When grey hair starts to show, the temptation to take out the tweezers is real. But is it true that if you pluck a grey hair, more will grow back? Dermatologist explains the truth behind the claims,
school had 450 students, teachers and workers when the tsunami warning came. many did get out, some did not. there were bodies found inside the school. rescuers are still finding survivors. we have seen some of the crews from the air plucking people and lifting them into safety. there are signs of life but now that we re more than 48 hours into this disaster natalie is getting to be much more difficult to have hope for any of the survivors and people who are missing and believed lost in all of this. such a tragedy, there in front of that cool. how long did people have to get out once the call came in to get out of harm s way? how long did they have? reporter: it s something that s difficult to gauge here because some people had their mobile devices with them. some people heard the alarms.