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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180920 21:00:00

first of all, they still have not turned over the original letter that ford sent to dianne feinstein. they have been hiding that from the senate republicans. they are not acting in good faith on that. ford has deleted her social media accounts right before she went public. i wonder what she didn't want people to see there. and ford's attorney also said only on monday, this is three days ago, "my client will do whatever is necessary to make sure that the senate judiciary committee has the full story and the full set of allegations to allow them to make a fully informed decision." and then literally three days later, change of the entire story, doesn't want to testify but may testify next week but only on our terms. this is not how people operate in good faith. debra katz, the lawyer for forward, ignoring phone calls and emails from the senate investigative staff. as you mention, senate democrats aren't participating in the conversations with kavanaugh and the alleged witnesses where they are under oath. kavanaugh has been under oath to the chief counsel of the senate judiciary committee under the penalty of perjury. he's been under oath that way, and ford has now decided to go under oath. also very interesting, it's getting extremely political. ford has hired a former clinton and biden advisor. it doesn't look good if it's become this political at this point. it looks like the democrats are making a partisan play here to delay and delay and delay. there is less lots being paid to getting this alleged victim's story out there in an open forum. i can't believe i am quoting a senator and reading this letter, the grassley letter to dianne feinstein. >> dana: that is a master class of letters. >> jesse: one of the best letters i've ever read. goes through .5 points. >> marie: how many have you guarantee your safety. who is against that? no one is saying i am sorry. you are going to have to take the bus and wear a sign around her neck. no one is going to do that. everybody understands death threats. if you work in the media, we get it. if you want to know about going into a den of lions, just watch dana loesch at the cnn town hall over gun control. people understand danger. that's -- that can't be used as protection against coming forward after you have made something public, which is possibly destroying the person's life. you say how dare you say it could destroy this man's life because, according to adam schiff, he's an attempted. by adam schiff, what could he have done? could you accuse him something? how would his family feel if he was accused of something? this is not the america i know where you have due process where a politician can say maybe he is guilty of attempted rate. even if the evidence is ambiguous. we can say they are guilty. we are in a time right now that's an incredible threat to our civilization because we our undoing and institution. every person is vulnerable. your husband, your husband, your father, your son. all it takes is a unsubstantiated accusation in which the accuser can then say hold on. not so fast. you are all screwed. >> marie: he's going to get confirmed. >> dan: just a hit on something everyone needs to digest. senate democrats are not stupid. they are fully aware of how background investigations work. i did backgrounds for the federal government. let's be crystal clear what they are and what they aren't. they are criminal history checks. they are under no circumstances criminal investigations. there is a difference. if i am investigating you for the supreme court, i checked your history and see if you've been arrested. if a neighbor says that marie may be dealing drugs out of her house, i don't investigate that. i contacted police. >> greg: i will go to her house. >> dan: my point is senate democrats are not stupid. asking the fbi to do terminal investigation either speaks to their grotesque ignorance which is not true, or the fact that as chuck grassley accurately stated, it's purely an obstruction tactic. i did this. they do not happen. they don't do criminal background checks on this. full stop. >> dana: we will see what happens. it will make that our permanent tagline. >> greg: that is from trump. >> dana: former cia director wanted the intel community. that's ahead. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. order to declassify key fisa court documents and text messages related to the russia probe not sitting well with some of the intelligence 20. former cia director michael hayden issuing this morning. >> sooner or later, we are going to complete point square with the president demand is so egregious. by the way, not beyond the president's authority here, it's just wrong that he exercises the authority in this way, that the right thing for them to do to signal the alarm, to send of the flare, is to simply say if you want this done, mr. president, it's going to have to be done by someone else. were going to be getting close to that point. >> marie: dan, i'm going to come to you. the actual question i want to start with his president trump gave an interview a few days ago where he was asked about these documents and if you'd read them and what he saw in them that was so egregious and he said i haven't read them yet. does that concern you he has ordered documents declassified that he hasn't read? >> dan: i'm not sure he hasn't read all of them he may have not read some of them. he's only handling north korea, potential nuclear war. doesn't have time to go through the 300 plus pages. the president of the united states as a candidate was spied on by the opposing administration. do you doubt that? >> marie: i do not agree. go on. >> dan: "the new york