I have been here 16 years, working here. Over the years we have developed different programs and presentations for the public, i came across an idea of doing Harry S Truman and the rich and famous. After i started, i saw a number of documents and photos related to those people. I liked watching tv and movies of those growing up. When we were asked to do a presentation, i said this is something people might be interested in. This presentation has documents, photos, sound clips that i want you to enjoy. As we get to the photos, i like to have this interactive, i will point out people and say, let me know if you know who that is. As soon as people are wellknown, they may not have been well known in the 1940s and 1950s. There are different categories we will go through. Entertainers, athletes, politicians, military people. If you have questions or comments let me know. We will start. The first section is entertainers. Can anybody identify who is in the photo beside president truman . Jack
Photos, sound clips that i want you to enjoy. As we get to the photos, i like to have this interactive, i will point out people and say, let me know if you know who that is. As soon as people are wellknown, they may not have been well known in the 1940s and 19 these, but i think you will recognize them. There are different categories we will go through. Entertainers, athletes, politicians, military people. If you have questions or comments, let me know. We will start. The first section is entertainers. Can anybody identify who is in the photo beside president truman . Jack benny. Correct. Jack benny. This is president truman and jack benny. They are playing and he filmed one of his shows here in the Truman Library in 1959. This is a newspaper clipping from about the 1948 election. Somebody added comments to it. There is a collection here at the Truman Library. Many of the letters that are in our collection from truman, he expresses interest in their families. As well as people writing
Have surrounded falluja and have begun to move into the city. In the north, they continue to push up the tigris river valley. Preparing to tighten the noose around isil. Isil has now lost nearly half of the territory they once control in iraq and they will lose more. Isil continues to lose ground in syria as well. Assisted by our special Operations Forces the coalition of Global Forces is now pressuring the key town. So the noose is tightening around isil there as well. The Coalition Continues to stay on offense. Isil is on defense. It is been a full year since isil has been able to mount a successful offensive operation in either syria or iraq. If we want to help a lawenforcement protect people from homegrown extremists, the kind of tragedy that occurred at San Bernardino and now in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. We have to make it harder for people who want to kill americans to get their hands on weapons of war. We cannot prevent every tragedy. But we know that consis
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The 73-year-old actress - who was initially married to Michael Attenborough from 1971 until 1973, then to Geoffrey Planer from 1977 until 1978, then to David Flynn from 1982 until 1991 and then to Jeams Keach from 1993 until 2015 - has been in a relationship with medic John Zambetti since October last year but admitted that she ""doesn't want to mess things up"" by getting married again