people are going to lose coverage by new proposal. there are ways to get universal conch. i will give you one that i think mark and i might agree on which is have you a government auto enrollment into a catastrophic plan. that s true. with not just catastrophic but with three visits to a primary care doctor and prevention covered. few that auto enrollment, everybody gets it. steve: talking about where the government is in charge. no, no. not in charge. forget the in charge. like medicare part a. steve: for everybody. everyone in the system. because we believe in catastrophic coverage. mark agreed with me. we believe in primary care, three primary care visits and prevention. that will get more people covered. and then you can save money by negotiating with the drug companies. one caveat there. i don t disagree with that and i also guy theway. sounds like you agree with me, excellent. i agree medicaid expansion should be preserved. that s for another debate. listen, what i