times" outed the spy. we have his name. >> marie: there were people in a time campaign who are legitimate targets for surveillance. >> dan: why were they legitimate? >> marie: they were working with foreign governments. fights applications for new -- >> dan: it is circular reasoning. you can't say he's a russian spy because there was a warrant and then say there was a warrant because he was a russian spy. >> marie: let's see the vice application. >> dan: this is great. >> marie: they were fisa applications repeatedly renewed for republican judges. >> dan: you say there's no evidence of this. there is clear evidence. we have the name of the central intelligence agency asset that was emailing people on the trump team and its changing information, outed by "the new york times." you're telling me the campaign wasn't spied on? that is like bizarro superman land. >> jesse: before they were never spied on. now it's they were spied on there was good reason for it. >> marie: i can name multiple cases. jesse, the president has picked certain pages in these fisa warrant to be released. do you think all of them should be released? some people have said cherry picking makes it look like he's just looking for things that help him. >> jesse: i would like to see as much as possible. i think the american people are interested in seeing as much is possible too, i don't like the way the doj has begun to stall on this. reminds me of senate democrats. they are saying they need time for a declassification review. what is to review? you are releasing unredacted documents. there they are. shouldn't take that long. they are saying you don't want to burn the sources. as far as we know, the only source for this application was christopher steele. >> marie: that's not true. >> jesse: he was the main guy behind the dossier in the dossier was 90% of the application. the only other part of the application was a few articles. >> marie: that's not true. >> jesse: okay, so if it's not true, that will see the declassify documents and will find out what the true story is. and that's good, and i'm glad. i am also hearing nellie ohr, who was working for fusion gps, married to bruce, she's not even going to comply with an invitation to talk to house investigators. i wonder what she's hiding. a lot of people are covering their tracks and it's all going to come out. very transparent, i applaud the president. >> marie: some people are concerned this is being released before the mueller investigation is over and it might impact his ability to do a thorough, credible investigation. >> dana: on twitter, people saying the democrats are worried it will get republicans enthusiastic about voting for and i find that a little hard to believe, given that most of the polls, nobody cares about the russian investigation. i don't think they are going to the polls for that. they are going to the polls for other reasons. if they're going to release these documents, he does have to be done in a responsible manner. i have no doubt it will be. but i also know the counterintelligence investigation about this started in the spring of 2015, well before the carter page fisa documents. i think there is a lot more behind it. this is not going to be the end-all. i don't think mueller has to worry. >> marie: greg, what say you? >> greg: i don't really want to say anything. i hate to this topic. i am like america. you have the passion. if donald trump only releases certain amounts, cherry picking is wrong. but if he releases everything, he's putting people in danger. the conclusion is, no matter what he does come he's going to be blamed for something. the fact that he's letting this out without knowing what's in it shows it doesn't bother him. he is the saran wrap president. you can see through everything. i think he should be applauded for that. is hayden a commentator for cnn? that's a good point because he's a commentator and a critic. being a critic guarantees he's a commentator. >> dan: don't you member the democrats have calling, months ago, when the initial redacted reports were released, they were saying that the dirt is in the redactions. now they are saying let's not see the redactions. >> marie: this is not going to be helpful to donald trump. i guarantee you. >> dana: be patient, marie. >> marie: next best topic, "new york times" being criticized for asking readers for help finding fake news. don't miss greg's monologue of next. stay tuned. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? 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one of the content-free anonymous anti-trump op-ed. talk about sourcing a crowd of one, an editor with an imagination. i bring up jason blair. it's a most in our time. by all means, help the times uncover media bias and cover their cubicles in mirrors. are you going to help them out, dan? >> dan: i don't know where to start with this. this is supposedly one of the newspapers of record. for the last year and a half, they have subjected us to a collision narrative, not to go back -- [laughter] continue to lie like this? i am not -- >> marie: you are not going to like it when more people start going to jail. >> greg: for different reasons. >> dan: not going to jail for collusion. they have been reporting on this story for a year and a half and they have yet to cite a substantive piece of evidence the donald trump's campaign actually colluded with the russians. while asking for fake news. >> marie: that's not true, dan. >> dan: tell me one person who was arrested for collusion or conspiracy. >> marie: you don't have to be arrested to have evidence. since the times in the post-others have started reporting on the story, the original trump team story that no one that with russians has proven to be alive. over a dozen trump to paid officials met