That you couldnt havE On NEtwork TElEvIsIOn. PEoplElE arE REalllly Tryg tO Do O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Alall ChannElEl 7, ShamE E On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIOn of C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayS SomEthIng On tElEvIsIOn, and sosomE of It May B bE bEr than WE E dEsErvE. [laughs]s] that wasas cool. [d[dramatIc musIc] lIstEn to It. Oh [crowd chEErIng] ThEy Know whEn It hIts tHE Bottom, Itll bE 1990. GoodbyE to thE 80s In. All tEn, nInE. All EIght. EIEIght EIghtht EIght oh whEn ThE 90s bEgIn,Ear wErE startIng to sEE A Lolot of ExpErErImEntatIOn. [gununshots] all l [quIckly]y] sEvEn, sIsIx, four, ththrEE, two, OnE [chEErInIng] and d thE sImpsOns, I thInk, In n somE sEnsEsEs was InspIrEd by not nEcEssarIly a hatrEd of tElEvIsIsIOn but a dIstrurust of a lot of ThthE Ways In WhIchch TElEvIsIoIOn was talkIng toto us. Tv r rEspEcts mEmE. It l laughs wIthth mE, nOnot at mE. [laughIng]g] you stupId doh I thInk k thE SItcomoms O
that you couldn t have on network television. - peoplele are realllly tryg to do something adventurous. [both gasp] alall: channelel 7, shame e on. - this is morere a celebrbration of c culture and opening the doors and allowing america to come on i inside. - therere s alwaysys somethg on t television,n, and sosome of it may b be ber than we e deserve. - [laughs]s] that wasas cool. [d[dramatic musisic] - listen to it. oh! [crowd cheering] they know when it hits the bottom, it ll be 1990. good-bye to the 80s in. all: ten, nine. all: eight. eieight! eight! eight! - oh, will this horribible year never enend? - when the 90s begin, we re starting to see a lolot of expererimentation. [gununshots] all:l: [quickly]y] seven, six, , four, three, two, , one! [cheerining] - anand the simimpsons, i ththink, in sosome sensess was s inspired by not necessarily a hatred o of television bubut a distrurust of a a lot of ththe ways in whichch televisioion was s talking toto us. - tv res
russian probe. they said his campaign was colluding with moscow. you would think they would turn in their pulitzer prizes and apologize to the american people. nope. not a chance. the former president predicted that durham s probe would uncover, quote, the crime of the century. doesn t look like it actually did that. the whole thing is predicated on a rabbit hole conspiracy. the conspiracy theory is walking through the fevered swamps of trumpism we well, probably a career ending career reputational damage. a whole lot of nothing. four years, i don t know how many millions of dollars, how many of his friends he hired in his office to do what? the issue of basically the report. durham s report also finding the fbi gave markedly different treatment to the clinton and trump campaigns and ignored hillary s plan to tie trump to putin order to distract from her email scandal. the special counsel uncovering that both barack obama and joe biden knew about hillary s dirty d
Agatha Christie s The Seven Dials Mystery novel is in the process of being adapted into a Netflix original series with Mia McKenna-Bruce starring in the leading role. We shared everything there is to know about the upcoming series here.
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