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Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20140107

as a state issue. e maritalld th status be for those who married the two weeks before the policy was put in place? democrats can call at (202) 737-0001. it republicans at (202) 737-0002 . independents at (202) 628-0205. on can catch up with us twitter, facebook, or e-mail us. good tuesday morning to you. we want to start by showing you some headlines from utah papers this morning. "the spectrum." same-sex marriages put on hold. the headline from "the herald. i will read you a bit from the salt lake tribune this morning. that story by brooke adams. u.s. supreme court on monday put same-sex marriages in utah on hold. banning such marriages are unconstitutional. the state say application was mayor.with justice sota clerks in utah will no longer be able to issue marriage license to same-sex couples. it is not immediately clear what the order means for couples who have already been married. that is the story from "the salt lake tribune." today.alking with you comments are coming in on our facebook pages. april rights and that she does not care that the government should play no role in marriage. leave it up to the states. something thatis mportant. that in porto we will be checking back there and on twitter as well this morning. our phone lines are open. .emocrats (202) 737-0001 republicans (202) 737-0002. ts (202) 628-0205. some questions about what will happen. it is not clear what will happen to those couples if the case is overturned. another unanswered question, what happens to couples who received marriage licenses but have not yet married? those are some of the questions being posed by "usa today." the argument put forth by the state of utah, the articles from the washington times this morning talks about the arguments in that case. gary herbert thanked the supreme court for what he called "the correct decision." "i firmly believe this is a state rights issue, and i will work to defend the position of the people and our state constitution." that story also noted that about 1000 same-sex marriages were performed in utah since the december 20 ruling and it was not immediately clear what will happen to those couples. limbo.e now in a legal that is the lead story in several of the papers today. it is the subject that we will be talking about for the first 45 minutes or so here on "the washington journal." phone lines are open. alex is in minneapolis, minnesota. good morning to you. hi there. it is discrimination all the way. we all know it. gay people pay taxes like everyone else. this is just purely bigotry and prejudice. nothing more, nothing less. gay -- this is nothing more. this is pure hatred of gay and lesbians. this is about money. host: what do you think happens were marrieds who since december 20 in utah? legallythey are married and the states and the federation has an obligation to respect that marriage and make sure that they get all the benefits. this is going to be all over the country soon. there is no doubt about it. the supreme court is eventually going to have to weigh in. this is a yo-yo. it is going back and forth. it is ridiculous. , but itople got married is not valid? come on. it is really ridiculous. what has happened to us? look at this country. several comments already coming in on our twitter page. benefits butual leave the marriage title to a union between a man and a woman. sam writes in that they have the right to be as miserable as the rest of you. we're talking about gay marriage , specifically the supreme court's action yesterday. phone lines are open for viewers. james is waiting on our line for democrats. host: good morning. caller: good morning. because back this -- sooner orys, later, all hell is going to break loose because there is no such thing as where a man should marry a man or a woman should marry a woman. he made man and then created a woman from man for that purpose. you are calling in for our -- on our line for democrats. you obviously disagree with the majority of the democrats on this issue. absolutely disagree. it is an abomination. host: you are a democrat? caller: i am a democrat. host: who do you think is leading the fight on this issue? caller: hopefully it is not our president. i don't know. even if it is him, he is wrong and he should wait. --body should be able to the washington post today has a map of the united states with a chart of same-sex marriage status across the united states. there allowtates same-sex marriage. the lighter states limits marriage to couples. we're talking about utah and the decision yesterday by the stop same-sexto marriage in utah. we are getting your thoughts and comments this morning via twitter and facebook. gregg is waiting in chattanooga, tennessee. caller: first time caller. thatncern about it is marriage is considered some type and if a man and woman enter it knowing that the procreation and creating a child is the situation, it can't be considered the same as a gay marriage could be. that's greg from chattanooga, tennessee. --e background on wire these where these marriages came from. the washington post story on this. the rush for marriage license oner robert shelby ruled december 20 that utah's ban on same-sex unions violated constitutional legalities protecting due process. marriage saying that is between a man and a woman. that is in the washington post. the story also notes some background on judge shelby. he was appointed by president obama and endorsed by utah's to conservative republican senators. first federal judge to rule that the courts reasoning means that a case state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage cannot stand. to supreme court's decision strike down dom a was based on the liberty of individuals to form enter me -- intimate relationships without being demeaned. richard is waiting in massachusetts on our line for independents. i am totally against same-sex marriage. if these people have to be sick. it is not a constitutional right for a man to marry a man. that is garbage. it should be eliminated. it put these people out on an island and let them do what they want. sickness and these people should be taken out and put on an island and let them do what they want. thank you. colorado onl is in our line for independents. it is all getting on aed up in homophobia personal level. they wrap it into religion so they can have a legal challenge to it. i think it is basically homophobia and bigotry. they try to wrap their religion we have a separation of church and state. it should be more of a libertarian issue. you can sign a contract with anyone you want at any time. host: what do you think happens now to the 900 couples who are married since december 20 out in utah? caller: i think it will probably be like california where you have previous couples that were married before the injunction. i have no idea. thing legal up in the air . the new york times article on the story, precedents from california both ways on the question of what is to be done when later developments cast a shadow on same-sex marriages. in 2004, the california supreme court declared void thousands of licenses issued. it upheld proposition eight. we will read more from that. the debate that we are hearing this morning also playing out among members by congress -- of congress. here is jackie speer, a democrat out of california. utah law demeans the dignity of same-sex couples for no rational reason. er.t is jackie spei pageites in on his twitter that the supreme court halts "lawless" utah gay marriages. that thean alan writes lgbt community of utah deserves marriage equality now. virginia on our line for democrats. i am a democrat. i have been a democrat my entire life. it my little brother is gay. i believe this is a distraction from a lot of the other things that are going on in our country at the moment. we need to focus our energy on things that are going to make this country better instead of tearing people apart. this is one leading example of how people are opposed to each other instead of working together. host: do you think this is going to become a bigger issue heading into the 2014 congressional ?lections question caller: i hope not. there are bigger issues that we are facing, especially a lot of the ways that we are missing money right now. there is a true opportunity for us to change things. we need to focus on the things that are going to make a true impact and not worry about what other people are doing in their home lives. brian calling them from -- calling in from ashburn, virginia. heather from ohio. good morning. i wanted to just say that i believe this issue it is obviously a political issue -- i think it is more of a psychological situation. there are dynamics of the relationship where i don't see a man and woman who are even married mentally. marriage was not created by the state of ohio. it was not created by our government. it was created by this book called the bible. it is a religious situation. the stages recognizes it. for people to get involved in that and not even have that true bond that the bible talks about and still be married on top of that and get away with it, that is sad. whether it is a man and a man or woman and a man. -- felt like a man in a relationship and a woman. i am the woman. that is all i have to say. host: that is heather calling in from ohio this morning. our phone lines are open. we have about half an hour or so issue. about this it is playing out on our twitter page as well. if you want to follow us on witter. againstrica have laws sinning? isn't sending a human right? right tryhe political to regulate our bedrooms and our families while claiming to be for personal liberty question mar? discrimination against sexual perverts is honorable. that is our subject for our first half hour. this news yesterday of the supreme court halting utah gay marriage. we will get to your phone calls on that subject in a second. we want to point out a little but of other news from around the country. voted to, the senate confirm janet yellen to be the first chairwoman of the federal reserve. here's the story from "the wall street journal." ms. yellen is currently the vice chairwoman of the board of governors. she will become the first woman to lead the central bank and its hundred year history. 11 republicans joined 45 democrats to support janet yellen. she's expected to assume office on february 1. one other story that is leading several of the papers around the country is the ongoing violence in iraq and al qaeda's efforts in iraq. it is a subject that we will be in our lastt segment. we will spend 45 minutes on that subject as an expert on foreign-policy issues from the corporation. here are some headlines from papers around the country. "u.s. walks tightrope by handing arms to iraq." we will talk more about that. here's the story from reuters. about thes iraq insurgent attacks. joe spoke with iraq he prime iraqier -- spoke with the prime minister. it a message he repeated in wither call on monday speaker of the iraqi council of representatives. veterans feel the staying -- the sting. it for david, seeing the images qaeda flags flying over buildings in recent days has been devastating. a silver star for heroism on his 29th birthday fighting as an army staff 2000ant on november 10, four. the article goes on to interview other u.s. service members who fox in that area -- who fought in that area. we are talking about the supreme court halting gay marriage in utah. phone lines are open. the conversation is also going on on twitter and facebook. anna is in maryland. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you. my question is, i do not understand it. i am not against lesbian or gay marriage, but what i'm looking at, if they things asve the same a man and a woman, which one of them can carry a baby for nine months and have the same benefits? that is my question. can't they carry a woman for nine months like a woman carries her child for nine months instead of going to the opposite sex? that's why i think they should stop it. you think of straight families who can't have a child? caller: they go through a process and adopt them because they are man and woman. something is wrong there. host: do you think gay and lesbian couples should be able to adopt? caller: yes. but go through the same process. not just go and have a baby with it,pposite sex -- you adopte but you don't want a man or woman in your life. with couples, they have to go through the process that they cannot have a baby. host: the washington times story on this issue talks about what could happen next at the supreme court after this move yesterday. the court's order makes it almost certain that the question of state power barring same-sex marriages will not be before the justices in the current term. a case issue would have to be granted this month to be reviewed before the court is expected to finish its term in late june. that timeline probably won't be met. so, some issues on the timing, whether or when the supreme court would take up this issue further. pennsylvania. in morning. -- good morning. think the ignorance and intolerance in this country needs to be liberated. people are just angry. these people deserve rights and they have rights like everybody else. it is just a diversion from the facts of what goes on in washington. that is my opinion. we cover nonfiction. we might as well over and on santa claus and the easter bunny. on our line for independents. good morning. caller: i have a couple comments. -- if you fact that are a polygamist in utah, what if a guy says, i have to have more than one wife? i work for company right now where if you are gay and you have a gay lover and they live with you, our insurance company will cover that gay person. but if you are living with your government, you're not. i have a problem with that. when you are gay, you made a choice to be gay. they will say that they did not, but i think they did. whether you are white or hispanic or handicap, you had no choice at all. god made you that way. but we are going to have to address some other issues before we address the gay marriage thing. host: what do you think should utahn to those folks in who actually got married in utah since december 20 before the supreme court's move yesterday? because of point of law, they should be married. i don't know if i'm for gay marriage or not, but by the law, upholding it is the way it works. we will have to live with it. the supreme court makes the rules and they ruled that it was should bey grandfathered in. that is the way to go. after the supreme court ruling, the rest of the people that are not married will have to see where it goes. will probably rule in utah that it is unconstitutional to do that. writes, "last year, the supreme court issued two landmark rulings in favor of same-sex marriage, but sidestepped a larger question about whether bans on marriage equality were inherently unconstitutional. if lower courts offer conflicting or murky opinions on the matter, the supreme court will have an impetus to step in and clear things up a bit. on twitter, or read tweets in, "i think there is too much focus on marriage. it distracts from the poor economy." surely is in louisiana on our line for democrats. caller: good morning. i'm a first-time caller. i am totally disgusted with the subject. we have gone too far into peoples'personal lives. i'm not for or against gay marriage, but i totally feel that our government can't sin.ate you have all kinds of sin. so why do they pick just one particular so-called "sin" that they need t want to regulate questio? it is just a subject to keep us apart and separated. the supreme court -- god almighty runs the supreme court. nine people regulating sin is just not right. we're putting too much focus on this. there's too much going on in this country to be focusing on the bedroom and gay people. god created everything, so why can't gay people be born? role ofu talk about the the supreme court and what you think it should be. what about the argument from the governor that this is a states rights issue and that individual states should be allowed to decide the definition of marriage? caller: the definition of marriage -- if people look up the history of marriage, it is a piece of paper. it was not started by the government. so why is it regulated by the government and the state? started before the state. .t is a total distraction too farrnment is going into the privacy of our homes and our lives. if you're going to call this then, let's make a ban on every sin. shirley is in louisiana. a few other stories we want to point out to you this morning. said onte republican monday that he will not be running for a second term in congress. that opens up a possible democratic pickup opportunity in southeast pennsylvania. that announcement coming yesterday. ron johnson is suing to take away subsidies from lawmakers. exceed turks should not those of citizens regarding health care contributions. ron johnson suit monday to take away his fellow lawmakers' subsidies saying that staff must enter the obamacare marketplace and should not get financial perks that regular americans cannot obtain. 's notes that senator johnson lawsuit drew fire from both parties. he called it an unfortunate political stunt. committed tos repealing obamacare, but the employer contribution is nothing more than a standard benefit that most private and all federal employees receive, including the president. he added that the proposal would encourage good congressional staffers to quit their jobs. that is the story in the washington times. we want to note that the national journal released it's a race rankings. at the house seats most likely to flip in 2014. -- toy setting the field analysis by scott bland is in the national journal. the top five congressional districts most likely to flip 4 where jim matheson is retiring. 31, florida 13, iowa 3 and new jersey 3. mostis the top five seats likely to flip according to the national journal. you can see their full rankings your reaction to the supreme court halting utah gay marriage. good morning. i have a comment. marriage,t is, gay the issue, everybody saying that it is something that is being set up to disguise the real issue, but the gays are the ones pushing the issue. that is the problem there. the second problem is, gay is just a nice term for what used to be called queer. queer is something that is different or abnormal. is an acty or queer against nature. it has nothing to do with religion or ethics or morals. is act against nature. -- it is an act against nature. host: what you think should happen to those 900 couples that were married in utah in december before the supreme court stepped in here? hostcaller: i think those marris should be abolished. mark is in ashburn, virginia on our line for independents. i would say that polygamy and homosexuals have been around for all time. if you allow polygamy, and lesbian marriages to take place, then you need to allow polygamy. the government stepping into your bedroom, as soon as you allow all these marriages to take place, then the government has to treat them. homosexual, polygamy, gay marriage -- i consider myself a bisexual polygamist. those 900 marriages should be annulled. it should be like they did not even take place. scott wrightson on twitter that people who think gay people are broken believe they can make a choice to be gay. when did they decide to be heterosexual? ,nother tweet this morning "this whole issue is all about republicans getting elected. nothing more, nothing less. ." things for calling. is thatmy opinion marriages should be upheld -- the marriages should be upheld. i'm a 52-year-old black male married to a white woman. before i married my wife in 1967, it would've been against the law in virginia for us to be married. we have come a long way. we need to let people live their own lives and stop trying to be .n everybody's bedrooms let these people enjoy their lives while they are here. host: donald in michigan this morning. here's the front page of the chicago tribune. talking about the bone chilling cold around the country. workers managed to keep warm and carry on. here's the front page of the boston globe this morning. walsh at of martin boston college 's for him. .arked by tradition "i will listen. i will learn. i will lead." a story we've been following is the sales of recreational marijuana in colorado. demand for colorado cannabis outstrips supply. people looking to buy marijuana in colorado are facing steep price rises and long queues as demand for recreational sales outstrips the supply. estimates are that recreational cannabis is selling for an average of $400 an ounce in colorado. twice the $200 charge on average for an ounce of medical marijuana. in the financial times. we have a few minutes left in this segment of the washington journal. you're taking your calls on the news yesterday of the supreme court stepping in to halt gay marriage in utah. mike is in virginia beach. good morning. caller: good morning. part of the first show, so i hope i'm not repeating something that anybody else said. from the colors that you had previously come it sounds like somebody is missing the point that the original case that the supreme court heard, that new york case, was against the dissent of marriage act. it was a federal law and they found that the federal government could not tell new york how to regulate marriage. they found that it was legal for homosexual marriage in the state of new york and it was not allowed to tell the states how to regulate that. the state had not delegated authority over marriage regulation. in the utah case, what we would see is, again, it is up to the state to regulate how they see fit. some sort ofind interpretation in the house --tion regulating marriage the constitution regulating marriage, i don't see any place where the federal government regulates marriage. they would have to leave it up to the state. they did in the new york case. host: we are talking about legal issues here. what do you think legally should happen to those couples who were married at over the past couple caller?estio caller: it would be up to the states. if the state upholds them, they are upheld. at the state the size they are not legitimate, just like any other legal contract, they would not be held legitimate. that would be a state issue. host: at the state supreme court? caller: the state has the ultimate authority there. kyle, thanks for calling in. your thoughts on these actions yesterday. are doingsuppose they what they think they have to do. isy will probably say it legal. i hope that is what they do. as far as polygamy in utah, a week before this happened, they pretty much legalized cohabitation between people in utah. this is a different thing and gay marriage because you have children involved here. 's maidentheir mother names. as far as the people who are calling and talking about god and religion, that has nothing to do with marriage. this is a contract between two people. i've been married to my wife for 30 years and it has nothing to do with religion. that is what people have to get off of this. everybody should have the chance to either have a marriage or get divorced or do what they're going to do. about theseupset bigots that are calling in -- i don't understand, i have lived in utah my whole life and been an outsider. i have a lot of gay friends here. they were shunned from their family. you know anybody who is married in the last couple weeks questio? caller: i don't know. we are held up here. this is really exciting for us. if they do make illegal, there'll be a lot of people in the streets here. make it legal, there'll be a lot of people in the streets here. host: one other opinion on this from the election blog by rick. he writes that recognizing a constitutional right for same-sex marriage is a big deal which requires thought, consideration, and preparation in the public if this is going to happen through the courts. in utah, one of the most conservative states in the union, we would all of a sudden -- night leonard is up next and savannah, georgia. good morning. caller: i am a democrat. i'm a democrat that feels that marriage is a religious right, not a civil right. of moral decay that is doing things like -- that is just the beginning of the moral decay of the nation. i don't think that the government should establish a religious right on the constitution. i believe that civil rights and civil unions would be appropriate in this matter. in order for them to rule and ,ay that gays can get married it is the establishment of religion. host: last on the subject, we go ert in pennsylvania. good morning. caller: i was just going to speak about -- a lot of people iteht hate rhetoric -- wr hate rhetoric. they say it is a sin to be gay. is, whether or not you are gay or heterosexual or anything of that nature, the big was withonsistency this issue, they claim that it is to keep out of the bedroom, yet