with russians who offered to help -- let me finish. offered to help them dirt get -- get dirt on hillary clinton. it's been known people in the trump orbit new wikileaks were going to release damaging emails. these are pieces of evidence. if you want to put your head in the sand. it when mueller's report comes out, you're going to be very, very surprised at what you read. >> dan: no, i won't. just to be clear, we are suggesting that meeting with russians to get dirt on your political opponent is a crime? >> marie: possibly conspiracy. >> dan: why isn't hillary clinton guilty? >> marie: because she didn't do that. she didn't do that. i know you keep telling yourself. >> jesse: be nice to her. >> marie: you keep telling yourself conspiracy theories and if you keep saying them they will become true but they are not. >> dan: you are telling ray hillary clinton did not pay for russian sources? >> marie: dan, maybe you should read "the new york times" once in a while. >> greg: maybe you should watch "hannity"! my goodness, marie. they just said "stop that, greg." you to argue. dana. >> dana: i was going to say conservatives should take the time's up this. it's an invitation to participate. so great, a couple weeks ago, "the weekly standard" fact-checked on facebook. they flagged it as false, a points by a talking points memo and they fact-check it point by point. and okay, conservatives, they are giving you the invitation to criticize. go for it. >> jesse: guess what's going to happen. you're going to have conservatives sending a "new york times" and seen in articles and then you can have "the new york times" readership sending in breitbart and daily color articles the times is going to say these bright part and daily color articles, these look like fake news. they are going to fact-check those and ignore all the cnn and their own fake new stuff. that's what's going to happen. i know a great fake news story. i'm not going to bring it back to the deep state. i'm going to bring it back to the top of the show. there was a woman put of post on facebook and she allegedly went to the same school for kavanaugh and ford went to when she set around the time, next week at school, everybody was talking about this and she had heard something that was going on. and then it turns out she knew nothing about anything, wasn't there, saw nothing, didn't even know if kavanaugh was involved in it. that was after the fact that all of these other mainstream media news sources had run so big with the story. by then, it had gone around the world a thousand times. >> dana: she had to delete it. >> jesse: she deleted it. apparently this party happened in the summer, according to ford. how is everyone at school buzzing about it if it was the summer? >> greg: it was something like "i didn't expect all of this attention." you just bolstered an accusation claiming you knew something potentially, this is a national story. and then saying you know what. step back. >> jesse: she says i accomplish my goal. that's what she said. >> marie: the times often make corrections. they corrected the nikki haley story. >> greg: talk about crowd sourcing. the internet and social media had come after them. >> marie: they write hundreds of thousands of articles. everyone who puts things out the turn out to be false should correct them. >> dana: media outlets want their readers to be engaged. we want our viewers to be part of it. podcast and radio shows. >> greg: i want them to send complementary tweets about me so i can forward it to management. isn't that what the times are doing? could you say we are doing a good job? >> marie: i think they are actually looking for actual fake news. russian, ukrainian, whatever country who puts fake, fake news online. >> greg: why are we being so xenophobic? what happened to these progressives? think globally. all right, hollywood stars are teaming up to slam brett kavanaugh. that's a surprise. new video next. just one free hearing test at his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear. and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you the full value oft wyour new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ >> dan: if that wasn't enough, here is joy behar. >> this is what i grew up with, that men are supposed to protect you from these predatory males. they are not doing that. on the contrary. these people in congress right now are that senate judiciary committee, these white men, old, by the way, are not protecting women. they are protecting a man who is probably guilty. if you are not judge kavanaugh, take the lie detector test, prove it the way she did and the way anita hill did, that they are not lying. >> dan: is not a lie detector. it's a polygraph. there is no test that detects lying. my problem with this is these celebrity videos, they seem to come out when it's a conservative target but when it's a liberal target, vis-a-vis the keith ellison case, they stay quiet. >> dana: you are absolutely right. >> dan: everyone should be heard and these are serious charges, no doubt. the stipulation that everyone has to be instantaneously believed it's a dangerous proposition and these celebrities saying i believe you without hearing the case, it seems kind of odd. >> dana: joy behar says he should take a lie detector test, polygraph. apparently then we are all supposed to believe that even though the actual comments she gave to "the washington post," i'm not sure, i'm not positive, i'm not sure. i'm positive. something happened to me. that is supposed to be good enough where, as jesse pointed out, kavanaugh has testified under oath. if you lie under oath to the congress, guess what. that's a felony and you go to jail. you think he wants to risk his entire life by telling a lie under oath? that's why she