way, but in a macro sense they re damaging the republican brand. don t guess agrdisagree with. you re a hard man to disagree with. i think there are a lot of folks in the gop that we talked about, preeb pleeb raince priebus s memo. they re worried about that. the party does seem able to a general sense turn fast after it loses elections. we re talking about immigration which is completely impossible to imagine in 2011. it took them losing an election. they re talking about it, but they re still saying border security is what we want. they re working through a lot of the issues they have to do. i think that there s a lot of people in the republican party i believe who want the party to be about physical issues, who want to go more libertarian. these guys are still out there, making noise. so it depends on how the elections tush out to see whether or not they re going to keep moving in that direction. you look at these numbers, it s a hard thing to sell. especially to young peopl