Authorized to declare a recess at any time. I want to thank everyone, especially our witnesses, for joining us today for our committees hearing. I want to make sure to note some important requirements. By saying standing house and Committee Rules and practice will commit continue to apply through hybrid proceedings. Regulations require members to be visible through a video connection throughout the proceedings. Please keep your cameras on. Member to remain muted until you are recognized to minimize background noise. In accordance with the rules established under hr 965, stafford been advised to meet participants only in the event there is inadvertent background noise. For those members here in the room, i urge members and staff to wear masks while in the hearing room. I thank you in advance for your commitment to a safe environment for all here today. Mnuchin, administrator carranza, thank you for being here today. I want to give a sincere thank you of both agencies who have worked tir
Quorum call the presiding officer the senator for mississippi. Without objection. Under the previous order, all postcloture time has expired. The question is on the nomination. A senator i ask for the yeas and nays. The presiding officer is there a sufficient second. There appears to be. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote the presiding officer are there any other senators wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 556789 the nays are 42. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table and the president will be immediately notified of the senates action. A senator mr. President . The presiding officer the senator follow alaska. Mr. Sullivan mr. President , i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to legislative session for a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to ten minutes. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Sullivan mr. President , i
Apply during the hearing but all members are reminded that they are expected to adhere to the standing rules including the quorum. With that said im designated by the speaker the committee will operate in accordance with 965 under strict it guidance from the rules committee to respect the rights of all members who participate. House regulations require members to be visible throughout a video connection during the proceedings so please keep your cameras on. Also if you park dissipate in the meeting please exit this one and log back in later. If a member encounters a technical issue that prevents them from being rack ignites for their questioning i would move to the next available member of the same party and i will recognize that senator in the next appropriate timeslot provided they have returned. To do to members time being interrupted by technical issues i will recognize that senator at after meeting time with her issues have been resolved. During questioning her testimony while res
The Coronavirus Relief packages passed by congress. Good morning. I call this hearing to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare a recess at any time. I want to thank everyone especially our witnesses for joining us today for our committees hybrid hearing. I want to make sure to note some important requirements. Let me begin by saying that standing house and Committee Rules and practice will continue to apply during hybrid proceedings. House regulations require members to be visible through a video connection throughout the proceeding. So, please, keep your cameras on. And remember to remain muted until you are recognized to minimize background noise. In accordance with the rules established under hr965, staff have been advised to mute participants only in the event there is inadvertent background noise. For those members here in the room, i urge members and staff to wear masks while in the hearing room and i thank you in advance for your commitment to a safe enviro
I want to make sure to note some important environment. Standing house and Committee Rules will continue to apply during the hearings. All members are reminded to adhere to the standing rules including the quorum. With that said im designated by the speaker the committee will operate in accordance with 965 under strict it guidance from the rules committee to respect the rights of all members who participate. House regulations require members to be visible throughout a video connection during the proceedings so please keep your cameras on. Also if you park dissipate in the meeting please exit this one and log back in later. If a member encounters a technical issue that prevents them from being rack ignites for their questioning i would move to the next available member of the same party and i will recognize that senator in the next appropriate timeslot provided they have returned. To do to members time being interrupted by technical issues i will recognize that senator at after meeting