mandate. september 201, republicans pulling an all nighter to defund the law. i intend to speak in support of defunding obamacare until i am no longer able to stand. their effort triggering a government shutdown. what is stranger still is that shutting down our government doesn t accomplish their stated goal. on the very same day as the government shutdown, obamacare enrollment begins. the affordable care act is now open for business. the botched rollout of quickly stealing headlines. i think it s great. it s been a long time coming. yeah. temporarily down. uh-oh. it s okay. it will come back. that happens every day. the mess becomes a laughing stock. even drawing attention from late night comedy shows. now a lot of folks have been talking about our new healthcare enrollment web site, how it s been crashing and freezing and shutting down and stalling and not working and breaking and
delaying the employer mandate. september 201, republicans pulling an all nighter to defund the law. i intend to speak in support of defunding obamacare until i am no longer able to stand. their effort triggering a government shutdown. what is stranger still is that shutting down our government doesn t accomplish their stated goal. on the very same day as the government shutdown, obamacare enrollment begins. the affordable care act is now open for business. the botched rollout of quickly stealing headlines. i think it s great. it s been a long time coming. yeah. temporarily down. uh-oh. it s okay. it will come back. that happens every day. the mess becomes a laughing stock. even drawing attention from late night comedy shows. now a lot of folks have been talking about our new healthcare enrollment web site, how it s been crashing and freezing and shutting down and stalling and not
where you check out what kind of plane you want to get on. now, a lot of folks have been talking about our new healthcare enrollment web site how it s been crashing and freezing and shutting down and stalling and not working and breaking and sucking. of course, you probably heard that hasn t worked as smoothly as it was supposed to work. nobody is madder than me about the web site isn t working as well as it should. by the end of november. we are committed that the vast majority of users will be able to view their options, shop for plans and enrolling without problems way too many have been experiencing. the web site hasn t worked the way it s supposed to. there is no denying it. right now too slow. too many people have gotten stuck. and i m not happy about it. i don t think i m stupid enough to go around saying this is going to be like shopping on amazon or travelocity a week before the web site opens if i thought that it wasn t going to work. the web site w
fighter. on tuesday, the pentagon s largest weapons program, the f-35 joint strike fighter was grounded as it was being tested due to power problems. programs that can t meet schedule, that can t meet cost, their cost and schedule requirements are in jeopardy. members of the gang of six including republican senator tom coburn suggests the pentagon needs to raise healthcare enrollment rates for retirees. as a way to save billions. bret? bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. thank you. there is a push on capitol hill to cut off development aid to china. democratic senator jim webb and inhof want to pull the plug on taxpayer assistance for public transportation and internet access china. they point out china is america s largest foreign creditor. white house press secretary jay carney said today he did not know anything about the effort. the u.s. coast guard turns 221 years old today. congress authorized the