Greg Bourque and his girlfriend, Jen Fromme, were unsuccessful in finding a booster dose before the holidays and Bourque died before their appointment.
openly gay eagle scout, to be a summer carpmp leader. 15 years tag court upheld the scout s right to expel a scout leader when he came out as gay. even if you don t exclude a young person when they become 18 years old they re not good enough anymore? that s the wrong message for the boy scouts of america. gates says any change should protect the religious freedom of churches that sponsor 70% of local scout units. help oversaw the policy change in the military and that experience impresses some local scouting officials. this is not what we expected but leaders lead. bob gates is used to leading. this is not a guy used to sitting on the backseat and rubbing his hands and wondering what to do next. joining me now is someone who know this is story very well. greg bourque was fired as his
might happen from justice ginsburg and some of the others. so we re anxious. we re hopeful, we re optimistic and of course when we see things happening like what happened yesterday with robert gates, it reminds us that our company our country is moving forward for so many different ways. robert gates talked about the changes that have taken place in society. in addition to that the legislative changes and judicial changes. all of those factors weigh into what i m sure was on his mind as he was making his speech yesterday that the boy scouts of america and our whole culture can t fight the movement towards lgbt right and full inclusion. greg thank you for being with me. thank you for having me. after a quick break, we ll take you live to dublin ireland, where residents are going to go to the polls to vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage. it s expected to be a huge vote turnout. but look at this moments ago the gates open at disney ham in