should come and testify. the under the same oath. it's not the polygraph. forget that. i want to see her under oath. >> dan: there's a reason polygraphs are not admissible in court. >> jesse: it was the lawyer who administered the polygraph and her office and private. will not release the results of the polygraph or say how the polygraph was paid for. they just said she passed it. >> marie: do not believe this woman? >> jesse: i believe this woman, ford, believes something happened to her a very long time ago at a party. i also believe that not every man accused of sexual assault is guilty. i also believe that to say he's a rapist or obviously guilty because he's not taking a polygraph is irresponsible and very dangerous. hollywood should know this because hollywood lobbies for criminal justice reform, raises a lot of money for the innocence project. they get people out of prison, falsely locked up when they have dna evidence that comes out later. harrison ford was in a movie, a hollywood movie, "the fugitive," falsely accused and then actually has to go around and go back and find the real killer. this happens sometimes. it's irresponsible for these people to put their faces on a video like that without knowing any of the evidence. >> marie: i don't disagree with a lot of that. i watched some of this and i think they've already convicted kavanaugh and i don't think that's fair. i try and think about why these people are doing it. probably some of them don't like kavanaugh on the court, fine. that's a political argument. people in this country trying to figure out how to operate in this me too era where before this happened, women were more often than not not believed. sometimes now i think, particularly women, go out of their way to say we believe you because for decades and decades, women who said they were assaulted weren't believed. >> dana: there is no one on that committee who says we don't believe her. >> marie: have we found the balance? i don't know that our society knows how we can find the balance. i do think if she wants to testify, she absolutely should. i believe she should. if it's tuesday or wednesday not monday, i don't think that affects or could ability. again, at the end of the day, politically speaking, don't we all think he's going to get confirmed if there are no new allegations or rumors of anything else? right? >> dan: this is a serious question. is the man not entitled to defend himself? >> greg: of course. that's what i was getting up before. you have to have some kind of due process. i find it ironic that that video was made by they were moving on, remember, from the schedule and impeachment of bill clinton. they were trying to excuse well-documented recent behavior. it's like a serial killer criticizing your manners. going after brett kavanaugh, it's ridiculous. joy, an old white lady, because she called those old white men. you can call her an old white lady because i'm not sexist. she went after them men. we should ask women have to start thinking about this because it doesn't help. false accusations do not help women, number one. they do not help their families if people and their families are targeted. i have said this before. i spent seven years believing the biggest threat to the united states was existential terror. i'm beginning to think the biggest threat to us is us. because now there's the power to disappear people without any process. that's really chilling. on the dems and the media are so shortsighted. they don't see where this could lead. this could lead to complete chaos. you could have accusations day every day. i'm not joking. i can make an accusation against anybody i want. funny is, celebrity should just be honest. you were already against him. if he was a cross between mother teresa and mahatma gandhi, you would still barbecue his ass. >> dan: rules who happens monday. yesterday, dana had to make this correction. >> jesse: how much does a stamp cost? >> dana: like $0.32, i think. i need to do a correct the record. a stamp is $0.49. >> dan: i am horrified. can the rest of us guess the price of everyday items any better? supermarket showdown is next. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. ♪ >> jesse: juan and i got into a little disagreement yesterday and before i set the record straight, i want you to watch this. >> marie: how much is a loaf of bread? >> jesse: $2.35. what is it? i shop at whole foods. it's about $2.35. >> dana: when you find bread for $2.35 at whole foods, your shopping at a different place. i would go on the price is right with you. >> jesse: at the average price for a loaf of bread, is $2.33. totally nailed it. even though juan is not here to apologize, that we play a little game. supermarket showdown. come on down. here we are. were going to guess the price of everyday household items were going to go prices right style. the closest gas without going over is the wooden. let me be clear. i don't know the answers ahead of time so do not accuse me of cheating. if anybody cheated here, it was dana. first up, a gallon of milk. all right, a gallon of milk. this is not organic milk. this is just straight up gallon of milk. >> marie: when do we show them? >> jesse: ready? everybody hold up your answers. >> dana: okay. who wins? >> jesse: the answer is $2.78. >> greg: for 1 gallon? it's >> jesse: i'm on a roll. to next up, a four pack of light bulbs. general electric. not, what are the fancy light bulbs? >> greg: the curly ones? i buy everything at bodegas. this is going to a -- be a problem. >> jesse: one, two, three. prices. what we have? i have $9.99. >> greg: what is it? >> jesse: $5.99. >> greg: i had $4. >> jesse: i am buying the expensive light bulbs. >> greg: you are not buying light bulbs. >> jesse: next one is dunkin' donuts cups. 16 cups from dunkin' donuts. k cups. i don't care what they are called. they are made of paper. 