Okay. Welcome again to the 16th 16th annual roosevelt reading festival. My name is Kirstin Carter and im the head of the Archives Department here at the library. We are so pleased to host such a Wonderful Group of authors this year and one of our very, very favorite events. And if you enjoy the event and would like to support the library we encourage you to become a member and you can do that online anytime or by signing up at the table in the hallway today. So, let me remind you of how the festival works. Were going to have an author speak now for 30 minutes, followed by a tenminute question and answer period, and then i will walk the author out to the front of the Visitor Center to sign books and you can visit you can purchasemer book in our new deal back store and then meet the author and discuss the book even more. So, our next author today is sandra bolzenius. She worked abroads as a soldier in the United States army serving in germany and later as a teacher at International Schoo