I have used the search facility here, but most results are quite old. I would really appreciate some more up-to-date suggestions from my go-to source of reliab…
Laurels Healthy Living Centre now run by American company?
This article in today s
Guardian raises the question of how many GP surgeries in our area are now being run by a US based company, Centene Corp:
I see that, for example, St.Ann s Road Surgery, or the Laurels, is owned by AT Medics, which has been taken over by Operose Health, a UK subsidiary of Centene Corp.
More on this story below
Permalink Reply by John D on February 28, 2021 at 6:47
Having seen the many negative comments on here about the standard of service at the Laurels, perhaps this will be a good thing and we can look forward to an improved health centre.
Morrisons et al
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Not notice any real increases in basic food
Notice Fruit is slightly higher
Believe some have returned to price charged before Covid
Export prices will rise as do all price in time.
Joys of increased running costs / rates etc
Commodity prices have been on a tear.
Corn is up 140% on the year, soybean oil is up 150%, lumber up 400%, copper at all time highs, pork near 20yr highs etc.
Inflation is here and it s going to hit hard.