Coastlines. BRAZIER by the cost of a drive with some sunny spells winds continuing to ease through the day. It s now 3 minutes past 10. Rock N Roll. Hi this is Brenda Lee You re listening to the best rock n roll show in town with Jeff Barker. Please. Don t miss. Me. The. Way. Thank you. Again 6. already going up aloft on a big box down little the dust by the spot of the Russell this is Jeff Parker welcome on the B.B.C. The next to ask him how he got I to Brendel a little Miss Donna my she said before later this week and from 958 a lowly couldn t get it by now just for the lights of a rocking around the Christmas tree recorded in Nashville It s great going through the great Hank Gallen on guitar and then surely one of the best pop rock N roll records I ever sent you the best guitar solo ever in a pop rock N roll record Connie Francis and Lipstick on Your Collar guitar Bucky Pizzarelli from 9 to 15 on love that record and it s her best as well said 2 of the biggest selling women of roc
B.b.c. News at 2 o clock am Barry Caffrey a senior minister has said the government should consider borrowing more money to invest in building up to 300 pounds and new homes a year in England that s double the current number the community secretary Sajid Javid said ministers should take advantage of the starkly low interest rates to deal with the housing crisis our political correspondent Jonathan Blake says his comments mark a change of approach I think we ve seen a slight shift in policy from Sajid Javid this morning in terms of how the government will approach what it has continually referred to as the housing crisis it freely admits that the housing market in England is broken and there is a need for far more new houses being built than there are at the moment the International Trade Secretary Liam Fox says the government won t have much money it will pay the e.u. After bank says until it becomes clear what trade agreements the 2 sides will reach he told i.t.v. Has passed and on S