, Shreyansh Kumath and Shubham Gupta secured second, fourth and and sixth ranks, respectively.
Kanishak Kataria, a B Tech from IIT Bombay, has topped the civil services final examination, results of which were announced by the UPSC on Friday, while Srushti Jayant Deshmukh is the topper among women candidates securing an overall fifth rank.
CGPSC Result 2019: Chhattisgarh PSC mains result 2019 declared on psc.cg.gov.in – Direct link - CGPSC Written Exam Result for State Service Mains Exam 2019 was declared on August 14, 2021.