are you ready for president kamala harris?y for pt kamala harris? oh, we ve got her latest word cp salad. that s coming up tonight. also tonight, new details from g the federal criminal wait untilion into the biden family syndicate. wait until you hear donald trump s brand new nickname for joe biden. well, it s a little reminiscent of hillary. we ll put it that way. tha also, karine jean-pierre was just caught lying about joe and his cheat sheet. di kad you see the cheat sheet? it even had to say, you youot i m like, you got to be kidding at me. it eve hn haadd to remind who is his own cabinet. h that s how bad it was.t i bet economic news, but we never have good economic news with him as president. gooanyway, things are getting worse. the great larry kudlow right larr. n studio but first tonight, a big day for joe biden, perhaps his tim favorite time of the year. it was bring your kid to worko o day at the white house. the but yeah, it was.nowhere to b but for once, hunt
question she wanted to ask. it was about semiconductor cue manufacturing. and right on cue, biden called on the la times reporter for foe the first question. and guess what? she aske first he askedd about semiconductor manufacturing. but now the l.a. times and the ther biden white house, they re denying that there waswa any collusios ann at all whatsoever. take a look at the l.a. times that their reporter did, not to mention any questions in of yesterday s press, people who saw that hockey card. can you explain how that ended up there and why the president the something like that? look, we we do not have. th specific questions in advance. that s not something that we do. our job is to get r joa sense of what you all want to ask him. that is our job here to get a sense of what s the news of the day, the topics you all are interested for, for to ask of him. okay, why lie that there p is photographic evidence that biden got the question in