Three junior Nordic skiers from Grand County qualified for the Rocky Mountain Division Junior Nationals Ski Team last week. To do so they skied in the top of their age divisions against club ski teams.
Sunday saw some great race conditions on Grand Lake, and there’s plenty more competitive fun to come in the next few months. Grand Lake Skate Races Jan. 29 The light fluff of new snow was.
Once again, the sun was bright and chilly day was perfect for the Snow Mountain Ranch Annual Classic race last Saturday, Jan. 14. The same course was used for the classic race that was used.
The snows have not disappointed and Shawn, the Snow Mountain Ranch groomer, has taken full advantage. The grooming for the Snow Mountain Ranch Skate Race on Saturday was excellent for over 100 racers in the 15K.
Nature keeps teasing us! We get 2 inches one day, 3 the next, then a sunny or windy day! But it is all starting to pile up. Some areas around Winter Park and Fraser already have.