/PRNewswire/ Harbor Healthcare is pleased to announce the successful sale of a multi-location long-term care (LTC) pharmacy, servicing over 8,500 patients.
/PRNewswire/ Harbor Healthcare is pleased to announce the successful sale of a California based home infusion pharmacy, a leading provider of infused and.
/PRNewswire/ Harbor Healthcare is pleased to announce the successful sale of a California based home infusion pharmacy, a leading provider of infused and.
Harbor Healthcare Advises Syndicate Of Specialty & Compounding Pharmacies On Its Sale
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LOS ANGELES, Jan. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Harbor Healthcare is pleased to announce the successful sale of a multi-location syndicate of specialty & compounding pharmacies to a financial sponsored strategic acquirer. The transaction included six pharmacy locations serving patients in and around the greater Los Angeles area. The pharmacies served both compounding and specialty retail customers across a wide array of therapies. In today s rapidly changing specialty marketplace, finding an ideal buyer that both understands the business and can adequately serve the patient needs is often challenging. Working closely with the owners and understanding their short and long-term goals for both their organizations, employees, and legacy, we are extremely pleased with the outcome. We are confident the buyer will continue to drive growth for the bus