they keep it in the bedroom. that is their right. but they also have a big situation where they talk about if you are a polygamist and you can be a polygamist, they don't believe that people should be a polygamist, yet they are gay. yet, they oppose other people's viewpoints. separation of church and state. was decided by god. it was not the state. issue --is dividing allow everyone to have a civil union. drop marriage off the table. make that a religious ceremony. make everybody happy civil union, whether you are married eterosexual.l or homosexu let you decide where you're going to give your rights to. when you die, who gets what you own and health care through your health insurance. let you make the decisions, not the states or anybody else. that is basically my viewpoint. caller: that is robert in pennsylvania this morning. that is going to do it for the first segment today. up next, we'll talk about the state of social conservatism with the american principles project. he joins us to talk about federal funding to bring technologies and climate change issues. we will be right back. ♪ >> c-span, we bring public affairs of bands from washington directly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings and conferences, and offering complete gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house. all as a public service of private industry. tv cabley the peopl industry -- created by the tv cable industry. identify theto singular most important challenge to overcome, it would be that. -- the reason we are here today is because of the which i read somewhere is not only a historical but anti-historical. hundreds of years of diversity subscribe to the idea that we have to follow its edicts. . very limited sh of time. those who speak for us is a seventh century reality. we are americans. >> being muslim in america. part of book tv this weekend on c-span 2. and join the conversation. go to book >> "washington journal" continues. having aare conversation about the social conservative agenda and 2014. a political article yesterday referred to your group as the advanced guard of big money by the religious right to push back on the establishment efforts to minimize divisive issues like abortion rights and gay marriage. is that how you would define your group? caller: that would not be my self definition -- would not be my self definition. we handle economic issues. if we try to push economics that are more centered on working people, rather than just on the business class and large corporations. host: where does your group fit in to the republican party? an article noted that social conservatives have been relegated to the sidelines. it wages a bitter and expensive struggle against the tea party soul of the republican party. the tea party is not distinct from social conservatives. are what you would call economic conservatives. that social issues can be pushed aside in the republican party is suicidal workers withine the party are in the social conservative wing of the party. it represents a large portion of the coalition that has been the conservative governing coalition. host: what are the key issues that you're going to be talking about going into the 2014 election? what do social conservatives run on this year? on the abortion issue, there are a lot of ways in which the democratic party has said it and it has become very extreme on the issue. there are common ground provisions like the bill that was passed by the house of representatives and introduced by senator graham. americans are saying that a baby at six months of when a child can feel that theyt something can support. abortions funding of -- there are arguments in which the great majority of the american people believe that the conservative position is the right position. host: you concerned about republicans who say that these issues are too divisive to run on? stickepublicans should more to fiscal issues rather than some of these social conservative issues question . guest: the idea that the republicans went on the economic issues is something that is based on the data coming out of the elections. republicans are losing on the economic issues. they are losing the very groups that they feel the need to reach out to. hispanics --ith the probably have is with the that republicans are out of step with the concerns of working people. their greatest problem is in the economic area, not in the social issue area. the groups that they want to reach out to tend to be more conservative on social issues than the american public as a whole. host: we are talking to frank cannon. he is the president of the american principles project. socialtalking about conservatives and their agenda and the 2014 election. our phone lines are open. democrats can call at (202) 737-0001. republicans at (202) 737-0002. at (202) 628-0205. if you're outside of the u.s., you are calling at (202) 628-0184. we want to get your reaction to the supreme court stepping in yesterday and blocking gay marriages in utah. guest: i think that it is important that the issue be decided democrat lee. that is, in the places where gay marriage is legal in the very states, it is in the courts that by and large the determination that the state constitution requires gay marriage. you talk about this level of social change, it is very important to allow the electorate to be able to voice its opinion, rather than have it opposed -- imposed by the court. that never work in other areas of social change. host: a map of same-sex marriage status in the u.s.. darker states where same-sex marriage is allowed and the lighter states where same-sex marriage is banned. how is this issue going to play into the 2014 midterm elections? guest: i don't think of the issue is one that republicans want to take on. to engage in a discussion about gay marriage. of republican supports traditional marriage by overwhelming numbers. the country is divided 50/50 on the issue. there are states in which it is going to play out in republican primaries. for example, as it did in .yoming the conservative base of the party wants to see this upheld. you essentially have a truce which is in fact a surrender on the issue of marriage. host: is this what a group like the american principles roger is project -- guest: we got involved in the locating was cheney on the issue of gay marriage. cheney on the issue of gay marriage. they did not want to send a republican senator to washington who was out of step with their views on marriage. how many states this plays out in depends on who the candidates are and what their positions are. involvednly would be in places in which there is a clear-cut separation between the candidates. host: you said you were involved in that adding wyoming -- ad in wyoming. how much money? an exact don't have number. they say that we are a startup out there. say that you are the group to watch in these races. have somebody to to put into the races. host: millions of dollars. he is the president of the american principles project, here to answer your questions. kevin is up first from bloomington, indiana. good morning. caller: good morning to you. i was surprised with mr. cannon's views in the opening statement. it reminded me of franklin roosevelt, being against corporatism and fascism that seems to be a rampant. i will keep an open mind on his group and be interested in what they have to say. areink that the republicans making a real good move and not being as mean and against so many things and for and inclusive to as many people as possible. i think it is a tragedy that we lost a great senator like dick luger. et these teab guest: i think one of the points making is that there is a frustration in the with the idea the be blicans don't seem to alking -- or conservatives -- don't seem to be talking to working americans. the you have a campaign and erm job creator comes up more often in your commercials than working american, you know you a slight problem in who you are speaking to. sight ofhat we've lost the fact that when we talk about notbuilt the country, it is only the industrial class, it is the working class that helped america the great country that it is and helped build the institutions, economic and jamaicit unique.ake it burrito rought up dig luger. support him? guest: i certainly like the so i don't know if there would be a set of it on with uld jump senator luger but i certainly coats from enator ndiana is a great senator and commenting on the democratic senator. host: rodney is next from los on the line of republicans. caller: thank you for having topic. i'm an african-american, gay male conservative. to say to the american hidden hat it is a agenda in the gay community and issue is not the gay rights. you notice how they will say my bedroom yet they are knocking on the door asking in your permission to essence grant something they know is religious in nature. bulk of my friends want to institutions because hey want to attack the religious institution. , the rightse rights they acquire can be obtained through sufficiently unions and phfrmethods without attacking the institution of marriage. lastly want to say when i iscuss this issue with my heterosexual family members they to feel they are discriminating against me and my religiously ugh they don't agree with it. o in the rush to progressivism they are trampling over the radition that the church has held. guest: i think there is a very point there, which is he balance point between espoused inights as the gay community and impact on religious liberty. original k at the federal court decisions from prop 8 case, the if you read the decision there's an amazeing animus by the judge religious belief. at the beliefs of various religions and they are he out in the decision and is in essence discriminatory so people braving off those beliefs and with animus people in a discriminatory fashion. so it becomes really difficult is that somebody espouse a religious in an is able to do that environment in which even as a it is looked at beyond what that is can be reasonably considered. of guaranty issue guaran gay marriage the "washin post" gave tell their worst week talking gton award about what happened in utah but also some of the other actions the country that the decision in utah came on the ruldday the federal uphill in ohio same-sex marriage state would be recognized shortly after the new legalized eme court and that is three states with huge legal rulings in favor of marriage if a few days not o mention hawaii and illinois legalized them last month. how do you respond to that worst award? washington guest: i think it is deserved. as i believe it was said in his a dissent based on the supreme in the prop 8 case and doma case that it was likely that state courts would not be uphold marriage because the same arguments that there rational basis for discriminating in the court's meant that each of the would have e courts in little room to maneuver finding a just basis for what in the federal ecision looked at as being certainly a project disagainst gay marriage. so, the rash of decisions and movement in the states has been been imposed as from without and i do think that when you are changing something unanimity is not a of opinion having it imposed by is a wrong headed course. host: do you think social issues on the local ded level or are you in favor of a central government rule top down control? guest: it depends on what you mean by social issue. if you are talking about the to life, i think that is a federal issue. the re talking about be put of a person to into the community, the most rights.f civil nd the 14th amendment makes it incumbent on congress to pass civil defend basic rights. i would think it would be a issue. is marriage issue traditionally a state issue. ut the problem is that because it is a contract that goes -- lines it anes is difficult to have a decision quarantined be there. protecting of rights who have independent views of marriage is was the intention of doma. to be a federal more a -- or is defining it toward as a basic civil right rather of ans a state regulation institute or contract. ben's take on it via e-mail. host: the next call is danville, west virginia, on the line for democrats. good morning. on with frank cannon. caller: good morning. very interesting conversation. 