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Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20180730 21:00:00

the oval office, president trump declined to weigh in on the russia investigation. at a news conference with the italian prime minister -- >> do you feel betray ed by michael cohen, sir? >> a question about cohen and no response. instead, the president unloaded in his usual safe space where there are no questions, on twitter, tweeting there is no collusion and slamming the russia investigation with a personal attack taz robert mueller rigged witch hunt and just after the president was tweeting there was no collusion, his outside lawyer was claiming on cnn that collusion isn't a crime. >> which i don't know if that's a crime. colluding about russians. you tart analyzing the crime. the hacking is crime. >> add about that, the president relied on his aides. >> if there's no collusion -- >> there's no crime in collusion. >> giuliani suggested the special counsel may have a conflict and couldn't say what it is. >> you have to hear the conflict. not the president. >> i can't tell you. not sure. >> the former mayor railed against cohen for secretly recording the president. >> he's a scum bag, a horrible person. never heard of a lawyer taping his client. zpl giuliani is blasting a trial that's about to begin for paul manafort, argue iing the case i being used as leverage to take down the president. >> just a big fish, the reason they got manafort in solitary confinement so he'll give up donald trump or a russia p. >> instead of answering questions, mr. trump returned to a pet issue for his base, immigration. again threatening a government shutdown if he country get what he wants. >> i would have no problem doing a shutdown. the it's time we had proper border security. prz we're the laughing stock of A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. it's important because of a new allegation from michael cohen, the president's former lawyer and fixer. sources tell cnn that cohen is is ready to testify to the special counsel that mr. trump did know in advance that his son and campaign officials planned to meet with russians. who said they had dirt on hillary clinton and that they knew it bf they stepped in. trump has repeatedly denied knowing about meeting until a year later s. >> wasn't at the meeting. >> howdown the president wasn't? didn't know? >> because i'll you why. because cohen you know, he goes too r far. when you're lying, tlas trap for you. he said there was a one-on-one meeting that donald jr. came in and told him about it was about to take place. didn't happen. >> his bewildering media blitz today followed a series today. >> he's a scum bag. >> tcohen's lawyer release add secret recording made before the 2016 election, between cohen and then candidate trump in which the two discussed payment concern iing affair with karen mcdoogal. ami was doing a catch and kill. the president and his aides have denied both the affair and any payment. >> when it comes time for the financing -- b sxwl we'll have to pay. >> rudy giuliani is now asserting that the recording was cut off and may have been doctored. he also confirmed the existence of more tapes but claims there's just one with the president on it. >> i see thhim plying, deceivin everybody he talked to. trying to explain a possible meeting that reporters asked him about and what's confusing it wasn't clear whether he was knocking down that possibility. or clarifying what that meeting was about. now if you look at this most cent statement from donald trump jr.'s lawyer, it appears they're trying to be the final word, saying they stick by donald trump jr.'s public statements which have been that he never let his father know in advance about this meeting in trump tower. of course t question do other witnesses to that gree. >> it's significant because he did answer questions before congressal committees behind closed doors and if you lie, that's crime. we'll see what happens on that front. thank you very much. joining us now, democratic congressman of california. he's a member of the armed services committee. congressman thank so much for joining us. >> i don't know if it's good to be with you, wolf. with giuliani. he parses words and often misses the main point. the main point is if you're working with russia to influence an election, that can be collusion. but if you're doing that, you're also involved in a conspiracy and the crime is foreign government involvement in an american election. >> giuliani seems to be b trying to move the move the goal post. do you think the president's team is laying the ground work for new revelations which might point toward some sort of involvement? >> apparently, he was very, very clear. he's trying to get ahead of the stories out there. the breaking news if you would. and yeah, there's probably going to be a lot of breaking news, a lot of stories, so he's like vietnam scrambling to get ahead of it and in doing so, he creates more news. it's really a strange, strange way to protect your client. >> let's turn to another top story. the president reiterating his l wlingness to shut down the federal government. he may need support from democrats in order to get that done. should your party engage with the white house on this in order to avoid a shutdown? >> well, we have and we will. absolutely. we don't want a shutdown. we never have. we've not been responsible. the responsibility lies within the republican caucus, which was deeply divided and the solution getting the government up and run ining has always relied on more democrats than republicans to do that. so yes, we absolutely will negotiate exactly where the negotiations go remains to be seen. 25 billion for a big, beautiful wall doesn't make any sense to anybody, whoever we know there needs to be border security. there are fences that need to be maintained, repaired. some needed to be b added. we have a wall. not sure if it's beautiful, but we have one in the san diegoty wa na area. it can be improou nd certain areas. yes and the rest of the equipment. how about drones, surveillance. men and women that are protect ing the borders. necessary. and we need to have a comprehensive immigration reform. all of the pieces of it. >> at today's news conference with the italian prime minister, the president said he'd be willing to immediate with the iranian leadership without any preconditions. ready to meet anymore, anywhere. is that a good idea? >> no. it certainly isn't. we saw what happens he was willing to meet with putin. without any preconditions. and in just a open press conference, we still don't know what those two hours of private discussions were. we do know that the president has really created a crisis with iran. we had the iran nuclear deal that was preventi ining iran fr getting a nuclear weapon anytime soon like within the next 20 years. and. >> reporter: very, very tight controls on what iran was doing. that's all been disripted. i don't know what the president hopes to achieve with that meeting. iran is a very, very bad actor. it's causing problems in syria. in yemen. and probably quite certainly in africa, the horn of africa. all of those are iraq, so if the president is going to sit down with them without preconditions, he must think he's a genius because if he thinks he can pull off a meeting with supreme leader of iran without any prore discussions, good luck. >> not sure he wants to meet with the sprum leader, but president rohuhani seems to be open to have that meeting. kept saying at the joint event with the italian prime minister today when he was answering questions he would meet without any preconditions. we're going to have more on this later. the secretary of state said the it's a good idea for them to meet, but then outlined three specific preconditions. more on that coming up. congressman, thanks so much for joining us. >> always. thank you. >> up next, the president steps up his attacks on the special counsel, robert mueller, and the russia investigation. so why does that there soom to be panic to his tweets? and the president says hooe ready to shut down the federal government if he doesn't get money for his border wall. is he setting up a showdown? sfrz (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority. until i held her. i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. 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when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance. and still get great coverage for you and your family. call for a free quote today. you could save $782. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ . president trump may be setting aup showdown with leaders. he's considering a shutdown if he doesn't get his border wall and other immigration issues. joining us now in his first interview since leaving the white house, and new cnn political commentator, mark short. welcome to cnn. this is big news. the president says he's willing to consider a shutdown. he said i would have no problem doing a shutdown. you know the republican leadership of the housescared. >> i don't think anybody does. what the president is saying he campaigned on a promise to secure boarder. looking for a board wall, too. the president's plan is put forward by the rear officer,st the it's not a political document. to secure wit a fence. in many case, it's recognized you can't put the wall from california to theo rio grande river. democrats have supported that before. unfortunately politics. >> i understand his goal, what he's been doing in the campaign. since the campaign, he believes in all of this, but is he really prepared to shut down the federal government and what that means for tens of millions if not 100 million people out there for all sorts of services. >>? i think there are hurricanes of millions. there's two different timetables here. one is september 30th, which i fully expect you'll have a continuing resolution. it gets us to december. not before the midterms or in december. >> there are a lot f things i'm unhappy about in this bill. we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military we were forced to have. there are some things we want in the bill. i say to congress i will never have another big like this. >> he may have no choice. what you're suggesting, they wait until the end of the year and have to sign an omnibus. no president should have to sign a bill like that. it is a broken process and i think he's expressing his frustration with that. ideally, congress will pass multiple smaller bills. it's a smaller bill that will focus on homeland security and the president can make his case clearly to the american people. this is what a campaigned on, what you elected me for. it's a smaller bill that's focused really on homeland security. >> that's a possibility, but what if it's not. what if he need to sign another omnibus spending bill like he did the last time and he has no choice. if you can get individual bills passed, you're not going to have a giant omnibus. >> so we should take the threat seriously. >> we should, but it's more so toward towards december. >> you're a budget deficit hawk and take a look at this. the federal budget deficit was 584. we're talking about next year, a 1 trillion dll budget deficit. because of all the huge spending that's going on during the trump administration and the reduced revenue coming in. is this what the republicans ran on to have a new deficit? >> no, but one, revenues have increased despite of the tax code. >> why is this republican leadership of the house and the senate and republican investment spending a lot more raising the national debt. >> the president's budget he put forward balanced the budget in ten years. the problem has been we cannot to do the same this congress. we need nine democrats to walk over. in order to rewild build the military. nobody want these deficits, but what was necessary at the time. we are anxious to make sure the spending continues to go down. you understand what's going on in the west wing of the white house. giuliani today said this whole robert mueller russia investigation has become for the preside president, a major distraction. how much time and effort? you worked with the president chosicale closely on legislative affairs. how much of a distraction has this been for president trump? >> i think i would say rather than a distraction, it's been a frustration. i think the feels this has been ongoing. >> does this consume a lot of his time? >> sure. a frustration because he feels the investigation has been politically motivated. the fbi agents using the investigation and i think he's frustrated. >> whey doesn't he let it continue and instead of tweeting abt and making personal attacks against robert mueller, continuing this line of attack, this story almost on a daily basis. >> i don't think he feels like he's getting a fair shake in the mainstream media. so he's going to look to make sure his points. >> he's president of the united states has to say these awful things by name of robert mealer. >> if i could come on your show all day long, it would never get as much as the president weighing in. he knows that. he's going to weigh in himself. he feels this is very personal. >> thanks coming in. coming up, president trump prufr won't say if he feels betrayed his bimichael cohen. but he's stepping up his personal attack on the special counsel. and he's lashing out frantically against the russia investigation. is he worried? and the president lawyer goes after michael cohen in a confusing and contradictory series of attacks. is he throwing up a smoke skroen? it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. smarter sleep will change your life. prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? 