much. john kerrrry is just like a walking pile of petrified driftwood. he s an elitist. and because of his immense fortune that is a mass for marrying a woman who owns the ketchup fortune. forwhat does that mean? yeah, yeah, yeah. he thinks everybody else on the planet, americans specifically can afford his pipe dreams. and by pipe dreams, i meanst crack pipe dreams. he s los hit his mind and he should be lost at sea. w okay, and hunts catch up in my family here. yes. havee he you tried the mix of mayonnaise and ketchup called mayo chop? no. oh, it s fantastic. it gets hot and cold like that. or. no, it s together. i think it s craft. it s called mayo chop mayo.hinky ou just it down like mane makg think you re making this up. why would i lie. definitely. yeah. all right. we re going to get the thousandn island dressing as an alternative. it s the same thing. thousands of that sounds h a little bit feel like we re gettin o a little off track here. yeah, let s back