40-year career insurance owner and i'm in very varietiesact with all of folks and ideas. he previous caller was spot on as far as the subject and there misunderstanding that eparates believers and nonbelievers and that caller, i believe, has it right. and so is the constitution about this. -- i realize we have a cross section of states where performance actually move. i'm a firm believer that we constitution where the states do not surrender power to i will l government and wait for the comments. host: mr. cannon. guest: i believe in states the s in the sense of issues egulating all that haven't been delegated specifically to the federal government. again, i would say that abortion one t an issue in which state can allow it and another not. basic civil a rig right. the federal overnment has a role in protecting civil rights under the 14th amendment. host: back to the politics of plays out in t 2014, what is the american s take on theoject' done and oehner has republican leadership since they have taken the house? uest: it is a divided government so it is difficult an agenda enact separately. i think they have done basically very good job in bringing out the excesses of obama care and the way in ghlight powers are being by the federal government. my one recommendation it across the board when they make a case against government intrusion and growth they really need of onnect it to the lives working americans. that is, they often talk in the burden we are passing along to our children. the reality is americans are uffering stagnant wages and increasing prices. and increasing prices come printingrom government of money in order to feed an role for central government. what that means is that working are losing ground, facing because of dollar the appetite of government. t would serve them all to connect all of the arguments sequester and raising the death limit to the actual plight eople are feeling in cities around the country. host: who are the republicans targeted inng to be the primary season? is there anybody in leadership a primary upport candidate against? guest: we have not made ecisions in what races to get into. we are looking at what in idates are lining up which states. and a lot of what we are going is for candidates that are illing to fight on a unified emergency beat democratic and liberal opponents who are without somebody their defense on issues outside of economic issues. for example, there were $7 into the virginia gubernatorial race on ads that the women thing. there were 5,600 commercials talked in un that aborti abortion. the single biggest opportunity was missed was for some of hese outside groups to get attack the one for extreme issues. so the thing is not just to bad candidates within the republican party but to show winning e issues are issues in a general election and the issue of -- the social engaged rather han republicans engaging in a truce strategy. ost: we go to jim in binghamton, new york on the independent line. stpwhr i'm here. host: you are on the air. i would irst of all, like to say that i'm a very pro-life person. 56-year-old and i was by very christian, conservative parent and i would like to say that it was just a few months back that the a report that there re 18,000 children that die of starvation around the world every day and we see every day food that is thrown away here in this country. not because ously there isn't food for these children to eat. is because these children or any parents don't have currency. o what we are using is called he capitalistic free market monetary system that is used to kill these children every day. because they don't have food, it is because they don't have currency. particular outwe way to kiquit killing those children because they don't have start y, then we should discussing something like abortion. in batavia, waiting ohio, on the independent line to cannonment good morning, tom. you?er: hi, how are i want to ask a question and issue an overall especially with the republican based party. i'm not necessarily democrat but don't think republicans have actually supported any real views.ative their views are so antiquated it has put off many -- and in my 40's so i'm not a young guy. put off many members of my generation and younger they hold that such as ive values abortion. when you have -- when the formulated by mostly priests and men and not women women, this is an issue that i'm tly affects them, hard-pressed to see why the epublicans can't say how puttoffish that is. an gay marriage that is issue where it is a religious and legal issue and we have to separate the two. the legal basis, won't remember we are not asking -- the gay community is not church octor catholic per se to do marriages, to be orced to do marriages to go against religious value. but they are saying for the taxation orples for death benefits or deployment benefits that we recognize that is the same and that is how we have to separate the issues is the legal issue is infringing on the constitutional rights of another by giving them the right to marry. let frank jump in. when people say implicated or religious institutions are not marriage, the gay question becomes, if gay arriage becomes a legal standard and tax exempt rganization decides that it cannot for religious reasons will m that marriage, be infringed and there is much debate on where the line is drawn. and we are seeing where conscience rights of individuals in civil care and photographers who do not for religious reasons ant to do, for example, wedding, these y people are coming under civil are being sued. not here that line is, is completely clear and i don't buy that the catholic church or any other religious won't come under espousing a view that if it were -- well, espousing a that is antigay or seen as antigay by that community. host: one of tom's earlier who can be turned off by social conservative to s, i want your response this headline. his is from charlie cook, well respect respected congressional race analyst and nonpartisan. column was this. to nt to get your response that. this isell, number one, the most pro life generation had. we have we've really seen an uptick in sentiment among young people. social issues he re the sole problem of the republican party is not facts.ed by the people have a view when they are 18, 19 and 20 and change that view as they -- is also and something that has been belied experience of abortion. if you followed the trend became when abortion legal the prediction was that abortion couldn't be defended -- pro-life could not be defend becausee outgoing years a whole generation had rejected the idea that abortion was a woman's life. yet here we are 40 years later in that eginninged fight because the same people changed their view as they went in life. so, with all due respect to cook, i also think that thehave to look at who else issues bring in. the fact that hispanics are much be social kevin ctivist than economic conservatives as a target group. of this you lance have to look at who you might be who you might be gaining. host: the idea of picking social conservative issues to run on an of the the report republican national committee after the 2012 election they -- looked back in this growth and opportunity report they said when it comes issues the party must be inclusive and welcoming if we limit or ability to attract young people and thers including many women who agree with us but not on all issues. report.sponse to that guest: well, if they raceway mi -- replace social issues with economic issues they would be loser to hitting the prime problem. they last women and young people on hispanics primarily economic issues. and to single out the social in fact a large part of what is the base is to of blind yourself to the overall problem. has to believe in 100% of the issues to be a party.of the nobody is suggesting that they do. but the republican party has pro-life party since the reagan.ronald it has been a winning issue. it lose ore votes than s in elections. for somebody to say that, republicans have followed a strategy. the issuesttacked on and they go silent. what happens is they lose their base, they lose the people who are on the other side of the issue and people in the middle see them as saying yes, i'm because i'm not answering that attack. evidence in the report that is given that if social s that issues were tan out completely have he republicans would won the 2012 election. do that ossible to given where there were on economic issues. host: we are talking with the american of the principles project. he spent 3 years in the public arena for several organizations including the national organization for anthony amongn b. others. s here to take your questions an comments. tom is waiting in ridgeway, ennsylvania, on the line for democrats. you are on the "washington journal". caller: this debate about the care act by our president barack obama, that was a big thing in the last election and they lost. after.ot about who to go the majority of people don't like a lot of these ideas the putting n party is forward. i'm a 67-year-old marine veteran and i was a republican. i'm not any more because it talkingke all they keep about the economy and all they want to put forward is this gay rights and i'm happily married. what somebody else does in their bedroom. i don't think the federal business has any there at all. as far as that there was a big few nuns who want o sign a paper, don't take the money from us taxpayers. nobody is forced to do any contraceptives. me what to use or not. it is a nonstarter. concentrate on -- how about let's concentrate on the change? for a guest: number one, it isn't asically the republican party that is pushing these issues. of rights was not an idea the republican party and it was not an issue the republican arty pushed into the court system and had imposed on states. issues tus on social comes from the left primarily, number one. two, i think he has a good point about, again, issues.c i think that the problem is that for a 67-year-old veteran it is him what the republican party offers to him area. economic these are the social arguments but he doesn't have a clear idea republican party offers to him as an economic solution problems he has. i think that is an area that the needs to move y in. crockett,o to dave in texas, on the line for independents. organ good morning, dave. find it pretty nteresting about how the democratic party and republican party seem to be on opposite when they are both actually it seems like working corporations, and it is this gay issue thing is years ago you never heard anything about, you know. mora more or less kept in the like and it now seems they are trying to force it down the american public's throat to accept it. me, i'm not a religious person, i don't to church but i beliefs like the 10 commandments and things like just unbelievable that this is just such a big when it should be omething that shouldn't be accept accepted. people do have rights to do whatever they want but they it't have the right to force on other people. i have been a democrat in the republican, d to and now independent. and i really had no faith whatsoever in the american i believe because they go up there to serve themselves and not their people there.ut them in conservatives to me is, as far as the republican party, is the corporations richer poorer.poor the last hink that in aller you had somebody who has instinctive social conservative views. his real problem with the epublican party is he feels like it represents corporations and not people like him. a wide that there is swath of people in america who republican party doesn't represent people like them. hey believe it represents business interests and corporations. i think the republican party is speaks to the it current economic needs of people those who includes have traditional moral beliefs social issues have always been a winning issue for the party and will continue as long republican party is willing it take them on. presidentk cannon the of the american principles project. the ciate you coming on "washington journal." up next we will talk about green support for technology and the obama dministration's client change efforts with dan wise and later jones will talk about al qaeda's recent gains in iraq and response. first a news update. >> it is 8:31 eastern. the senate holds a test vote on renewing unemployment benefits month.nded last this is for the long-term jobless. democrats support the white backed measure but with offensive votes needed to advance the legislation five votes will be required. bad weather kept more than a from reaching washington yesterday this led to of the vote.ment one that was delayed was south arolina republican senator lindsey graham. the