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>> is that there's a reference and you referred to him as the president's poernl attorney. this is a public relations campaign. the president's publicist, also the president's conspiracy theory in chief person. so the reality is that it's part of the underlying effort to distort, distract, mislead and that's a b b problem. wha dusz collusion mean? that people are engaging in an effort together. you have to understand the nature is to attack, attack, attack. when you work with a foreign power, that will constitute a crime. a crime to defraud the government of the united states in the event you slis it from a foreign power. is value. that would be a crime. in the event there are campaign violations, that's crime. he should call the facts the facts and stop publicizing. inning that's what he's doing. >> what is giuliani getting at with these latest sort of confusing statement ss confusing statement statements? >> the context of this, a cowell couple of thing, one is you have the question about michael cohen and what you know this meeting with don jr. where he tells the president about this et cetera sh r et cetera. then you have the context of they're in the middle of dpoeshuating with bob mueller and they're not hearing back from him much about what if anything, need to hear from the presidential and so i think they're frustrates by that. this has been going on for months and months and months and the president does have other lawyers who are the ones doing the talking to the special counsel. hooegs trying to diffuse because it seems to me that if cohen is ready to talk about the president in a dirnt kay, than he has in the past? that may be something they're worried about. fearing it's a big revelation that's about to come up. >> this president has been in office 18 months. say 15 of those, 4 of those. so for his personal lawyer, face of his legal team to come out and say collusion is not really the issue, well, someone should, reid giuliani should tell trump about that. i think that gloria's confusion is really important. we're going to have ours. and we'll put them pfotenhauer out and see what people agree with. giuliani and trump sort of rode pr rode show. that's what they'll do. that's what this is all aimed at. it's aimed at trying to no matter what mueller finds and more nervous about it today than a few months ago to say angry democrats, partisan investigation and to put up their own version of events. >> samantha, i'm curious to get your sense on giuliani's performance. >> i think if he's donald trump's publicist, he needs a new one because he's terrible at it. he can't even keep the facts straight when he goes from one interview to the other. he contradicts himself consistently and at this point i think we have to assume this improv is just an attempt to flood is cohn with nonsense. imagine how embarrassing it is for the presidency, that this is is guy that the president has chosen as his person lawyer. we had the italian prime minister visiting today and the president saying he'd mooe meet with iran and the world the watching and looking at julian going on his routine on television and knowing that president trump has identified this man as his personal lawyer. humiliating. >> to sam's point, you can't reiterate it enough. he was not good at all with allison. the reason he keeps being put out there is because donald trump thinks, he's doing what donald trump wants. we know for a fact he wasn't, he wouldn't be on the tv. >> stand by. more breaking news. we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back. named 'park' in the u.s. ninety-six hundred roads it's america's most popular street name. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? 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>> i guess it is. it roveinvolves money. if it were that contentious, why would he interview him to be head of the fbi? and comey and mueller are not close friends. >> and donald trump's, his attorney general recused himself. his deputy attorney general is -- who picked bob mueller. it's not as though bob mueller's chief apointeded himself. like oh k this is my way to get back at donald trump. rod rosenstein picked him so the timing is immaterial unless donald trump thinks the entire justice department is out to get him and that's why mueller was hired. >> by the way, are we sure that bob mueller wanted to be the fbi director or was doing it as a courtesy? >> what do you make of the president now blasting mueller by name, repeatly, over these last couple of days. >> i make of it exactly what i make of the president's strategy fr wfrom day one, which is to distract and defend and deflect and to do that. here's the reality. this is as much legal as it is political and vice versa. the fact is that you get the american people to understand and come to the notion that the president's being undermined, that this is unfair, it's improper, inappropriate, you're going to believe that. then you have to look at the polls which subject maybe it is unfair. so i would say to the american people in looking and evalwapting to americans, keep your eyes on the prize. it's not about whether someone melted crayons on the radiator two years ago, it's about what the evidence establishes, so therefore, the president will continue to attack the investigation and attack and understo undermine and swing hard about golf course fees and all these things. it's about the evidence coming from the special council. that's it. anything else is a distortion and just not fair. >> very quickly on another issue, the president said he's willing to meet with president rohuhani of iran without any preconditions anywhere, any place. what do you think? >> i think that mike pompeo probably grimace ed because the state department has laid out a 12 step plan. appears the president understcu the state department. kim jong-un did. putin did. for potentially malign reason, rouhani probably doesn't because he feels like the united states has sold him out on this iran deal. >> pompeo said he's with the president, except he then laid out three specific preconditions that the iranian have to agree to before this. any meetings, said the iranian must demonstrate a commitment to make fundamental changes. reduce their maligned behay. they cjavier. they can axwree it's worthwhile there must be a nuclear agreement that prevents proliferation, so pompeo lays out three conditions. more news we're following including the deadly wildfires. one man's wife and great grandchildren died as he rushed home trying to save them. i'm a fighter. always have been. when i found out i had age-related macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision. also, in a great-tasting chewable. why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. pour it through brita's two-stage filter. dissolved solids remain? 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