Последние четыре президента США несут ответственность за захват Афганистана «Талибаном» (запрещенная в РФ террористическая организация), заявил бывший канцлер Германии Герхард Шрёдер. Он назвал происходящее в Афганистане «катастрофой для США и НАТО».
from a conservative point of view to be intellectually honest you have to ask would you have the same reaction to this nominee if it would have been president rubio, president bush? because you would have gotten these judges from any republican president. but the pressure on conservatives and republicans to get in line has been intensify i ing. you re looking at 90% of republicans saying they support the president which translate into republicans in congress who have been reluctant to speak out against him and you will see tremendous pressure on republicans and conservatives to support this nominee. let s look at the decision that came down yesterday regarding unions. we have wondered why non-union members were compelled i think you have. i have and most conservatives i have known have wondered for
reprehensible in abandoning that role they have under our constitutio constitution. and are there points at which you could point and say justice kennedy was the catcher in the rye? he was the person standing between us and chaos? clearly not on the travel ban decision because he sided with the majority as he did on a number of other decisions like citizens united or gore. have bush but he was open minded and fair. and that s what people deserve. someone in the kennedy mold who will approach case by listening to his colleagues and the american people. noah? so mimi, i have a tweet for
anti-trump demonstrations tomorrow. we did not necessarily expect to see this much anti-trump protesting today at the inauguration itself between the inauguration and the parade and alongside the route of the inaugural parade. in addition to those peaceful protests today there were also violent protests today in washington, d.c. violent protests of the kind that we haven t seen before at presidential inaugurations. a lot of us old people remember the large and rowdy protests that happened 16 years ago at the first inauguration of george w. bush. following that very controversial election result the supreme court ruling in or go. have bush, i remember those 2001 protests being a big harry deal at that inauguration. we checked those records today from the 2001 protests. turns out those protests in george w. bush in 2001, they resulted in nine arrests, mostly for disorderly conduct.