plane he was on had to make an emergency landing it south unidentified wing mechanical problems. he plane took off from the greenville spartanburg airport minutes afternded passengers reported hearing strange sounds. pilots soon the declared an emergency and it returned to the airport where it as met with first responders and fire trucks. he later sent a thank you to the irst responders and flight crew. the senate condition convenience at 10:00 a.m. eastern. c-span 2. coverage on an update on the retirement of jim gerlack. ew democratic coalition director is considering a run for the seat. in the same up congressional district tells the hill exclusively that his first he heard about the retirement announcement was that he should throw his hat in the ring. west goshen native said he as planning to talk to the new democrat fund-raising head last night to machine a run and wants and build a ground swell of support. meets this morning -- actually it afternoon at 2:00 in a pro forma session. at 6:30 the house will begin the 113th session of the congress. watch live house coverage on c-span. the latest me of headlines on c-span radio. any woman be adequately prepared for the duties of first lady? >> yes. governor orife of a if you are wife of the vice president. mother-in-law is first lady and you watched her you can.years, i think i think it is a golden .pportunity to do something i think lady bird is the one who to dot is the opportunity something good. husband alllps your the better. >> the world health 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is monday night 9:00 eastern live on c-span and -span 3 and c-span radio and >> "washington journal" continues. host: we are joined by dan wise as director of climate strategy at the center for american progress. hot topic of conversation in environmental circles yesterday as a cbs "60 minutes" report from sunday that seemed to chewed the federal government had little to show for the heavy investment in green technology projects in recent years. from this story? guest: it is not outrage so much great disappointment. "60 minutes" was famed for its reportingnvestigative but they did a very shoddy job. lesley stahl the correspondent said nothing she's that many dicated jobs have been created. in fact all "60 minutes" had to department of energy website to see that the program alone has created 55,000 jobs. escaped her attention. guaranteen, the honor program that she was criticizing rate.97% success only 3% of investments wented about. blossoming. that is a far better rate than venture capital. show several people said when venture capital terms a est in companies they have nine out of 10 failure rate. we have a 97% success rate. never mentioned on the show. host: for issuers who have not we will show nt you now the opening from that and come 60 minutes" back and talk with dan wise about it. [video clip] decade ago the smart people who funded the internet turned their attention to the sector rallying tech engineers to invent ways to get fossil fuels and devise powerful solar panels, clean batteries.uture the idea got a dacatchy name, tech. silicon valley got washington excited. president bush was an early supporter. but the federal purse strings obama.ed under president hoping to create innovation and jobs, he committed north of $100 in loans, grants and tax breaks it clean tech. instead of breakthroughs it suffered a string of expensive flops.nded suddenly clean tech was a dirty word. host: dan wise is with the center for american progress. report you talk about the success rate of government investments. wrong to point out some of the high profile green s in investing in technology? there was $500 million for the panel company, center $500 fisker automotive, beacon tower, a-123, some of that have been making headlines? becauseit was not wrong in sense they have failed even though they received federal loan questions. but it was out of context to not rate.the 97% success those companies represent the 3% failure rate. the solar entry the first solar plants cale were built with the help of loan questi guarantees feel the next 10 were uilt by the private sector on their own. it is that continued of investment that fostered growth and innovation. missed that. another thing they missed, in new electricity generation came on line nearly half of it was generated by wind electricity. we brought down the cost of batteries for cars. the cost has been cut in half and it t investments will be cut by two-thirds by the end of next year. a lot of progress that was never mentioned in the story. are stubborn ts things. you can pull out a couple and an elephant seem smaller than a mouse. republican vase cha-- vase out amarcia blackburn put statement saying this report underscores the massive failure administration's green thrg programs. the obama administration spent money s of taxpayer propping up green energy agenda guise of job creation failed companies and the loan question program -- proven to be a massive has proven to be a more for chinese imulus investors. a blackburn.h guest: there is very little between her statement and facts. tennessee are her home state he nissan factory got a loan guarantee that helped them build advanced batteries that will be all electric vehicles. $6 ford motor company got billion to help retool factories efficient carsel and that created 33,000 jobs. ou just need to go to the d.o.e. website to see there's been a 97% success arithmetic len guarantee -- rate rom the len -- loan guarantees. so while the rhetoric reflects oil and coalof big companies it doesn't reflect the facts. ost: we are talking to dan white from the center of american progress to talk about the energy investments by federal government and other climate issues in his work as director of climate strategy. phone lines are open. if you are outside the u.s. 202-585-3883. report fromave this sunday on "60 minutes" they noted in the report the energy nt of insurance didn't respond to request for comment. think the obama administration is doing enough to talk about some of the this ses you pointed out morning? guest: you can always talk more bout success but what is news is scandal and failure, not success. media particularly "60 minutes" has focused on what failure eived to be when they ignore the evidence of success. department of e energy did issue a statement yesterday that included many of talking we have been about today. i can't tell you why they didn't advance. do that in host: do you think this is something the president will alk about in his state of the union address and if in the this particular report what do you green e needs to say on energy and climate change issues? guest: the president has talked investments in clean energy being critical to pollution e carbon responsible for climate change nd helping us with economic competitiveness against china, germany and other countries. one quarter about of its electricity from wind and solar power. reason we can't be doing more. the president, i believe, will about this.k he hasn't called me to ask me what should be in the state of urge him but i would to talk about some of these successes. he amount of clean electricity generated under his watch has doubled in the first four years of his administration. 55,000 jobs under the program oan guarantee and it is powering electricity for 15 million homes. of the new ost half electricity in the u.s. in 2012. there is a great story about how smart investments are paying off and creating new ndustries and jobs in this country. host: several folks waiting to the director of climate strategy. anthony is waiting on the line democrats. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: organgood morning. caller: i'm call interesting las vegas, nevada. i'm an look transmission that these clean of energy projects. had been unemployed for about a year and a half when it job came up. electriciansof the union. this job was a god send it me ecause i was going to run out of unemployment. thank god that this job came up california.e of i was able to work on this job. a good n technology is thing. me and about 150 of my union been out of work for a very long time. we were know what going to do. we worked on the job and it basically saved our lives. green technology is a good thing. i think that our country needs investment in green technology. california has a surplus right now. lot of it is due to the green technology because when you off fossil fuels and relying on green technology, a lot for your economy. plant nthony, feels that over the california-nevada bord border? is a giant utility scale solar project that is just line.ready to come on it is right on the california ide of the california-nevada border which is what i'm guessing he is working at. a lot of jobs and will produce clean electricity of, did thousands and mes in california nevada. that is happening all over the country. palm we go to keith in bay, florida, republican lane. morning.good i appreciate all the work you do. i don't agree with a lot of what i still appreciate the work that you put in. i have two questions. wind.n the you said 90% of the new electric generation coming in was from wind. guest: no, i said 43% in 2012 of from wind.ion was caller: oh, 43%. how much from solar was brought in. is, is $100 uestion billion, which you said 97% were that is $97 billi billion. there was only 55,000 jobs made from this that on the internet where you said you could read it. ou also said ford got $6 billion for new batteries and created 33,000 jobs. guest: we're spewing out a lot of statistics. is the loan guarantee program which was $20 billion to $30 billion, that had a 97% success rate. that was in the the only program. there were other investments making federal buildings more energy efficient that way taxpayers went have to waste on energy. that is part of the $100 billion, not part of the $30 of the loan question program. $6 billion in lens to ford was a different program. hat was called the advanced technological vehicle manufacturing program that was created under president bush. ed $6 billion to ford otor company where they were retooling factories to make more fuel efficient cars. 33,000 jobs. host: is your question whether were worth it for the jobs created? caller: exactly. under president obama's program said they spent $100 billion nd you quieted that she didn't say they got any jobs for it but it was on the internet that you could read 55,000. you saying $100 billion only turned out 55,000 jobs? . to listen e carefully. the $100 billion part of that d.o.e. loan guarantee program to give loans to -- nies who couldn't ice otherwise get them. started in 2009 after the 2008 crash. get capital. the money spent on that program $20 h i believe was between billion to $30 billion -- maybe you can look it up while we take the next call -- that created 55,000 jobs. $70 billion toer created jobs at but we don't have data. federal making buildings more efficient. host: what about the concerns republican members on the energy and commerce committee pointed out whether there is the spending tens be and hundred billion dollars when has so much debt and such a large deficit, the right place to try to yet jobs. guest: absolutely it is. are part of jobs the benefit. another part of the benefit is clean electricity that we don't to import, dig up or burn. carbon l reduce the dioxide pollution. nother benefit is economic competitiveness. for example, before this program e were only building less than half of all wind turbines in it country. 75% of e building about them we use in the united states. o it helps build a manufacturing base. jobs were not the only value achieved. addition, many of these are l guarantees where they were paid back. its $465 million loan nine years ahead of schedule. money back and we will get other money become from other loans. whole picture the and not just three or four companies that didn't make it, a much more robust investment that is paying off in erms of cleaner electricity, cleaner transportation, jobs and economic competitiveness. chuck in o to nashville, tennessee, on our line for independents. wise of the th dan center for american progress. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i have a question according to statements and conversation around ongresswoman block been from tennessee, the -- blackburn from tennessee, the letter, specifically two of them. about nissan.g i live here near the nissan stated that the loan went to yet they or nissan and that are retooling. guest: no, i said they are making the advanced batteries that go in the leave. host: your contention is they are making the batteries at the plant. guest: they got the slope gogh retool to make the batteries in the all electric vehicle. don't know where they are building the other components of the car. host: i can tell you that only components of that car are being made in the united states and canada. over 80% are being made in japan. o, you need to be aware of that. second, you made a comment about ford. any ford are of manufacturing plant in tennessee. guest: i didn't say tennessee. the $6 billion in loans that helped them retool 13 different factories so they efficient more fall cars like the ford focus, ford and even the sion f-150 trucks are all being made be hese factories and will made more fuel efficient which thousands he drivers f dollars and reduce car been pollution and create 33,000 jobs. host: his point about where the spent, what is eing done to ensure this money stays in the united states and doesn't fund jobs overseas? note it is important to that the american recovery and reinvestment act which provided the resources had a "buy america" clause in it make sure was built inssible the u.s. i will give you an example from the wind industry. years ago only one-quarter a wind omponents for turbine were made in the u.s. hanks to investments under the recovery act three-quarters of the components in turbines are made in the u.s. last month the siemens company which is a fortune company to have it was going the largest order ever to build $2 turbines, almost billion, to build at their plant mason, iowa. i believe that will create about 1,000 jobs. sorry, fort madison, iowa. hat is an example of where you sort of jump started the industry in 2009 when the credit markets were frozen after the horrible financial crash of 2008 capital ovided some through loan guarantees and tax breaks it companies. able to keep investing. get jobs.e able to another good example the first scale solar lity power plants were built with guarantees.oan the next 10 under construction now are solely private money. able to jump start the industry where we had none and where art manufacturing there was little. this has been a win for the why some ich is republicans don't like it. every republican in the united tates house including mrs. black burn voted against providing these resources. no wonder why they don't want to talk about the success. mama southern frosted writes throwing the tax dollar black holeeen energy most stuff. to roger waiting in on the south carolina democrat liable. caller: i have two things i would like it talk about. the solar insurancenergy. i understand congress passed a imports of thelate solar panels. of the reasons that the company field. the other is nuclear. nuclear loan guarantees. they are building two plants in south carolina and two in tennessee. hese were loan guarantees by this same program that is mention mentioned. that, please?about guest: sure, thanks, roger. will talk about the silindra failed is it didn't solar ate very cheap panels being dumped in the united states by china. people know dumping means when a country will underprice a to kill its domestic the titors and take over market. the commerce department and trade rep is working with china to try to alleviate that. nonetheless, that was the compensation that proves the rule. and a couple other companies ailed but 97% of the investments paid off under the program. remember, in the "60 minutes" in private venture capital their investments have about a 10% success rate. it comes it loan guarantee for nuclear power plants under we started the first new nuclear reactors in through loan guarantees that have been as recovery package. in that sense president obama is of the ursuing all before energy strategy and wall street investors are going crazy investing in solar energy. there was a story friday. that long on nuclear energy because of great ost concerns and overruns and what you do with spent waste and meltdown fukushima there's great concern about safety. in all street is investing solar and not nuclear. host: john is in chicago on the republicans. good morning, john. a e you are staying warm in very cold chicago. caller: yes, i am. or wind. to solar that was my kquestion. what percentage of all our power both for heat and electricity, is provided by wind or solar? lesl made it sound real bad. facts buts giving the so as that same color now that it sounds much been it is. first i would note that the "60 minutes" report included very few actual facts. lesley stahl said she had not any the hing that programs had created jobs but ll she had to do is go to the department of energy website to see that the loan guarantee rogram she was criticizing has created 55,000 jobs. you can go to that website and each project t of they funded and how many jobs are there. hen it comes to total overall electricity generation from would be gy, that about, i believe, 12% or so. been ount that has discriminated from wind, solar nd geothermal has doubled the past four years and it will continue to increase. nother big change in electricity generation has been the decline in use of coal from electricity it around 40% and rise of natural 22% to the low 30%. hat is a big change that occurred the last four years. host: john smith's question on why try to veil lanize representil when they american jobs? a billion ou invest solar you wind or will create three times more jobs than in oil production. that was based on a study from the university of massachusetts oil production is capital intensive. second of all, the problem with coal is that it is very expensive. thecosts aren't paid for by .eople who mine the coal the national academy of sciences , a most eminent body, estimates that using coal for electricity least $60 billion per year in health care costs -- premature deaths, more hospitalizations, lost productivity. coal has a huge cost to it. need to do is we need to internalize the costs so that people who are using coal for electricity are actually paying the full cost of the damage of coal, which includes health impacts. host: new regulations on coal. what is on tap for 2014? june president obama gave a speech about a comprehensive climate plan. the first part was to reduce carbon pollution responsible from power plants. invest in would be to clean alternatives, such as wind or solar. the second is to make our communities more resilient from a extreme weather and climate change, like the drought we have had the southwest or the .orrible flooding let's help communities build ups of their more resistant to extreme weather. the third pieces to work with other nations to get them to reduce their pollution as well. thehe first part, president, last fall, proposed frommit carbon pollutions power plants. it is coal power plants that will be built in the future will have to be as clean as natural gas plants. they are also working on a rule that will be proposed this june that would limit carbon pollutions from existing power plants. meetings around the country to talk to citizens about this. they're drafting the rule, they will make the proposal in june. undoubtedly they will have another series of hearings all around the country about whether or not this is the most cost- effective way to reduce carbon pollution from power plants. they will finalize the rule in mid-2015. host: let's go to deal from new jersey on our line for democrats. good morning. thank you for coming on. this is a very tough crowd. i am happy you are sticking with us and giving us the real facts. i am a huge clean energy, solar guy. i'm an advocate of clean energy. i went solar about 3 years ago. i'm in south jersey and it has been an amazing difference fo roufor our electricity bills. why aren't more businesses like big malls having hundreds of panels on the roof? they are soaking in the sun every day. about hydrogennk fuel cells? is that considered clean energy? there has been a company that is doing a lot of small fuel cell different thigns ings such as transportation. question,your first the conversion to solar has been slow for two reasons. eight -- 2008 there was the huge financial crash that froze markets. committees that wanted to invest in solar panels had a difficult time raising the capital necessary to do that. that is where some of the loan guarantee programs have come and. in addition, there are some new , solar runcompanies -- you can go look at the "new york times" paper from january 3. you don't have to invest in the hardware to generate solar energy. you just pay the companies for the solar electricity and you pay a rate that is lower than you what -- then you would have been paying for conventional electricity. cell,it comes to a fuel- i'm not familiar with the technology. from what i understand, it is a green energy source depending on how you produce the hydrogen. if you use electricity from a clean source, yes. if you use a lot of coal-fired electricity to produce the it is a, then i think much closer call. i think the fuel source technology is not ready for commercialization yet. this is not my area of expertise. i don't want to speak anymore about it. we talk about the department of energy loan guarantee program, the one that funded several other programs. ron wrightson on e-mail -- e-ron writes in on mail -- guest: three percent of the defaulted on.n i don't know how much has been paid back. for advancedn toomobiles -- they got close $500 million and they paid back nine years ahead of time. let's go to brian in louisiana on our line for republicans. you're on with daniel weiss. caller: can you hear me? [indiscernible] you'reyou hear me? host: on the air, go ahead. don't care about people putting solar panels on the houses. i used to live offshore breed we cannot live -- offshore. -- we cannot live in the united states with all the gas. i lost my job because what went offshore and everything. you can keep your electric car if you want to. [indiscernible] it took us almost two days to get to dallas with an electric car. all this is bogus with climate change. people like you come up with all this garbage. a heck of ag winter. i don't see climate change. am sorry you are out of work. i hope that congress will follow president obama's lead by extending long-term uninsurance insuranceunemployment for people in your circumstances. it is important to know that under president obama we are producing more domestic oil than we have in the last 20 years and we are in -- we are importing less. office, when bush left we were importing almost 60% of our oil. now we are importing only 40%. second of all, we are producing about 12% of our electricity from her new energy sources now. remember that electric cars is a technology that is just starting out. one of the most important things we need to do is extend the range vehicles can travel. people are starting to get more interested in this. in the first half of last year, twice as many people ought to plug-in hybrid vehicles than the year before. plug-in hybrid vehicles than the year before. those people are saving thousands of dollars per year in lower gas purchases. >> do you want to address the comments about global warming? of an the subject editorial in today's "washington times" -- guest: there is a technical term for what is happening right now. some records are going to be broken, it is important to know that at the same time we are having record colds here they are having record heat in australia. november, it was the warmest november on record. be the fourth to warmest year on record. i would like to show this graph that shows you the average temperature for the last 50 years. as you can see it is steadily rising. sure there are tweaks of up-and- down. every decade has been warmer than the decade before. the zeros were warmer than the 90s and the 90s were warmer than the 80s. there's no question the earth's temperature is rising. >> where's this chart from? , theat is data from nasa people who put a man on the moon and run the space station. it is one of america's premier scientific agencies. host: let's go to david waiting in -- waiting in anchorage alaska. -- anchorage, alaska. caller: thank you for c-span. it is my favorite program. the problem is a philosophical problem. we have the government picking winners and losers versus the free market. when you talk about venture capital and return on their investment, i don't know how your return is captured in dollars. venture capitalists capital -- venture capitalists gamble with their money. the government gambles with my money. if you look at the ethanol , they are farming roads to road. there's no habitat anymore for the wild beings. they are using herbicides, pesticides, endangering the ground and water in doha -- in iowa. let's get to the wind farm in anchorage, alaska. worth was given to alaska native corporations to buy 10 men -- by 10 windmills manufactured in china. my electricity rates have gone up three percent. what is your question? do you think the cost of clean energy is worth the return? the short answer is absolutely yes. the greatest environmental threat posed to us is from climate change. in your state cold villages will because theoved tundra it is built on will follow. -- will thaw. congress of the united states, with his elected representatives, did vote for this program under the , passed into law, and president obama signed into law. that is how democracy works. the corn ethanol industry has had a very huge downside. got rid ofthat we the tax cuts a couple of years ago for foreign-based ethanol. i agree there are a lot of concerns that wind turbines and wind farms have to be built in a way that do not kill -- unnecessarily killed thousands of the eagles and other important wildlife. it has to be dealt with. where are the women? we have had all guys so far. an e-mail -- that is an excellent question. we already pick winners and losers. the nuclear energy institute, which represents the nuclear industry, did a study that found over the last 60 years that we have invested 58% of our tax subsidies and other stub cities -- and other subsidies in the oil and gas industry. removable's and 12% -- nine percent renewables and 12% in coal and nukes. in fact, big oil and gas companies get $4 billion per year in tax breaks, even though they have made record profits. the five largest oil and gas -- in 2013n the u.s. alone they are going to make -- they already made over $70 billion in profits over the past three quarters. they probably made close to $100 billion over 2013. they need those tax breaks? absolutely not. to do isre trying invest in a new clean energy technology of the future, like china, germany, and what are other economic competitors are doing. that's what our other economic others -- and what our economic competitors are doing. host: next caller. tennessee.ive in that is where the plant is building batteries for the nissan leaf. earlier you were talking about a on that would go 50 miles its batteries and then it would run on gasoline. but i trulyengineer --ieve that car could run the electric generator could be run by compressed air instead of gas. that would be h are meant to change in the way -- would be a tremendous change in the way we get around. i would like to say one other -- there are a lot of inventions and technologies that are being suppressed by coal and oil in order to keep us buying their products. i was wondering if you have ever heard of a man named joe holden. , heou search him on youtube is the man who invented the afterburner for the jet engines. he was a jet fighter pilot back in the korean war. he was the head engineer for rolls-royce jet engines. he had some inventions you do not hear about. you can see them on youtube, but this stuff is being suppressed. give dan weiss the last minute here in the segment. example of a car where you run on that or he first and then gasoline -- by the way, the average person drives 40 miles per day in the u.s.. to -- chevrolet has 30 miles on the battery. of i am not familiar with the air compression technology. problem -- as everyone listening knows we have the best engineers, the most inventive minds in the whole world here in the united states. they're coming up with all kinds of clean energy technology to run electricity longer, to use less, and pollute less. the biggest problem is getting the technology commercialized ago from the lab to the marketplace. there's is basically a market failure. particularly after the economic crash in 2008, investors were not willing to invest in new technology if they were not sure about the payoff. invest, you can't develop it for the payoff. loan guarantees helped get technologies from the lab to the marketplace. that is happening now. ,or example, with solar energy the first five utility solar plants were built with federal loan guarantees. the next 10 are being built with private capital. that is how this is working. that is how this will remain with our german and chinese competitors. clean energy technology will be invented here. we also want to make sure they will be used here. dan weiss is the director of climate strategy at the center for american progress. r,u can follow him on twitter @danjweiss. up next we will talk about the situation on the ground in iraq and the recent gains by al qaeda. we'll talk with seth jones from the rand corporation. next is an update from c-span radio. >> reports this hour that u.s. home prices barely rose in november from the previous month. the real estate eta provider, corelogic hummus says it increased 0.1% in november over october. -- prices haven risen 11.8% from a year ago. economists expect sales and prices to rise in the new year, last but more slowly than year. and the commerce department says the trade of the sid dropped almost 13% to just over $34 billion in november. almoste deficit dropped 13% to just over 34 billion dollars in november. it is a sign of economic growth. airplanes and machinery lifted exports to an all-time high. in international news, dan schapiro, the u.s. ambassador to israel, speaking earlier on israel radio says a draft of that palestinian israel peace deal is almost completed. it will be presented to both sides. the framework proposal -- the proposal framework issues borders and security issues. they have been pushing for outlines of the peace deal. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio. identify theto single most important challenge for muslims -- the truth of the matter is the reason we are here today is because of this , which i read somewhere is not only historical it anti-historical because denies entries of islamic theology and tradition. it subscribes to the idea that to be a muslim you just have to from a verythics limited short time. i think it has to be about refusinghe told -- islamtold by clerk's that is a seventh century reality. we are americans and muslims who islam of the 20th century. discussinge will be "the liberty amendments." read the book and join the conversation. go to >> "washington journal" continues. host: with reports of escalating violence in iraq, we are joined by seth jones who works as an -- associatetor director at the rand corporation. his latest reports focused on al qaeda's efforts in iraq. we have been her ring -- been hearing about escalating violence. why so much concern? guest: there are two reasons there is concern now. one is there is violence more broadly al qaeda in the region and neighboring syria. there's escalating violence by .wo al qaeda affiliates we have broadening violence. second, al qaeda has taken over control of part of several cities. they had limited control. in their ability to control some areas has caused some greater concern. this is concern over growing sectarian split in iraq between sonny's -- between asnis and what they concern their government. >> who are the -- host: who are the major players on the ground? is al the major adversary qaeda. an affiliate calls itself the islamic state of iraq and syria paid it is very similar to what we have seen in pakistan among the corps. they want to establish an islamic emirate, where it can establish sharia law. the police and security --tresses -- security forces you have outside governments in the reason -- in the region. there is a heavy mix of outside supporters internal to iraq. this geographic area is concentrated now. talk about the u.s. involvement there. this was a place that was the focus of u.s. efforts. guest: after the invasion of iraq in 2003, the chunk of the violence is in him bar -- in umbar. the u.s. military, led by organizations like the marine corps, went into falluja to try to clear them of operations. remember some of the video footage of the u.s. marines cording off the city -- u.s. marines courting off the city. the united states secretaryon sunday -- john kerry was talking to reporters about what the u.s. role in iraq should be. he said the u.s. will not be sending troops back in. yesterday the white house spokesman jay carney was asked about the u.s. role amid this escalating violence. he talked a little bit in that press conference. here's what he had to say. [video clip] collect united states maintains a strong relationship and commitment to the government of iraq. with our close contact embassy in baghdad about how we can continue to support the government's efforts to defeat al qaeda. what is known now is the islamic state of iraq, the al qaeda , is there.oup we have made a significant admit meant to helping the iraqi government in dealing with that situation. what secretary kerry's point also was -- and i think this is a point of broader conflicts in the region -- this is something for the iraqis to take the lead on and handle themselves. it does not mean we cannot a system -- cannot assist them. that was jay carney. joining us via phone for , thanktive from baghdad you for joining us. on whato get the latest the current situation is on the ground in baghdad and how close is the fighting there? [indiscernible] it sounds like everyone is busy. [indiscernible] 4s this is normal. -- for us this is normal. host: in terms of falluja itself itself, we have heard reports that al qaeda has taken over some areas. when will those efforts to take them back take place? caller: there was a deal by the to not enter the city until they try to find a solution. [indiscernible] they are trying to give room for negotiations between the .ommunity leaders and militants [indiscernible] out of the city. you for joining us from baghdad. seth jones of the rand corporation, what to do you take from her description of what is happening on the ground and what is happening with the government efforts to retain some of these areas? from the baghdad perspective, the iraq he capital, we are still -- the iraq he capital -- the iraq capital, we're are still hearing reports of car bombs. iraq we havern circlee security forces the city and are in the process of negotiating what to do next. romani looks like it has been freed of most al qaeda control. we are seeingere the majority of activity right now. we are at a temporary stop it right now. i think there were some diplomatic efforts underway. if they don't work i think we are bound to see a very significant military garage -- military garage -- military barrage. an expert on security and defense policy. our phone lines are open. waiting on our line for democrats is john, coming in from california. you are on "the washington journal." caller: thank you for taking my call. two very quick questions for seth. you support the invasion of iraq back in 2003? you justd question is made a statement that we were fighting al qaeda in the first invasion of falluja 10 years ago -- of fallujah 10 years ago. significantlyl after invasion that al qaeda had a strong presence in that process -- in that province. i would like you to speak to that. issue, mythe first personal view is that i did support the u.s. operations to unseat al qaeda and the taliban from afghanistan. guest: what is your job back then during -- host: what was your job back then during the original invasion? i taught classes at george mason university. i served operations in afghanistan. the iraq fund did not see a to the terrorism side to conduct the invasion. i did not support it in that sense. here is the basic background on the terrorism front. as r kelly was not a member of wi was not azarko member of al qaeda. camps anded training in 2004 -- a group established a group. in 2004 he became an affiliate of al qaeda and sworn allegiance to osama bin laden. -- by late 2004 we had a formal al qaeda affiliates in iraq. as we got into 2005, al qaeda othertrenched in parts of areas of iraq. their spread was largely of a result -- largely a result of the u.s. invasion. i think the presence of u.s. forces acted as a magnet for what we ended up seeing. we pointed out an article from usa today -- in this segment we want to open up a special line for iraq war call in to: and -- to and offer their thoughts about the situation in iraq. of the phone number -- the phone 3883.r is 202-585- on our go to steven independent line calling now from shelbyville, indiana. