conference call with spiritual royalty, and at the end i had a sense that bob knew he was cared for by a great shepard, so i would like to toss in another verse. psalm 23, verse 4. even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil for you are with me. your rod and your staff, they
comfort me. i believe my beloved brother in christ knew he was cared for by a great shepard. a shepherd who said, in john 10-11, i am the good shepard. the good shepard gives his life for the sheep. bob was a covert spiritual agent. he did not wear his religion on his sleeves. he resonated with the sentiment of francis preached the gospel everywhere you go when
necessary, use words. [laughter] he believed the sentiment of edgar guest. i would rather than your your sermon any day. i d rather it should walk with me than merely tell the way. this covert, spiritual agent believed that he was cared for by a great shepard who left the chance of and a rainbow encircled, and a lamb where night never and a land where night never comes, to see about job, to see about you, to see about me.
i had the experience of having a conference call with spiritual royalty. at the end, i had a sense that bob knew he was cared for by a great shepard. i would like to toss in another verse, psalm 23, verse 4. even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for you are with me. your rod and your staff, they