16 in a packed. everybody write it down?. these can't be expensive, right? >> dana: i've got mine. >> greg: i have a feeling. >> jesse: all right. >> dana: $6.25. >> jesse: $11.89! >> greg: i won. you know why? i drink a lot of coffee. >> dana: a dollar a cop? >> greg: dunkin' donuts is really good coffee. they let you sleep there. the when i go to let you sleep there. after you get your methadone. >> jesse: next one, we have a family-style size laundry detergent from arm & hammer. >> greg: communist. >> jesse: 50% more bounce, whatever that means. let's see what we've got. everybody write your numbers down. >> greg: all right. >> dana: ready? >> jesse: turn it over. >> dana: and $19.99? >> greg: dana, my god. >> jesse: $7.99. no way! no way. you get the little ones for $7.99. >> dana: you said $7.99. we you went over. >> jesse: i want to see the receipt. >> greg: that's crazy. you bought this at sam's club with a discount card. >> jesse: the next one is going to be big. >> dana: this one is the most important one. >> jesse: jif peanut butter. it's not crunchy. it's smooth. i was told that this is more of an elitist peanut butter than skippy. marie told me that. >> greg: it is like the republican party. >> dana: did anyone notice i drew jasper? >> greg: just you. >> jesse: nailed it! watters for the win? i said $2.30. $2.45. >> marie: i feel like you had the answers. >> greg: if he had the answers, he would've won all of them. >> jesse: man of the people. >> greg: you are. the world is yours. >> jesse: next we are going to play plinko for a brand-new car. actually, it's "one more thing" next. only botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. it's a quick 10 minute treatment given by a doctor to reduce those lines. ask your doctor about botox® cosmetic by name. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyelid and eyebrow drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the details make a difference. the man makes them matter. see real results at withdrawal, on bupropion, opioids, maois, allergy to the ingredients, or pregnant. may cause nausea, constipation, headache, and vomiting. reduce hunger, help control cravings with contrave. now you an talk to a doctor online and get free shipping at here's a trip tip: when you search hotels on tripadvisor... enter your destination and the dates of your stay. tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to find the best deal on the right hotel for you. tripadvisor. thing? usually, they will move like a small house, like a row home or something like that. i think it was like a six bedroom. i can see traffic backed up for miles behind his house, you can't really pass a house like that. >> along the way it hit a streetlight. >> if you lived there, you would be home now. [laughter] >> my turn. i went to a great thing last night for an organization called "restore nyc." it's a nonprofit organization that helps to end sex trafficking and raced down like it runs programs that help provide so dumb like survivors with case management and getting their life back together, making them feel that they are safe and giving them some competence in helping them with long-term job placement. it was a really big night last night, new yorkers are really generous. restore nyc has a broader scope than just new york, they help train agencies across the states. if you are in a place where you think you could use some help and help others in your place, you can visit them at restore >> it's time for this. greg's travel news. as you know, the my book is non "the new york times" best seller list anymore and it's upsetting. i asked lots of people to go out and buy it for my own ego, and a lot of people are racing to the bookstore, some in unusual vehicles. here's a man going to the local barnes and nobles on a jet ski. >> how do you know he was going to buy your book? >> because we are friends. it's a homemade 89 honda elite scooter, i guess he turned it into a scooter. but he's on the weight to get my book which is probably discounted on sale right now, you can probably get a really cheap on amazon. why aren't you doing that anywa anyway? >> marie, what do you have? >> today i have lebron james news. he's flying into the "space jam" sequel which will be a continuation of the 1996 film "space jam" which started at michael jordan, bill murray and a bunch of animated costars. i think we have some video from that previous "space jam." >> that reminds me of drugs. >> did you take drugs at her house? >> they are teaming up with a looney tunes in a desperate attempt to win a basketball match and earn their freedom. this production is set for next year and lebron's production announced this in a tweet. spring hill entertainment announced the project and one of the people involved as black panther ryan kugler. if lebron james set up by love for kids to understand how empowered they can feel and how empowered they can be if they don't just give up on their dream. it so much bigger than just me and the looney tunes. >> you did him proud of, you went one bigger than one more thing. >> on a somber note, a colleague of mine and the secret service who you probably worked with at some point, dana, collin johnson passed. he left us way too early, that's him right there. we used to call him lovingly, the eclipse. he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and within weeks past. i just wanted to take a moment because i've been given a nice platform since i left the secret service and some real american heroes don't have that. he deserves to be recognized. he was a marine, a patriot, secret service agent and he put his country first.


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