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you all doing? host: good, go ahead. caller: it is cold here in shelbyville. it is a travel problem, it always has been. have had moreuld success in afghanistan if we never invaded iraq. that is pretty much my comment. have a good day. host: thanks for calling in. leroy is waiting in new york on our line for democrats. caller: good morning. -- if it does factor basic , 100cs into his analysis feet of freefall on building seven -- host: we are going to hold off on the 9/11 conspiracy theories. you have a question on this subject? please don't try to deflect the question by discrediting that by distracting question by distracting everyone with this topic. it is the basis of our ful oreign policy. host: regarding 9/11 -- guest: regarding 9/11, it is clear the al qaeda leadership has taken credit for it. seeing in a range of areas is this organization is much more decentralized than it was on 9/11. we have seen elements of it or at least those inspired by this jihadist ideology from north africa. we have 8000 civilians killed which terrorism in 2013, is the highest number we have seen over the past five years. this is a renewed challenge. host: from e-mail -- guest: that is a good question. the way al qaeda is set up right now -- i would call it loosely organized -- is they have a central command that has limited power based out of pakistan. they then have a handful of affiliates, organizations that have sworn allegiance. they have them in yemen, somalia, north africa, syria, and iraq now. iraqaq -- what we see in is an organization swearing allegiance to the head of al qaeda in pakistan. the organization is called the syria. state of iraq and isis. it considers itself of having control of an area not just in iraq but a broader region, including syria. linked to the core and pakistan. just an inspired organization. this has a direct tie. some of thentioned civilian deaths in iraq. here is an article. this is from today's "washington post." a chart showing civilian deaths in iraq from 2008 up to 2013. you can see the dip and then the rise again in late 2012. i will ask you dino's question from twitter. -- dean's question from twitter -- guest: the cost of training security forces went into the multiple billions. i am not aware of a public number. it was in the billions of dollars. securityenge of iraq's forces is they have a fairly sizable number of iraq he -- of forces.-- of iraqi there have been efforts in particular in fallujah to recruit elements of the tribe as the u.s. and iraqis did in 2006. iraq has a broad security apparatus of nearly 500,000, including all aspects of , and structural aspects. it is a structural state that has limited control. richard rogers offers this tweet -- let's go to bob calling in from wisconsin on our line for democrats. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am not going to go into a long diatribe about our history. in 75 president nixon brought us all home. it wasn't 12 hours later that the communists took over again. in today's history, the same thing has happened. for the people of iraq, if they are not serious about the fight for their own freedoms, to they deserve it? that is my question. i will take it off the air. -- do they deserve it? that is my question. i will take it off the air. guest: thank you. i hope you're staying warm in wisconsin today. iraq withe seeing in the vast majority of the fighting, iraq these are standing up and fighting -- iraq is are standing up and fighting. the challenge is this will be a againsted insurgency the government. shshiite in general. increasingly to e direction. is not the time to insert american forces in iraq. this is iraq's fight. that is actually what we are seeing. romani was cleared by iraqi security forces that stood up, fox, and in some cases die to protect their cities. -- stood up, fox, and in some cases died to protect their cities -- stood up, fought, and, in some cases, died to protect their cities. part of it is the sectarian divide between shiite and sunni. criticisms from members of congress. here's a statement from a house armed services committee mckeon --oward that is how sent armed services mckeon.e's "buck" forces are security fairly competent compared to what we have seen in afghanistan. iraqi government needs outside assistance and the u.s. can provided. able talk about hellfire missiles -- people talk about hellfire missiles -- and i would caution that this is not just a military struggle. provide weapons, which may actually fuel the situation over the long run. we can provide intelligence, training to the civilians and security forces raided the fact the u.s. left in 2011 does make it more difficult to do the training missions, even by elite special forces or intelligent uses -- intelligent forces. there are ways to help. i do think adding u.s. conventional forces to this mix would be the plea counterproductive. -- would be deeply counterproductive. i would strongly advocate against using conventional forces. into antake this occupier direction that is not helpful. using itsan do things clandestine units. sheldon is waiting on the special line we have set up for those who have served in iraq. thank you for calling the washington journal today. caller: thank you for taking my call this morning. host: you are on with seth jones from the rand corporation. just one comment, i think this would be a good opportunity for the u.s. government to maybe employ special advisor units in iraq. ory units in iraq. host: wherein iraq did you serve? caller: i served in baghdad with the reserves and also in 2007 with the state department. sheldon's question is one i support. it is not -- it has not played a major training and assist role in iraq. as this conflict continues, especially in western iraq, it would be helpful to have a low training advise and assist effort. that is not u.s. engaged in theting but engaged in ability to provide training, some equipment, some intelligence. than anyonebetter in the world at its ability to collect and diligence from platforms -- collect intelligence from platforms. interest ine is an stemming what has become a regional problem through building the capacity of their iraqi -- of the iraq he government. ernment.e iraqi gov we are getting levels in syria and iraq where the situation is getting worse. mentioned providing equipment at the press conference yesterday. jay carney went through shipments of hellfire missiles that went over, drones, and helicopters. in terms of what could be most useful on the fight -- useful in the fight on the ground, what would it be from that list? a lot depends on the cook needs from the iraqi -- a lot depends on the equipment needs from the iraqi security forces. i'm not sure we are talking about armed drones but their ability to collect information can be really helpful in providing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance from the area and this is -- and reconnaissance from the area. if they are running out of , you need themes some places for combat. theyhat i have found is tended to things like communication equipment and radios in order to communicate -- host: the basic needs. guest: the basic needs an army and police force needed to operate. not necessarily the most lethal kind of equipment but communication gear. waiting inis kentucky on our line for republicans. you are on with seth jones, the associate director of the rand corporation's international security and policy center. thank you for having question. i have a how is al qaeda funded? that, what arab nations fund or embrace their population to become members of al qaeda? and a third thing, are there any international corporations that can be linked to al qaeda funding?orter guest: al qaeda gets funding from a range of different places. across the border in north froma -- it gets funding independent donors from places like the persian gulf. from alissaing trafficking, everything from cigarettes to gems -- from illicit trafficking, everything from cigarettes to gems. kidnapping westerners or wealthy locals and getting money for the release of those designers. they get funding from taxing areas they control. gottena in iraq has funding from some donors in the gulf and a lot of activity that happens inside of iraq. theyion of those areas control. shipments along the roadways, setting up checkpoints and taxing individuals, as well as kidnappings and other things. there is redundancy on the financing side. no states or governments provide assistance to al qaeda, at least knowingly. there are some wealthy individuals that have provided funding. on your question of corporations , there really are no major corporations that have provided assistance to al qaeda, at least meaningful assistance. some have been targeted individuals that have been targeted, individuals arrested. -- some have been targeted, individuals arrested. and use it forey both illicit purposes, funding to al qaeda and those organizations, as well as social and charity purposes. companies.ront the fbi has arrested a number of a people affiliated with them in the u.s.. interviewed any" iraq war veteran. there is the article there. we have a special line set up for those who served in iraq. on the line is jules from georgia. go ahead. caller: i think it is very arrogant for our country to think -- or really it is delusional. home,ou go inside their it could be a dirt hot, but it is clean -- dirt hut, but it is clean on the inside. they don't have any identity outside their family. theare you going to get government to tell voters -- it is a culture they have had around for hundreds of years. i think it is a bad foreign policy. i'm curious to your thoughts on that. host: when and where did you serve? 2006 as aserved in medical battalion leader. good question, thank you for your service. think in iraq, as well as several other locations where u.s. forces have fought in the past decade, the role of the state is limited. even iraq when you go to major cities, whether it is in the or in cities like fallujah , the identity is very localized among the families, clams come a potentially tribes -- clans, potentially tribes. at the state level there is a very weak sense of nationality. we have seen the loss split between the sectarian sunni-s hiite lines. point isules' appropriate, that expecting that a central government is the solution is problematic in itself. i think there has been some effort to reach out to the families and tribes against al qaeda. the sense of urgency here is al qaeda, in this particular region, has researched -- has resurged in iraq and syria. at the moment it is not planning attacks against the u.s. homeland. i think this organization needst to be pushed back. what i wouldn't argue is the u.s. should do nothing. host: what lessons are there or from -- are there from what is happening in iraq right now? snapshot of the militant picture today, as the u.s. did in 2011 when al qaeda was weekend in iraq -- was --expecting iraq that that will into new into the foreseeable future is simply not true. u.s. -- the president will likely announce in january or .ebruary some troop numbers i think the decision to leave completely would be problematic. iraq, basedeen in on weakness of the central government and other aspects, including regional effects, al qaeda has demonstrated an ability to regenerate. it happened in iraq and it certainly would be possible in afghanistan and pakistan. host: >> set jones is the associate international do it y that's going to today on "the washington journal." a.m.,ere tomorrow at 7:00 eastern, 4:00 pacific.


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A Collector's Dream: Richmond Auctions' Two-Day Spring Event Offers Automobilia And More - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


GADC Presents Greenville County Manufacturer of the Year Awards

GADC Presents Greenville County Manufacturer of the Year Awards - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


GSP airport adds nonstop flight to Washington, DC

GSP airport adds nonstop flight to Washington, DC - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


South Carolina: America's Most Charming Main Streets

Five of 'America's Most Charming Main Streets' are in driving distance from Greenville, South Carolina.


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