Deputy City Attorney will provide the board with any advice this need. Im cynthia goldstein. We have corey teague, assistant Zoning Administrator, who is here representing the Planning Department and commission. We should be joined shortly by senior building inspector joseph duffy. And perhaps somewhere in the room im not seeing is Amanda Higgins with San Francisco public works. If not, she will be here momentarily, representing their bureau of street use and mapping. The board requests that you turn off our silence phones or Electronic Devices and carry on conversations in the hallway. Rules of presentation are as followed. Appellants, permit holders and respondents have 7 minutes to present and 3 minutes rebuttal. People affiliated with the parties must be in the 7 and 3minute parties. Public members have 3 minutes each and no rebuttal. We ask that you please speak into the microphone. To assist the board, you are asked but not required, to submit a speaker card or Business Card to s
Deputy City Attorney will provide the board with any advice this need. Im cynthia goldstein. We have corey teague, assistant Zoning Administrator, who is here representing the Planning Department and commission. We should be joined shortly by senior building inspector joseph duffy. And perhaps somewhere in the room im not seeing is Amanda Higgins with San Francisco public works. If not, she will be here momentarily, representing their bureau of street use and mapping. The board requests that you turn off our silence phones or Electronic Devices and carry on conversations in the hallway. Rules of presentation are as followed. Appellants, permit holders and respondents have 7 minutes to present and 3 minutes rebuttal. People affiliated with the parties must be in the 7 and 3minute parties. Public members have 3 minutes each and no rebuttal. We ask that you please speak into the microphone. To assist the board, you are asked but not required, to submit a speaker card or Business Card to s
Work for decades. And i just really want to honor her life and im excited about the opening of affordable Senior Housing in the tenderloin in her name. Its not always that you get to see your own naming before you pass, and im really glad that her and her family got to see how important her life and achievements have been before she left us. I think it was a huge shock for so many of us to know we wont be seeing her any more, or i wont be seeing her in her office, as she holds me accountable and she always, always held me accountable to the needs of our constituents. So, rest in peace, rest in power, vera. Much honor to you and your family. Thank you, supervisor kim. Supervisor yee. I submit. Supervisor avalos. Okay. Supervisor campos . Thank you. Thank you very much. And i want to thank supervisor mar again, and also want to thank supervisor wiener for introducing the item on the prohibition on gay men and sort of the donation of blood, getting blood from members of the Gay Community
Are also providing outreach to provider and the public regarding prep. There is within the community being completely honest about where the discussion is, there is within the community a fear that prep will lead to decreased condom usage, that somehow by making prep available people will engage in less safe sex. But lets be honest, right or wrong, for many people gay and straight, there are already many people gay and straight who are simply not using condomseses for a lot of different reasons. It is simply not, in my view, anyones place to judge why that is. It is simply a fact of life. Instead of [speaker not understood], we need to acknowledge that it is happening and we as a Public Health precaution need to take every step possible to make sure that we protect every individual. And that to the extent that prep can be lifesaving, we have an obligation to make it readily available to this community. Prep is an important tool to prevent infection that is meant to supplement, not sub
Multiple International Studies have shown that the daily use of prep can nearly eliminate the risk of contracting hiv. In may, the World Health Organization recommended that among gay and bisexual men, prep should be used as an additional hiv prevention choice with a comprehensive hiv prevention regimen. Additionally, new federal guidelines recommend that prep be considered for people who are hiv negative but are a substantial risk for hiv. However, two years after truvada was approved by the u. S. Food and Drug Administration for prevention and more than four years after studies showed that its actually effective, very few people unfortunately are actually using prep, even though the ability to reduce infections is so significant, more than 90 . We in San Francisco are at the forefront of efforts to control the spread of hiv. Current efforts by San Francisco dph, at San Francisco General Hospital and kaiser are working to make it easier for uninfected individuals to see an expert and