But to take the money and buy down the rates. So you had all kinds of odd potential alliancewer a iu3 xrl g ry[8 oe6]l[d34 democratic leadership that wasnt exactly bought in on it either. In the meantime, our good friends over in the house were calling it on my side of the aisle were calling it the boxer bill, which, of course, was really great for me to hear. So we just had all kinds of didnt we, senator inhofe . We had all kinds of trip wires on 9s js j8pd8o important which we all thought was for the states, localities, the people who build and rerepair the roads to have e certainty. So in the end there wasnt really a philosophical prosh here. The question was, how could we pull together these disparate pieces into one mosaic that actually a chance to get somewhere . And i want to say to senator boxer in particular, this has been one of the most exhilarating and satisfying experiences ive had in the time that ive been in the senate. I never would have preducpredid 20someodd years ag